TIE ST. TI'AMMANY 'ARMER On Sale Every Saturday at SONIAI'S and 'WATKINS DRUG DAL PHAR3CYThe St.M Tammany Farmer SECTION ville. Fi'e Cents Per Copy. D. II. MXsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919. VOL. 45 No 25 PROCEEDINGS OF COVINGTON COUNCIL Covington, La., May 6, 1919. The town council met :n regular sess'on on the above date. Present: p. J. Lacroix, Mayor; A. R. Smith, H. A. AMackie, C. E. Schon'berg, A. D. Schwartz, Emile Frederick. Absent: I.' P. Planche. Reid minutes of February 18 and 23, March 4 and 6, April 1, 7 and 23. Moved by A. 1). Schwartz, seconded by II. A. Makie, 'hat same be adopt ed as read. Carried. Moved by A. 1). Schwartz, second ed by A. IR. Smith, that the Finance Committee meet Friday, iMay 9th, at 3:30 p. m., to consider assessments. The treasurer's reports for the quarters ending December 31, 1918, and March 3.1, 1919, were read, as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Coun cil of Covington, La. I herewith submit my report for the quarter ending .Dec. 31, 1918: Receipts: Ain't. in Covington BanK & Trust Co., Sept. 30 205.40 Deposited Oct. 26th ... 202.49 Deposited Nov. 9 ..... 85.00 Deposited Nov. 22, .... 398.02 Deposited Dec. 7, ..... 1386.18 $2277.09 Disbursements: Warrants pd. from Sept. 30 to Dec. 31, 1918.. 1614.49 Ainm't. in Covington Bank & Trust Co., Dec. 31. 662.60 $2277.09 Respectfully, V. Z. YOUNG, STreasurer. Report for March 31, 1919: Receipts: Amt. in Covington Bank & Trust Co., Dec. 31. 662.60 Deposited Jan. 1 ..... 1770.15 Deposited March 1 .... 382.25 Deposited March 5 .... 665.39 Deposited IMarch 14 ... 1000.00 Deposted March 27 ... 1000.00 $5480.39 Disbursements: Warrants paid from Jan. 1st to March 31st. .. 4634.16 Amt. in Covington Bank & Trust Co., March 31 846.23 $3480.39 Respectfully, V. Z. YOUNG, Treasurer. On motion, duly seconded and car ried, same was referred to the Fi nance Committee. The "secretary's reports for the months of November and December, 1918, and January, February, March and April, 1319, were read, as fol lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Coun .cil of the Town of Covington, La. Gentlemen:-I beg to'submit the following as my report of receipts .and disbursements for the month / ending November 30, 1918: Receipts: Licenses ............. 30.00 Taxes, 1917, ......... 1012.80 Taxes, 1916, ......... 232.35 Taxes, 1915, ......... 132.25 Cemetery lots ....... 10.00 Fines ............... 28.50 N. O. G. N ......... 75.00 Sundries ............ 5.00 Costs ............... 11.75 $1537.65 Cash on hand Oct. 31.. 85.00 Total ............. $1622.65 Disbursements: Nov. 9, check to treas. 85.00 Nov. 20, same ....... 398.02 Nov. 30, cash on hand sad in bank .1139.63 Total ............. $1622.65 Report for month of December: Receipts: Licenses ............. 1110.00 Taxes, 1917,.......... 494.27 Taxes, 1916 .......... 205.03 Taxes, 1915, .......... . 83.65 .Cemetery lots....... 7.50 ines . 79.50 . O. ;. N. .......... 25.00 Sundries ............ 10.00 Costs ............... 1.75 $2016.70 Nov. 30. cash c hand and in bank ....... 1139.63 $3156.33 Diabursements: SDec. 7, check to :reas. 1386.18 Dec. 31, cash on h:and and in bank ....... 1770.15 $3156.33 Report for Januas:, 1919: Receipts: Licenses ............. 2125.00 Taxes, 1917,.......... 675.87 i:A Taxes, 1916, .......... 3.50 '¶aRxes, 1915. ......... 3.00 KCemetery lots........ 10.00 i n i es ............... 44.50 SW. O. G. N. ......... 25.00 i 0tN................ .25 $2887.12 Dec. 31, cash on hand ' and in bank ...... 1770.15 $4657.27 Disbursements: a. 4, check to treas. 1770.15 POLICE JURY AS A BOARD OF REVIEWERS Covington, La., May 5, 1919. The Police Jury met on the above date as a Board of Reviewers and to take up other business. Present: Theo. Dendinger, Jr., H. N. Fendlason, J. M. Smith, S. R. Cowart, W. H. Davis, Fletcher Craw ford, E. P. Robert, Robt. Abney, J. B. Howze. Absent: E. J. nomergue. A. 1). Crawford, assessor, as the meeting opened, filed a blanket pro test aga:nst reduc:ibn in taxes on the rol:s. Mr. B. M. Miller appeared before the board in behalf of the Louisiana Shipbuildng Corporation, of Slidell, as also did Mr. Hailey, to have the assessment of the Louisiana "ship building Corporation reduced. It was moved by E. P. Robert, sec onded by Fletcher Crawford, that the assessment of said Shipbuilding Cor poration stand as assessed. Carried. iMr. Hailey entered a protest against the action of the Police Jury. It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec onded by Fletcher Crawford, that the asseslent of the Succession of Alex andrine Bourgeois, of Slidell, be re duced $10,000. Carried. Mr. Walter Jahncke appeared be fore the board in regard to the as sessment of the Jahncke Shipbuild ing Company, and he was referred to the assessor to examine the assess ment. ,Lieutenant Bowman. of the ESnerg ency Fleet Corporation, accompanied Mr. Jahncke before the 'board and made an interesting talk in regard to shipbuilding. It was moved and seconded, that after having made the above men tioned corrections 9n the assessment rolls, that they be accepted as turn ed in by the assessor. Carried. It was moved, seconded and carri ed that the meeting of the Police Juyr adiburn as a Board of ,Review era to meet on Tuesday, May 13, in regular session. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. COVINGTON VS. LACY'S. The game betwedti the Lacy's of New Orleans, and Covington. which was to have been played last Sunday at St. Paul's Park, will be played to morrow (Sunday) May 11. Tickets sold for last Sunday's game will be accepted for this game. Admission, adults, 25c; children, 15c. Game called at 2 p. m. -0--- ,Mr. S. A. Montgomery, of New Or leans, gave a stirring and helpful lecture on the Methodist Centenary at the Methodist Church, Wednesday nig'ht. It was equal to a sermon from one of the Bishops. ~-0--- NOTICE. I wish to announce that I am now d operating an Auto Livery Service at Schoen & Molloy's. Your patrmnagc I is solicited. Phones 10 and 221. G. P. MOLLOY. i Jan. 6, deposited ..... . 2314.41 Jan. 15, depositMt ..... . 273.75 1 Jan. 31, cash on hand 298.96 $4657.2, Report for F.bruary, 1919: Receipts: Licenses ............ 80.00 Taxes, 1917 ......... 15.87 i Taxes, 1916, ..,... ... . .40 c Taxes, 1915 ......... ..50 i Taxes, 1914 ......... .50 Cemetery lots ........ 2.50 1 Fines ............... 34.50 a Lights .............. 25.00 r Costs ............... 1.25 1 eash in bank Jan. 31.. 2588.16 i Cash on hand Jat' 31... 298.96 $304'7.f4 a Disbursements: z Deposited Feb. 6 ..... 298.6 i Deposited Feb. 7 ..... 65.17 Cash in bank Jan 341 .. 258,.16 t Cash on hand Feb. 28.. 95.35 i $3047.ti4 Report for lMarch, 1919: a Receipts: a Licenses ........... 70 O' v Taxes, 1918.......... 326'.01 t Taxes, 1917 .......... 62.01 a Taxes, 1916 .......... 30 30 i: Fnes ............. 45.00 r Lights, N. O. G. N .... 25.00 p Sundries............ 25.45 o Costa ................ ... 1.00 p $3521.97 s Bal. Feb. 28 ......... 3047.64 I ---- -- t $6569.€1 s Disbursements: Feb. 28, check to treas. 382.2" March 7, same . 66i5.39 a March 14, same ...... 2000.00 t March 14, same ..I;• 100'.00s March 29, same . .. 1000.00 t _________-- d $504'.64 March 31, bal in bank 152197 $$569.61j (ContlnuMeIl `page 4) BUILDING NEW YORK'S VICTORY. ARCH SWetern N wspaper Union: Victory arch near completion at Twenty-fourth street and Fiftn avenue, New York city. It was built by popular subscriptions of the people of New York in htonor of the American soldiers and sailors who made the "supreme sacritice" for their country. CHAUTAUQUA OPENS DOORS MAY 14TH The Association of Commerce has appointed a large committee of members to push the sale of Chau tauqua tickets and to distribute the tickets and collect amounts subscrib ed for under pledges signed last year. IMr. Niles N. Culehan, advance agent, has put the town in gay colors with mardi gras effect, billed and put in window signs, as well as dis tributed the Covington Chautauqua News, giving full information of the attractions of the Chautauqua season. Chautauqua tickets will be on sale at Schonberg's Pharmacy. The program of the first afternoon, Wednesday, May 14th: Introduc tory exercises. Grand concert, Dun bar Male Quartet. Admission, 35c, 4c war tax; children, 19c, lc war tax. Program at night: Concert, Dun bar ,Male Quartet. Lecture, "Ameri ca's 'To-day, Gleaned from Yester day's Over There," Elwood T. Bailey. Admission, 50c, 5c war tax; children, 29c, ic war tax. POLICE JURY. The Police Jury will meet in regu lar session on Tuesday, May 13. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. ---0-- THE EXCURSIONS. Asst. General Passenger Agent G. B.: Auburtin makes the following announcement relative to excursions over the New Orleans Great North ern Railroad from New Orleans to Covington and other St. Tammany health resorts: Train will leave Terminal Station, New Orleans, 7:45 a. m., arriving IMandeville 10:13; Abita Springs at 10:33 a. m., Covington 10:45 a. m., Ramsay 11:20 a. m., and Folsom at 11:50 a. m. Returning, will leave Folsom 3:30 p. m., Ramsay 3:59 p. m., Covington 4:40 p. nr., Abita Springs 4:50 p. m., Mandeville 5:10 p. m., arriving New Orleans at 7:45 p. in. ------- ROBERT W. BADON ANNOUNCES AS CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Mayor of the town of Covington, at the election to be held in June, 1919. I was born in Covington and have lived here all my life. -My father and grandfather were also born and raised in this parish, our family be ing one of the most widely known in this section. I have made a success in business and feel that I enjoy the confidence and esteem of all our Covington citi zens. I have taken an active interest in all the civic undertakings in the past and feel a great interest in the upbuilding of our town and freeing it from debt. I have served three terms of four years each as Justice of the Peace, and my record for public service and as a dutiful citizen are open for in vestigation. I do hereby declare that I am bound to no political set, and am under no obligations to any individual or corporation. I will make the race as a free and inde pendent candidate, without a promise or obligation to fulfill, except to the people, that, if elected, I will do my utmost as a man and an officer to serve them to the best of my ability. I promise to enforce the laws and to protect all citizens in their rights, showing no special favors to any party or parties. As many important issues will arise during the coming administra tion, it is well that the peo:le select safe and sane officials to hold down taxation and get our town out of debt. If elected, you can depend on me for an honest and aggressive ad nainistration. * Respectfully, ROBEiRT 'W. BADON PARISH FAIR TO SOON ISSUE ITS CATALOG At a meeting of the directors of the Parish Fair Association held this week, Mr. Karl Treen was made sec retary, vice Mr. N. H. FitzSimons, resigned. It is Mr. Treen's intention to issue the catalogue at an early date and to malke a hard fight for the best fair we have ever had. Mr. Treen has had considerable experi ence in handling fairs, and the knowledge gained as farm demon strator will be of value to him In comprehenidng the sitaIjattinn.t this parish and in taking advantage of every opening for good exhibits. He will also sell stock and otherwise en deavor to win interest in the fair. He is confident that a first-class fair can be gotten up and he expects to get other parishes to make exhibits. The exact dates of the fair have not been fixed.. Mr. Treen is at present acting as assistant secretary, in view of the fact that Mr. FitzSimon's term of office does not expire until June, but as Mr. FitzSimons is so occupied with business of his own that he will not be able to give the fair the attention it shoud have, Mr. Treen will be vir tually in charge of the work. He submits the following: The following notice has been mailed to the 171 stockholders of the St. Tammany Parish Fair As sociation: Covington, La., May 7, 1919. Please take notice that the annual meeting of stockholders of the St. Tammany Parish Fair Association for the purpose of electing 25 direct ors to serve for the ensuing year, as provided by Article IV of the charter, will be held in the Courthouse at Covington, La., on Thursday, May 22, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 m. This is published here for infor mation of the general public. While the fairs have been for the whole parish, and not for any one section or class, the 1,919 fair will be more of a parish wide organization than in the past. Every ward will be rep resented in the corps of officers. Work has begun on the prepara tion of a bigger catalogue and prem ium list than has ever been gotten out here before, and this is to be in the hands of the people earlier than ever before. New stock of the Association is now offered for sale. It is believed that this will sell readily and that much1 new blood and zeal will be put into the fair this year. Buy a share and have a vote; buy many shares and have many votes in the election of officers. KARL PTRI~EN, AssistantSecretary . ---0-- LIEUT. PRESTON. HERNDON HOME. The familiar face of Capt. Preston Herndon has been seen on the streets of Covington for the past week. He .s on leave of absence, which he is spending with his family. A little more grey at the temples, but phy sically fine and fit, he is the same Capt. Herndon that was with us be fore the war-who made our trips across the lake pleasant when he was tContinued on page 4) TO THE CITIZENSHIP OF COVINGTON. In due time I shall make the regu lar announcement of my candidacy for the office of Mayor at the election to be held in June. As the time fix ed for nomination is considerably ahead, I desire to invite a careful investigation of my record as Alder man during the last two years so that the voters will be fully inform ed as to my qualifications as a can didate. Respectfully, ADRJAZ N D. SCHWARTZ. ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE WORK The Association of Commerce has taken up some very important mat ters at its recent meeting. At the meeting Monday, ,Ion. Harry K. Wil son, commissioner of agriculture and immigration, was present and dis cussed' with the members the advan tages of rice-growing in this parish. As a result it is announced that 'Mr. J. J. Lewis, of Eunice, La., and Mr. Carl Kimmel, of Lake Charles, prom inently interested in rice, will ad- I dress a meeting of citizens at the cour',house in Covington, Saturday, 'May 17, under the auspices of the Association of Commerce, on this subject, with a view of putting in a rice mill. The Association has had this matter under consideration for some time and a committee was sip pointed to gather information on the subject. Also resolutions were adopted rela tive to railroad matters, in order to secure better service, as follows: That whereas, since the Govern ment assumed control of the rail roads that the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad has had as Fed eral Manager, Mr. R. K. Smith, with offices in Hattiesbhurg, Miss.; IMr. Smith also being Federal Manager of the Mississippi Central Railroad and the Gulf & Ship Isalnd Railroad, and that Whereas, it is impossible for a manager of a group of properties to give the detailed personal atten- 1 tion to each one that is necessary for the proper and efficient handling , of matters pertaining to the service as we would be given by a manager i of a single property, and Whereas, it would be a great ad vantage to the service of the New Or leans Great Northern Railroad to have a separate Federal Manager, as was evidenced by the failure of this road to re-establish the excursion fares on April 27, 1919, as was done by other roads running out of New I Orleans, the benefit of these rates not having been granted until a gen eral complaint was. registered by patrons and through this Association, t and Whereas, there is no general officer t of the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad located in the city of New Orleans, where patrons of the road can call and talk over matters per taining to the service, and Whereas, realizing that the patrons b 3f the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad would be better served and they would receive greater benefits b :f the 'Director General of Railroads d would appoint a separate Federal Manager to be located on the New Orleans Great Northern and in charge of that property only, therefore be it d Resolved, that the Covington As sociation of Commerce petition the Honorable Walker D. Hines, Director General of Railroads, Washington, D. C., for the appointment of a sep arate 'Federal Manager for the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad; and be it further Resolved, that this association sug gest to the Director General of Rail- t° roads the appointment to this posi tion of Mr. W. E. Farris, former a General Manager of the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad, whose ad ministration was mariked by the ef- h ficiency of the service of the New Or (Continued on page 4) VICTORY LOAN GOES OVER TOP St. Tammany parish has again dis- b charged her obligation to the Nation 8 and our fighting 'boys by taking her I full allotment of Victory Loan Bonds. The allotment for the parish was $235,732.00. The amount taken was b $236,050.00, by wards, as follows: Chairman E. G. Davis reports: u Allot- Sub- a Ward ment. scribed. 1........ $36,600 $40,000 2........ 8,000 1,250 3........ 90,000 102,000 4........ 15,000 8,000 p 5........ 8,000 Noreport 6........ 8,000 2,900 b 7........ 8,000 1,800 e4 8........ 5,000 No report d 9........ 47,500 77,850 I 10........ 10,000 2,25e tl -0---0---- 0 KNIGHTS OF COLUMIBUS TO GO TO BOGALUSA. The Annual State Convention of the Knights of Columbus will be held at Bogalusa on 'Monday, May 12th. On Sunday there will be initiated a class of about sixty candidate, forty of whom are from Covington, Madi sonville, Mandeville and Siidell. A party of seventy-five members and candidates will leave from Covington Sunday morning for the affair. The Covington Council will this year more than double its present membership. At a receptioq to be n held in the near future in honer of , all the enlisted members who have , returned-from overseas it is planned , also to include all others who have d come back with a view of bringing t the men together under the aulplep a of the Knlghta and other local as sociationl. ITEMS OF INTEREST AT JAHNCKE SHIPYARDS IN MADISONVILLE Items of interest to the shipbuilders £nd public in general will be published in this column each week, and those who have interesting news and local notes can forward same to the Editorial Department Jahncke Shipbuilding Corporation, and they will be handled by them. Notes should be tn so as to be mailed every Wednesday, otherwise they will be held over until the next week. D. H. VINET, Editor-In-Chief. Mr. Walter Heughan. the chief blacksmith of the Jahnoke Shipyard, is the senior brother of Mr. E. V. Heughan, the well known ship build er. In his chosen profession he is a finished mechanic, a congenial, ,pa tient, painstaking and indomitable worker, and he has the happy faculty of inculcating this spirit into every person who works under his direc tion. The good service rendered by him in a mechanical way, during the construction of the ships that have left the ways of this yard, will never be fully appraised or appreciated, ex cept by those who have stood Iby and seen this faithful man weld Iron in to almost every conceivable shape, to be placed somewhere into this, that and the other place, on the ships. In all this high class and patriotic service Mr. Heughan ap plied himself to it in a modest and unostentatious manner, and with an eye single to a supreme purpose. Other shipyards, no doubt, had some very fine and skilled workmen, grad uates from some of our up-to-date mechanical institutions, but I can hardly believe any of them excelled him in devotion to duty and high class workmanship. He is a pro duct of Madisaonville where he and his were born and where they have lived all their lives. Mr. Arthur Onlber, another member of that highly respected and prominent family of Madisonville, is averse also to having his name ap pear in print, but I can not permit the opportunity to escppe without mentioning his activities in connec tion with the Jahncke Shipyard. He stands in a class entirely his own as a molder and designer in water-craft technicalities, and is especially skill ed in a high degree in all that per tains to perfection in that most Im portant industry. These qualifica tions are such as come only to a man who has devoted undivided attention for many years to the accomplish ment of superior workmanship. Long before the war and before the name Jahncke was so familiar here, Mr. Oulliber was associated with his brothers in the shipyard business and did extensive repair and construction work for parties in New Orleans and other places. Of all the teeming millions who rallied to the country's defense in workshop, mines, muni tion plants, shipyards, and other in numerable war industries of this great country, their services were admittedly superb and patriotic, but not any more so than this plain, every-day citizen of Madisonville. His services to the country in the Jahneke Shipyard were invaluable; his mastery of the diftfcult details that enter into the construction of a ship, served as a .beacon light to the Inexperienced beginner, and many are they who have gone from this yard who will always remember him as a great teacher. Mr. Oulliber is the father of quite a large family of grown children, his sons, like their father, are experienced shipbuilders. They are all proud of their native heath--Madisonville. DANCE. T'he officials of the Madisonville baseball team announce that every Wednesday and Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock a dance will be given in the Riverside Pavilion. The first dance of the season was given last Saturday. A fine jazz band has been engaged for the entire season. Judging from the success of last Sat urday's dance an enjoyable season is anticipated. BASEBALLd Rain! Rain!! Rain!!! Jupiter Pluvius and Old King Baseball had if out last Sunday. Jupiter won long before the first inning was even start ed. All tidkets sold for last Sun day's game will be accepted Sunday, May 11, when Madisonville will play the N. O. Cotton Exchange team. Game to start promptly at 2:15 p. m. ONLY A POSTAL OARD. Only a postal card You sent to me; It is very, very hard To know who it can be. Let me know by letter If you still feel the same, For to know you better Would end that pain. TUE VAMP, T'was nearing the hour of mid night, the jazz band sJazzed, the shim mier shimmied, the honk cars honk ed, the Vamp ramped. Amidst this mad revelry the cruel feminine gen der reached the zenith of her cruel ty. The innocent youth wearily pass ed ids head over his brow, end fa!tu fully answered her questions. He staggered towrds the open window, thinking the air, perhaps, would save him. Too late, too late, the Varrp had him vamped. ONE ON THE TEACHER. A certain young and very pretty Sunday School teacher is going to be mighty careful about what she says in the future. She is popular among her pupils and very often visits their parents and speaks to them whenever she sees them. She was seated in the picture show the other night when a man entered and took the seat in front of her. The young teacher leaned forward and said, "How do you do, Mr. Jones?" The man turned around, and, greatly to her amazement, she found he was a total stranger. "Pardon me," she apologizer, "but I thought you were the father of one of my children." THE DIMINISHING OFFICE FORCE OF WAREHOUSE 29. The shipyard warehouse, as all the crew knows, K.aps a stock complete, air tools, bits and rubber hose. You can get a three penny nail or a cypress board, The office force keeps all from a Packard to a Ford. This force was composed of men of various kind, Each man was good in his profes sional line. If it had not been proven and found to be so, He was called by Mr. Richard and told he could go. He had a certain tree to call them under for such news, The bunch would rubber thru the window, so highly amused. But to him they'd gently whisper, "Brace up and be a man; Get a job driving treenails or in an other distant land." But at last came the news from the Emergency Fleet That made the boss and all tremble to their feet. The message said, "Richard, cut your force to minimum size." Then, good gosh all-mighty, yo; should have seen their eyes. Mr. Hoffpauir worked in a gentle way, He very seldom had much to say. One day he was sick, his head gave a throb, And before it quit he was out of a Job: The second to be called out under the tree Was poor ord Clann, who was u'll of glee. He wondered, considering his abili ty, how He was forced back to the farm to milk his cow. The next to happen came Kirkland's head, Who could sleep at his desk same as on a bed. But for this little trait, he's not to blame, Business had grown so rotten 'twas a measley shame. Then came Leruth, with a salary slice, He couldnt' see why, for he'd been so nice. He knows the yard, the office, and every turn, But to know why the slice--he be dern. He called out Guerineau, the sten ographer, a pious lad; The rest of the bunch thought his case sad. But he put gloom to rout, saying, "I'm going to a music school, Because the grls think '111 make a fiddling fool." Knight came in with a cute little smile, Said I've been expecting mine for quite a whil'. I expect most any time for Richard to say: "Knight, good night," on the 15th of May. Cuny and Ford quit of their own accord, To go into business and to serve the cLord. We wish Ford good luck with his broken wrist, And luck to Cuny chewing his Vir ginia Twist. PATyERB. The aesptain of a negro company was looking for volunteers for special work. "Is there 's bugler here?' said the officer. A tall darkey sIlut ed, stepped out of the ranks and spoke up, "Here I is, s'r." "All right," said the -captain. "Bring him a bugle and lets hear him play." (Contined on page 4)