Newspaper Page Text
TILE ST. TAWIANY FAMER, On S).al. Eiery Saturdayeat Ta Farm er The St. Tammany Farmer SECTION ONE D. H.. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1919. VOL. 45 No. 24 EXCURSIONS ONI N. 0. G. N. TO COVINGTON PUT ON President Warner of the As sociation of Commerce Gets Busy. N. 0. G. N. RECONSIDERS DECIDES TO RUN THEM McMahon Telegraphs That Excursions Will Be Run Tomorrow. i President J. H. Warner, of the Covington Association of Commerce, took up the mat:er of excursions to Covington over the N. O. G. N. as soon as it was reported they were not to be put on, notwithstanding other roads were pu:ting them on. When the matter was put before the officials and the injustice to both Covington and New Orleans was pointed out, the mat:er was recon sidered. The following telegramt from Traffic Manager ,M. J. McMahon r will be read with pleasure and relief E by the people of St. Tammany parish: Hattiesburg, Miss.. April 30. St. Tammany Farmer, Covington: t Commencing Sunday, .May 4th, Sunday excursion will be operated from New Orleans to Shore Line, pain's. Train leaves New Orleans 7:45 a. m., returning arrive New Or leans 7:53 p. m. Excursion New Orleans to Ramsay, inclusive, $1.30; d Ramsay to Folsom, $1.63. This in cludes war tax. c M. J. McMAHON. The excursion train will leave Cov- c ington on the return trip about 4:45 a p. m. from the Covington station. ti O a PREST-O)-,ITE WVEIA)IN( AT PAUL c VE RGEZ. iMr. Paul Vergez, the blacksmith and wheelwright of Covington, has tl installed the Prest-O-Lte system of e, Welding. This is the modern, up-to- p4 date method of welding, by which ti oxygen and acetylene is united to tc produce heat that will quickly, solid- ir ly and without waste join broken vi shafts, axles or other pieces of metal pl without weakening them 'in any part. cc Thousands of dollars may be saved sc to the people of St. Tammany parish. Wheels, cylinders, castings, boilers, in fact any metal part may be mend- tb ed efficiently and instantly and motor la machinery may 'be freed of carbon. yE There is no necessity for sending re away for new parts to machinery in that is broken. Mr. Vergez can fix th them for you in shbrt order. te This new Prest-O-Lite machine br may be seen at the shop of Mr. Ver- of gez, in Covington, and he will take it pleasure in expl ining its manner of ch working. .Mr. Vergez is ,keeping up te with scientific developments in his business. These are the things that push Covington to the front and make it known as a town where they do things. of -0 NXF.RO SHOOTS ANOTHER. 1. ,Bob Bell, colored, shot and seri ously wounded Joe Lewis, also col ored, the weapon being a .38 special. O` The shooting occurred on 28th avenue in Covington, Wednesday vil morning. The bullet entered Lewis' th thigh, badly shattering the 'bone. ci Dr. Bulloch dressed the wound and 2 sent Lewis to the hospital in New Orleans. ne Ch Another shooting occurred at barn six, near Abita, in whch Sam Turner co shot and seriously wounded Alonzo Blackwell, both colored. A woman to is said to be the cause of the quarrel. lea ---0-- '"I)EVII, l!I)S" VS. lACY'S. ha: The "DeI)vil Dogs," Covington base- gol ball team, will play the Lacy's. of cel 'ew Orleans. Sunday. May 4th, at Be St. Paul's Park. at 2 p. m. Admnis sion to th' g.ame will be, adults, 23c; children. 1 ,; war tax included. ----4)-- IIIA.)D WILL TELL. no; Thb Nine White Leghorn Cockerels of hatched from ,,ggs shipped direct to hec Witchwood Farms from George B. lan FPrris, of crrand Rapids. Mich. 23() tle to 264 egg strain. will be on exhib;- dra tlon at Hebert's Grocery Store. Cov- tat' ington. to-day. Price $2.5) each. A the rare chlianc. See adverltisement on G Page 3, this sco:iono. 0I hu POtIC. .I'i' RY TI) ME'TI AS ll)AI.I hel Ot, lIt11 EWEII." dis. CoVinntcon. La., April 17. 1919. The P'olice Jury will mon on th'ebir irst Monday in .M1y S(th), 1919. : cas I Board of Re.l;ewers. lux F. .1. MARTINDALE, ret i apl9-3i Secretary. fro SEDUCATIONLAW NOT ENFORCED SUPT. LYON ASSERTS 3-ISupt. Lyon Answers "Tax Payer's" Inquiry Why Children are Absent. NO INDICTMENTS FOUND BY JURY School Board Member H. W. Woodruff Also Makes Comment on Subject e Covington, La.. May 1, 1919. Editor St. Tamhnany Farmer: 0 Dear Sir:-While I must always decline to enter into any newspaper e controversy, still I feel that I must g ask for space enough in the columns of you rpaper to answer briefly the letter fromn "Tax Payer" a )pearing e in your issue of April 26th. The h writer of this article is absolutely s correct in what he states regarding the bad effects upon the schools by not having the compulsory school at tendance law enforced. If you will a refer to my report to the Parish f School Board at their last regular meeting he:d April 4th, and publish cd in your issue of April 19th, you will see that I even went further than "Tax Payer" does in naming injurious effects from the non-en forcement of this law. I am more than delighted to have this matter of school attendance brought to public attention, because it is only by a free, frank and candid discussion of such subjects that a correct understanding by the public can ever be secured. I am always at willing to have my o~.cial acts-di4e cussed, still I must beg the right of t\ calling "Tax Payer's" attention to p the fact that I am not a truant officer and neither am I a part of the ma- di chinery that prosecutes law-break- at ers. I have a high opinion of our at District Attorney and Judge and 1 ui feel sure that if they were convinced fr that the people of this parish wanted w this law enforced they would do s} everything in their power to see that people who were stealing an educa- vi tion from their children were brought to justice. It is now my understand- st ing that a list of people who have violated this law will be once more ha placed before the Grand Jury at this coming IMay term, when I trust that a some true bills will be found. ba In conclusion, I desire to assure Lc "Tax Payer" that I have done every- in thing within my power to have this wt law enforced during the past three years and that I will not admit any p1 responsibility for conviction not hav- fo ing been secured in the past or if they are not secured at this May of term. If the patrons will assist in pa bringing this matter to the attention of the District Attorney and not leave fo: it to one man, I am sure the school re, children will be found in regular at tendance this coming year. ve Very respectfully, EIMDER E. LYON, gu Superintendent of Education. See Mr. Woodruff's letter page one is of section two. foi -0 MADISONVILLE TO PLAY WALK is OVER'S TO-MORROW. wi Madisonville will play the Walk Co Overs of New Orleans at Madison- w ville, Sunday. Mr. Mire states that this will 'be a good game-plenty of pla class. The game will be called at th 2:30. Battery-.Madisonville, Bru- d nette, Godfrey. Walk Over, Enagle, bu: Churchill. cin Visitors from New Orleans who ar come on the excursion will have time to witness this game, as the train will He leave Covington about 4:45. wil . ---- nig It is said that buried treasure has a tax of 12 per cent. Whoever cot got the buried treasure under the mo cedar tree may be sure he is spo.tied we Better come and pay the tax. on --'I-u---- GALATAS LITIGATION SETTLED. The Farmer is requested to an- lut nounce that the litigation between o Theodore Galatas and others, as heirs of Roland G. Galatas, and sMrs. Re becca Funk Galatas, widow of Ro land Galatas, has been amicably set- \ tied, and all claims have been with- Coi drawn by the heirs against the es- to. tate and settled by the judgment of Hot the District Court. and Mrs. Rebecca I'll Galatas has been recognized as the aw: owner of the property left by her pag husband, free from all claims of the hay heirs, and with full right to sell and pa dispose of the same as she sees fit. -0---- '1 Say, but that tax on luxuries is a pan bird. Somebody ought to invent a rais cash register (exempt from tax as a and luxury) that will make the correct you returns and sav9 the business men you from the insane aSzltm. don '5;i rlU. S. SAILORS VISIT ROMAN FO;RUM I AI L t, / ....ff dvidedý ff 'ý int deacmet of ` abu 200 each,{ v 'te, the"ý,l ;famtu fo,¢ru -I0.4 R"e~i phtgap .hw the In frn fth e' i 'of Fa _ In ' C " % A ABITA SPRINGS e NEWS NOTES PERSONALS ic A grand free dance will be given s at the Pavilion, Sunday, May 4th, in ' I:oiror of Louis Stire and .M. Martin, of two of our boys just returned from o France. r There will be a parade and all sol 1- diers and sailors who were in service and wishing to participate will report r at the Town Hall at 6 p. m., with I uniforms. Dancing will be free. Re R freshments will be sold and proceeds d will go towards erecting a memorial o shaft. Everybody welcome. t Mr. Jos. Rausch evas a business visitor to New Orleans last week. t Abita Springs is filling up with strangers. e Mr. and IMrs. A. Pink, of Algiers, e have taken a cottage for the aummer s Monday morning, about 3 o'clock, ta negro named Sam Turner shot and badly wounded another negro named a Lonzo Blackwell. The sheriff was immediately notified. The shooting was on account of a woman. Mr. L. Verges, after spending a 7 pleasant time with his pareat1s, l'ft for New Orleans. Mrs. L. C. Franz has been the guest r of Mr. and Mrs: L. Verges for the I past week. i Mr. Domonock Dazet has been ill for the past two weeks, but is now I recovering. Mrs. A. Mutti is back home now very much improved in health. Mr. and iMrs. P. Pratini are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mendow. Mr. E. M. Fox, of New Orleans, is stopping at the Gannon Cottage for the summer. Miss Stafford, of Denham Springs, is spendng the week in Abita Springs with her friends, Misses Smiley. Mr. A. Mutti spent Wednesday in Covington. .Mr. Tom Miller has gone back to work at sea. The Waldheim young people are planning to give their play, "Between the Act" in Abita Springs, Wednes day, and possibly in Mandeville after that. With the proceeds they are buying, a piano for the Waldheim consolidated school. Those acting are: Misses Lydia -Strain, Ida and Edith Keen, Hattie Cook, Messrs. Weller Dutsch, Jack Dutsch, Juli:, Heath and Willie Cook. The p'ay will be staged for the first time to night at the Waldheim school. Pastor Luecke reports that the congregation here has paid $25.00 more on the parsonage debt this week. reducing the debt balance to $625.00. $25.00 more will be due on July 1st, and the people of the church are preparing to give a play before that time. Miss Eleanor Rayne is back on duty in Mandeville, going back and forth on the train each day. SURE' WE'LL FINISH IT. When the Great Southern Lumber Company, of Bogalusa, was appealed to. to advertise the Victory Loan, Hon. W. H. Sullivan replied: "Sure; I'll take it up with the company right away." And the order came for a page. Mr. Sullivan ansi his company 1 have been right in the front ranks of patriotic boosters for the "Good Old t'. S. A." The Jahncke Shipbuilding Com pany, Inc., has been another big 1 raiser of funds for the Government I and for general war activities. If you read the ad. on the last page u you will see what Madisonville has I done. a DISTRICT COURT HOLDS EXTRA SESSION A Judge Carter held a special session i of Court this week and gave a hear ing to several eases. Judge Carter has not yet recover ed from the effects of ptomane poi - soning occurring several weeks ago, but he felt that it was his duty to t expedite these matters and gave his S'attention to them in' spite of his Ill ness. $25.00 REWARD. A reward of $25.00 will be paid for information leading to the dis covery of the boys who have been placing tacks in the streets for autos to pick up in the tires. P. J. LAOROIX, Mayor: There will be a meeting of the School Improvement League Wed nesda~r, May 7, at 4 p. m. MRS. C. H. SHEFFIELD. --0 NOTICE. I wish to announce that I am now operating an Auto Livery Service at Schoen & Molloy's. Your patronage is solicited. Phones 10 and 223. G. P. JMOLLOY. TO THE CITIZENSHIP OF SCOVINGTON. In due time I shall make the regu lar announcement of my candidacy for the office of Mayor at the election to be held in June. As the time fix ed for nomination is considerably ahead, I desire to invite a careful investigation of my record as Alder man during the last two years so that the voters will be fully inform ed as to my qualifications as a can djdate. ate. Respectfully, ADRIAN D. SCHWARTZ. ---------O COVINGTON BASEBALL ORGAN IZATION. In response to a request from some of the active business men of Covington, a meeting to organize a baseball team was held in Stanga's t office for the purpose. The follow ing officers were unanimously elect ed: J. E. Stanga, manager; J. D. Kerr, treasurer; A. J. Park, secre tary, and C. S. A. Fuhrmann, field captain. 1 The name adopted for the team t was Devil Dogs. The name may sound a little bit harsh, but it is a i team composed of members who will I fight until the last man is retired. Then, too, we will likely have to I fight teams with names sounding equally as bad-such as Blue Devils, Sea Daddies. etc, It is the purpose of this organiza- I tion to have a game in Covington • each week. Regular practice will r be conducted from two to four days. each week, from 5:30 p. m, to 6:30 p. m. Lend the boys a helping hand by c coming out to the games and by boosting the home team. They do c not expect to win all the games, but do expect to win a majority of them d and even though they are defeated t now and then, you will enjoy a good f game, * * * * * * * * * * * * I* DIES AT THE AGE OF 106 * SYEARS. * Susan Cousin, colored, aged * * 106 years, 'died at her home at * * Uneedus, La., on Tuesday, April * * 29, 1919. She has 115 child- * * ren, grand children and great * * grand children, many of whom * * were at her bedside when she * * passell away. She was well and * * favorably known throughout the * * community in which she lived. * NOW ON DUTY IN GERMANY ? ii i' BenJ. O. Youngs I Private 'Benjamin O. Young, of a Bush, La., is a member of the Second I Division, Regular Army, now station- t ed at Vallandar, Germany. t - a A FAIRIE~ FETE. d From "A Midsummer Night'as Dream," with all, due apology to n Shakespeare for amputations, inserts p and other discrepancies committed c during our one week's practice. How ever, anything may happen on a mid summer night or on a spring night e for that matter, so 'be prepared for V all sorts of surprises. Shakespeare re claims that it all happened in one ri night anyway; so we, being less skill ful than the old wizard may perhaps ri be pardoned for taking a whole week e1 to interpret (prefix "mis" and you p will have a more correct terms for y it) one of the master poet's best it beloved plays. w 'By the pupils of the Covington it high school, Friday, rMay 9th, at w 8:00 'p. m. .Admission, Adults 10c; w children 5c. pi Cast of Characters. H Oberon, King of Fairyland-Earl K Ogden. 51 Titania, his Queen-Willie Marie F Denman. a, Puck, or Robin 'Goodfellow-El- It wood Nilson. First Fairy-Alfrieda Wadsworth. Second Fairy-Emilda Smith. Third Fairy-Marguerite Lardor. Peas Blossom-Nicholas Seller. st Cobweb-William Norder. th Moth-,, illiam Reeder. w Mustard-Seed-Logan Belknap. se Bottom, the mortal who has been m turned into an ass .by the mischevi- "j ous enchantment of Puck-Albert th Sandoz.we SLittle Indian Boy-Theo. Baptist. H Fairy Dancers--Marguerite Lan don, Marion Smith, Marguerite Brad ley, Ruby Helen Park, Emilda Smith, Alfrieda WVedswsorth, Mary Webb, Matilda Haik, Maud 1Mattix, Clara wi King, Hester'Burns, Amy Frederick, wi Bessie Johnson, Mamie Denman, Ce- m cile Ragan, Sophie Segond. II May Pole Dancers-Doruthy Burns di Doris Sheffield, Iris Planche, Katie ou Seller, Avis Mercadel, Claire cMullal- ya ly, Jean Caufield, Olive Wadsworth, lo Marguerite Sharp, Carmelite Fogar- fri ty, Doris Frederick, Grace McCor- th mack, Ruth Morgan, Dorothy Bloss- th man, Jeanette Moses and rMarjorie fri Burns. bu Choruses--Iris Planche, Adrienne ey Brewster, Dorothy Burns, Doris Shef- ev field, Elgie Patrick, Coxius Dudevoir, fo Augusta Edwards, Mignoine Aldrich, do Grace Barringer, Marietta Aoueille, of Bertha Loyd, Ruby Mattix, Hallie ne Yenni, Katie Seller, Ida Poole, Kath- re rine Tomney, Gertrude Worley. ch Music---endelssohn. sit Dance-"Cecile Waltz." otl Features of the night will be the coronation of the May Queen, the ne most popular girl in thegradpating ar class, and the May Pole Dance. cai After the play dancing will be in- soi dulged in by the young folks and re- a freshments will be served by the so School Improvement League, under tre whose auspices the festival is given. be ITEMS OF INTEREST AT JAHNCKE SHIPYARDS IN MADISONVILLE items of interest to the shipbuilders and public in general will be published in this column each week, and those who have interesting news and local notes can forward same to the E)ditorial Department Jahncke Shipbuilding Corporation, and they will be handled by them. Notes should be in s9 as to be mailed every Wednesday, otherwise they will be held over until the next week. D. H. VINET, Editor-In-Chief. The shipyard and Madisonville, al ways patriotic, true to self and coun try, will subscribe 100 per cent Vic tory Bonds. When it comes to do ing big things in a big way Madison ville is as .big as her name. In all things :progressive, Americanism, and the like, she stands ace high and she is true to form on this occasion. Capt. Eugene Casey, who, during the war, occupied the position of Southern iDistrict Guard Marshal, un der the direction of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, will return to his pre-war position as Captain of the police squad on Canal street, New Orleans. The same high purpose that has always characterized him in the various positions he has filled was amply exemplified in his patri otic services to the government dur ing the period of the war. He is at all times a strict disciplinarian, and those serving the government under his supervision will always feel proud that they stood the test of 'his watch fulness and faithfulness. The Fleet Guards at the Jahncke Shipyard, wish him much success on his return to his pre-war position. The Koepp family, of which An thony Koepp, Sr., Is the head, is very numerous and continues to grow. They are closely idenzft.fied' with the business, industrial, political, social and agricultural life of this town and section. The head of the family came here many y~ara ago, and by indomitable courage, thrift, well-di rected effort and economy, estalblish himself in the business life of the community, which,, thrqugb. all these } years, have been reflected yw his off spring. When the black clouds of war threatened and looked ominous f and ,inally broke forth in fury, this Sfamily came, and came pretty strong, to the defense of their country. Their names appear on the rolls of the army, the shipyards, the sawmills and in other activities wherever duty called. To enumerate the praiseworthy efforts and accomplish- t ments of this large family in detail, n more time than I have to spare would be required, therefore, I must post- e pone writing nmore, for another oc- F I casion. ii Mr. F. R. Merritt still retains his position as one of the most. valued It employ es of the Jahncke Shipyard. It While the force of workers have been it reduced considerably, to conform to tl readjustment plans, etc., Mr. Merritt i is just as busy attending to calls up- It on him as he wos when the yard was running at full capacity. Of all the d efficient and faithful men who com- 01 posed the real working forte of the at yard, Mr.· Mlerritt was second to none at in his devotion to the special line of work assigned to him. Before com ing to this yard he was connected V with the Houlton Lumber Company, of where his ability as a lumberman was d put to the acid test and found A-1. us He is the son-in-law of Mr. Christian Koepp, and the proud father of a cc sweet little baby. He is a nativee of Florida, and 'his disposition is as mild and exhilarating as the climate of A' that beautiful state. Appropriate Music. p Last Sunday evening at the picture show, one of the scenes was that of the villian striking a man on the head p1 with a bottle of wine, knocking him ed senseless. The very appropriate music rendered for this scene was, a "The End of a Perfect Day." Had fo the man died we suppose the music e would have been "The;e Will Be a w Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight." St HOW TO EAT. I am going to tell you about the ha way we contest for our meals and in what you should do if it is ever your at misfortune to dine with us. While I believe in all forms of exercise, this dinner-table gymnastics is too strenu ous for me. It staes off with a fifty yard dash. The winner is the fel low you see with all the desert in ch front of his plate. After reaching the table you immediately look for the teat that has the most food in front of it. Then proceed to get busy at once. Always keep your eyes on your competitors forgetting he everything else except the work be-un fore you. And whatever you do don't let any one start eating ahead of you. Very often they start din- de ner with something you may not th recognize, and as this is a very cru cial moment all you have to do is to sit back, hold tight, and see what the others do, then go to it! . Sometimes they have soup for din- ev ner. Whenever soup is served look around for the 'biggest spoon you can find. Some of the fellows, when souping, make a cute little noise like a leaky faucet. Should you find the soup too hot you will eliminate all i trouble if you will gargle it in the~ back of your throat for a while. J 1- find this to be far better than trying a- to hide it under the table like Cale c- cas used to do. It it happens to be )- Friday when you, unfortunately, are forced to dine with us, you might be d served fish. Should you encounter ,e a bone that sticks in your throat don't try to cough it on the other fel low's plate, if you did it might have g some meat left on it, then he would get more fish for dinner than you (the main object is to get the most y of everything). The most polite s thing to do when facing such a crisis e and delay is to fish for the bone with a Pfrk. Whenever you are lucky eenough to get an even start with the rest of the gang do not use the fork, start in with your knife. Jake Bro ders says a 'knife can hold a great deal more than a fork, especially after you have mastered 'it. The only time for you to use the fork is r when you get ready to clean up. Be sure you approach the table with a running jump for the place you have decided to take, and by all means be th~y flrst one seated and get into actidn at once, make the other fellows remark "how fast you are." Perhaps you will see a piece of tissue paper on the table. They call this a napkin. Pay no attention to, it, for it is not intended to be a food and serves no good purpose. Soup always leaks through it to your shirt. This is something you can not prevent at our table. Should the gang appear to be care less and not start eating at once don't be deceived, it is only a barrage and they are trying to throw you off your guard. Bear well in mind that you are to start at once, for if you don't your digestion will suffer. nTever put off for tomorrow what you can chew today. . And If at first you don't fill up, try, try again. If at any time you think you have reached your limit take a short rest, then start again. Eat heavily, if you don't Kelly will. After you have followed my instructions the gang will be cap tivated by your excellent table man ners and good breeding, but rest as sured they will see to it that you are eliminated from all future contests. In order to prove your good. breed ing be sure to carelessly knock a few spoons, knives and forks to the floor. When you pick them up slip a few into your pocket. If you practice do ing this. you will soon be able to go into the cutlery business. Should the waiter make a mistake and serve ice cream don't try to swallow it in lumps, just pat it with a spoon and make a soup out of it when you can drink it down, thereby saving a lot of time. (Norris has made a great success of this.) If coffee doesn't suit you spill it on your neighbor's lap, but ,be sure and tell him that you really didn't care for it anyway. Valdin always drinks the contents of the finger bowl, but it's best not to do this for it is possible that it was used properly at the preceding meal. If, after handling the food, you are compelled to wash your hands, be sure and call for a bar of soap. After you have made a good lather in the Afingr bowl, do as Pens does, wipe on the table cloth. If a piece of meat happens to crawl off your plate capture it at once, for if you do not you will be meatless. Should you spill any gravy on the table cloth grab a slice of bread and butter it, place bread over gravy spot, butter ed side down, so it wont slip. When you drink water don't try and imitate a soda fountain, like Packard does, for this takes much practice. Don't eat any salads. You may fnd that while you were dressing your salad Stockfleth had finished the entire contents of the table. My last advice to contestants is, keep away from our table, for you have no chance with us-we are all in the pink of condition and unbeat able. PATTER. Just picture this to yourself: A bottle of Coca Cola being used to christen a ship. Never argue with the milkman. He is liable to make you take water. If two deaf mutes wbre on their honeymoon would you say they were unspeakably happy. 'We have discovered that Jake Bro ders has a twin brother. Everybody thinks he looks and acts just like Jake. Some of the peace delegates have made up their minds to have peace even if they have to fight for it. Some fellows are going around yelling about Congress taking away their personal liberty. And yet these same fellows can't make a move without consulting a five foot female. (Coatlanet ms ,age 2t