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1 LZLJ A.J. . ALL'VJL { r . L X £ UbLV l W V {Lb, AL V L Cl., I A V L b.l 1 3 A, J IJI£7 II I.W ' In order to get bottom prices we have bought them in car load lots. Solder already on. Just run iron over it. Job is completed MASON BALL TOP JARS, Pints 85c a doz; T H G Quarts 90c a doz; 1-2 Gallons 1.10 a doz. ay No. 2 CANS 4.24 per 100; No. 3, 5.25 per 100. I. . - - - - -. Personal and Local News Miss Boudousquie, Society Editor BORN--To Mrs. R. Noble Salter, (nee Ruth Agnes Collins), Saturday, May 10, 1919, a girl. BORN-To Mrs. En ile Lacroix, on Thursday, .May 8, 1919, a girl. The Knights of Columbus, as a body, spent Sunday in Bogalusa, hav ing gone there to attend the K. of C. convention that was held Sunday and Monday, about forty-five candidates ffom the St. Tammany Council be ing initiated. The St. Tammany Council Choral Club, composed of Messrs. Karl and Holger Kohnke, ?tank N. Boudousquie and Jack l)bdaub, furnished musical numbers daring the convention and at the .mass held under the auspices of the ,Bogalusa Council, the convention pinding up with a banquet at the Pine Tree Inn, the Council and deie gates being the guests of Mayor Sul livan during their stay in Bogalusa. The Double T. G. Club met last Tbursday at the home of IMiss Grace Elossman the first prize being award ed Miss Blossman, second Mrs. Mag g~e Young. The Matrons held= treir weekly meeting last Friday at the home of MTrs. A. V. Smith, the first prize be ing awarded Mrs. Smith, second Mrs. A. R. Smith, consolation Mrs. Logan Belknap. Mr. and IMrs. V. Z. Young enter tained the school faculty and a few friends at a farewell reception last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Helen Taylor and Miss Corry, both of whom, after the close of school, will be married, the faculty present ing each of the guests of honor a silver berry spoon. Mrs. E. J. Domergue and !Mrs. J. B. Wortham have returned from Monroe, La., where they went to at tend the convention of the Order of Eas'.ern Star. Mrs. H. D. Bulloch returned Wed nesday from New Orleans where she spent several days. Miss Hettie Brewster spent two days in New Orleans this week with relatives. ,Mrs. Chas. Andrews and children, of Vicksburg, *art the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans. fr I THIS MEMORIABLE COMMENCEMENT DAY IS ALSO THE BEGINNING OF THE GIFT RECEIVING EPOCH OF THE FAIR GRADUATE'S LIFE Help make the day a notable one by a suitable token of your regard SEE US FOR THE TOKEN JEWELRY SILVERWARE , CUT GLA8 ATCHES. " CLOCK,WATCH S. JEWELRY ..P P. . SMITH,JEWELEW COVINGTON, LA. MORE P3WER WITH LESS GASOLINE Thin i. to, iirtr .:'uc(t the IUIRIC.NT CAIRBO)N REMOVER to Cov i:t :j:n n:( .s~rr.:t ndling te rritory. Vlhat will it do? This Carbon lmoiwr w ill Ib tu::ar'.nteed' to take every bit of carbon out of your mltolr. \\hat d'es this mean to you? This means that your motor n i I run light a.,l -moth aga~n. It will take the knocks out of i a:nr meotr' and so it will (ut dowvn your gasoline bill. Many are u i,' it now. I:err h.:dy will use it in a short while. Don't be the last onex. S:n:1l for a can to-day. Price $1.00, prepaid. 1.clnts wlauteld in all big towns. Alvin Mehner, Agent, Covington Mr. A. R. Smith spent several days in New Orleans attending the con vention of hardware dealers. Miss Janella Lansing has left for New Orleans where she will spend several days. Miss Elise Sauter returned Sunday to her home in New Orelans after spending the week end with Miss Molly Sauter on Military road. Messrs. Sidney and Garland Moise, of New Orleans, spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. Chopin Fisher left Saturday for Alexandria where he will visit relatives for several days. Mr. Edgar iMenetre has received his discharge from the Marine ser vice, and spent last week end at his home here. He left Tuesday for New Orleans to resume his duties with the Reynolds Tobacco Co. Mr. Leslie Menetre arrived 'Sunday from Jackson Barracks where he has been for the past year, having re ceived his discharge. 'Mrs. iM. L. Hinchee and Mr. Harry Peele have returned from Chicago and other northern points. Mrs. Robt. Babington and children have returned to Franklinton, after several days spent here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kerr and family. 'Miss Myrtle Adams, of New Or leans, is the guest of Miss Helena Cole. Mrs. S. Richard, of 'Labadieville, arrived Sunday and will spend sev eral weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Vedross and family. 'Mrs. A. R. Smith returned Sunday from New Orleans. Mrs. J. H. Linton and Mrs. E. J. Linton, of New Orleans, were guests last Sunday of 'Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Salter return ed Sunday to New Orleans after sev eral days spent here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Salter. Miss Wilmuth Warren spent the week end at her home here. ALWAYS PLAY SAFE, Never make an investment without first making sure about the safety of the prin cipal. Promises of large or quick returns often is an in dication that the principal is questionable. There is a vast difference between Investing and Spec ulating. We are in a position to acquire correct information about investments and are willing to share this infor mation with you should you desire. The "RUSTIC" is beautifully sit uated on Jahncke Avenue, near en trance of St. Paul's College. Ice Cream is served amidst surorundings that are enchanting, and the service is given special attention as to clean liness and health. We wil lbe glad to receive patrons who appreciate such thngs. m17-2t* C. JAUhROID. Miss Elizabeth Lancaster, of New Orleans, spent last Sunday here as the guest of Mrs. J. :B. Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Theriot, of Houma, spent several days here dur ing the past week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dutsch. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Morgan re turned Saturday from New Orleans after several days spent there. The regular meeting of the King's Da-ughters will be held Monday, May, 19, at the rM. C. B. Library. There will be election of officers and all members are urged to attend. TASSIN---OLE. The marriage of Mr. Camille Tas sin, formerly of New Orleans, and now of Telle, Honduras, and Miss Ferdinand Carmen Cole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cole, of this place, was quietly solemnized Thurs day morning, May 15, 1919, at 5 a. m., at St. Peter's Catholic Church, Rev. Father John Burger officiating. The bride .wore a rich traveling suit 1 of pongee, with hat to match, and t was given away by her father, there f being no attendants. Mr. and 'Mrs. Tasain left on the morning train for ( New Orleans from which point they > will go to Asheville, N. C., for two E weeks, and on their return will go i to Telle, Honduras, where they will I reside in the future, Mr. Tassin be- I ing in the employ of the United Fruit i Co., at that point. t EVERY AI'ENTSI.N is accorded to our patrons and per NI -feet satisfaction is guaranteed. We have a most elaborate and varied stock of jewelry which is ever open I to your most exacting inspection. Whether you desire a costly jewel or something more moderate in price, we are bound to please your fas tidious taste. Let us guide you in the most important task of selecting Ssuitable Jewelry. G. E. SUiRG I, Quality Jeweler Southern Hotel Building, COVINGTON, LA. 5 BY A COMPASS , CALLED CONSCIfNCE. The wise mariner on the sea of l business sails by a compass called Conscience Prices. We make only a fair profit on our high quality goods. That's the reason why you should do business with us. GENTSI FURN ISHINGS' COI NGIQCN- .A, LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make This Beauty Lotion for a Few Cents and See for Yourself. What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes; to whiten the skin and to bring out the roses, the freshness and the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritat ing, and should be mixed with orch ard white this way. Stran through a fine cloth the juice of two "fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of grchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about tke cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist will supply three ouncesof orchard white at very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Starts Your liver Without Making You Sick and Can Not Salivate. Every druggist in town-your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great fallong off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Toile is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a Iprominent .ocal drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a ew cents, and ii it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, pur ely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling Elne; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipat ed bowels. It doeen't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of cal omel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition.--Adv. POINTS THE WAY. The Statement of This iMadisontille Resident Will Interest our Readers Mrs. W. H. Davenport, Covington street, Madisonville, La., says: "I was feeling very badly. IMy back tormented me just about all the time and I felt lanquid for days at a spell. When I exerted the. least bit, I tired quickly and I was unable to regain any vigor at all. I had dizzy spells and headaches and was often so nerv ous I didn't know what to do with myself. I began taking Doan's Kid ney Pills and they helped me won derfully. I have used Doan's a few times since and they have always CONFIDENCE THAT the people of the community have confidence I in our institution is evidenced by the large amount of deposits they have accumulated with us. We have built up a large country bank by creating this pubiic confidence and we realize that it is our greatest asset. For this reason, if for no other, it would be to our interest to maintain our standard of dealing justly with our customers, both large and small. COVINGTON BANK & TRUST COMPANY St. Tammany's Million Dollar Bank. Mackie's Pine 'Oilr cuts, sores, burns, rheu matism and mosquitoes Mackie's Pine Balm for skin disease., ANTIS Mackie's Thymo Pine for coughs, colds and pmINE OIL stomach troubles asr °c Mackie's Pinexo Disinfectant for stock and poultry; an excellent germi cide that means death to ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. A great household disinfectant. All of the MACKIE products are made from St. Tammany Parish Pine Trees proved their excellent merit. I know they are a dependable medicine and am glad to give this endorsement." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sihnply ask for a kidney remedy--get Doan's Kidney Mills-the same that Mrs. Davenport had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. SAVES LABOR SAVES TIME SAVES SOAP "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM LTherefore Insist Upon Gen. uine "Bayer Tablets * of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tab lets were sold by a Brooklyn manu fa'cturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" the true, genuine, American made and AurLeri can owned Tablets are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then insist upon "Bayer" Tablets of Aspirin" and al ways buy them in the original Bayer :package which contains proper-dir tions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of oa. of alseyU.a L -.. Cattle Owners Don't Let Your Cattle Die We have on hand at all times ANTHRAX VACINE and will supply you in packages of 10 doses at' $4,00 a package. This is part of our service. Agency for JACOBS CANDIES Regular Package - - $1.00 Nat Meats - - - - - 1.35 From. 1.75-25.00 Sole agency NEW ORLEANS VELVET ICE CREAM Orders taken for Entertainment~s and Benefits ,~r,