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Ur'Comae, FOYR O hI The St. Tammany Farmer E Sy1.A0 S PEAr.Ot. LTamm y Pa ish1 D. H. MASON, Editor . COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. VOL. XLIII No. 12 FIRST DRAINAGE DISTRICT BONDS WiLL BE ISSUED Slidell to Make Survey for Sewerage and Water System FIRST DRAINAGI DISTRICT ES TABLISHED IN THIS PARISH Bond Issue To Be Made Tc Cover Cost of Drain ing Lands. / LAF IN DISTRICT IS 2700 ACRES Tax of $2.16 Per Ace and 38 Cents for Retiring Principal. One of the most important move ments that has been made in St Tammany parish is the establish ment of Drainage District No. 1 with a view to issuing bonds to covea cost of draining and putting in con dition for cultivation 2700 acres o land situated in the First Ward. I is said there will be little difficult] in disposing of these bonds, as they have been readily sold in other drain age districts created in 'Louisiana E. J. Frederick, Geo. Koepp, Jr. James Koepp, Robt Koepp, Geo. H Koepp are the promoters of this ven ture. The land will be assessed a .443 per acre and the taxes will be $2.54 per acre-$2.16 per acre tai and 38 cents per acre to retire *por blon of the principal. Besides the increased value tha will be given to this particular land It is probable that this parish wil reap the further benefit of having many others in the parish whohe lands would become more .vluablb 'by drainage follow the lead that ha; been made by Drainage District No 1. Good drainage of all the land, in St. Tammany parish would place it on an agricultural par with and parihb' in the State. POUCE JURY PROCEEDINGS Covington, La., Feb. 7, 1917. f'he police jury met on the above date with the following members present: Geo. Koepp, Jr., E. J. Do mergue, J. M. Smith, S. R. Cowart Fletcher Crawford, W. H. Davis Robt. Abney, J. B. Howzse Absent W. A. Hood, H. J. Schneider. Supt. Lyon appeared -before the !police jury and read letters fron the State Agricultural School In spector and State Supt. of Educa tion, stating that they would not bi able to accept the Sun school as at agricultural school 'because of the "small number of boys who are en rolled to take this work. The following resolution was in troduced by Mr. S. R. Cowart, whi moved its adoption, and it was sec ended by Mr. W. H. Davis: lWhereas, this police jury did o1 the 16th day of February, 1916, ap -propriate the sum of $250 for the purpose of furnishing a laborator: for the Sun Graded School in orde: that this school may qualify as i State Agricultural School; and, Whereas, letters have been receiv ed from the State Inspector of Ag ricultural Schools saying that thil school has not qualified and canno be accepted by the State Depart ment; and, (Whereas, this body is anxious t1 have the parish secure the approva of the state in establishing an agri cultural department in one of ou schools; therefore be it Resolved, That the parish superin tendent 'be authorized and directe4 to use and move the laboratory, pur chased for the Sun school for the 'purpose of securing an agriculture department in any school in the par Ish he may select in order to secure a state approved agricultural hig] school. The above resolution was adopted unanimously. Moved by E. J. Domergue. second ed by W. H. Davis. that the follow Ing ordinance be adopted: AN ORIDINANCE. Providing for the payment of the special tax voted in aid of the St STammany & New Orleans Rail ways and Ferry Company: Section 11. 'Be it ordained by the police jury of St. Tammany parish - Louisiana, in regular session con vened, That the legally constitute( authorities. namely, the presiden , and secretary of the police jury o St. Tammany parish, La., and th, treasurer of the -parish of St. Tam many, La., be and they are hereb' -authorized and commanded to pay te .the St Tammany & New Or y iallways & Ferry Company all taxes lCollected by the sheriff of St. Tam many parish, La., for account of sai( i road, which have been turned ovel Sto the treasurer of the paris, of St 'l ammany, and to this end said lega' S1 coifstituted authorities are au thorized to sign the necessary vouch ers without further authorizatiot : from this board. . Section 2. Be it further ordained i (Continued on page 2? I'mTOWN COUNCIL OF COVINGTON FIXES BUDGET FOR YEAR Report of Secretary for Jwa uary Received and Referred. SPECIAL MEETING CALLED FOR 9TH. Matter of Passing Health Ordinances To Be Discussed. Covington, La., Feb. 6, 19117. The town council met in regular session on the above date with the following members present: , P. J Iacroix, Mayor; M. P. Planche, A. R. Smith, Emile Frederick, H. A. Mackie, J. E. Nilson. Absent: D.. I. Addison. The minutes of January 2, 1917, were read, and on motion of A. R. Smith, seconded by H. A Mackin, adopted as read. The minutes of January 23, 1917. were read, and on motion of J. E. Nilson, seconded by A. R. Smith, adopted as read. The secretary submitted his re port for the month of January, as follows: Covington, La., Jan. 31, 1916. To the Honorable Mayor and Town Council, of the Town of Coving ton, La.: I submit the following as my re port for the month ending January 31, 1-917: Receipts-- 1 Licenses ............. 1105.0028 Taxes .............. Fines ............ N. O. G. N. for lights. . 25 00 Sewer connection per mit ...............00 Cash on hand Dec. 31.. 1512.00 3814.28 'Disbursement J.ap 2, check CV. Z. Toung, treasurer 1512.00 Jan. 3, same ......... 189.56 Jan. 5, same ......... 1060.50 Jan. 6, same ......... 85 00 Jan. 9, same ......... . 54.95 Jan 15, same ...... 458.40 i Jan. 18, same ........ 199.15 Jan. 22, same ........ 46.10 Jan. 25, same ........ 77.82 Jan. 31, same ........ 1.30.80 38&14.28 Respectfully yours, L. A. PERRFEAND, Secretary. , The report of the secretary was re ceived and on motion of M. P Planche, seconded by J. E. Nilson, was referred to the Finance Com mittee. The secretary read a communica tion from the Fenwick Sanitarium, asking for exemption from corpora tion taxes on their property. On mo tion, duly seconded and carried, same was laid over until next regular meeting. A communication signed by Drs. Dure'l, Gautreaux and Young, was read, relative to passing a certain health ord4nance. Same was laid over to be taken up at a special meeting to be held Friday, Febru ary 9, 1917. It was moved by J. E. Nilson, sec onded by H. A. Mackie, that the Fire Department be allowed $15.00 per month to help in meeting current expenses. Carried It was moved by A. R. Smith., sec ended by Emile Frederick, that the rate of taxation on the assessed valu ation for the year 1916, be and is hereby 'fixed at ten mills. Carried. I It was moved by J. E. Nilson. sec onded by H. A. 'Mackie, that the fol lowing imbudget be adopted. Carried. Budget. Reeeipts Taxes, as per assessment roll of 1916 ....... 8502.32 Liquor licenses, estimat ed ............. 5000.00 Other license, estimated 900.00 N O. G. N. ,o., lights.. 300.00 Fines, estimated ..... 500.00 $15202.3? Disbursements-. Salaries of officers and employees ..... ... Lights ............. 4275.00 Water ........ ... 312.00 Rent ................ 144.0(1 Cemetery ........... 100.00 Street work, improve ments ............. 1500.00 10851.88 Bal. to general fund .. 4350.44 $15202.3? There being no further business 'the council adjourned subject to call. P. J. LAOROIX. . Mayor. L. A PERREAND, . .. Secretary. . WORK COMMENCED ON MOTOR LINE BRIDGIR. Work preparatory to patting up the Motor Line bridge wrross the Bogue Falaya river, at Covington, l-as commenced. ARMY WOMEN SHOPPING IN MEXICO * _ o f h.. 4 f4 W ives of American army officers stationed In Matamoros, Mexico, starting out on a shopping expedition by the I only available mean of.' traspo.'rtat ion., 1 1 ` 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l i PROCEEDINGS OF BOARDOF COM. OF DRAINAGE DIST. NO. 1 Proceedings of the Board of Com missioners of the St. Tammany 'Drainage District No. 1, in special session assembled on Monday the 29th day of January, 11917, at the domicile of said board at Covington, Ilouisiana, there were present Geo. Koepp, Jr., Edw. A. Koepp, James Koepp, Geo. H. Koepp, E. J. Fred erick. Absent: None. The meeting was called to order by the president, under the terms of a special call sent to each member, as follows: Covington, La., Jan. 25, 1917. -Dear Sir:-You are respectfully notified that there will be a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the St. Tammany Drainage District No 1 for the purpose of considering the matter of the issuance of bonds of sub-drainage District No. 1 of the said St. Tammany Drainage Distri* No. 1 and to authorize the issuancY of said bonds 'in accordance with the terms of a favorable report from the Board of State Engineers and petition of property holders that will be ready for submission at that time, this meeting being specially for this purpose and to levy the tax neces sary to provide for the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds. You are requested to be present at said meeting without fail on Mon day, the 29th day of January, 1917. (Signed) E. J. FREDERICK, Secretary. The president explained that at this special meeting of the board there would be taken up and con sidered the report made by the Board of State Engineers on proposed Sub Drainage District No. 1 of the St. St. Tammany Drainage District No. I as well as the petition of property holders in said proposed Sub-Drain age Dist. No. 1 for the reclamation by' levying and pumping the lands with in the limits of said Sub-Drainage Dist. No 1. The president, therefore, submitted the report of the Board of State Engineers relative to toe cost of reclamation in Sub-Drainage District No. 1, which report reads as follows: New Orlea s, La., Jan. 17, 1917. Honorable Pfesident and Members of Hoard of Commissioners of St. Tammany Drainage Oi-;trice No. 1. ,Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Dear Sirs:-The Boarl of State Engineers is in receipt of a' report from Mr. Howard Burns, Civil En gineer of Covington, La., in regard to the feasibility and practicability of draining and reclaiumin, the lands embraced within the boundaries of the St. Tammany Drainag s District No 1, as outlined and aescribed. Mr. Burns, with the approval of the Board of State Engineers, was employed by your drainage district to make the necessary surveys and submit said report to the Board of State Engineers. As required. Mr. Burn.' report is accompanied by a map, cross sections, elevations of surfices, etc. Upon the strength of this report and the general knowledg' of the locality possessed by the Board of State Engineers, the latter submits the following: 1. The drainage and relarmation by means of canal§, levees and pumps of the lands embraced within the boundaries of the St. Tammany Drainage District No. 1. a. outlined and dtescribed. is feasible and prac ticable. 2. To so drain an-d re:laim said lands, estimated t' cost. accord ing to .~ vision made by the Board of State Engineers, the sum of one hundred and sixteen thousand dol lars.($116,000.00), or about forty three and 21-100 ($43 21) dollars per acre as applied to the area pro SUNSHINE COT TAGE BURNS TO GROUND AND IS A TOTAL LOSS Tuesday, about 2:30 p. m., Sun shine Cottage was burned to the ground, having caught fire from the woods fire. No one was on the place at the time. There was considerable trash in the yard from the shingles left when the new roof was put on. and it is supposed that this pile of rubbish first caught from the grass. There was between four and six hun dred dollars worth of silverware in the house. Nothing was saved. The loss is estimated at about $3500. Insurance, $1200, by the Nilson Fr(gerick Co. rauntleroy Home Burned. The home of Mr. Sam Fauntleroy in the second ward was burned Fri day week. Hardly anything was saved. It is not known just how the fire originated, but it is thought that sparks caught the leaves !n the gutter of the roof. Mrs. Fauntle roy was the only one at home. She grabbbd Mr. Fauntleroy's watch and a few things within reacn. Every thing else burned. Fire at Mandeville. Sunday, February 4, the residence of Jos. Smith, Jr., and the residence of Mrs. Wilcox, occupied b) Mr. Wintz, burned. Mr. Wintz .aved nearly all his effects. It is said that there was no insurance. -------- -. Notice is hereby given that Henry M. Haseman and Louis H. Haseman will make application to the town council of Mandeville, Louisiana, for license to operate a white saloon in the tow nof Mandeville, in a build ing on Girod street, near Lake street, in the building now bein, run and operated as a saloon by Jas. L Reed. H. M. HASEMAN. L. M. HASEMAN. RUB-AMY-T'SM-Antiseptic, Re lieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Adv. posed to be improved, namely, about two thousand seven hundred (2.700) acres. 3. The cost per acre per annum for maintenance, after drainage be established, is estimated at about sixty (60) cents per acre as applied to the area proposed to ,be drained and reclaimed. 4 The character of the lands is that known as "marsh lands," witn little or no timber. 5. The cost per acre to put the lands in cultivation, after drainage be accomplished, is estimated at about Seven (,$7.00) dollars per acre. 16. The soil is generally rich and fertile, characteristic of all such lands in Southern Louisiana. 7. The value of the land, after reclamation be accomplished, should not be less than fifty ($50.00) dol lars per acre. Respectfully, BOARD OF STATE ENGINEERS, ,Per Frank M. Kerr, Chief State Engineer. Accompanying said report is given the lines and 'boundaries of proposed Sub-Drainage District No. 1 and a sketch delineating the same, which description is as follows and the sketch whereof is appended hereto and made part hereof: Location and Boundaries. Sub-IDrainage District No. 1 of the St. Tammany Drainage District No 1 is situated about four miles west and one mile south of the town of 'Madisonville, and about twenty-two miles north of New Orleans on the north shore of Lake Pontehartrain, in the parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. (~omtlnued on page 6. ) I NO CHANGE IN SITUATION AS TO GERMANY AND U. S. Since diplomatic relations have a been broken off between the United States and Germany nothing has oc e curred to materially alter the situa e tion previously existing. A large e number of vessels have been sunk s of other neutrdl nations, but United States vessels have escaped, thus far. SLondon, Feb. 8.-The German gov . ernment will require guarantees that Count von Bernstorff, former Ger man ambassador at Washington, and the men on German ships in Ameri can ports, will be permitted to leave the United States before allowing Ambassador Gerard and other Am ericans in Germany to depart from that country, according to the Cop enhagen Politiken. This information, the Politiken , says, is contained in a telegram sent by Ambassador Gerard to the Am erican legation at Copenhagen. SIBerlin, Feb. 7, via London, Feb. 8. d -The breach of diplomatic relations between the United States and Ger many has disclosed that there are 400 Americans in Berlin, a large e majority of whom have applied to the United States embassy for pass- l ports or alterations permitting them I to leave Germany. PARKVIEW, THEATRE. Y Following is the picture program n for Parkview Theatre: S W. S. Hart will be presented in a I n spectacular- play of the ancient Az tees, entitled "The Captive God." i a This feature was presented last night j and will be presented again this Sat urday. Along with this is a two- E reel Keystone comedy-all fqr 10 c and 1'5 cents Doors open at 4 p. m. E The program for Sunday will be E Marie Doro in "Diplomacy," and one comedy and one cartoon. Open at 3 p. m. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Monday will be presented Pauline 1 Frederick in "Nanette of the Wilds," t in five parts-will shown on I Tuesday. The management offers t this feature at the regular price of t a 5 and 10 cents. f e Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 14 1 t and 15, will be presented 'The Mlar- 1 i tyrdom of 'Philip Strong," featuring I an all-star cast. This play is in six 1 parts. Admission 5 and aJ cents. s Friday Feb. 1.6, Clara Kimball E a Young iI'Deep Purple." Five acts a Admission 5 and 10 cents. t e Marguerite Clark *is coming back 1 e in "Miss George. Washington," for t one day, and that day will be Sat r urday, Feb. 17th. You will make it your duty to see this particular play. 3 "The Ne'er Do Well," filmed as af h spectacular drama by the Selig Poly- t scope Company is considered by 2 r many as Rex Beach's greatest story. I In "The Ne'er Do Well," fascinat ing Panama scenery is shown, in- E cludng the work of digging the Pan ama Canal, the interiors of old Span- 1 ish homes, glimpses of the interior of tropical jungle, and odd and inter- t esting nooks and corners. n The cast in "The Ne'er Do Well" d includes Kathlyn Williams, Eugenie I a Besserer, Wheeler Oakman, Frank r h Clark and others. Almost the same I e cast of stars that added to the real 0 ism ao "The Spoilers," Beache's other great story, filmed by the Selig I Company, appear in "The Ne'er Do e Well." Charming Kathlyn Williams en t acts the strongest character role in I 'f her career as Mrs Stephen Cortlandt. o the woman Diplomat. The role of e Kirk Anthony, the ".Ie'er do well," i, is enacted by Wheeler Oakmnan. e This wonderful Selig production will play at Parkview Theatre for Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 19th and 2oth. / . PROCEEDINGS OF! TOWN COUNCIL MANDEVILLE FEB'Y 6TH Report of the Treasurer For January Read and Accepted. DEMAND ON SALOONS TO PAY LICENSES. Ordinance Passed to Pre- i vent Planting Anything On Neutral Ground. Mandeville, La., Feb. 6, 1917. Tie Board of Aldermen met in regular session on the ab;uve date with the following members present: 'Mayor W. G. Davis, Dr. A. G., Mayhe, J. L. Smith and .Jas. Band Absent: e A. Depre. Moved by Mr. Band and seconded by Mr. Smith, that the minutes of the meetings of January 2 and 15 be adopted as read. Carried.' Moved by Dr. Maylie and second- t ed by Mr. Band, that the finance t committee's report be accepted and warranty for all bills approve:l be drawn. Carried. 'Moved by Mr. Smit?, seconded by Mr. Band, that the treasurer's re port for January be accepted Car ried. e ,Receipts: Jan. 1. balance ....... 127.13 3 Jan. 5,,interest front St. Tammany Bank & T. i Company ......... 21.36 Jan. 15, certificate of de posit No 131, sea wali 1.455.08 t Jan. 31, taxes for 191b 913.3]8 Jan. 31,Anes ..... . 15.0 2721 74 1 Expenditures: Jan. 4, street lights for December ... ...... 1379. t Jan. 15, notes on fire - engine and hose .... 482.01 D Jan. 15, Nlock No. 5 of sea wall .......... 1485.08 January 31, streets and bridges ........... 43.30 Jan. 34, general expens- b es ............... ..75 a 2149.12 i 'Balance .... ...... .1572.63 Special'or Sea Wall: Jan. 1; balance ...... 1364 20 a Jan. 2, int. from bank. 23.49 J Jan. 31, received from tax collector ....... 471.4( a Bal. Jan. 31 ... ' 1859.09 a * JAS. M. HITtH'ILNSON, I Treasurer. 1 Moved by Mr. Smith and seconded by Dr. Maylie, that the, petition of a E. H. Baudot asking for a permit , I operate a saloon for colored men on Klelber street, be granted. ] For: Maylie, Smith, Band and 1 Hartman. 'Against: None Carried.'. 1 Moved by Mr. Smith and seconded 'by *Ir. Band, that the petition of 1 Edgar Sharp asking for kpermit to a operate a saloon for colored men, be laid over until 'Feb. 24, at 2 p. m. t Carried. Moved by Dr. Maylie and second- a ed by Mr. Band, that the insurance on the town hall be renewed with the same company for three years, at the d same rate, and that the secretary be a authorized to draw warrant in pay ment of same. Carried. . Moved by Dr. Malie and abconded by Mr. Band, that the marshal be in- I structed to make an immediate de mand on every saloon keeper in th I town for the immediate payment of their licenses, failing to do so withir a five days, the mayor be and is here- r by authorized and instructed to take legal steps to collect same. For: Smith, Band, Maylie and IIartman. Against: None Moved by Dr. IMaflie and second- i ed by Mr. Band, that the mayor be authorized to act at his own d~iscre tion in regard to the completion of I block No. 8 of the sea wall. Carried. - Moved :by Dr. Maylie and second- I ed by Mr. Band, that the finance committee be instructed to investi gate the question-of an assessor for I the town, and report to the council at the next meeting. Carried. AN OBDINANCE. Be it ordained by the town council of Mandeville, La.. in regular ses sion assembled, that it shall be un lawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation, association or socie ty to plant any trees, flowers, hedges, grasses or plants, or to build any walks, bridges, platforms, sheds,I houses or benches on tile beach or neutral ground between Lake street proper and the sea wall, or on or I attached to the sea wall itself, with-c out having first obtained permissio." from the town council. Be it further ordained, etc., Thata any person, persons, firm, corpora-1 tion, associatiion or society violat ing any of the provisions of this or dinance, shall, upon conviction there of be fined not more than twenty five ($25) dollars, or thirty days im ,prisonment in the town jail, or both, at the discretion of the mayor. Moved 'by Dr Maylie, seconded by Mr. Band, that the above ordinance Db adoptod. SLIDELL GOING AFTER SEWER SYSTEM AND WATER Engineer Kramer Authoriz ed By City Council to Plat Town. MANUEI., THOULEIN, AGE 60, DROPS DEAD. News Notes, Social Doings of Week, and Personal Mention. Mr. X. A Kramer, of Magnolia, Miss., a civil engineer, particularly, well knowp all over this section, ap peared bdfore the cduncil meeting last night and was authorized to plat the city with the view of having sew erage and water works' and recon structing and improving some of our streets. These much needed Im provements will give an opportunity to our get-2-gether folks who have ,, their meeting carded for the 13th, to get busy at once. Of course, there are other matters equally im portant, the most important of which is, in the humble opinion of your scribe, to get together, work togeth er, to establish a community inter-" est, which shall be above all minor personal differences and with united,. effort it is end will b3 possible to accomplish many things not other wise attainaible. Manual Thoulein, 60 years, a na- ,~ tive of New Orleans, dropped dead at North Shore Feb. 6th, and 'Coro ner Bulloch was called here to view the remains, which vere sent to New Orleans to his lbrother-in-law, Geo. Brunet. Mr. Thoulein was father-. in-law of L. H. Vigier, of Neuhahuse .., (Brothers. Mr. and Mrs. and Misr Hefty, of New York, will arrive id a few days to be the guests of Mrs F. Salmen. Mr. Walter Afbright, of Detroit, Mich., was recently a guest of Miss Ella Sal en. Mrs. MI McDaniel is a" Byers'. o. vention kuest in New Orleans t.'.. week where she is devoting modt, f her time to the millinery department and we have no doubt that bef'ore long the "latest creations' will be in evidence here. The Catholic church, "Our lady of Lourdes,'" construction of which is about complete, will be dedicated soon. The date has not' been des nitely dixed as yet, but will be as soon as the furnishings are installed. We regret to learn of the expect ed departure of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Folts, ,who are moving to New Or leans. Mr. Folts will be connected with the Salmen interests. 'h'er, carry with them the best wishes of a host of friends Mrs. Manly entertained the Five Hundred Club Friday afternoon. Mrs. B.. F, Dunham won the prize, a beautiful Japanese card case. D4-'4 licious refreshmepts'were served . 'Miss Maud Murdock, of New Or~ f leans, is visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Delsune. Mrs. B. P. Dunham was a visitor to New Orleans Saturday. Mrs. C.'/M Tilley is spending the week-end in Ne'w Orleans. Misses Emma and Louise Michel, of New Orleans, spent Sund y n 811-,. dell as the .guests of Miss Ella Sal. men. Mr. Deckman, of Cleveland, O., and 'Mr. and Mrs. Morse, of New York, were recent guests of Mrs. F. Sal men. Miss Fannie Oliver has gone to Laurel, "Miss., on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Blumer, formerly of SliHdell, and Moss Point, Miss., but. now a resident of Hattiesburg, was a visit or to Mrs D. D. Folts during the week. Our progressive frlends, the Neu hauser Brothers, have established a branch store on Cousin street, under the manageipent of Mr. Jos. Lee, who has been in their employ for a number of years. This will, no doubt, prove a popular move to many of their patrons as the branch store is centrally located. Mrs. T. 8. 'Meek, mother of Mts. Spurgeon Wingo, is here on a visit to her daughter. 'Mr. H. J. Schneider and family, of' St. Joe, left this week on a visit to Beaumont, Texas, in the interest of a new ,plant which they are con structing there. We wish them every success in the undertaking Mr. F. M. Comfort spent Tuesday in New Orleans on Masonic business.. For: Maylie, Smith, Band and Hartman. Against: None. Carried. Moved by Dr. Maylie and seconded by Mr. Band, that the improvement committee be authorized to draw ap written specifications for the bulk head at the east end of sea wall, and ask for sealed bids on same. Said bids are to be opened by the coun cil at its next meeting. The coun cil reserves the right to reject any and all bids. There being no furtltr buines the council adjourned until Satur- -' day, February t4, 1917, at 2 p. m. ' SW. G. DAVIS., Mayor, J. M. HUTCHINSON, -ertr