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St. Tammany Farmer D. H. MASON - . - - - Editor and Pr,.itor Entered at the Covington postoEic. as Second-la.s Msr THE IHAUTAUQUA. The Chautauqua is with us this week for the third season and its enter tainment is of the high order that has made it of educational value and that has induced the Covington Association of Commerce to exhaust every means to give this community its refining influences. Anticipating a real ization of the worth of the Chautauqua and the co-operation of the men and women of Covington, both individually and as organized associations, the Association of Commerce made up the financial deficits occuring each season with a feeling that final results would bring appreciation and co operation. This was not simply an opinion of the Association without support, but was based upon the attitude of the people in nearly every community in America that has taken advantage, of Ohautauqua enter tainiuents. A town of 800 population in Indiana gathers nine thousand people to its Chautauqua. Irving S. Cobb, in last week's Saturday Even ing Post, says: "it is through the medium of the Chautauqua that mil lions of Americans who mainly reside in districts remote from the big cities get, once every year, within the period of a week or ten days or two weeks, their principal contact with the outside world." Covington is not so advanced that the educational features of the Chautauqua: are lost upon it. Therefore the Association of Commerce believed that in.' bring ing the Chautauqua here it was doing a public service. This season the Association has been able to dinance the proposition without going into debt and felt that the undertaking was now perma nently established, if the women's associations would come in and assist, but having failed to get the co-operation of the Women's Progressive Union the members of the Association of Commerce decided that if har mony was to be disturbed between two organizations whose united forces are required to accomplish many things that should be accomplished for Covington, then it were better to confine the efforts of the Association to such local affairs as it could accomplish without so much sacrifice of time taken from personal business. It is said that Covington is the only town on the Chautauqua circuit in which the women are not the chief workers, so far as the sale of the tickets is concerned. While it is stated that a very large number of the members of the Women's Progressive Union are heartily in accord with the Chautauqua idea, it seems that the resolution against assisting received the majority necessary to pass it and therefore stands on record as opposi tion of the Union. So the Association of Commerce has decided to dis continue its efforts in this direction. Following this action of the Association of Commerce LMr. T. A. Price, manager of the Chautauqua, consulted with a number of the women of Covington and in a short time effected the organization of a Chautauqua Club, thirty-eight women eigning a pledge for the sale of tickets, and a number of Covington business men making the necessary money guarantee. It may be stated that community interest in the Ohautauqua will be greater than oelore and that the Association of Commerce, while not be ing pledged, will co-operate with the women in every way possible. THIS WILL BE GR1EATLY TO 'THE.-~ BENEFIT OF COVINGTON, BE CAU'SE THE CHAUTAUQUA HAS JE'NEPITED EVERY COMMUNITY IN WHICH IT HAS GAINED A FOOTHI~-LD. POLICE JURY (Continued from page 1) pay only one-half of the ¢50 item and nothing at all on account of ex penses. Under the law the sees due the clerk of court as registrar of voters are paid one-half by the State of Louisiana and the other half by the parish. The expenses incurred by the clerk in the performance of his duty as registrar of voters should be paid out of the clerk's salary fund and not out of the parish money. The clerk should, therefore, make the proper showing to collect the $25 due by the State and turn same over to the parish to reimburse it for the amounts erroneously paid out. The clerk's salary fund should also pay to the parish the sum of $25.10. No. 391 J B. Howze, $25.20. This amount includes the sum of $12.60 pay for signing bonds. As above state, Act 22 of 18.98 permits a police juror to draw from the parish treas ury only his mileage and perdiem. There is no provision for paying the president any additional compensa tion for the performance of duties as president; one of which, of course, is signing the bonds to be issued by the police jury. No. 652 Commercial Bank & Trust Co., $140.05. Inclu ed in this is the sum of $8.10 paid G. M. Cook for three days services as grand juror, evidenced by Certificate No. 828. The correct amount due $9.10. Un derpaid $1.00. No. 776 E. J. Frederick, $32.56. Included in this amount is a charge for recording eight inquests at $1.50. The law allows the clerk of court $2.50 for recording each inquest, same to be paid by the parish. On this item, therefore, there has been an underpayment of $8.00. In paying jury commissioners it was 'noted that mileage 'was always charged and paid at the rate of ten cents per mile going to and return ing from the courthouse. Act 11 of 1902 fxes this mileage at five cents each way. In each case, therefore, just twice as much mileage was paid as should have been. Besides, the clerk of court was always paid for issuing notices to the jury commis sioners and for recording proces verbal. Act 135 of 1898, which pro vides that the clerk of court shall perform these duties, makes no men tion whatever of any compensation being due for §ame. In fact, it was not until the passage of Act 11 of 1902, just four years later, that the payment even of a per diem was au thorized. It would seem, therefore, that any payments on this account other than for mileage and per diem is irregular and should not be made. I beg to give you the overpayments of this nature that were noted: ('heck No. 285 Certiflcate No. 702, Herman Borey, $1.00. Certificate No. 703, G. B. Harri son, $3.30. BICYCLES, REPAIRING AND ACCESSSORIES 510 Lockwood St. Covington, La. W. V. EASTON. Certificate No. 705, Offle Sharp, $1.20. ` Certificat'.,No. 706, H. J. Parker, $1.50. Certificate No. Z09, E. J. Frederick, $8.25. Check No. 611-. Certificate No. 802, Herman Borey, $1.00. Certificate No. 803, J. H. Warner, 10 cents. Certificate No. 804, Offie harp, $1.20. Certificate No. 805, H. J. Parker, $1.50. Certificate No. 806 E. J. Frederick', $8.25. Check No. 757 Certificate No. 832, J. H. Warner, 10 cents. Certificate No. 833, Offie Sharp, $1.20. Certificate No. 834, G. B. Harri son, $3.30. Certificate No. 835 E. J. Frederick, $8.25. Check No. 11 on the Special Road Fund for $4,200 was issued December '29 to meet coupons. Qnly $3,075 of these coupons wete found on file, leaving $1,125 to be accouanF ed for. Statement from the bank in dicates that the entire amount of coupons had been turned over to the treasurer, but if so, they could not all be found. I trust that an effort will be made to locate them, either in the bank or in the office of the treasurer. When found, they should be submitt ed to this office for inspection. Assessor's Salary Fund. Amt. on hand July 1.. Recd. during 6 months 855.00 Disbursements during same period ........ 855.00 Bal. Dec. 31, 1918 .... This account has not ,been handled as the law contemplates. Advances made to the assessor by the parish were made directly to the assessor from the general fund, and no fur ther record kept. In this audit the amount 'has been treated as a loan by the parish to the salary fund in order that the books of the treas urer can be correctly kept. Should the police jury: see fit to make fur ther advances to the assessor I trust the checks covering such advances will be made to the parish treasurer to be placed by him in the assessor's salary fund and not made to the assessor direct. ClerkPs Salary Fund. Amt. on hand July 1.. 5.39 Recd. during 6 months. 3675.70 3681.09 Disbursements during same period ....... 3681.02 Net 'bal. Dec. 31, 1918. .07 The examination of this account disclosed the fact that after the clerk's salary and all expenses of 'his office for the year ending June 30, 1918, had been 'paid, there remained a surplus from the earnings of the same year, the sum of 1$15.88. Un der the law this surplus belonged to the parish of St. Tamnmany and L HER ma 0 ~3 SAVINGS SERMONETTE Number Nine. OPPORTUNITY For want of a very small sum a man often has to sit by and watch his opportuni ty become the property of some one else. Opportunities pass those by who do not save. The chance for good investment comes to every one sooner or later. The ready means to seize a safe and profitable investment is obtained by saving. The man who has followed the plan of the wise virins and is prepared can take advantage of the oppor tunity; the improvident man sees the other fellow get the profit. Frequently a man is not offered an opportunity to make money because he is not thrifty. We believe that every man has more than one chance. If you have seen your golden opportunity alip away because you could not meet the emergency financially, we believe that the thing for you to do is to begin to save now, and save persistently and systematically. Oppor tunity will come your way again; watch for it and be ready to greet it. Id I I should have been transferred *by the treasurer from the salary fund to the parish account. I trust this will yet be done. Included in 'both receipts and dis bursements as shown above, is the sum of $110.30 which did not actual ly pass through the hands of the treasurer. According to the state ment of the clerk, this amount was paid out of the cash collections of his office for various office expenses. This was decidedly irregular. The law requires the clerk of court to turit over all of the earnings of his office'uach month to the parish treas urer to'be placed to the credit of the clerk's s&ary fund. The office ex penses incurred by the clerk can then be paid by warrant on the treasurer. Unless the law is observed, the treas urer's books wi~ never show the full earnings and full expenses of the clerk's office. It was noted that the clerk did not settle with the parcih treasurer monthly for all fees collected during the month, and draw his salary and that of his deputies monthly as the law directs. Instead he would make over partial deposits during the month and would immediately draw out the full amount, so deposited, on account of his salary and ex penses. I think it would be decided ly proper, and I know it would keep the record clearer, if the law was observed in so far as monthly set tlements and withdrawals are con cerned. Sheriff Salary Fund. Amt. on hand July 1.. 602.24 Recd. during 6 months 3961.17 $4563.41 Disbursements during " same period ....... 4377.14 Net bal. Dec. 31, 1918. 186.27 The examination of this account showed that after paying all expens es for the year ending June 30, 1918, out of the earnings of that year, there remained a surplus of $1088.35. Under the law this surplus belonged to the state, parish and school board in proportion to the amount of com mission retained from the taxes of each and paid into the salary fund. The figures given show that instead of doing this the amount was used to pay the salary and expenses of the sheriff which accnred since July 1, 1918. This was irregular, as the law requires the sheriff to live within the earnings of his office by years, so the surplus of one year should not be used to pay the salary and ex penses as a subsequent year, but should be pro rated among all of the taxing bodies which contributed to the salary fund, as above stated. The disbursement vouchers per taining to this account show that the sheriff draws his personal salary in advance. iBy that I mean that he will draw the salary for a particular month on the first or second of the month instead of the last day of the month. This is considered irregular for the reason that salaries should not be paid before they are earned. I trust this practice will be discon tinued. Another irregularty was noted. The vouchers show that the sheriff draws the salary fund advance money to meet necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his duty for which the parish should pay. Later, when the amount of the expenses. is collected from the parish, refund will be made to the salary fund. I call this irregular for the reason that there is nothing in the law indicat ing that the sheriff's salary fund. should serve as a banker to the sheriff in the performance of duties, the expenses of which should be paid by the parish. Mention has already been made of the items aggregating $273.80 paid out of parish money which should have been paid out of the salary fund. In addition to this amount, The kind that is done in the better class shops in New Orleans can be obtained at the W. H. Kentzel. Printing House - - COVINGTON J the books show that on December 31, 1918, the salary fund owed the parish the sum of $1,000 for bor rowed money. My information is that up to date the police jury 'has not adapted a budget of probable expenditures for the calendar year 1919. In my cir cular of October 8, 1918, 1 called the attention of all police juries to the fact that the law required a budget of expenditures to be made and pub lished thirty days prior to the levy- I ing of any taxes, either license tax or property tax. I had hoped that such a budget would be adopted and published in time for the police jury to pass an ordinance levying a license tax for 1919 before January 1st. As this was not done, I think the next best thing is to adopt one now and let it show clearly that it is for the year 1919. As directed by law, this office has undertaken to install a uniform sys tem of accounting in all the offices of the police juries throughout the state. In the absence of a budget for the current year, however, I find it impossible to have a suitable cash; book printed, or to open up a ledger properly. I trust, therefore, that the budget will be adopted at an ear"y date and that a duly certified copy of same will be sent to this office as soon as it is adopted. As soon as this is done I will have a cash book made and install a new system, which I believe will be found to be 'simple and will show the financial transactions of the police jury. Yours very truly, W. N. McFARLANI), Supervisor of Public Accounts. Copies to Mr. George F. Bierhorst. Mr. George Koepp, Jr. It was moved by E. J. Domergue, seconded 'by J. M. Smith, that all bids en Bennett bridge be kept in the office of the police jury to be acted on by the Good Roads Commttee. Carried. The bids for fiscal agents for the parish money were opened and it was moved by J. M. Smith, seconded by S. R. Cowart, that as the Coving ton Bank & Trust Company being the only bank to bid in accordance with law, that one-half of the parish' money be deposited in said bank, at the rate of 3 10-100 per cent en daily. balances, and bids for the other half of funds be readvertised. Carried. NOTICE. Notice is +hereby given to the sev eral banks located in the Parish of St. Tammany that the police Jury will receive sealed bids at a meeting to be held June 10, 1919, at ten o'clock for the fiscal depository for the one-half of parish funds for the next two ensuing years, subject to the said depository complying to all the requisites of the law. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. ýIARTINDALE, \ Secretary. Covingtti.n, La., May 13, 1919. To the Honorable Members of the Police Jury of St. Tammany Par ish, Louisiana. Gentlemen:-After due considera tion I find that my present occupa ton conflicts' with my duties as a police juror and wish to tender my resignation to your honorable body to take effect at once. I am also sending my resignation to the Governor of the State taday. Yours respectfully, R. C. ABNEY. Moved and seconded that the res "gnation be accepted. Carried. 'Mr. Bordes, of Abita Springs, ap peared before the board, and made claim for cow he claimed he lost from being dipped, and after dis cussion it was moved by Theo. Den dinger, Jr., seconded by Fletcher Crawford, that the claim of Mr.' Bor des be rejected. Carried. The police jury adjourned until two o'clock. Afternoon Session. It was moved and seconded that Myra Fauntleroy be given scholbr ship to the S. W. La Industrial In stitute at Lafayette, beginning the session of 1920. The scholarship was granted with the understanding that Miss Fauntleroy pledge herself to give her services as a teacher to the parish of St. Tammany for at least two years after having cnm pleted her course at said institute. Carried. The police juyr adjourned until the next regular meeting, June 10, 1919. J. B. HO\V", - President. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. (The rest of the proceedings of the meeting will appear in the next issue of The Farmer.-F. J. M.) SUCCESSION NOTICE. Succession of Alfred T. Jones. No. 82. Whereas, Marion A. Jones has pe titioned the court for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Alfred T. Jones, deceased, Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show caueq if any they have or can, within ten days, why the prayer of said petitioner for letters of administration should not be granted. E. J. FREDERICK, m17-3t Clerk of Court. FOR RENT-A new 5-room bunga low and 14 acre farm, house well screened, running water in bath room and kitchen, also sanitary conveni ences;, large barn;, all fences in good condition, land ready for cultiva tion, very reasonable. Located 1 1-2 miles north of Mandeville. For fur ther information apply to W. G. Hutchinson, Mandeville, La., or J. M. Hutchinson, Bogalusa, La. m17-2t FOR SALE or TRADE-One pony, wagon and saddle, 2 buggies. B. Nelson, Ramsay, opposite Rice place. FOUND-Wedding ring. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply at The Farmer office. FOR SALN--One O. I. C. sow and three pigs. Registration papers on all. Write or see R. E. A. Flasdick, Madisonville, La. ml10-2t tI'OR SALE--Poland China male, sub:ject to registration, 7 months old. 'B. W. Brown, Chinchuba, La. TOWN HO.SEI, rent 12. Farm sale $25 cash, $10 monthly. Dr. Stevenson. m17 FOR SALE-Horse, buggy and harness, $95.00. Mrs. 1. D. Rayne, Abita Springs, La. m17 FOR SAlE. 1 5-passenger Maxwell touring car, run about 2500 miles and in first class condition. 1 1-ton Maxwell Truck with stake body. Only about six months old and in good condition. 11 Lindsay S-wheel log wagons, in good condition. Yokes, chains, etc., complete. The following new parts for Lind say wagons: 7 3 1-4x10 axles, complete with skeins. 6 side bars. 2 front cen ter bars. S bolsters. 1 32x5 wheel. 12 pair hounds. 2 short reaches. 6 skeins 3 1-4x10. 6 boxes. 1 horse, 7 years old, weight about 950 to 100 pounds. 1 horse, *12 years old, weight about 850 to 900u pounds. 1 mule, 12 years old, weight about 850 to 900 pounds. 6 sets skidding harness, complete. Large stock mill suppl;es, consist ng of bolts, belting, pipe fittings, etc., both new and second hand. Write or phone St. Tammany Lumber Mfg. Co., Ramsay, Louisiana. b . IAY *,, , Sput pep-in-your-smokemotor, all ight, if you'lr ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince Albert for packing! I Just between ourselves, you appealing all alor;g the smoe l.n. never will wise-up to high-spot-.. Men who never before could - smoke-joy until you can caUll a pipe smoke a pipe and men who've by its firstname, then, to hit the smoked pipes for years all testify peac-of-pleasure you land square to the delight it hands out! P. A. on that two-fistedIman-tobacco, can't bite or parch! Both are Prince Albert cut out by our exclusive patented ' Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired process I happy youll wantoget a photo- Right now while the going's . graph of yourself breezing up the good you get out your old jimmy .i opien i youi smo tleid e pipe or the papers and land on open! To. some P. A. for what ails yo Quality makes Prince Albert so particular smokeappetite I _ drwt .*do. .laT ac dnd haipound tint Ahmidori-t a P N B. J. Reynolds Tobacco C ,.npsa, Wiuuton,.%am, N. g SAY JiMMY,WHATS THATS 50 FOLKs THEM FOOTPRITTyS IN WILL KNOW'WME .L. THE PAPER TO GET THE ). ý, 1-li,'TE'FO BEST ý. SHOES .p PATECEK SAYS: Buy your shoes here---your feet will get the habit of coming to our store. AND WHAT PATECEK SAYS IS SO. Listen to any conversation about polite footwear. You will find that the folks of this town have unanimously agreed upon C(.C one thing, viz., the folks who buy a pair of shoes from us become our friendly cus timers. They are our vocal advertising of the best footwear thatls made today. GENTS FURNSHINGS I ýOVING O' LA. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE-Four bread wagons, harness, one carriage and two 'bug gies. Apply Mrs. Chas. Schellhaas, corner Claiborne and Gerard streets, Mandeville, La. my3-3t* FOR SALE-Good cut-under sur rey, cheap, p16. Alb a good heavy piano-box buggy, $15. Two heavy sets wagon harness. Apply E. Burk enstock, Abita Springs. m17* LOST-Discharge and insurance papers of Hennen Baham, Battery F 41st Regiment. Will ,finder please leave same with C. G. Segond, Cov ington. m10-2t* FOR SALE-Women's Progressive Union Hall, Mandeville, La., half square from beach. Apply to Mrs.' W. S. Fassman, Mandeville. apl9 1 FOR SALE-Six room house, on 19th Avenue. All mlodern conveni ences. Ground 90 feet by 150 deep. Apply to E. D. Kentzel, 'Covington, Louisiana. Big drop in automobile tires. Get Wehrli's prices and save money. Telephone 5, Covington. m17-4t WANTED-For prompt shipment, several hundred sticks long leaf yel low pine piling, 95 feet long, 6 inch tips, bark on. We inspect and pay cash as loaded. Quote your best price f. o.' b. cars, naming loading point and how much you could handle the next 30 days. Address AAA-1, care this paper. mr29 FOR SALE-Horses, mares and mules. Ed. Brunet, Phone 341, Cov ington, La. mrl5-ap5 FOR SALE-80 acre farm, 4 room house, bearing pecan trees and shade trees, on Stafford road, 5 niles from Covington. IMrs. Wm. Moran,. Cov ington, La. m17-3t* CLASSIFIED ADS. If you want milk, ceram, a milk, or butter milk, ring Phone 5i FOR SALE-Pure bred Duroe J sey sow and eight 3-months old pi '$75.00 for all. W. H. Yenni, COy ington, La. m1l STENOGRAPHER - Miss Gladlj Soniat, public stenographer, office Soniat's Book Store, legal and mercial work promptly attended tl Your patronage solicited. ai FOR SALE-One mule, cheap. A ply Pineland Springs Bottling Cold pany. m3bt FOR SALE-One American add machine; one White sewing machi !See Postmaster, Covington. apZ WANTED-20 men to take ot stumps. Apply to Harvey E. Ell Covington, La. Ja25--tt We are proud of the confldna doctors, druggists and the public bai in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic.---d -1 WANTED--A woman to do gen eral housework. Apply to BaChe. min's Military Road Dairy Fartn. ATTENTION! ý" BEGINNING APRIL 5 WE WIiLW HAVE HORSES AND MULES SALE FROM $30 UP. APPLY4S: SCEROLER & MITCHELL, ap5 LACOMBE, LA. HAULING-I am now prepared do all kinds of hauling, freight, motv ing, heaving machinery, or anythin, Prompt attention given to ord Also wood for sale, delivered o notice. W. N. Patrick, Covington La., Phone 27. mr15i FOR SALE-Stove and rep wood. Ed. Brunet, Phine 341, Cov ington, La. mrl5-a