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, ,i ', " , !,, THE ST. TAZMAIIY FXFARMER On Sale Every Saturday at Thn Is St. Toam gere SONIA¶'S and WATKINS DRUG Fmer is . Y'll mo STORE, Covington. than your mone's worth by being IDEAI PHA.RM.ACYk', Madison- • subscriber. elp ps bout the ville. Five Cents Per Copy. Parih D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1918 VOL. 45 No. 6 ST. TAMMANY IN LEAD IN ROLL CAMPAIGN OF PARISHES Mr. Poitevent Announces That She Already Has Seven Thousand. DRIVE EXTENDED FOR ONE WEEK Division Manager Fonker Telegraph That Louisi ana Maintain Status. Mr. G. F Fonker. campaign man ager of the Gulf Division, A. R. C., etlegraphs Mr. Eads Poi'event, par ish director, that to go over the top our chapter needs 6(o per cent of the population. our quota being 13,000. He ,advises the enlistluent of busi ness men and a house to house can vass. He urges that Louisiana main tain as high status as other states. This was on the 20th. On the 22d he telegraphs that Lou isiana has moved up from twelfth place, great enthusiasm and increas ing enrollment. Also to give notice that the campaign would 'be extended for a week. SMr. Poitevent announces a 7000 membership for St. Tammany parish. This makes St. Tammany lead every parish in the State. It's a wonder ful thing what good old St. Tam many can do wehn she sets her mind to it. And furthermore, :he wi:l not stop at seven thousand. There's more coming during the extended week of the drive. Christmas slow ed things down some. The boys , were home and everybody was giving them a merry Christmas. I- -, The Snow "Santy" By ALLISON LEE (Copyrght. 1918. Western Newspaper Unlas.) ET her go!" "That will wake him up!" "Run fellows! Old Tightwad is coming out of his hut." It was the day be fore Christinas. "Her" was a giant snowball, the hut in question was a dilapidated hovel at the bottom of Sa long steep hill. "Old Tightwad" was the familiar epithet be $towed upon Elias Greene. A crowd of energetic urchins had leen busy with a giant snow Santa laus. The great rotund trunk had n duly rolled into shape. The fol owing morning there had come a soft fain, then a sharp freeze. The snow would pack no longer so the dis (ppointed lads went back to their *ieds, coasting down th, long incline liat ended at the edge of Ellas sreene's domain. A coasting sled had broken two pick )ts in the rickety fence and Old Tight Wad caame out furious, wheeled a barrow full of tishes to the base 4f the hill. scat tering it about and spoiling the end of thi. slide. His tormentors booted him and drove him into the house amid a / usillade of snow alls, he roaring pp at them that he would have the law on them. The boys hid behind the mammoth pnowball. One of their number uttered a quick chuckle. "I say, fellows," he grinned, "let's send Old Tightwad a Christmas pres ent-the big snowhall." And then the climax. The great body of ice and snow went thundering down the hill with terrific momentum. It cleared the open gateway. ran 20 feet and. Just as the denizen of the bhut half-opened the door, it was torn from its hinges by the impact of the great projectile which broke into frag Inments and the old man was thrown back amid its ruins, the shattered door striking him n-ith stunning force. Elias Greene had once been a mag Smate of the village. He had never married and that was why his numer eus relatives coddled and plundered and finally ruined him. He retired to the old hut to lead a AGmitntke existence. His desnoilere IMADISONVILLE ROAD DELAY IS EXPLAINED BY JAHNCKE Preferred That Police Jury First Advertise for Bids by Other Contractors A CHANCE FOR THEM TO UNDERBID Will Make Deliveries To Covington and Madison ville In a Few Days: As is generall understood, the police jury has a contract of $2.0(' rer cubic yard for shells to be deliv e,'ed by the Jahncke Shipbuliding Company, at any part of the four v ards where the new road building is to be constructed. While this ~b apparently a bargain at this time, the Jahncke Shipbuilding Company has preferred that the police jury ad vertise for bids, which would give an opportunity for other contractors, if they. so desire to under-bid. "However," as -Mr. Jahncke states in his letter to the police jury of December / 1th, "this has not pre vented ou rworking on this road, be radse we would have done so, re garuless of rem.rks, as it is so vital I' iuperative that ie get men to a'; from our shmi:Eld. "We would have worked on ',.e road sooner, but due tt. the fact that tne Government has our equip ment pretty well tiel up and ha" as in a shape that we have been unable to make delivery of shells, not Jauy to this road', but other materia! in the town of Madisonville to put their road in good shape. We believe, however, that conditions now look much better than they have for some time and it is only going to be a few days before we will be able to make deliveries to Madisonville and Cov ington on this proposed road be tween Madisonville and Mandeville." Additional bids have also been ad vertised for gravel, and experiments are being made by the State Highway Department for the purpose of top ping shell sufrace roads with a gravel coat of four to six inches. Experi ments recently made by the Highway Department show that this kind of paving makes an exceedingly good road. never went. near him. Of all lils kin Alice Wayne, an orphan half-niece, of fered to keep house for him, but was rudely repelled. She had found work in the village and faithfully visited the old hut, bearing some dainty and ten derly inquiring as to his health. That very afternoon Alice had wrapped up a warm sweater she had knitted and bent her steps toward the wretched habitation. Her Christ mas present fell from her hands as she discovered the plight of' its in jured inmate. Alice summoned a physician and sat up all night, nursing her patient. He -was improved by morning. She pre pared his break fast and went to report to her em ployers. W hen. Alice returned she was not alone. She introduced Mark Seaton, Ellas eyed him closely, for he knew that this was her fiance working to reach an earning point where he could afford to marry. Mark was at once interested in the welfare of the old Inan. He suggested that they move the stove into the sickroom, and re moved from the stovepipe hole a mass of paper. As he pulled it out his eyes discovered that it comprised a lot of dlocuments bearing impressive seala and signatures. His eye caught an engraved name: "Acme Smelter Com pany." "Mr. Greene," he spoke, "do you know what these are?" "Do I?" returned old Elias. with a derisive laugh. "Yes; worthless pa per! There's a trunk full of them up in the attic." "Alice," whispered 'Mark. "I have made an important diagovery. I will return soon," and wsas away for the ho tel to find a ne4'spaper he had left there. He returned add folded it at an item stating that a leading brokerage house in the city would redeem all bonds of the Aeme Smelter company at fifty cents -sb. -dollar. EIla Gnreene becmae.lrz4iV excited as ha read the brief .odlzet AMERICAN RED CROSS SUPPLY DEPARTMENT IN LONDON, ENG. Where some of the supplies made by the Gulft division wori-ers of the American Red Cross were packed awaiting the call from the battlefields ot France. Answer the Christmas roll call so that the work of merry may con' tinue for the Frenh and Belgian ho:nes.. widows and orphans. --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- - - A COVINGTON CONCERN OF PROGRESS The growth of the Covington Gro cery & Grain Company has been phe nominal. .Reaching out from the parent tree its branches have extend ed into Slidell, Bogalusa, Franklin ton, La., and Tylerton and Columbia, Miss., and preparation is now being made to establish branches in New Orleans and Hattiesburg, Miss. Mr. E. J. Domergue, its president, has shown wonderful capacity in tracing out the path of advancement and in grasping opportunities. Each venture of extension has brought strength and profits to the company and blazed the way for future de ve!opment. The same progressiveness that has made this .company a business suc cess also made it a liberal contributor to the success of all war activities and a liberal advertiser generally. Necessarily a company reaching out for trade and building branches is constantly under considerable ex pense, but the Covington Grocery & Grain Company also believes that an investment should pay dividends to the stockholders, and its pays good di .dends. a meeting of the stockholders held \December 14, -the issuance of $100, 00.00 in new stock was au thorize . Also a semi-annual divi dend of $8.00 per share was declar ed. The stock is now being sold at $130.00 per share. Aside from be ing a local concern in which there is naturally a community interest, the fact that it is a good investment will probably not leave stock long on the market. This was the history of previously issued stock. COMING TO THE PARKVIEW THEATRE The Knights of Columbus and the Association of Commerce have joint ly arranged for a series of lectures that will be interesting and worth attending. The first of these lectures will be at the Parkview Theatre on January 13, when Miss Marie Rose Lauler, who has witnessed the scenes she talks of and can tell at first hand things we have only heard of by re port. Following is a short :;ketch of Miss Lauler, who is known as a brilliant and talented young woman: "Marie Rose Lauler was a French school girl in a Belgian convent when the war broke out and she tells from a woman's standpoint the story of the German advance through Eel gium, tells of the barbaric atrocities committed upon women, old men and children and recounts a:so the story of her own imprisonment by the lter mans, her escape and recapture, and finally how she came to the United States of which she was and Is a citizen, although at the beginning of the war she had never been to America and could speak no Eng lish." e4Masrk to bring down the traunk-ftf the attic. "Alice," he spoke, "make two even piles of those documents," which she did, wonderfully. He kept one and handed the other to Alice. '"The only true soul among all the wretched brood who devoured my for tune," he sold. "I give you these as your Chri:tmms present-and your GOV. PLEASANT AND OTHERS WILL SPEAK The people will be much interest ed in the announcement of the con servation meeting to take place in Covington, baturday, January, 11, at 10 a. m., at which Governor Pleasant and other prominent speakers will discuss a subject thjt is of vital im portance to the people of St. Tam many ,parish, and it is to be hoped that the speakers will be greeted with a large audience. The following announcement has been made: A campaign against the destruc tion of our homes, barns, fruit orch ards, fields and fencing, timber and wood, range grasses and soils is on. There will be a big barbecue with plenty of music, in Covington, at 10 o'clock a. m., Saturday, January 11, 1919, at which time Governor Ruffin G. Pleasant, M. L. Alexander, Commissioner of Conservation, and other prominent speakers will be present. All propgesslve, forward-looking men, women and children in Wa::h ington, St. Tammany, Tanglpahoa, St. Helena aid Livingston parishes are the invited guests and are to be drattedl as the soldiers. Tihe fight is to be made by organi zation and co-operation with the For estry Departments of the State and Federal Governments; educ'ation in the public schools and around the firesides and by strict legislation. The Florida Parishes have been sufferers from hideous forest fires for many years and the people have lost thousands of dollars worth of property by these fires. The time to stop them Is now. Can we count on you to do your part? -0------ MURDERED IN HONEY IBLAND. It is reported that -Mr. Little, a brother to A. 0. Little, of Pearl River, was murdered on Honey Is land last week. Details are not. available, but it is said that Little had some money on his person at the time he was killed. He was in Covington a day or so previously in reference to some legal matters which he talked over with Judge T. M. Burns. RE DOROSS MEETS AND ELECTS OFFICERS. At a meeting of the Parish Chap ter of the Red Cross, yesterday, all the old members were re-elected. Mr. J. H. Warner resigned as chairman of Home Service Commit tee and Mrs. J. B. Wortham was elected in his stead. The committee looses one of its most energetic and capable workers in the resignation of Mr. Warner. In selecting Mrs. Wortham to head' the committee the board has secured a capable and loyal Red Cross work er, which will make the loss of Mr. Warner less severely felt. JOSEPH MULLALLY. Joseph MullaWy died Monday. De cember 23, 1918, at 11 a. m. He was 30 years of age. When war was declared he lIft his profession in the movies to join the Navy and was ap pointed first quartermaster. He had returned and was making his second trip to Siberia when he was taken with influenza, resulting in his death. Mr. Mullally spent some time in Covington and made many frienis. He will be buried in New Orleans Cemetery, the funeral taking plr.ce from his mother's residence. He is survived by his mother, a sister and two brothers, Miss M. Mullally, of New Orleans, J. P. Mullally, of Seattle, and Janles Mullally, former ly of Ofll ges but new living is Wew rlesas. GULF DIVISION RED CROSS HAS MADE 3,765,000 ARTICLES Amazing Figures Shown In Work of Women Louisi ana, Alabama, Miss. THIS PRELIMINARY TO XMAS ROLL CALL Every Person Expected To Become a Member Dur-. ing This Campaign. NEW ORLEANS LA.-Three ml lton, seven hundred and sixty-five thou, sand, six hundred and ninety-seven ar tieles, valued in material alone at $1, 000,000, were made in workrooms of Red Cross chapters from January 1 to September 30 in Louisiana, Mississippl and Alabama. The more than 3,500,00 articlees n lude surglcal dressings, hospital gar ments, knitted sweaters, socks and the like and refugee garments. The exact .cost of the material is $90,700. Three hundred chapters in the three states, composing the Gulf division, American Red Cross, distributed the material among their more than 2,000 workrooms in branches and auxiliaries. The announcement of the figures was made by the bureau of develop ment of the Gulf division, to show the more than 6,000,000,000 persons in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama Just hor great an army of workers has been assembled to provide for the corn. forts and decencies of life for the thou sands of soldiers of Dixie who are In camp or have gone abroad to fight the battles of democracy. 20,000 at Work In Chapters Calculating a very low minlmum ao ten woman workers to an auxiliary, although many have hundreds, the an ticles were made by about 20,000 wom en-mothers, wive or sisters of sol diers. r "Every one cannot knit or sew for the Red Cross and the fighters of democracy," the Gult division ame nounces, "but every loyal American will have a chance to become a mem ber of the American Red Cross during the week of December 16 to 28. sum son you to the comradeship' Is the word of President Wilson to every Ameriean man, woman and child. Ea. rolling In the Red Cross, by payment of the dollar membership, Is a great privilege. "If the word Is sent rover there' to the millions of homeless, hungry men, widows and orphans that 100,000,000 Americans have Joined.the Red Cross, they will have renewed energy and still greater love for the Red Cross 'For All Humanity' means our work Is just beginning. This to a test of Amers tcanlsr." Tabulated Report issued. Here is the tabulated report on the articles of the Red Cros chapters Is the three states: Month. Surgical Hospital Dressings. rmentas, January ......... 86,782 2,800 February ....... 206,26 85,62 March .......... 235,686 40,700 April .......... 484,956 44,769 May ............ 594,296 37.801 June ........... 498,250 46.306 July ............ 357,260 28,211 August ......... 194,401 34,800 September ...... 52,449 1,864 Total ......t..3,181,565 810,6.8 Value ......$1.907.96 $274,206.28 Month. Knitted Retugee Articles. Clothing. January ......... 16,968 ..... February ......... 42,777 March ........... 27,294 April ............ 0,421 1 May...........20,270 1_ June ............ 15,322 4219 July ........... 12,980 ,56-. August .......... 817,272 10,38 aeptember ....... 85,808 018 Total ........228,658 44,8. Value ........$421,223 $51A56 Washaington has lJaust announced In teresting totals of workroom through. out the contry uas follows from Janu ary 1 to July 1: Refugee garments ....a... 490,120 Bospital supplies ......... 7,123521 rospltal garments ........ 1080,884 niltted articles ......... 10,184,801 Sergcal dremslng ........19~2,748,10 Tot al...............221,2812,88 -st.nated value ........$44,000,00 --0--- NOTICE. I, the undersigned, eonvictod of laresny on Nov. 2S, 1917, am spply ing o a , gerolo. 418t* 3. P. AZUOLD. ITEMS OF INTEREST AT JAHNCKE SHIPYARDS IN MADISONVILLE Items of interest to the shipbuilders and public in general will be published in this column each week, and those who' have interesting news and local notes can forward same to the E)ditorial Department Jahneke Shipbuilding Corporation, and they will be handled by them. Notes should be in so as to be mailed every Wednesday, otherwise they will be held over until the next week. The following letter was received by Commodore Ernest Lee Jahncke from Director General C. N. Schwab: Mr. Ernest Lee Jahncke, President and General Manager, New Or leans, Louisiana: My Dear Mr. Jahncke:-May I not take this occasion before leaving the Emergency Fleet Corporation, to ex tend to you and all of your loyal workers my sincere thanks and con gratulations for the results obtained by your yard. Such success as I have met with while with the Corporation is due, in a measure, to the untiring and patri otic support you have given me, and I am deeply grateful. The wonderful victory which has come to us is largely the result of this patriotic co-operation and sup port which has provided the much needed ships to keep our boys on the lighting line supplied with food, am munition and other necessities, and you and your men can always take pride in your share in it. Again thanking you for your help, and with assurances of kindest re gards, I am, Sincerely yours, CHAS. N. SCHAWB, Director General, U. 8. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corpor ation, 'Philadelphia. Pa. i Commodore Jahaske expresses him self concerning this as follows: " Idesire that this be given out for the information of the men at the yard, who have incessantly de voted their entire energies to this patriotic work, and which is largely responsible for this message of ap preciation from the Director Gen earL" The Bayou Tech, known at, the yard as Hull 210, reached New Or leans several days ago where she was inspected and praised by shipping men, city officials and others. The verdict of all was that this, the pro duct of Madisonville, was the most staunch wooden craft yet turned out br pny southern builder. When the Bayou Teche was in Mo bile she went into dry dock in order that the officials of the American Bu reau of Shipping might inspect that part of the hull which is below the water line. It seems that new wood en ships have not been caulked to the satisfaction of these gentlemen. After several hours of public effort in trying to drive a hawsing iron into the seams of the Bayou Teche they gave it up as a "bad job," pronounc ing the caulking as perfect. After leaving the dry dock the Bayou Teche made a successful trial trip out into the Gulf of Mexico. This run lasted twenty-four hours. She then proceeded to New Orleans. The S. 8. Balabac left the ship yard wharf at 2 p. m., December 17, for her trip to Gulfport. , upt. E. V. Heughan was in charge. A good run was made and in spite of the bad weather the Balabac arrived in Gulf port Saturday morning, Dec. 21. The Balabac was not camouflaged. She was painted ° her peace-time color of gray trimmed with white. Last Sunday F. 'R. Merritt was ob-. served in a frantic attempt to win a gold watch fob at Starns' drug store. This was the first Sunday that Mr. Merritt has not been busily engaged in putting in double time. E. F. Caddin has an eye for busi ness. He tried to get his Christmas turkey from Mr. Edwards, the office manager. If the Caddin family de pend upon Mr. Edwards for their Chi'istmqa turkey their table will not be over-laden. The management of the Ponchar train Express Company have c' ed to worry about the difficulty of se curing firemen for the Str. Reverie. The boat is laid up for repairs., We are glad to learn that James Koepp, former employee of the Jahncke Shipbuilding Company, re ported missing in action on the bat tle front of France for some time, is now back in the French lines, hav ing been released from the German prison camp. Adolph Milloit is reported serious ly ill at Camp rMerrltt, N. J., where he is now serving the colors. Edward Oulliber is at home for the Christmas holidays from Camp Martin. JAMEB KOEPP, REPORTED MISS. ING, IOCATED IN GER MAN PRISON CAMP. 0.d. Koopp, Sr., of Madisonvilfe, La., will enter upon the Ne" Year with a lighter heart than he carried during the closing weeks of the old. Some time back the casua'ty list of the army mentioned the name of James L. Koepp, his son, as oelnr among the missing. No further news came, and finally Hon. Lewis L. Mor gan wrote to Senator Ransdal to se it some means could not be de wbied ed diseleoasling whether Mr. ew was Iiviag *r, had been killed. Lieut. Vernon Heughan has return ed from Camp Johnson, Fla., where he was conducting an officers' train ing class, to his home in Madison ville, and has accepted a position with the Jahncke Shipbuilding Cor poration. He and Mrs. Heughan will make their home here as before. At the noon hour, Christmas Eve, there was presented by the young ladies employed in the main office of the company, a gold watch and chain, on behalf of the employees, to each of the superintendents of the Jahncke Shipbuilding Corporation, Messrs. E. T. 'Molloy, General Superintendent; E. V. Heughan, Superintendent of Construction, and V. F. Chatellier, General Yard Foreman, as a token of appreciation of their management In the construction and delivery of ships. Our second ship, the steamer "Bal abac," arrived at Gulfport, Miss., in charge of Supt. Heughan on Satur day, Dec. 20th, this being the second ship delivered to the Shipping Board by the Jahncke Shipbuilding Com pany in the past sixty days. The an ticipation of the delivery of the third within the next forty days is ex pected. Mr. E. F. Caddin, superintendent of the wood working department, has had his hand in the good work, and will also be presented with various remembrances by the employees un der his supervision. As a pioneer sawmill man, Mr. Caddin has been in the employ of the company since its very beginning and is qpw classed among the foremost of Wood Shipbuilding Wood Work ing Superintendents. O or the benefit of St. Tammany, we are quite sure the entire parish appreciates and realises the value of the shipbuilding plant in this parish and should also appreciate that ap proximately forty per cent of the em ployees reside in Covington and a great deal depends upon road condi tions as to whether or not the show ing that has been made in the con struction and delivery of ships ean be maintained. It is regretful to be forced to say that the shell road from Covington to Madisonville, for which a con siderable sum of money was spent in original construction, is now in a very bad condition, and the cost of repairs being such a minor item, it seems shameful that this road should be left to ruin. Communication by road to Pen chatoula, Hammond and Goodbde, the latter place where some 400 men employed by the plant reside, is prae tically impassable. Oh you Madisonville streets and lights! The roads of the parish are bad, and this awful statement comes to us at the last moment-that only last night a young lady and gentleman going out to the picture show actual ly got bogged on the streets, and the young man was forced to call for assistance, being unable to extricate the young lady from the slush alone. We hope that this correct state ment will be enough to move our city officials to some immediate ao tion. Supt. Ed. T. Molloy, we note, has taken upon himself a small side Is sue--that of going into the "hog raising .business," with hopes of low ering the price of pork. In further connection with the work done at the ship yard, will state that the Emergency Fleet Cor poration conducts a training depart ment for the training of carpenters, caulkers, etc. This department is under the supervision of Mr. Mose Chatellier, with the title of Superin tendent of Training. He has a very effcient force of Instructors. The Crescent Hunting Club made one of its periodical hunting trips to the marsh Sunday and came In with three fine bucks and a number of rabbits, reporting their hunt last ed only two hours. This club, to date, has brought in twelve deer. How's that for a record? The Red Creoss. The Red Cross Christmas 'Roll Call started this week, and we are glad to say that the citizens contributed to one and more memberships and that the entire organization, the Jahneke Shipbuilding Comoany, has taken out their annual membershipi as they have done in the past. Also a cable was sent to head quarters in France. A few days ago Mr. Koepp, Sr., re ceived a telegram from Adjutant General Harris, saying that young Koopp had been captured by the Ger mans and was in a prison camp at Rastatt, but that he was now re leased. In due time Mr. James L. Koepp will be home, and it will no doubt be interesting to learn from him just how he was treated while a prizoner. It is reported that James Parker. colored, of Houltonville, was killed at the Jahncke shipyards yesterday, being crashed betweem uzs.