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GROLE P VICTROLA GRAFANOLA .. The House of Sensible Gifts We carry a full and complete stock of Coluhimbia, Grafanola and Victor Talking Machines and Records. "A gift for the Type VI, $35.00 $100oo whole family." TOY LAND FOR THE KIDDIES EVERYTHING TO MAKE THEM HAPPY Water Sets ..................... $2.25 and up Thermos Bottles ................. $2.50 and up Library Suits .................. $37.50and up Ice Tea Sets ........... ...... . $1.75 andup Trunks........................ $9.00an up Davenports L .......... ......... 00 and up Trunks ....... ................ $9.00 and up Electric Irons ................... $7.25 and up t CasesLibrary Lamps .................. 25.00andup Rugs, all sizes and styles, ....... $1.25 and up Suit Cases $1.0andup Cedar Chests ........2500andup A FULL LINE OF JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, IVORY WARE, ALUMINUM WARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, KITCHEN SUPPLIES, HOUSEHOLD LINENS, OIL STOVES, PORCH SETS, LOUNGES 100 Piece Blue Bird Dinner Set .......... $24.00 25 Piece Gold Band Sets, only ........... 4.25 TOYS FOR THE KIDDIES: CHARACITER DOLLS, DISHES, STOVES. GAMES, STORY BOOKS, SCOOTERS, JIM DANDYS, AUTOMOBILES, VELOCIPEDES, WAGONS ALL SIZES, FURNITURE SETS, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES WHICH CANNOT BE MENTIONED IN THIS SMALL SPACE. Call around and see our line before making your purchases .We can save you a lot of money St. Tanmmany Farmer D . MaSON - - - Ubr ?m P.qd-ut seredt tm mmOo a iam p ses .. issdAM MMar GREETINGS TO OUR READERS. The St. Tammany Farmer wishes its readers a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. The scarcity of paper makes it inadvisable to issue the kind of holiday edition we would like to give, our readers, and we are passing up two or three hundred dollars worth of business we could have had. Let us hope that the year 1920 will give us some relief from the diiti culties standing in the way of the immense business that is crying out for opportunity. Congress soon must take some action that will give relief from combines and profiteering. Politics are all right in a way--but politics are now too much in the way. CPatience has its limits. O JOHN L. HALLER. In retiring from the head of the Red Cross of St. Tammany pari'h Mr. John L. Haller closes a very active career in war service. Probably no man among us has given more time and money to the various under takings made necessary by conditions arising from the war. Especially is this true of his work for the Red Cross. !Mr. Haller may feel that he has earned public approval and appreciation. THE INVASION. When the Stubbs forces invaded Slidell, As reported in the Daily States, Stubbs supporters must have run like hell, For as C. M. Liddle the story relates But five Slidell men heard the debates From Covington four Three speakers galore, iMaking twelve men in all, A real chilly hall, An up-the-stump Hall A very poor haul For Stubbs By Gubbs. PRECIOUS MOMENTS WASTED. Mrs. Slumm--They're not going to have the Christmas tree at the church tonight. Not till next Friday night, Jimmlie I Jimmle--Gosh I Will I have to wash me bhands agin uex' week, too? Get your Christmas Turkeys at at L.Levy's Monroe and 21st Street. Hon C. M. Liddle, of Sidell, was a business visitor to Covington last Wednesday. BIG DANCE AT MANDEVILLE ON DECEMBER 20. There will be a big dance in Man deville on December 20 (to-night), at the "Hip," given by the Mande ville Junior High School. Admis sion, adults 25e, children 15c. Ah are invited to come and have a good time. LIST OF DEAD LETTERS. Following is the list of dead let ters remaining in the Covington post office: Mrs. Perley Breland, Gilbert Barr man, Ed. Callahan, M. J. Chambers, Rachael Callahan, Mrs. Lizzie De fanse, ,Miss Rachael Gatewood, A. F. Hilyer, Cleve Hendrick, Estelle Hay;. Archie Jamiel, Phiscilla" James, W. A. Lyerly, Miss Myrtle Lee, Cooper Madden, George May 2. Joe McGe', Dorville Pierre, Mrs. Palesthia, Miss Frances Rogers, Mrs. C. J. Read, Mary Space, Mrs. Rusaw Shar~, Miss Zula Sharp, M. Sullivan, Wr. 'Vebe:, Mrs. Minty Watts. JACOB SEILER, Postmaster. LOST-Large drop Pointer, black and white specks on body, black spot on side. Answers to name of "Bum mer." Reward if returned to T. E. Brewster, Covington, La. d13 WANTED--A girl to work in oi fice; must be accurate 'with figures. Also chauffeur acquainted with the town. Apply J. E. Caserta, P. CO. Box 22, Covington, La. dl3tf We ca'n save you 20 per cent on Tires and Tubes. Will be pleased to quote you prices. L. F. WehrHi, Cowv ington, La., Phone 5. au2 -ja:-;* SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at Jt Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. n22 FOR SALE-Good piano, almost new, at a bargain. Box 25, Covin; ton, La. d13-2't* Electric house wiring, storage bat teries repaired and recharged, igni ti0li service and automobile repairs. Ragan & Kister, Electricians and Auto 'Mechanics, 512 Lockwood St., Covington, La. d6-5t' FOR SALE-Port Hole Inn Hotel. 82 rooms, located on river front, at Madisonville, La. Will sell entiret property with building site or will sell building separately to be moved. Apply Jahncke Shipbuilding Com -pany, Inc., Madisonville, La. na. FOR SALE-WITTE high gracie portable saw rig outfit, complete, with 4 h. p. kerosene engine. Rig will cut 4 to 8 cords of wood per hour, using kerosene at the rate of one gallon per h. p. for 1,0 hours Price, complete, f. o. b. Shreveport, $285.00. Dixie Machinery Co., 630 Commerce St., Streveport, La. d20 We fpay highest cash -price for empty sacks of all kinds. Glaser's Branch, Military Road, Phone 320. LOST-On Holmesville Road, be tween six-mile post and Covington, a sack containing shoes, rubbers, e' Reward if returned ttf Mrs Preston Burns' store, Covington. d2+)' WANTED--To exchange surrey for a single buggy with a top; or will sell surrey. Address T. Pausas, Coy ington. d20, mares and mules, always ,n hand at Glasier's Branch, Mili tary Road, $35 up. d20 WAN-TED-- Horse, buggy and har ness. Must be cheap. Apply to T. Poelatra, Columbia and First St. FOR SALE-I have about 100-, Corweille's Improved Klondyko Strawberry Plants, at $1 per 100. Phone 149. d20-2t Get your Christmas Turkeys at at L.Levy's Monroe and 21st Street. Stone's Good Fruit Cake and loads of other good things at Sheffield's Grocery Shop. d6 HORSE-SHOEING-Sam C. The? sen, practical horse-shoer, has his shop across from the depot. Ani mals clipped and inter-ferring horses a specialty. All orders promptly at tended to. Try me. dec 6 SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. n22 Just received -Syrup Cans At Alexius Bros. % Co.,Inc. WANTED-A one-horse surrey; must be in good condition, with cu tains, etc. Write P. O. Box 206, Covington, La. n15-tf WOOD FOR SALE. Stove wood, 16-inch lengths, pine and oak mixed, $2.00 for a big load, delivered. Call Phone 108, Coving ton, La. W. W. Carre Company, Ltd. oc25-6mo* ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND BUILDING MATERIAL, SASH AND DOORS, AT $25 PER THOUSAND FEET, FOR SALE AT RASM Y LA. APPLY J. G. BADON, 01O AGENT CARE OF ST. TIMMANY LUMBER CO., RAMSAY, LA. TE1. EPHONE IN OFFICE. nl-8t FAMOUS SUM-MO COFFE, aervel at the St. Tammany Parish Fair, is for sale at the St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. FOR SALE-Horses, mares and mules. Ed. Brunet, Phone 341, Cor ington, La. mrl5-ap5 We buy and pay cash for Cotton Seed. Alexius Bros., & Co., Inc. WOOD! WOOD! -All kinds of wood for sale. Oak and pine stove wood, any quantity, $2 a load up. Delivered promptly. Call Phones 27 or 385, or see yours to serve, W. N. Patrick, Covington. au 23tf FOR SALE-All the makings of a tar and charcoal retort., If in the market write F. C. FitzSimons, Cov ington, La. d13 Stove and fire-place wood. Phone 235. Ed. Brunet. nov22 FOR SALE. 1 Houston, Proctor & Gambel en gine, 12x16, in use only one yeaw and good as new. 1 Fay & Eagan resaw; large. 1 Prible planer and blower to dress up to 6x12. 1 saw carriage and blocks. Large lot of pulleys and cast boxes. 1 lot steel rails, 24 lbs. Circular, cut-off saws and various articles belonging to flrst-class saw mill. HARDY H. SMITH, covington, Louisiana. We buy and ;pay cash for Cotton Seed. Alexius Bros., & Co., Inc. *27-tf WANTED-Brickbats or shells to be delivered at my place in Lewis burg. State cubic capacity of tricK and.price per cubic yard. Also, want to purchase some nanny goats. Al1 dress U. Marinoni, Jr., 509 Hennen Bldg., New Orleans, La. n15-St FOR SALE-Three your.g mares and one heavy mare~4n foal; also five head of oxen, cheap. Apply H. J. Smith's son. ocl8-tf Toy Land In- Covington i MAKE THE LITTLE ONES HAPPY THIS YEAR BY TRADING AT THE: 5, 10 and 25 Cent Store YOU CAN'T BUY TOYS IN NEW ORLEANS AS CHEAP AS YOU CAN AT THIS STORE IN COVINCTON. MECHANICAL TOYS HOUSEKEEPING PRETTY DOLLS FOR THE DOLL HOUSE EOR THE GROWN-UP HOUSEKEEPER SEE OUR LINE OF KITCHEN UTENSILS BREAD KNIVES GLASS WARE COOKING UTENSILS CROCKERY CUTLERY GRANITE WARE EGG BEATERS COLENDARS, ETC. HANDKERCHIEFS, PLAIN AND IN FANCY BOXES LADIES' AND GENT'S UNDERWEAR, STOCKINGS AND VARIOUS USEFUL ARTICLES VARIOUS THINGS IN THE HARDWARE LINE, AS 'HAMMERS, HATCHETS AND USEFUL TOOLS. WE CAN BEAT NEW ORLEANS PRICES AND WE HAVE PROVIDED AN UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM. AT LEAST SEE WHAT WE HAVE BEFORE YOU GO ELSEWHERE. FRANK P. MARSOLAN SPROPRIETOR. °_, I nI l FOR SALE-Modern residence completely furnished, 4 bed rooms, hall, dining room, kitchen, bath, hot and cold water. electricity; grounds 120x140, garage, stable and chicken houses. Could not be duplicated for $5500 today. Will take $3200 casa. Box 25, Covington, La. d13-2;* FOR SALE (HEAP-Second hand autos. 1 Oakland, 6 cylinder; 1 E. M. F., 4 cylinder; 1 Briscoe, 4 cyl inder; 1 Ford, 5 passenger. Will exchange for stock, horses, hogs, cat tle and sheep. See W. N. Patrick, Covington, La. au 23t1 FOR SALE-Three mereg horse, cheap; broke, gentle to d or ride; weigh 800 to 900 Apply to J. M. Aoueille & Sons0., ington, La. 4 ýUM-MO COFFEE for sl at , Tammany Hay & Grain W Covington, La. .Stone's Good Fruit Cake and of other good things at She Grocery Shop. " Just recaived--Syrup .Can. Alexius Bros. & Cc.,Inc.