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THE ST. TAMLMANY FARMER The mscription p of The On Sahl Every Saturday at SONAst.h Hand WATKINS DRUG FTheeStt.momoa Yomllnarm ermo STOIE. Covington. 'than your money's worth by bein IDEAL I'PHAR.MAlCY, Miadison- a lsuscbe'r. Help as boost the ville. Five Cents Per Copy. 1 Parish long. D. II. MlASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919 VOL. 45 No. 23 PROMULGATION OF GOOD ROADS ELECTION BY POLICE JURY Votes For, 545; Against,' 109; $1,222,004 For; $139,203 Against. FULL PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING 17TH No. and Amount of Bonds and the Order of Their Maturity Fixed. Covington, La., April 17; 1919. Minites of the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, held Thurs day. April 17, 1919, for the of promulgatting the result of the special road election of April 15th, and passing an ordinance fixing the 'bonds and maturities thereof, and to advertise for 'bids on the same. The Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, acting as the govern ing authority of said parish, met in special session at the Dl:strict Court house in Covington, Louisiana, on the 17th day of April, 1919, at ten o'clock a. m., pursuant to the pro visions of the ordinance of said Police Jury dated .March 11, 1919, and the proclamation of election by J. B. Howze, president of the Police Jury, also of date March 11, 1919. Pres ent: Messrs. Abney, Dendinger, Do mergue, Davis, Crawford, Cowart. 'Fendlason, 1lowze, Robert, Smith. Absent: Node. The PoLice Jury having been duly convened it was moved by Mr. J. M. Smith, seconded by Mr. R. C. Abney, that, Whereas, a special election as call ed by this Police Jury was held on April 15th, 1919, in the Parish .of St. Tammany, and Whereas, it is the duty of thi" Polce Jury to open the ballot -boxet used at said special election, examinet and count the ballots and canvas.s the result of said election, therefore IBe it ordained, That this P'olice Jury do now proceed to open the bal lot boxes used at the said special election, examine and count the bal lots in number and amount. examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the said election; and that the President appoint twc .eil ers to count the votes and compile the result. And be t further ordained, Teat a process verbal of the opening of the said ballot boxes be made and that the canvass of the returns, and result I thereof Abe shown on the said process verbal and, that the said process verbal be signed by all the'memta,s i of the Police Jury, the tellers and:l the officers thereof. This motion being put to a voca, the result was: Yes, ten. Nays, none. And the motion was duly carrie,!, and the ordinance adopted. Whereupon the Presient announ. ed the appointment of ,Messrs. Teeo dore Dendinger. Jr., and J. M.. Smith e as tellers; and in open ression the a said tellers, in the presence of all of the members of the Police Jury, pro ceeded to open the ballot boxes and t count the votes cast at the election e held April 15th, 1919, in the Parish d of St. Tammany, Louisiana; each box from e:ach polling place in the 1 said Parish being opened separately and thereupon proceeded to examine "and count the ballots in each bJu. and examined and canvassed the re turns made b'y the officers of the said special election at each polling place and verilied the said returns with the result, whch is declared as follows' At Ward One (i1). Madisonville. La., there were found 58 votes, rep resenting an assessed valuation of Two Hundred Fourteen Thousan - Nine Hundred and Fifty-three Dol lars ($214.1:953.00) cast in favor of the proposition: To authorize the Police Jury 3f e the Parish of St. Tammany to in- e cur debhi on l:ehalf of and in thIe name of thie 'Parish of St. Tanrl·e many to the amount of Seven Hun dred Fift: Thousand ($750.10i: ' Dollars. and to issue and sell n"- a gotiable ·u.m-an'nual .interest bear' ing coui:.; ionds evidencin;: thl said inc db.,dness (the amount of c said ivldebtledness being less than te tlper ce( t. of the assessed valna- s tion of thel property in the said c Parish; :-aid bonds to bear inter est :t the rate of five (5) per crn:t t per .unnuin, 1pa able semi-.annually. C the interest and ;rincipal of said bonds to bh tya.ble in suc'l amount:,. and at such places as the said i'olicr .lury mnay determine, and within tw'n:ty-six years from the dAt. of the bonds: and both the prtlctpal and interest of said bond to be secu:ed by a sufficiert tax' to i, levied and collected earh year in accoradnce with Article 281 of the Constitution and Law of th1 Sta'e of Lnu'siana; the pro- a ceeds from the sale of the said LIST PHOTOGRAPH OF WILLIAM WHILE HE WAS KAISER r ir What is no doubt the last photograph of the German k iser while in power was senf to the International Film service by Robert J. Dalton, M. T. Co., 337th F. 1., 2-II R. I., American mission. In this photograph is seen the crown princ.y wg aing tn he heiYngt & t.e .Deat.h Head regiment.. The seen decorating a soleler in the fore ound. 1 1 11 ' 1 / S 1 " S 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1:~se ~il i pwe wa en t treIneratontlIiil VICTORY LOAN1 WILL BE PUT THROUGH While the Victory Loan Campaign will be more extended than such cam paigns have usually been in' this par ish, this is not due to any lack of sentiment in support of the luan, : t because many people who are desir ous of buying as much as they can were not prepared to say just what they could take at the time. Many are still paying on their last bonds and have not yet decided just what they can do now. Those who have bought as a matter of: investment have taken larger amounts even than before, while those who "are buying in patriotic support of the Govern ment and have put' all the money they could spare into previous loans will not invest so much as before. It may be cons. ered certain, how ever, that this pirish will raise its quota without depending so largely upon the banks as was considlered probable. Aside from patriotic duty, the loan is a good investment, as tt pays 4 3-4 per cent interest. Committees have been pretty well organized and both men and women are working hard for a successful campaign. ----0------ TO THE CITIZENSHIP OF ('OVI NGTON. In due tilme I shall make the regu lar announcement of my candidacy for the office of Mayor at the election `o be held in Jane. As the time fix ed for ndmination is considerably ahead, I desire to invite a careful investigation of my record as Alder man during'. the last two years so that the voers will be fully inform ed as to m,4.qualifications as a candi date. Respectfully, ADRIAN I). SCHWARTZ. - -0 THE THRIFT CAMPAIGN. John B. Prados, representative for banks and postoffices of the- Sixth Federal Reserve District, was in Cov ington, Tuesday, and says he is meet ing with full co-operation from the banks and 'postoffices. Mr. Prados is highly pleased with the outlook throughout the district and says: "It is our desire to conduct the Savings Campaign on a strictly, even severly, impartial basis, with a view to establishing the sale of small gov ernment securities to people of mod erate means as a permanent govern ment activity. In order to do this effectively we are limiting our appeal to the mwives of enlightened self interest and peace time citizenship. and are making our appeal to all )eople as citizens of the country and not as members of any particular class or group. "It is true that we are aiming to secure the co-operation and support of practically all the organized groups or associations in the coun try available, but we are making our appeal to them entirely on the basis of citizenship and their own interests as citizens and individuals." bonds at not less than par to be used in constructing and improv ing the public roads and highway.; in the Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. And there were found no votes repre senting an assessed valuation, of no dollars cast aigst the proposition above set forth,, (Continite& on page 3.J GOLD WEDDING MR. AND MRS. JAS. PREVOST St. Peter's Catholic Church was thronged to its utmost capacity Mon day morning at 10:30 o'clock with relatives and friends to witness the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and IMrs. James Prevost, which was celebrated at nuptial high mass, Rev. Father John Burger officiating, as sisted by Rev. Father Bascle, Dea con; Rev. Martin Barrerre, Sub-Dea con; Rev. Father Emillian, Master of Ceremonies, while Rev. Father Co lumban tdelivered a most eloquent sdrmor , The handsome edifice was decorated with ferns and glad flowers in honor of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Prevost entered the church preceeded .by the ring bear ers, Masters James and Francs Pre vost, and Misses Olga Bertus, Mil dred DeBen, IMarguerite DeBen and Adelaide Prevost, to the strains of LeProphete. The mass was sung by the choir of the church, assisted by Mrs. Jacques de Tarnosky, of New Ow:eans, who sang Sancta Maria dur ing the offertory. The celebration at the church was followed.;by a reception at the home, at which the following ladies reeiv ed the many visitors who called throughout the day to offer their con gratulations to the jubilarians who stood under a canopy of 'bamboo and golden morning glorys: Mrs. Gas ton Bertus, Mrs. Albert DeBen. Mrs. Harry Prevost, 'Mrs. Thos. Prevost, Mrs. \\'m. Prevost, Mrs. Q. Kohnke, Mrs. Leonce Burthe, Miss .lessie Evqps, Miss lMimi Prevost and Miss Gabrielle Boudousqule. The color scheme of gold and white was carried out in all of the decorations, the dining room eiung particularly attractive, the golden and white wedding cake, in the shape of a heart, around which was bank ed beautiful yellow jassamines, oc cupying the center of the dining table, the punch bowls being presided over by Misses Daisy Bertus and Louise Burthe. Mrs. Prevost, previous to her mar riage, was SMiss Eugenie Bragg. of New Orleans, and both she and her estimable husband are connected with some of the best known fami lie3 of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Prevost were the re cipients of a number of handsomc and costly presents, one of them be ing a solid gold salad bowl, present ed by The insurance companies of New York City, which Mr. Prevost has represeqted for so many years; also a number of telegrams of con gratulation. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. J. de Tarnosky, Miss Lucy Olivier, Misses 'Marie and Emma Thi berge, Inez Mazarat, Gladys Jones, Juanita Cousin, Carmen Pellerin, Ce cile Rou'bion, Clara Garidal, and Mrs. C. L. de Fuentes, Mrs. Chas.. Buck. Jr., and (laughter, 'Mrs. Gre nier, Mrs. Kaufman. Mrs. Vignaud, Mrs. Coleman. Mrs. J. CampbeJl, Mrs. A. Claudel, 'Mrs. Deynoodt, Sister Mary Augustine, Sister Mary Gene vieve, and Messrs. Larose, H. Viosca, A-. Clavarie, S. Vignaud, Harry Bark er and Lionel Floote. HIDEN TREASURE. A man with a gold-finding appa ratus has succeeded in arousing in terest of a group of people who are digging for hidden treasure at the, roots of an old cedar tree on Florida s'treet. We wonder if this will pay as well as working for $2.50 a day. MILK.THAT CAN STAND THE * TEST Food experts of the United States Government give milk a very iin L portant place in the diet, attribut ing to it qualities difficult to be found in substitUtes. It is nature's sstandard food, and except in cases of idiosyncrasy is always beneficial, per forming functions that decrease ten dency to arterial hardening andueck oning youth to remain with you. On the other hand, it is admitted that milk may become one of the most dangerous of foods, if contami nated by improper.handling or un sanitary surroundings. In fact, may - .become a regular incubator of dis 'ease germs. Recognizing both these facts, Mr. Felix Bachemin, proprietor of the Military Road Dairy Farm, has de cided to meet a public demand by placing his milk on sale at the store of Gus Burant, on New Hampshire street, Covington, under such sani tary conditions as to win the appro bation of the most fastidious. Milk from the Miltary Road Dairy Farm has won a reputation that makes its standard hard to reach. Close study of the value of stock foods, the main tenance of healthy stock and the pro duction of a high percentage of cream or butter fat has resulted in his ability to place on the market milk that every lover of pure, rich milk wim be delighted with. It will be put up in sanitary bottles of sizes to suit the customer and will be served fresh from the cleanest of refriger ators, either to be drank at the store or taken home for family use. See the advertisement on ,page 5. MORE INTEREST IN REED CASE. New interest has been awakened in the Edna Reed murder by the order of Judge Carter to have the overalls 1 said to belong to Reed and found in the car, which are stained either with blood or paint, givgn an expert ex- I amination by Dr. Coats, dean of the chemistry department of L. S. U. Dr. Coats, in response to a request, has agreed to make an analysis of these stains, and by order of Court Dr. IBulloch sent the overalls to Bat on Rouge for this purpose, Sheriff Brewster detailing Deputy Quatre vaux to this duty. Instead of $500 f asked by the New Orleans chemist, 1 the work will cost the parish but $100. This is a big saving in the t expense of- the case. RIOHTERS-HOLHIAUSER. Mr. Francis H. Richters and Mrs. Viola Holhauser were married at the residence of Mrs.' Holhauser on Gib son street, Tuesday, April 22, 1919, Judge Robt. Badon officiating. Mr. Richters is a native of New Orleans, 'but for the 'past year has been foreman of the Kentzel 'Print ing House, Covington. The bride is also a native of New Orleans, but has lived in Covington some time. After the wedding the happy couple ] asnt a few days in New Orleans, re turning to permanenVy reside in : Covington. - 11 TOWN COUNCIL 'PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING APRIL 23 The Matters of License Tax for Motor and Vehicles Is Discussed. CEMETERY, OTHER MATTERS TAKEN UP Committee Appointed To Rebuild Bogue Falaya Park Pavalion. Covington, La., April 23, 1919. The council met in special session on the" above date to consider the cemetery iproposition, the enforce ment of the auto, truck and vehicle license tax and the building of a pavilion in Bogue Falaya Park. Present: P. J. Lacroix, Mayor; A. R. Smith, H. A. LMackie, A. D. Schwartz, C. E. Schonberg, M. P. Planche. Absent: Emile Frederick. The matter of drainage of the old cemetery is to be attended to by the Mayor and Street Commission. * The new cemetery proposition was then discussed. It was moved by C. E. Schonberg, seconded ,by M. P. Planche, that a new proposition was to be submitted and as Mr. Stanga was not present, that nothing be done at this meeting and that the same committee be empowered to act. Discussed the building of a pavil ion in J3ogue Falaya Park. It was decided to advertise for bids and the Mayor to appoint a new Park Comr mission. The Mayor then appointed the following gentlemen to act as such: H. A. iMackie, A. D. Schwartz, C. E. Schonberg, L. M. Bourgeois, A. R. Smith, Emile Frederick, M. P. Planche, P. J. Lacroix. It was moved by H. A. Mackle, seconded by A. D. Schwartz, that the Town of Covington telease any calim :hey have against the Municipal Band nstruments. Carried. The secretary was Instructed to publish notice in The St.' Tammany Harmer, calling attention to the street and vehicle license -tax. There being no ,further business, .he council adjourned. P. J. LAOROIX, Mayor. L. r. PERREAND, , Secretary. -0--- CLEAN-UP DAY - MAY 2-3. Clean-Up Day has been fixed for May 1, and W. P. U. women and the town administration are busy to make ti a success. The Mayor has issued the following proclamation: PROOLAMATIQ V. The Clean-Up movement has. be come one of national importance and 's observed in all municipalities. Aside from its importance in the observation of cleanliness and the pursuanceof a constructive business policy, its value in the protection of health is so pronounced as to justify 'ts legal enforcement. In 'view of these facts the town is co-operating with its health, board tnd othe rorganizations to make Clean-Up days valuable and effective. It is therefore ordered that teems will call for all rubbish and watste matter on May 2 and 3, and to facili tate matters it is requesfed that resi dents have lhis trash placed at con venieit places where it may be gath ered up by the garbage teams and hauled away. All who do net comply with this order will be notified after inspec tion and penalized under continued violation. P. J. LACROIX, Mayor. ------0----- FIR[tIlEN'S FESTIVAL MAY 18. The Covington Fire Department is expecting big things at the festival, ..ay 18th. Citizens are vitally in terested in the success of the festi val, because there is much to be done to make the department efficient, and there should be a liberal patron age. Let's all go ,over the top for our fire department. We have gone dv.r for every thing else. There will be opportunity for girls and boys to win some good prizes by selling the largest amount of tickets, SALVATION ARMY CAMPAIGN. Mr. W. T. Hays, of New Orleans, was in Covington this week appoint ing chairmanships for the ~Salvation Army campaign to commence at the close of the Victory Loan campaign. He found the sentiment here for the Salvatianists. Mr. P. R. Galbraith, 0 Metro.politan IBank, Building, Orleans, Is zone director. ITEMS OF INTEREST AT JAHNCKE SHIPYARDS IN MADISONVILLE Items of interest to the shipbuilders and public in general will be published in this column each week, and those who have interesting news and local notes can forward same to the Editorial Department Jahncke Shipbuilding Corporation, and they will be handled by them. Notes should be in so as to be mailed every Wednesday, otherwise they will be held over until the next week. D H. VINET, Editpr-In-Chief. IMr. J. E. Brogan, detailed by the U. S. Emergency Fleet Corporation as inspector at the Jahncke shipyard, has been with us for ten months. and while his duties htve been very oner ous at times, thete has never been once when he could no stop a while to exchange pleasantries wits his co-workers. From time to time he has been associated in his services to the government here with such men as ,Mesars..'Bell, Clark, Moore, Capt. Carlson, and last but not least, with Messrs. Williams and Pump, and they all unite in pronouncing him a faith ful and conscientious officer. In fact his qualities of heart and mind are admired and praised by all classes in the shipyard. This war has brought many strangers to Madison ville, but none will be missed more 'than ;Mrs Brogan when duty calls him elsewhere. S,Mr. P. T. Burke, Southern District Fire Marshal for the U. S. Emerg ency Fleet Corporation, visited the Jahncke yard on the 21st. He was conducted through the yard by (Mr. Louis Stockfleth, Plant Guard Mar shal, where he found all fire appli ances in excellent condition. Mr. Burke has a large territory to cover, extendfing from Wilmington, N. C., on the Atlantic Coast, to Mobile and Pensacola, on the Gulf Coast, and then to Morgan City. Mr. Burke praises this yard in the. highest terms and says its efficiency is recognized and that there is every reason to believe the future will justify his judgment. The readers of The Farmer doubt less know that IMadisonville is on the map of Louisiana in box-car letters. She stands preeminently in a class her own, from an industrial and eco nomic standpoint, because of her adaptibility to modern progress and the aptitude of her citizens to cope with emergandces. I need not go into details, suffice it to say that she has won her place in the sun. There have been many contributing factors to bring this about, and.while I think of it, wish to say Mr,, Theo. Den dinger, with his hustling boy, worked overtime to bring about this happy consummation. 'Mr. 'Dendinger, Sr., for over forty years, has been a mer chant here, and during all this time has worked unselfishly and with civic pride unsurpassed, in upbuilding this historic town. Mr. Dendingpr has retired from active +bhUin.sssaffairs, having turned over the same to his sons, John, George~ .dt Theo. Den dinger, Jr. Mr. Dendinger, Sr,, * president of the IMadisonville' B#lk, one of the most substantial financial instiu tions in the state. In addition to operating the dMadisonville Saw & Planing Mill, which iurnishes high grade lumber for domestic purposes and a very large quantity for export trade, they conduct the Madisonville Exchange (for thirsty people) and a large general merchandise store. Mr. Dendinger is certainly a philan thropist in the truest sense of the word-many are the beneficiaries of his 'kindness of heart and benevo lence of spirit. Being a large real estate owner himself, he has always assisted the poor man to provide a home for his family at the lowest possible coat, and as a result there are more of the sturdy Emiddlh classes who own their own homes here than amy town in the state of its size. This article is not intended to ad vertse Mr. Dendinger, because I be lieve he is averse to publicity in any manner, bud it is absolutely im possible to write Madisonville with out Dendinger-one is synonomous of the other-it would be like writ ing Romeo with Juliet left not. THE TOWN ELECTION. At an election held in the town of Madisonville, Tuesday, April 22, Mayor Octave J. Oulliber, with the same aldermen who served the pre ceding year, were elected without opposition. This administration serv ed throughout the period of the war and they. can always feel-proud of their services to the people of the town and the best evidence that the people appreciate their services and are proud of them is found in the fact of their unanimous election. PATTER. Louis: How do you feel today? Norris: iI feel as though I've been dead a week. Louis: Hot, eh? 'Lots of men, as well as lots of women, get their complexion out of a bottle-only the men take theirs internally. They were burying the German dead when one American soldier call ed out to his partner, "Jack, this guay is moving. What shall I do. "Bury !him," said Jack. "But," went on the first soldier, "he says he ain't I dead." "That doesn't matter," said Jack, "you can't believe a word these Germans say. Shove him in." A gerat many married men think Webster said a mouthful when he defined angels as mythical charac ters. Did you ever notice that the peo ple who stop, look and listen at a keyhole never do it at a railroad crossing? Nowadays grandmothers are pos ing as chickens. The first thing you know grandfathers will be seriously considering re-sowing their wild oats. Godfred has left us. He no long er eats in the same room with us. In .fact, he has left our boarding' house. Ar I while we don't blame him for this, still we think it is the unkindest cut of all. We were under the impression that Davis wab a palmist 'because he lodk ed at i man's hand the other night and told him he was about to get a large sum of money. The man held four aces. A prominent grocer is Madisonville took his son away from school. He said"the teachers were ruining his boy. They were trying to teach him that sixteen ounces make a pound. Pons: Can you sing Kelly: No. Peons: Are you at all musical? Kelly: Oh, no, I'm Irish! Faller: What would happen if I called you a liar? L.ouis: Your friends would walk slow behind you. Faller: What would happen if I only thought so, but didn't say it? Louis: Well, I wouldn't do any thing. Faller: Well, then, let it go at ' that. Valdin: Did you hear of the new song, "My Sweetheart's Dress"? Ludlow: Is it a rag? Linton: I'm raffling off a watch. Will you take a chance? Norris: I have no use for it. 'I have one already. Linton: Oh, that's all right; take a chance. You wont win it any how. Johnson: The Bible tells us that Lot's wife was turned into, a pillar of salt. iBohning: That's nothing. When I was a boy every morning I used to turn a team of horses into a five acer lot. Jake tgiving cigars): Do you know what's in that cigar? Dan: No; but I should judge there's about nine cents profit. Faller: What nation attracts the most attention? Callecas: Fascination. We understand our friend, Noble Eyes, is leading a double life. We hear that he has promised to die for two different girls. She: I wonder when the trouble started in the Garden of Eden? He: There was no trouble until Eve wanted to go shopping for dress goods. A girl's features are generally stamped upon a man's heart-but it's always her complexion that shows on his coat collar. Are you really related to*Patecek? Oh, yes; our relation is a clothles (close) one. Young Lady: I haven't seen my dance in a week. What can the rea son be? Old -Lady: He is beginning to act like a husband. McCary: Did Columbus discover the Atlantic Ocean? Baxter: No; why makes you ask? ,McCOary: Because, in the geogra phy it says he came "across" it. She: You don't think I'm grow ing old, do you? He: Not at all. You have been twenty for the last ten years to my Iknowledge. He: The finest garment that a woman can wear is the mantle of charity. She: Yes; and it'sthe only dress that some husbands want *±_'r w:ves to wearj judging from the fuss they make over the bill.