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Rutherford, Calvert Roberts, James Anderson, Thomas Stout, Wm, R. Meadows, aid John R. Smelly; who retired, and, after a shot absence, returned, and reported the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, viewing Gen. Jackson’s administra tion as being the best of which we haverver had any knowledge, and believing him to e a firm anil undeviating republican, and that hi admin istration has proved most beneficial to tfc nation in every point of view : Therefore, 1. Resolved, That we approve of Get Jack sou’s administration in all its operations. 2. That every day’s experience provt to us that the course pursued by him is the safet and most republican. 3. That this meeting heartily concur it the address and sentiments of the Jackson meting held in Vandalia on the 20th of last Dcccmbr., 4. That \vc entirely disapprove o! every atteint ' on the port of the real or pretended Gen. Jackson, to produce division among thostl supporting and friendly to his administration, by committing or attempting to commit the vote of this State in the election of Vice President; and that we recommend it to the friends of the old hero in this State, to support the candidate which may1 be selected by the Baltimore Convention, proposed to be held in May next. 5. That we advise and recommend it to all our 4pckson brethren throughout the second judicial c*cuit, to call meetings in their several counties ard appoint delegates to the Convention proposed to ie held in Kaskaskia, on the fourth Monday in ApAJ next, to choose Electors of President and * i!;e Presido»>—writ, Calvert Roberts, —Short, Wyatt Stubblefield, and Thos. Stout, be appointed those delegates. 7. That we earnestly recommend it to the re publicans of the State, to be on the alert, for there is a formidable and well trained opposition, ma king every effort in their power to defeat the re election of our venerated Chief Magistrate. 8. That these proceedings be signed by the Chairman and Secretaries, and forwarded to the Editor of the Whig and Intelligencer, for publi cation, and that the other republican Editors of the State be requested to republish the same. On motion, the meeting adjourned. JAS. B. RUTHERFORD, Ch'm. Calvert Roberts,) ,, , . James Andersom, 1 ‘Sccretarlc*'I Wiiin and Butclligmcessr For the Whig & Intelligencer. F ellow-Citizens : My principal object, at this time, is to dir/ct your attention towards the man who is to becrfne the Vice President under the second four y&rs, of General Jackson’s administration—1 say un der his second administration; because I beleve there is no danger of a defeat, and became 1 firmly believe that his administration, has leen marked with so many signal benefits to these U nited States, that it will be impossible for Mr. Clay to shake the confidence of a grateful people. For vice president, my choice would be Cal. R. M. Johnson; but, if the friends of a happy, wise, and judicious administration, throughout these United States, should think proper to support any other person in preference to Col. Johnson. I most cheerfully acquiesce in their judgment; for, let it be understood, that it is our determination to re-elect General Jackson, and not suffer his der feat by any unwise course wo might adopt, by having the name of more than one man cn the • geneftO republican ticket for vice president. Fellow'citizcns, I support Col. R. M. Johnson upon the following grounds: he supported thejust and necessary war, which in his representative capacity he aided and proclaimed; he did not give lus support in favor of declaring a war tiat he was unable te defend in the field as well asin the councils of his country. Those signal ab:i ties that die world discovered in the person of Cl. R. 1Y1. Johnson during the discussion of thoe subj.- ts that led to the war between this countr and Great Britain were equalled in the field b his signal services; and satisfied the world tha it was his determination to prove his most ardem attachment to a great, generous, and enlightened people, by unsheathing his sword for the purpose of bathing it in the blood of that man, who dared to invade the.rights of the American citizens— and when that war was ended, which added new lustre to the American arms, he then retired, like another Cincinnatus, from the busy pomp of earth ly splendor, to partake of those enjoyments that are to be found in social life; until, by an unani mous call from his neighbors, those w ho had long known him, he consented to represent them again in the council of his beloved country. I am induced to support Cel. R. M. Johnson from the confidence 1 have in his know ledge of commercial affairs, and his minute acquaintance wi'h the wants, comforts and necessaries that are calculated to make the whole human family hap py . Like the imiportal Howard, he has spent n large portion of time in visiting the humble cot tage, the Konoroua ami liospuatite Rtrmer, in mak ing himself acquainted with their true situation, in order to he better enabled to represent their circumstances in the legislative tribunal of the land; and bis extensive acquaintance with the geography of our country, must certainly give to him the pre-eminent advantage over all oth ers, in deciding upon those important subjects, app'ving to the local circumstances ol his fellow citizens. 1 believe him to bo a man capable of judging of the past, sufficiently to prepare for the future; a man who does not only live for himself, but for Ids friends. The statesman, the chieftain, the politician and warrior, may all have a place upon the proud pages ol fame; but the real disinterested states man, must stand in pre-eminence to all others, for he not only has to do with the present, but he has to prepare for postority. Such is the charac ter, and such has been tbe course of the immortal Johnson, through a long life, spent in the service of his country. f ellow-citizens: in thi9 declaration, I am ac tuated by motives of disinterested regard for then peace, iiappines, prosperity and glory of m« country; and may God coutinue to superintendi this infant republic, with the same kind Provi dence that raised us from slavii9 to freemen; aid may ws always bo willing to acknowledge hej blessing, ashe corner atone of American great ness. Yor fellow-citizen, WM. G. GOFORTH. Bellcvills HI- April \th, 1832. For the Whig and Intelligencer. Mr. Editor: I am peased to see the confusion and terror into whicn the Van Burcn junto have been thrown by the,»8tate Convention lately held at Vandalia. It augurs much good in its termination—as nature in her great volcanic struggles rights herself and vindicates her violated laws, we have every rea son to hope that the great commotion which has commenced, will work the had particles to the surface, and give us an opportunity of skimming them oft'. Even little master Brooks, of the Her ald, it Springfield, seems to be stuffed brim full 3f gill and vinegar; insomuch that he has to re sort b the fiery spirit of the immortal Shakspeare to finMN>rds sufficiently caustic to play upon the names'oC\he Secretary of State, and an humble indW&uavwho has been upwards of 20 years in the Sta*e without seeking office, but who has had the shamefl presumption, in the estimation of this little grcaman, to exercise the privileges of a freeman And I have seen the facetious John York Saver in a better humor than he is at present! I woultdvise the office holders in Illinois to be contenl with their stations; for if it is their intention lset the State in a flame, and take the country bjtorm, they must wait for a more fa vorable °gfffeD%-aP£ PrpiQ.ft fel"pibe scriptiv, policy 01 \,e great magician. Nothito could be n.,re farcical than the great jveneratio”which the frie.,]s nf Mr. Van Buren express fu Col. Johnson, Wiom they know to be a great faprite of the people, while they are using every effot in their power to deprive him of the suffrages ditch the people wish to bestow upon him; and ie hare reason to be thankful that they are too en^ghtened and grateful to be gulled by the sephistk and casuistry with which their news papsrs arefeeming in favor of the nomination at the Baltinjire Convention. In the cays of the administration of the im mortal au(tor of our declaration of independence, it was tbright dangerous to the cause of liberty for officer* of the general government to interfere [in popular elections; and Jefferson, the friend and patron *f liberty, the associate and successor of Washington, while he was President, issued a proclamatioi against it. I call upon you, fellow citizens, to contrast the views of this great and good man, with the doings of many of the officers under the [resent administration. Those gentle men must sirely forget that the patriotism of Gen. Jackson isequal to any, and that it was conduct such ns tlidis that induced him to remove from office many cf their predecessors. God bless the old soldier, heish he were cured of flic Van Bu ren-hut iiis a disease that hangs upon him like a clog—did threatens the whole nation with a fit of madness Is it possiblL fellow-citizens, that the people of a back woods Country, composed of the choice spirits of thisjland of liberty, who would shed their blood liktwater in defence of their country, would, with th truth staring them in the face. abandon a faitiul public servant like Col. John son, who has s.'jod by them in the hour of peril, and risked his«/e, his fortune, and his “sacred honor,” in defeding their rights and liberties, at the dictation of foreign caucus, got up perhaps to forward the lews of a mere political juggler, who has renderd them no essential service what ever, and who i charged at least with preferring the interest of is party to the welfare and gion of his country Whenever the hardy sons of the west shall case to be grateful to their distin guished patriot and soldiers, we may bid a last ing farewell V liberty—for it will crumble into dust. Let me assure you, fellow-citizens, that it is not so, and that the people of Illinois would be among the rery first to remember and reward such a distinguished soldier and \veH tried patrioi as Col. Johnson, and among the last who would ignoniinious\y bow down to the dictatorial man dates of an unauthorized convention. And take ioticc, thnt whenever the name of Martin Van luren shall he presented to the public as the man f their choice, the charm will be broken, and 'ill disperse like a meteor before a cloud—the Pins of the junto will appear in all their naked nes and deformity, and will be a warning in fu tun to aspirants for office, against attempts to I deprive gratefil hearts of the greatest pleasure, ‘hat of offerings suitable reward for the services of distingtaa&ec and useful men. Suppose, fdbw-citizens, that Mr. Van Buren is not the grefc political juggler, magician, and manager, whio is ascribed to him by the public generally; amthat it is not true, as has been re presented in tb papers, that his scheme for hav ing examiners of the banks in New York was intended to Crete a moneyed aristocracy; &• that it is not true tat none can get accommodations, however solvet, without they belong to his party, (and most sinccelv do I hope that it is all false) —-1 would astft.Avfiai has he ever done to entitle him to the sifrages of a free and independent nation, to the exclusion of a brave soldier, whose blood has flovnfreely in the field of battle; who has eloquent!; lound^d the tocsin of alarm when danger or dispnor threatened the grand citadel of the nation jyhose tongue has plead in sweet, harmonious, aif persuasive notes, in the cause of suffering hunaaity,—against the poor man's friend—in a ro/d, against an honest and enlight ed patriot, wfesc vigorous mind and powerful in tellect has, through a long and glorious career, enabled him t< make researches which have re sulted, not only in the amelioration of the condi tionof his fellow-men, but which have redounded to /he honor and glory of his country—whose soil has repelled every danger, and whose arm \\p prostrated ths enemies of his country 7 /The brave soldier who has risked his liie in tje cause of liberty, will be the last man to wish i subvert the freedom of his country. Cimon, i'imolenn, both of the Grachi, two of the Scipios, fcincinnatus,and Cato, and others of the old world, ind Washington and Jackson in our own coun try, will be lusting monuments of the truth of this observation; while history affords no little evi dence against the diabolical usurpations of civil demagogues. 1 do not prete env that theie are many noble and high gentlemen—and I could I name m»re than, one in the town of \andalia— who properly appreciate the claims of Col. John son, but who dread a collision with the laltimore Convention; and it has been to me a natter of great astonishment, that gentlemen so generally correct, should apprehend any inconvenience to the Jackson party from such an event. The wri ter of this paragraph ha9 always been of the o pinion that that convention was gotten up >y de signing politicians, and that it is one of themany arrangements set on foot to forward the views of the individual who is familiarly ycleped the real magicianBut in this 1 do not pretend to leny that I may be mistaken: but of one thing lam certain, that party men—one of which, thank C*)d, I am not-"-can no longer recognize that convm tion since sev'?ral Jackson States, among whrh are the great States of Pennsylvania and Virgh 1a, have refused to do s<i, and after a large anj respectable meeting of the citizens of New York itself, has nominated the Hero of Jhe Thames. The friends of Col. Johnson in IllitlP*?# believe it to he their solemn duty on this occasion, it ho should be supported for the Vice Presidency in other States, to bestow upon him their suffrages. They look upon him as a well tried iriend, who has served them in times of need-—who has re lieved them from embarrassment when they were borne down with debt—and who has aided in driving the ruthless savages, witA tomahaw ks tnd scalping knives still stained with the blood of cur innocent wives and children fr°™ onr then ce fenceless frontier. If it m the wish of the advo cates of the Baltimore Convention to preserve^the| hwyTle with us, as ihejsay they do, in love'an’tS veneration for Cul. J„hnson, why not unite upon him at once; for they may depend upon it that the people cannot beguiled into the belief that it is safer to trust the Vies Presidency in the hands of irresponsible, doubtfully and partially author ized agents, to a Senate, emanating from every State in the Union, over which it is his business to preside. I.YSANDER. tpnblic Meatus. Un 1 uesaay, the oil uay ot April, liiaiz, (being Court day,) according to notice previously given, a meeting of the citizens of Franklin county, friendly to the re-elec tion of Andiew Jackson to the Presidency of the United States, was held at the Court House iti the town of Frankfort, whereupon, On motion, Wilson Rea, Esq. was called to the Chair, and Col. John T. Davis, and Simon Hubbard, Esq. were appint ed Secretaries. On motion, it was by the meetine Resolved, That we have seen with great gratification the proceedings and result of the friends of General Andrew Jackson and Col. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, in a Convention held at Vandalia on the fourth Monday of March last, for the purpose of select ing anil nominating suitable persons to be supported in this state by the friends of General Jackson for Presi dent and Vice President, and we highly approve of their selection of individuals for that purpose. When, on motion, the meeting adjourned. WILSON REA, Chairman, S. M. Hubbard,) □ . • John T. Davis, \ Secrc,aries (W.VCiKKSNIOX 1>« 1st S“»s;on. . ...22dCoagTsss. [Washington papers-save been received from 19th to the 24ih‘Varch, inclusive.—We can give but a smalt portion of the Congressional nroceedintrs.l IN SENATE. Monday, March 10. Mr. Kanb, from the Committee on Pri vate Land Claims, to which had been referred the bill supplementary to the act to confirm certain claims to land in thy Territory of Arkansas, reported the same without amendment. Mr. Dickskson, from the Committee on Man ufactures, to which had been referred the bill to abolish the duly on alum salt, made an unfavora ble report thereon; and on motion of Mr. Dic kerson, the report was ordeted to be printed. Mr. Hendsicks gave notice that he would, to morrow ask leave to bring in a bill providing for the improvement of the navigation of the Wa bash, and for the surveys of the Illinois and Kas kaskia rivers. On motion of Mr. Clay, the Senate took up and considerel the bill to refund the duties on certain paintings and church furniture, imported by Benjamin Joseph Flaget, Bishop of Bardes town, Kentucky. The bill wai advocated by Mr. Clay, Mr. Poindfxter moved to lay it on the table, which was canied. Mr. Clay’s Tariff resolution together with Mr. Hayne’s amendment thereto, was taken up. Mr. Bibb concluded his remarks in opposition to the resolution. Mr. Forsyth moved to refer the whole subject to the Committee on Agriculture— motion negatived, yeas 18, nays 22. The question was then taken on Mr. Hayses amendment to the resolution, and decided in the negative as follows: YEAS—Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Brown, Ellis, Forsyth, Grundy, Hayne, Hill, Kane, King, Miller, Moore, Poindexter, Robinson, Smith, Troup, Tyler and White, 18. nAyh—'Motsis. Den, oucKner, Clay, Clay ton, Dickerson, Dudley, ' wing, Foot, Freling huysen, Hendricks, Holmes, Johnson, Knight, Marcy, Prentiss, Robbins, Seymour, Silsbee, Sprague, Tipton, Tomlinson, Waggaman and Wilkins, 23. The President declared that the amendment of Mr. Hayne was rejected, and the original resolution adopted. In the House of Representatives, various peti tions and memorials were presented, and refer red—The bil Is making appropriations for the sup port of the Army and Government, for the year 1832, were read a third time and passed. Sever al bills of a private character were passed. The bill in addition to An Act passed the last session for the relief of insolvent debtors of the United States, was taken up, but before anv question was taken the House adjourned, IN SENATE. Tuesday, March 22. Mr. Wilkins asked of the gentleman from Delaware (Mr. Clayton,) whether he was will ing to take up the apportionment bill at this time.. It was a subject of great interest to the country, and the Legislatures of many States were wait, ing a decision; and therefore he was unxious that the subject should be disposed of as soon as it could be done conveniently. Mr. Clayton had no objection to having tie questim decided at any time when the Senate was fill; but, as it was a question of great im portance to the country, and one in which every mernbe- should have an opportunity to record his vote, 1« would observe that his colleague, togeth er with some other members, were absent, who were desirous to be present when the final ques tion was taken, and who would be in their places in a fciv days. He hoped, therefore, that the gentleman would not press the subject at this time. After some debate the question was put on taking up the bill, and decided in the negative by a large majority. . The subject of tlva Tariff being under consid eration, Mr. Bibb offered a resolution directing the Committee of Manufactures to inquire into the expediency of reducing the price ot public lands, and supported the measure as a preparato ry step to the fin»l adjustment of the Tariff. Mr. Robinsox offered an amendment to the resolutive of Mr. Bibb, directing the committee also to iiquire into the expediency of transfering the pubic lands to the States at a reasonable price. A ion; and animated debate arose upon the propriety of tfcis proposition of connecting the subject o the Fistfis I^nds with the Tar iff ques tion, in which Messrs. Cuay, Dickerson, Buck ner, anti Webster, oppose- the motion, an Messrs. Bibb, Benton, RobinsO^j Foesyth, an Moohe> supported it. After some debate, the question was taken d.*1 Mr motion-to refer the subject of the Pub AlaJ^nrusd—yeas 20, nays 20. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Vildes’ resolution on the subject of the coins ofjthe United States, and the ordnance bill, occupied the principle attention of the House, the latt(| was debated at length, but before any qucstioqwas taken, the House udjourned. Tuesday, March 20. IN SENATE. Mr. Jendricks asked and obtained leave 1° inlrodujc a bill for the improvement of the navigation of the Wabash river, and for the survey of the Knskaskia and White rivers; and moved that ilbe refered to the Committee on Roads and Calais. Which motion was a greed to. The Chair presetted a report from the Sec retary of State, in ompliance with a resolu lion of the Senate, transmitting information from the American Consul at Havre, relative to the intentions of tie French Government to lay additional dutiis on cotton imported in to France, &c., togetlrr with an extract from a letter from Mr. Ben)ey,as follows: “The Committee onFinance has reported in favor of an addition)! duty on cotton of ten francs per hundred weight, and the same on raw susir; all the other duties are retained.” Mr. Ewing, from the Select Committe to which the subject was referred reported a bill relative to the settlement of the Northern boundaiy of the Stale of Ohio, and providing for ascertaining the latitude and longitude of the Sodh points of the Lakes Michigan and Erie, fir this purpose; which was read and orderedto a second reading. Mr. Ellis, from the Committee to which it was referred, reported a bill for the employ ment anc compensation of additional clerks in tbe office of the Sarveyor General in Missis sippi anti Illinois. Mr. Binton asked and obtained leave to in troduce a bill granting to the State of Missouri 500,000 acres of the public lands, for the purpose of internal improvement within that State, which was read and ordered to a se dond reading. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Doddridge offered the following: Resolved, That the Committee of the Whole Rouse be discharged from the further consid eration of the bill to erect a bridge over the Ohio River at Wheeling, and that the same be referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. Mr. Doddridge said, that to make this change, would not only accommodate him per stnally, by lessening his labors, but likewise the House by saving its time from a repetition of the same arguments when applied to differ ent objects. The bilitogive the assent of Congress to the acts «f Virginia, Maryland, and Penn sylvania, pwiding for the Cumberland road within those States, had taken the direction he now prepised to give this bill. The bills to continue the Cumberland road in Ohio, In diana, Illimis, und Missouri; and also, that to extend a bunch to Flushing, in Alabama, had taken the ame direction, and the Bridge pro posed, wnsintended to supply a most impor tant link Ilithe whole geat Western commu nication byhridging the only river unprovided for betweer.the Atlantic waters, and the Mis sissippi Rivir. It was obious that in the discussion of those biljs i n relajon to the roads, most of the great principles q which the proposition to erect the proposei bridge, would be advocated and opposed, wald be considered; and if the bill in question ivere, in company with the meas ure of whiji it forms an isolated important part, those principles need not be repeated. Among other arguments that would be used wou/d be one founded on the idea that the mating of this bridge was part of the com patt between the United States and the State ofOhio. Mr. Wilde offered th» following resolution: Resolved, That the Conmittee on Coins be directed to enquire into he expediency of au ihorizing prompt paymen'. to be made in coin tor bullion delivered at tie Mint, requiring a seignorage not exceeding tje expense of coin ing; imposing a stamp dirty on bank bills of small denomination, for tht purpose of pre serving an adequate supplyof gold and silver coins in use, and increasingthe specie circula tion of the country. Mr. W. addressed the House at considera ble length, in illustration and support of the resolution, but yielded to a motion of Mr. Hubbard, that the House pass to the orders of the day. Wednesday, March IX. IN SENATE. The bill for the relief of Benedict J. Fla get was then taken up. Mr. Clay said there was no necessity to commit this bill, and he hoped it would be nl lowed to pass to a third reading. It was the same bill and made the same provision as that introduced by him and laid on the table. I his bill was reported from the committee of the other House, and for the benefit of Bishop Flaget alone, without the amendment which was offered to the bill laid on the table the other day for the purpose of re-consideration. If the gentleman from Virginia chose to con vert the other bill into a general apppropria tion for the benefit of.churches in similar ca ses he. had no objection. Mr. Tyler said as the bill came from the ^ other House he should decline pressing the " amendment proposed. Mr. Poindexter opposed the bill as being unconstitutional, and having a tendency to es tablish a precedent that might lead to numer ous applications for similar objects. He cited the case of the bill granting land tor the ben efit of the church at Richmond which was not a[7oroved by President Madison because it - A *- Constftuiion to grant ex clusive privilefifc?? to any religious sect or de nomination. The churches that had impor ted organs might require the same privilege if this was granted. If they were imported for an individual the duty might be remitted. Mr. Kane said there was a striking differ ence between this hill and the one with the amendment. This bill was for the benefit of an individual—the other for a particular church. It was customary to grant privileges of this kind to individuals not at the head of a religious body, and he could see no reason why tlie fact of his being a Bishop should ex clude him from the common privileges of oth er citizens. Books, paintings, &c. for the ben efit of learning and the fine arts were admit ted free in many cases for the encouragement of literature and the fine arts. These paint ings were not objects of worship hut of orna- , ment, and the remission of the duty on them _ could not be considered as favoring any reli gious denomination in their worship because they were hung upon the walls of a Cathedral more than if they were placed in the Academy of fine arts in Philadelphia, to the latter of which this benefit had been extended. The object was simply to declare that if a foreign er chose to make a donatian of paintings to a person in this country, to be bung up in a church or elsewhere, Congress would not dis courage it by imposing a heavy duty upon the gift. This was for the benefit of all persons who chose to resort there to examine them, and had nothing to do with religious privileges whatever. The following resolution submitted: Dr Mr. VV agqaman— Resolved, Thai the committee on Roads and Canals be instructed to enquire into the expe diency of granting to the State of Louisiana 500,000 acres of the public land, to aid the said State in keeping opto the water courses communicating with the Mississippi, and for such other objects as may Lg considered of public utility. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Adams, from the Commitiee on Manu factures, reported a bill for the prevention of frauds upon the revenue; which was read twice and committed. Mr. Adams said that he availed lunself of the present opportunity to state to the House: that it was Dot his intention to renew th^ re quest he had made last week, to be excused from serving any longer on the Committee of Manufactures. He was induced to withdraw the request, as it had been intimated to him thatseveral gentlemen of the House,for whoso opinions and wishes he had the most respect ful deference, were unwilling to vote upon the question, either to grant or to refuse his re quest. He had also ascertained that his place as Chairman of the Committee would be sup plied by a gentleman, from New Jersey, iit whom he had the most entire confidence; so that all the interests of the manufacturing in terest would be attended to, and would not; suffer during his absence. It hatL-alSo been intimated to him, that the Report of the Sec retary of the Treasury, proposing a modified rate of duties, would not be made as early as he had expected. For these reasons, he was. induced to withdraw his request, and he now mentioned it only to apologize to the House for having given them any trouble upon the subject whatever. Mr. Root, from the Committee on agricul ture, asked to be discharged from the farther consideration of a memorial on the subject of ardent spirits. He said this memorial had seemed to occasion some embarrassment as le the proper disposition of it. It had been re ferred on its presentation, to the Committee on Commerce, but they had sent it back, as considering themselves not particularly inter ested in the subject, and had moved its refer ence to the Committee on Agriculture;—the Committee on Agriculture did not know what to do with it, as they considered it no part of their official duty to recommend the destruc tion of orchards and fields of rye, but rather to protect and multiply them. They were, un willing to send it to the Committee of Ways and Means, as it was not particularly con nected with the revenue of the country; and at length, after much perplexity, they had:re solved to move its reference to the committee on Manufactures, since they were of opinion that it must be in the first instance the manu facture of this dangerous article which wa9 the origin of so great a disturbance of the