Newspaper Page Text
___ The St. Tammany FarmerOY T he. S. TEAs n a F a er D .St, T ammMa y P ari sh 1 I LS A YEAR OP ORTUN .TE D. H. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1917. VOL "XLIII No. i3 i i l ORDINANCES PASS FOR CERTIFIED BOARDING HOUSES Slidell Get-Together Meeting at Commercial Big Success FISRT STEP FOR SANITATION IN COVINGTON IS TAKEN A Special Meeting of the Town Coucil Passes Ord. 57 and 58. LAW REGULATING TUBERCULAR PEOPLE Sanitary Measures Adopted Carrying Out Intention of the Law. Covington, La., Feb. 13, 1917. The town council met in special session on the above date to pass up on certain health ordinances to es tablish certified hotels ann boarding houses in the town of Covington, and to regulatehe disposal of sput um or saliva r"' other bodily secre tions or excretions of persons hav ing tuberculosis' Present: P. J. Lacroix, mayor; .Smile Frederick, A. R. Smith. J. E. 1Nilson, H. A. MackJe. Absent: M. P. Planche, 'D. I. Addison. Moved by A. R. Smith, seconded by H. A. Mackle, that the following ordinance be adopted. Carried. ORD~LANOE NO. 57. An ordinance to establish certified hotels and boarding houses in the town of Covington, 'Loudiiana: *,Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and the Munici gal Board of Health of the town of Covington, as follows: Section 1. That. any person. firm or corporation wlo- shall hire, lease :or rent, or otherwise dispose 'of. by the day, week or month three or more rooms in any premises for liv ing or lodging purposes within the corporate limits of the town of Cov ington, shall be deemed to be a boarding house or hotel keeper, un der the provisions of this ordinance for the following purposes, to-wit: That any such person, itrm or cor poration desiring to come within the provisions of this ordinance shall certify under affidavit to the Munici pal Board of Health of the town of Covington to the following 'regula tions: (a) That such boarding house or hotel keeper will not lease, rent or hire any room 'for living or. lodg ing purposes on premises owned by them or under their control, to any person who is afflicted with tObercu losis of the lungs or larnyx, o any other disease whose virus or ililect ing agent is contained in the sputum or other infectious secretione or ex cretion. ("b) That 'all of the windows, doors and outside openings of kitch ens, dining rooms or other compart ments where food is served or kept, are screened in a fly-proof manner subj. to the rules and regulations of tMlf unicipal Boar if Health in such cases made and p'ovided. (c) That the drinking water sup plied by such hotel or boarding house shall 'be found to be chemical ly pure and free from all dangerous or infectious bacilli after proper analysis. (d) That all drains, out-houses, water closets, cess pools and toilets shall be in strict accordance with the sanitary laws and regulations in such cases made and provided. (e) That no cook, waiter, house keeper or other person employed by such boarding house or hotel keeper who is afflicted with tuberculosis or the lungs or larnyx, or any othdr Sdisease whose virus or infectious agent is contained in the sputum or 'o ther infections secretion or excre tion. (f) That subsequent to the pass : ge of this ordinance all rooms which are commonly leased or hired in such places shall have been thoroughly and scientifically iumi gated according to existing laws. Section 2. Be it further ordained, " That after a complete inspection and report by the duly constituted Health Officer of the town of Covington, the Mayor shall issue a certificate to Smid boarding house or hotel keeper in the following words and terms, to-wit: . "To All Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that .......... ............... has certifled under ' the sanitary laws of the State of Lou Ssiana, and the Town of Covington, :that the hotel or boarding house . kept by ....................... ts free from all tubercular infqction 4?r other contagious diseases, and i'that in addition said boarding house 1or hotel keeper will not admit or receive as a guest, or patron or weherwise accommodate any person fficted with tubercular diseases, 4jd has otherwise complied with all '.t the State and Municipal regula atons regarding the sanitation of hotels and boarding houses." ....o.... Mayor. S (Continued on pae 6. ) MANDEVILLIA1 MAKES APPEAL .TO VOTERS FOR SCHOOL TAX Criticises Oppositions Meth ods and Gives Statement of the" Facts. SOME TRYING TO FRIGHTEN WOMEN. 3-Mill Tax Expires Next Year and 3-4 Special Tax Also. It is very apparent that a plain expression of facts is at this time not only apropo but quite necessary in view of the false and malicious statements and vicious rumors that have been set afloat by some of the misguided individuals opposing the proposed special school tax soon to be voted on. Among the loudest shouters of the opposition are a number of men who object to spending a red copper of their own, irrespective of whatever general good it may do, but who are ever ready and over-willing to spend the other fellow's dollar whether he wants to or not. They own land and property which they will neither sell nor improve, selfishly hoping to dis pose of same at fabulous sums, yet too ignorant to perceive that their own miserly actions are preventing the very opportunities for which they are keenly looking;' forever publicly bemoaning the lack of local improve ment they Mafia like, stab in the back any forward movement, unless they can see in it some personal gain. Some say, "I have no children to educate, to hell with the' other fel low's," a statement so heartless and contemptible as to merit no notice. Some are trying to frighten the women taxpayers, a majority of whom, be it said to their credit, favor the proposition, dby saying that the tax will be double the present rate, when as a matter of fact the tax vill be a, graded one, growing less from year to year, as the bonds are taken up; and right here it should be re membered that the St. T. & N. O. I. & F. Co's. 3-mill tax will expire next year, that the 3-4 mill special state tax is paid only one year, 1917, tnd that the parish police jury, at the request of tlLe town council, has reduced 'the parish tax by 2 mills, so that within two years the taxpay er will be paying u.ESS than at pres ent, INCLUDING the proposed tax, and will have a new school house in Mandeville on an improved school system, and an improved school system in Lewis burg and Houltonville, as well as here. Some have stated that the negr school was to be placed next to the white school, and others that it was to be placed under the whites in thc same building, a statement so pre posterous that it is nauseating and could only originate with molly coddles typical of some of the oppo nents. No, gentle reader, there will be no such mixture; but the colored children in their own school separate and away from the white children will be given a four if not five months session instead of the three months now alloted to them. Some are saying that some of the opponents are such because of their expectant realization ,of ,personal profits; for instance, that the present school director's energy is due to a desire to sell more school books, etc., that, another and one of the largest taxpayers in the ward expects 1to dispose of land in the wilderness at an enormous price, that is otherwise unsalable, for a school site; that an other, at present a town official, will be appointed school inspector. Lies, all dies born of malcontent and des peration in a "win by fair or foul means" campaign. Some are saying that the school is to be built in the woods, far away from the center of the town. Abso lutely ridiculous. The site has not been selected, not even thought of. It is a self-evident iproposition that the tax must be voted before any ,ositive action can be taken; then, after a consultation with the taxpay ers, the location as well as all other matters connected with the school will be decided with a view of doing the greatest good for the greatest number. Some are saying that the money received from the tax will be used to pay for teachers, equipment and im irovements in other schools. Sense less and absurd; for the very mo ment thiat one cent of this fund ihould be diverted to any other pur pose whatsoever than the building of a new school in Mandeville and the maintenance and improvement of all the tourth district schools, aqy tax-, payer would be, privileged to step in to court, prevent the payment of the and prosecute the offender. This Is the law and should Mbe remember -- and heeded in preference to the DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS HELD THIS WEEK Judge Carter Strict as to Law Against Concealed Weapons. GRAND JURY REPORTS BUT FEW TRUE BILLS. Most Cases Before Court are of the Minor Crimi nal Class. District Court opened with Judge Carter on the bench and District At torney Brock prosecuting. Judge Carter was strict in the enforcement of the law as to carrying concealed weapons, and wi:l it his- best to break the habit up. The grand jury brought in but few true Bills, and the criminal cases were mostly of a minor character. The following true bills were re turned by the Grand Jury: Walter Parker, carrying conceal ed weapons. Peter Burton, larceny. Jas. C. Strain, carnal knowledge. 'Leon Johnson, larceny. Bdb York, larceny. Joe Ray, shooting with intent to murder. Napoleon Daniel, larceny. iH. S. White, carrying concealed weapoin. Will Franklinton, carrying con cealed weapon. Robt. O'Neil, carnal knowledge. Rousseaux Sharp, Jas. Sharp and Arthur Hunt, araCult and battery. Cordelatia M&Joncide, libel. Oscar Bradley, assautl and -bat tery. .P1omon Roberts and Louis Re vere, cutting with intent to kill. Ben Davis, carrying concealed weapon. The following cases were disposed of by the court: "Ben Davis, plead guilty to carry ing concealed weapon. Will Franklinton, plead guilty to carrying con ,aled weapon. H. S. White, plead guilty to carry ing concealed weapon. Joe Ray, found guilty to shooting with intent to murder. Bob York, plead guilty to larceny. Pete Burton, plead guilty to lar ceny. Union BBank vs. W. T. Tippin et al., judgment as prayed for. Town of Slidell vs. J. W. Decker, judgment against defendant. Will J. Morgan vs. Dr. G. C. Min turn, taken under adv'isement. J. S. Read, found guilty by the court. Motion fo rnew trial was granted. State vs. Toulous Depriest, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs, and default to 12 months in jail subject to work on public roads. It was further order ed by the court that sentence be suspended, provided defendant gives to he sheriff every Saturday, begin ning Saturday, Feb. 24, the sum of $4.00 per week, this amount to be used by the sheriff to purchase pro visions and necessary clothing for maintenance of his children. J. W. Fowler vs. Southern Express Co., default entered against defend ant. W. T. Pittman vs. N. O. & N. I Ry. Co., ju.dgment for plaintiff. John Ramsay, plead guilty to lar ceny. Carrie Carroll Rutland vs. Allen Rutland, judgment as prayed for. Sentences not given in time for publication will be published next week. pin-headed opinions of egotists. If this tax is passed it will give Mandeville a new six-room school, fu:ly equipped with new desks, black boards, etc., an auditorium with seats and stage, a library, &eachur's office and a concrete basement to be used as a playground in bad weather, an artesia.z, well, electric lights and sanitary cldsets and wash rooms: in one word, a modern' up-to date school and so built as to permit of enilargement in the event of convery ing it into a high school, which closely within the range of probabi:i ties. It will also give a full nine months session to the Mandeville. Houltonville and Lewisburg schools and probably a second teacher to the latter. It will obviate the necessity of sending children to Covington or New Orleans schools, thereby saving time, trouble, money and worry to the parents, and, the grades will be such as to permit the pupil's stepping directly into the high school here or elsewhere. It will give the colored school a loncor and better session' separate and to itself. It will encourage the people with children to locate here permanently. any opinion to the contrary notwith Btanding, for it is a well known fact (Containued onp 2e I FRUIT STONES SAVED FOR GERMAN OIL ti. -x . . .$. "b 1 No fruit stones are thrown away in: Germany. They are all collected and crshed. The oil iL extracted for drugs and military purposes. The photo graph shows the stones being packed to be sent to a crusI~ig mill. MR. MORGAN IN FAVOR OF THE NEW HEALTH MOVEMENT Washingto, D. C., Jan. 23, 1917. Mr. D. H. Mason, Covington, Lou isiana: " My Dear Mr. Mason:-1 carefully read and was favorably impressed with Dr. Durell's observations touch ing the untrammeled and unrestrict ed authority, now exercised by ho tels and boarding houses, in relation to the receptiilon of tubercular .pa tients. I firmly believe that boarding houses and hotels ought to be re quired to consult some law, other than their own j.sonal interests. You will doubtle~ ind some intol erant of opposition--demanding the right to pursue their self-imposed regulations. However, I do not think it can be successfully argued that it is violative of the principles of a free government to throw rea sonable safeguards around the peo ple. In my judgment, ,it would be in defensible if the town were, in the face of Dr. 'Durell's advice; to con tinue to acquiesce in a practice that endangers the lives of the people and (Continued on page 2) "MISS GEORGE WASH INGTON" TO-DAY. "Ne'er Do Well," Biggest Feature Ever Booked for Covington. The picture program for this Sat urday night at the Parkview will be a program of greater merit at the regular admission price. Pretty lit tle. Marguerite Clark will again be ,presented in her geratest 'triumph, "Miss George 'Washington." This will be the last time that this picture will be presented in Covington and those who did n&t see it the last time will please take advantage of the Op portunity, as it is really something good. .Sunday will be shown Blanche Sweet in "The Storm," along with two comedies, including one Bray cartoon. Open at 3 p. m. Admis sion 10 and 15 cents. Music fur nished from 3 to 6:30 by Mrs. Wil bur; from 6:30 to 9:30 by Grimmer and Grimmer. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 19th and 20th, will be presented 'Rex Beach's "Ne'er Do Well," which was Iproduced upon the exact spots al luded to by Rex Beach in the story. -It is filmed with all the vim, snap and punch that has m~de Rex Beach one of our most iular authors. There are hair-raising hand to hand fights, plot and counter plot, and the do or die spirit, intermingled with a beautiful story' of love and romance, fiendish jealousy and black intrigue, with the naked passions of men and women bared before you ap only Rex Beach can bare them.- The prices of admission for this feature will be 15 and 25 cents. Performances start ing as follows, each day: first, at 3:30; second, at 6; third at 8:30. The feature is in ten parts and it will take exactly two and one-half hours to see it. Wednesday and Thursday will 'be presented Lenore Ulrich in "The Road to Love," a live part Para mount. Admission 5 and lo cents. 'ri4ay and Saturday will be "A Coney Island Princess," featuring Irene Feuwick and "Owen Moore. dimiutsom b sian 15 seats. The Duck Puts It Right Up to Slidell COUNCIL MEETING OF SO FETME: LA. FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. The cofrtil of the General Fed eration is composed of the officers of the General Federation, I; Chair men of the Departments of the Gen eral Federation, 15; Directors of every State, 47; Presidents'of State Federations, 50; Presidents of every club holding direct membershib in the General Federation, 2000; Hon orary Presidents, 4; Honorar'y Vice Presidents, 6; Local Federations, 11; Special committees, about 10. This is a rough estimate of those having voting powers in the Council. Every man and woman is invit ed to attend this Council meetiug. The only "p vileges which will be shown thos cvho are members over those who are visitors will be tie power to vote and make motions, special seats assigned, 'and possibly some few social affairs. As all of the day sessions will be held in the Bell 'Room of the, Grunewald ,Hotel, with its seating capacity of 1600, and the night sessions held in the French Opera House, with a seating capacity of 13000 or more, you can readily see that visitors will be com fortably seated within easy distance of both seeing and hearing the speakers. Club women, whether members of Council or not, will be invited 'to enter into discussions. The coming of the Council to Lou isiana will be an epoch making event for the women of the state. To have within your borders for one entire week the leading club women throughout these United States, wo men of -vast and varied experience, women who have received degrees along all lines offered in the pro tessional world, Doctors of Law, Doctors of Philosophy, Ministers, Poets, Authors, Artists, Musicians, etc., women 'Who have ,thought big thoughts, done big deeds, in broad big ways, coming to give us the' best fruits of their study and experience. A like privilenge will not be given the Louisiana Federation within the next quarter of a century. At the Council meeting work of all departments of Federation will be considered, as the program ' will prove. Theea conferences will shape the future work of the various de pantmentsof Federation, and give to woman a broader vision of the possi .lbities offered through these avenues (Codtaued on upse 2) GET-TOGETHER DINNER MAKES HISTORY FOR FOR SLIDELL Call Issued by C. M. Liddle Who Asks Mayor Badon to Preside PROMINENT MEN SPEAK FOR TOWI~ WELFARE. Local News Items and Mat ters of General and Per sonal Interest. (By Staff Correspondent) Slidell,, La., Feb. 13, 1917. The get-together meeting at the Commercial Hotel was well attend ed and every interest in the commu nity was well represented. The Hon. C. M. Liddle, who issued the call, acted as temporary chair man, told those present that the ob ject of the meeting was to try tq get-together, to stay td-gether and to work together for civic improve ments, and introduced Mayor L. Ba don, as permanent chairman,, F. F. Wtggington as secretary, and Mr. E. F. 'Hailey .as toastmaster for the evening, and announced that in a few minutes a feast ready. Mayor Badon thanked the citizens for responding to the call, and was glad to see that the whole commani ty was represented. After a few minutes spent in get ting acquainted and exchanging ildeas, the signal was given acd . fty fivq xepzesenitative dCit1ies of Slidell pa'sed into the dining room where tables were invitingly set. Mayor Badon, as chairman of the meeting, modestly disclaiming any oratorical ab thanked the assem blage for th resence and pledged his support for any suggestions that might be made for improvements and that now was .the accepted time to take some action, and that a special meeting of the town council would be called to consider any suggestions made that might require immediate action; however, preceeding the business of the meeting that we should trst do justice to the feast spread, after which he turned the meeting over to Mr. E. F. Hailey as toastmaster, and called upon the Rev. S. Wingo to offer grace. A splendidly served repast was en joyed, after which Toastmaster Hal ley invited the Hon. C. M. Liddle to make the introductory talk. Mr. Lidddle told about some of the needs of our town, among the most urgest being street improvements, followed by sidewalks; that under the present system the cost of up keep and working our poorly made, unpaved and at present impassable streets was very much more than would be the case if we had better streets, and that good sidewalks would follow good streets; also that the appearance of our town as view ed from the railroad was ragged and not inviting, except for the small plot near the depot which .as, been embellished by the Railroa4 'Com pany with a garden of flowers and other plants pleasant to the view, and suggested that the right of way through the town be fenced, shrub bery planted and the space beautified and kept in order by prisoners sent enced to labor by the local courts. That the electric light and 'ice plant be municipally owned; that the plant, under the able njanagement of B. R. Houghton, Jr., during the year of 1915 made approximately $5000, and that during the year 916. about $6000, and that during this time the cost to the city was about $5000, and that the service was not satisfactory, and it was sug gested that the city buy the plant and operate same. Mr. Liddle's remarks were listen ed to with great attention, and warmly received, and he was thanked by the toastmaster for the timely suggestions. IMr. U. IG. Neuhauser was called upon to enlighten the meeting on the spirit of get-together. Dis claiming any rhetorical ability Mr. Neuhauser gave some incidents from his career as a knight of the tele graph key. After his arrival in Slidell he decided to put all his spare money into land, and had lived to see his judgment in this respect well con firmed, and now found, himself sur rounded by a fine body of represen tative business men with whom he had interests in common and that it would be a pleasure tO do anything that will assist in securing the im provements desired. "Hapes of the Town Council" was the subject of a brief talk by Council man Hursey, who stated that he was no orator and had advised Mr. Liddle that there would be no need to as sign five minutes to him as he could saly all that he had to say in less than half the time-and proceeded to do it. Telling his hearers that because he ha~d ~beea defeated for the legislature was no reason for his aming imade thethe on alway; than SUPREME COURT DECIDESGLISSON, NOT ENTITLED TO DAMAGES People Have Right to Enter Impeachment Proceeding Against Officials. CASE OF MAYOR EGAN VS. SIGNAL DECIDED. Newspaper Has Privilege of Criticising Public Official. J. E. Glisson, who secured Judg ment 'against Charles Biggio and others, in the district court of St. Tammany for $15,000 damages for libel in efforts to have him imupeach ed while mayor of Abita, will no; collect his judgment. The Sipreme Court annulled the judgment, re versed it, and, in its stead, gav6 judgment for Biggio and his oode fendants, dismissing Mr. Glisson's suit. The court said, in parh, i passing on the suit: 1. In a suit for damages for libel and malicious prosecution it is nec essary to allege and show, malelo on. the part of defendant, and want of probable cause, in the suit complain ed of. 2. Where defendant in 'such suit introduces recard evidence to show Justification of the charges made in the suit which was charged to have been . malicious ,ptosecution; J¶ ,. that" heI° should' be judgoipt `t ; defendant. 3. An action for lfbel or .tialiC- ' ous prosecution does n'ot lie because: of the filing of a petition wits the'; district attorney charging want it in tegrity or other cause of in a public officer or employe; to removal by or under sus of the court to whom the cation is addressed; where the . . munication to the proper o,~isr i made in good faith, without ' eiie, and with probable cause. 'It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the Judgment ap pealed from be anmilted, . a~spida and reversed; and itF is not order er, adjudged and decreed that there; bgjudgment in favor of defendants, dismissing plaintiff's suit with coats. --4. O. Daily States. May Criticise Public A further interpretalon of the law was made in the case of Wil M. Egan vs. the Crowley Signal P0-' lishing Company. Egan was mayb. of Crowley and as .ayor vetoed a ordinance of the city council aboli sh. ing the restricted district. Artieles in the Signal referred to him as 'ttb. self-constituted champion of-the red light, "red light," according to the court, meaning the restricted dis trict. One defdinition of "champion/' said the court, was "one who ats or speaks in behalf of lb person or thing." , Plaintiff, therefore, tell within the definition of "champion." He had been placed in teh position of mayor by the people of the city and they were privileged to eritite" i" his apts. If they thought those acts' tended to vice, they had the right to, say so. The court held that the statement of a writer in the Signal, that "There' s ftnt one of two reasons why men want to keep it' (the re-. stricted district) going. One is to make money. The other Is that vile men may gratify their hellish lusts," was more a commeptary on the aver age man than a libel on the mayor. The criticism of the complaining of fcial furnished no base for action, said the court, and the Judgment was annulled anji the suit dismissed. N. O. Times-Picayune. read a few don'ts for the citizens, who should not go to the City Fath ers on trivial matters but should go ahead and do some things them selves: such as filling the small holes in the street in front of youtr 'hbouse, and to avoid driving across ditches there'by injuring drainage, but to drive to the bridge, and other don'ts alIng that line. 'Prof. H. 'U. Baker next spoke of Slidell high school, and showed by the growth of the school that it' had outstepped the provisions made for it. How' with a building qot structed for the aceommodatio0 of' 300 to 350 pupils that during last session the enrqllment had gone over 400, and that it was necessary at that time to give some of the lower grades only half time instraction, in addition to which, owing to a lack of fundsia curtailment 'of two months was threatened, but by united effort an election was held and an addi tiional tax of two and one-half mills was levied, which produced revenue sufficient only for the operation of? the school for the nine months te .: and it is now necessary that' - tional accommodations be provlil . as at present,owing to the heavy' Iin crease in the enrollment, which has reached the record figtur of five lnm-.a (Contiued on gg i'..