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MAY 26, M 36 Summer Scene at Indianapolis Athletic Club Coverings, Fountain, Ferneries Provide Cool Atmosphere. BY BEATRICE BURGAN foflely Editor 'pHE Indianapolis Athletic Club has taken on a summery ap pearance. Its lantern room has had its heavy winter draperies and dark upholstered chairs removed in favor of sheer yellow curtains and crisp looking yellow slip covers over apple preen chairs. Water trinkling in a fountain on the orchestra dais splashes a re freshing tune. Ferns and blooming plants grow about the pool, sur rounded by a stone walk and grass. Grill work around the walls has been stored away, and vines and ivy trails from baskets hanging on the wall from wrought iron baskets. Out-of -town race guests lodging at the rlub have prospects of en tertaining evenings. The annual •Speedway Ball is to be on Friday night. Barney Rapp and his New Englanders are to play for dancing from 11 to 2 in the ballroom. Be fore Mr. Rapp takes the stand, Bill Schumacher's band is to provide music for dancing. After the race, the annual victory dinner dance is offered for amuse ment. Dinner is to be served from 6:30 to 10 and dancing from 7 to 1. For those staying over until Monday there is to be the annual drivers’ victory dinner when mem bers and guests will have an op portunity to meet the race partici pants. Most race spectators carry along their own lunch baskets. Those who have parking lots and boxes take thermos jugs of cool drinks and appetizing lunches, .satisfying but dainty. The club is arranging to park such lunch boxes for mem bers and guests. a a a While Mr. and Mrs. George Jo Mess visited at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va„ on their vacation last summer, Mr. Mess set up his easel and painted the picturesque Greenbrier Hotel. The old White Art Colony at the resort, Is sponsoring a national art contest for the best original and glamorous painting in oils or water colors of the hotel, and Mr. Mess is one of the artists invited to enter. The entries are to go on display at the Old White Art Gallery Monday. a a a Possibilities of ties in the junior and senior classes of the children's riding tournaments at. R. H. Brown's Stables have aroused unusual inter est in the Anal competition tomor row night. Only one point, separates Dorothy Metzger. Letitia Sinclair and Mar garet Caldwell in the senior group. Ab Metzger and Marlou Hyatt also are separated by one point in the junior division. Eva Taggart, is assured of first place in the intermediate classifica tion. Mrs. M. H. Fuller, Don Bose and Mrs. John Cavosie are to judge the entrants. After the prize awarding the children are to be entertained at a party. Today’s Patterns ifiTT* I xrjt VW ec" H xMh ■-8 U Z\~): jJ \ | 8737 © j THE flare to the skirt, the tricky closing, perky puff sleeves and contrasting collar mark design No. 8737 as something unusually desirable for the young lady of the house. Pattern includes panties Make of printed percale, figured batiste or dotted swiss. Available in sizes 4 to 10 years, size 6 requiring 2' s yards of 35-inch material for ctress, T | yard for panties and ’■> yard contrasting. Little sister will look equally cute in design No. 8612, also a pantie frock. It follows the lines of mother's dresses with collar very narrow front and back, flaring out at the sides. Make of gingham, percale, dotted swiss or batiste. Patterns are sized 1 to 5 years, size 2 requiring 2\ yards of 35-inch material. To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY-STEP SEWING INSTRUC TIONS, fill out the coupon below. 1 HE SPRING AND SUMMER PAITERN BOOK, with a complete selection o' late dress designs, nor. is ready? It’s 15 cents when pur chased separately. Or. if you want to order it with the pattern above, send in Just an additional 10 cents with the coupon THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES, TODAY’S PATTERN BUREAU. 214 W. Maryland-st, Indianapolis. Inclosed is 15 cents in coin for Pattern No. .. Size Address Cit y State Brides of the Month Establish Homes After Wedding Trips '' ' m' O ' v i 'll W Eufl i*,| i m 1* %w.| if Ms I B Wi. I | v^' x - .4'-' ■■ " >* £ , 4 ,. 1.-.., % / |!SS ‘■vfe .: '• OtXHEiMf-CAaLON STUDIO .rr.-.'.-- National Social Work Meeting Opens in East Times Special ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., May 26. —Representatives of several Indi anapolis social organizations are at tending the National Conference of Social Work here. Mrs. Perry Lesh, retiring Junior League president, and Mrs. Hender son Wheeler, next year's League chairman for training of provisional members, are among delegates. Others are Mrs. Blythe Francis, Family Welfare Society general sec retary; Mr. and Mrs. Austin V. Clif ford, Mrs. R. J. Covert. Miss Ella B. Connor, Miss Helen M. Crockett, Miss Nadia. Deem, Edward Ed wards and Wayne Coy. PARTY ARRANGED BY MOTHERS’ CLUB The Mothers’ Club of the Butler University Alpha Omicron Pi Sorori ty is to entertain with a, covered dish luncheon tomorrow’ at the chapter house, 428 W. 46th-st. Sorority to Install Newly elected officers of Chi Tau Alpha Sorority are to be installed at the annual dance and dinner June 6 at the Lincoln. They are Miss Lilly Deranian, president; Miss Judy Spitzer, vice president; Mrs. Marguerite Murphy, secretary, and Miss Roxie Deranian, treasurer. \ A J&|e6v : j>,, a. mßip-, -- '• y * 'fK ■ ; .] J; K B W. HUB LEY ' ASH 6 Y E ft. ft 5. 1. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dunne are living in Columbus, 0., follow ing their recent marriage here at the home of Mrs. Dunne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Willcutts. Mrs. Dunne formerly was Miss Hope Willcutts. 2. Mrs. Marcus S. Cohen was j married to. Mr. Cohen in a cere | mony read by her father, Rabbi Morris M. Feurrlicht, this month at Rabbi and Mrs. Feuerlicht’s home. Mrs. Cohen formerly was Miss i Katherine M. Feuerlicht. 3. Mrs. Glen Ward Lee is at home here with Dr. Lee following their wedding trip. Mrs. Lee was Miss Edith Anne Hoopingarner, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Hoopin garner. before the marriage here this month. Economics Club to Hold Meeting o Mrs. Richard M. Millard is to speak on ‘lntimate Glimpses of English Home Life” tomorrow at the spring guest meeting of the Home Economics Club at the home of Mrs. Frank J. Haight, 145 E. Fall Creek blvd. A musical program is to be given by the Dauner Trio, which includes Mrs. Frederic Dauner, pianist, and her two daughters, Miss Louise Dauner, violinist, and Miss Helen Dauner, cellist. Mrs. Haight is to be assisted" by Mesdames John Barnhill Jr., Walter Metzler, L. H. Earl, and Miss Char lotte Wainwright. Social commit tee members also are to assist. Mrs. W. J. Marks is honorary club president, and Mrs. W. B. Denison is president. Garden flowers are to be used in decorating the house, and tea table appointments are to be in the club colors, green and white. WEDNESDAY CLUB TO FETE GUESTS Mrs. Harold Trotter. 267 Berkley rd. is to be hostess for the guest day program of the Wednesday Afternoon Club tomorrow. Mrs. Schwab is to review’ ‘Old Maid,” Pulitzer prire play. Mrs. Kathryn Bennett is to sing, accompanied by Mrs. Elsie Pattison, and Miss Billie Bailey, violinist, is to be accompanied by Miss Roberta Wilson. Make Your Next Permanent a ONE MINUTE UNDINE WAVE 3-Floor Odd Fellows Bkif, THE INDIANAPOLIS TBIES wl k," j ' -mm t > KW •W * # h4slk WsJWJ? 7xm 'J? WT . \Watm f •' -ff ’fjfj i % . 9 : ' • ' ' $ Ijß ' 4 ■ m 1 1 ' liLgi' ■■ ? du | [ DEXHeiMGVCARtON’JrUPjO St. Mary Society to Close Season St. Mary-of-the-Woods Club mem bers are to meet for dinner at Me ridian Manor Wednesday before holding their final business meeting of the season. Miller Hamilton is to entertain with a talk, illustrated with motion pictures. Committee chairmen are to make reports, and the committee for the card party held Saturday is to sub mit a financial report. Mrs. M. J. de Vietien is to preside. \ N —Sensational Summer Favorites! IF?.!- " ——- ——■cr* ! fo the coolest, most popular fe \~\. 1 I, "liilllSiilii.y White Kid Sandals in the city, \ f i~ j 1 W' Vi °ff® ° Gig Reduction in gjfcjjL / 1 , 1 i | Pri * f O' ONE WEEK ONLY. \ -r M~_ -Z Jj Si a They ore made with adjustable lip-*;-sOl B \ straps to fit comfortably. Ipy - “jr.T'S’sS* % la 6uy YOUR poir tomorrow r: “ \ I sizes ore complete/ nlof planning our gigantic midseason event is /A\ \ I remendous purchases of the very latest styles /jfy y I tremendous savings .. . prices will be greatly /HI ! I me week only .. . take advantage of them. IJ lif o Kinnev's tomorrow for these money-saving m [)' values . . . Wj 138 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Pageant Feature of Travel Club’s Dinner This Year International Travel Study Club, Inc., members are to see a patriotic pageant, “The Melting Pot.” tonight at their annual dinner at the Clay pool. It is to be presented by Jules Zin ter Jr., Misses Nellie Gwin, Joan Ferguson. Dorothy Wirth. and Mes dames C. W. Timmerman, Glenn Cruzon, H. G. Mason. J. C. Anthony, Morris G. Young, Joseph Sahakian, Chester Caster and A. M. Feist. A vacant chair is to be placed at the speakers’ table in honor of Mrs. S. R. Artman, club founder, w T ho died recently. The dinner, which was to have been held May 7, w'as postponed because of Mrs. Artman’s death. Honor guests are to include Mrs. H. P. Willw'erth, new president; Mrs. Frederick G. Balz, Indiana Federa tion of Clubs president; Mrs. C. J. Finch, Seventh District Federation of Clubs president; Mrs. B. B. Mc- Donald, Indianapolis Council of Women president, and Mrs. E. May Hahn, May Wright Sewall, Indiana Council of Women president. Spring flowers and ivory candles are to decorate the tables. Music is to be by Miss Roberta Bland, harp ist, and'an orchestra. Mrs. Robert Caplinger, club president, is to pre side. FIGHT ON WEEDS NEEDED FOR LAWN To make a good lawn you must fight the weeds continually. Dig out dandelions, burdock, purs lane, plant by plant. Or squirt kerosene from a small oil can on the individual plants. Ammonium sulphate retards weed growth and promotes grass growth. Spray with this, half a pound in a gallon of water, tw-o or three times a year, applying a gallon to each hundred square feet. Top dressings help in the xveed fight by making grass plants strong er so that they crowd out the w’eeds, especially if the latter have been thoroughly dug out so that there are only a few individual weed plants to contend with. Extra watering helps greatly, es pecially in July and August, when witch or crab grass makes its great est and quickest growth. Soak your lawn liberally; one good soaking is worth a dozen light sprinklings. —From House Beautiful. Marriage Ban for Employed Brings Attack Voters League Study Declares Attitude Fascist. America’s attitude toward women and employment, which the Na tional League of Women Voters considers “characteristic of that philosophy ot government which we know as P’ascism” is dangerous enough to present a real problem to women, the league believes. Under direction of Mrs. Edith Valet Cook New Haven, Conn.. Yale law school graduate, the league has prepared a special study, which is *o be brought before Indiana leagues by Mrs. Paul Ford, Ko komo. Mrs. Ford is the new gov ernment and legal status of women committee chairman of the Indiana league, appointed at the recent state convention at Culver. Ind. The report warns that employed married women are facing a serious crisis, threatening the social and economic position of the women themselves, the integrity of govern ment service, and the preservation of efficient conduct of private busi ness. Efficiency Is Threatened “We, in this country, are not immune, in spite of our democratic non-Fascist institutions,” the analy sis says. “In many cities through out the country, school boards have adopted a definite policy against the employment of married women teachers, and a similar attitude has been taken by state and municipal officials in some sections toward the employment of married women in any government positions.” “Such a policy not only is a grave injustice to the women con cerned, but a serious threat to the efficiency of the government service, because in the conduct of that huge enterprise the widest possible latitude of choice is needed to find the best qualified persons. To eliminate a large group of the pop ulation. such as married women, from the field of choice is a seri ous blow to sound personnel methods. Following reviews of the hardships invoked by the present discrimina tory section of the Economy Act, the analysis states. “Society is con cerned because the Federal gov ernment gives an example to the states of a type of discrimination which serves to break down the whole merit system principle.” Blow to Marriage Opposition to married women in employment is a step in the di rection of depriving all women of their hard-won social and economic progress, the league believes. By such discrimination, its an alysis claims, the Federal govern ment not only is taking away from many of its citizens their right to work, but “is actually helping to break down the institution of mar riage.” Mrs Cook’s study points out that married women, work for the same reasons that married men do. “The fact that about one-third of E VEN'fS SORORITIES Alpha Pi Sigma. Thurs. Hi Ilf-rest, Country Club. Annual bid dance. Gamma Beta Chi. Wed. Mrs. Gene Fitzgerald, 2646 Napoleon-st hostess. LODGES Past Chiefs Association, Myrtle Temple 7. Thurs. Mrs. Mattie Jen kins, 1536 Olive-st, hostess. Covered dish luncheon. Arrius Court 5. Ben Hur Life, Association. 8 tonight. Castle Hall. Annual memorial services. Junior members, program. Music and talks. CARD PARTIES Indianapolis Saengerbund. 1 Wed. 4914 S. Delawarc-st. Business meeting and card party. Capital Club. 8:15 tonight and Sun. Plumbers hall, Alabama and Washington-sts. Bingo. CHURCH GROUPS St. George's Episcopal Church. 8 tonight. Parish hall. Miss Leona Milburn, chairman. Ice cream social, country store and fish pond. Announcing the Opening of Our Completely Remodeled BEAUTY SHOP Sears vastly improved beauty shop offers to women of Indian apolis the ultimate in superior equipment and smart surround ings. Visit us on our opening day. ©OPENING SPECIAL SILVER OIL CROQUIGNOLE 1 45 PERMANENT WAVE I SC ■ ana Finger wave SHAMPOO RINSE J FINGERWAVE \J T ■ The Ictest in drying equipment! Only 15 to 25 minutes for drying 1 CCADC Vermont & Alabama Sts. Phone LI. 8531 Program Aid . .: m .-\ ;■> Wk Bn Mrs. Harold F. Irby (above' is assisting in arranging the travel program to be sponsored by the nursing service bureau. Central District. Indiana State Nurses’ Association tomorrow. The pro gram is open to visitors. Latrcian Ends Its Activities Until Next Fall Alpha Kappa Latreiaji concluded its activities until next fall at the president's day luncheon today at Hollyhock Hill. The club is to con tinue its contributions to the Flower Mission in its program next year. New officers were honor guests today. Miss Mary Alice Pierson, re-elected president, was entertained with Mrs. Alvin C. Johnson, vice president; Mrs. Vincent T. Adams, recording secretary; Mrs. John Rush, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Royer Knode Brown, treasurer; Mrs. L. M. Green, parliamentarian; Mrs. Frank J. Miller, historian; Mrs. Charles Wilcox, publicity chairman, and Miss Evelyn Poston, delegate to Seventh District Feder ation of Clubs. The social committee • including Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Walton Wheeler and Mrs. John Dalton arranged the party. STUNTS PRESENTED ON CLUB PROGRAM Members of Lady Aberdeen Artist Chapter. International Travel-Study Club, presented stunts at a recent entertainment given at the home of Mrs. H. G. Hennessey, Kokomo. Guests were Mesdames Joseph Sahakian, Huber Martin, J. F. Reed, and Misses Bertie Storey, Eric Alex ander. Erie Crook. Georgetta Dowd, Georgia Class, Vivien Jordan. Myrtle Morgan, Grace Swicher and Iva Sprague. all gainfully employed women are married means that these women are doing satisfactory work,” the re port says. “Any attempt to oust them from their occupations would work a hardship not only on many families and individuals, and result in useless economic waste, but would dislocate completely the business and industrial world.” PAGE 11 Women’s Clubs to Hear Talks on Car Safety Lectures Before Irvington Group to Be First of Series. Indiana Traffic Safety Forum speakers are to begin anew pro gram, in which they are to address women's clubs, at the meeting of the Irvington Union of Clubs at 2 to morrow in St. Mattnews Parish Hous®. Three members are io discuss “Saneness in Safety” before the group, which is to be the last meet ing of the year. Speakers are to be Sergt. Edward F. Moore, police accident prevention bureau: Stephen D. Crain. National Youth Administration’s traffic viola tion survey office, and Martin M. Clinton, forum chairman. Beginning next month, the safety forum is to provide speakers at other women’s organizations, in ad dition each to the weekly broadcast at, 1 Thursday. The group which is to speak tomorrow before the Ir vington group also plans to appeal to civic organizations for support in the drive against reckless driving. Tast Residents to Be Honored Mr. Crain, who is a delegate to the Midwest safety conference in Chicago this month, is to review methods other safety groups in the United States have employed in safety promotion. Past presidents of the Irvington Union of Clubs are to be special guests at the meeting. They are Mesdames Elijah Jordan. Joseph Ostrander. Charles A. Harris and Walter Ward. Each is to give a short talk. Two former presidents, Mrs. James Butler, now’ deceased, and Mrs. Carl S. Wagner, who lives in Milwaukee, are to be honored at the meeting, which is to close the tenth year of the Union's activity. Music Program Arranged Mrs. James Loomis has arranged a musical program, which is to in clude music by the Shortridge choir, under direction of Mrs. Laura Moag, and an instrumental trio, members of which are Misses Helene Kramer, pianist; Frances Loomis, violinist and Mary Catherine Stair, harpist. Hostess groups are to be the Friendship Circle and the Friday Social Club, under direction of Mrs. P. T. MacDonald and Mrs. Grant Lewis They are to be assisted by Mes dames Louis W. Bruck. Fred Stilz, E. J. Hirschman, James Bray. J. Willard Bolte and Walter Ward, ex ecutive board members. Sigma Phi Rush Parties Are Set A series of rush parties were ar ranged for Alpha chapter. Sigma Phi, at the Young Woman’s Chris tian Association last night. The first is to be a cabaret party Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Amos Saw yer. 103 N. Sheridan-av. The second is to be a progressive dinner. The first course is to be served at Mrs. Saw’yer’s home; the second at the home of Miss Lois Broecker, 246 S. Emerson-av; the third at the home of Mrs. Robert Elrod, 3641 Kenwood-av. The final course is to be served at the home of Miss Dorothy Minta, 3025 Guil ford-av. A rase tea is to be given June 7 at 1938 Central-av. Committee mem bers arranging the tea are Mrs. B. F Darnell, Mrs. Sawyer. Miss Broecker and Miss Merle Geney. mpi! llth ANNIVERSARY ALL MERCHANDISE • • j GREATLY REDUCED!