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C~3The St. Tammnany Fre I The St. Tammany Farmer any Farmer D. H. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917. VOL. YLII No. 29 BUYA LIBERTY BOND AND AID YOUR COUNTRY IN WAR Over Ten Million Register on First Call to Serve Country LARGE CROWD WITNESS FLAG RAISING IN COVINGTON Ringing Speeches Made By R. B. Smith, Sen. Staf ford, E. G. Davis. BLOCK CROWDED BY AUTOS AND PEOPLE. Beautiful Flag is Unfurled Eighty Feet in the Air. The flag raising at the courthouse, Tuesday, under the auspices of the Associa:ion of Commerce. drew an immense throng of enthusiastic and patriotic people. The crowd was es timated as h gh as 1500, and prob ably this would not miss it much. The 86-foot pole, set seven or eight feet in concrete, stood fine-cut in the clear atmosphere high above the buildings and above the old flag staff on the courthouse, and as the crowd gathered thickly in the square many a head was raised to scan the top of this graceful, slender tree that had grown in a hill thicket to an age that had given it butt a quarter of an inch of sap and that had made up for its dwarfed diame ter by shoving its head high into the air above the growth surround ing it. The beautiful flag, 10x15 feet, was the loving work of Mrs. J. H. Warner, and was received with cheers of admiration and respect as it unfurled to the breeze. . The Boy Scouts, headed by their commander, Rev. F. C. Talmage, marched onto the grounds armed with hoes and rakes, tee soldiers of the farm and the scouts of prepared ness. They were greeted dWith ap plause and the Municipal Band warmed up to patriotic martial music. By this time the crowd had swelled into the streets -and auto mobiles were in solid strings from block to block. Mayor Lacroix introduced the speakers from the courthouse steps, with the following remarks: Ladies and Gentlemen; Fellow Citi zens: It is both my agreea'ble duty and distinguished honor to preside upon this occasion of such flattering out pouring of our citizens to emphasize their loyalty and fealty to the flag we are about to unfurl. That ban ner that stands ever for liberty and for the cause of the United States, denoted upon its folds ,by that gal axy of stars, each in its sovereignty. I shall not weary you with a pro longed dissertation. The honors of oratory for the occasion I yield to the talented gentlemen who follow , me. I beg to 'ntroduce to you ,Hon. R. Burton Smith. (Applause.) Mr. R. Burton Smith: Mr. Smith spoke as follows: Ladies and Gentlemen and Dbi tinguished Visitors:' I am glad to say a few words on this occasion to the people of Cov ,ington, who have been so kind to me during my stay here. We safely feel sure our homes will never hear the deep sound of enemy guns, that we will never hear the armed tramp of hostile legions on our shores. But this does not mean we can escape the burdens, the bloodshed and the mourning of this savage war. Engand has her navy and no foreign foe has or will land upon her soil. But the war has obme home to her. I remember a few lines written during the Crimean .War, sixty years "On the Danube and the Duieper, will the Cossack warrior sleep, On the Vol1a and the Don, will the Cossack mother weep. There'll be wailing on the Seine too, and mourning on the Thames, And Europe will a picture be of blood and tears and flames." These lines are true, more true to-day and will soon come home to When we see our soldiers march _way, when we know thousands and millions of Americans are battling in the bloody trenches, when day by day the roll of death increases, when every town and every hamlet mourns some soldier's death, sleep ing his last sleep in distant France France the home of the forefathers of so many of you. Then, and nly then can we truly know we a' at 'It is a long story why we are at `w. But not one can deny that war at last was forced upon us. That we are now fighting, not for National honor alone but almost for National existence. When the Envoys of historiC 'rhnce and the Envoys of Imperial . tain, Britain whose boast has that the rising sun followed her *m beat around the world, come us not in haughty guise -but nm our aid, recognizing that awful danger, we may well w that we must use our utmost (Continued on pegs 4) 'TENMILLIONMEN REGISTER FOR SERVICE ON JUNE FIFTH Registration Day Proves ? Big Demonstration of Patriotism. 200,000 REGISTER IN STATE OF LOUISIANA St. Tammany Parish M:ke:. Good Showing of the People's Loyalty. The registration June 5 was .u3 - ceszfu'ly` carried out all over th! State, and pract cally a.l oYcr the Un;on, with patriot'c fervor. It is estimated that the national registra tion wi:l exceed ten m:ilion. Th', rcgistrat'on of the state exc:3cded two hundred thoui nd. New Or leans around thirty-ieve thousanJ. The registrars in most sect ons worked over time, and reg:strJat. s are still being received. Exemption boards will be appo:nt ed at which exemption cia ms wl: be heard. H'hese appointments w::1 probably be made in the same man ner as the registration boerds were made. There is nothing further known as to the manner in which names will be selected for service, but it is thought that they will be drawn from a wheel, the same as jury names are drawn. The registration in St. Tammany parish is about 2125. The reg's trars are still registering cards, an] Recorder E. J. Frederick is still busy and will probably receive cards until instructed not to. Early In the morning of June 5 a big crowd had gathered at the court house in Covington and it became necessary to appoint five or six more registrars. But the biggest rush was in the morning. Later in the day the registrars got a breathing spell. Fully fifty per cent of the regis tration was negroes. They came at all ages, 417 to 50, and some amus ing Incidents marked their registra tion. One being asked if he had seen military service, answered "Yes, I broke my arm once." One, when told that he was through and might go. said, "Yas, sir; I's jes waitin' fer my gun." But they all showed patriotic spirit and were willing 'to register. The following are the figures of St. Tammany parish, representing the registration of June 5. Fifty four more had registered June 6, and there were still -others coming: Ward 1 ...................136 Ward 2, 1st precinct ...... 115 Ward 2, 2d precinct .........97 W ard 3 ................... .67 W ard 4 .................. W ard 5 .................. W ard 6 .................. 1 6 W ard 7 .................. W ard 8 .............. 121 W ard 9 .................. 481 W ard 10 ................. 20'4 AT PA]RKVIEW The picture program at Parkview Theatre today will consist of Charile Chaplin in "Behind the Screen," and a M..tua: \We<.kly and a twt part Mutual Drama. "Doors will be open at 6 p. m. .Admission on Saturday for the Chaplin pictures will be 10 cents for everybody, including child ren. The next Chaplin picture' will be "The Rink." On Sunday will be presented W. S. 'Hart in "Truthful Tulliver," and a two part Keystone comedy entitled "The Scoundrel's toll," featuring Edgar Kennedy. Doors open Sun day at 5 p. m. Admission 10 and 15 cents. s Monday will be presented "The Masque of Life," a seven reel novel ty that has startled two continents, introducing Pete Montebello, the chimpanzee star, and escaping w Id animals from a burning circus and other hair-raising incidents of inter est. The first performance will start promptly at 5 o'clock., Admsision for adults will be 20 cents, 'ch'ldren 10 cents. Patrons who are look'ng for something out of the ordinary will congratulate themse:ves for witnessing 'this production. It will be here for one day only-Monday. June 11th. Tuesday will be presented Sessue Hayakawa in "The Bottle Imp." Doors open at 7 p. m. Admission 5 and 10 cents. Wednesday, Billie Burke and a Victor Moore comedy and a Bray cartoon comedy. Ddors open at 7 p. m. Admission 5 and 10 cents. Coming, Sunday, June 17, Louise Glaum in "The Wolf Woman." .___0- NOTICE. All persons are warned again t fishing, hunting and trespassing on property of the undersigned under penalty of the law. j2s2t JOHN S. LOMBARD. a GRADUATING CLASS, COVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL per yLr 1 > \- g h 21; itit 1Ai IT K. 1- - C. Left to right: First Row-James Burns. Oreice Pierce, A. J. Park. Second Row-John Cross, Minette Laird, Leanora Coffee, Rebecca Thomas, Lxdia Strain, Rachael Keen, Edna Strain, Lawrence Smith. Third Row-Irma Bieriorst, t artha McNeely, Josie Frederick, Ethel Fisher, Gladys Soniat, Ruth Burns, Olga Planchard, Madeline Planche, Clarice Langworthy. OSCAR M. BIRCH KILLED BY J. EZELL Oscar M. Birch, 45 years of age, of the Burns Co., Inc., was shot and killed by James J. Ezell, aged 26, Wednesday morning. June 6, the weapon used be:ng a pump shotgun.. loaded with birdshot. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict of justifiable homicide. The story of the shooting is m!xed with incidents of a previous difficul ty, in which Ezell was beaten up by two or three men. 'Mr. Birch's wt:fe was formerly Mrs. Ezell, mother of James Ezell. IRemarks said to have been made by Ezell, aroused the anger of Mr. Birch, and EzeU, fearing bodily harm made applica tion to Justice Pechon to have Birch ):aced under peace bond. Ezell probably weighed little over 100 pounds; Birch about Ib0. The proper papers being filed, Anatole Beaucoudray, constable, served them on Birch, who was irrformed that if he would come into court and have the peace bond signed up, there would be no further trouble in the matter. This only increased Birch's anger against Ezell, anid according to Mrs. Birch's statement Birch rushed over to Ezell's house on the Lee Road, where Mrs. Birch hac gone to get some milk. Mr. and Mrs. Ezell were at breakfast. Mrs. Biroh was leaving the house as Mr. 'Birch came up. She tried to pre vent him from going up the steps. but was pushed aside. It is sa.d that Ezell shot him through the heart as he was entering the house. The: !hole matter is greatly re gretted.: Mr. Birch was known as a quiet, peaceable man, peculiarly reti cent, but a man of very firm con vict:ons. He stood well in the com munity. No weapons were found on the body of Mr. Birch except a. pocket knife. Ezell left Covington Wednesday evening. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon, interment being made in the Covington Cemetery. Mr. Hir lh was 45 years, 9 months, 19 days (af age. Senator Delos R. Johnson, l)iltit'i Attorney Vol Brack and qaite a num'ber of the Birch fajnily and rel atives from Washington parish at tended the funeral. POLICE JURY ADJOURNS AS REVIEWERS Covington, La., June 4, 1917. The Police Jury met on the above date as a Board of Reviewers and met continuously until Friday ev:n ing, with the exception of Tuesila'. and after going over the as -ea;,neur rolls carefully, they acccp;teid them as made out, with a few exe;eptions. The meeting then adjourned to meet on W'ednesday. Juqe 13, regular meeting day. J. B. l1OWZE, Prae.ident. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. CHARBON HAS CAUSED SOME ALARM There is a good deal of anxiety caused by the report that charbon is getting to be quite a menace to cat tle, and owners have been making inquiries as to how far the disease has really taken hold in St. Tam many parish. Farm Demonstrator Lewis was asked and promised to make a report for the Farmer, so that it might let cattle owners of the parish know just how matters stood, but he has failed to do so. He has been worked nearly to death in the past week, and it is probable that he simply could not keep his promise. We shall try to get this report next week, if we can get it from Mr. Lewis. In the meantime, all cattle dying suspic:ously should be burned, if possible; otherwise buried in lime and carbo:ic acid or other powerful disinfectant. There seems to be an opinion among some that the water in the gutters has become poisoned and cattle have died from drinking it. -0----- DON'T BE AFRAID OF BONDS, THEY ARE LIKE GOOD COIN Don't get scared when anybody says "bonds." One reason why most peo ple know very little about bonds is that usually they cost around $1,000 each, and you and I don't buy $1,000 things every day.' But our United States is nows issuing United States Liberty Bonds that cost as low as $50, and it's high time now to learn that a bond is the safest investment on earth. On the United States Liberty Bond you get 3% per cent interest, payable every June 15 and Dec. 15, and - also you get your entire principal back. United States Liberty Bonds are cer tain to become as numerous in the United States as gold pieces. They will have a wide and ready sale. Any time you need money, you can take your bond to the bank and get it. There isn't a real estate dealer any where, or an automobile maker, or a grocer who wouldn't be just as glad to take a United States Liberty Bond as he would to receive gold coin. If 'you haven't already ordered your United States Liberty Bonds, see your banker or your broker today. Baders Wl Help You Buy U. S. Liberty Bonds Patriotic bankers and brokers the nation over are making it easy for everybody to buy United States Lib etry War Bonds. The fact that you have not an abundance of ready money need not prevent your helping your government by ordering United States Liberty bonds. See your bank er or broker today and ask him about s.y terms. ROBT. L.AUBERT ENDORSED FOR MAYOR I deem the following letters, com ing from men of such high standing and men who are so well known at home and in Covington, as valuable endorsements. As I am before the people for election to the office of Mayor of Covington, with promises to do my best for the town, I pub lish these letters, because they show confidence in my'ability by men who are competent to judge the qualifica tions necessary to the proper ad ministration of such an office. Very truly yours, ROBT. L. AIBERT. New Orleans, La., May 26, 1917. Mr. Robt. L. Aubert, Covington, La. My Dear Mr. Aubert:-1 am glad to note that you have announced your candidacy for the office of Mayor of .Covington. I am glad because I feel perfectly safe in predicting a safe agd also a progressive administra'tion for the town of Covington, should they honor .you with their votes. I do honestly believe that you are most eminently qualified to hold such an office, as your commercial experiences in various branches have fitted you to serve the public intell' gently. No time in the history of our country has it become more urgent for all forms of pubic administra tions to be conducted upon a most econ'omical and efficient system. I do feel that if the town of Cov ington would e:ect you as their Chef Magistrate, they would obtain the very best results. Yours truly, F. SALMEN. Madisonville, La., Mary 28, 1917. Mr. Robt. L. Aubert, Covington, La. Dear Mr. Aubert:-I have your letter of the 24th inst.,.wherein you advise me that you 'have announced your candidacy for the office of Mayor of Covington. I had pre viously seen in The Farmer that you had entered the race. It affords me great pleasure indeed to know that you are p:acing yourself at the ca.l of your town in this important po sition. Many of us are far too much occupied with our own projects to give sufficient thought to the munici pal affairs in which- we are concern ed, and as a result our munic'pal affairs are often found to be in the hands of less competent persons. It is a great pleasure for me t'o testify that during the many years that I have known you, you have at all times merited my unconditional approbation and esteem, and I fully; believe that the people of Covington would find in you one who wou!d administer their affairs in an effici ent, careful. economical and straight forward manner. Wishing you all success, I remain. Yours truly, THEO. DENDINGER. The U. S. A. can make two and one half cannon for every one the Kaiser builds. Help build those cannon by buying United States Liberty Bonds. See your banker or your broker today. President Wilson ha's bought United tates Liberty Bonds. Hive you? FARM LOAIS TO BE AIDED BY A REPEAL OF THE DOWRY ACT Farmbrs, Legislators and Lawyers Meet at Baton Rouge. ADRIAN D. SCHWARTZ DELEGATE FROM HERE Article 3252 May Be Re pealed at Extra Session. Probably two hundred farmers, members of the General Assembly, attorneys for the Federal Farm Loan lank, and others interested in the success of the government mortgage :oans to farmers in Louisiana, as sembled in the Senate Cham'ber at Baton Rouge, last Saturday, and urged upon the Governor the neces sity of an immediate extra session for the purpose of repealing or amending Article 3252 of the Civil Code regarding what is known as the Widow's Homestead Clause. The Federal Farm Loan Bank, lo cated at New Orleans, which has put nearly a million dollars into circu lation among the farmers of Ala bama and Mississippi since its or ganization in March, 1917, still has its hands tied so far as Louisiana is concerned 'by the existence of a use less and archaic piece of legislation on the statute books. Mr. Adrian D. Schwartz, who has been appointed attorney for the Fed eral Farm Bank in St. Tammany parish, stated upon his retu'n that Governor Pleasant favored sn extra session for the purpose of alending the Article in question, so as to per mit the bank to do business, and to leave it to the regular session in 1918 .to consider its repeal alto gether. This is the view also taken by Representative J. Monroe Sim mons, who believes the law should so be changed as not to apply to loans bearing 5 per cent or less, and ex tending for a period of longer than one year. The average amount which the Southern farmer is bor rowing from the bank is $800 .t 5 per cent, and he has thirty-six years in which to reduce his loan, if he so requires. O MACKIE CO. TO EXPLOIT PINE PRODUCTS At a meeting of the stockholders of the laokie Pine Products Oom pany held Monday, June 4, a semi annual dividend of 5 per cent was declared. In spite of the embargo on vessels, car shortage, and-the re cent damages caused by accident, the company was shown to be in a prosperous condition, and It was dec ded to organize a company with $25,000 capital to exp'oit the Mackie :Medicinal Pine Produet, such as Pine Oil, Pinexo, etc. EXERCISES' AT ST. PAUL'S The commencement exercises of St. Paul's College will take place -Wednesday evening, June 20, 1917, at 1:30 p.'n. Invitations have been essued by the faculty and students. - 0--o-- MADISONVILLE -BASEBALL The Madisonville Shipbuilders have been playing some ball the past few weeks. There are some Indi vidual .players who are stars in their line of wdrk and would attract ball fans any where. For instance. Boone LeBlane and Wallace Fassman are big league timber and are ,bound to be grabbed sooner or later *by some bright manager who is keep'ng in touch with opportunities. They are both young men. . elloat, Lan dry, Dendinger and Stein are bat ters to be counted on in the future. This might be a tip to John Dobbs. A big game is scheduled for June 10, with the Federals, and it is an nounced that the Federal battery, Wagner and Ryan, are going to ,be# pushed to the limit. There was some real betting in the stand last Sunday, with odds of 2 to 1. While the management is positively against betting, the fans s.mply could not be set down on. See the game next Sunday and judge for yourself. -0 The Double T. G's. met last week at the home of Miss Ruth Collin3. Prizes were won by Miss Lucy Ray and Miss Leah Alpeunte. Miss Ruth Frederick was hostess of the club this week. SLIDELL HONORS REGISTRATION DAY; SPEECHES FLAG RAISING A Big Demonstration and Successful Registra tion Day. CAPT. V. S. REDDEN PASSES AWAY ON 7TH Local Notes and Social Do ings of the Past Week. June 5, 1917, will long be remem bered in the annals of Slidell as a day of great demonstration of pa ,triotic spirit and registration of eli gibles between the ages of 21 and 81 years. 488 presented themselves and we do not know of a single one evading. Owing to insuflcient cards being on hand registration was de layed for more than two hours about two o'clock, and it was necessary to work far into the night in order to complete the same. There was a great assemblage of citizens at the City Hall at 4 p. m., to witness the ceremonies attendant on raising the fine flag presented to the town by Mrs. M. McDaniel. Mayor Badon presided and introduc tory talks made for each speaker. Rev. T. J. Embree was first and made a splendid oration, calling par ticular attention to the grand record made by Louisianians, and .though he was not a native of Louisiana - was proud to live here amog .peo ple who had such splendid spirit and such an inspiring past. Ad.. dressing the colored people, quite a number of whom were.- present, created great enthus'asm among them by his reference to their fine record at San Juan Hill, Ciuba, where they were first to plant the Amnei can flag, and asked itf they were not - ready and willing to be among the first'to plant it on the Kaiser's cita del. Instant response by those pres ent was manifested, and some want ed to go right now. Father Benedc`et Stetter was next speaker and said that no matter what a man was before the begin ning of the war that the conditions at present were such as to make every fair thinking man embrace the American flag and to support it to the limit of his means, this blood and life if necessary. IRev. Spurgeon Wingo was very patriotic in his talk and aroused the fervor of the meeting to a high pitch at several times. Mr. C. M. Idddle also addressed the meeting, 1rging all to invest in Liberty Bonds, which were brought within the means of every one thru the Bank of Slidell who ouered them as low as one dollar per week, and received a practically unanimous response to his request for eveiy one to hold up their hands who were willing to buy a bond. Dr. J. K. Griffith acted as "c ilor sergeant" and demonstrated his ability to capably fill the position to the complete sat!sfaction of all pres eat. The City Hall and jlatform were decorated with bunting and flags and while the music left much to be desired the occasion was celebrated :n a most fitting manner. The Salmen Brick & Lfmber. Co. has offered to the War Dppartment ten thousand acres of land for etl campment purposes. The land Ia near the trunk lines- of railroads in the Ozone belt, well drained, and shaded and suitable in every respct for the purpose offered. Capt. V. Stuart Redden. Capt. Val Stuart Redden, seventy. five years of age, a native of Mary land but almost a life-long resrdent of St. Tammany parish, departed this life on Thursday, May 31, 1917. He had traveled a good deal and for short periods of -time lived In St. Louis, Mo., and Laurel, Miss., hutt has made his home here for the pest4 , ten years with h!s son, S. R. Red den. Capt. Redden's home place is known as,"The Myrtles," and is near Covington. In the eighties he wrote articles for The St. Tammany Farm er. The only relatives that survive him are his wife and son, S. R. Red den, and family, of Slidell, and a nephew, A. L. Redden, of New Or leans. Mr. Redden had been marrd-, ed 48 years. A large concourse of friends attended the funeral on Fri, day, ceremonies .being conducted by Rev. F. C. Talmage. Rev. Spurgeon Wingo offered up the prayer. Inter ment being made at Greenwood Cem etery here. Local Notes. Misses Nora and Emma Harry, of Handaboro, Miss., arrived Tuesday to spend a few days with Miss Ella Salmen. Mrs. J. J. Harry and Mrs. Ducate are also visitors at the Sal men home. Dr. Harry and his son Jason will arrive today and they will all motor back to their home in Handsboro, Miss. We understand that our young friends, Misses Cora and Margaret. Abel, left last week to join the RIs$ : (Continued on page 4) . '