Newspaper Page Text
Republic.] HSAYBIf." MO - • v i-l . a war, in Heaven the bnd» of earth If» fifi . H of death, dnve«, EN T. able C l um. B alloon. — A discovery, which, if J to change the whole social is to be tried, in the gardens a few days. M. Patin, the ' ruinous experiments, has a balloon, or rather a coi ited to convey through the thousand persons at a time, a said to be of dimensions as Notre Dame. He has rejected en t system by which these machines to been guided. " The taleat and en wholé human race combined bè*e never to create," says he. "Mankind may oombme, and may apply ; but täje be sole Creator of all thing*. The was taught his science by the flphes have we neglected so long birds of the air bave con ning of the world ? " Patiu taa constructed a exact njfiitation of the of birds. If it should of war and conquest— export duties—of unitary cor " y clauses ?— Paris paper , , ï virtues display themselves Amidst of privations, and anxieties, and suffer ings, then they shine most conspicuously. They are like the snow drops and crocuses, which unex pectedly peep out of the frost-bound aoil, to diver sify the depth and dreariness of wintèr, and give ti* a cheerful foretaste of the coming spring. aar In Baltimore they aell cigars filled with |>ow der, which explode upon hemp smoked. Car A new mill is to be built at Lawrence, Mam#, capable of holding 15,000 spindles. Deposition!! taken. Account» I'robaled. Ih-eds Doownents and Instruments of a»;«.; XJSIT1Ô S&ES^ ÜÄ2SÜ" CTT Marine arid other protect* particularly attended to : • M A V O ' S • JSIC STORE, Nos. 5 and 7 Camp St Three doors from Canal. ( dar câii alw^rfiïï^SWûsrcsToÉBl'a ; anurtmeiit of P1AWO FORTES, J on accommodating tenus. I made by the old and oele t & Co., of Boston, of rich < manner. Also, the justly oelebrated λ. which for sweetness of tone have hey are jieeuharly suited to the country, does not reqnire t iming for years. ' TL ? P I ov " l f n ' in Piano Fortes, the patent ^Ocer brtdg e, is also for sale at tlie same establish Tina improvement gues i*cnliar linni-ss ami Nnl \ j the treble, adds to the durability and strength of the and runden it capable of remauung much longer iu I The Voice Comporta Attachment, J. Pleyel U Co. 's Paris Pianos, and Instruments from all U m » best manufactories, constantly receivmg. and for sale on liberal terms. «Sœ/TD-HANÏ» PIANOS fwSrSTk» to *20U each, and token m part payment for new Pianos. W »%HRS; ^ YYutd-luftrnment, for Vdlage Churches, Lodges, Serenading Partia s, and the private practice of Organists, poseesses a i* portable Cweighing 25 pounds), Gnitar»!, Violins, Violoncellos, Clarinets, I» Sinnes, and Musical Merchandise of promptly executed at reasonable prices. I tri» Brass Instrument* and Band Music double and single action, on hand and made to tasfceof purchasers. s isayest catalogue in U»e Sbuth, The stock m of over twenty yean. In it are many old oes ont of prmL i .v » [ v •Po« v ed V evarr anivai from die North, J Will be sent to any part of the adioin mhll Im WM. T. MAYO. Mlâ^Ê & nurt'ti.ivii from ' i aiiuil tlw pmein : Ii ■ i iw iii« 71» lime««, in tl» E>tau> of Luni«iiMi», , -. ''.t™» "l' 1 !«•». 1»i5 teov« to rail tlie fth « pobtm tolhwt gallery of speoimtm iu thi„ -wnt of Photograiihj. I „iJL"? "Wrn ('»per. lvorjr,«lMs. nvrtnl, I» >«BMy ol other «bMnow. the first poamint tl„. «W «KiO»«« of w trmrnuilMlillily by mail, can lie » pîattolio 10 * tire P** 01 <X • book, or «ri» i. MMnetitl v ninentiUe of coloria», «o tliat i be Mu anv .ieiin. Jemre.1 by Mtur ; of texture and color of tlie drapery and «om of the eyes and hair, can be faithfully"delin j Talbotype represents the sitter witliout any reverse jeSght SSdc" * Up °° 0,6 right cha8k ' app**" upon ■ J' 1 * Talbotype can be duplicated to any extent witliout tuldiuowü trouble ol wlothe, «min,. After Ui. fiat pr esMon y taken, copies can be tumuhed at any future im? upon stunde apohçatwn by letter or otherwise. "• M» ue«ug funnsfied with every facility for tlie r nrt. are ready to dispose of rights ugh mstructio take QIMUr aod They or no charge [mhl tf] No. « CAMP Stmt. II TIMOTHY HAY, landing Anrllv tnAflnu i a ?!/>• 1 vrf^° r v, < i )r; v'" ' a, i <l ^ evee - ,s Apply to A. SORI A . ( Hhce 19 Sl Chartes st. Front Offioe. ^RgAPAHgT *^ t or Au, Dia r« ai "'»'K".fi"'* »* iMrtiRI STATK »A»«- Or tint HvsTt*. viz: Ot Boms ant .hmu, Stubborn Vicars, «fpMtlic SmfUms, Sciatica or l.nmiaio, ßrume_fnm ax ràjwlMù» nscaf Mtmny ; jiropst ; Exfosurt or *e*cc m Life. also. Utrc tttc C^ isutuUoHal Disorders, tic. Utli»prepMtttioti aKiittonily oonoentnM.1 all tlw Medi. (.• oinbined Willi ilia nM "te mo st « tiiita iy produülloiu . tlie mo.l potent SïïSf.ÂÎS veteuW# kingooa s ic i„,, ^f„„ y .^^'| patienui theiiuelve .. but ahu by ( iliy .i i f hy physi] ^vn merits a reputanou for value and tjhtacv far sniM>rinr i« Ae vanous compounds bearing the aaS?«f ïiSSriîlï M ha*e been oBrad.such as are not furnished in the nfu-e. new > igor ihrourhoot the » hol. animal frame. Auotlicr Cur « of Sorofulu . «will be wen. |*„„an«it cure ocrolula, couuuends itself to a 1 o . SmiTHPoa r, Conn. Jan. 1,1848. . n P*r' 0atUeu ! e 1 Sympathy for the afflicted wduoe. a* to mtorm you ol the remarkable «mre efl'euted by •apiinua m the case ol my wife. She was severely with tho Scrofula ou different parts of tlie body ; the f the neck were greatly enlarged and her liinbs much ng over a rear and finding no relief J. yns dueare attack«! oue leg. and f knee «upouratad. Her physician advised it should >aeo. which was done but without any permanent In this situation we (»«anl of, and ware induced m r 8aw, ¥^ n s? ¥* , bÄtJ « PWduoed a • , us< ' ^ mv ? rlt 1 " , ® eI *rçf» reüeviiig her mom than any pre^puou she had ever laiton, and below she had n*ed sis gttiy ., to ihe astonishment and delight of her fnemls, she «}\ u IM> * • vw » J"'« since KKZVfF«- * m ht!r hea'th reuiams good, showing aymswtae wasIhqrougldy eiadicatad from Uiesystem. Our b5L^3ÄSÄSÄi° >e " t£sm>\ " o,n M ' J » % hoy of uiine\v ith your 1 k»"; •»—I have cured plaiu,, '• 'WW"botuMiUlnl,,« liui uy worthier thiitk tb» all th. IM.1ICIII.I value of tbe root. Tli«everM™ÏÏ ■tlie various dûeasen jJ"«È w«ve<l tt. eArauy in cMiii» I for «tekï» neommende.1 ; and «the ittt« aey oil«*. iierbajiA, m ilu» „« ik-im umtbi. iiit^iänn« tMWUmi m» Aa«.,,! «■***,-lumr. iVSj#Ä fe fe IS™ & 004 N. J A RVIS & RH ; JOSEPH PACtfKg! t 4 * 1 ! 9 KDY. A K HOTELS RESTAURANTS, SSSÄÄSäM fashionable manner an-« the entire orrani*ation of every de partment complete. Tlie moat splendid «ait of apartment* can TSrrÄ)ÄäKÄ"K2 W WA S HrNC. TON MOUSE, rende» it one of the most deeirabl. in the city for I.adies and Farn»»™.«« I'hibulelphia, either oinmi hmim. or pleasure; ud there »hall b. 00 exertion« spamiilo J™»"'»« » — t;jr The Home hu Winn «nil Cokl Balks^Iwa^« f in TM.MMSOK IIOI 8K. Mo0«funiery. Ala. HEsnbsoribas rrepect/WJyinvites the patronage ot the TRAVEIJJNG PUBLIC, confident that 1 he can supply the wants of the Transient Visiters to Montgomery as well aa any oH.u competitor. Tf— who are garnit to, or returning from the North, I ■■■ M SA lu AT afcf. «ocas, to suit the arrival and departure of thenulroad can and streunen. A fine four horse OMNIB US oonstauUy in attendance, to convey pasaengere to and from die boats to the can, free of charge. The accommodations are equal to any ot'jer eattbhsttment in the town, and, being at a red treed rate, offer additional inducements to the travelling pobhe. The bad Stewards, < -oolra and Servant* are ensaged, and po paiiw wifl be spared to render the star of visiter* pleas *an» <8RK f ' O. A. ABK RCRQMB1R. CRESCKKT CITY HOTEL. COWER CUSTOMHOUSE AND FRO W , 6»a* op S?*i for the reception of BOARD- , ixt»wikui?ä s^m, 0 x^ an s. ary -?' 1840 - welljtträ FURNISHED ROOM8 for Familie* and Single SBhs G«mtlemen. TABi.K-the best the market will afford. JO e proprietor, lient Board. The above estabiwhinent has been built by the —-MtoriheMWQvuaodationof«'- * It is one of the most healthy i ... with him eo P ? lna ble paml t0 rentlw dnae who may stop !"$*"• Faith in I amrattentive Servants. T brnis - as reasonable as any establishment of the kind in tjaî d&Wtl] E. ALEXANDER. Proprietor. MRS. WILSON respectfully informs her^ fneads an d the public that she continues in the I ibove eligible location occupie<l by her during fff'ili ^ast two years, and û prepare<l to accommodate her friends, ind those who may favor her With their patronage. From 1er long experience, and the very desirable and convenient '■»cation of lier Honse, she feels contaient of being able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor lier with their patronage, lier T erms will continue to be very Mon. **AT«. dlü lyd&YV PRIVAT« BOAB PWO mo. 16 'Natohex tot ftflgs ANN BALLETT, (late of the Faaaxraa , Mobile,) beni leave to inform her Friends and the Public that she has * 'iV' n »ned a PRIVATE! THE PKJLICAN HOUSE nnHE above House will oi>en THIS DAY", the X January, 1950, having Iieen exquisitely omament «I by the very finit artists of the city, and fitted out jjfljt (ha comfort and " " ~ tidious ML taste of the most fastidious connoisseur. "Tlie Lunch will be found rrckcrckfi, and the Liquors of the best selection. The proprietor trnsts his numerous friends will l»ear testi mony to Iiis form»- desire theater for their pleasure, and hope» be unworthy ef the past. vING, Proprietor, ■ prove that the fntare wi ja85 nni**, « nijiwior , formerly of St. Charl es Hotel, etc . RE-oPEJfijro OF fShs 7 ~~ "CRESCENT BOWLING SALOON," „.No. 9 6 St. Charles street. f P i j Establishment has lately been opened under a New A Administration, thoroughly repaired and renovated, and < unsurpassed by any Saloon in the city, and to those who en jy the healthy exercise and excitement of BOWLING, we \y,€hve us a Call. r HfrRÔS w, i 1 ? ,ways ^ ith th , e CHOICEST L1UUOR8 and the most Gentlemanly Attendanto. ol8tim HOLLYWOOD HOUSE. Eastern Shore or Mobile Bay, Ten MUea South lîast or the City. | HIS establishment is now undergoing many alter- f&Trf X atnms and important improvements, whiuh will be |l!!S completed by the 15th of April, and will thon beJKàll opened for the reception of visitors. With the improvements ~~e over thirty single rooms for gentlemen, ami the family ) art meats are rendered more comfortable than last year, lie Shower Raths, as well as the Suit. Water, will be in complete order.... fhe proprietor having received the last from New Orleans and its vicinity^ a large amount of MURPHY'S HOUSE. R MURPH Y begs leave to inform his friends and"dfe^ the public generally, that he is prepared to flHîU îeive on very liberal terms BOARDERS by thejpüfi n V* W e-tk or Month. . The central situation of this House 11 r " a " IB ® 88 Portion of tlie city rende« it particularly desir able for strangers visiting this city either for pleasure or buBi fvS 3m VMKBIIIA» OV8TKH. K V LOO\ AiVD KE8TAII painted and repaired his establishment, uul wili(tey oimi it for their accommodation on Mo. Bent. 3. Having made extensive altérations and mm improvements in the Cooking Department, af fording mucli creator facilities than formerly, be tsusts to be able to serve his patrons with every wiD always be supidied with the best STEAKS. AB CHOPS, FISH,GAM E, eur. .togrt every delicacy to be proenred in the NewOr .L iirfuijo leans markets. Tlie BAR will he supplied with WINES ami UGIUORH, PORTER, ALE, etc., ol and polite attendance. :n b receive prompt . ' ■ ' :l; 1 [VTOTICK is lHseby given to whom it may connern, t^^./Wiwtng described GOODS, WARES, MERCHANDISE, soixed in this Port, for ha vin* that — seixed in this Port," for having* heet. violation ol the Revenue Laws, to present their „ ™iy they have, fc said Goods, etc. within ninety days froni this date, conformai»!)- with the act of Congress, of ad April 1844 : and in case no claim shall be so mail* withtn a II* 1 ®* BÄ »° v 001 '»» et Ç; W 'H 1« sold within twenty days ex ^ ru ''? n «1 ««"I tune, and tlie proceeds thereof will be deposited in the Treasary or the United States, co formably witli said law. Statement of Seiial Ctood# remaining in Public Stores < ^ the Eist De c ember, 1849. ^ ® I Isfiii j"~ \> ill - ei. •? 8& .efisJfR i| 5 js 11 " Lil t s" -s b s 1 ||l| - (Se g â g|a.| I :r» s *--• däi* ? ll s a I If « «S® J-J Cl « Stj s ss s sa a s' ri il i ' 1 I: ' I MAiWI. 1. PETERS. Colleen TO PRINTER». JOHN D. McCREARY, PR1JVTUVQ l.YK JVf4A" VM'TURER, N os . *331 ami 3^3 Ät^UefCv Tork, Depot No. 3 Spruce «treet, would call the attention of Printers to Ins improved Printing Inks, of various kinds and oolors, at tlie following prices : Extra fine Jet Black, for card and wood cuts. fa 00 and $3 00 per lb. Fine Book Ink 0 75 ** 1 00 " gnoklnk 0 40 «' 0 SO •• News Ink ..... 0 18 0^ 44 0 3d •• ^'«Rwl lnk... 0 75 1 00 1 50 * 4 'J 00 44 Bine, Yellow, Green aiul White..0 75 1 00 44 1 50 44 Gold Size, at $2 »er Ib., and Bronze at 50, 75oent* and tl peroz., Carmine it per or.. typ" A supply of the above Inks may lie found at my vents. Mes«s. SHELDON & POTTER, 7 3Camp street. New Orleans; O. O. W ooaman . Vicksbnrg, Mi«.; W. H. *?*«» £"• V* Memphis, Tenn. N.B. This paper is prin ted with my New sink. ja2ai0t3m NWTICB. ~ ORSON & ARMSTRONG, can 1» found for ihe nres v' ^?«HJh® office ot Messrs. H a witt, N orton to. Co., ?" ,, u ! np 5 trte lx 8 f® w «loom above their old stand, where aü ortler» for STATIONERY AND PRINTING, will be execute«! as formerly... .Their business will meet with but slight interrupt ion, as orders for a full stock have already gone forward. f'iS-Mri.. CORSON St ARMSTRONG, tSCamp«. »n^y emlira ce thu opportunity to return their sinrere L.i . -Ü2. . V e ?' 18 "lauy acts of kindness and offers of anstnn oe extended to them. 'As. »v. l'Bi\T HASlKVtTOHV. zî"iûïï' tents', äsffl œ'" "|!,s PACK SADDLES; Pot al tie CAMP BEDS, weistînii» h bom two jiouij ^; ( 'anvas. TR A V Pi L L l N G B AGS îetè. wishing their articles water-proofed can b« aoamnmoSSj ami to all «uistomem who prêter to do their own wator.pmof' ing, tlie subacnlier wdl give tue receipt and gaaaanteethe et ^psn^aml purcha^iropets daserT" " " ivery dasoiotion spliced and fami-hed. FLAGS of every ate., made and warrante«! proof against rot or mildew. H. CASSIDY. and fVf s ► arme Ms,, entra rnv on f 'anal. ml ^ j promptly | 1ère from the country CITY RANK, New orlens. January 29, i860 lv li> 'he *1*^1 f withdrawal from ihlu - Notes of Ihw Bank, the charter of lit dar of i i CUSTOM-HOUSE SALE. Date. Aug. 5 Oct. 86 Xïù' im»:: Jan. 6, ... Jan. 87, .... Mar. 17, July 86, 1848.. NovWiàiè;: Dec. 32 Jan. 29, 1849.. Mar. 19, 1849.. Mar. 19 Au«. 18, IMS Sept. 8, Dee. 4, .... Deo. 6, i848. ! Feb. 7, 1849.. Î'iL'vCw.: eh. 13, .. .. April 81, 1849..: April V, April 28, April 90, .* ... Unknown .,, » *• *" «wd be oontinned ftr^m day to «lay until all are sold. Consignee. Vessels' s Names. 9 tTE^ Ho' Schooner St. Helena.. Bark H. Thomtou.... Brig Skylark Ship Tennessee Ship Uriel ». Ship J. Lafitte Ship Adeline BaikKUby SWp J. Tîffitte . I.'"!!! Ship Denmark Ship Gertraae. Ship Mayflower » Ship Moselle Ship Granada Ship Hargrave Ship Abby Pratt.. ifnpL- s Ship Rockingham . Ship Arlington . Where from. r:.r.. Bocdacaa . , Honduras, Bay. Liverpool Havre — Liverpool . NewSjork';:: Havre Goods not sohl in the sale of October 82, 1840, and remaining in Public Store Dec. 13, 1848. j 'n'ljr SÎj 1848.!. Dec. 28, 1848. Mar. Jb\ 1819.. April 30, .. .. 8hip Brunswick Ship Loren a Schooner Nancy Bishop.. Ship Espindola Ship Anna Ship Huguenot Ship Amjftlim. R.D. 8h Saxony . Marks and Numbers. in a diamond...... YV & B in a square, NoViitw»'! No.8...rt... a w :: a diamond, No 1 B A M e N R, B, No 16 e W & B in a square No 4 J, T in a diamond. M RS Ät C o TN os 13, 83, 46, 60.. J L, Nw 1077.1078.! '. I'.;*;! m in a diamond, K, Nos 83.39... P YV m Jeseop Taylor II Boeger J & R Jackson, Cinn, USA.. P & H, New Ôileans. P Jaoques E YV & B in a square, No 3.. O G ! O G O G R E I R D S, Nos 1, 2 No mark CoLLKCToa's Omca, JVeio Orleans, Feb. 87,1850 ription of Packages hni Goods. 1 barrel Wine. 1 barrel YVine. 1 barrel Vinegar. 1 cask YVine/ 1 barrel Soda Ash. I case. 1 dozen Claret. 1 bag Pimento. 1 bale Baskets. I baa Nails. s. Latches and Shutter Bolts. - fooro, u itugs auu ï «un» ariiuciai ii I case, 35 Religious Bo«>ks, Pictures and 1 lot Breviary. 1 cask, 7 dosen Handsaws. 1 ur. nipe American Brandy. 4 baskets Champagne. 1 basket Champagne. 8 baskets Champagne. 2 bales Old Linen Sacks. 2 barrels Soda Ash. 1 chest of old Clothing, in use. i î 13 * 8 Ng. Gilt Silk and Glass Vert aad Coat Button*. 1 bale Personal Effect*, in use. 1 barrel Dye Stuff. 16 barrels Bread. la bars Railroad Iron. 1 case, 65 dozen. Colored or Priuted Cotton Shawls. 1 chest of Clothing and Personal Effects, in use. 1 small case Tools. 1 cask Ale. HamctaM.. 1 case Stucco Patterns. 1 small Iron Cog YVheel. 1 bundle, 2 pieces Machinery. 1 bundle of 12 Calftkins. 1 bundle YVillows. 1 bale Cotton Seed. J trunk and 1 Valise of old Clothing. 78 bars Iron. 3 bundles Iron Rods and 2 bundle« blistered steel, t cask Fishing Tackle and assorted Hardware. 1 trunk, 49 sets Dominoes. 1 box tin Chocolate Moulds. 2 packages, a Chocolate Mill. 1 bale old Gunny Bags. 2 Anvils. 27 YVater Casks and 8 bundles Staves. 6 bundles Iron Hoops and 6 casks Heads. 1 old Cooking Stove and Medicine Chest. 1 qr. pipe American Brandy. 2 qr. pii*^ American Brandy. SAMUEL J. PETERS. Collector. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ETC. SEYMOUR, SBTMOüa. \VHOLKSALK AND'bKtX N.'okoCKHS, A 'us. 212 «nil 211 T chnuyitoula s street, JWio Orleans, KEEP constantly on hard a good supply of every article in tl..-GROCER Y LINE, such aS FLOUR, BACON BUTTER, LARD, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, MO^ LASSES, FISH, etc. etc. in large or small quantities to suiï purchasers . jytj j y 'pHE Subscriber having commenced ümtw HÖLESALE X and RETAIL of LIUUORS, WINES, etc. begs to inform his friends and customers, that he keeps always on hand the following, viz s I BRAN DIES— Godard 's, Maglory's, and otlier celebrated brands, very old. an<l Vir"^ BRANDY—Direct from Maryland u/jf f g£^n a 8 herr7 a wt w b - j'amaica ri j ^m-l,« 1 ,,al,tr ^,u "" i0, • SCOTCH and IRISH WHISKEY-Imported by Mr. Smith Bryan. CHAMFAGNEr-0f every brand and description. BRANDY FRUITS " 44 SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER. Wholesale and Retail at 15 and 16 Royal nl5 tf •yal street, by S. T. TAYLOR. QENERAl. COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Di. V tett Importers of FRUITS, NUTS, WINES, eto.. have al ways on hanil : d ^i%7i £B 0< l rum8 new . Smyrna, superior Eleme; RA1S1NS—In (luanUties to suit purchasers; aupî' b % s Soft Sllelletl Almonds; SHELLED ALMONDS— ÜOboxes, in fine order; PECANS, BRAZIL NUTS and PEA NUTS-350 -and barrels; 4 Piagnol;' WIN ES—M uscat. Claret" etc.', BRANDffi ^^Sr^Ä';'""" 0 ' 8 - ,,0 - S îr^%^Al way son hand, a supply best St. Louis; ORANGES and LEMONS—Of direct importation, and PR» SSffi SSXSi; ulumÄZff tie " 01 L) Y C1 IC R RIEB—3<J<) cases fresli, landing; 1^ 1 AND VERMICELLI—300 cases fresh boxes first quality No. 1; IUWDER—Agency of the celebrated "American Chrys tat rowder Company,guarantied superior to any rowde r manufactured. [dl7] oil Brandy, Jamaica Rum, and Irish ûïfblin Porter . y ine ' Öco^b Ale, and London and 0 half pipes COGNAC BRANDY ; 3 puncheons JAMAICA RUM, (Vfcry old and superior) in bond and entitled to debenture 1 à b puncheons old IRISH WHISKY, also in bond and entitled to debenture ; 10 casks of the old Montiliado SHERRY WINE, so no JSKaÄm, cn i*A tSÂÇSÛ and DUBLIN PORTER, in quart ' loy to the trade, and and pint bottles. The above liquors will be sold i terms accommodating. JOHN TOOLE, 25 Bank Place. ja% r ONI)ON DOOK COGNAC BRANDIES— ,J 10 half pipe. Mattel eld., vintage of 1845; >» Pale 1WÔ; 10 «, Hennessy .. ., ,, 1844; 1846; .. 1844; .. 1843; 1814. bond by Just J .. Otard pale, dd., ' ur ed ex ship Euphemia, and for sale p«» S. WOLFF. 86 Gravier ... WUI8KY, BRANDY, «UV AND U INB.-a pun W V cheons Irish and 1 puncheon Scotch Whisky; 6 half pipes Cognac Brandy; 2 pipe Holland (Jin. and 5» casks Sherry VV me in bottles. The above Whisky is from the Dis tilleries direct, and has lam oVer in store for more than two years, and the Brandy is of the most favorite brand. The ftherry Wine is of tiie Arnontillado vintage, so much cele brated for its delicate flavor. For sale in quantities to suit purchasers, by [nl9] JOHN TOOLE.»» Bank Place. SJI 'NUR I KS. Kl VöHlLS O PORT wIVh-Direct import. portât ion—50 packages ; »v"ACCO— 300 packages; PAPER—Straw, double and single crown, Letter and .-„Cap, Tea Pai>er anil Hardware do.; ££Ar^/i^r!«*. 6 ?«'' yson— 1U0 packages Imperial; MARKET BASKEfd-aujnesu; •• GlN-lOpipesHoOand ; *'* ■ BRANDY—300 packages, assorted : ÇÎ ■ \VES-20 bhls. : iVlA^E-1 bbl. ; KPMTTEAS-S6 half bbl«.; PICKLES, KETCHUPS, etc.! Ht'l.' AR—Loat, Cnmhed anil Powdered Sugar, North ern and I^ouuuana—500 packages ; MADEIRA, Madeira Bottles, Sherry, Muscat, Extract ol Black henry. Peach, Cherry ; for sale by M B. J. HART & CO., TOTchoupitoulasst. I \MH\G AND IN STORED L p B .lfc^ F sS(aL!;- ,wt - ERRY WINE STRAW PAPER—1000reams; SHOP AND TEA PAPER-500 reams ; Sl^iARS-l.OOO.tKiO; TOB ACCO—400 packages; SWEET OIL—tfOObaskets: CORKS ; MAC Ii ; N UTllfEGS ; r CLOVES-25 bbls.: for sale by fyao E. J. HART ^ ('<)., 7H T choupitoulas st. ClBANPAttNB-lNBaskets l.e l.ion d'Or; ' 100 do. Kerinel : 75 do. Cardinal ; , . ^ do. Colherr : in store and far aale by _ [mh2] SAM'L WOLFF, 25 Gravier st. STAR TOW BOAT LINE— A.\(iL0-H\\0,li, ANGLO-NORMAN, ANULO-AMKRICAJV. This bite is composed of new low-pressure boats, built ex ressly for the aliove business, of great strength, and with jwertul machinery. Anthracite Coal is used for fuel, to roid burning tlie sails and riggings of vessels, and to free them fromspioke. Arrangements are made with other boats to assist this line i taking large ship« over the bar. when necessary. Ship-masters and ship-owners will benefit themselves by patronising these boat*, as they will obtain dispatch, as well i uie greatest security for life and property. ni*» Newt Means, Nov. j4. 1849. J. W. STANTON & CO. OLN KY, COTitKLL U CO, KMKiRATION A.\U HBMIWA.TCB OFKK'K. T»E snWrilierB lieg leave to inform their friend, and llie X piilillo that they oonunue their bnainess of ixMiine .Irafta ï Lil J, ï Ul ,n " n Liverpool to tin. city in f,™ .!| l i" '»»"»hie term». Wierling Higlit Draft. în.I Wal« Til ' I', "»aille in hnflatid, Itrlaiul, Heotl.m! aii'i \* ales onnemauil. N*-w l irU'iim li^.. it i qau .117 4m tH.Nliv. Ot)TRKll! & î"f.!! e â 1 ,';lSrW. ,\li\V ORIJMNH KMItillANT di RUMITTANOK "TtllE umlenigned, at hi« old e.tahli»hnl office, oontinn™ to X acconimojlate i>enons desirous of remitting money to their friends in England, Ireland, or Scotland, with Sterling Sight Oralis, payable in any post-town in the above named king doms, and in sums to suit. He also, as usual, continues hav good Oralis, pay a mg passengers brought from I.iverpwi ^"uiis^ei'tv^c ■hill, and teanonalile term,. Partie, living at a distance bv aitdrewng a letter (|H«.i)«id) to tlie nndemgiml, will be promptly attended u. .. JOHN TOOLE. •1*1 iv No. IAS Hank Plaue. New Orlean. i\. UBI.KA1VW and CAKHOLLTOK HAILIiOAU, Jfetc Arrangement— Hourly Departure of the Cars—Open njf oj the Louisiana ami Mnwleon Avenus Rran*h R oad'. and «"iaclMu m tAe fare to take placs ok the Ith i(J h'bruatv, ihd O . A single ticket any distance to or from, or above Louis. Avenue $o iö children over 5 and under li! years 0 10 , (children half price,) .. 0 10 r from Carroll 6 00 50 tickets to or from Louisiana Avenue 4 ot) Peivonal monthly ticket«, (from the first to the last ot each mouth only,) any distance 5 00 The Lars depart from the Bar<*nnr street depot as foliotes Horse Car, t>>£ a. M. 9'^ and ll ' a p. m. Steam Tram. 8 a. m ., then every hour until 8 p. H., from the third Monday in February to the second Monday in jlo einher, and at other times until 7^ p. m . From CarrolltuM : Hone Car, 5 a. m.; 8 and 10 p. m. Ku '^ ,u . 7 A - *•» lhen ever | r l»our until 7 p. from February to the second Monday 1 the third Monday vember, and at oilier times until 8k . ... LAFAVITTE LINE : ure. any distanue, (children, as above, half price,)... to 10 j- tickets, •• > 4 00 1 ersonal monthly tickets, (from the first to the la*t of each — — - |8 1 follows: mm Lafayette , j r rein t ' anal ntivei, do ( j After which tit * Oars will 1 until 8 p . m then _Wt. unit ■( tif 01 - nM 6m C mr.l each end ever > lifleen ' 10 and u p. m., from " ' i Lan! " ilhtmis ? monv pRRSONy willing to obtain the: - "» ft* reav > nal » le term ,, and ",7/: SADDLERY, ETC. S for t vlikollni v. addles, bridles, bitts, stirrups, etc ., of description india rubber nothing of all kinds .... Ata Bans , ptl.m^fôw lows, r*.rpajl' lins. saddlk -baus.. tents, it^ia Rubber Tent Ciotlis , of all si /. e ^, for sale by «r fylo 8mith & brother. 52 Common st . ral , to our large and complete assortment of ~s addles i " d saddlery wares; Bridles : Fillings ; Whips ; adv pa ° • •» ! harness of all kinds ; Coach and liartie -w Trimming ' Leather and Findings . Also , mill bands of c lier Leggings , Clothing , eto ., etc . With every * other article in our line , to which we invite the attention of our friends and the public . smith & brother, ooto 50 and 83 Co mmon st .. 2d door from Magazine . F ATK.VT M BT ALUC U¥P iÄ iU? BBKR GOODS. r ihe subscriber », Agents for the Manufacturers , have con - x. stant 'y on hand , and are ready to receive orders for every variety and style of Goods made from Gum Elastic under I joodykar s and other Patents , auch as Capes , Pouches , leggings and Clothing of all kiuds , Army and Navy Bags , Air Beds , Pillows , Life Preservers , Camp Blankets , Tent *, Knapsacks , Gun c overs , Hospital and Carriage Cloth , Steam i acking . Mill and Gin Bands , Ho .«, and every ot her article ma ^ le of India Rubber , warranted of the best quality , and all a î-^fï , srxj > " c ' ea * Also — Always on hand a large assortment ?, f aapj&fisl. ia * n b8s. leather, coach and harness trimmings, tools, etc., etc., at their Saddlery Warehouse , Nos . 50 and sä Common street , Second Door from Magazine street , New Orleans . oetö smith & brother. EDUCATION. HMiH schooi. fob VOlAti i.adikh. as boarders and day pupils, Caronddct xa . s treet, near S t. Joseph , established iu 1842, under the supenntencence of the MISSES ALLISON, from L on don This Institution , conducted on the best plans of European instruction , is constantly open for the reception of young ladies , in all the solid and ornamental branches requi - site to a complete and finished education . . T erms and other particulars may lie known on applica - tion at the residence of the misses allison, on Caron - delet street . jal4 ly j i louisiana university. CORNER OF COMMON*- PHILIPPA STREETS. * ^io n f18^-60^' &t— Instructors during Ses . Latin and Greek — Geo . c. Anthon , a. m. Mathematics and English — c. w. Sears , u. 8. Military Academy . Classic ? and English — w. c. Duncan , a. m. French Language — Marc Roux . The Tuition fï tsf" There is 1 jaI4 6m TO KENT. i reasonable une terms . Apni Poydras street Cht Apply at No .« iiurch . fylO 1m r 'fff&rJUrvdras Market— The new , two - story -I BRIt K BUILDING, with a B all A llby in the rear , si tuated on the corner of St . John street , having hrïïj 1 oydras street on both sides . " hlw . .also -A BRICK DWELLING having four rooms , a ki'clieii und yard . » a ) * °^three small brick stores, all » iiuated near i o ydras Market , between Circus and St . John sts . Apply to *> i" 1 s. j. i'ethrs, J r., 167 (' arondclet - t . r | , «j , . r s? it ~^ kt'rn'shed parlor and bed a roo m, with hiTciiicN , ifdesire «!, pleasantly lo - eated and con venient to buainesss Terms «25 per month . ars Address " d." at this oflice . fy -l juil r 1he^jt—a convenient and comfortable front x office, on the first floor . Apjily to wfi jalO j. pickles, |?ik.\i8hkd rooms to ttkyl , ^ PHILIPPA STREET, between Common andf Gravier street*. ,|a8 J vmiwiwc nirccl,isuiuufie ior morage 01 r urmture , ■bfi j. has a Hooting vv heel and other conveniences . Rent -but Low . Can be seen by applying to " ^ J. D u E M IDOE & co, on the premises . rU KMSHKDUOOMh FOIl hk .\T .- Plea * ant ^ , ç ' i rnish eil Rooms in the large two -« tory house , 08 with Galleries , at the corner of St . John and Perdido ** streets . n:jt j rno bknt.- Two Frame dwelling houses ä x on Duula ntier . between ( Jonstanne and Magazine bffl streets , on the shady side of the street . Apply on the*! premises . nl7 tf Stork to'.— 1 The large fbur - ftqnr . Store ( or [»art of saine ) No . 7h Tchoupitonlas street , formerly oc - enpied by Kennedy &t Foster , being a splendid location ®« for a large Western Grocery or Dry Goods House . for-®* terms , apply to ulil wm. l. gushing & co.. 55 Common st . CARRIAGES, ETC. We have c „ ment of all kinds of india rubber goods, India Rubber Cloth , and Tents . , a wmulete stock of saddlery, trunks and harn es s, at Wholesale and Retail , at the lowest market pnees . .kir Country Merchants and Saddlers can be sup - plied with every article in our line . t59* Orders put up wlth ^ ca .t-,«r ?• a • horton & co., au « dfcw 58 Common st ., und 11 (' anal st . Rkmov al.- lo i ' i s ia n a ( " a rrlagefi epos i rORY. 11 9(,( 1MM0Nand I I (»(îravikr w .. the above establishment , will keep constantly 011 | hand a . urife and complete assortment of carriages, of : the latest and most , beautiful models , finished in the most per - : feet style , many of which were originated and built expressly | for tlie patrons of this establishment . Purchasers are invited to examine this stock before making their selections else - where . nl8 ömdfeW Carri ages— c juirla^ms— The su bscri ben bava now on hand a large and well - selecteil ment of car ri ags. and are constantly . ing from the best Northern Manufactories . Ï3 ojs fimd &w 105 St . Charles s CARRIAGE >1A.\L FACTOlt\~ r rile Patronage that has been extended to us so very lihe x rally tlie la * t seven years , while on Com - mon street , has induced us the Itwt summer to erect a large building expressly for manufactu - ring and repairing carriages. We have now one of the largest Shops in tlie Southern Country , and are prepared , with good Northern workmen , and the liest of materials , to build an/ style of Carriage to order , and guaranty them two years , if used in the country . We are also better prepared than ever Indore , for repairing carriages, and restore them almost to their original beauty ami durabili i i ; ' ty , although apparently worn out and useless . r We h eigh t on Carnages sent us to repair . We will also Keep on hand an assortment of new and second hand car r i ag e s . which will lie sold low . Old Carriages taken in trade lor New ones . We invite the attention of those want - ing new carriages, or their old ones repaired , to call at our Manufactory and Repository and judge tor themaelve , at the corner of GRAVIER and CA ROND EI. F. T Sts, next door to the Oflice of the Commercial VVater Works , rear of tiie St . Charles Hotel , New Orleans . noviaBindsW matthews & DBNiWAN . DENTISTRY. james 11. si' It ATI .kv, surgeon MStffc. dentist, 11.» SI. CUrUs *•„«, .car J.affgrtteS^are,' ! uoiju woptimai oflh. Leven '. patent knamkl,, [ o by whicli ^^«11 iii. Gold Plate ,, Sprint « uil Olaiil » cued in secunnir Artilii .' ial tivtli. »m i<iiii,miâj i,u ,. iuhuiii*ni p.n . Office i\o. ho St . Charles street , „ Between poyürn« it reel and Lsfayci te bq >j & ri W IftuEc or? mlnïc 'r" th " TCETI1 wl " be P ,rlorm | 'J Oj. *>■ bduock dkmtist, ç and rksidenue. ï93 CVin abo v e Delonl .me will |> crform all ons on the teeth for tlieir prewr - and beauty ... .Artificial Teeth in -i. • lrom oue to a complete set — on the » proved plan jf. b. Charges very moil . ja * ly j. west, secunng Aruficml Teeth , are concealeif by a beautiful En - ; ame^ making not only a complete imitation of the natural ! leeth and wams , but protecting the metal from acids and rawyä^'ä 1 " wuu w. wo nw .c ail Partien lar attention to hin improved method of msertnie Teeth on Cold Hate . Persons imch would do well to call and examine sptn - operations will he warranted the host of wc material , and to give satisfaction to those who may patron t him . Tu . r workmanship and j. vv. refer s to the f o llow i ng gentlemen alio hare D A L L B Y '8 magical pain extractor, The Original and Only ( Ipnuine . ko cömtöi'nd H as ever been discovered that possesses any of the qualities of this famous remedy . Almost daily we hear of new , and heretofore unknown virtues , discovered by its application new diseases — for it w a remarkable fact , that many of its fects , are known ouly from accident , or experiment . So deep has been the science of Mr . henry dalley, the In . i ventor , so admirable the combination of its ingredient «, that it is found suited to relieve almost , every ailment ! frame of man is « ibject . i^t the j frame of man iu subject . i^et us enumerate some of the pe - i culiar qualities of this reine «! y : Frst.— It will , within five minutes from its application , remove tlie pain from the severest burns, soalds, 01 bijsters. It will also remove tlie pain and cure gout. tic-doleroux, piles. rheumatism, sores or swellings. Second.— In cases of burns, if applied immediately , it wi ll p reserve life , no matter how severe may be tlie ii \ jury , unless a vital part be burned ; and consequently any inflammation . Third. — It will heal Bums or Wounds , Ulcers , or Sores , of any kind , without scar. Fourth. — It neutralizes and destroys poison from Plants Reptilen , Insects , or Rabid animals . Fifth.— It will , wherever applied , prevent mortifica tion ; and in old wounds wherever mortification has menced , it will arrest tlie disease , and cure tlie wound ; where ilesh has already dropped away , it will restore tlie part to its natural » täte . Sixth. —11 broken limbs, when set , be well wrapped up in tlie Salve , no Inflammation , Swelling or Pain cur , and the boues unite , and become strong with astonishing rapidity . Seventh.— When the Bowels are painful , or inflamed , tlie E xtractor , if well rubbed upon them , will afford relief , and cause a movement , even when castor oil , jalap and all otlier medicines have failed . Eighth.— Its use is perfectly safe in all oasei u o harm — th e system will absorb 110 more than is necessary to repair it . It will not conflict with any medicines that may be ) case of piles disease « cured by dalley's pain extractor, but we shall subjoin a few testimonials of its value , selected Posses sion , from all parts of the les . It may be confidently stated that there is which may not be cured by the pain extractor. I t is a certain remedy , and removes at once the pain ant i. John Williams , a resident of Hamilton county and City of Cincinnati , feel it a solemn duty that 1 owe to the coinmii nity , thus to publicly state that i have been troubled with tin piles for about seven years , during which time 1 have auf fered much bodily pain ; lost a great portion of that time by and have expended se vera ! hundred 1 finally ui __ vx tractor " for t amazement , 1 am aa use of two boxes of this These tacts i nm will . the awful complaint ; and 1 Cincinnati , 4th month , 1847. john williams. ERYSIPELAS. For Erysipelas tlie pain extractor is Invaluable . U t h er remedies may make tlie disease disappear for a little time , but it . is driven in , and will re - appear in the same or 1 «m unu aiimii), lauuruig unoer uie most nistrewung Ery sipelas , attended with inflammation of the kidneys , and with bleeding Pdes , deeply ulcerated with large lumps of the size of hen s eggs protruding , and large boils covered my body The urinary secretions stopped for lays , when my distress ' came intolerable . My tongue cracked , and the roof of mouth was covered with sores , and iny chert , at the soot of my neck , was .— '—- -- - did not cool it . In this miser co very , when Mrs . Je <* up desired a TRY DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR. She brouclit to my ned a bos , and applied some to the sores . i felt immediate ease wherever it touched me , and i begged for enough to annomt me thoroughly . It was obtained , and s new urn seeme . l to ravat m«. To rwon the bumtrit uain in the clieftt i even made Pill ; of it , and took Ihem , which valuable Extractor , 1—*•—' —- jl r ul l,,e ,0 bu rning heat , so that cold % longed for death , and never expected r a the year 1&42. 1 been so ever si kerzia french. SALT RHEUM. This certifies that dalley 's pain extractor family for Salt Rheum of thirteen years ' duration , and for v^i onoe alleviated , and they 1wjviw , 4 can lie no doubt hut this Medicine has all the virtues " that the Patentee chumB for it , from what has fallen under my obaer - , added to the very reepectable le * tirnouials in its favor s requiring immediate relief . i the attention ofthe afflicted COSTIVENESS; OR, CONSTIPATION or TH1 BOWBLS. the pain extractor Is t lie sure s t , safe s t and m ost cert a in reme dy for this disease . It will positively give relief in the worst cases , and even after all tlie old remedies have failed . Persons have frequendy called at our oflice with astonishment upon their faces , stating that they had used tbe ointment for other diseases upon paru of their bodies near the bowela , and that a copious movement had resulted from it . This result will always follow a thorough rubbing of the Eitractor upon the bowels when they are cos - be tried . It is iierfectly safe ; and Extractor do harm . i the Pa RE NIPPLES, The eflicaey of t »'fcpain extractor ;« remarkable wo know of 1 remafkable ' w e k,,ow of 1 this disease . and do not that the Ointment will never fail for this pur - hesitate to pose . Delicacy prevents u 1 Irom asking certificates from ladies on this subject . The following was procusod by one of our Agents : This will certify i hat we have used dalley's magi cal pain extractor as a remedy forSore ni/ mles and cheerfully recommend it to those who may i« aillicted with that most distressing complaint , as ;i inu> t valuable ar - ucle to cure it . phœbe bray, Albany, Aprd , 184o . mary moore. FEVER SORES. i hereby certify that i have been afflicted with an inveterate Fever Sore tor fourteen years last oast , and have spent nearly live hundred dollars in employing physicians and in purchasing — u9w j or recommended for it , 1 metiicines that » ___ ...' ommemled for its cure ; but to ho purpose , until , as a last resort , i heard of and tried dai I.EY'B » rAOlÖAI . PAlS K .\'tr ACTD k" great sunaise . before i bad used one whole liox of this Salve , my limb was entirely healed , and i have nothing of it lell about me . br a dock davis. Henrietta, Monioe connty , n. y., May ti , i^ß. CUTS, WOUNDS AND »ORK«. The effect» of Hie I'AIN EXTRACTOR in th™ ciw, ia wondntul. so quickly iloca U remove all pain, and «reneu, lia succwa in paralleled. < iri «. Mo .. July 6, 1846. i r tt' w,,l,e working at my trade , , —: , ver y obd and dangerous way . Tbe whole bit of the adze entered the top ol my foot , just below the in - step . The wound began to inflame , and continuel ! so to do until i became mach alarmed . i used British Oil , Tincture olMyrth , and several adhesive plasters , but all to no puriiose . 1 then commenced tlie use of .n%W 8 .' HAG, CA L L pain EXTRACTOR, r?=„i • < ^ 8 " iai f jf n " iinutes the pain and inflammation began to subside , and has now entirely left me . i can confidently recommend Dalley ' s Magical Pain Ex - tr a ctor a s being superior to any tiling 1 have ever seen tried for removing uain or luflaminatlon . » m .5ä w p«»«fr by trade , and shall be willing to tes - 0, a ,he öalve al1 ü . me8 wlie " necessary . i reside on Franklin Avenue , at No . 161, wliere i can give any intormation desired . Vours , truly , jeff erson m. bishop. <3 <5 «î f~ «5 q Ï q ^COUNTERFEITS!!^ <' ounterl «* lta Abound !! am other falsely named pain extrators areCoun - t e rfeits ol dalley's. The worthless men who sell them hope , that by stealing our name , they may induce the public to believe that their nostrums iw*c*i tlie virtues of the genuine n icies. Buy of none but our authorised Agents . Attend to the peculiar marks upon the gen tï"" "* 2 A j ', * « wri1tkn with A pkn, l,I iftferetU [colored Ink, on ' ' 1 > tu) other be mum it . ' t/" General Depot fc . ^,, „ » ill b . promptly exwatfld .. the envelope of each boa:, und that tf" General Depot for Uie United State «, wliere all ordert II. UAIXKV dt <41., 415 Broadway, JtTein York. southern 13 epot, ■ SI Ch art rf s strsit, Jftio.Or I r an s . Where all ihmltr- in the gute , of louisiana, ala rama. mississippi, kentucky « nd tennes. ssjl- «i tbe Ohr of st. louis, in tl >. St « Wol m18 sou it i, will 1'.. pmptsitlp r'ippli. 1 4phn WlttiiiiT 4i «,*»,. «mm A tmmtvt i Do MEDICAL CARDS. n . j. bknsadon- Offloaand Residence , No . 157 Canal s treet , betw een Philippa ^" cjreus^tji. jy7 8in vuim >irwi, ufiivwii 1 luiiyim iuiu circus su. jjrj HR M AUeiBMNI hu removed to StTphilippii JLß between Grav ier and Common. jy ( jy6 dm d„. Orleans D ill. D. GLASS, (late oFfiopkinsville. Ky.) No. 97 Baromie street, between Union and Perdido street*, New »ans . ; # ,R. HOI GICS ÖFFICK, No. 1S3 Baronne street. ' near ('arrollton Railroad Depot—In consequence ol being able to undergo the fatigues of out door practice, he 1 attend to patients at his Oflice only. .. .Office hours, from o 1 o'clock, aud 4 to 7 f. M. tSP" No accounts will be It. HI'l Mm "~zt" « 1 - f iR. HOI GICH UFFICK. No, 133 Baronne street, Carrollton Railroad Depot— In con sequence ol ' ^ *—» J he mm lupt.~ " ~ ' " " dili tim" D H. JO8KPH (HiMAlt Kllffi, Membw of the Soy. I College of Surgeonn, London, informs his triends that he has removed to No. 233 Mage r are house, uo «fcret-f,oppoeite tlie Orleans Warehouse, cor-^ffsHTy»' of Julia, where he will practice his successful treatment lor DÜbases çf the EY E. He invites the serions »ntion of^those suffering fron« this malady. dl8 3m* KGYI'TlA!> KYK IIAI^A.11. I COHEN, having had 30 years' exnorience oflurs tlie above Infallible remedy for nlM)iSw£ïï r»f ' ing to the EYE cffifaKi. „f «^.555 D *uwve Miwuoie retneiiy lor all Itlseanen per- , tatnm)! to the EV 111. Ophthalmia, of liy. yeïre' 1 .undm», ctlml inHweek,; th. Tear in the Eye,» I HL GS. >lKDICIi\fcg, etc .-The subscriber is receiving a fiesh supply of arüeles in his hiie^. ami offers o V / m ., and /? i f?'« u ; ** ^reaoe ~— ---" Orlea ns. Office hours—From a a. m. to 14 n., auu lrom 4 to b p. m. Orders left at the Drug Store of H. Bonnabel, will be at tended to. _____ ja» lyd&W W D ^iM , .f orr - VKTKHI.VAHV SEKÖKBST - OULD announce to the citixens of this city and its vicinity that he is prepared to attend to all business in his line entrusted to lus «are. Dr. Elliott hopt* his long exi«. nence as a Veterinary burgeon, will insure him a ' new, as lie spent nine years in the Veterinary Prance, five years m Prusuia, and the last five y miw with .«»it success. The Doc—'- - L jcurable disease—ad' ight at Tattersalls long exiie. large busi College of ears in this 10 upo n any curable disease — advice gratis . ajp xi ,e Doctor Is to bo found at all hours of the day ' gjatT attersalls Stahl «» Ht . Charles » treet . t amily horses, well broke , always on hand nd for sale . nia « m SUCCESS OF Dit. GILBERT. r uta . . .. . Navy O rlkans, January . WO. his is to oert ify that i had a terrible sore on my face for some year », ami that it was treated by eminent medical 1 ;• who were unable to relieve me . The disease was located 11 my forehead aiul was spreading in au alarming 1 bean ! of D r. O ii.brrt's success in curfvg Cancels . . hi , ind pat my^if nn~e;"hi." nounce «! the disen*- - — well fiyr about two uuuer |iw irruiiuem . He pro - . and cured st , and i have been i, therefore , take great pleasure 1 being wi ll qualified t W. M. FLEMING. ^ / Boni, i, men recommending him to tlie public , perform what lie undertakes . doctors banning and mlîïs, ■tarxä eoiyement P rivatk P arlors at tl . 1 eranda, wliere they ask to im consulted grate fflb 1 !.,■£'»!!» to the «»„ of BASJiSc 'g lull) y ullac b, lor the auxiliary relief of weaknef * of tlie Vocal . Pulmonary , Digestive , Female , Spinal and Nervous Syxtein in the case of botli ladiee and geutlemen ; but particularly in the cast» of weakness and spinal deformities as common to children , ladies , and sedentary gentlemen in this climate . common sense principle on which these apparently dis - co nnected affections are relieved by the Brace , is 1st . That they consist in a mechanical displacement and not a primarily diseased condition ot the internal organs , caused by a bad posture and a weakness of the surrounding muscles , which should preserve tlrem suppoited and inplaiu ; explaining why medicine has not relieved this claj « of weakness . aa . i hat that support which most effectually and naturally restores the lost upward bearing of parts , removes tho cause ami relieves the symptoms , and places a « juietus upon the im - taüngmfluenceswhlch intercept the natural effect of medicine . . jd. ruis the Brace accomplishes in a manner wholly imita - Jive of , and concordant with natural actions of tlie body ; tir * t . by firmly supporting the loins or the weak part of the back , poshing it forward under the shoulder , thereby balancing the latter upon the body ' s axis ; secondly , by lifting but not com - pressing the sunken abdomen , thereby taking undue weight from the vense s of tlip lnwpr ixiromiiîm -m.,! . u .1.« above . äe'nj'by^ » ctüäfl »"eïj,' anîi n"« iiie watt ' änd cii -, „,, u l'y the c - onseiiuent upward and outward bracing of the " supported utkbiu— an acuon ami pnn - c iple e ntirely dinerent from that of corsets and sliouldcr braees . removing all dettire for , or propriety in tlieir cal profession are invited to call . .. der bra»»-, . . The medi ujmvi«wuii are in vneu 10 can. Parlors open for the reception or Ladies from f o t - 1« i p. m. (« entlemen will be waited upou from 5 to '« remale attendants npon ladies . fyft tf c^ttoj extract of copavia and v-/ c u be b s —for Diseases of the Urinary Organs. The e xten Mve ti « e of this Reme « ly for tlie last teu years in this city , dunng which period it has rarely faitad to effect a per - fect cure , where the simple direcüons which accompany ft have been faithfully observed , is the beat evidence of i » s great and unequalled excellence . Being free from all nau - properties it is acceptable to tlie most delicate stomach . wjtr 1 ut up in jare of a convenient and portable size , and for sale only at jw.'if ■ cpherson 's Drug and Chemical Store, (110 bin No . 2» camp street . New Orleans . ia. sar« v l ' a h 11, la j-ii and cublbs— Thisor iginsJ preparation has proved lUelf superuw to the Capsules or any other extract , and with the recent additions and jmprovements , will rarely fail , pro - vid « l the direction * be fully observed , To be had al he Corner nf Magazir *—' "——- •** H as 1 c and Poyjtras streets. dîSTly OMPOI \l> • Rheumatism— No .' »» g r _jpp_ (vi toi?.??"',! Brrrmi cordi \ la rixiod « J cr.i fi er— Unequalled by any other remedy ever oftereil to the public — For tiie cure of Neuralgia, ScrofuJa or King s Evil, Erysipelas, Titter, Salt-Rheum, and diaaaaes arising from impure blood , or th^ use of mercury or poisonous drugs , etc . etc . Sold at No . 9i» c r a v e i r st .. New Orleans . ft 121m llfORTLMORK'S \ KGlfrABIÜ ANTI-BlfJOiH xti i illrt— Have no superior ( if any ennal ) as a family or plantation medicine . ££t Sold at No . 09 Gravier street New Orleans . fyltflm Pamphlets . Circulars , Testimonials , etc . etc ., of ' the c u re s effected by the above medicines to be hat ! gratis of the Agent , at No . 9»c r >» bowels , a» a . follow .: th . conritenam « awakening in great fright , and is liable to starting and gri tng the teeth ; the appetite is exceedingly irregular , be sometimes voracious , at others feeble , and in some in » tanc < it w depraved . mi mai uie-c «r» suiTicie ! s Canadian Vermifuge ' Medical Evident. We , the nnderrigned , having frequently adminlstererl mwlicine yire ^ aretlbyMr .j. ihnVVir •• • ni^iieg won its efficacy , confidently recommend it n a safe ,'Lf i ,ei t my ,or the "* Pnlsion ot worms from the î n ss5f^ a .- d . r , „ ro g. O'R eilly, Licentiate ol Uie Royal College of Sureeons m Ireland , eto . .. „ . _ . _ g. w. IhoKlMsoN, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in* London "* etc , <\f Binbrook, C. WJi al of your Canadian v' [From the Rev. J. Flanaga j. W iner— Sir : i liave made mirage , and with th j every e that has c your Canadian results . In my ownfamilv , my knowledge , the expul - yours , etc . etc . July 16, 1845. J oiim F lanaoan. Pliysician « generally now use Winer ' s Canadian Ver - nulu g e . This me « lieine is a simple vegetable preparation am can always lie administered with perfect safety and conti dence as to tlie result , as it will always destroy worms am restore the patient to health . £c*"' Over one thousand certificates have been sent to tin Agents from planters , merchants and physicians , bearing tes timony to the efficacy of this infallible remedy . txf Warrauted in all case «. Prepared only bv J ohn VV inbr, Manufacturing Chemist an >i \\ ho ' esale Druggist , Hamilton , Canada West , am J ohn W iner & Co ., h3 Maiden Lane , New York , soli proprietors for the United States . fc#" Sold Wholesale and Retail , at Manufact by J. VVK"""" ' — v'right & co. 151 c'uah ru .0 c- a 'rkkt. Nf jaji 3ind &w E xbcitivk Oyrit 'k, t Baton Rouge , Februarv 4. 1HV) < ilrkvs, richard TERRELLHato . u« W! for the a I joiiu ot .tu,uw, iubw: ptied by hnn on the 10th of April , u • '«-t tor ' he city ol New Orleans , together with rhiii 'it ^ a ^ e> Laeretia Wade , hù wile . a . sureties ; Notice in hereby given to all nenons mteiwted tl "i"™ 1 it 11»; office of tlie Peoretarv the last publication thereof . oi o years.ourea in iu weekn; a man of thisoitv being stone blind for 8 months, was restored to the'-inht of »ihe ere & thm, week. ; aÄWÄÄ'Ä ob years, by using only one drop, was enabled to read the newspaper " —* *'— * ■ - - flammation brtlliaiicy Chablkb j kiiiü -Lr receiv...» » VI arucies in ms nne. amt o them for mkion reasonable terms. JAS. S. Sil AW, da dteWtf Drugg ist , Ver anda Corner. WIN Kit' M CASAUIA1V VKKMÏFCGE. WARRANTED Ft'RkI Y y *' nvr a ft r v a speedy, wile and elfeetnarremedy^r'wttpmd. h A i.a fact e.tabll.hc.1 beyond the.hadow of doubt, by the experience and totiraony of tlie most eminent phynciani, more than Uiree.fonrth.of ihediaea»« with which childreu are afflicted, are cau.ed by worm., and thousand, of children die annually from tlvoM diM-a»-., when th. cauH iieiüier not known or .ttribnteil to nomethin. eUe ; varionj are the pre tmrauonj which have been recommended a.» for worm», but exiienen. e haa proved them all more or lea inef fectnal: the end, however, baaatleneth been attained, uld a remeily been lonnd which haa never failed todeMroy worm. ^ivid^^te n ^te¥aS; safe|& {t gsag — ' m Pftlft ,' ôf ZiMdnoolm , su ffuMrwith " oacutoMlfhithe ,; ÏSÏJÏ! "r-JrÄ .»fete 1 /. following certificates , numerous others might be ' ,l «.i>el'e v ed that the « e are sufficient to establish at . \v iner ' s Canadian Vermifuge " is a suiicrior r worms . sr . villi-■>«.'. vermi - r-v— v" - —' —. « .u, effects , and children take it more readily , which is a great point gained in giving medicine to children . i remain w W uunwr iw me cuy oi New Orleans, has* applied tor the cancelling of Uie following bond, to wit: suliHcril^ by him on t he 10th of April, ans, together with bond should 'not î» e oa ' ncell ^ l " and annu iled '.' Given upderiny hand and the Heal of the State ( i Given under in < l. 8. > Baton Rouge , ( and in the scve thi. 4lli (la) of febriiàrïrj86ôr»»d ..„». fourth year o | t he Indc By the c i. uie «.uiifii autres, ivv tne tjovernor. joseph w A leer, Gov . of the atate of Uui-inni biiarlkm G ayarhb , Secretary oV State. mh2 att'a 1 Baton Route , -1 Février 1ÄVD. ' \ f' ^ dl ' ine richard terrell, ex encan ten r la ville de la Nouvelle Orléans , s ' est addressc à moi pour canceller le bon . suivau u savoir : Un lion de $10. (mn), souscrit par lui le dix d ' Avril 184h, comme encanteur en la ville de la Nouvelle Orléans , con - jointement avec Henry f. Wade et Lucretia Wade , comme i«: e , Avis est par le présent donné à toutes i :e! î» (l a . vo,r à «mmre pnrécritau bureau du Secretaire d ' Etat , dans les quatre vingt dix jours qui sui - vront m dernière publication du present , les raisons pour les - quelles le du bon ne serait pu cnmelli ! et anniille . "tl""' 4 '?"""! l' a 74?-v.» e mmCe ) de 1 Indépendance des f^tata Unis . ssr" 161 " o joseph walker. JC harlks gayarbb, Secretaire d Etat . mli2 rw ,ii L , MOLAhhKH DA KKKL8. I ««ÛSSTOïi'HR JlS. v ® on han<l ,rni " ÖOO to 1 ÎOOO cypress molasses bbls., Warranted ß -" •- j ' Wairaiitwi iii v" .mn ™v r i i Warranted « i 6aUo m ; read » for d^i » er y . .sb v à , rb.^1° n & i , ' —i — C harlei « t .. eorBer of Julia . A C'AliD. ' miik kn^i i —a . . ,. . . . . 1 Tiik Subscriber liegs^reui"^ 0 thanks to his friends , and the public in general , for the liberal patronaire he has received lrom them , and desires to inform them that he has taken the Store No. H Annunciation strret. wliere he in - f* p» "■ « jramç» of i'ainttwg, in ill n . b . Ali oirdeni nromntly räfff istört STok manumtrirbd m Cincimiati , of super or wo ' far pi. ,1- J i H ? RT & ( '°- »Toli.opitonla.rt ««d otliere wanting the best and cheap hzz.ù2"£x u" luc ," ubint ™ oi raixunw«, in all its branches , and hope «, by strict attention to his duties . u > merit a. continuance of their support . e. f. dea v fs j1j1- all ordere promptly attende «! to. i «jh km i ■» tni « or any other market , would do !ïhm?» wîh'i?"r m ™-^ '^-* el»' suit Steam , Water or ra ®300 ; and warranted ""'■» uctii ami uuvniimi » rany other market , woubf « lo — mm* » Mills betöre purchasing else - > uuply on hand of the various sixe «, to Horse Power . Prices from ftlOO to » perform to the satisfaction of tlie I B J?f HKK »II»(» A.\D 8UHUK »1 kerii «') line roe herrin«; wl dozen 1 and 3 lb canister h alm on ; in at lau . le ,! and for « leb , .TE. wood & co., Pre* 81.8eoond Municipality. tacffikld'h h am9- VVe have arranged to receive regular shipmenu of Uiese celebrated Hugar Cured Hams , which we shall always furnish at the lowret market t'l^fV ? ntl '* 'utanihiM •^tt'tjJU'sl«asere. «Whjf fin ». J. HART h lX)7nTnhon9l***\ut%, ixnspm wanmmmr six WOKP KR AflTD B iimra« OF THE AGB. The Meet Extraordinary Medicine in the World tum bxteact la put vp w QIJ a BT aOtTLBB —it i-l i mbb ««mi a jin plbasantar, ahd WAE rantkd hcpbrior to am* si>i.d-it cubes without v0mit1mo. pubo ino, sickening or dkbll.t tating the p ati but. HPHE great bcanty and superiority of thin Sarsaparilla ove A all other medicines is, that while it eradicates the disease d invigorates the body. It M oue ot the very oast iludluc ihn uiimmvd ml' limiu UI severe canes ot tUseaw; at lea^t 10,wu were cor incurable. It has saved the livei of more than 6000 C «I««»« the two past seasons. 10,000 CASES OF MENERAI' DEBILITY WÏWot NERVOUS ENERMY. , Towinend s Sîiraapanlla invigorates th uerumiwntlfV To tliose who have lost their 1 «»•- mZÏÛL-i ~ — SPITTING BLOOD. de currii. SPtTTl« U N bw Y ork , April 28, 1H4Î. Dr. Towtsend— I verily believe that your Sarsaparille has lieeu the means, tlirouuh Providence, of saving my Ufa. I have for several years had a had cough. It liecame worse and worse. At last 1 raised large quantities of blood, had night sweats, and was greatly debilitated and reduced, aud did not expect to live. 1 have ouly used your Sarsaparüla a short time, and there lias a wonderful change been wrought in me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. I taue no blood, aud my coujrli has left me. Von can well imagine « emetics , tmalk . and a variety of preparation » sener ! n uj *. when api . lied to the face , very aoou spoils it o beauty . Theyclose the l mres of tu .km^isd cSekthe eolation, which , when Nature is not thwarted ' - powder , or the skin inflamed bv tlie alkali n««w< i„ _ DOCTOR ». P. TownHentPv SarsaparUla. SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known; it not only purifies the whole syetém and »trenathwu th. person, hot it create. n.w, pore and Hch blood ; a power possessed by no other medieine. And tn tfys lies the grand secret of its wouderfnl xucceaa. It ha# performed, within the last five years, more than 100,000 cures ol severe canes of di*ea»e ; at lea^t 16,000 were c««« i ' < ——« icurable. It has saved the live« of more than 6000 considered X) Children AND permanently, i o uione who nnve lost their muscuisr energy by tlie effects ot medicine or indiscretion committed iii y onto, or U»e excessive indulgence of the pa^loiip, and brought on a general physical prostration of the nervous system, lassitude. —•——v premature decay and W#aral physUoi»/.yji.•«.».»u. uiciwi want o ambition, (Hinting Mentations, .•i^nn.iui^ ,,<-«.«/ siau ean.teentirety rmored hy this pleasant remedy, rhu a This is only ujrh has left me. You con well imagine r these result.-«. Your olni't servant, W m . RrssgLL, bô Catliarine «ueet. RHEUMATISM. 7 w» »« inure than four thousand cases of that Dr . Townsend 's Sarsaparilla has cured , . ur ........ «..ere amrcluonic caaes are weekly era . iicate « l by sextraonlinary virtues . James Cnmmings, amcs Gummings , Esq .. one of the asswlant » in the Luna i-v Asylum , Blackv \ ell ' s Island , is the gentlemuu spoken of iu the following letter : iilackwbll'b ibland, Sept . h, 1847. Dr. Towns nut— dt- ar Sir : 1 have su tiered terribly lor nine years with tiie Rheumatism : considerable of tiie lime 1 could not eat . sleep or waik . I hai! the utmost distressing painii , and . ny limbs were terribly swollen . 1 have used four bottles of your Sarsauarilla , and tiiey have done me more than one thousand dollars ' worth of good . I am mo much l» et icr - indeed , i am entirely re . ieved . You are at liberty to uw this lor Uie benefit of the aflhoted . Your *, resi ectfully . fkver~and ati/l^" ,,yj- rownsami s banapar i ll a is u n eq u alled in cases of the Chills and f ever and Ag a *. The following letter i * only on« of the hnndreds tliat we have received from tlie South and West ol like character : O swboo , Michigan, Oct 88,1M7. Dr. 7virnsevd — ftear Sur : 1 purchase «! lor my wife two b ottles of & ar > ai > arilla of your agent . mf. McNarr , of Kala maaoo . to try it tor Uie Fever ami Ague . Before i had fin ished the lir^i bottle , it appeared to warm Uie blood , audevsgy oUierday , \ shen the chillb and fever appeared , they were less violent ; and before she had finished the bottle , ihe was en tirely relieved , and she was much better than she had bwi be '? fb >° ok the ague . a ladv Uiat had been very sick with chills and fever , but had broke thein with uuinmennd wa > left in a very weak aud dirtrmsiiig state , and troubled exceedingly with ihe ague cake , seeing the effoct that it had on my wile , she sent and procured a few botilej -, aud it restore «! her in a few weeks to complete health . Your Sar * a " pari la is , without doubt , anequailed in diseaws incident to the West , and if you think that Uiis communication will be ot use , you are at liberty to use it as you choone . Yours , respectfully . C uaulbs H. S wajn. CANKER IN THE MOUTH. Below ih an account ef another citild wived . Dr . Town - send s Bareapanlla has saved Uie h tes of tliousands of chil - dren . The following two certificates arerelected lrom a great number received this week : • P r Su: One ol mv ciimr«» was sick with a Canker in the MouUi an«! Throat, attended great debility . It came near dying. 1 obtained some ol yoor exueUeut me «licine. ami it cured it directly, for which I areura you 1 feel very graiefuL Yours. re*i>ectlully. E li/.abbt h F .iw lbb. S (I Desbro^swstreet. ^ ^ FITS! FITS! FITS! Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in easel or fits, ol course never recommended it, and wu surprise «! ,u " 1 Mi - w " bk >>r- 7-^^U-Itea, BüÄÄÄV^r. PJLS"®!» w ^° ha * {* v " ä 1 y«*« afflicted with Fits: we tried almost everythme for her, but without succesa ; atW although we could hud i.o recommendation in our circolari Or cases like liers, we thought, as she was in very delicate ^ "* we °, ï " m" ""j™!,■ has had no n prise . Hhe l we feel grateful . , FEMALE MEIIlfe 6 '™ 11 - Dr. Towniend 'i Sanapuilla i. a wvereuu aad >pe«ly car, s ^ olntrucuf «! or difhcultMenstruatioq. InconUneuce oftnne or involuntary dacharge thereof, and for the geuera' prostration of the ^ tern - no matter Whether tbe result ni inherent caiuw or causes , produced by »regularity, illnres. or ac «: ident . Nothing can be iiioresurpraiae than its invigorating effects on Uie human frame . Persons, all wraknen and lassi tude , from taking it at oua- bjMoma rubast and full of energy under its imluançe . it imuiediatoly cou utera.;t* the nerveless ut««. ol the female frame , which is the great can* of hsrren nem . It will md lie expected ot as, in mm * of so delicate a nature , to exhibit wrtihoates of cures performed, but we cln assure the a. lhcted , that haadreds «d oaees have been reported to us. Thousands ot oam« where families have been witho n children , after mini ; a few botU ,« of ud» invaluable luediana . have been blessed wiUi a fine, healthy oflsprmg . TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. This extratftof Harsapaniia has I reference to female < ■ i """T **• ' nui a e did, lur it not only restored her stiedgth. but ... urn ofthe 1-iu, to our great pleasure and aur ■ w täTZ£![Fä,r i " b » h Ipanlla has been exureanly prepared m mulaints. N«> female who has reason ichtng thaicantical pitiod, "The Turn ' reference to female complaiuts. No fen £ "p'äi.mffität?! ' i , " of wof S. nu™^iV l,^blï'.bJi^ Me,„l,,^ m ûSÎÎSÏÏ |ST !° whl ï h ti„ «verni 'ranb>ih^'mltfe ü "T" IZ 7 K r™"' "or I. it lem .alua , L|„-| . """nanlmod, a. it u j i?„r. iii?.î5ïL M i th. bloo<l an.1 invi,or iüüü jgb—' jjSl — ä "" M " invaluable fundi the whi ch WMlii m. "ubjecl. It brMei " reinuvlni S |,ZÎmlïïSÏ. " i,!,,T. u. !"„. l ,, „ f V" ^? d l r - » far .Umul. 3SÄÄÄ"- -™- - irifying n ohild. bithv^'rtùû'vi^î't, jpfi'™"" f" 0 " °!" w - h ^Ä„rfe,!^rlF iuuu iihm win» nave used it think it indu.», highly useful both before and after confinem venta diseases attendant ujkni childbirth : iaoostlveneM . uile cramps , Bwellmg ol Uie feet , despondency , heart h urn . von Itmg , pain in the hack ami joint *, labe p«iw, heinorrhagi regulating the m-™.»»...- mmä " !? . i ^ reuu,,s «mahiing the circoia - „!!] *1™ 5f ln 4 ,i krea f , vlrtue ul me « lu tue m, it v «v ,? jj® n >o» t dehcateand ih» nt succemful ; few . ca -^ n =« iuu - e : u . y otheir medicine ; m some a hui « ca « tor oil or magnesia is useful . kimk* in tl » zzn- t*. 1" '."«hif*"* useful , i. vereine lu t and light foo d , with this medicine , will always uiKure u hu I h and easy confinement . —-— w beauty and health. 'ttt'ÄfS 4."ss; , *?t u,r "* ,n l , nil *w °y ul ®. alkalies used in soaps ; beautifies its own production in the " human face divine " h» well as in the ganlen of rich and deücately tinted aud variega - l l n d : . f?* a fn*« active and healthy circulation of the fluiibi , or tlie couruiif ol the pure , rich bloo « l to the extremi it which uaints Lhe mnnlnnMl ,. 'v 1 .' igjliat which paints the oounienance m the moat exouisite h^i n l i ,at wh l ,ch ,n ?j>artji the indescribable slia < ie « and fis* s .' ie 7 lovelineus that allmlmire , but none ean d «« cri >m> this beauty is the Offspring of nat V bb Sol^wm,' *" 1m '• - —• - «• • v \ dbb i . i û Î.7 • » "w der or md healthy circulation, there .c iu.ij i!« ItUT !v1 (111 \ en show t.. ■ i "41 ■ 11 a n d use c (» snietiC9 . and the blood is thick , c «>|i) and inmnrr ' slie is not b -.- autifu ). If ^l»e lie brown or yellow , and E ms pure and acUve blood , itsive ^ arich bloom to Uie cheeks ami a Uieir eyes that is ftscinating . ' - l s p u,, i '«". l > andestiej - ialiv the Spanish ladies , are so much iulmtreil . Ladies in the NortJi who lake but htUe ZZT. ~. "SÄ'Äa " r t»» wish t complex wish to eyes and bvuutiful by the application of deietcri .,.,,,... elasticity of step , buoyant spiritsl ^ pârkhnB implextona , they should tipe *' "" rr "j Thousands who have used n, are moie oir n „m^''!», f !v ,l, ° •" every station , ciowd if tiiey s , « parkhng l) r . Town - Tli .. - tick to th e l .—~ thut imitate Dr . • Townsend ' ariahly called their »tut! and luive copie«l . iti mcu ' v t bills and circulai » which relates i won ! lor word — other i r, ..»»c, ".me the great success of Dr / Townseud 'a fîu .h « f, !îhl ' a " ,l f '"cniwit to feinaiee , recommended % s f v ruvlou!,ly they d,(1 "9 1 - a number of these • "" " uunous u» females , as they aggra - Mixt* """pif PrBV *' vate disease , aud undermine ihe constitution .,* ti — n scrofula cur kd. i his certificate conclusively prove - that thisSarsapanlla has perfect control over the most obstinate disease of the Blood . Three persons curetl m one house is unprecedented . three children. Dr. To ten s end— Dear Sir : i have Uie pleasure to inform you that three of my children have been cured ofthe Scrofula by the use of your excellent medicine . They were alll . cte «! j? >ere ' y w 'ui bad wes : have taken only four bottles : it ton . youk^pretlnlly, 8real I saac w. C raim, 106 Wooster street , n t ownions of PHYSICIANS. cians in difeu i'a^^ll^ijnioir^ 1 "^ °"' er9 ft ® m phy#l * thtîâ» fc j ! *a°! f ï ,1,,y ' '! ,al we ' ,f,e undersigned Physicians of the city of Albany , have in numerous case »* Dmcrihpd l» r Fow - iisenil h Sarsaparilla , aud believe it to be one of the mo i valuable preparations in the market . h. p. PtîfjNfi , m. n wilson, m. u. Albany , April 1, 1847. p. i£. E lmknuokh, m. d. ... , caution. t iwimr to the great success and hmnense sale of Dr . Town - send s SaMiparilla , a number of men who were formerly our Agents , nave com menced making Sar ^ aoarilla Extract -', erfxire, Bmcrs , Kxtraclsof Yellow Dock , etc . They genê - 'il 11 . 11 up th ® f 1 ? 18 8hl *f» d iMHtles , and some of them have stolen and copied our advertisement »; they are on v worth lens itniMtiora , and « hunld i« avoided . 1 i rl ' iana ! liw >'m7r»n Hun Hnildinit , New , y ,'i' k . : r™ 1 '! 1 « st Co ., 8 state street, Bontou ; llyott à Son . I-S "^t s ' c ""i al ir, ttt .'. Çhiladeliduai s. s. Hance , Drue B altimore j p. m. t^ ohen , l Charleston ; |0s South Pearl IK.Y.,rt/i Second street. Philadelphia ; stb lim Maliimore ; i' 1«. Cohen . Charles !,m ; ifl"s "f* i p - " i nntchev ; in / by principal Drugirists ami Merchant * generally through « united States , We »< t Indies and the Canadas . i wdimit .si >?i!: , WRIGHT, 151 Chartres street, °* S olk A q bht, New Orleans . TV ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 'f^nhilrrn' v"viï.?d , /îi. r ^'^ t 0 ,1,y 9 a u ,h . e attenUon ol 11 i t«1 i n i jpcii ants, and Dealern ln? aoi'fe ln » rei } e 1 ral ' lü Uieir very^^k m 1 ■ } rle assn | t ment ol the above name «! cmxls, hich is second to none in tiiecity. ^ . , prtvunii i«» niunis i« tiik i' ll _) comprising every kind and quality en y too numerous to detail, but can honestlv assure alî per IT l -n :, .P urc «»Bsjiig in this line thai an insi > ectiou of then stock will be greatly to tlieir advantage . More purchasing elsewhere , for the reason that the) are mo»tj yj? || ofUwir t s mi llle rennun m.ii uie \ are mo ~llv a i til their <>u.- n sfincftl-'tobt'i dirki/t from ti1kir tlVVlï . t | A« l r At, i OR Y at Newark . N. J.,; and I mmiiu Hi<ii<.h«H With the manufacturers' prôf itsfas ^rt am that Dureharers cannot fail to be satisfied aio causi usm tt Uie above is as reprepente «!. «durbripge & co., "* . . bp Uimomhon « e street up stain . i sî-f bpll'k^.»/^ for th . neo . tna»rcw4