Newspaper Page Text
TFr The St. Tammany Farmer D. II. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1917. VOL. XLI' . 6 ONLY TWO DAYS IN WHICH TO PAY YIUR P0 L TAX Government Officers Here Will Give You Incorne Tax Blank~ YOU MAY HAVE! TO PAY INCOME TAX AND NOT KNOW IT Safest Plan Is To See The Income Tax Man and Find Out. DATES AT WHICH HE WILL BE IN TOWNS. Government Will Deal Se verely With Those Who Are Slackers. It will requirg a sm..ll army of men to take the income tax returne of persons subject to the new tax. Collector of Internal Revenue J. Y. Fauntleroy today announces that ý0 officers will start from his head quarters on January 1, and on .Tav - ary 2 every one of them wil: be cn the job in the parish a signe1 hirl, to meet the yeople and help them make out their income tax return= The officer assigned to th's parish due to be at the following pares on the dates mentioned: Slidell-At pos:ofice from Jan. 2 to 9, inclusive. CovLrton-At courthouse from Jan. 10 "16, incnu ive. Mandeville--At postoffice from Jan. 17 to 19, inclusive. "It will he well for every unmarri ed person wlhose net income for 1917 is $1.000 or over, and every married person living with wife or husband 'whose net income for 1917 is $2,000 or over, to call an- the income tax man and learn whether or not they hvae any tax to pay," Collector Pauntleroy said. "The person ':ub ject to tax who doesn't mak reeturn In the time prescribed is going to regret it. The Government will get after all Income tax slackers. "There's hardly a business man, merchant or profe slonal man ho won't have to pay the tax. The safe thing to do is for every person who had a total income of $1.000 or $2,000, as the case may he. and who is not sure about what dedluctians the law allows him, to play it safe by calling on the income tax man. "The man in the field will have forms for everylody, and perdons who expect to call on him need not trouble themselves to write to my ,office for forms." LUTHERAN SERVICES. Sunday evening Dec. 30t.1 - p. m., Student Andrew Scilmals will 4 5conduct the service and preach. 4tudeht Scihmalz, son of Mr. C. T. kh Scmals, of Abita Sprin., has two amore years. at the Seminary to come '-ete his theological coi oe Never N v r theless his first attempt i- the puplit, -hidh was made in our midst '- e eral weeks ago convinctel everyvne that this speaker will be a for. efa1i messenger -of the Everia tinl; as 91.1 Su14lay morning therm will '.r no searfees. Monday night at eleven o' loci there wi'l be services, seeniu the old year out and the new yoar in. Tuesday morning a1 10 ;t0 New Year service. Every one is cordially inv!Led to attend. OSCARW. LtJf c(-IZ,. P'astor. 0-- DIVIDEND DECLARED. At the regular monthly meetins of the Board of Directors of tile CoV -ineton Bank & Trust Compaay, he'd last Tuesday, a senii-annual oi ii dend of five per cent was :l3 lar:'d. payable January 1 "t. The Doard also ordered that $3000 of the prods be used *o reduce the "banking honse account." thereby otacing this ^. count at even $13.000, just half of what the lot, bu!'ding and fixtures actually cost. Incuding the extra dividend df five per cent paid to stockholders last July, this make fifteen pir cent that. "St. Tammany's -Big Bank" has paid to its stockhold erg during the year, the best they have exer done-in the way of actual dividend payments, though their profits a ually run vwll above this amount. THE MASON'S CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Covington Ledge 188. F. & A. M., - boerved their usual custom of dis tributing Christmas baskets amoas the needy. Two auto truck loads of these Christmas remembranceq were distributed Dec. 22, one in charge of Robt. Badon and A. L. Bear, and one In charge of J. Monroe S'inomas *a4 Wallace M. Poole. Judge Ba 01 was Santa Claus. - There were ty baskets. SEC'Y DANIELS' STATEMENT TO CONGRESS AS TO NAVY Outstanding Features of Act of August, 1917, After War Declared. AEROPLANES, SUBS, POTENT WEAPONS. Matter of Congratulation That Ships Should Be Ready Promptly. Following is the prelim inar: state ment of Secretary of the Na y i17 lels, Wednesday, before ta.' s-ecom mittee of the House Committee on Naval Affairs, appointed by th' tul committee to investigte the atm'n istration of naval affair: in t .e duct of the war. The European war broe out i' August, 1914, or in the 1i-,al ;e 1915, at which time the ustimtate for the ensuing fiscal year of 191C were :n course of prenar 'ti'. Thi first preparedness e-timates of rhe navy, therefore, were those for t1i fiscal year 1917, contained in th' act of Auguit 29, 1 91, vi prepared in the autumn of 1 year following the denlart n *war. Outstanding Features of Ait. The following are the outstaoi'V features of the act of August 29,' 1916, in the order of occurrence: 1. Development in Europe made' it essential for -us to get poas is+.t of any information that would be oe benefit to our Government and til Navy. Obviously it was essential to keep such date confidential, wh : would not have been practicable ha' it been necessary to account in dt tail for the funds used in it, coeoe tion. The act vested the Secretary of the Navy wiUh discretionary pow ers as to accounting for the money so used. 2. Provided that the Chief of Naval Operations should have not less than '13 officer assistant', and in order to give his ocfie proper and necessary powers. for planning and preparing for war, provided that any orders that he might issue in per forming the duties assigned him should have full force and effect as if from the Secretary &himself. 3. Provided for expenses of and experimental research work by the civilian naval consulting board, and (Continued on page 6) MARRIAGE LICENSES IS8U EP There was quite a rush on at tlhr clerk's office for the iew days before Christmas. and dr- . s were cated on every hour is Lhe day befeh Christmas to issue licenses, nineteFtn being tVhe total for that day: Geo. W. Bethea to Hazel Daws. Will Newell to. Sarah Miies. Jesse Williams to Lelabelle Ce ' Robt. Glockner to Ellen Henrici's Walter Ratliffe to E'lcn M3orro .v Frank Wiltz, Jr., to Cora Lol"'. Geo. Samrow to Viola Nun"ez. Jas. Pulley, Jr., to Alme ta Browa. Chas. Davis to Alma Baugnt '. Dan Culbreath to Lilly Pent a. Henry Hall to Addie Qus'e. Leo Lossett to Annie Gotts/ ' Wm. Johnoon to Josephine Keles. Hy. Williams to Louise Washin" ton. Sdw. Burthon, Jr., to Amy liar: Heiser. henry Evans to Lulu Hlatton Ger. J. Cornibe to Emma t-lan3 brough. Marshal Vaughn to Josie ThltIn:. David West to Mrs. M. F~o' .rý ADVISORY BOARD MEMBE:S. Mr. B. '1. 'Miller, of Coving! n. and MIr. Philip Zollinger, of A -q 1-- been m-de members of the Advisory Board to assist drat - 1I `»T out the!r question nacre bhanks, giving advice, etc. Tn a sick of feed purchased by sMiss Nannie Pharris, of Covington. - if 'Lew's Th mpsc a, Co. E. 234 Infantry, Syracu e, N. V.' -ftind w th the request to "please answer." Here- is another chao c for some young lady to give good al vice and comforting words to a l-ne some soldier boy. .----0-- The election of Mr. Jos. Delery a' Consul Commander of the Woodmen of the World, at its recent meeting, made six consecutive terms he has held this office. Nothing like a good man in a good place. Thos. F. Millar, son of Capt G. E. Millar, of Abita Springs ýhias enl st ed in the Navy and. e ed to duty. GERMANS INTERNED IN THE UNITED STATES ARE WELL TREATED With th1 apture of the first United States soldiers h}- the Germans our government began to arrange through neutral nations for il( it d(itent trtc - ment and that of future prisoners of war. At once steps were taolen t. let Germany know how well those of her subjects who arte interned in this country are treated. The accompanying illustration goes to prove that alien enemies under restraint in Anierica have no reason to complain. It sho s interned I7ermnans at the inmigration station at Gloucester, N. J., the receiving stntion for Immigrants for Philadelphia. They undergo no privations whlt ever, and anmuiements are provided for them, as well as good fo'i a mid lodging. The onen are seen playing ten pins. At the left is the one who Is charged with the care of the poultry raised for their taile. i II DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS; GRAND JURY District Court was in session part 'f la-t week and judgment srender ed in a number of cases which had >eon previously heard. The Grand Jury was empannelel, as foloows: Steve Abuey. foreman: Warrea Thomais, Berry W. Tedca. A. J. Finney, Frank Brown, Robe. P. Krcntol, Rudolph Galatas, Thos. M2: Queen, Rudolph Parker, E. F. Fu'r mann. T. E. Bruhnicg, Nathan wli:t ney. The. following indictments were returnpd: Johnnie Penn, murder. J. II. Rcyonlds, wife desertion. W. R. - Fail, carrying conceaiecl weapon. John Henley, carrying concealed weapon. Aaron Brown, carrying concealed weS pon. Walter William;. breaking and en tering at night time. The following judgments were ren dered: Annie B. Koepp vs. Samuel S. Dix on. Judg;ment for plaintiff. Covington Hank & Trust Co. vs. E. J. Frederick. Judgment in favor of plaintiff, but allowing defendant credit of $100. Ed. Boyle vs. Twon of Mandeville. Judgment in favor of plaintiff. St. Tammany Ire & Manufactor ing Co. vs. Town of Covington. Judgment in favor of plaintiffs. Caz. Talley vs. Widow and lHirs of Dr. C. Z: Wi~liams. Judgment in favor of plaintiff. Perfection of title. Chas. A. Bauer et als v . C. M. Liddle. Judgment in favor of de fendant. _9,-e Dousette vs. Chas. Legarde, Jr. Judgment in favor of plantin . NO MERRY WIDOWS IN COVINGTON. It wi'l be remembered that two I soldier ooys of Camp Shelby recent V re toed letters from young ladies' and merry widows. Accord na : the following postal from W. D. C., the young ladies have come acrre, oiu there is a wail of dispair as far as the merry w'dows are con cerred. i hall it be said that St. Tammany pariah has no merry w~d ows? That Covington, the little Ntw York of C.upid's s-y maneuvering, is likewise deficient? Something i wrong, boys. Didn't go over the top in time or haven't waited lcng I enough for resuills. They were here all summer, laughing behind their fans, and you can see them now, rubbering every time a uniform gasses. Something must be wrong with your postoffice up there. Here is the postal: Camp Shelby. Miss., Dec. 20. Dear Editor: Many thanks for the write-up. It. was fine. Have received 'several letters, but all from young ladies.. You do not! seem to- have any merry widows in Covington. I also received mail from Slidel and Violin, La. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and ppy Naw Year, I remain, COOK, W. D. C. Ni Yar rm.n 'S - LI-iAK I VIA3 A I COVINGTON CHURCHES - Thursday, December 20, the Pres byterian Church, Rev. Talmage pas tor, entered into the Christmas spirit with its teachings that "it is mne blessed to give than to receive." A large basket of toys, fruit. gDeeries and clothing was contributeri by the Sunday School members and their friends to be distributed to those needing Christmas cheer. The Church has made an effort the past few years to bring into the Christmas program the sacred side of its teachings, and to enmphsize the spirit of giving which Christ came to teach, and the happy faces that ill ed the church was a pleating pi. ture of-the truthfulness of the teach ing. Mr. E. G. Davis, superintendent of the Sunday School, called attention to the renewal of their Christmas celebration and its object lesson, tie duty and pleasure of giving. Mr. Davis said that all should be than?, ful for the privilege of living in this great free country and that we are not across the water in the n:d1 of the carnage of war. Mrs. Dan W. Davis was chairman on distribution -of presents and at tended to the delivery of pa-cag+ to the various families to whom they were assigned. The beautiful decoration '. the church was the handiwork of Mr. John Halter. On entering the ves tibule, in the softly shaded light 'sas disclosed a wounded soldier lying on a cot. Near him a Red Cro's nuire ministered to his needs. Woile il lustrating the great, work being done by the Red Cross.. she also Invited contributions in a sealed box 'trr ed for this tpurpose. That htr a, :peal was not in vain was shxn when the box was opened and it was found to contain $41.6S. TLi, e chanting little nurse was little it Helen Warner. The wounded sol dier was Melville Worley. Following is the program: Song-It Came Unto A Midtsi l: Clear. Prayer-'Mr. Talmage. Announcements-Mr. Davis. Recitation-"The Fir-t Chrlrun -a -Irene Reeder. Gifts from the Cradle Ro:'. Bible Verses-Wm. Reeder, F Planche, Tom Poole. Gifts from Miss Grace 11:te re's and Mrs. Dan Davis' classes. Vocal Duet-"The Guiding Star' --Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Talmage. Gifts from Misses E'sa Diel's and Hazel Quave's classes. Recitation-"Giving Tie''" -Pit ?ip Pfeiffer, Anthony Baptist, flert Heints. Gifts from -Mics Eastman's and Mrs. J .C. Burns' classes. Recitation-"An Unselfish Little Girl"-Norma Dupriest. Gifts from Mrs. E. G. hetis' class f1horus-"Hark, the Notes o! *Ioy" -Choir. Gifts from Mrs. Talmage's cals-. Recitation, 23d Psalm-Theeo.Žre Baptist. Gifts from Mrs. J. H. Warner's class. "The Christitas Light'--Char-c ters: The Child, Pauline Planche; Spirits of Darkness, War, Herber; (Gseatils Bo age 2) FOUR MINUTE 'MEN TO SPEAK AT PARK VIEW Arthur L. sear, ch.alriran of 0 local committee on public in 1o.0 tion, has arranged to ha:a 1is fl 1 lowing well known Fong-\; speak at Parlkview Tiieatre I new War-a'cing Cel-'iiŽ. l S. Thrift Cards on the date, s,,+ posite their respective nanm J. Monroe Simmons--i ... 28. 1917. E. G. Davis-December 9' C. S. A. Fuhrmann- -Decenuer 30, 1917. L. C. Moise--December 31 , Results Of The Red Cross Member-, ship Drive. While the cry is baing r inne other sections that th' Red C.i s Membership Drive has not cal1 to the allotted number, it is ideasa nt to note that St. Tammiuany pari V ars gone "over the top," with nlae v: it ing in. Slidell lead tihu'; fmr '. 1ii a memlbership -of 800. '1'aw v' are the returns for the d viv up the 25th instant: Ward 1-300. V-ard 2 (Folsom)--13. Ward 3-600. Ward 4-612. Ward '--1 ;. Ward 6 (Talisheek) 1 Ii. Ward 7-20. Ward 8-i 4. Ward 9-R00. Ward 10-227. When pop!'ati ýn is ' 1 mi'erl Abita Springs and Tat~hl'e hce made an excellent showi'x Unless every worke' r- reis to the S. O. S. cal: with the promptness the Allies,. tI. t - feet in charging the Rochan each'. after the barrage fire lIi t he way through the 'h'sol -a Man's Land, the Red Cr C'i' t mas. Drive in the three Alabama. Louisian's orI 1 will prove a failure. The Gulf States are on trial as It were, answering an indaitnwt cha. ing failure of readiness to re sal to a great national can., a war measure in fact needed as at eroai - uting force to the fin'fI v"-t'rv of Democracy over despotism. ýnd ., th"- 5 mnagn faills, the C/ tu may be held as lacking In patrsoti-'m According to the unota aen Alabama wae to produce 200, ") : members; Louisi ea, 176. .i. -Mississipp!, 12a,0007. A!Trna,; to latest rep-arts, laskul 1'J f 'V the quota; Louisiana, 72,73. ind Mississippi lacked 75,638. All the campaign manager; har been urged to lead their ferces in a final drive sri determine andv directed that there will be no tha of failure, and'ill three of the Gule States be put over the tog with g o ing color,s. Little less than a week remains ao accomplish the great end seught. In the Nnth, East ,and the We'.t they are exceeding their quota an-1 the men hbading ti -movement in the Gulf Division say that their 'o'c es cannot afford to meet defeat. IThe G9US States. have always been CHAIRMAN EADS POITEVENT SAYS ALLOTMENT IS OVER THE TOP Fourtih Ward Eumolls Mem beiship of '313 With More In Sight. HANDEVILLE SCHOOL - DEDICATION JAN. 4. Local News and Social Do ings of Holiday. W p.ek. (ly' Staff Correspondent) Žjrnle-vill1. ' ), 27.- 'Mr. Eads P'itt'v 'nti ptirih eliairm 'n of the tedi (ri 's Chri-smas Drive, announr '4 that he ren'r'c from the variou' " . nr:: . , el e dia the memnber S1 ,_ ": i, iii ` ing most I'V t'1 ;o 1 D 1) S ealik pass So%."ii vi0"" of the fct that tth" ii' ' ,1 . 1 : 0 t o o a t 1 i 0 - Th1is, ; r Fa :<h ardi, has en Jo 'd a npinhership e t1 5nIl pr'os p s al' SuttMonely bright11 to n t e least £ pac. eY 111e n T. Ma'i :+.i'. !o p .r.. .`tilhool Vill. t.' ke place F~~ , 1 i1ar 4; 19. 'it 7,, tt'. t. t. of Edu1tcatioin T. H. Harris, Pa: ish cR :. L~yun, irust As si -t^'_1 P ace, Vo N.," Bolan i 0. L. :s L. Mot rn, of Covington, May or Davis and Soho-Il Dire~ccr H H. L a a* Will eke h"ort a0dr ses on ,:ifs - arnu ch1- t- to the occasion. Ti- sc 'oo! "htldren' under dtrnc'ion ci Prof. i. E .: .c niato., will sing ;!.1100 s u," v and after tiff C`exeriB es the"!' w -ll -e dancing. The ludi',s of tlr'1.0 Schuoo Le.g ,As hat s . f the wca ' ilt LirnSh "r fr -onr-uta and look after the wel fatr- o"f tin cias. Che nH:1 : v,-i i}l L; c'mnlii te~ntacy, rTe - formal invi'tnIns or .Tho i6 the ....:Gi bOlo id te ,nil espec-t :1y I IX and pIjranis and r hool ch idren are pert: -cualy '-ged to b rat. ure a:', c e overyhodi and f a-t eorreys on the handsomest and best eqi- :ped .-1hocl huolding in ,ho parish. Mr. Wado Peters, the popul-ir as ':stant engineer of the St. Tam. & N. 0. Ry. &I Ferry' C.- won tine ' I room set given away Cffrir-tma-s ht! 1, at the shoe. That's a gotd iart, \,'vt', n,. go and lind the girl. 1<n t --r the H. C. L. scars you: Mr. Z7ochit a: la Sh rp. Jr.. o i il Ma'-rgartt May K-li i''r"' <iqt ý' married la ' "aturd-y ý'-"-t (' " chluia by R~ev. Fr. Ecr~narnt .Now Za("k, '.issc Miirearc' ,11d tile. (110otEd ' itnl-v e t' to l '- "t the matter secret 'nd as i w-rs "Flip one over" their ittt itt -,' of fr Inds, for -' t th 9se * io >-lt are very ppu' ar and mua't 00l' -d In this community, brt t'tt'o ir.n Cr"id was 'a ¾ e'-lhted n his a (- i f 'aa-r- ; .o'ined togeth"r the"'; two 'inng becrts that he r:-'idi not resist the temnu'atien of of ini I broadcast, Mherefotr it it: nw ' ''Cout ý-' and tie ars. to very (1'- ly .give an "at horn'" to rec -' the conarat at 'a. r aad ;el wi--- - The Polt ient c Ia-re L' e-j-- : C r"cembered erch on' of Its rm p oyees on-. Chriseraas day f'1 (1 0n - itialed fruit Eish filial with Itru an1 I pocket knife. REDPATH CHA TAUQUA OCt'MINC. The Annoct on of Commerce, at a meeting lo''1 l)e'mer 22, p bl ed to have the 1I oa h Chaitlnnoi a comm to C0 vrton a*'aL. It r\Il be hey' in Aoril ?T1 a :. :i -m rIn r has' b)ean :l y this weel: n rn ýt naires fir frV'fte I, m on Th1k mebn ers ,re rt ly .yeri. oa there is no divib d sri. .Al _ " Thi board has breen a '*ri] by Žrr. I. TI Wortham, Mi N. 1 Fiftimnns. Miss Kate Estman aTh(1 M " Eastman. Jr , wbo hav.e ?enmainrt cnnsiiantly at 11w rourholua; ;v? the men arrive to hinche-' and re pare lheir blank;. WViver ang child ren .aetcomni:any the married' mon, where child-nn are dependents. Or's cer 16 years - and hoys. over 1g years of age, sign affidaviti. After those women ha. e fxPd lp the ¶1't:? they are. taken to a notary pub;i who makes atten and attaches sca'. Mr. E. D. Kentzei, c!erk a! th11 draft board, has nfaled thus tar rup to Friday noon) 1212 questionnaires. to the oreinevery great movement, as W. J. Leppert. the dtvision secre tary remarked Wednesday, and the 'Gulf States with fallure In the great est -of causes against them, will find a. blot in their record, which a long tale of dotories cannot erase. CHRISTMAS ANI MARRIAGES IN SLIDELL, NE OF HOLIDAYS Second Appear ne of Slim deli Choral Association At Baptist' Church THREE WEDDINGS -ENLIVEN SOC Red Cross Membership S Slidell 629. ConthnC tions, $708.00. (By Staff Correspo en1t. ' Slidell, Dec. 27th.---'The Church had their Christmas Ce tion oh Christm8a pv'ning, Whim len"thy and entjnyablo program reniered. Th&§:idell ChlI. 'iati'n maidetheir'secbnd pb pea"rtnce ijd strengthe'44 t riaiy title impressioz, made on debut, and we look forwa 'leasuire to many nmutsial V9 which we hope to enjoy wti Aessociation that 'romrises A reading by Mr.. Winto, * solo by Clyde Polk, Miller and Glenn 'Miles, a. reel Merle McMahon, entitled e Spot in 3-600", splos by Misl Bourgeois and Mr. S. C.' 3 wore features of the musiel* grant. Mrs. Wingo's dketeh, mas in the Trimbles," was very enjoyed, a' was also the r of little Miss. Merle MdMah ., offering was for the beneftt ;$ Baptist Orphanage at Lake C A touch of patriotism eas give celebration by the siningr ` ea." Pasalor WVina 'Wwit conducting the entertalqm delivered himself in hia usuat,_ qaucqt *manner, and every' i well pleased with t46 even ercises. Miss Ella Baker arid. ' }Tood, of Gennessee,; La., wft in marcktge by Rev. Sypuog on Suiday at 2:30 p. W., a of Lfe pride's sister,l.(' rs. Ginty. Ville wedding was ly celebattd. In the:, a lmmediagt fhirily and Rwa Wingo. Mr. and Mrs. Montt same afternoon- for Oenessee, they-pre to make their hompe, Mr.'Geo. Cffrnibe and Mist Hansbrcugh were marriledoQ mas morning. Rev. Win'go The bridal couple tleft on e bridal trip, afterewhthh they , to make Slidell their home. 'Mr. Hetfe3 Dunhatt shtdlis Smith were married at th t b i e e the 'bride in New Orleans, ozih day. Mr. and Mrs. Dunh4. make their home Mere. F The Red Cross Membership made. for {Chrilsas inemb suited in 629 new enrollm48at total of $708, and Mr.' E.. chairman, desires toathank thoep assisted in the work, especially ladies having in charge the. liooths.,who devoted two days' tifrte'to the cause, Which it pos-ible for SU:dell to 'go L~T top of its quota. The Christmas high rnass 04 ed at midnight Christmas, beautiful ceremony, a large gntion being prcsent. The g children's voices which has bee ably trained by Father Bened4 sjsted by Prof. Felix Le~laic' dered misic composed by Tenedict, in a most harmonisoMa ° ner, anul their fresh young were certainty very enjoyable. LeBlaec and G. Rondeau re' "Cantique de Noe in a sp 1`x manner. Father Benedict del a fine sermon calling particular tentlon to this being the greater in the Christmas era. The large onbrch was nearly even at the ,nidai ht hour at the service was helf, and those terlingi were amply repaid by wshle service. We regret to note the death Mrs. Eloise Gardere Moise, siste r$ Postmaster Paul flardere, who in New Orleans, Wednesday ing. Mr. and Mrs. Gardere attetl ed the funeral, which odcurred& ' rThursday. .The Christmas tree and-pro f'r tir,;t and second garde $n took place last Fritay, and prov n loyable vtant to'all thise' lpg. The program consist musecal selecti9ns, by the resIAtMt 'is by Geo. Glass uat Lillian AMrgan. Bitly Sepqpile, ma Tinder, Felix Adams, Abice ginton, Eula Wingo, Spiageon go, Cinrine Lipscomb. atit impersonated by 4fthizy called the roll or ir t rrad each child answeretd and laid was most wanted by them, en eplendidly entedi by the tote. dies and apples were givell tle one. oMr. and Mrs. Robtr~ti YoAk, are w aitng .f (OManued ea