OCR Interpretation

St. Tammany farmer. [volume] (Covington, La.) 1874-current, August 14, 1909, Image 5

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August 14, .1909.
MRS. S. V. KENTZEL, Proprietor.
D. H. MASON, JR., Editor.
E. D. KENTZEL, Manager.
One Dollar a Year.
STrtnis, "'.1.'1g IA ADVA ':E.
Between Covin gtoll
and New Orleans.
Mandeville, Sliidel
Effective Thursday, July 1, 1909.
No. 61. 6:30 a m No. 52 8:45 a m
No. 53 4;20 p m No: (,o 6:.15 pm
No. 57 5 30 p. m No. 56, 10: 10 a. m
For information apply to Ticket
Agent, or
G. B. AUBURTIN, A. G. P. A.,
No. 941 Maison Blanche, New Orleans
Long Distance Phone, Main 488.
Bogue Fala-va Grove, No. 21
Meets on the first and third Thurs
days of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in
the Masonic building, Covington, La.
H. H. SUDDUTH, Noble Arch
JAKE SEILER. Secretary.
F. AND A. M.
Meets every Second and Fourth Tuesa
day at 7:30 p. m.
Worshipful Master.
E. P. SINGLETARY. Secretary.
See our line of carving sets now on
display at Hainer-Alford Co.
There will be a dance in the pavilion
at Abita Springs Sunday. Good music,
and a pleasant time to all who attend.
There has been entirely too much
rain and crops are suffering from lack
of cultivation and too much moisture.
Get a nice eight-day office cldeck
from Hainer-Alford Co. Only $5.00
Mr. L. A. Perreand, who has bought
out the business of Mr. John Wads
worth, will keep on hand a constant
supply of fresh eggs and chickens.
-* --
Call and get prices on phonographs
at Hainer-Alford Co. bebfore buying
elsewhere. We are agents for Edison
and Victor Machines.
At the regular meeting of the Y.
M. C. A. Tuesday night, the monthly
dues were increased from 20 to 25
cents and the initiation fee was made
50 cents. A charter has been applied
Chief Emile Beaucoudray was all
smiles Tuesday. Following is the cause:
BORN-To Mrs. Emile Beaucoudray
at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, Aug.
10, 1909, a girl. Weight, 13 pounds
and 2 ounces.
Rev. Father Koegerl has been oper
ated upon at Hotel Dieu in New Or
leans, to relieve him of a carbun
cle on the neck. He is doing nicely
and is now able to assume his regular
Sergt. L. A. White, of Troop C. is
making an excellent showing at the
shoot at Lake Charles, being fourth
on the list. His score is 288.
Mr. Godfrey Champagne started
out in excellent form, and looked to
be good for first or second place, but
fell from grace later on in the shoot,
but he will be a member of the team.
He was twelfth, with a score of 25S.
Avery Blount has failed to secure
intervention in his behalf. The Gov
ernor has signed his death warrant
and the day of execution is set for
October 15, 1909.
Mr. Anatole Beaucoudray has: had
some photographs taken of the pine
apples from his orchard. One shows
a remarkably healthy and well-de
veloped plant, the fruit of which looks
as fine as those seen on the market.
These plants are two years old, and
prove that with proper protection and
care the fruit can be grown here.
Whether at a profit or not is a ques
tion yet to be decided.
The excursion from New Orleans to
Covington last Saturday, was handi
capped by miserable weather. It was
raining in New Orleans when the
train left and it was a rainy day here.
But Mr. H. L. Garland deserves
credit for the energy with which he
is pushing matters, and he will bring
another excursion to Covington today,
accompanied by a New Orleans band.
With good weather, he should be suc
cessful and the excursionists have a
good time at the park.
The brick crusher purchased by the
town will be situated next to the St.
Tammany Ice and Manufacturing Co.,
which will furnish the electricity for
running it. With a capacity for
crushing one car load of brick a day,
this machine, if kept busy could soon
have material enough ready to pave
all the streets in town. There is an
opportunity for some philanthropic
concern to make the townf a present
of old brick. The N. O. G. N. has
promised to haul them, and there is
f~o doubt that the town can get them
on the streets. With the four barge
loads of shell that are to come, the
town should be able to make a very
pretty showing in street work.
Work of the Improve
Ient Committee.
Jacob Seiler, P. J-. Lacroix and
MIaurice Planche, constitute the Im
Committee of the Town Council. They
have concluded, in order to be of ser
vice in their work, to invite sugges
tions from citizens as to the needed
improvements, and for this purpose
will hold meetings at the Town hall
every Wednesday of each week at
which all are invited to be present
who have any suggestions to make.
Every citizen should consider that the
interest of the town is his interest. it
does no good to invite co-operation in
these matters if the citizen takes no
interest and does not trouble himself
to devise some means for the
advancement of the town. It is to be
hoped that advantage will be taken of
this opportunity and that good results
will follow.
The twenty-five fire plugs that have
been ordered put in by the Committee
are situated as follows:
Columbia and Rutland.
Boston and Columbia.
Watkins' Drug Store.
Frank Norman's saloon.
New Hampshire and Gibson.
Lockwood and New Hampshire.
Lockwood and Columbia.
Kirkland and New Hampshire.
Kirkland and Columbia.
Rutland and New Hampshire.
Florida and Boston.
Kemper and Boston.
Florida and Lockwood.
Warren Badon's residence.
22d and Jefferson.
21st and Jefferson.
Southern Hotel.
Theobald Brothers.
Rutland and Kemper.
Between Boy Warren's stable and
Biekham's store.
J. S. Jones' residence.
Ellis and Hardie's residences.
--\- -
Coming to (ovingtoln.
Rev. Chas. L. Nourse, evangelist
for the, synod of Louisiana, and Mr.
R. N. Jeffery, gospel singer and solo
ist, will conduct gospel services at the
Presbyterian Church in Covington,
commencing Sunday morning, August
15, at 11 o'clock, and 8 p. m., and
every day thereafter during the week
at 4 and 8 p. m.
Mr. Jeffrey's is a singer of note and
his songs have been very much en
joyed by those who have had the
pleasure of listening to him. Rev.
Nourse was formerly pastor of the
Memorial Presbyterian Church, of
New Orleans, which pastorate he re
signed in order that he might uninter
ruptedly pursue his labor in the gospel
field. He is a pleasant speaker and
much interested in his work, and it is
expected that a large number will
gladly embrace the opportunity of
participating in the meetings.
(Chemiieal No. 1.
A meeting of the members of
Chemical No. 1 was held in the Seiler
Building Wednesday evening, at which
arrangements were made for continu
ing the service of this valuable addi
tion to the Fire Department. There
is no doubt of the effectiveness of the
chemical engine at fires when properly
equipped and handled, and with the
arrangements made at this meeting
carried out the obstacle heretofore
encountered in the management of
the machine will be removed.
Mr. W. J. Warren has contracted
to place the engine on four wheels
within thirty days, the work to be ap
proved b. a committee of the com
pany., This will do away with the
difficulty experienced in rapid trans
poration of tde engine and lessen the
strain upon the horses.
The engine will be turned over to
the company by the town and $50 per
quarter donated for its keep. Mr.
Jos. Elchinger, acting as purchasing
committee for the company, will go to
New Orleans and secure a suitable
Mrs. N. Sieller, through the inter
cession of the Seiler Bros., made an
offer which was gladly accepted to
build an engine house for the chemical,
to be use by the company as long as
desired, free of charge with the pro
vision that tne company would pay
actual cost of material and labor.
A vote of thanks was extended to
Mrs. Seller antd to Seiler Brothers.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
J. Soiler was christened at their resi
dence in Twenty-fifth Avenue last
Sunday, Rev. Jos. Koegerl officiating.
The name chosen was that of his fa
ther, Adam J., and there is now a
lunior in the family. Jacob Seiler
andl Mrs. Caroline Strain were spbn
sors. Members of the family only
were present.
After the cerenmony, supper was
served to those present at the chris
Young T. C. Murray created quite a
flurry by disappearing from his home
without informing his father of his in
tention. As he was ve'y fond of
swimming in the river it was supposed
that he had been overcome with
cramps or met with some accident. It
subsequently transpired, however,
that he was simply paying a visit to
If you are all run down Foley's
Kidney Remedy will help you. It
strengthens the kidn;ys so they will
eliminate the impurities from the blood
that depress the rnerves, and cause ex
iha nstion, backachie, r:heoma;ism. and
urinary irregulariio e, ,which sap tihe
vitality. Do not dela:y. Take Foley's
Kidney Remedy at once. Sold by
Thee. Strain.
Police Jury.
The Police Jury will meet in regu
lar session on Monday, August 16.
A Warni:ng.
The Mayor wishes to warn boys
that if the use of "nigger shooters"
is not discontinued they will be arrest
ed and punished.
Gunthler's Villa.
Among the pleasant affairs of last
o.-k was a dance 'i'-en Saturday at
the home of Mrs. W. E. Gunther, in
honor of Mr. Joseph P. Byrne and
mother, of New Orleans. The occa
sion was one replete with enjoyment
for all who particaped in the evening's
pleasure. Refreshments were served
in abundance, and dancing was con
tinue l until a late hour.
The Time to Advertise. .
There's nothing on earth so mysteri- j
ously funny as an advertisement. The
prime, tirst and last, and all-the-time
object of an advertisement is to draw 1
custom, It is not and never will be,
designed for any other purpose. So the
merchant waits till the busy season
comes and his store is so full of cus
tomers that he can't get his hat off,
and then he rushes to his printer and,
goes in for advertising. When the
dull season gets along and there is
no trade and he wants to sell his
goods so bad he can't pay his rent, he
stops advertising. That is, some do,
but occasionally a level-headed mer
chant does more of it, and scoops in
all the business, while his neighbors
are struggling to make ends meet.
There are times when you couldn't
stop people from buying everything
in the store if you planted a cannon
behind the door, and that's the time
when the advertisement is sent out
on its holy mission. It makes light
work for advertising, for a chalk sign
on the side walk could do all that was
needed and a half-holiday six days in
a week. Advertisements are built to
do hard work, and should be sent out
in dnll days, when a customer hAs
to be knocked down with hard facts,
and kicked insensible with bankrupt
reductions, and dragged in with irre
sistible slaughter of prices before he
will spend a cent. That's the end and
aim of advertising and if ever you
open a store, don't try to get them
to come when they are already stick
ing out of the windows, but give them
your advertisement right between the
eyes in a dull season, and you will
wax rich and own a fast horse and
perhaps be able to smoke a cigar once
or twice a year. Write this down
where you'll fall over it every day.
The time to draw business is when
you want business, and not when
you have more business than you can
tend to already.-La Rue (0.) News.
- --
Be sure and take a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy with you when starting on
your trip this summer. It cannot be
obtained on board trains or steamers.
Changes of water and climate often
cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and
it is best to be prepared. Sold by all
Woodtmeni of the World.
The Woodmen of the World is gain
ing popularity all over the Uu~ted
States. In New Orleans it has a large
membership, numbering among them
some of the most prominent citizens.
The financial standing of the order
also gives it prominence as a desirable
and prosperous organization. A week
or so ago State Organizer Weil, of
New Orleans, came over for the pur
pose of strengthening its membership
this side of the lake and succeeded in
gathering together quite a large class
to be added to the Covington lodge,
Holly Camp, No 90. The initiation of
this class occurred last Sunday, and
was accomplished as team work by
the celebrated degree team from Pal
metto Camp, No. 2, from New Or
leans, composed of Consul Commander
Ralph Hamlin, Past Consul Commander
John Capdeville, Banker O. A. Levy,
Advisor Lieutenant B. G. Levy,
Watchman E. L. Hebert, Escort John
Drescoll. Thirty new members were
received into the order, a subject
being selected to illustrate the work.
The visiting members were received
at the depot on the arrival of the
morning train by the degree team of
the home camp and the Covington
Military Band. At noon they were
guests of the team at a dinner served
at the New Commercial Hotel.
After 1 o'clock p. m. a line of
march was taken up from Masonic
Hall to Cantrell's Hall, where ad
dresses were delivered by Major A.
B. Booth, head consul, and State
Manager E. M. Weil.
During the exercises; Mr. John
Schwarb, of New Orleans, played
selections on the piano.
Following is the list of the new
IH. E. Ellis, Vernon Baird, Ernest
Bllatner, Warren Thomas, Judge T.
M. Burns, W. T. Calumet, Sam T.
Blossman, .1Jo Elehinger, Archie
Smith, S. Garcia, C. Marvin Poole,
Sydney Frederick, Barclay Smith,
Arthur Strain, J. E. Cotton, Louis
Theriot, Emile Casserta. ('laud Smith,
S. D. Bullock, Walter Gallatas. Paul
J. Lacroix, W. C. Meek, Fred. Roehl,
A. V. Smith, Louis David, August
Vergez, Howaad Burns and John
Sire, J. H. Mason and Arthur du
Vergne, of Abita.
If your liver is sluggish and out of
tone, and you feel dull, bilious, consti
pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight'
before retiring and you will feel all
right in the morning. Sold by all
FOR SALE-Medium size bay horse,
gentle, good for all iurposes, .$35.
Apply to H. J. Smith & Sons.
FOR SALE-Fine. gentle horse and
newv suruy. Apply to B. Lahbat.
FOR SALE-Half Shetland poney.
buggy and harness. Apply
Mandeville, La.
IOST-A brown plaid "Chase" lap
robe either on New Hampshire or
Jackson street, Sunday, August 1.
Reward if returned to 1211 Jackson
-street, Wenv'r Annex.
u: buing a c, ::~ rodicin., don't I:e
ai'aid1 to gut Chamberlain's Cough
Rec;ed.'. There is no danger from it,
an. relief is sure to folhlw. Especially
recommended for coughs, colds and
whooping cough. Sold by all druggists.
Slidell Department
Mr. and Mrs F. B. Richardson*
chaperoned a party of young
folks to the lake Sunday, for a
dip in its sparkling waters.
Among the party was Misses:
Myra Hauck, Ogine Garreau,
Enola O'Rouke, Mr. Horace Lid
dle and several others.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henry
are receiving congratulations on
the arrival of a i!ttle son.
The N. O. E. Club will enter-'.
tain at a Lavwn Party Tuesday
next. The funds realized will
be u:ed to assist in building the
Bapt;st Church. The affair will
take jtlace on the grounds ad
joining the public school build
ing, an.d iromises to be a suc
Miss Maggie Green returned
home after several weeks visit
to relatives in Picayune.
Miss Lora Carroll returned to
her h6me in Texas after a de
lightful vi'sit to her cousin, Mrs.
B. T. Carroll.
Mr. D. T. Stockstill spent a
few days here, the guest of his
sister, Mrs. F. A. Bourgeois.
Mr. Stockstill left Thursday
for Hammond, La., accompanied
by Mr. Guy Bourgeois. They
hrve purchased a saw mill in
that thriving little city and will
operate same in the future.
The following K. of P. mem
bers visited Mandeville Satur
day, August 7: E. F. Hailey,
W. Talley, Jr., Abe Talley, N.
Gillis and John Peterson, to con
fer Emplified Rank of Knights
on several candidates.
HMr. J. G. Abel, who is now in
Pearlington, Miss, spent several
days with home folks here the
past week.
Mr. Morris, of New Orleans,
was among our Sunday visitors.
Mrs. Chester Pieri, and little
daughter spent a day in New
Orleans, guests o. Mrs. B. S.
J. H. Roberts, of Pearl River,
spent Monday here the guest of
her sister, Mrs. C. Crockett.
Mr. F. A. Bourgeois was a
visitor to Nicholson Wednesday.
Mr. Sol Levy, of New Orleans,
was a business visitor here the
past week. Mr. Levy was a
guest of Swiss Cottage.
The Knights of Pythias are to
erect a handsome brick hall on
the two lots recently purchased
by them opposite the residence
of Dr. P. R. Outlaw. The build
ing committee are: Dr. P. R.
Outlaw, chairman; Henry May
field, R. F. Buckley, F. B. Rich
ardson and Geo. 0. Aiken. They
have estimated the building to
cost at least $5,000.
We note in the T. D. of the
11th, where. three couples eloped
from Mandeville and were mar
ried at Covington. Slidell you
better wake up. Next week
we will submit a littele report
from the Board of Health, and
see what the records tell here
since January 1, of Slidell's in
creased population.
Mrs. Clarence Crockett and
children, Bernice and Gladys,
spent Sunday at Pearl River,
guests of relatives.
Wonder what's the trouble
with "Wildwood?" we miss him.
The Y. W. A. met Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. W. A. Mar
Tne Baptist Ladies Aid held
their last meeting at the resi
dence of Mrs. A. Salmen.
Ernest Buckley, of the Slidell
Drug Co., will leave Saturday
to spend a week's vacation with
his sister, Mrs. W. Bailer, at
Gulfport, Miss.
Mrs. R. Riley and children
spent the past week here visit
ing her brothers, Thomas and
L. M. Arnold, ere her de
parture for a month's stay in
Master Joseph Levy returned
from a visit to relatives in Man
Miss Elizabeth Upton, former
ly teacher in the Slidell High
School, spent a few drys here
the guest of Miss Meta Moore,
on her return trip from Nash
ville, Tenn., where she has been
atte.,dinp: the Peabody Institute.
Miss Eva Leonard spent a few
days with home folks the past
The younger set surprised
Miss Ellen Guzman Thursday
evening by way .of a party.
They met at the home of Misses
Ethyl and Louise Peterson and!
proceeded thence to the home
of Miss Ella Guzman. A large
number of little friends attend
ed and a delightful evening was
Mr. B. Houghton, Sr., was a
Crescent city visitor the past
Rev. J. M. Williams held ser
vices here in the' Presbyterian
Church Sunday.
Messrs. Horace Liddle and
Guy Bourgeois were lake visi
tors recently.
Dr. Olevia spent a pleasant
vacation at several places the
past week.
An ordinance adoptin' and accept
ing a certain map presented by Oscar
R. Brugier, as the official map of that
part of Slidell known as the "Brugier
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
town of Slidell, Louisiana, in legal
session convened, that a certain map
presented to the Council by Oscar R.
Brugier, being a map or plat of that
part of Slidell known as the "Brugier
Addition," as hereby designated and
deposited in connection with the map
jmade by K. H. Barrow, Civi Engineer
and Surveyor, in March, 1909, as the
official map of that part of Slidell
known as the "Brugier Addition."
Section 2. Be it further ordained
by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
of the Town of Slidell, that said map
as presented by Oscar R. Brugier be
deposited in the office of the Clerk of
the District Court, at Covington, St.
Tammany Parish, Louisiana, for the
purpose of remaining from this date
in the archives of said clerk's office
as the official may in connection with
the map made by K. H. Barrow, of
that part of Slidell known as the
"Brugier Addition."
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained by
the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of
the town of Slidell, Louisiana, that
this ordinance shall take effect imme
diately after its passage.
Moved and seconded to accept ordi
nance No. 99.
A vote of the council was taken
which was as follows:
Yeas-T. J. Hand, J. A: Salmen,
E. J. Perilloux and J. M. Currie.
Ordinance No. 99 was adopted by a
majority of the Council.
Slidell, La., July t6, 1909.
An ordinance adopting a certain map
made by K. H. Barrow, Civil Engineer
and surveyor, as the official map of
the Town of Slidell, and directing that
a copy of said map be deposited with
the Clerk of the District Court in his
office at Covington, Louisiana.
Section I. Be it ordained by the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen, of the
Town of Slidell, Louisiana, in legal
session, convened, that the map of
the Town of Slidell, recently made by
K. H. Barrow, Civil Engineer and
Surveyor, according to the survey of
said town by him, which said map
and survey was made in the month of
March, A. D. 1901), is hereby desig
nated and deposi e.l as the oficial map
of the Town of E.!ell, Parish cf St.
Tammany, Louis imta.
Section II. Be i: further ordained
by ,he Mayor anti Board of Aldermen
of the Town of Slidell, that a copy of
said map as tnade by said K. H. Bar
row, be deposited in the office of the
Clerk of the District Court, at Cov
ngton, St. Tammany Parish, Louisi
ana, for the purpose of remaining
from this date, in the archives of said
clerk's office, as the official map of
the Town of Slidell, St. Tammany
Parish, Louisiana.
Be it further ordained by the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
Town of Slidell, Louisiana, that this
ordinance shall take effect immediate
ly after its passage.
Moved and seconded that ordinancec
No. 100 be adopted by the Mayor and
Council of the Town of Slidell, La.
Vote of the council was taken.
Yeas-T. J. IHand, JI. A. Salmen.
O. R. Brugier, J. M. Currie and E. J.
Ordinance No. 100 vwas adopted by
a majority of the council.
Ordinance No. 10i was put gefore
the council for adoption.
An ordinance authorizing thie Mayor
of Slidell, to contract wvith James
Givens to make a complete assessment
of the property within the town of
Siidell, La.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen, of the
Town of Slidell, that the Ia:,o " of
Slidell be, and is hereby authorized to
contract in writing with JInas Givens
for the making of a co- plete asses.
ment of all the procperty within the
coriporate limits of Slidel, La., in ac
cordance with the official map.
Section II. Be it further ordained
by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen,
that said contract shail specify said
assessment to be made within 30day,
and done for the sum of $100, which
amount i:' hereby appropriatedl from
any general fund, to imeet the obliga
tion incurred by reason of said con
Moved and seconded that ordinance
No. 101 be adopted by the Mayor and
Council of the town of Slidell.
Vote of the council.
Yeas-T. J. HTand, J. A. Salmen,
O. R. Brugier, J. M. Cuerie and E.
J. P erilloux.
SOrdmnance No. 101 was adopted by
a majority of the council.
Slidell, La., July 28, 1909.
Be it ordainel by the Mayor and
Board of Aldermen of the Town of
Slidell, in legal session convened, as
SSection I. That the Mayor of Sli
dell is hereby instructed and authorized
I to re-advertise for bids on the $20,000
worth of bonds issued by this body on
June 1, 1909.
Section 2. That said advertisement
Losses Paid in San Francisco Conflagration - $4,522,905.00
Losses Paid in the Chicago Conflagration . 3,239,491.00
Losses Paid in the Boston Conflagration • 1,427,290.00
Losses Paid in the.Baltimore Confla1aration . 1,051,543.,,1
All Losss promptly adjusted and paid in full
without discount,
We represent, also, other leading com
panies of the world,
We handle insurance in all its branches,
Fire, Life, Accident, Fidelity, Casualty, Plate
Glass, etc.
Don't be misled. It will pay you to see us
before placing your insurance elsewhare.
Office Phone 26 Residence Phone 244
Sweet Jersey Cream
look and News Depot
311 Columbia (Main) St. - - Covington, La
Choice Line of Cigars and Tobacco
---- ONLY $22.0o
The only machine that plays the two-minute and the four-n.:. ute
' Amberol records. A nice selection of records alwayv on hand.
Repair work a specialty. PHONE ; 15 i
shal! be made in the St. Tammany
Farmer, the official journal .of Slidell,
and shall be inserted in said paper ten
full days as required by law.
Section 3. That said advertisement i
shall be the same as the recent pre
vious advertisement, only extending
the date of the adjudicating of said
bou:'is to Tuesday, August 10, 1909, at a
8 p. :.
Moved and seconded to adopt ordi- r
nance No. 102.
Vote of the Council was taken which
was as follows:
Yeas-T. J. Hand, E. J. Perilloux,
0. R. Brugier and .. M.. Currie.
Absent-J. A. Salmen.
Ordinance No i02 was adopted by a h
majority of the council.
Douile Wedding.
A double wedding occurred here
Tuesday in the parlor of the New Corp
mercial Hotel, the contracting parties
being Louis Smith, of Mandeville, .
son of Judge P. C. Smith, and Miss
Olga Morgan, also of Mandeville, and b
G. Nolan Mayo, of Alabama, and Miss .
Lottie Smith, daughter of Judge P. I
C. Smith, of Mandeville. I
Mr. Smith and Miss Morgan were
married by Judge R. W. Badon, and v
Mr. Mayo and Miss Lottie Smith were l
nartiedl by Rev. Blanton, of the
Methodist Church.
Both couples registered at the New
Cornmercial Hotel, where they re
ceived the congratulations of Judge
P. C. Smith, who arrived Wednesday f
The 'Catholic Societies. I
The re;idcnce bailding that has been r
furnished by Rev. Jos. Koegerl to the F
Knights of Columbus as a meeting s
place, will be altered by taking the
partitions in the upstairs portioffso as
to make one large room for a lodge
room, while the down stairs apart
inent will furnish one room for a
library and a room each for to the
Daughters of Isabella and the Holy
Name Society. Electric lights and
telephone will be installed.
A nice selection of belt pins,
brooches, cuff pins, tie pins, watches
and clocks always on hand.
Folsom i ot:U;Ud
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and fam
ily are visiting their aunt, i:i..3. John
Mr. Edgar Evans, of Covinton, has
accepted a position with the Cantrell
Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McCarty are
receiving congratulations on the ar
rival of a fine son, born July 19.
Mrs. Mary Core, of Enon, is visit
ing her sister Mrs. John Carro:1.
Misses Nena and Mabel Can...l!, , f
Covington, are guests of their sister
Mrs.' Emile Gaude.
Mrs. E. Gaude entertained at :
watermellon party last WednesI./, i
honor of the Misses Cantrell.
Miss Beulah Carroll is visiti::,; her
sister near Covington.
Mesdames Milton Burns and Jusie
Core have returned from a two v:..;s
visit to relatives at Covington, Ke:.
wood and Ramsay.
Mrs. Ben Rogers, of Denham
Springs, visited relatives and frieni,.
in and near Folsom last week.
Born to Mrs. Jas. Bruhl July 26, a
Mrs. M. M. Voyles, of Mandeville,
is spending this month with Mrs. M.
Corkern and has organized a Bible
study class.
Mr. J. M. Abney, after several
weeks with his daughter Mrs. Dan
Wallace, has returned to his home at
Abita Springs.
Mr. H. Stewart is visiting relatives
in north Louisiana and Mississippi.
Messrs. Hines and George Fendla
son attended the Buyers Meeting in
New Orleans last week.
Miss May Rogers entertained her
friends at a watermellon party last
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Carroll is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Lavinghouse, near
The Folsom Gin Co., are putting in
new boilers and making other im
provements, getting ready for ginning
(Corner Courthouse Alley.)

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