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Ah The St. Tammany Farmer r D. IC. MASON, Editor OVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1917. VOL. XLIV No. 2 BIG SHIP LAUNCHED AT SLIDELL SHIPYARDS ON 24TH Social Service Committee Shipping Christmas Packages to Boys CAMPAIGN FOR SALE OF RED CROSS STAMPS FOR T. B. AID Red Cross Stamps Will Be Sold By Women At Postoffice. WORK IS ONE OF MOST URGENT NEED Appeal Made To All To As sist In This Very Necessary Work (By Mrs. A. L. Bear.) Eleven of the Women's Organiza tions of Covington and committees in each ward of the parish have unit ed to make a campaign to sell Red Cross Seals for the benefit of the Anti-Tuberculosis League, under the leadership of Mrs. Alfred H. Clem ent, as chairman. A splendid and enthusiastic meet ing was held last 'Monday, and the ladies have decided to establish quarters in front of the .postotffice for ten days before Christmas, and so dispose of the seals, which cost only a penny each. The war is teaching us that to be come an efficient nation we must wage battle not only against nations who would trample us under foot, not only to oreserve our right, but to protect ourselves against insidious disease and unsanitary surroundings. Our love of home and community is the birthplace of that patriotism that gives national strength, and we must protect homes from illness and death by unceasing battle. The chief army of this enemy is tubercu los!s, and recruits are sadly needed in the army of relief. The following letter to ,Mrs. J. C. Burns gives some facts that are in teresting and appealing: New Orleans, Nov. 16, 1917. Dear Mrs. Burns:--Reports that are .being received from the exemp tion boards show that from 'five to twenty-five per cent of the men call ed for army service through the se lective draft have been rejected be cause of tuberculosis. Thousands of the men who go to the trenches will 'break down under the terrific strain of intensive war fare, and will fall easy victims to tauberculosis. Thus we are face to face with a war Iproblem of stagger ing proportions, demanding imme diate and adequate measures of re lief. You are in a position to rende. s!gnal service to this cause. Every olyal member of the Red Cross is being urged by the American ifed Cross to co-operate in the sale of Red Cross Seals. Every parish chairman of the State Council of De fense is asked to co-operate with the Red Cross Chapter and become a member of the Red Cross Seal War Council, so that we may carry the tight into every parish in Loutsiana. Alside from the urgency of thi Question because of the question of the 'burden that will be imposed up on us on account of the war, we have a elvilian populat!on of no less than 6O,000 consumptives in Louisiana, and some of these are 'in daily con e*at with your loved ones. The pres ence of these deadly communicable diseases means danger to you and yeur family. We must redouble our efforts. We must broaden our campaign of edu cation so that every man, woman and clild in Louisiana may know how a lingering and perhaps fatal illnes from tuberculosis may be avoided. The Red Cross Christmas Seal ot trs the most effective weapon for the fight. We want to place thu ands of these throughout your town andparish, and we want you to help .s do it. eW are trying to organize e-very parish. 'May we count upon yea? Very truly yours, T. P. BELL, AI. D., Field Secretary. ------o-- O.FFICRS OF TRAINING CAMP V'ISIT HOME. Joe Woods, first lieutenant, and 'ryan D. Burns, first lieutenant, reached Covington to spend Thanks niving with their friends here. They re looking fine and fit. 'Wouldn't Ike to be up before them in a bayo let charge or 'be caught napping in " No Man's Land." " Jnterest in what is being done in e army is evidenced by the close W-.ention to the remarks of these I ~g officers, as they explain hanv s are done in the trenches and w they are trained to stice a bayo- I ftW Into dummy Boches so that the lnt reaches some vital part, and that it does not go so far in that a cannot be quickly withdrawn. I Inches is enough to do the I right. I i:*e 'boys will be here ;but a few I when they will return to work J wLhere." GERMAN PLANS TO CONQUER U. S. CONSIDERED LONG AGO Plans of Germany to Strike United States As Far Back as 1901. DR. OTTO HOTSCH SPEAKS IN SUPPORT Story Told In Publication of Committee on Public Information. "The most dangerous foe of Ger many in this generation will prove to be the United States." Dr. Otto IHotsch in Alldeutsche Blatter, Aug. 23, 1902. Hotsch is really speaking here of commer cial -war, but to him political war was a natural sequence of com mercial. Hotsch is professor of history at the royal academy in Posen and at the war academy in Berlin. "Operations against the United States of North America must be en tirely different. With that country, in particular, political -friction, mani fest in commercial aims, has not been lacking in recent years, and has until now been removed chiefly through acquiesence on our part. However, as this submission has its limit, the question arises as to what means we can develop to carry out our purpose with force in order to combat the encroachments of the United States upon our interests. Our main factor is our fleet. * * It is evident, then, that a naval 'war against the United States can not be carried on with success 'without at the same time inaugurating action on land. * * * It is almost a certainty, however, that a victorious assault on the Atlantac coast, tying up the importing and exporting busi ness of the whole country, would bring about such an annoying situa tion that the Governmeir would be willing to treat for peace. "If the German invading force were equipped and ready for trans porting the moment the battle fleet is dispatched, under average condi tions, these corps can begin opera tions on American sell within at least four weeks * * The United United States at this time (1001) is not In a position to oppose our troops with an army of equal rank. * * "The fact that one or two of her provinces are occupied by the invad ers would not alone move the Ameri cans to sue for peace. To accom plish this end the invaders would have to inflict real material damage by injuring the whole cquntry thru the successful seizure of Thany of the Atlantic seaports in which the threads of the entire we.'th of the Nation meet. It shc;-'. b: so man aged that a line of land operations would be in close Juflcture with thi (Continued on Page 5.) Y. M. C. A. CONTRIBUTIONS NOT LISTED BY NAME IN PUBLISHED LIST. Following is a list of those who contributed to the Y. M. C. A. fund whose names were not available when 'first list was published: Hy. Strubbe, 50c; M. Magill, 25c; O. Powe, 25c; R. Powe, 4'5c; O. P. Them, 50c; B. James, $2; E. Cooper, $2.50; R. Talley, $1; W. W. Hayes, O50c; J. Jenkins, $1; L. A. Mitchell, $1; R. Jenkins, 50c; M. Jenkins, 50c; T. Gains, 25c; E. Cooper. 50c; M. Carter, $1; C. Herman, 80c; J. Cain, $1; Miss E. Talley, O50c; Dr. F. Young, $5; Mrs. Kenzie, 2'5c; Mrs. J. Wadsworth, O50c; Mrs. B. B. War ren, 50c; Mrs. Daigle, 25c; Mrs. Tol son, '$1; Mrs. J. C. Burns, $5; Mrs. J. E. Lancaster, 50c; IMrs. Kleeman, 25c; Mrs. Kent, $2; Mrs. T. Hebert, 75c; Mrs. Herbez, 10c; Mrs. W. M. Poole, 25c; Mrs. Vernol, 25c; Mr. and IMrs. Otto, $2; Mr. and Mrs. Booth, $1; Rev. and Mdrs. Rennie, $2; Margaret Rennie, $1; Mr. and Mrs. Moses, $2; Miss t. Frederick, 30c; E. A. Leonval, $2.60; 'Mrs. La bat, O50c; Mrsr. Lurie, $1; Mrs. A. IMcManus, $1; Miss M. Roeser, $1; Miss M. Haller, $5; Mrs. Haller, $5; Mrs. A. E .Stanga, 25c; Mrs. M. FitzSimons. 25c; Mrs. C. H. Shef-1 field, 30c; Miss e. FitzSimons, 2,5c; ~Mrs. X. Frey, 25c; 'Mrs. E. Lacroix, t0c; Mrs. L. L'Hoste, 10c; Mrs. H. Dersches, 10c; E. D. Kentzel, 50c; Mrs. E. Burns, 25c; .Mrs. Johnson, 25c; Mrs. E. Wharton, 25c; Mrs. Ping, 25c; 'Mrs. Leonrd, $1; Adam Seller, $2.50; S. D. Anderson, $1; Mrs. W. Riggs, 50c; ~Mrs. C. L. Rich ard, 50c; Mrs. Hart 2'5c; Mrs. Hoehn I 50c; Mrs. Mundy, 2'Sc; Mrs. Clann, I ,0c; Mrs. McGinnis, $J Miss 1M. Ed gar, 25c; iMrs. J. Delery, 50c; Mrs. 1 H. Buisson, 2~5c; Mrs Trenchard,' 25c; Mrs. S. 'Fuhr~san, 2.e; Miss I V. Valleg, 25c; "'. A ST. PAUL BO0 ON TOPEDOED SHIP SUNK AT SEA Bennet Ford Said To Be Among Crew of Sunk Vessel. FORMER RESIDENT OF TOWN OF RAMSAY. Well Known Here As Ath lete and Student at St. Paul's College. Washington, Nov. 28.-Sixty-thrte men are missing in the three un accounted for boats of the American steamer Actaeon, reported yesterday torpedoed by a German submarine. The navy's official report says one boat with twenty survivors landed at Cape Flnisterre yesterday and adds nothing more to published a;" counts of the sinking. Bennet Ford was one of the crew on the torpedoed steamer Actaeon. He graduated from St. Paul's :ol01 lege, in Covington, in 1912. His father is J. W. Ford, formerly an engineer on the Greenl&w Lumber Co's. road at Ramsay, and is now engineer on the Public Belt road, New Orleans. Bennet Ford joined the navy a year ago. He was quite an athlete and took part in the athletic con tests at St. Paul's, and was popular. The news of" the sinking of his ves sel will be received here with deep regret and anxiety, as the survivors are not named. Young Ford has three brothers in service. William is a captain at the Harvard radio school, Edward is In the Marine Corps, and Daniel is at the Pensa cola aviation camp. The Actaeon left New York lute in September with suplies and des tined to an European port and pre sumably was making her return trip when sunk. The vessel carried a crew of about 40 men. The vessel was built in Germany in 1,909, and was 401 feet long, had a beam of 52 feet with a depth of 82 feet. The following list was given out as Americans aboard the ve'se: G. A. Jensen, Ferndale, Cal., and J. A. Atkins, Hood, Cal., wireless operators; Louis R. Carson, cadet of ficer, Los Angeles; James '2. Healey, third assistant engineer, New Or leans; B. Ford, cadet engineer, Al giers, La.; J. rMoriarity, oiler, Mus kegon, Mich.; R. L. iMasden, coal passer, Philadelphia; U. B. Grada, coal passer, Bellhaven, N. C.; E. C. Wallace, messman, Philadelphia; II. Fallon, deck boy, Steubenville, O.; hos. R. Correro, seaman, no laddersa, born in California; Benjamin Paul, seaman, Philidelphia. LEWIS MAKES A STATEMENT (By O. C. L.ewI.) To the Public: In the Farmer of a few weeks ago there appeared an article on the editorial page saying something about the welfare of St. Tammany parish and that she had made an ex h'ibit at the New Orleans Fair in which the stuff or exhibits had been thrown down in a heap just as a junk man would handle junk, and also that the sweet potato dry 'kiln donated by the Great Southern Lum ber Co. had been a failure just be, cause no one ,was there to receive the potatoes, and so on. The article dwelt on efficiency and that the trouble should be looked into and the guilty parties located. 1 wish to say to the public I am the man who is guilty and at the same time I am going to give my line of defense just as any convicted criminal would do in his statement to the rpu;blic. I got up a small exhibit to take to the Fair in New Orleans and did most all of it myself. God knows that the only help I had as far as getting up exhibits is concerned came from Mrs. H. H. Smith, Mrs. H. J. Smith Miss Jesse Norman and Mrs. L. Bourgeois. These ladies fixed up their own can goods exhibit and that was the only response I had from my talking and from the notice that I had 'written in the St. Tammany Farmer.' 'I also give Mr. F. Bache min credit for one box of corn. The balance I had to get here and there. No one assisted me, no one brought In their stuff and said come on Lewis and let us do something and take some prizes. I had it all to do. Very well. I took the stuff over io the fair and found that I had to de rray aHll expenses after I got there. rhe Fair Association here pcaid the !reight over to Terminal station. I had to pay $4.00 to have same haul ad to the fair grounds, had to pay Ccontmued on page 5) REMOVING WOUNDED ITALIANS IN MOUNTAIN! S" hlis p hotoraph just rect ivtd in this cla L ntL g ai-c . , an idea of the difull - ties under "chich the Italian army fought the Austro-German forces on the Gorlzln front. The wounded Italian ohllibr is btilng removred from a moun. twin . ,,eak position,, to ,the dr,.i , st. tion h. lmV , h,,y ,n,, ! ,,,-: of a: cable railway. Svv v v v vvvv~,, BOGALUSA DRY KILN PROFITS THE FARMER The value of the dry kiln system of storing potatoes is told in the fol lowing letter from Bogalusa, where the Great Southern Lumber Co. took the same interest in having one erected as it did 'in Covington. It shows not only that it is valuable in conserving the potato crop, but that it is advantageous to the farmer in securing a high cash market price for the product: Franklinton, La., Nov. 22, 1917. Hon. W. H. Sullivan, Bogalusa, La. Our first car of kiln dried ipotatoec were shipped today. Brought one dollar and fifty cents per bushel. The farmers of thi scommunity wish to thank you and your company for the valuable service given through your kry kilns. (Signed) D. E. SHERIDAN. --o WARTIME DEMAND FORI ('OTTON IS ENORMOUS. Recent investigations in tha use of cotton in war show: A 12-inch gun disposes of a half bale of cotton with every shot tlred; a machine gun in operation w.:l11 use up a bale in three minutes; in a naval battle like the dne off JatUand over 5000 pounds a minutr are con sumed by each active warship; mare than 20,000 bales a year are nee,led to provide absorbnet cotton for tn,: wounds of the injured; one change of apparel for all the troop.; no-v n gaged in the war repreents wicre than a million bales. -- U----- RIVERSIDE FARM MAKES GOOD CROP OF FALL POTATOES. Mrs. F. B. Kent, of Riverside Farm, near Covington, sends in a sample of very fine fall potatoes. The value of the fall crop is in creased 'by the statement of Mrs. Kent that the yield was even better than the spring crop. This fact makes the fall crop a very valuab:e one. Irish potatoes are largely a substitute for bread, may be pre pared in a variety of ways, and is therefore one of the best crops to help out duirng the war, as the: stand storage well. ------0---- MANDEVILLE BRANt'H OF THE REI) CROSS. Mandevil:e was repre-ented at the Louisiana Red Cross Convention No vember 22 and 23, by Mrs. Jasper E. Lemieux, who 'brought valuable les sons back to the Auxiliary. The Mtandeville Auxiliary has done fine work. Mandeville must stand in the front row. Those who cannot come to the Bank Building can help by taking knitting and sewing home. There is work for all who offer them selves. Let us all show the state that Mandeville is just as big as the other towns and among the first, prepared to do her bit to win the war. There will be a "talk" about the Red Cross at the Women's ProgreA s.e Union Hall. Watch fJr the date. tverybody is invited to attendl THANKSGIVING EXERCISES AT HI SCHOOL Thanksgiving exercises were con ducted in the auditorium of the Cov ington high school Wednesday, No vemnber 28. It has been usual for the school to make up packages for distribution on Thanksgiving, dona tions being made by the various grades, and judging by the great heaps of packages on the stage, many homes were blessed by a hearty Thanksgiving dinner that m4ght have felt the pinch of war-times other wise. Among the packages was a gift from 'Mr. Domergue or the Cov ington Grocery & Grain Co., consist ing of a barrel of apples and a barrel of flour .put up in five-pound pack ages. These things were turned over to Mrs. J. C. Burns by Prof. A. J. Park for the King's Daughters, and the few grateful remarks made 'by her in accepting them were ap plauded 'by the audience. Prof. i'ark stated that the things were en tirely voluntary gifts of the pupils. The program was appropriate and nicely carried out. Little Miss Shef 'ield's recital of the "High Cost of Living" was especially catchy and cutely delivered. The sentiment was appealing. Following is the program. Song, by High School-"Thanke giving Draweth Near." "Thankfulness" - Herbert War ner. Song, 'by Third Grade--"Pumpkln Seeds." Recitation-"Origin of Thanksgiv ing"-Norman Depriest, third grade. Thanksgiving Hymn-By fourth grade. itecitation-"The Children's Com ing Home"-Doris Sheffield. Playlet-"Tale of Two Grandpas" -Seventh grade. I Thanksgiving Song-By fourth grade . Recitation--' 'Thanksgiving Day." -Kathrine Burns. History of Thankgiving - Flor ence Coffer. Recitation-"Thanksgiving Day." = Fred Sheffield. ' "Pilgrim Fathers"--Song by high school. i,: ! "H'gh Cosdt Living"-By Clara Sheffield. RICE GROW ERS GET GOOD) PRICE WITH GOOD MARKET. I - C Notwithstanding the. exceedingly dry season, rice growers have found the crop remunerative. There is an excellent demand for the product, and had the dry weather been favor able an even better price would have ben obtained, because dry weatherI makes chalky rice that mills 'badly t and will not grade up. Sheriff T. E. Brewster sold 425 1 sacks, Alfred Gitz 640 sacks, F. 3J. M.artindale 150 sacks, and F. F. ( Planche 75 sacks, all receiving $7.20 per sack. The rice was bought by 1 'Sim Newman for a New Orleans c house. i ---0-- The Episcopal Guild will hold their I annual bazaar and luncheon as usual I this year, the date being December C 13th, the ,lece to be decided on at t a later date. I' SOLDIERS FROM ST. TAMMANY REMEMBERED CHRISTMAS Council of Defense Pre paring Packages and Needful Things. SOCIAL SERVICE RELIEF COMMITTEE Work That Should Be Ap preciated at Home and In Camp. The Social Service and Relief Com mittee of the Council of National De fense has been very busy during the ,past two weeks in raising funds to carry on its good work, and in an swering the many appeals that come to it. Up to now there have been only a few cases of financial distress in the homes of our soldier boys, but every day the committee is cell ed upon to relieve some mental anguish. It is only at such a time as this that we can fully realize the illiteracy of our parish, and the pity of it! Grown men and women who are unable to address the packages to their boys or to read their letters -families who do not understand how to go about the simplest- form of proceedure in obtaining what is justly theirs-boys whose minds are so dark that they cannot understand how to apply for exemption when they really have dependents-4t is these people that this comamittee is a godsend to; they act as secretaries and as a Bureau of Information. They have already sent off 61 Christmas boxes to the men who are in France and those on the high sets, and now are planning to send 150 boxes to .the boys who are in train ing. This committee has maae an investigation of the needs and ind4 vidual tastes of every one of our boys (a task in itself) and they are using the utmost discretion in ex pending their means. The boys of poor families will receive bountiful boxes, and the fellow who is well off will get just a suitable token of ap preciation from this parish, but every boy will get his home news paper-this is real Social Service. Below is a list of the good people who have contributed since the last report, ,but there Is much more mon ey needed-in a few months there will be dozens of cases of distress. Give what you can spare, but give it quickly. Send your donations to Mr. Harvey E. Ellis, chairman, or di reot to Mrs. Arthur L. Bear, secre tary, Covington. Mackle Pine Products Co... 10.00 Jos. Birg ................ 15.00 J. D. Cousin ............ 5.00 W: D. Hatchinson ........ 5.00 Through Mrs. W. P. Dinklns and committee: Mrs. Bockenhagen ........ 2.00 Mr. Naes ............... .50 Mrs. Pierson ............ 2.00 i. W. Green ..,..:....... 1.00 (Continsed on page 2? MR. MONK GIVES AN EXHIBITION The monkey at the New Southern Hotel has been again yielding to its primordial Instincts. It is neither a booze fiend nor a dope victim, but t seems to cherish the idae that out-door exercise and freedom from restraint is a right that must be ex ercised even if he has to maintain his liberty at the cost of punctured skin of human beings. He is not particular where he fastens his fangs, but arms and legs always seem to be in closest proximity when he bears down on his Jaws. It he has any preference at all it is for the female flesh. Some time ago he bit a young lady, while a dance was going on. Hle was captured with great difficulty, an attempt being made to chloroform him in a closeri room, which failed, and finally being captured by Dr. Grimmer, his old time master. Thursday he again gained his free dom. It being Thanksgiving, he at tempted to secure a turkey at the Mercadel store, but the turkey re fused to shake hands with bim and he was driven off before he got thoroughly acquainted. Marshal H. Schults joined in the chase, but Mr. Monk was exceedingly active and climbed fences much faster than the ordinary criminal, and the marshal was distanced. Mrs. Grimmer said he would not bite her and she could catch him. In spite of old acquaint ance he bit her on the arm and got loose. He was Snally ceptured by the son of Mr. r. J. LeBlane, the livery kan, who did not escape with out also feeling the shapness of its teeth. . However, Mr. WIank i again sately housed. I LAUNCHING OF BALTIC III AT SHIPYARDS, SLIDELL The Largest Vessel That Has Been Turned Out At These Yards. A LINEN SHOWER AT METHODIST. CHURCH Local News and Personal Notes of Social Interest. Slidell, Nov. 29.-Baltic III was launched at the Slidell Skip Build ing Co's. yards here on Saturday last. Miss ,Mary Canulette christen ed the good ship, which is the largest yet launched ,at the local yards, and notwithstanding the fact of its 'being a cold raw afternoon quite a crowd was out to see the boat launched. Mrs. Andrew Canulette was sponsor and on the stand for the officiating party were Mrs. J. A. Mire, Mesars. F. Salmen, W. J. Robinson, Amos. The coast-wise passenger and freight ship Maple, recently launched, is nearing completion and will leave here sometime in the near future. Baltic IV is also progressing nicely and will be launched in about six weeks, and laying of keels for steel ships to be 'built is going rapidly ahead and the topography of the ship yard has been changed so ma terially that any one who visited the plant six months ago to see it again today would hardly recognize it as being the same place. A linen shower for the Methodist parsonage took place at the home of Mrs. J. C. Dunstan. Mrs. 8. Wingo and Mrs. F. A. Adams each gave a reading which was thorough ly enjoyed. Miss Beulah Bourgeois and Mrs. T. J. Eddins rendered se lections on the piano. A large quan tity of linen was received and dainty refreshments were sered by the charming hostess. Mr. W. J. Rankin left on Tuesday for a trip to New York City. 'Mr. W. J. Sebastian spenit Thurs day in New Orleans with relatives and renewing old acquaintances. Prof. H. U. Baker, we are advised, ate Thanksgiving, dinner in Chicago at a family reunion with his mother. Also visited Gray, Ind., as evidenced by post cards received by all of the faculty. .r. and Mrs. F. C. Jenkins spent last week end in New Orleans. ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cnaulette and son, F. W., left today to spend the week end in New' Orleans. Mrs. E. F. Halley and daughter, Miss Salye, spent Wednesday in New Orleans. Miss Sibyl Nehls is home for Thanksgiving and the week end. We regret to report the serious illness of Dr. T. B. Liddle, son oft Hon. C. M. Liddle. Dr. Liddle was taken to the Touro Infirmary in New Orleans on Tuesday suffering from pleurisy and was not deemed dan gerously sick, but it developed later. that an operation would be neces sary, after which very little hope of his recovery was entertained; however, another operation was pro posed and it is possible Dr. IAddle may be saved. We have also to re port the illness of Hon. C. ,M. Liddle, who has been confaned to his room since Wednesday. We note the continued activities of the Red Cross workers, who are. having new members joining at eevry meeting. Also another meet ing of the colored anxiliary was held and their organisattln is well under way and supplies, etc., will oe recev ed and issued to them shortly when we hope good accounts of their work will rbe had. Thanksgiving services were held in the churches as usual. --0 MORGAN & SIMMONS. Hon. Lewis L. IMorgan and City Attorney J. Monroe Simmons have formed a co-ipartnership in the law business, with offices in the New Southern Hotel Building. Both law yers are well known in this district. Mr. Morgan having retired from Con gress to resume his practice here and Mr. Stmmons being Repreesatative frofthis parish in the State Legis lature. Mr. Morgan's tusiness had so accumualted that he felt the need of a partner and Mr. Simmons was considered a valuable connection in forming of the firm. They ,will prae tce in this district and the higher and Supreme Court. -0--Q----- BIG CtRMSIAS SALE. Paul J. Lacrois Is putting on a big Christmas sale, beginning today and lasting intil cDeember 24, at whiel there will .bS tend manyibar galns that sbqi0 taken adrat age f.