T nsulti no a W hite P erson.—For this viola
tion ol' til»» ordinance, one John Alexander, a free
inan of qolur. whs arretted yeat-rday and required
to give bfiii fur Iii« appearance.
CoîiMRNtiM. E arly.—-Ettgene Boassinel, a
youth, was taken into custody yesterday lor a
breach of the peace. Not being able to pay a fine
wl' $10, the juvenile rioter was committed for ten
A cquitted.— Thomas Watersand Jerry Wax
ter were tried and acquitted yesterday before the
First District Court, on the charge of robbing Jean
Jaques Bosque on the night of the 9th of Decem
ber last.
F ifth D istrict C ourt.—The case of Mrs.
Hubch vs. the Carrollton Railroad was to have been
continued yesterday, but Cyprien Petrie, a juror,
«bscuted himself from the Court. An attachment
was issued without effect, and the trial was further
adjourned until to-day.
D ischarged.—Owen Callaghan was examined
yesterday on the charge of stealing cotton from the
Louisiana Press. The evidence did not show thai
thç accused was an illegal operator in this great
staple > and he was accordingly discharged.
B reach or the P eace.—Thos. Kelly and Jas.
Hutton, two roystering blades who had become pot
valiant over their cups, disturbed the peace of the
• ity and violated the dgnity of the First Munici
pality yesterday by riotous behavior in Custom
house street, which public exhibition called to
gether a wondering crowd, and attracted the notice
of the Police. Recorder Génois fined these dis
orderly individuals $10 each, and in default of pay
ment they were committ ed to prison for ten days.
L arceny.—John Martin was brought before
Recorder Génois, yesterday, upon the charge ol
suddenly seizing $35 in gold, from the counter of
lose Gomez's Coffeehouse, and vanishing instanter
with the same. Martin was arrested soon after
and insisted upon it that he took the money by per
mission of the owner, who, it was proved, was s
stranger in the city, and had entered the bar-room
to obtain silver for his funds. The accused was
•eut belore the First District Court.
A n O utrage.—Mrs. Louisa Lacheut made an
affidavit before Recorder Génois, charging ont
Charles Roberts with assaulting her with intent to
kill. The deponent stated that on Thursday after
noon Roberts carne to her house, No. 18 Burgundy
street, and was torbi'jden by her to enter the door ;
upon this he drew a knife and pistol, and, witli
threats that he W' ju ld take her life, drove her from
the premises. She returned a few hours after, ac
companied bjr the police, and found the accused
•♦till in po ^session of the room. During this time
he had destroyed her wardrobe and fur
niture, amounting in value to $"200. The ofHcer«
m a '.tempting to arrest Roberts were resisted and
tw o of them slightly wounded. The offender hat*
fleen arrested and will be examined.
R ecorder B aldwin's C ourt.—There was t
promiscuous gathering yesterday, yet the aim o
* all things seemed the same. Charges of assaul
and battery made up the head and front of tin
•offending, and mutilated visages proclaimed tin
damage done. Black eyes were developed in al
their dark proportions ; bandaged limb* attested
violence used, and voluble tongues with resistless
energy spread the facts befere the patient magis
träte. John Thompson, with ludicrous asperity
delivered himself of the burden which oppressed
hmVin the shape of a glowing recital of a beating
received from his neighbor, Brown . and Mrs
Muggms gave a lively sketch of neighborhood
gossip, which was particularly edifying to the
Court and spectators. Several squares in Girod
and Philippa streets were depopulated for the tinif
being by the wholesale call for witnesses to estab
lish the fact that Peter VonStapper had been
ejected out of his own premises by Mike Flaherty
the propelling power being the extremity of Mike'n
boots. After justice had l>een meted out to the
much injured complainant, the Recorder closed
proceedings by an adjournment.
T rial of D avid F oley.—The trial of David
Foley, ou the charge of manslaughter, took pi;
yesterday before the First District Court. 1
testimony was nearly the same as that adduced at
the examination before the Recorder, which w
published at the time. Witnesses stated that
I'oley and Patrick J. Brown had a slight quarrel
early on ' t he evening of the 23d of November, at
Picayune Coffee-house, corner of St. Charte;
and Poydras streets ; that after this, Brown wa
I'/tid in his declamations that he "could whip any
Vne in the house," and that Foley stepped up to
lum and asked him if " he wished to pick a quarrel
with him." Brown replied that he could whip
him also, upon which Foley offered to bet $50 that
he could not, and while uttering these words lie
was struck by Brown. Foley quickly unbuttoned
his coat, drew a bowie knife, caught his assailant
by the shoulder and stabbed him. Brown fell back
with Foley on top, who, before the spectators could
interfere, again inflicted another terrible wound
which iustautly caused the man's death.
The jury were out but fifteen minutes, wli
they returned with a verdict of guilty upon the
dictment. The prisoner was remanded to await
hit sentence. Counsel for the State, M. M. Rey
nold», District Attorney ; for the prisoner, A. G
ÖT" The Hungarians now in New York have
issued an address, very ably written, in which the
paat and present condition of Hungary is stated
and earnest thank« are tendered for the sympathy
that has always been extended to them by the citi
cens of this country.
L atitude 2&057' 30" N.—Longititdb 90° W.—iu Time, 6A.
Cleared Yesterday.
8hip Wm. 8turg?s, Maillon, Bsltiino.a,
J. H. Ashbridge &. Co
and a market,
„ Jenkins & Buddendortl
Hh;p Anna Rich, Burwell, New York. J. H. Aeh bridge & Co
Br. «hin Cor air, Nichol, Liverpool, Hoghlon, Rankin Hi Co
Swed.bng Pr^to.Wyman, Got tan burg, Schit>der & Mummt
Brig Rowland. Watts New \ ork, J. W. Andrews bi Co
Brig Clan&aa. VVatta, N ew V ork, John Alexander
Brig Richmond, McKenzie, Richmond, C. Palmer
Brig Water yV itch, Brown, Vera Cruz, O. Wickham
Brig Mount Vernon, lalbot, Chagro«, O. Wickham
Sloop Auna, Simpkni.-, Aran^aa, Master
Arrived Yésterday.
Ship Bay State, Simmons, 20 days from Boil on to Geo. Fos
»er it Co—2il my.
Ship Sunolk, Flanders, 24 day9 from Boston, to George 11.
Pearson—2d my.
Ship Sold ou, Thorn a«. 60 «lays from London, to master—1 m.
Br. ship Corea, Borille. 51 day« from Newry, Ireland, in bal
o , '"t, to McDowell it Peck—2d my.
Sp. bark Menery, Oliver, 6 days from Matanzas, in ballast,
to master— Point.
Brig Kedron, Carney, 18 days from Philadelphia, to maater
Brig Leopold OJDonnell, ——, 13 days from Savannah, lo
Emily. Young, 23 days from Boston, to master—2d my.
ttng liai ma, Higgins, 13 days from St. Thomas, to master
Loi hera. Watts, 26 days from Newport, to master—2 m.
Sehr. North Carolina, Seaman, 2 days irom Mobile, to ma^
ter— Gov t wharf.
Sehr. Wm. Bryan, Lawless, 2 days from Grand Caillou, to
master—1st my.
Sehr. Maria, Johnson, 2 days from Pensacola, to master
Sehr. II. Plantagenet, Wilson, 3 days from Apalachicola. in
ballast, to master—Basin.
A W. VanLeer, Ayles, from Attakapaa—74 bales cotton.
- - —, VVhatthaii, from Memphis—820 bales cotton.
R. C. Ogleaby, Ross, from Bayou Maçon— 379 hales cotton.
Eliska, Landry, from Baton Rouee.
Jas. L. Day, Gibersou. from Mobile.
Tennessee, Lee, from Nashville—102 bales cotton.
Tow boat Shark, Pinneear, from t he Pasœ«.
Towboat Anuawan, McCullough, from the Pn^ec.
Towboat Shark towed down to the Bar, ship W. R. Jone-,
and to sea, on the 9th inst., bark Ellerslie.
Pa r ship Sold on, from London—44 in steerage.
j? îm DûLL\R8 RBWARD-The above rewanl
b. will be paid, aud no questions asked, for the return and
delivery ot tlie celebrated BADGER/which was stolen from
the cubscrilier on " ... . .
3 and 5 o'clock.
mhl4 '
Sunday morninu last, between the hours of
comer of St. Pa ul and Poydras ats.
LADY AND GENTLEMAN and two or Ihn» Single
uentiemen, can obtain board in a private family npon
uie most rcaspnable terms—@ 4 SO per week—by early np
bt ? ^Ravikr S tkekt, lietween Circna aud
Bt. John streets. mhl5 3m
PKNSiiitTo Merchants, Accountant», etc.
11 IVfRuuin, street, / \
tr*s on IWWl, ul 1, cuuunUr riiMiul.-',::,,,.. . / \
ÏX Wi« ..J bjjmjfnl unnni.m of P.a. of mpXU
uin., «unpyl "W. D. K.nn.y, N.O." W. B. K. riii nm Vltll
a»»i5il7 ifVhl Uio) Biiik, til, c^is 'j'rîl»;« 1 a,si
(Sim « JJ» Surtwj MuMi' I,f
p® if
16,1980, 5
The present week has witnessed some important changes iu
oar market, the principal one beinf a redaction of about c
half cent in the price of Cotton immediately after (he reeep.
lion of the Canada'« new*, though the decline has since been
oartially recovered. Flour ha» Improved 16 to 2ßc V bbl, and
Corn hat remained steady with very light »applies. Lard ha*
advanced slightly, while Provisions generali) have reinaiued
about stationary.
The next steamer from Europe will be the Niagara, which
was to leave Liverpool for Boston on the 9th inst, and is there
fore in her seventh day.
COTTON—The market closed heastly a week siuce, all
parties being disposed to await the later new* from England,
expected by the Canada. Saturday also passed quietly, the
sales reaching but 2500 baies, at former rate«. On Monday
these advices came to hand, announcing a .' 4 d decline at Liv
erpool, which at once depressed our own market a
cent, ami 5000 bales changed hands at this reduction. Imme
diately after, however, buyers came eagerly forward, and ful
ly 23,000 bales were »old on Tuesday nnd Wednesday, the
currents rates at the olo=>e showing a recovery of XtStX of a
cent of this decline. Factors were still firmer on Thursday
and, as they offered their stocks sparingly, the sales reached
but 5009 bales. Yesterday the market continued quiet but
very firm and lise sales embrace*! 3900 balen, making a total
of 38,500 bales for the week, taken mainly for England. The
closing prices are barely l<jc below those of tili» day week,
and we arrange our quotations accordingly. The receipt*
sinoe ltt September are now 6jU,457 bales against 807,100 to
«aine time in 1849, and at all the United States port? there is a
decrease of i.57,911 bales.
Inferior ; Middling Fair ll.'-t&ll?«
Ordinary &4&VB4 Fair WlWW,
M uidlin* Cood Fair tl'M
Goo'i Middling
&1I l „H>ood and Fine.. nominal.
(Joltmi, bales. Tobacco, Illicit-.
S um k on hand, Sept. 1, 1849 13,435 12,RK
Received past week 22,bin 7S8
previously t>47,644 -«70,219 14.57fr ~15.36 d
t»3,t»4 Ü»,25ti
Exported past week i?0,001 123
" previously 131.40'$- —4.^1,4^4 20,062 —
dtock on hand, not cleared 232,230
TOBACCO—Prices have been fafiy sustained, notwith
'landing the nligbt increase which has taken plaee in the «toek
ofleriiiß. The sale? of the entire weok embrace 950 hlids, of
which l'A» hhdf Ma-on county al tyg for A and H. 1 *®.»* « f<>r
R, and 88 do. A, at 9%c. Yeateiday'■> .-ales, included in tlw
above amount, were 100 hhd«, oh A Vi and 42 R at — ; and
47 hhd* at ?for A and for R. We<|uote Lug-,
i'@5^4 ; Inferior to Common, 6Fair to Choice,
^9 ; Maaon Coonty, 6®I2«; V lb.
SUGAR—The Sogar market hau exhibited rather a dull
appearance for a week back, and prices may considered l u e
lower for all but the F ully Fair to Prime qualities. The entire
nales compriae almnt 4200 lilidt», (of which some 600 were dis
posed of yesterday) mo-tly to \Vestern purchaser-». VVe now
piote Inferior and Common Fair to Fully Fair 3 M
@4c. Prime and Choice Jp lb. On Plantation above
the city we notice 500 hhds (two crops) sold at 4c lb.
MOLASSES—The market ba* been dull with »-ales of
barely 3000 bbls for the week. The inactivity is owing to the
limited supply of really Prime, which it wanted, the receul
receipts consisting mainly of Inferior ami fermenting parcels,
which range from 12®19c. according to quality, while Prime
id re-builed command 20@22c <p gallon.
FLOUR—The light receipts and reduced stock of Flour
»V« occasioned quite an improved movement in the Floui
market, and price» are 20fâ>25<: higher than we quoted them a
eek ago. The week's saler amount to 10,000 bbls, the ruling
ratea being $ô 50(&45 ttfJi for Ohio, $5 b2>j@*6 75 for
Superfine Illinois, *5 75@$ti 00 for St Louis, and $6
♦6 50 fp bbl for Extra and Choice marks, which are especiall}
waree. Yesterday's sales were about 1000 bbls at this range.
Week's receipt« 4917 bbls. Eiporta 2H6 bbU.
GR AIN—Light arrivals of Corn have kept price" nearly up
t the ratea quoted in our last, and some 16,000 ska have been
disposed of at 54(g^57c for good shipping parcels, and 3<&tx:
less for Inferior, etc. YeMerday the market was almost bare,
und only 1500 skt were sold. Of Wheat the market continuel,
almost bare. Oata, owing to increased supplies, are lower,
and some 8000 sks have fourid buyers at 45f3>52c for Ordinary
to Good Ohio, etc, and Wft W i) V bushel for St Louis. Bran
still very scarce, and the last sale* were at #2 50 V
100 lb on the Levue. Week's receipts 13,019 skg Corn. En
porta 2' ,017 -des.
PROVISIONS—We have had a rather inactive Pork mar
ket for the past week, and the entire sales have hardly exceed
ed 3500 to 4000 bbls, principally at #9 50® $9 tJ23a for Mess,
which i* alone in demand. Prime ts dull at $7 37J£@$7 50,
and M O at $8 37@$8 50, while Clear is selling at $10 OO'gj
$11 00 y bbl. The inquiry for Balk Pork has al-o fallen otf",
and only a few sales have been made at 3!>a@3. s ac for Ho?
round ; the latter rate is now hardly to he obtained t ven for tlir
Beef has been quite steady at til 35@*1 2 00
for Mess, $8 00@$8 50 for Prime, and $4 75®*5 00 V bbl
for B Beef. The la-t sale* of Prime Mess were at $15 V
tierce. Bacon ha'- continued quite steady, with *alea to a fair
at $4\@5c for Sides, and "P lb for Shout,
der*. Hams are telling in limited quantities b^7>ic for plain
and bagged, and Bnsar Cured are plenty and very doll at8<
<P lb. Western Batter ia quite dull at 7<§&llc. Cheese
telling at about former quotatiou», 7@8> a c V lb. the out
side rate otdy for the best imitation English Dairy. Lard has
improved, owing u> rather increased receipts of the better
•laahùeo, and aliont 4500 bids and tierce;' have been taken at
44%@5)«c lor very Inferior, ô^'tgtf^c for Ordinary to Good
No 1, and 50U0 kegs at for Ordinary, and c
V lb tor Good to Strictly Prime. Of tills quantity there were
■old yesterday 80 bbls at 5,*«. 70 do at 6'i, and 100 tierces and
214 bbl* at «V tp ft
RH7E—The supply ut large and the demand * ery limited a!
3?i@4c V lb, according to quantity and qaality.
WHISKY—Pricea iniiiruved to 2$,'a(3)2lc *p gallon for
Reciifieil, and some800 bbls were sold on Thursday and yes
terday, mostly at the outside price. Raw ia worth 23c «P gat
lou, and 146 bbls sold yexterday at thai rate.
RAGGING AND ROPE—Prices have been very steady,
and sales of 1200 to 1400 pieces, and colls have been made,
mostly at 14c for the former and 7©7^c for good brands of
the latter. Yevtentay 50 coils brought 7, 4 4 e cash.
GUNNY BAG8—Sales of 100.000 new, 2H bushel bag«,
in bales, mostly at 9c oa time.
SALT—Half a dozen cargoes of Liverpool have been aold,
including 3000 ska Coarse at 74c, and 4500 <.k< (fJOO Fine) at
8.jc y sk round. The ruling raies from second bnnds, deliver
ed, are $1 40 for Fine, and 95c ^ sk for Coarse. Yesterday
8700 bushels Rnm Key Salt 9old al 22c on time.
COFFEE—Heavy reoeipts of Rio, without any adequate
demand, have put down prices fully a cent more, and onlj
4100 bags have changed hands, the closing rates ye»terda>
being lH5-a<gtl3c, with few buyer» even at this sudden and
great reduction. The direct imports are still 65,414 bags be
liind last year's to same date. Present stock in ftr ? t and second
hands 98.790 bags.
HEMP—60 bales Dew Rotied sold at $120 00 <p
LE AD—Not a tranaiuaction this week.
LIME—A small cargo of Eastern was sold at $1 25, aud
is selling from eecoud hands at $1 30(a}$l 37 1 . >p cask
H AY— Prie» have again gone up to $22 00® $25 00 V
ton, 400 bale« Bath Hay, in store, bringing the outside price
NAVAL STORES—A cargo of 1400 bbls from Wilming
ton was so id at $1 00 for Rosin, $1 90 for Tar, and $1 15 SP
bb'l for Piich.
TALLOW—126 bbls and casks Prime sold early
iveok at 7c 1
EXCHANGES-—Sterling bills being more abundant the
rates hate fallen to ct preiu ; New York 60 day
bills 1^ et dis ; sight checks (4 V cl dis.
FREIGHTS—The large operations in Cotton have g
more activity to tlie Foreign Freight market, and British
sei» have filled up readily for Liverpool ai5-16d and Ameri
can vuaselb now claim 7-l6d. For Havre, also, several ahipa
have been taken at ld-16c, one lor Gottenberg at ^d, ami one
for Ulaagow at li^tid.
L afayette, Friday Evening, March 15, 1850.
Arrived during the past week 541 head of Beef Cattle, 17
vws, l&l Calves, 150 Pigs and 40 Horses and Mules. The
ipply of cattle for the shambles, especially of Hogs and
Sheep, is extremely >cant, and pncc-i have advanced consider
ably abovs those of last week.
Prices: — Beef CatUe, 6@6?ic V lb net; Hogs, 4J*'
tfd5l«c lb net ; Sheep, $3 60{ôii5 50 ^ head ; Milch Lows,
*3U<@*60 V head; Çaives, 6®7Jie. V lb net.
*"1 '1IO&. D. H Ai LÜH, Broker , No. 117 Common st.,
A New lirleant—wyl buy and sell Landed Property ; ob
tain Loans on Mortgage ; Discount Note« ; serve aa Apprai
ser and Expert ; adjust Accounts; make Copartnership Set
tlemento ; intends residing in tlie city during the Summer,
and will serve as Agent for owners of property ; see as«es-»
ment for taxes is l'air valuation ; draw lease ; collect rents,
etc., and attend to Agency huaine*« in gen eral. m h 15
HIM , .
(Oldau '
Plaulauon us« aud the Mexica.n market, tor sale by
•SI Iinip6m3|>
(Old aud uew,)
sale by
THuS. K. PRICE. 78 M« ff «une si.
Forwarding and Commission Merchant,
C hag res, N, Gr .,
give his altcuiion to atf bualiwu
I him,aud
Messra. Paradise, Lai
C. J. Meeker & Co.
Parmele 6 Brother,
nie*, livery article warranted yen nine Dr. h. J.
Coxa's Preparations, extensively uaed for ten years,
IbrCoiiKlu, Colds InAnenza, etc.
_ _ ^ AN D CUBEBS-A certain and agreeable cure,
 D ^^»^ 8 %"^A°k h SIîr , ÀNn
1 ARAXACUM—The atrongesi preparation that
» . he made, aa proved by the effect produced.
. cure °' f'onaumption and Bronchitis.
TQ N IC AQU E S Y RU P and PILLS. nl6 ly3dp
nriirnn Gravier street, JVeto Orleans,
H r 1«V W ln "M"?! ^ or sa-te. a carefully selected assortment
iMniiri? andLuiuora, among wbieh are tlie following
iih'üdv SHERRY—in boxes ot 1 dozen eaeïi
luVrvpio^i^ 'i n l,u ! tle> ' deiiiijohiia, and qr ca«ks.
uîto-r IRA— Ul bottle«, demijohn«, aud qr casks.
1 o°"»
SAUTÉRNE^in bottles and ijr-casks.
HnAv5i r liBTN 0 nvl^ H|,u<,,1 *~'"r^* sks
qu, " ty -
WHISKY—old Bourbon.
Do. Monongahela.
HAMB—WMMMtQn. inhl« Jnwlni
C3r^ Orders from the Conntry promptly attended to.
V17"II\E8 -Claret in hf. hhdf. and caaea; Madeira, Sherry
v V and Port, in quarter and eighth casks, of very superior
quality, for ' *
B ARELLI * CO til Oo^
of the above. Also, a lot of nue Double Dahlias.
Country merchants »applied with Seed by the
bzen, Qnsdrad, or thousand papers, for retailing,
laniert 1'iiri.idieti wsih A^«rt^l Sfini, In box«, at
knd |10 paoh,, Mnrk«! Qftwfw» NPi«N WilS IM
• raiw, _ ■
rViaa m Myfwjtoll
J« A. BEARO« Auctioneer.
A) let Arransement» for the Shason.— »law. Hank and other
Stockt, Toearfay* and Thursday» ; Heal Emue, Wutfotidar« and
Hat'infsy«, ai l'i o'clock, ar M «nk» Arca-le ; Onenl nia«, i«f«r>
marilste liefe. tCP* > r o. lOBanka A rende P«aaajr>
Furniture Furniture Furniture.
Al the Old JlatJwn Marl, 87 Camp $treet.
BY WM. P. SCOTT, Auctioneer.
'PHIS DAY. M I un» "III <■'< oc* Will ne *'•!
JL A ta'ge lot ut « •' -i -•. ! t«.n«l i'1'KNÏTURE, on account
departure, and a «• New KiinKlait, etc., to ctoas comiiu.
#nt. . table
Kaum« : 150 qitaiter bote*
and Liquor«.
h at hair-paat 10 o'ctock—Will ba
30 boxes *Uith ;
. . MM* Hoar ban Whiaty ;
•ki pur- French W rand y >
• - ao, oo eigen;
) pound« Kngluh Hoop Iron, altgfilly (famagrd, aold for account
KugHsh Pale Ale English Pale Ale.
SATURDAY, March 18, at 10 o'clock—Will be wM, at TiUerton'*
j Boston Wtu-rh'Miat:, corner of Lafayette and Magazine »lre«i#, to
18 cask.' sunyior ENGLISH PALE ALE, in good otder.
Terms caST mhlS
. Glares.
I Banka
yATURDAY, Maivb 16, at 12 o'clock—Will ba »ol.
Zgro Woman HETBKY, a»ed about Ü1 ; with bei child, &
ind Üie Ne*ro ü »I OATHEMNE. aged lb ftué. Ke
good Cotton Plcl> "* **" ' ' " *
Act of a
Hale poaiti
■tfcftftM Hands.
. Alto .
feticceatflon of Daniel F. Lillte A Good Slave
the Did Auction Man '*7 Camp'»treat, by<jf»lw ol the Honoiafali
Fil ill District Court of New Or eaou, dated Btpiember 25, H»l9,
» — Oue-foiutli cash ; ba'
of .jle before A. C. aibtv. Ith, Es-y, N. P , al the expense of
Düalrahle Private Dwelling Hoitae.. .In the moat im
proving location in the Secoiul Municipality.
BY HENRY W. PALFREY.,,, */• ,r »#_--# S J acob L kvt, Auctioneer.
Office AV. J7 tnmp street. I 8 j, Notary.
CATURJJAY, Mard. 1«,
O Area.».—
villi G illcriea and cor,
T erin » — flOOu
Scliooner Auatrleh Selioou«*r Auntrlch.
MONDAY, Mardi H, al \U o'clock—Will be »«Id, ut Baak« Ar.
cade. Ma ramie street—
Scbooo^ AL'STIU'.H, ubvul 14 toor, aa abe Uf* -
New Buiin. 8-e la iu good orJer, Imfing leccutly
r ^Vrui8 cash.
e, to >
\\. H. \aiiHei!**alear, deceased.
Office HI Oracier street.
of the abi've desirable esUblUhineut
Tcriut, wbic
: sppertaii log té the «bove ectabli.bment.
Family Groccry Store.
Office 81 Gravier street.
\T7"£DNI£SD A Y, March â), at 11 oc oc* — Will aold, al »I«
» » corner of Mormu and Kogh en *iie«-ta, Tblrd Mum. ipalitjr—
rbacontama ol a FAMILY GHut. EWY STOKJB, «.ou.mung of 1
Finely situated Steam Saw ,11111,
BY J. A. BEARD, Auctioneer,
rTMfUK8D A Y, March 91, Is50, al Iti o'clock—WUl be aold at auc
J tion, at Bank» At ••«de
Valuable STEAM SAW Mff.L uul FA'-M, known aa
W«it Pcari River, '^5 unies
11 d Hai
.■•rpsuied in Uik State, and Ibe facibiln tor obu
HilU Oak, Cypreaa and Pint Log;, bttur than at anj
— glLMJ caah ; trance at one and two year«' credit for
1 nppryved city paper, endo, i^d 1 o the aaiiafaciiou of tbi
Hie naprove&eDU to be kepi iu.ured, aud poiicy transferrei
i of sale before -, Notary Public, at ibe expen»e o
Louisa L1VIMO8TON es. T. H. F cltok ahd N icholas
W all. . . Third District Court of AVic Orleans
an a green
will procte
DAY, Maj
tu<e of a Wut öS Pr rMonal Bei
lonUile tbe Third DUtricl (.'oui
iiititied came. I have ae>i«d pi
1 brtvr-en die partie« interested t
I 1SÖO, -t iu o'clock, A M —
r x ü HOC Eft Y STORE, situated at No S Tcbou]
8heriff of Ibe Parwb of Orleaua.
03- Btiitiiiol Mr-DEBAR..
LUDLOW * barm« M*n'(geia....t»r-M«?i
lid . I.. Vy, 50 .«.U; Ga.teiy.W
JU I.WU . UlllKIl, •» CCUU Bol Offici
...TUIB EVENING, 8atur lay.
pMiormvu a |>rara», en
Principal character* by I
roo: d, Mr. J. M. K eld, Mrs. &. Kussel 1
After wui<-^i, ibe new agony , re, eived ian night with loud latuh-e
rounded on ih« LADY OP LYON8.
Clotl Mr. J. M. Fia!
Pollino Mr. DeBi
To conclu le w» !i LUCK 'S ALL.
Th* Duck Vender Mr. I»eü
Or ßundiy— •' Lukretia Borffia" and - The " orty Tbteres."
19" Tbe i!ntinguiib«d Tngeiliae, Mr. C. D. filT, is euga^«
BOXES and Parquette, 7i ceuU; Uppa* Eoxes, 50
cents.. ..Doora opeu * *
at half-paat 7 pn-ciMly....
paaforined tba Farce entitled
,.TUI8 E 1
cenU. Gallery,
urnlay, will be
üs lollowed by s GKaM) DI V t UTIHhEMENT,
ia winch all the prin:in .1 dancers will appet r.
:er whicb. the Ex'ut^rsim of
Miss Msl'ilk
IRISH JIG, compsos<I by Nînoa. Bouxary,
>, Mmile. Jul * Vallve, Mwi
fingue r W
ORLEANS STREBT, )>etwe<n Ro*al and Bourbou s'recta..
SATURDAY EVENING. March I«. IWO, wlU be pertorinsil U
Grand O^era, in I sur «eu, by Dixnu'U, entitled
Psrtormers, Messrs. Uuluc, Cwadi and Mme. B wn.
[arch 16,1B50—Jockey « lub J
une täüO-Kour mile heai».
ERROR, 1 years old. Rider
ch. &. RH
Ridtr'. dress, .
» T. b. Cioldoby'» RHUBE, by Trust*
)ld. Klder 1 : dress, dark Blue aud Whit
for S3UU, dikUuice SW> yards, between ü
ville duu Pony and a ai»md lloise, wUl
their Badge» at the Ticket
Ba"g«-s, which will cuiitlv
the privileges of the Couise
,ud Ute Ladies of Ihaii pi
■--.•10 UO
COT Commodious and romfortttble Fe'ry Boats leare
Annes, and the Ferry et tue loot of tlie Ponte strain
rice. 5 cents Also, u steamboat, the "Ken Adam«."
loot of C oiddmi
as and .Stands. AI IK.
OLIVER, Proprifti
H3- .itlmisaitin—Uaiea and 8: anils, % I
T^HEOPHH.US FI8KE will «ouünuc hii Banc, of Lectun
A«iooi>hlng EaperiuieuU ai AHMORY H -.LL, Every Ev
except Sunday, upou the newly discovered Sconce ci Fl
tiiology. Perkons from among die audience will be entirely cohUxil'ed
process whatevi r.
»st aatouishing c
mi diseases Mt n<
HT Lectin
e made lo tar ta l'k
. A Uemlaruan aud T'
oiidurl'ul remedial ageut has effeciut
Pal iy, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, and
half-past 7 o'clwk... -Tickets
is. One
mb# if
'The Can
npbelU are Coming."
Comnkerciul Exehanvci vj
tr3- Tnumphaut Success I... Second Week lUfi
W and Every Evening during die Week. H
'litriT TIME in New Orleans ot Iba Campbells' celebrated BUR
LE8Q.UE MUSloitL PROMENADE ; or. The Militin
BO* Foi particulars, see Programme:
! Floor Manager of ike Season, at
i Hal , Lata*ere, wid be mi 6
' EVENING, ffl, ...u«r the
I. N.L. Jerollemai
Wm. C. Terrell,
W. A. Arms,
J. F Rhedes,
Urorge Meosman.
J W. Bendy, Th
M Arpill. D
John if. Wire, Oe
. .. KLOOR MANAtiKKH ...
FratWnca E. Braus, Wiil-m k
W. W. Mcüsriiy, W. W. L>
nt lernen Canis ol Admisafon.Oi
m tbe nveniitg of die Ba l
MR. P- CLISSEY, lata ircm Pana, rMpcclluUy luforms
the Ladies and Gentlemen of this city lhat he will
reopen, on tbe 1st of November, hit Dancing Academy, at
No. 18 Carondelct street, where he will teaoii all the
Danoes that are now in vogue auioug the most fashionable
oinlas in Paris, such as Quadrille», Yalta à dau* Temps,
Valu a cinque Temps, German Polka, Rowa, Moscowiska Polka Ma
aourka, which are tlie only Dances uu* received in the tashiouahle
recommends th«. Matter dance i
D learn those uew Dances can ba
ween 9 and 1 o'cloek. the»
giving private laaoons. lie will aiao give lei
for children, Monday« and Thursdays. H ours from 3 o'clock
pri*»ta famille».
Days f
till d&ik
ien »re recpectfullj Informed that a Claaa will be opened for
i 7 until 10 o'clock arery evening ln the weak,for those who
to perfect thum*>l»eB in a ahort time. Mt. C- r.ngHging to teach
tn dance Quadrille* and WaJtse« In the ^ace uf one inuuih.
I" D»alo»a»of the hradta waiting entirely curad...-Dancing
Botanic drug store, m. 98 camp street,
conducted by D r . A. A. JONES nihil lr
R ICK—15 casks new, for «ale by
'» ft * WIV C fAVI.'m .fi
V- a. HARIHAL'i 1MB.
WII.1.U* C. nenmwiu. t». f. M. tMK*. In til Ctr
zs mm Cr ~"
to nubiic sale, at the Sr. L<«i!* E xcisamr, êt.
pi<« has, or may have, in and to the toiiowuig property,
AH that extent of LAN D âteata in the Parish of Coaourdia,
in this Ktate, lying and being in township number «even,
range nine and ten eaat. district north of Med River, a Vue
sketch whereof ü annexed to a mortgage made an '
by the naid P. M. Lapicc to Jam«« Brown, under
twenty-eighth of April, 1842, and NMl before I
uiann, a notary public m and for the Pariah aad a
Orleans. .
Said Lands comnaencieg op the Miwéaaiupi river, at aboot
one mile below the town of V idalia, and bounded above by
lands of David Latüroore, and running in* uuralW line a dis
lance of about two and a ball miles to Lake Concordia,
and (routing on said Lake about one mile la the line of
Minorca Plantation, belonging to the »ogoaam of btephen
Minor, thence to a point back to Wilbaan Lake and in
continuation running down in the rear of loer Spanish
grants made to Manuel Texada, l^OMrd Ponet, Joaeph
Walker and Peler Walker, and bekmgine to the aaid
Lapice. ttnd thence following the back or doable oonce»
«on n pi ter line of the Aboer L. Dnncaa timet till it
reaches the back line of the Minorca plantation, and in
continuation folio» in« the back dividing bneMif Whitehall
and Minorca plantations to the lower corner of the back con -
cession of the Charles Carter's Spanish grant, dectcaated ou
the above-mentioned sketch as number twenty-three, and
from said back corner running about three mile*, m a straight
line to River Musis»'
the plantation helom
niug up the River —.—
tiie point first started from. Aim, a smart portion er k* of
land in tlie rear of the Joseph Walker tract, containing ninety,
fuor acre-, the whole of the «aid tracta or. parcel« of land con
taining altogetlter about four thou-and six hundred and four
teen acres, and forty-five hundredths of an acre, aa will more
fully appear by reference being had to the above-mentioned
sketch of riaid township. The uiid kinds composing the three
pluniat'on- belonging to said Lapice, and known ander
me of the Whitehall and Arnaud lia olantaûoos. fra®<
1 the River Mwriawppi. and Lake Place, fronting on
L'oncordia, together with all the buildings and imiirove
uicik - and appurtenances lielonging to each of the said three
plantation*, without exception or reservation whatever ; to
gether With tlie following named Slaves, a»t*'*lw«l tn
working on the Whitehall plantation, to wit:
rner running about three miles, in a straight
River MusMppi, and parallel with the upper line of
... ...antat ion belonging to W rlliam Buland, and thence run
niug up tl»e Rivt-r Mçwwtippi about three and a half mile* to
1 Bedley.aged 41 }ean
2 I lavent*, nis wife, aged 31
8 Carry Ann, a*ed ll
4 Baptute, agetl 7
Ke^ey, aged 2
Old Jimey. age<l 61
Denis, aged 27
8 Veney, ageil 2b'
9 Celertine. aged 18 month a
10 .Matilda, aged 23 years
11 Joe Hines aged 23
12 Delphine, aged 2
13 Willis, aged 31
14 Yellow Elsey, aged 2ft
15 Little Jane, aged 11
lti Einanel, a*ed9
17 I,title Wilfi-s aged 4
18 little Delaey, aged 2
19 Old Davy, aged til
20 Old Hannah, aged 01
2! Black Stephen, aged 'Jfy
22 Val Suzan, aged
23 Yellow Ben, agetl 13
24 Little Lewis, aged 23
25 Daniel Cole, aged 31
2ti Yal Liza aged 'Ji
90 Yellow Lewis, aged 33 jrca
91 New Violette, aged 24
92 Bheuherd. aged 27
93 Yellow M ana. aged 26
94 Little l'amelia, aged 13
95 Little Oliver, agtä 11
96 Little Christina, aged 4
97 Little Antoinette, 18 nioa
98 Hartlett, aired 37 year«
99 Kentucky Lncy. aged 28
100 Phihippe, aged 4
101 Shelby, aged 18 months
1 >îi Daw tireeu, aged 31years
103 Matilda Mae. aged 27
104 ( Igelia, aged 3
Ito Fortune, ageil 34
106 VVinney, aged 74
107 Wadbima, aged Lômonthn
f<B4 Ben Dunn, aged 23 yean
109 Caroline. a(?eu 19
110 Little Alfred, aged 2
111 Couper, aged 24
112 Matilda Davis, aged i®
113 Major, aged 18 month»
114 Dilfy, aged 26 years
115 Little I'ataey, aged 5
116 Jim White, aged 31
117 Suckey, aged 26
118 Anaca, aged 3
119 Samuel eevezz, aged 26
— Little Isaac, aged 14 _ .— —
34 Little Crawford, aged 13 :123 Cost Hannah,
36 Little Dan, aged 7
ft> Hatchirés, aged 24
37 George, aged 2H
28 Violelte, aged 31' .lim .frftA 3
-•XT d
124 Little Maria,
12) Coast Henry, aged 9
:ed 34
1^6 Sandy, aged 3
Black Jim, aged 24
40 Little Dave, aged 19
41 Little Mat. aged 17
42 Bill, aged 24
43 Bauer, aged 21
44 Wallace, aged 28
45 Patika, aged 29
46 Liltie Ben, aged 13
47 Little Eddy, aged 4
48 Moœ, aged 26
49 Jane, aged 24
50 Taj lor, aged 39
51 Hefter, aged 26
52 Absolom, aged 5
53 Little Taylor, aged 3
54 Peter Tate, aged 28
55 Kittir, aeeu 31
56 Little Trim, aged 11
j if,
2 Little Alexander
63 Whitney, aged 38
61 Mache!, aged 31
65 Old Anthony, aged 31
66 Pafeey, aged 24
87 Petteuone, aged 31
Patàev, aged 24
Abraham Miller, aged 37
. - Indian Lncy. aged 31
71 Little Mima, aged 4
72 Jim Brown, aged 41
73 Einehne. aged 21
— JRack Maria, aged 31
128 Old Natt, a^ed 41
129 Little Matilda, aged 31
Little Natt,
Little Liza, agei
Leonard, aged 2.
133 Gentleman Joe, aged 25
134 Betrey. aged 24
135 Reno, aged '.ih
1-% Peg 1
136 Peggy, aged SI
137 Little Margarette. aged 11
138 Little Catherine, aged 2
139 Old Ned, aged a6
140 Tempy, ageil 40
141 John Pig, aged 2b
142 Anna, aged 21
143 Ali<ina, aged 7
144 Azor, aged 4
145 André, aged 18 monthî
146 Bob Randall, aged 'Jb ylrs
147 Little Nancy, aged 31
148 Saint Loui* Jack,
149 Black Elsey, aced 'SO
150 Advan, aged lv
151 Sinthey. aged 11
153 Daniel Stock, aged 28
153 Mary, aged 2\
154 Edrick, aged 2
156 Warren, aged 18
156 Old Dicy. aged 41
157 Milford, aged 23
1Ô6 Wilev, aged 18
159 Old fanny, aged 46
160 Britt, aged 19
red 38
7t> Eben, aged 3
8 J Old Amey, aged 31
81 Little Henry, aged 14
82 Little Sally, aged 10
83 Little Sally, aged 19
84 Little Nancy, aged 2
85 Big Bob, aged 33
8b M ill y Green, aged 26
8" Thompson, aged 25
163 Little Clariesa. aged 3
164 Mongee, aged 17
165 Chancy, aged 23
lti6 New Sally, aaed 19
167 Melinda. ago
ChÂTagêd 34
173 Lucy Mac, aged 27
1~4 Frank, a?ed V
175 Yellow William, aged 21
176 Mace, aged 26
177 Diana, aged 9
ch Lucy, s
178 Marshall, aged 3
Also, the following named Slaves, attached to, and
in, the Arnaudlia plantation, to wit :
1 David, uged 38 years | 58 Cinthy, aged 33
at work
- V
3 Hannah, aged 11
* Venus, aged 6
Mary, aged 28
Richmond, aged 25
' aged 24
7 Lit Ue Elise;
8 Sarah. agi
9 Alfred, aged 2
■ Aap
la Ann, agi
13 Black Jim, aged 26
14 Big Elsey, aged 43
15 Minerva, aged 16
16 Betsey, aged 11
•7 Homochitte Jun, aged 29
22 I .ittle Pelsey, aged 18
23 Ellen, aged 2
24 Cornelia, aged 14
25 Henry, aged 7
26 Louis, aged 26
27 Kitty, aged 31
28 Nathan, aged 16
29 Dick, aged 29
30 Diana, aged 24
31 Charles Ivy, aged 2
94 Morgan, aged 2Ü
95 Willis, agetl 18
08 Phtebe, aged 24
99 Wiöiam, aged 7
102 Adam Cla
»'the, aged IB
il Ferriby, aged 2
iS Ned. aged 2ft
• 6 Louina, aged 26
37 Sandy Jack, aged 3B
b8 Beckey Orca, aged 28
* 'lïzy, aged 13
aria, aged 10
41 Ariel, aged 5
42 Margaretta. aged 3
43 Harry, aged 44
44 New Harriett, aged 27
45 Smith, aged o
46 Big Tom. agetl 37
47 N ew Beckey, aged 25
48 Je»e, aged 3
60 Dabney, agetl 3 mouth*
00 Jini I'att, aged 13 years
51 William, aged 30
52 Miily, agecf"3
43 Little Tom, aged 29
04 Viny, aged 33
55 Peter Boy, aged 16
56 Washington, aired 13
57 Octavia, aged 3
Also, the following named Slave», belonging to, and at work
mi, the Lake plantar*'—
1 Steuben, aged 41
2 Violette, aged 36
I 59 Caroline, aged 11
' tiO Emannel, aged 5
; 61 Elizabeth, aged 3
i Bob. aged ^
! 63 Berüieba. aged 38
; 64 Ana. aged 13
: 65 John Pagre, a"ed 28
; 66 Dorcas, aged 44
I 67 Little ioe, aged 19
' 68 Moses, aged 17
I 69 George, aged 15
I 70 Lncy, aged 14
71 Black Tom. a®ed 24
I 72 Snckey, aged 27
i 73 Renben, aged 5
T4 Simon, aged 23
i 75 Sophy, aged 19
7tf Phill. aged 15
i 77 Henney. atred 38
78 Livy, aged 18
79 Nelson, aged 24
80 Harriett, aged *
1 81 Pager, aged 8
I 82 William, aged 6
S3 Dro ni e ll a, aged 4
84 Anthony, aged 29
&5 Little Dorcas, aped 29
86 Old George, aged 46
i 87 Old Liaha, aged 51
88 Horace, aget
ini Clark, a
Caleb, aâed 24
104 Charles Black, aged 19
105 Edmond Payne, aged 20
106 Quilla Black, aged 30
107 Mos«, aired h
108 Sandy Black, aged 21
109 Martin, aged 24
tlO Violett, aged 21
111 George, aged 18 months
4 Martha, agetl 5
5 Harvey, aged 33
Indiana, agetl 29
9 Mary, aged -J
10, aged 2
11 Pleasant, aged 24
12 Polly, aged 23
13 Sarah, aged 4
14 Margarette, aged la months 41 Maria, aged 8
15 Geo Jackson, aged 51 years142 Mary, aged 5
16 Venus, aged 51 li0 •
17 Isabella, agetl 16
18 Moses, agetl 26
30 Andrew, aged U
31 Edmund, aged 8
32 Henry, agea 26
;33 Vina, aged 19
34 Ijonis. aged 29
|86 Big Amey, ajred 89
36 Aaron, liged 33
37 Sinthy Bowman, aged 26
38 Bob, aged 6
39 Ned, aged 27
40 Dels la, aged 23
ad 27
22 Jim News, aped 46
. aged 41
is, aged 15
U. i
34 Fra
25 Roxanna, aged 10
26 Maria Jeanne, aged 8
27 Nathan, aged56
46 Sophy, aged 22
}47 Tonny, aged 20
|48 William, aged 30
Randal, aged 20
50 Joshua, aged 22
151 Little Stephen, aged 22
52 Jacob, aged 21
53 Isaac, aged 14
1 54 Geo Lattiinore, aged 46
- r _ c _ ; Sugar PLANTATION, logeüier with
all the buildings aud improvements thereon aud appurtenances
thereunto belonging, aituated in the parish of St. Jam««
in this State, on the western bank of the river Misaiaaippi
about äixty miles above the city of New Orleans; bounded or
the upper line by the plantation of Pierre Richard, and on the
other line by a trt * ' — ' •'
consisting of four
acripiiou, to
1st. A certain tract or parcel of LAND, measuring,
or less, six arpents front on the river Missistjppi, by a depth
of eighty arpents, the Side lines closing considerably towards
the rear; the same hen if bounded on the upper Hide by the
property of Pierre Richard, as belore stated, and on the lower
side by lands hereafter,mentioned.
2d. Another tract of LAND, measuring fourteen arpents,
>r le», fronton the river Mississippi, by a depth of eighty
la, the side lines down* mora or tes towards the rear.
Auother tract ot LAND, measuring ten arpent?, more
or le.*, front.on said river Mississippi, by a depth of eighty
arpenta, the side lines closing more or lew towaida the rear; |
bounded on one side by the landa formerly belonguig to Henry
Johnson and now to the *aid Lapice.
4th. Another pan el of LAND, measuring about four ar
pent* front on the said Mississippi river, by eighty arpents
_ waMMaMT'' '
Sepih: Unlniietl on the ni.per side by property atove ihirdly
described, and on the lower side by landa of widow Valavaae;
together with tlie following negro SLAVES, belonging to,
and at work on, the said Sugar Plantation, to wit :
1 Solomon, aged about
2 Charlotte, aged 28
3 Robert, aged 14
4 Kitty, aged 7
5 John Baity, a^ed 36
6 Emily, aged 39
7 Maria, agetl 14
8 Litty, aged 11
9 John,aged 8
10 Sandy, agetl 31
12 Henry Collins, aged 20
13 Ellen, aged 16
14 Ann. aged 15
17 St. James, aged 6
18 Jim Darius, aged 43
19 Judy, aged 42
fcO William, aged 24
21 Damael, agetl 16
22 Jim, aged 11
23 Malvina, aced 9
24 Phebe. aged 21
25 Aldiiminda. aged 3
26 Big Robin, aged 36
27 Dolly, aged 31
26 Rachel, aged 17
29 Hannah, aged 14
30 Onia, aged 11
laarjr, agad 5
44 McHurry, aged 16
43 Mathilda, aged 11
44 Enoe, aged 8
4o Maurice, aged 3
46 Ci/ar, ag^3t
47 Nancy, aged 24
»8 Patrick, aged 02
50 Caroline, aged 36
fx S"S îf^ "
M Eilet, aged 81
55 \\ alter. a«ed M
* S""*. r ^? ,ry r 'O' 19
bl Edmuud Johnaon, agad 20
62 Anw, aged 26
|W Bickey. aged 7
aged fi
y, aged 22
«fe- I
89 Mir. ».«136
Jaul! iced abont 18 month, ;ï ^Lon H^d 2
§ I ä仫 i lÄäif" 73
l, tffd 08
iîv A
iu imp
) 11| Wyaa, MÊ
*, aged IB 1M Suzaoe, aged 23
>o, aged K >117 Piprii, aged 28
.and 18 ■ '
m Thooiaa, a_ I ___——_
" 120 Ben Johnaon, aged '<&
85 Sma
8K E'jw
or Sany,
122 ÈdSSidf^m) 33
123 Baptiste, asred 56
Henry Hheilon,
Andenon, aged
Iphonea. aged 31
L aged
B obert
m fri
93 Reuben Nevitt, aged 3t
94 Lacy, aged 38
97 Jim Mi tel »el, aged 13
86 <ieorj;e, aged 28
101 MÜSÜa^Sq .
102 Matilda, aged 41
1C3 George W», aged 2
104 William Colaom, age
ire Rhodt-, aged 44
106 Ben Ilay, aged 35
KH Anna, aged ■
108 John ^ufler, aged 38
109 Lititia, aged 77
.j, aged 35
ia nips
132 Lancelot, aged 20
133 Mary, aged 35
131 Hannah, aged 20
1 M illy Ann. aged 37
Eatnck. aged 11
larjr. aged 6
145 Annette, aged 18
14b' Annette Child, and berin
113 Tilda, aged 29 147 WOiam or Bill. 27
. AM^ßltay acre* and sixty hnndradiiu of an acre o-'
LAND, being the ea?t haKof aontb-eaatqnaoeraection lam
ber hlty-one. m township twelve, août h of range r.iteen east,
as per reruficate number 1765. issued by A. Sidney Lewi«,
I. mied ft täte« Receiver of Public Moneys in New Orteanr,
dated the twenty aecood of August, eifbt'en hundred aufl
ALt:o--Three hondred and twMty-two acres and twenty.
four hundredth* of an acre of LAND, beinz the lotï number*
futir, bra, six and aeven, ot section number forty-nine in town
ship number twe've, south of range number nfteen east, as
per certificate namber 1674, of the »aid Sidney Lewi*. Re
ceiver of Public Moneys in New Orleans, dated the twenty
llurd of January, 1840.
1 Also—A certain tract of LAND situated in the said Par
wh ot f't. James, bounded on the upper side by the fourth
tract of land above described aa part of tbe sogar plantation
n the >atd parish ot 8l James, and on the lower line to a
depth of fbrty arpents, by land* belonging to the Cantrelie
Church, and from thence on the name line bounded by lands
of Mrs. Poeyfarm, said tract of land measnring three arpents
front on the Mississippi by a depth between parallel lines of
eighty arpents.
The whole of the said Lands, Plantations and Slave*,
abox t described, being the same that are set forth and deacri
bed in an act ot Antichriua thereof, made by the said P. M .
Lapice to Jamee Brown ou the thirteenth dar of May, in the
year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, before Lu
cien Hermann, a Notary Public in and tor the City and Parish
of New Orleans, and now of record in hia office; and the
said Slaves and Landa are herein described as they were at
the date o* the said act of Antichriais. The ngbt, title and
interest of the said Lapice now intended to be sold, ia his
equity of redemption in all the Lands, Plantations and Slaves
as above deK-ribed. and pledged to <be aaid James Biown by
the »aid act of Antichrisis : and all his right, title and interest
in all and everjjjif the «aid Lands, Plantations and Slave«,
in reversion or nlierwiae, aiter the payment of tlie aam of
Four Hundred Thonsand Dollars to the said James Brown,
as stimulated 111 said act of Antichmis, or such part thereof a
may be due at the time of tlie sale. And alter the ex tin
gnishinent of all bona ßde mortgages that may lie actually
«me and recorded in the aaid Parishesof Concordia and St.
James previous to the Judicial Mortgage of the idainutl,
arising from the recording of this jodginent in said Parishes.
Term* and Conditions of Salt—L ash, payable at tlie
time of abdication Deed of aale at the expense of the
U. S. Marshal's Office. East District of Louisiana, New
Orleant, Februar / 18, I80Ü.
_ . WILLIAM S. SCOTT, Ü. S. M arshal ,
fy23, mh2, 9,16, 23, 9). East District of Ixmiiàaca.
Vente par le Marslial «lea Etnta-Unie.
Willem C. P ickcr 8 G 1 LL vs . P. M. L apicï... Cour de
Circuit des Etats Cnis pmir le cinquième Circuit et
iJistrirt Oriental de la lMuisiane No. 1193.
EW vertu d'an alius writ de fieri facias à moi addressee
dans l'afiaire ci-deaans. j'ai saisi et j'exposerai en vente
publique, à la Boarae St. i/ouis, entre le> nu* de Chartre» et
Royale, dana la Nouvelle- Orteana, rfAAlEDi, le trente (30)
Mar*, 1850, â l'heure de midi prêciae—
Le droit de rémérer et tons les antra« droits, titrer., on inté
rêt« en reversion on antres que le dit 1'. M. Lapice a on pent
avoir aux propriétés suivantes savoir :
Toute 1 étendue de TERRE située dana la paroisae Con
cordia dans cette Etat, se trouvant et étant dans le tovenship
numéro sept ; rangée neuf et diz ù rest, dans le district an
nord de la Rivière Rouge, suivant un nl&n correct annexe à
une hypothèque faite et executée par le dit P. M. Lapice en
faveur de James Brown, en date du vingt-hnit Avril, 1842, et
passée devant Lucien Hermann, notaire public, dans et pour
la uaroiase et ville de la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Les dit« terres commencent an bords du fleuve Mississippi,
an mille K-peu-prts an ban de la ville de Vidaiia, et sont bor
née? au dessus par les terra de David Lattimore ; et s'éten
dent snr une ligne oarallêle a la distance d'a-peu-prés deux
milles et demi jusqu au lac t'oncordia, et donnent sur le dit lac
à-peu pres un mi.le jai-jn.i la borne de David Lattimore, et
a'eteodent spr une ligue parallèle àia distance d r.-\ 'en-près
deux iniHes et demi jusqu'au lac Coucordia, et donnent m r le
dit lac à-peu-prés un mille ju.«qu'à la borne de l'habitation
Minorca, appartenant a la succession de Stephen Minor ; de
là à une pointe derrière jusqu'au lac de Williams et de plus
concessions Espagnoles faites à
'omet. Joseph Walker et Pierre
dit Lhpice, et de la suivant la
e de la limite f
. _ de la concession double de l'habt
de Abner L. Duncan, jusqu'à ce qu'elle alteigne n la
ligne de profondeur de l'habitation Minorca, et en continuant
elles sui vent les lignes de derrièrequi diviaeot les habitations
Whitehall et Minorca jusqu'à la liante inférieure tfe la double
concesbion de la concession Espagnole de Charles Ci
signee sur le ulan ci-de«us mentionne comme le
vingt-trois, et de la dite limite inférieure elles ae trac«
distance d'environ trois milles en lirne droite au Mississippi et
parallèles à la ligne supérieure de l'habitation apparten
\V r illtain Bust an, et de la montant le flenve Mississippi
virou trois milles et demi a l'endroit indique enpremiaL
Aus-i uue petite portion ou Lot de Terre derrière celle de
Jos. Walker, mesurant quatrevingt-quatorze acres. Tousles
dttsjotsou portions de terre contenent ensemble environ quatre
et composant les Trois habitations de
la plant
chacune des dites t
. . ation quelcoc
à la dite plantation
1 Reéley , âge de 41 am
2 Davens, 31 ans
3 Carry Aim, 11 ans
4 Baptiste, 7 aus
5 Kesey, 2 an-,
6 Old Jimey, 61 au*
7 Denis, 27 ans
8 Veney, 26 ans
9 Cele5tine, age de 18 u
10 Matilda, âgé de 23 ai
11 Joe llines, 23 ans
12 Delphine. 2 ans
13 Willis, 31 ans
14 Yellow EÎ^y, 26 ans
15 Little Jane, 11 ans
1Ü Emancl, 9 ans
17 Litile Willis, 4 ans
18 Utile Delsev, 2 an»
19 Old Davy, 61 ans
20 Old Hannah, 6l a
s plantation... Sans excepium
'aveu les esclaves attachés
y travaillant, et dont Wa
23 Yellow Ben, 13 an»
24 Litlle Lewis, 23ana
25 Daniel Cole, 81 ans
26 Y al Li/a. 26 ans
2? Coast Ned, 26
30 Demsep, 41 ans
34 Little Crawford, 13 ana
35 Little Dan, 7 ana
36 Hatchirè«. 24 ans
37 George, 2b ans
38 Violette, 31 ans
39 Black Jiui, 2A ans
40 Little Dave, 19 an%
41 Liltie Mat, 17 ans
42 Bill. 24 ans
43 Bauer, 21 ans
44 Wallace. 28 ans
45 Panka. Jè ans
46 Liltie Beil, 13 ans
47 Little Edey, 4 ans
48 Mo*». 26 aiw
49 Jane, 24 ans
50 Taylor, 39 ana
51 Hestrr, 26 ain
52 Absolom, 5 aus
53 Little Taylor, 3 an»
54 Peter Täte, 26 ans
55 Kittv, 31 ana
56 Little Trim, 11 ans
57 Little Ruben, 9 ana
58 Little Isabella, 18 ans
59 Long Joe, 26 ans
60 Little Suzan, 26 ans
61 Little Anthony, 3 ans
62 Little Alexander. 2 aus
68 Whitney, 38 ans
64 Machel, 31 ai»
65 Old Anthony,31 ana
66 Fatoey, 24ans
67 Petteuone, 31 ans
68 I'atse y , 24 ana
69 Abraham Millar, 37 ar
70 Indian Lucy, 31 ana
71 Little Mhna, 4 ans
72 Jim Brown, 41 ans
73 Eire line, 21 aus
74 Coiistane, 3 ana
75 Little Peter, 17 ans
76 Eben, 39 ans
77 Big Liza, 39 aus
78 Punch. 19 ans
79 Old Jerdan, 41 ans
80 Old Amey, 31 ans
81 Little Heury, 14 aus
85 Big Bob, 83 ans
86 Milly Green, 26 an"
87 Thompson, 25 ans
88 John Adams, 39 aua
89 French Lucy 28 ans
I 90 YeUowLewis,àgé
91 New Violette, 24;
j 92 Shepherd. 27 ans
93 Yellow Maria, 2t5
94 Little Pamel.a, 13
; 95 Little Oliver, 11 u
S 96 Little Chrwtiua. 4
! 97 LiitJe Antoinette. 18 mois
! 98 Banlett, 37 ans
; 99 Kentucky Lucy, 28 ana
1100 Phillippc, 4 ana
101 Shelby, 18 mois *
il02 Dar. Green. 31 ana
103 Matilda Mac, 27 ana
,104 Ogeiia, 3 ana
105 Fortune, 34 ans
1106 Wimey, 74 ans
j 107 Wadhims, 15 mois
j 1C8 Ben Dunn, 23 ans
' 109 Caroline. 19 ans
110 Little Alfred, 2 ans
1111 Cooper. 24 ans
112 Matilda DaviH, 28 ana
113 Major. 18 moi*
1114 Dilly, k8 aus
1115 Little Pat*ey,6aiw
116 Jim White, 31 aus
1117 Suckey, 'X ans
118 Anaca. 3 ana
1119 Samuel Severv, 26 ane
120 New Fanny, 26 ans
121 Nelson, 38 au«
11^3 Ester. 26 ans
1 123 Coat Hannah, 31 ans
124 Little Maria, 18 ana
' 125 Coast Henry, 9 ans
126 Sandy. 33 ana
127 Black Maria, 31 ans
; 128 Old Nat, 41 ana
129 Little Matilda. 31 ans
1130 Liltie Nat, 15 ans
1131 Little Liza, 16 ans
. 132 Leonard, 21 aus
: 133 Gentleman Joe, 25 ana
! 134 Betsey.24ana
; 135 Reno, 36 ans
:136 Peggy, 31 ans
137 Little Margarette, 11 ans
138 Little Catherine, 2
189 Old Ned. 50 ans
,140 Tempy, 40 aas
1141 John riff, 26 ana
142 Anna, 21 ans
143 Als na, 7 ans
145 Andre, 18 moi»
146 Bob Randal, 15 ans
147 Little Nancy. SI an:
148 St. Louis Jauk.38 a
149 Black Elaey, 28 ana
150 Advan, 19 ans
IÔ4 Edrick, 'J ans *
I m Warren. 18 auù
156 Old Dicy, 4i ans
157 M il tord, ^3 una
158 Wiley, 18 an.»
159 Old tanny, 46 ar
16U Britt, 19 ana
l61 Linie Auuy, 21 a
|62 Liltie Mary, 4 an
l68 Little Clar*»a. 3 :
164 r
19 a
165 Chancy, 28
166 New really
167 Melinda, 24
168 Jim Ruter, & ans
169 Arch, *4) ana
170 Biç Isaac, 31 ana
171 Cellia. 15 ana
172 Chaik*. 24 ans
173 Lucy Mac, il aiu
174 Frank, 9 ana
175 Yellow William, 21 1
176 Mace, 26 ana
177 Iliana, 9 ana
178 Marshal), 3 ana.
" ««"i»
}? Black Jim, 2b
14 Big Elsey. 43
Î& Minerva, 16 a
«2 Betsey, 11 ai
Ainsi que lea esclaves
l'habitation Arnaudlia ai
1 David, âgé 38 ana
2 Betsey, ÜB ana
3 Hannah, 11 ans
4 Venus, 6 ans
5 Mary, 28 ans
6 Richmond, 25 ana
attaches et travatallnt a
58 Cinthy, hg« 38 ans
59 Caroline, Il ana
«0 Emanuel, 5 ans
i, 3ans
Kicbmoud, JS uu
Little Ellsey, 24 a__
8 Sarah, 6 ans
9 Alfred, 2 ans
10 Robert, 24 ans
11 Little Peggy, 26 ana
12 An -
travaillant an»
41 (M
22 Little Pelaey, 18 ana
23 Ellen, 2 ans
24 Cornelia, 14 aua
25 Henry, 7 an«
26 Lanis, 26 aus
27 Kitty, 81 ans
28 Nathan, 16 ans
92 Dick. 28 an»
! ' : >.
V ! hi"
erriby, 2
S Sandy Jack, ©ans
Beckey Orca, 2B ana
39 Lizzy. 18 ana
40 Maria, 10 ani
41 Arlet, 5 ans
42 Margarette. 8 am
48 Harry, 44 an»
44 New Harriett. 27 an;
45 SmiUi, 5 ana
46 Big Tom. 87 aua.
47 New Beckey, 25
48 Je»e, 3 an»
y, 3 11101»
52 Milly, 29 ana
,»J * I ! ! M
1 .
64 Viny,_38
Peter Boy. lb an»
Washington, 13 an»
I» BerJieba.Mant
64 Ann, 18 ans
fô John Pagre, 28 ans
66 Dorcas. 44 ana
67 Little Joe, 19 ana
68 Mo*". 17 ana
69 (ieorge, 16 am
71 Black Tom. 1Î4 ans
72 Suekey, 27 ans
73 Reuben, 5 an»
74 Simon, 23 an&
75 Sophy. 19 am
76 Phill. 15 aua
77 Henney, 88 anp
78 Livy,liana
79 Nelson. 24 am
80 Harriett, 25 ana
81 Pager. 8 ana
82 William, 6 ana
83 Drouaella, 4 an*
84 Anthony, 'J9 ana
85 Little Dorca«. j» ans
8ü Old George, 46 aus
87 Old Liaha, 51 ana
88 Horace. 88 aw
89 Ben Dublin. £9 an*
9b Big Jpe_ 49 ana
91 lxmg Joe, al an*
92 y orte. 4* an»
ya John Bobhs. 31 ana
% hfm.'otî'ï.u.
96 Phœbe. 24 an»
99 Williain v 7 ans
100 Euphemia, 2 ana
"" Old Hain peon, Ulan»
Adam Clark, 25 an»
108 Caleb. 24 ans
104 Charlea Black, 19 ana
106 Edmond Pagor, 20 ans
t uiUa Black, 80 aua
22 an»
Black, 81 ans
10 Violett, 21
. 18 mois
S3 am
14 MaffWeOir.lfiwc
1$ G«orre iaek»on. a
16 Venn«, 61 aw
S« & u| ana
17 Isabella. 1
18 Maaes,
A Dick, M am
21 ana
22 Jim Serf*. 16 ana
» Henn er, *na
24 Frane**, 1" an«
ft Ro?aM»a, W» iwr
2 Ä War.% Jearï^, 9 an t
ÏÏ >i.tihaft,66ans
iS Hetty, age 46 ana
m Mar/, 1» ana,
30 Andre*, 11 am
31 Edward,8 an»
8E|zk -
( nor, 5 aoa
At , JÎ nm
\48 Wiffi.r. y* ane
<48 Randal. <-i ana
(.'/» Jerboa, 22 ana
f^tt^ rf«ei>he«, 3Ba«i
m Jacob, M Ml
Inuc., 14 am
IÔ4 Geerge Lai umare. 4Sam.
dite plantation, laquelle est aft née e« la i
en cet Etat e» Mir la rive oœet do flenve .mrwtiptn a pe« près
asoàxente miles an à*n<n < de la ' ille de In NonveHe-UrfAuw.
La dite plantation bornée sur la Kfne«azérie«» par la plan
tation de Pierre Richard, et sor la ligne inférieure par nn lot de
terre appartenant à Msdame Vve. E. VaLiva^e, coaüent
qoatre lots on morceaux de ter»; de ia dencription suivante,
1 o. Un certain Lot on Morceau de Terre mentnant au ar
pents idns oc moins fa ce au ßer:ve M»a»sippi, sur one profon
deur de quai»-vingt» arpents, e.itre lignes ne rap; n *
«déraillement vei» le tond ; le «fit lot £taat bottas
wdémhlement vers le to*»d ; te dit lot étant bornas Ktr la ligne
«upéneeiw par ia pvopriété de FVrre Riehe ri sins* qeil !et ;
dit ci-dewa.1, et wr la lig* inférieure par fe. lots detenu plu»
"* fl IT . M _
2». Un autre Moroeari de Terre mesantatfrsatorze arpents
In. nn mniu f*M m A« nu . MiaUn« ...... .-.-7 I
a face an fleuve Mhwippl,
r ane profondeur de qcatre
4®. Un Mi
ensemble avec les Esclaves suivants appartenant
et travaillant tnr la due plantation sncrière. favoir
75 Dick, âgé d'environ 15ana
1 Solomon, âgé 33 a
76 Guinea Ben, 66
77 Arthur, HI
2 Charlotte. '2b an?
ft John Daily, 96 an?
6 Emily, 30 an*
7 Maria, H ans
8 Litty, 11 ans
9 John. 8 ans
10 Handy, 31 ait»
U Kitty. 48 ana
U Henry CoDitr«, 30 ans
U Ellen, 16 ans ...
14 Ann, 15 am
15 Elizabeth, 13 ans
16 Robert, 10 an*
17 St. Je me«. 6 ans
18 Jim Daria«, 43 ans
19 Jotly.4^ an»
S) William, 24 ans
21 Dnnvel, 16 ans
22 Jim. 11 ua*
■a Mafvinn, 9 im
34 Ph^oe, 21 an»
2ô Abiaminda, 3 ans
2H Bip Robin, 36 ans
Dolly, 31 ana
28 Rache». 17 hm
^9 Hannah. 14 an*
30 Onia. Il ana
31 Heary, 5 an»
32 Basil, 18 mois
33 Jackson. 25 ans
34 Bet>ey Thomirmn, 41 ans
35 George, 17 ans
36 Diana, 14 ans
37 Zelia, 11 air
38 Zick. 8 ans
ValsiD, :-4 ans
40 Elte 7 -. 19 ani
41 Eîi/a, 43 ans
42 Sarah, 20 ans
43 McHurry, 16 ans
44 Mathilda, 11 ans
45 Enoi, 8 aus
46 Maurice, d ans
47 Cizar, 38 ans
48 Nancy. 24 an t
49 Patrick , ô2 ans
50 Caroline, 36 ans
51 RiclianLion, 17 ans
52 Willis, 15 an»
53 Kaac, 8 aiu
54 Millv, 66 ans
55 E ick, 31 ans
56 Walter, <5 am
" Walt« Jerry. 19 ans
Marinh Rea .uig, 30 ans
Kine, 30 ans
WJ ïieorge. 11 aits
61 Joneptun«. 7 ans.
6d Edmond Johnson, 20 aus
63 Aney, 26 ans
64 Bickey, 7 ans
Margarette, Saas
78 Maria, '80 ans
79 Charlotte, 14 ans
80 Haan', à) ans
al Louisa Maiding, 36 ana
82 Othello. 16 ana
83 Daniel, 18 ans
84 William Thomas, 28 a
8> Sina er Swy, 20 ana
86 Edward. 16 mois
* t.C an«
., San*
■on, M am
> Alphonse. 81 au«
:^l Hei-retia. 22 aua
92 Jölictt, 4 ana
98 Reuben Neritt. 33 ana
A 94 Lucy. 33 ans
96 Peter Union, 43 ans
W Maïia, 39 an«
97 Jim Mitche!, 13 ana
ri ^ George, 38 ans
99 Ann, 9 ans
. loö Martha 6 ans
101 Marft, 41 ara
102 Matilda. 41 an*
103 G«-or;' Hoiha, 27 .ms
104 William C«.üon, 37 mb
106 Rhody, 44 Ml
106 Ben Haj, 35 ans
107 Ani:a.53ana
108 John Palier. 38 ana
H09 Litiua, 3- um
jUO Lewis, .8 :«fts
til fanny. 28 ana
. 112 Gape. 3> ans
113 Tiitia, 'JÜ ans
114 Oid Jack, 61 ans
115 Wyatt, 35 ans
116 Snzane.23 9
1 Pkwn,3&aiü
1 Mot». 24 ans
! m Pi
M M =
119 Jim River, 35
Salir, 35 anr
70 Rachel, 7 ans
71 Wilson. 2 ans
K Old Sandy. 73 ar
73 Peter. SU ans
74 OU llunM. 9j >
iO Ben JohBrôn, 3t5 am
121 Adam, 28 ans
i'sJ Kdrnnnd, 33ana
'123 Baptixe. 58 ans
124 Henry Sheiton, 25 ana
\m MivbeL 26 ana
1^6 Henry Robiiwon, 35 ans
1 -7 Robert Turner, 29 ana
; 128 Tommy. 27 aus
129 Jo'ut il ohne-, 33 ans
m William, 1 Maria,) £ an»
131 Nat, 42 aua
j 132 Lancelot, 20 ana
1© Mary. 25 ana
! 134 Hannah, 20 ans
135 Deily, 16 moi»
136 Harvey. 30 ans
137 ililiy Ann. 37 ans
138 Patrick. U ans
Ijy Mary, 6 an»
I4i) Ry at*, 4 ana
141 Peggv. 45 an*
1Î2 Lmeline, l^ana
143 Archr. ans
144 Angelina. 50 an»
145 Amine, 18 ans
146 AI-neue ChiW et enfant
147 William or Bill, 27 ans
Auwi. quatre-vingts a- res et «axante ccniiime* d'actes de
terre, étant la moitié Eit du quart afeetion Sud-E^t No. cin
quante et nn dana le Township No. duczeaui Sud du rang
Est No. qeinze. ainsi ou'il appert par le certificat No. 13®,
igné et délivré par A. Siilney Le w», collecteur des monnaie»
iublk|uesdes Ltat> Uni- en la ville de la Nouvelle Orléai.s,
ous date de vingt deux Août a. d. mille huit cent quarante.
Auw-i, trois cent vingt-deax a. res et vingt-quatre cetitién«
'acres de Terre, comprenant les lots No. quatre, cinq, mi
t sept de la section No. qoaraiit^-neuf dan» le Towuahip Na
douae au Sud iluraiig L«t No. qninze, ain«i qu'il apin-rt par
le certificat No. 1614, sous date du -.mat-trotu Janvier 184' ,
signé et délivre par A. Sidney Lewi«, collect
publique! eu la ville de ta Nouveile-Or-Can*.
Jacques, bon.. ^ 1 —
deaerits comme lésant partie de la plantation -uenère ûtueeei.
la susdite paroisse, et sur la ligne inférieure jusqu'à la i ro lea
den r de quarante arpents- par di • OTtpi appartenant é rEgHse
de Cantrelle et de la sur ia inéme ligue par des terres apparte
nant & M. S. Poey farré ; le dit lot de terre mesure trois arpentî
face au Missisùppi -nr une profondeur de quatre-vingts arpents
entre lignes pataléNes.
Tontes les terres, plantations, esclaves, etc. , dont la descrip
tion precede sont les nie nies qui sont dans un act<
d'aotichriair. des diti immeubles passe par devant Luciei.
Hermann, no»-üre public, en et pour la ville et parois de lu
Nouvel le- Ork'-. vis, bous date dn treize Mai, mil huit cenî
uuaran e trou», par P. M. Lapice, eu faveur de James Brown
Le dit acte lésant actuellement partie des documents cor «serve
et enregistrés au bureau dn sn-^lit notaire ; de plus les b-rre
et les esclaves sont ci-dedaus demerit* comme elles étaient et t
la d ite du snstlit acte d'atitichri-i<. Lt>droits, titres et intérêt
dn dit P. M. Lapice maioteiin'-' offerts en vente sont le droit
de re merer dan« les terres et le» esclaves ci-dessus descrits, er
gage» et hypothéquésen^favenr du dit James Brown parle
la im ne supérieure parks lots ei-des*u
tables qui aont actuellement ediuc* et en registree^ dans le*
parohai de (,'oucordia et de St. Jaeqnai de date plus accienne
que l'hypothèque judiziere provenant de Penregistremeni
par le. plaignant, du present jugement dans le* susdite» pa
T erm» kt C ondition«—Comptant, payable Ion de l'ad
Actes île ventes au frais de l'actuiéranr.
ireau du Marcha) de» EjaKi-l uis, district de l'est Etat de
>ui»iaiie, Nouvelle-Orléans Février 18, 1850.
WILLIAM S. SCOTT. Marshal des Etala-Unis.
p-y CÀimON-— I>er»,Hê Ruptured 'hjuld Jrt e
_ ictfrUy aguxnai Sl>an±uli "
adapted TRlXS.
0 security agßinat StiwitfuUHml Htrni a, <cUA all ltd karr or«, fa*
SHERMAN'S n «, p a um TRUSS
TN ALL ordinary cases, a cure ia wanranted: in bad c ases
1. eiwe and comfort. Made and adjusted by the
lightebt, most ebutic and conilbriaUie instrument in use lor the
cure of the wokb complaint—the beannf-down feeliug at the
bottom of the atoi aach. weakneee of the lungs, «atle and back,
the whites, etc. In pregnaney, its u* prevents miscanria^t
—in fact, it b indispensable to the comfort of every delicate
female. If any dout>t tbe efficacy of this supporter, they ear.
be referred to tne wite of a very celebrated physician of thia
city, who ia now using one with perfect satiMaelioa»,- after try
ing several other oatent supporters without any relief. Phyai
cians are resi«euuully invited to i-.ill and examine the instru
ment at the proprietor's, 70 St. Charit» sueeL
tn my uraeuoü, I iia*e bad uciw;im tu tï^oiio» aud apply all tb<
b.M*ud Abdondual fupporusr« iu uee, and hn*e fouud uoueeo »el:
adapted to impart relief and cutuiurt lo the afflincd ac Mr. Hierman'»
Philadelphia. Aug. lä. 1M9. WM. ANDERSON, M D
For üjioo years 1 «m alftictt- with U m worn b couiplaûjt— part ol
tha '»«if- cuofiocd to ciy "ed. My ».iHeringa wen. vary great. No
tlùug relieved uie, until I gut one of Mr. Sherman'■ Abdominal But
portire. It e<.atiled 1110 to wurk about tbe buuaï, and regain ma foi
îner b»Mt and tWfulneee. Mr. VriUUM^UK,
Auel« «t. l*J9. ^hih »ire»i. PhlladWabi«.
. """• * ~ "™' For weakias* of the che-»«
i almelilci^ from fatline for
J ^ jhaiuber in which th« In
heart are contained, and ^ivt
lléfMH —
spine, back, etc. It prevent» the ahoaldcr"
ward 00 the cheat, expands the chamber in — 1 -
and heart are contained, and gives buoyancy and vigor to th<
whole frame—thus eouuteraeting the priu»apnl cauae» wbicl
leail lo d'wa ^|Él|
train of l^t
"äff®"Ä ÏMPBôVËfl-strsPEWso^Y BAN.
DAGE-For tlwraiiiwrt of !l»«n«iinl an.l U«lci«i. 111»
article i, mr o«M, w^allj in il» bouiliern Spu». mtfm
to the n-laxinc of the climat.. It is a light an.) emcient amd.
ofdre«. and iSifBcal wnport. Vpung .uni wilJ Sad tt a ooo.
for. and Mdeuoanl : old men will prove U> nuUtr iu pnlaM.
intr the pleasures of life, the decadence al which v» a naturel
and inevitable ooueeMuence. Sold ouly at No. 70 Su Chark»
RICHARDS, No. 11 CH.v*iRïd s, (succeaaoi
. to R.W.Montgomery,) Importerand
Dealer in Foreign und Domestic HARD
WARE, offers lor sale, ou favorable terms,
Ä)°tonsVwed«fl. American and English Iron, ase'd:
3U0 bdls. English, American and Knaiian Sheet, Hoot
and Baud Iron;
8UOO lb Braziers' Coppor» assorted;
80u0 lb Block and Bar Tin;
Î00Û kega Wa> mouth Nails;
200 tons Hollow Ware Casting*—Pots, Oven», Spider
SkUletà, Vire-dogs. etc. ;
Cotton and Wool Cards;
AaWi and R oh land's Spades and Shovels;
Ox, Log, Trace, Halter. Coil and Cane Carrier Chain»;
Cotton and Cane Hoes. Plougha, Coro 8 helle*?, etc.;
Sail Iron», Patent Balance«, oTasa Kettles;
Tin and Japanned Ware, Hook and Plate Hinges;
Bellows, Anvils- Vi-«s, Smiths' Tongs;
Locks ot all kimia. Sliding Door Furaithre, etc.;
Feudecs, Andiron«, Fire Sets;
Si raub'» celebrated Patent Burr Stooe Com Mills;
Mill and (vriiul Stones;
Togetlier with every variety of goods usually fourni in »
Hardware Store, for aale very low. mhlS ImdbmW
1 subscribei» being the sole agents f«ir ■■ TTa ■ ■ i i
« dBE.
nan u factories oSJAjTrsH^ArTaiLi
lg|LRV I BalliMi I cb, have in store
a large ailment ol their CAST ami WRO* 'CHT IRON
I'LtA iillS, which tiiev offer at mannt acturer's prices, via :
1JS Halls Wrought 1 rou PLOUGHS, No.l.noC5ttST$n 50
33 • * * • • • with " " M
110 «
1W R - Y
Nö.S. Cutter .
extended Bars, Yankee PLOUGHS
. 3 71V
pain of 2
, * They have now in store 87 pairs of VV!
Iron Axles and Shafts, of *ito£ û**di tread,
to 5 inch tread, with \Vooden Axies.
A lso —6 WAGON8 ooumleu» with Iron Agl a .t pes. pru*.
$140 each ; 8 gaira oi ^T ^lMBF.R WHLLLS with Screws^
Yaao p ""
ffiu" Œ M SXâf
»n W ork , and dnhver theui on planta uou at mauaAn:.
piAHOLl.KA COM PK.Vh-5UI packageir w uiu»
V article, imported per liait tonvojr, tram Charlewgti,
F. COCH R AW & CO. 27 Tclo»pno»laa ».
x.- aa gg
sr. - . " jtf " 1 . 1 " " iLkjr i -
new and ,«'4
um" ihwt ai JI hi^nnediLL adUi»3L^7"
the I6th in»t., at î> o'docà p. K- Fee
apply ou board, or to
%. . I-MITH fl
r r. Shaw at'co,
led River Packet
ort, Gratid I
K it
have as above.
GST? iÄin
*T. . . .
> JOH N _
. Meaiaer 011 AM.
lock r. m. Uit Shiwepo«. Mahden,
aad in termed nie laadui#*. ¥m ti
. fS fc,fc«earoer AM AZOT-Capt. 1
iâÉÉÉaâfc SÂTuâSA^rSfïiSî
or Louiavili«,
a'^otoroodatioi», apply
wharf, or to
robW HYD1
N. B -The Western W ....
"■nger pacfeet for ihe above
ibove trade» and bavin« brge, m§
'£ 3r *
tor the above and
ant, «t 5 0'
i, 4oot of C
P. 8. The i ten mer I owsdes, Jr. baa «aàej» the plaça ff
i — * "I continue ia t£Ttmfe»
—. ughtsteaœcf
D. Hunt, ia expected this day a«d will leaee fee
and ail intermediate port*, for Bnight or PMWÇ-,
Qiisun A.-sfl aecotuaMdaiMns. apply oa baud, at
street wharf,or to
PM - _ e of the Weit ia vary aght-draaght
BMMI wltn — 4day. ^
Rerniar Tennéa»
w-rrrr-^. Beach Hill, Cham]
'»uie, Alabama Landing , Mon
"rinity and Black River*—The
rung passenger packet AB
will leave lor the above
at 6 o'clock T. M- For ... , . .
JS—^ H. »
«. The steamer Aberdeen will remain in the OnaaitaL
ra»:e during the enure aeaaon. and when aha leave» ker piece
" ' pplied by a light draught boat «0 ran <" "
the Wth
K : —
OCT. B. SMirti.l»;
Mobile tm m
tcomriT I
20th in»L,
»n. WED ESDAY. the
iv«4*— 1
k *nor and very light-draw««
r BR a T ù. CW P. RobeiS; Jr.. wifl'am«eo«
Sunday, and will leave as above. Far freight or pawnae.
having unsurpassed necommodattona, apply on hoard, attta
-New Btetn, loot of Ja lia stnwt, or to
HVI»E k t »CLEa«y.l8fof4— -
.. m J, T. DONALD s C (V ,»C*
N. B. The Beacon will continue ia the trade dm
For St. Louta, etc.—The new and Ucbt
draught paat-eruter Meamer POCAitOÄ
TAa. Ca; l If. J. Mooae, ■ now ready to
MHH- and will leave a» above with quica dopatafn
K S ^ g htorpa^a.^o^^^ tot ^
FOR BOftTO\-/>t nmtek Ädao-The A 1 baric
C % H V Ell. Wiciudy, ma*.* will b«a
diatwtch. For '>ieght or 1 airoge, apply on boat«.
Second Mui
Silloway » Co.
Who paus for the large Window» and costly Jbctvres tu
Ih* Milliner H Strrr# drtrr firn ? Tkasr icfui pmtrwa
ize th. m. ind who do patr«»vta them Î Thaar wfc*
judve of the vaine of goods bit the price asked for that».
iVf RS CAMPBELL, corner lieras mad Caranê *.
ifl ici Streets-Ma* jo*t received a lai^e aiid Rplentiid assart.
..»1,1 Nre ä««0KAW AND VA ™CV BO>N fc l'S,
.or Spring »ala». also. Fast Y tioon» in general. And it iö
i fact thai her price« are far below those of mweewtiy e»tab
i -nm« nta. Also, the beamy and l eaine»» ot' her MiUinery
11 Dot surpaaaad if equalieii in thia eiti. These tact# aie gen
• Tally admiued. and shoald b- umvûsallr knows br all cm.
£ena ami sträng«» in New Orkan*, who have regard lor thaïs
interest and L awwIH
r "1 r
proncil, WM Ian. m MM I i
çi^SS -i. u» n..
"afeiß n*'LIVpS
Insurance Company.
• Office 92 <,
York Lift
chas: c. eathrop, am.
-ire« t. New Orkuui». tm m
Caih or City Payer. '? .
ACRES OF LAND in Trigg coanty. Kentucky.
SZ é at month of River Tennereee. (considered the hiebe*
oint thfiice to Muscle Shoal»,) opposha the town of Gall».
v» ay; 11" acres cleared and in cn-deation. Several i
ailing Springs oi excellent wai
' "* OMll» p
<^iaafc through a part
^lock Farm. The tin
of this
a good landing. On die land u a Perry where the tmä »jage
1 through to Hopkresv nie, being ot value aa? Atand fer a
»-3SO At REa in Mc> rack*« enMp
arable I^AND ; W. W. h S. « and Ä. WL
s Ï me*.
VMport" and ha» constantly tor sale, at mmb^||
hie prices, WBOLsaaUl ann aiTaii.. a larKegjg
Vluul.led GLASSVVASE, ToUr CmUmt, IffllM
Wur e. Cantors, Lamps. Japan Traps, Table and Tea
Spoons, SU. etc. tjT Good» packed so as to insnre safety
o aiiy part of the Country.
Qr Also we nt u> city pure haas i d4 wa
^ 'OFFKL—l'Jtt bai^i^iHM^New^Rio^lw^a^e ^
I IMh- 70O barrels ll
li tor Kilo by .31. _ ,
rnbli fit IQH W S TROITS » CO. 14* Cmenvaem at.
B JiS V B AT;*— woo mw Si hi»M 6«w H(a. h
store and fur sale by
frSB OEO ir TAYI M ft CO. 1
DAUI OIE— JO casks, for saleby
mh7 Nn. 9* Mkiwîm af is xl a*«l 11 Red 9*esee.
1>H1UHT V AK.\IsjH— ltW barrels llri«ht Van, «h. a
super or article, now landing tppm ship J^-ore. and far
aale by Cmhl Ut] DEWEY A CLARK. 67 Ore vier ai.
ß\L K b,'' u,Ui ~ aU, * x '
pUBTRR OF PARIS — fiûû bbk. WoHan^
r Calcined Plaster of Paris, for aale hy
mhia gl JOHN WT KrifTP k OO. I# Oa
DIRK BRIC K S — 12&.0B0 EaglMi, Pittsharg
■ale by
4 1,15-S^toA Ale in pin»« and «Da», j«t»C.i<aadil
a *, fine order; fer sala by _ . „ _ „ .
mh9 JOHN TOOLE, g Rank Waoa.
trt nbtaSi ^^'j^.TS snSL
Lona. ■ Brand ME, Im «.
RA ISHm-1275 hoJ» ohoi* L
in« Iki« dar and lor -ajf , .
inhll RARRLM
0* È 2f*~ ™ ""JÄTflW b™««.
d» d& Wtf XjgsmiiGmaim,
CM ARASTc-lto) lbs. ohaéM am ^
Kiffer asJe by JAS. S. SHA_V
I sixty da<
OH?rtfe 'Êl."ufïfT k
CO.. M ftadwH.
noluitb U mI , IwMeAgegi
" a salé by
<1b d&Wtf
1?MÏIJ8U CANRKL OX4l^fl mm of the akM
U. splendid Coal» cargo of the Bnmh aim, Büna K«tb, wm
CDIH A8M-W0 t.aoka.« Soda Ai, *1 "kkda'two»
O and barrel«, reueived aud for ^le by *
No. W Marasift« i
H i % m MÊ
I'll rnùJS «
« \ R Kl. 1.1 %
I of all viae*, and a »V w bWa