Newspaper Page Text
Tg ST. TAMTMANY PARKnR RUSTIC and VCATKiNS' DRUG | l of The Flrmer. You'l TOILE. Covington.ot me ant o aIDA -on. t moI thM theo. ll.. Five Cents Per (op. of your money by bedng a s. bscriher. Help boost the parlh. D. H. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919. VOL. 46 No. ..... ... . . ... ...... ..VOL.. 46 N..4 ASSOCIATION TO DEVELOP ST. TAMMANY A FACT Organization Put Through At Meeting of Citizens Last Tuesday. BANKS AND BIG MEN BEHIND IT Agricultural and Land In terests, Drainage and Development. The organization of the St. Tarn many Parish Association of Com merce, last Tuesday, in the rooms at the Covington Association of Com merce, promises to be one of the biggest things that ever happened In St. Tammany parish. There was a large attendance of prominent business men and bankers of St. Tammany parish. The meeting rwas called to order by Mr. Fritz Sal men, elected temporary chairman at the previous meeting held in Slide'l. ,On motion of Mr. E. G. Davis toe chairman was directed to appoint a committee of five on nominations and by-laws, and the following com mittee was appointed: 'Messrs. E. G. Davis, W. E. Morriss, C. A. Ever itt, Eugene Arnet, Wm. Oswald. The report of the committee was read and adopted by cections, after which it put In nomination the fol lowing officers and directors and ex ecutive committee, which were una nimously elected: W. H. Sullivan, chairman of the board of directors; Fritz - Salmen, president; W. Houlton, 1st vice pres ident; John IPoitevent, 2d vice pres ident; Theo. Dendinger, 3d vice pres ident; W. E. 'Morriss, secretary; C. A. Everitt, treasurer. Directors: H. S. Weaton, E. G. Davis, E. J. Domergue, D. H. Mason, J. D. Grant, A. J. Planche. Hy. Kes ler, Warren Thomas. Members of Executive Committee' Fritz Salmen, ex-officio; E. G. Davis, E. J. Domergue, Theo. Dendinger, John Poitevent. Article 2 of the constitution de clares: "The object of this organization shall be to promote the interests of St, Tammany parish by fostering ag rfeultural. education in the 'nuril echools, improving farm methods, encouraging enterprises advant ageous to agriculture and allied in dustries, such as dairying, stock rais ing, drainage, employment of farm supervisor, county agent or demon strator, soil surveys, making of crops, government aid and any other activities appertaining to the farm ing -business." Article 1 of the by-laws, on mem bership, says: "Any person, firm or corporation shall be entitled to become a mem ber on payment of annual dues in an amount equal to 2 per cent of the annual taxes paid by him to St. Tam many parish the previous year The minimum amount of dues annually payable by any member shall be $13. Each" member shall be entitled to cast as many votes on any matter before the assembly as the numbar of times the amount of his annual dues exceeds the minimum annual membership dues." Under Article 5 of the by-laws meetings will be held as follows: The annual meeting of member3 for the election of officers and di rectors shall 'be held on the second Tuesday of October in each year. The directors shall meet on the second Tuesday 4n each April and October. The executive committee shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month, or at such other times ast may be called on five days' notice by mail to each member thereof. Special meetings of the executive committee, directors, or members, may be called by the president, re cording secretary, or executive com mittee on five days 'notice by mail. t After the meeting dinner was served at Gabe's Tavern. VERY NEARLY A FUN ERAL. Friday morning Mrs. Louise Evans, Mrs. Theresa New, Misses Mattie Richardson, Mina King, Grace Ne grotto, F. FitzSimons, with Lorancw Deverloy driving, started for the it. slitute at Slidell and reached a few miles beyond Mande.ille without mishap. But as it was unlucky Fri day, the fliver concluded to turn ' somersault and partly succeeded 'Miss King was pinned beneath th4 car with all hands on top of her, an.t was pulled out, suffering from minor bruises, but mentally very much dis turbed. :Mrs. New had a nervous shock that was discomnforting, an i Miss Derverloy declared she was done with diivers. Prof. Park, who was some distance ahead, mifsed the party and turned back in time t , help lift the car in its rightful pos: tion. He sent to Mandeville for an other car and all proceeded on their Way. There was no hysterics, but Prof. Park says there was some cuss ing underbreath. He didn't say wh?, did it. The Episcopal baza-ir; Thursd.0,, took in $3,), and* was Success. i.i every way. The trial of Night '. arshal E t. Jones. Wednesday, chargedl with rce Ing in'ox cated while ^,n di:t-. resi ed in his acqu'ttal The:e was n sumcient testimony to substantiate the charge. Defense witnesses to-. tiled that he was perfectly sober. I PROCEEDINGS OF POLICE JURY MEETING OF DEC. 9 Association of Commerce Will Pay Part of Dem onstrator's Salary. DEMONSTRATOR TO BE AGRICUL. GRADUATE Budget For 1920 Made Out and Other Matters are Taken Up. Covington, La., Dec. 9, 1919. The police jury met on the above date with the following members present: Theodore Dendinger, Jr., E. J. Domergue, J. M. Smith, Fletch er Crawford, W. H. Davis, E. P. Ro bert, J. B. Howze, A. J Bennett. Absent: H. N. Fendlason. It was moved by E. P. Robert, se;:: onded by J. aM. Smith, that the polie jury rescind and amend the resolu tion passed at their meeting of July 8, 1919, appropriating $320 for the survey of the Chef .Menteur-Missis sippi Line Highway, and Dow at this meeting appropriate the sum of $6;0 as the distance to be surveyed is 21 miles and as the State Highway En gineer requires approximately $3"1 per mile, the amount therefore should be $630.00. Carried. - arriea. S It was moved by J. M. Smith, see Scuded by S. R. Cowart, that Dr. Lipp be authorized to rebuild the dipping s vat at Frederick's Island. Carried. It was moved by J. M. Smith, see ended by W .H. Davis, that the par ish pay the sum of $25 per month as - one-half of salary for a caretaker for the Gulf Coast Transportation Bridge, Slidell, and the other $25 toc be paid by Transportaticn Bridge Co., making a total salary of $50.00 per month. Carried. 'Moved by J. M. Smith, seconded by Fletcher Crawford, that the par bsh pay $50 to the sheriff's salary fund as a part payment for the ex pense of bringing a man and bloo3 hounds to Covington to trace the robber who entered and stole goods from the Addiosn store. Carried. Moved and seconded that the par ish pay to F. J. Heintz the sum of $3.00 on account of bluying ticket for transportation for John Penningtmn. Dr. L. C. Heintz appeared before the police jury and asked that they donate to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, and it was moved and seconded that the police jury would take the matter up at the next meeting. Carried. The president of the Association of Commerce came before the mem bers of the police jury and asked that they co-operate with them in getting a farm demonstrator who is a garduate of an agricultural co. lege and has had many years experi ence with stock and farming, the Association of Commerce to pay the agent the same amount of money that the police jury will have to pay *per month, after hearing from Dr. W. R. (Perkins, in charge of farm demonstration work, and finding out what part the state pays. The po lice jury believing Dr. Perkins thor oughly competent respectfully re quests that he select a man to be farm demonstration agent for the parish of St. Tammany who will be satisfactory to both the Association of Commerce and to the police jury [The motian which was made by J. iM. Smith, seconded by W. H. Davis, as to the selling of the parish road outfit, consisting of mules, etc.. will appear in next week's Farmer, as the complete list could not be completed in time for this issue of the paper.] The subject of giving Geo. Koepp, i parish treasurer, the sum of $100 per month, was discussed. It was *moved by J. M. Smith, seconded by W. H'. Davis, that Mr. Koepp be giv en $100 per month. " It was asked to be put to a vote, which resulted as follows: Seven for; one against. As the result was in Mr. Koepp's favor, he was granted the salary ,f $100.00 per month, to be from December 1, 1919. The resignation of G. C. Lewis, farm demonstrator, was read, and It was moved by E. P. Robert, second ed by W. H. Davis, that same be ac cepted. Carried. The bids of Pechon & Lamar and a F. C. Loret were read for the in stalling of a double sanitary toilet in the courthouse. It was moved and seconded that the bids be laid over until next meeting, January 13, ( 1920. Carried. A communication from the South- E ern Scrap Material Co., of New Or leans, was read, making an offer of 3 $16.75 per gross ton ;. o. b. car New I Orelans on several second hand roll- I ers, belong'ng to the parish, was re jected. A communication from Mr. T. F ( ; ut-ch ak:ng the police jury to con sider his application to be parish farm demonstrator, was read. It ( will be seen from another patr of the I proceedings of the police jury that j Dr. W. R. Perkins was asked to se- F cure a farm demonstrator for this I parish. A The president appointed Messrs. T E. J. Domergue and.Theo. Dendinger ' assisted by Mr. "G. C. _bill, assistant I state supervisor of public accounts, L to make a budget for th.iyear 1920. I which is as. follows: C Police jury Budget of Fxpenses of St. Tammany parish for The yea.r 1920, adopted Dec. 9. 9: G Estimated revenue. Pariah tax .......... 56,000.0t c THE NEW CARRE MILL IN COVINGTON This mill is now turning out 30,O00feet of lumber a day and is employing about forty men, making a very nice payroll to be added to that of other industries of Covington. MEETING OF PARISH EXECUTIVE COM. DEC. 8. The Democratic Pariah Executive Committee met in the town of Cov ington, La., at the courthouse, on Monday, December 8, 1919, at 11 o'clock a. m. It appearing that the secretary of the committee was absent, it was moved by T. E. Brewster, seconded by S. E. Fauntleroy, that R. C. Moise be appointed secretary pro tem. Carried. The following members were pres ent or represented by proxy: Geoo. IR. Dutsch, chairman; T. M. Burns, S. D. Bulloch, Ernest Prieto, S. E. Fauntleroy and H. Q. Parker; Chas. Oulliber, Sr., and Emile Talley, rep resented by Geo. R. Dutsch; S. D. Anderson and Tom Crawford, repre sented by T. E. 'Brews'er; J. M. Yates, represented by S:am Bloss man; Dave Evans, represented by iI. Q. Parker; Jim Currie, represented by A. A. Baker; E. F. Hailey, repre sented by 8. W. Provensal. The chairman explained the object of the meeting. Thef flowiflg resolution was offer ed by T. .M. Burns, seconded by T. F. Brewster: That in accordance with the proc lamation of the Governor of the State I of Louisiana, effecting an election to be held on the 30th day of Decem ber, 1919, for the purpose of electing an Assessor to fulfill the vacancy for the unexpired term caused by the death of the late assessnr, A. -,. Crawford. Therefore, be it resolved, That there shall be a primary election on the 23d day of December, 1919, for the purpose of electing a nominee for the unexpired term of the office of Assessor. Be-it further resolved, That there shall ten days from this date and expiring at 6 o'clock p. m., on the 18th day of December, 1919, that all candidates must file a written notifi cation declaring his intention of De coming a candidate for said office, and also deposit the sum of $10.00 with either the chairman or the sec retary pro tem. Be it further resolved, That the committee meet on the 19th day of December to appoint and name the commissioners, and shall-meet again on the 26th day of December, 1919. for the purpose of compiling the votes, and thereby declaring the nominees. Both meetings shall b3 held at 12 o'clock noon. It is ordered that the bills due the St. Tammany Farmer, for publishing proceedings of the two previous meetings, be paid. It was moved by T. M. Burns and seconded by Ernest Prieto, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. GEO. R. DUTSCH, Chairman. R. C. MOISE, Secty. Pro Tem. Parish licenses ...... 600.00 Per capita tax ....... 500.03 Auto licenses ........ 1,500.09 $5,8.600.00 Budget appropriations: Treasurer's salary .... 1,200.00 Secretary's salary .... 1,200.00 Mileage and per diem of members ....... 1,200.00 Stationery and office supplies .......... 500.09 Official printing ...... 750.00 Assessor compensation. 1,000.09 Sheriff, for representa tive .............. 500.09 Jurors and witnesses.. 1,000.00 District attorney ..... 1,000.00 Trasportation of pris oners and insane ... 350.03 Feeding prisoners .... 2,000.09 Court expenses ...... 250.03 Maintenance of jail and courthouse. ....... 500.0' Coroner, jury and exp. 1,000.00 Parish Board of Health 700.00 Justices and Constables 1,500.0"C Roads and bridges ... 6,300.00 Election expenses .... 1,000.0J Agricultural work .... 900.90 Beneficary students .. 500.00 Tick eradication ..... 10,500.0 Paupers ............ 50.90 Dipping vat bonds ... 6,000.010 Bills payable ..... .. 15,000.0t Contingent .......... 3,700.0J $58,600..)0 Good roads bonds .... 4,000.0') (Remainder of police jury pro ceedings will ajpear next week.) STUBBS SUPPORTERS WILL HOLD BIG MEETING The Stubbs Organization will have meetings throughout the parish on the following dates. Go. Hall will speak: Slidell-At 7:30 p. in., on Dec. -16th. Folsom-At 1 p. m., Dec. 17. Covington-At 7:30 p. m., on Dec. 17th. It is desired that all citizens at tend whether Stubbs supporters or not, with the assurance that you will have matters placed before you that are of importance to you as voters, and in which as a citizen you shoul i be interested. STUBBS CAMLPAIGN COMMITTEE FOR ST. TAMMANY PARISH. FOISOM NOTES. *Mr. ILawton Fednlason, one of our boys who has just returned from France, spent a few days at home before going to Shreveport where he has accepted a position. Mr. Clyde Wallace is home from Meridian, Miss.. He had the mis for'une of breaking his arm and will remain home frt several weeks. S,M · e fellie ,4-e4evington, was the guest of friends here last Sunday. Miss Bessie Leach is now in th-3 hospital. Her friends will be glad to know she will soon be able to re turn home. 'Mrs. H. D. (Bulloch and son, of Covington, were visitors to Folsom last week. Miss Heloise Aoueille spent the day and night here with Miss Hilda McLain, Thursday. The people of Folsom are sorry to learn ths Mrs. Ray and family have moved to Baton Rouge. Mrs. James Pittman, of Pruden, was a 'visiter to Folsom Sunday. 'Miss Inez Camp and Virgil Verger motored to Abita Springs Sunday. Mr. Norman Core went to New Or leans, Tuesday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLain wera visitors to New Orleans this week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Tate returned from Bogalusa. Misses Ossie Mills, Nellie McK. e and Charlie McLain were visitors to Pruden's last Sunday. A number of Folsom people spent last Sunday at Uneedus, where they enjoyed the barbecue very much. The Baptist people of Folsom are to give an oyster supper for the church this Saturday, Dec. 13. All are invited to attend. Y. & M. V. CUTS OFF TRAIN Effective at 12:01 a. m. Tuesday. Dec. 9, 1919, owing to fuel shortage, the following reduction is announced by the U. S. Railroad Administration for the C. & M. V. PRailrcd, of th3 following train service: Trains Nos. 441 and 442, Coving ton and Baton Rouge, -4 - PAY YOUR POLL TAX. If you want to vote for Stase, Parish and Ward Officers on Janu ary 20th, you must pay your 191? poll tax on or befora the 31st of this month. There are only a fe"v days left. PAY IT.NOW. 0 Dan Jenkins killed a big American eagle, Tuesday, after it had killed a sheep, about ten miles out on-the Lee Road. It measured seven feet from tip to tip of wings. It was sent to New Orleans to be stuffed. Mr. Louis Pilaud is a boss potato raiser. He made 150 bushels to the acre on land planted on the 15ta of July, the potatoes weighing three to four pounds each. The prettiest yams you ever saw. CARlD OF THANKS. Fr.e fam':v of the -I'e Beaur: carl - OliLde, who dhparted tl is life Monday, Dec. 8, 1919, wish to express heartfelt thanks to tae.: friends and neighbors :o: the lnd ness and sympathy sh.iwn them .t the time of their sad bereavemeas Special thanks to Father John ftr his kind attention and words of co', solation, and to the Knights of ('o lumbus foi directing the funeral -a'! have our heartfelt thanks. MOTHER AND CHILDREN Thirteen members of the Law and Order League at Bogalusa, charged with the shooting of union men, were released on bond. Amendment to Charter of CRANDALL & BROWN LUMBER COMPANY, INC. United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. Be it known, that on this 21st dai of November, in the year one thous and nine hundred and nineteen, be fore me, Herman L. Barnett, a No tary Public, duly commissioned an-l qualified, in and for this Parish and State, therein residing, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinaft:e named and undersigned, personally came and appeared Samuel T. Alcus, who declared that he is the duly au thorized representative of the Cran dall & Brown Lumber Company, In corporated, a duly organized Louis: ana corporation, created by Acts be fore Charles Fletchinger, Notary Public, on the 10th day of February, 1916, amended by Act before same Notary, 'Novemlber 16, 1917. And said appearer further declar ed: That a special meeting of the stockholders of the Crandall & Brown Lumber Company, Incorpor ated, held at the office of the cor poration in the village of Pearl River, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, on the 12th day of November, 1919; said meeting hav ing been duly called, and due notice thereof having been given, at which meeting 595 shares of 'the capital stock of the corporation, dut of a total of 750 shares of steok outstand ing, were present and..~sauentad this ;being more than two-thirds of all the capital stock of the corpora tion, it was voted upon motion duly made and seconded, 595 shares being in favor, and none opposed, that Articel II of the charter of the Cran dall & Brown Lumber Company, In corporated, be amended to read as follows: ARTICLE II. "The domicile of this corporation shall be in the City of New Orleans, Parish of Orelans, State of Louisi ana, and all citations and other legal process shall be served apon the sec retary or in case of his absence or inability to act, upon any other ol icer of the .corporation.' Said appearer further declared he is authorized and instructed to effeet the amendment to the 3narter here in set out, and that he is authorizcd to appear before a Notary Public in and for this Parish and State for th purpose of executing this amena ment in authentic form as provided iby law, and he does now appear be a fore me, Notary, in order to m.keo proper Notarial record of the s'id amendment and to have same record ed as required by law. All of which will fully appear by reference to a5s :ertified copy of the minutes of said 4 stockbolders' meeting attached for a reference to the original of this Act >f Amendment. Thus done and passed at -my ofic:e In the City of New Orleans, on the lay, month and year first above writ ten in the presence of Paul E. Chasez and William J. Guste, competent wit- 1 eesses, who have hereunto signed :heir names together with the said appearer and me, Notary, after due -eading of the whole. (Original signed) S. T. ALCUS. Witnesses: PAUL E. CHASEZ. WILLIAM J. GUSTE. (Seal) HERMAN L. BARNETT, I Notary Public. e A true copy. HERMAN L, BARNETT, Notary Public. HARD SURFACING ROADS SOON TO BEGIN. The Good Roads Commission is now in readiness to take up the work of hard surfacing certain roads in the parish, and is waiting for an in spection of the work by the Federal engineer, who is to inspect this workr before advertisement can be made: The Federal engineer has been re quested to come and look this twork over and it is believed that he will be here just as soon as he can ar range his work to make the trip to this parish. In the mean time if prompt construction cannot be begun on the Federal aid it is very prob able that the Commission will adver tise for bids on some section of road where Federal aid could hardly nz expected on that particular road. ---0-- - The excellent work done by Dr. Maylie has brought considerable dis tinction to him. He has been elect ed president of the Parish Medigal Society and chairman of the St. Tanm many Chapter of the Red Cross. .- 0*--- The District Court proceedings .f this week will appear in the next is sue of The Farmer. PARISH MEDICAL SOCIETY HOLDS A BUSINESS MEETING Association Said To Be the Strongest in State Proportionately DR. A. G. MAYLIE MADE PRESIDENT After Meeting at Southern Fine Luncheon is Serv ed at the Central. The St. Tammany Parish Medical Society met at the Southern Hotel, Thursday, Dec. 11, and held its regu lar monthly and annual business meeting. As the meeting was en tirely given over to business, the reading and discussion of scientiffe pjapers were dispensed with. The following officers were elect ed for the year 1920: President, Dr. A. G. Maylie; Vice President, Dr. N. M. Hebert; Secre tary and Treasurer, Dr. H. D. Bul loch; Delegate to State Medical So ciety, Dr. J. F. Bouquoi; Alternate. Dr. H. D. Bulloch; Official Journal, The St. Tammany Farmer. Immediately after the meetini the members participated in a lunch eon at the Central Hotel, where, for the moment, the medicos banished medical cares and worries and revel ed in an atmosphere of jest, merri ment and good felloi.shij. Those participating were Doctors R. B. Paine, H. E. Gautreaux, H. D. Bulloch, N. M. Hebert, C. W. David son, W. J. Durel, J. F. Bouquoi, B. I B. Warren, Fred P. Jones, A. G. Maylie, and D. H. Mason of tle A press. Dr. Maylie acted as master of cer monies and there were open dis cussions on several subjects of in terest to the medical fraternity and acme felicitations on the harmony and unity in St. Tammany pariah. This is proportiohately the strongest medical association in the state. Out of 23 registered phyiscians, 20 are memnbers of the society. Mr. Bachemin. has purchased an 4 extensive stock for his gent's fur-I nishing store, which will be opened t as soon as the buildiag is completed. j THE MASONS TO SPREAD GOOD t CHEER TO THE POOR. i As usual, the members of the Ma- 1 sonic Lodge will spread good chear to the poor children of Covington c this Christmas. 'Mayor Robt. Badol ( will act as Santa Claus, and dis- f tribute the presents. It is requested that if any one knows of a family t where there are deserving children, b they can report the name, number, b and location to Mayor Badon and it will be seen that they are not neg lected. ;: . . . . 'y -. . -- .. ... r MRS. JAS. I. GOALLOWAY. Died, at her residence in the Sixth Ward, on Decemiber 3, 1919, Mar garete Loyd, beloved wife of James I. Galloway. She was a native of St. Tammany parish. Aged 81 years, ' months and 4 days. She was the mother of six children, four of whom survive her, as follows: Geo. Gall, way, Bogalusa; Mas J. Galloway, St. Tammany; Miss Jane Galloway, of Abita Springs, and Mrs. Sam Lousta lot, Lacombe. She leaves twenty seven grandchildren. She was bur' ed at the Crow Cemetery on Dec. 4, at 1 p. m., Rev. C. P. Toney officiaz: ing. A FRIEND. -0 Charter of the PINELAND SPRING BOTTLING WORKS, INC. United States of -America, State of Louisiana, Parish of St. 'lammany. Be it known, that on this 10th day of December, A. D., 1919, before me. A. Sidney Burns, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and sworn, in and for the Parish of St. Tammany. State of Louisiana, therein residing. personally came and appeared the persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, who declared that avail ing themselves of the laws of the State of Louisiana, relative to the organization of corporations, they covenanted and agreed and by these presents do covenant and agree to bind and form and constitute them selves, as well as such other persons who may hereafter join or become associated with them, into a corpora tion and body politic in law, for a period of ninety-nine years, and for the objects and purposes and under the stipulations following, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name and style of this corpora ation shall be "Pineland Spring Bottling Warks, Incorporated," and its domicile shall be in Coviag ton, St. Tammany parish, Louisiana. All citations and other legal process shall be served on the President, and. in his absence on the Vice President, and in the absence of both on the Secretary or Treasurer, and in the absence of all of such officers, in the manner provided by the laws of Louisiana. ARTICLE II. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is established, and the nature of the business to be carried on by it are to manufacture. buy, sell and distribute carbonated waters, coca cola, seltzer waters, and soft diinks of every kind and de scription; to acquire and sell DR. MAYLIE NOW CHAIRMAN OF PARISH RED CROSS Other Officers Are Elected at Meeting Held in Covington Dec. 9. MRS. E. S. WHARTON HOME SERVICE SEC'Y Books of Chapter Now Be: ing Audited, Will Soon Be Completed. St. Tammany Parish Chapter A. R. C. held a meeting in Covington Tuesday Dec. 9, and the following oficers for 1920 were elected: Chairman of Chapter, Dr. A. 0. Maylie; Chairman of Home Service and Women's Work, Mirs. N. H. Finz Simons; Publicity, D. H. Masoi; Junior Development, Mrs. Chas. H. Sheffield; Executive Secretary Home Service, Mrs. E. S. Wharton. The books of the chapter are now being audited and as coon as com pleted there will be issued a public statement of the exact standing and condition of the chapter. -*0--. The town has issued notice that work on the Wehrli building must be stopped until permit is issued and fire ordinance regulatioAs complied with. bottlers' and manufacturers' sup plies, including liquid gas and soft drink dispensing equipment of every kind and description, and to buy a.nd sell any and all kinds of mer chandise; to purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, lease, improve, mort gage and sell real and personal prop erty, both in the State of Louisiana, and elsewhere, and generally to en gage in any ,business conveniently necessary or incident to, or connect ed with the operation of the busi ness and industries above mentioned. ARTICLE III. The- capital stock of this corpora tion is hereby fixed at the sum of Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars, represented by sixty (60) shares of the par value of One Hundred Dol lars ($100.00) each, but the capital stock may Abe increased from time to time by amendment to this charter, in accordance with law, to the sum of Twelve Thousand ($12,000) Doi lars, or any part of such sum. The corporation shall be a going concern when Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) shall have been subscribed for and Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) of such stock has been ac tually paid in. Shares of stock shall be represented by certificates signed by the President and Secretary. ARTICLE IV. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a Board of Di rectors, composed of three stockhold ers who shall be elected annually by a ballot at a stockholders' meeting to be held on the first Monday if December in each year (or if that day fall on a legal holiday, then on the next day following) excepting that uttil the first Monday of Decem ber, 1920, the following named per sons shall constitute the first Board of Directors: Luther Whitfield, whose postoffice is Slidell La.; Boyd Whitfield, whose postoffice is Slidell, La., and C. A. Everett, whose post office 13 Slidell, La., of whom Luther Whitfield shall be President, Boyd Whitfhead shall be Vice President, and C. A Everett shall be Secretary Treasurer. Any failure to elect Directors an nually shall not dissolve the corpora tion, but the Directors then in office shall continue to serve until their successors shall have been duly elect ed and qualified. Any vacancy on the Board of Directors occurring by death, resignation or other vise, shall be filled by the remaining Directors. Stockholders' meetings may be held when ordered by the Board of Direc tors, and shall be held on the re quest of the holders of twenty-five per cent of the outstanding stock. Notice of all stockholedrs' meetings' other than adjourned meetings, shall be given by written notice to stock holder, through the mail at his last known address, at least fifteen days before such meeting. Each stock holder shall be entitled to one vote for every share of stock owned by him. ARTICLE V. This charter may be amended cr this corporation dissolved by a two thirds vote of the outstanding stock at a stockholders' meeting called uy the Board of Directors, after having given notice to each stockholder, in writing, stating the purpose for which said meeting is called, at least fifteen days before such meeting and deposited in postoffice, addressed to his last known address. In case of dissolution, the Board of Directors shall act as liquidators. ARTICLE VI. The Board of Directors shall have, the right to employ and dismiss clerks and managers, and to adopt by-laws for the general management of the corporation, and can amend the same at their pleasure ARTICLE VII. This corporation shall enjoy all rights and privileges granted by law to corporations, and shall use a ccr porate seal. It shall have power to contra.ct, sue and be sued in its cor porate name, to hold, receive, con vey, mortgage, hypothecate or pledge property. both real and personal. It shall have power to establish branch (S.atlsuse em page 6)