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Italy Today by WM. PHILIP SIMMS (Heytrnod Broun Is on Vacation.) March 31.—Benito Mussolini is seeking a solution to all his troubles— with Britain, with Geneva, with France an3 with sanctions—on the battlefields of Ethi opia. And Britain, France and Geneva are lettinj? him do it. Europe's fear of another world conflict is partly based on the imbroglio in Africa, with its far more serious accompaniments—in the Mediterranean, Central Europe and the Far East. But statesmen are finding it exceedingly hard to chart a course. Blunders of the first magnitude have been com mitted at Geneva and other capitals, the biggest and mast perilous being the mobilization of the Brit ish fleet against Italy. The second was Genevas half-measure sanctions which went far enough to constitute a constant irritant and threaten to upset all Europe, yet not far enough to be effective. As matters n' w stand, there fore, nobody <an back down. Britain is committed. France is committed. ItfJy is committed. Ethiopia is committed. And the League of Nations is committed. Something has got to happen to break the deadlock and that must be one of two things: Dras tic action to crush Italy, or a policy of standing back and wait ing for a decisive blow in Ethio pia . As military sanctions or other Simms telling blows against this country would almast cer tainly set Europe on fire, the powers-that-be appar ently have derided to mark time. When the hour strikes, I understand, Geneva has a plan. But until 11 Duce either scores a decisive victory against Ethiopia's Lion of Judah, or meets with equally decisive reverses, it will be held in abeyance. . in diplomatic circles here, British Foreign M*'t ister Anthony Eden is believed to have given a clew to the broad principles of this plan when he referred to the League propasal of last September. n n n League Plan Recalled "T HOPE that proposal will neither be forgotten nor x laid aside," he said. He thutf clearly indicated that when the time comes for anew effort at peace, he regards the plan as a perfectly valid starting point. And Capt. Eden is now Adam in the Garden of the League. The league proposal was contained in a report of the Committee of Five appointed to draft an ac ceptable peace plan. It was based on Ethiopia's ex pressed willingness to accept League assistance in the reconstruction of the dark empire. Turned down by II Duce last fall, the plan, as it stands, is even less acceptable today. Italian armies have made advances since September. More decisive Activities are expected. If and when they come, the above plan then would need but little change to make ft fit the League formula. n n n When Right Is H rang CANDOR compels the admission that neither of the two leading League powers went to Geneva with exactly clean hands. Britain and France struck a bargain with Italy in 1915 which neither of them has yet wholly made good. They are therefore la boring under normal difficulties. They are between the devil of having to do something for a former ally whom they double-crossed, and the deep sea of their obligations to the League and to their own na tional interests. Italy can not forget that, in 1915 she was prom ised that "in the event of France and Great Britain Increasing their colonial territories in Africa at the expense, of Germany.” Italy might claim some equitable compensation" in the dark continent. Tomorrow —"Whither Mussolini?” There's a Chuckle in Sloan's Report BY RAYMOND CLAPPER WASHINGTON, March 31.—Usually you can find a chuckle that wasn't meant to be there, in the report of any big business executive to his stock holders. These reports follow a fixed formula. First, they solemnly denounce the New Deal. Then they brag about how much money they are making. Alfred P. Sloan Jr., president of General Motors, says sadly in his annual report that the New Deal is postponing recovery. Then come the figures, dancing merrily. Net sales last year gained 34 per rent over 1934. Net profits were $3.69 a share comparer! with $1.99 a share in the preceding year. Rales, earnings and pay rolls were the highest since 1929. What does Mr, Sloan mean, postponed recovery? a a a ALTHOUGH he is committed to support President Roose velt for re-election. John L. Lewis, head of the United Mine Work ers. is flirting, so his intimates say with the dream of building a Farmer-Labor Party after 1936 is out of the way. This has been a dream for years among reform ers who have felt that both old parties were bottle fed by the same nurse. The only trouble about or ganizing a Farmer-Labor Party is that. President Roosevelt already has beaten them to it. He has built a coalition of farmers and labor which is the real basis of his strength. This isn’t generally real ized because Mr. Roosevelt didn't bother to put a new label on what he was doing. The Democvatic Party is the Farmer-Labor Party now. a a a STANDING out above numerous technicalities in the Sugar Institute decision, you will find in the opinion of Chief Justice Hughes a friendly gesture toward the suggestion in President Roosevelt's re cent relief message that, there is nothing in the anti trust laws to prevent business from working in concert to stimulate trade. Chief Justice Hughes says in his opinion that business, by voluntary co operation. might accomplish more beneficial results than could be obtained by legal compulsion. a a a SOMETHING else is happening which should give private business pause. An article in the April Scribner's. “The Masses Go Into Big Business.” tells of the rise of co-operative selling in this country. Some 2,000.000 members of 6500 consumer co-opera tives did a business of more than $1,000,000 a day last year. There are 2000 co-operative gas and oil filling stations in the country. Arthur Bertram B. Fowler says this is a revolt against profit taking. Co-operatives sell at the *rket but the profits, instead of going to absentee are returned to consumers in ratio to purchases. The idea long ago became entrenched in Europe. Sweden’s success with it is attracting wide attention here through the study of Marquis W. Childs’ “Sweden: The Middle Way.” The co-operative movement discards political action as a method of dealing with economic ills •nd goes into business for itself. Unlike Socialism. it is a device for bringing down prices without abolishing the profit motive. It merely shifts the seat of the profit motive from the seller to the purchaser. Co-operatives hold second place in Minnesota as state-wide distributors of gas and oil. In North Dakota, where they are organized in 88 town*, they lead all private companies in gasoline sales. Thia Is a kind of undeclared revolution. Instead of attacking the existing private distribution system, the consumers just quietly muscle in on the game themselves* >|J? . r' "• if . | '• ~ . - ■ I I * —■■''ll • I HIIMIIWIIA AVfASHINGTON, March 31. ’ * Friends who talked with Herbert Hoover during his recent New York visit are saying he is extremely hot under the collar at Gov. Alf Landon. Trouble seems to be Landon's deal with Gov. Merriam of Cali fornia for control of the state’s delegation. Hoover wants an uninstructed delegation, but one that will take orders from him. He view's the Landon-Merriam trade as a per sonal affront. And when he read about it in the papers, he called up Landon by long-distance tele phone and protested. According to the account Hoo ver gave his friends, this is w'hat Landon replied: “Well, Mr. Hearst wanted me to enter the California field, and in a. choice between you and Mr. Hearst 1 think it best to follow Mr. Hearst’s washes.” n a a THE decision of a New’ York Federal court declaring un constitutional the embargo on arms sales to Bolivia and Para guay, is going to put Chief Jus tice Hughes in an exceedingly tough spot. For Mr. Hughes, while Secretary of State, was the author and chief aovocate of an act of Congress almost identical to the one , is col league on the New York Federal bench now has declared unconsti tutional. What Judge Mortimer Byers in New York objected to was the fact that Congress delegated the power to embargo arms sales “if the President finds" this is pro longing the war. The delegation of this power. Judge Byers held, was unconstitutional. The law which Chief Justice Hughes wrote while Secretary of State in 1922 specifies that "when the President finds" revolution ex ists in any Pan-American country he may embargo arms shipments to the revolutionaries. This is a greater delegation of power, since it gives the President, the power of defining what is and what is not a revolution—some I; , s Clapper THE TROOPS MOVE UP AGAIN France Answers Hitlers Occupation of the Rhineland Washington Merry-Go-Round BY DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN BENNY I >—■ || 1'( sr ( THAT FISH 15 TCoA X. 4 I SHALL. BEfifiY* Voo) I should have. FISH market | II Fill The Indianapolis Times times an extremely difficult prob lem. Legalists of the State and Jus tice Departments are determined to throw this test case up to Chief Justice Hughes and see what he thinks of it. n n n F FRANK WICKHEM. 34-year old Sioux Falls (S. D.) attor ney, probably owes his election as president of the Young Democrats to a group of bearded, barefoot men in homespun clothes. One day last August they trailed into the gay dining room of a leading Mil waukee hotel. They sat down and ordered dinner. When soup was brought, they frowned, ordered a big punch bowl, poured their individual por tions into the common bowl, and all proceeded to eat from that. When c inner was over, they walked ou.. picked up band in struments they had left in the 'I Confess' B.y Science Service WASHINGTON, March 31 With the death of Bruno Rich ard Hauptmann imminent, psy chiatrists anticipate a wave of ‘‘confessions" to the Lindbergh crime. Usually in the past, each major crime case which has ex cited wide interest has been fol lowed by such "confessions." Not all of them are just attempts to gain publicity. Outstanding crimes in the past have often been “con fessed" by persons obviously suffering from mental disease. A sick mind may make the in dividual certain that he is guilty of the worst crime in the world, and if he hears of such a crime having just been com mitted he is sure he did it and confesses to it. Not infrequently a convict who is dying from some incur able disease will confess to a crime he has not committed in the hope of getting someone else freed. TUESDAY, MARCH 31,1936 . 19V 1 Hitler reviews bis troops 9 H Mi '■ ' French ->ippiv train ippvcs up, iil 3, Ration time for poilus. ~ . A France’s defense at Strasbourg. ■ | 5. The generals inspect their troops. lobby, and began to play riotous tunes, while followers shouted, "We want Wickhem!” Wickhem for President!” It was Wickhem’s "Mennonite Band” and it helped materially in putting across his election as head of the Young Dems in the face of Jimmy Roosevelt’s opposition. Today Wickhem has started a campaign, under Jim Farley’s di rection, to line up the youth of the country for Roosevelt. ana THE most vigorous undercover warring against the Presi dent's tax program so far has come from foreign sources. Foreign corporations .with branches in the United States are raising a terrific din over the plan to tax undivided profits. For two reasons, they claim it will bear down doubly hard on them: 1. Because the rates on foreign firms will be higher than on do mestic companies. 2. Because it will be necessary to tax them directly, since the government can not collect (through income taxes) from their stockholders who live abroad, t Asa result of these foreign protests, the House Ways and Means Committee, which drafted the tax bill, spent two full days of its executive sessions examin ing the problem and the claims of the foreign companies. This is the second time the Roosevelt Administration hr tangled with foreign ' coupon clippers. In 1933 it cracked down on them by putting into effect a provision of the 1928 Revenue Law. requiring slock brokers to report the profits of their custom ers. The result was the disclo sure that thousands of foreign investors had made lush profits on the Stock Exchange, but paid no taxes on them. The Hoover Administration had never invoked this section of the statute. Asa result of enforc ing it during the last three years, approximately $75,000,000 in taxes has been collected from foreign stock market operators. (Copyright. 1936. by United Feature Syndicate. Inc.i ' ' - iAt UNUSUAL SQUEEZE WINS Today’s Contract Problem Even though South has bid hearts, he gets a heart open ing on a contract of six no trump. East plays the ten. What card should South play? With the spade suit not break ing, what play must declarer make to give his opponents a chance to make a mistake? A Q 10 S 4 ♦7 4 2 ♦ kqj *QJ7 (Blind) W E (Blind) S Dealer A AK7 ¥KQJi ♦ A J 10 A AKS N. & S. Till. Opener—V 5 Solution in next issue. 24 Solution to Previous Contract Problem BY W. E. M’KENNEY Secretary American Bridge League IN the previous article, I pre sented a very’ interesting type of squeeze play. While on the sub ject'of squeezes, I should like to show you another unusual form of this play. Today's hand was played by Harry Raffels and Melville Alex ander, both of New York City, in the ecent eastern bridge cham pion ,hip tournament. Raffels held the North hand. East's opener of the eight of clubs was w’on in dummy with the ace. Raffels realized that he had only 12 tricks in his hand, and his only chance to make the contract depended upon execution of a squeeze. The opening lead seemed to indicate that the high clubs were held by West. Now, if West also had the king of hearts, there might be a chance to work a squeeze with the heart and club suits. Declarer played four rounds of 1. Hitler reviews his troops. 2. A French supply train moves np. 3. Ration time for poilus. 4. France’s defense at Strasbourg. 5. The generals inspect their troops. AAKQJ 5 3 V Q 9 ♦A 8 4 A 7 4 Aio . I Z lAB 7 2 VKJ 7 6 w n c VlO 8 2 4 w r , t AJIO 73 ♦6 5 2 S A8 6 i AQJ 10 9 Dewier A9 6 4 VA 5 3 ♦ KQ 9 AAK 5 3 Duplicate none vut. South AVwd North Hast 1 A Pass 1 A Pass 2N. T. Pass 4 ts. T. Pass SN. T. Pass 7 A Pass Pass .Pass Opening lead—A 8 2-* trump and carefully observed that West’s first discard was the seven of hearts, followed by two small hearts. Dummy discarded a small heart on the fourth trump lead. North played another trump and discarded the five of hearts from dummy, West the deuce of diamonds. Three rounds of dia monds were taken, with the lead ending in dummy’s hand. West discarded the ten of clubs on the last diamond. Only four cards were left in each hand, and now declarer was certain that West was holding the guarded king of hearts and two clubs. He, therefore, played the king and a small club, trumping in his own hand, thus establishing his fourth club. A small heart was played to dummy’s ace and the three of clubs won the thirteenth trick, giving declarer his grand slam contract. At the ninth trick, if West had played the jack of hearts instead of the ten of clubs, declarer would have cashed his ace of hearts, the king of clubs, and then trumped a club, and the queen of hearts would have won the thirteenth trick. (Copyright. 1936. by NBA Service. Inc.) By J. Carver Pusey Second Section Entered as Second-Class Matter at Postoffice. Indtanapoli*. Ind. Fair Enough VESItWEGIDt T ONDON, March 31.—The Irish Hos pitals Sweepstakes has been silenced in the English press, but there is no sup pressing the fact that the lottery was run again in connection with the Grand Na tional, the great four-mile suicide race at Aintree, near Liverpool, Friday afternoon. This naturally leads one of Irish ancestry to wonder how' his kinfolk on the old sod are coming along in their convalescence. Surely they must almost be able to recognize friends or even sit up and snap viciously at a slab of steak after all these years, considering tnat they ,are sup posed to have had the benefit of more than $40,000,000 worth of medical attention since the lot tery began as a more or less pri vate enterprise in 1930. There are not quite three million souls in the Irish Free State and unless the majority of the population has been enjoying very poor health the dividends from the great in ternational gamble should have been sufficient to relieve the sick of every ill money can cure. er, n^L ast reports the hospitals still had about $25.- 000.000 coming as their share of the revenue and the good doctors were setting up a shrill clamor on be ll 1 ? 1 of their patients for a glimpse of this monev. ine hospitality of management to the journalists who have gone to Dublin to cover the draw has de feated its own purposes in many cases. n n n Tottering On to the Races ATEMBERS of the craft who have endured the tortures of sweepstakes hangovers report that, the saddle bunions and foot bunions, the thirst and fatigue which plagued the war correspondents in Ethiopia and laid them low' must have been mild distempers compared to the anguish of any man who regained consciousness in the foggy dawn of a Dublin day and yelled feebly for the coroner to come and take a look at the body. This year the English brothers of Fleet-st have been spared the ordeal, for their papers are for bidden by English law to permit themselves even the remotest reference to the sweepstakes. The jour nalists of other nations, however, have had to carry on as usual, and some of the boys tottered out of Dublin this week with feeble steps and glazed vision in an advanced state of that ghostly ailment known as the shrieking meemies. It is still legal to send news of the Irish lottery to most, nations, but the copy must be filed by some route which avoids England because the English refuse to handle it even in transit to foreign lands. Many British public hospitals are supported by voluntary gifts and they were placed at a great ap parent disadvantage when the British public spent millions of pounds of spare money on Irish lottery tickets. The Irish hospitals, about 50 in number, were in poverty, too, and probably their distress w'as worse than that of the British because the Irish civil war drove out of Ireland a great number of wealthy aristocrats who took the remnants of their fortunes with them nan Another Noble Experiment CO the lottery in the first place ras, as Mr. Hoover w'ould put it, noble in purpose. But it is im possible to spend millions of dollars on medical re search and individual treatment in a hurry, and the Irish government pointed out in answer to an urgent request for $1,000,000 for scientific inquiry that such an appropriation all in one lump would be more likely to retard than promote progress. But the reasons for withholding $25,000,000 from hospitals which are in serious want have not been explained officially. A small proportion of the fund has been made available and your correspondent would have the figure if he w'ere able to dig it out of the great and confusing mass of statistics in which he has been delving. Anyway the plight of the ailing kinfolk of all those Americans of Irish ancestry who bought lottery tickets from motives tinged with philanthropy is apparently the last considera tion of the management. Prior considerations are the Free State treasury, which now exacts a tax on the hospitals’ share of the money before placing the remainder in cold storage, and fabulous cash royalties to the four individuals who started the lottery and ties up a fund of $125,000 as a guaranty for the prize winners in 1930. The trouble is that the sweep succeeded too well. It is now likely to die in its own success. The hospitals’ share is too big to be spent usefully in a short time and the British boycott was imposed only because the lottery outgrew its philanthropic character and became a serious parasitic growth on the body of England. Gen. Johnson Says— WASHINGTON, March 31.—Ogden Mills is out for Gov. Landon. All that remains to com plete the political portrait of this candidate is for Herbert Hoover, Ed Hutton and Liberty League to come through. There is no tangible “money trust.” At the corner of Broad and Wall-sts there is no such sulphurous den of devils, horned and personal, as my Midwestern mother, and a good many mil lion others, confidently believe. But we do have a group of gentlemen who think what their fathers thought—and for no other reason. They sincerely believe that government should do nothing about business or agriculture because, in the days of our grandfathers, it wasn't necessary. Between them and the dangerous dizziness that is now going round and round, there is a middje course toward which the great bulk of Americans yearn “as the heart panteth.” But who panteth to return to Hooverian reaction? A small group. a a a IT is hard to define, but anybody who has bepn about a bit could identify any one of them in the dark. They are careful men. When they indorse a candidate they know what they are do ing. Their indorsement tags him as well as them selves. They are entitled to their opinion, but why can't they wake up? Mr. Hoover and Mr. Mills are symbols of them and of disaster. Both ought to retire into silence. The Liberty League potlatch was so devoid of hope for what most people want that it turned the ebbing tide of New’ Deal popularity. • Copyright, 1936, by United Feature Syndicate. Inc.) Times Books ABOUT a year ago. a young America* named Vic Hurley wrote a refreshing and interesting book called “goutheast of Zamboahga,” in which he told what nenpened to him when he tried to start a one-man coconut plantation in the Phil ippine jungle. Now Mr. Hurley is out with anew book about life in those far-off islands. This one is called “Men in Sun Helmets,” (Dutton; s2>, and the vein Mr. Hurley worked so successfully in the first book seems to be running a bit* thin. Not that “Men in Sun Helmets” is dull; it is simply rather light. The first book recorded a dra matic and exciting adventure; this one throws to gether a series of incidents and ancedotes. and the effort to-make them seem exotic and adventurous seems forced, (By Bruce Cattonj I Westbrook Pegler