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St. Tmanany Fiarer D. H. MASON - - - Ultr mad Prepltr Eatered at the Govingtom poastlee ru geoa Gas itti e OUR It 'IIST DRY CHRISTMAS. New. Orlean.- paper.; -peak of a large church attendance of Christmas scrvic(es anld note the fact that cabarets and restaurants did I ot present the usual irwded appearance. Also that a good business was done This mecans tht:, the men spent their Christmas in the home. In Covington. ,, (en a tipsy hian was seldom seen and there were ao drunks reported. Buoriness was very good and Christmas purchases were confined large y to uiuful, practical gifts. People generally spent Christ nias at homne. The 'postoffice did the largest business in its history, the building being crowded with people sending and receiving paskages for several days. There vwas probably more real happiness, more of the old tiCe home fireside celebration of the day than has been known for years. These things cause one to think and reason. Even men who have beer. hauitual users of liquor admit that they are better off, and as the newness of the situation wears off it will be accepted with less protest and with final thankfulnes. Certainly the home will be a brighter place and the ties stronger. There is nothing that makes for better citizenship than the well regu lated and happy home. It is the birth place of loyalty. It is the garden. in which every seed planted produces something either valuable or de structive. The cultivation of weeds often stops the growth of valuabte plants. Love, respect for the rights of others, appreciation of justice and fairness, human sympathies, honesty and self-control are all plants that should be grown in the home garden, and if not are seldom grown out side of it. There seems to be confidence that the year 1920 will be one of good business. Reconstruction and adjustment of present difficulties will cer tainly be more easily accomplished without liquor than with it. O Mr. Parker very sensibly says that he is not responsible for the utter ances of speakers who become personal in their own campaigns. He has avoided personalities himself. But it is a case of "Cast out the molt that is in thine own eye." Mr. Stubbs has not stopped the speakers in his own support that have maligned Mr. Parker and have tried to place him in a wrong light before the people. House-cleaning ought to be started at home before your neighbor is accused of filth. The Times-Picayune's publication of Norman Walker's pred'ction that Parker will win has stirred things up in the Stubbs' camp. From the noise that is being made one would think that they did not know that before. INCOME TAX FORMS ARE - NOl READY. Tt:e Internal Itevenue Office al vises receipt of Forms 1096 an! 10o9'. The Revenue Law requir.ý.; that every individu.l or organiza tion, in whatever capacity ac:inl, who Itlade paymenlt.; of ico:_! ito taxpayers during the calendar ye ir 191a: in the a:nount of $1000I or more, such payment; including :;a aries, wages, fees. commiissions, in terest, rent, prcmniunm and annuities, shall record same on Forms 10 16 and 1099 an dforward them to thl Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Sorting Division, Washington, D. C, on or before March 15, 1920. The3e forms will be furnished upon appli cation to the Collector of Internal Revenue, New Orleans, La. When ordering these forms, it is requestel that the number required be spe:: nied. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. There will be a meeting of thi' stockholders of the Covington Bank & Trust Company, Covington, La., at their office on Tuesday, January 13, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Di rectors for .the ensuing year. E. G DAVIS, d27-3t President. S AoeiIle & Sons RaRery (Near the Pabli Sehol) We have and will continue to hay the largest bread. Delivered daily all 'over the . town. Also pies, rolls and candy. TPhone 48 CITY CASH STORE Thanking our patrons for the very liberal patron age given us since our opening, we wish them a very happy and prosperous New Year. We are looking to the year 1920 as one of fine business opportunity, and we assure our patrons we will be fully up to the progressive and critical de mands that will be made on service and business management. PAUL POLICAR.. C. L. RICHARD. WANTED! WANTED ! WANTED ! SYRUP In Tins or Barrels, any quantity, good quality is what we expect to pay a gallon, or more , Bring sample and see us at the office of COVINGTON ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE, Karl Treen Secretary. TO OUR FRIENDS AND FATRONS. We desire to thank you for your patronage through this year aad hope to merit same in the future Our holiday business was the great est since we began business and w you for same. \\e wish all 'a happy and prosper' ous New Year. FRANK P. MARSOLAN, The 5, 10 and 25 Cent Store. SUM-MO COFFEE for gale at St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. n22 FOR SALE-A roll-top oak des.: with chair. Address Mrs. H. P. Bougere, Box 487, Covington, La. FOR SALE-Two good mules, in good condition. J. M. I oueille & Sons, Covington, La. d37 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Peoples Building & Loan Association will be held at the. office of said Association in the town of Covington, La., the first Tuesday in January, 1920, for the purpose of electiong a Board of Directors for the ensuing year. HENRY J. SMITH, President. -$PIRIN FOR CO!DDS amne -".Bayer" is on Genuine ,Aspirin-say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Colds, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic acidesten of Salicylicacid. Reasons! Why you should use Cardui, the woman's tonic, for your troubles, have been shown hin thousands of letters from actual users of this medi cine, who speak from personal experience. If the results obtained by other women for so many years have been so uan formly good, why not give Ca'rýui a trial? Take CARDUI The Woman's Tonlo Mrs. Mary J. IrvIn, of Cullen, Va., writes% "About 11 years ago, I suffered untold misery with female trouble, bear Ing-down pains, head ache, numbness . . I would go for three weeks almost bent double ... My husband went to Dr. - for Ctrdui ... - tfter taking about two bottles I began going around and when I took three bottles I could do all my work." E-8O LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers / f,\ Don't suffer! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bottdm of feet. then lift them of When Freezone removes corns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet. the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and ·lever sore tender or irritated. HELPS WEAK I Protects Young i GIRLS SRegulates, tones up, drives" away "the blues" and makes them glad they're living. The prescription of an old Southern doctor who treated and cured thousands of suf fet all drug stores. MONEY REFUNDEis also good for young girst bot- te failsng them safely through all mothers know is, . a time at expreedwhich their daughters needL VIthe utmost care.ds: I nno At all drug stor thies. MONEYrful medicine. I had taken oter fms bot medicines faiorls to yearnef with n, rlMr.s. I Paralee Frazer, Longv iewr tex, expreed appreciation of STmELLA." dvertiTAE in thes The Farmer pasnnot big dividenda. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that th3 tax rolls have been completed and filed and that taxes are now due aa' payable. Poll taxes must be paid-on or b' fore December 31, 1919. T. E. BREWSTER, d13-3t Tax Collector. CHEST CLOGGED UP WITH HEAVY COLD? Don't give if a chance to "set in"-use Dr. King's New Discovery THAT dangerous stage where a cold or cough or case of grippe might get the better of you may be nearer than you think. Prompl action with Dr. King's New Discover3 will avert a long siege. For fifty years it has loosened con. gested chests, dissipated tight-packed phlegm, broken vicious colds and coughs. Give it to the youngsters- take it yourself. There will be no disa. greeable after-effects. 60c. and $1.20 a bottle. At yoe druggist's. Give it a trial Bowels Become Normnnl -liver livens up, bile flows freely headache, biliousness, tonguefur stomach-sourness, disappear when Dr King's New Life Pills get in theli natural, comfortable action. Purgatives, never pleasantly correo tive, sometimes habit-forming, should not be taken to rack the system vio lently. Nature's way is the way of Dr Kings New Life Pills-gently bu firmly functioning the bowels, elimi nating the intestine-clogging waste, ant promoting the most gratifying results Cleanse the system with them and know ,the boon of regular bowels. 20c at all druggists. SATISFYING RELIEF i FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth-giving, congestion scattering circulation-stimulating rem edy penetrates without rubbing right to the aching spot and brings quick re lief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for external pains, sprains, strains, stiff ness, headaches, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today-costs little, means much. Ask your druggist for it by name. Keep it handy for the whole family. The big bottle is econ omy. 35c, 70c, $1.40. PARTITION SALF. Jas. R. Phillips et als vs. Emile Frederick et als. No. 3160. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Cuurt, Parish of St. Tammnany, Louisiaan. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of sal' issued out of the honorable aforesaid court, an(i to me directed, bearing date the 18th day of November, 1919, I will off,.r for sale, between legal sale hours, at the courthouse in Covington, La., St. Tammany parish, in order to effect partition, on Saturdlay December 27, 1919, the following described property, to wit: To the Phillips Heirs, the minore and the Absentee one-half interest in the following described proper:ty, to-wit; ( SOne-half interest in the north half of square 79; one-half interest in square 80, and one-half interest in square 81, the other half interest to Emile Frederick, one of the defend ants herein. To the Phillips Heirs, the Minorr Sand the Absentee one-fifth interest tn square 92 situated in the Town of Mandeville, and the other four-fifths hnterest to be divided equally to Harry Frotsch, William Frotsch and Marian Frotsch. And the following described proi erty, to-wit: A certain portion of ground situat ed in the Town of Mandeville, pari·a of St. Tammany, La., being squarec 171 and 172. A certain portion of ground situat ed in the Town of Mandeville, parish of S:. Tammany, La., and designated as "La Reserve," on a plan by W. H-. Cobb, on the 12th day of October, 1837, and deposited for reference in the office of Felix DeArmas, late NJ tary in this city, said portion of ground is comprised within Rapat tl, Labarre and Necremara streets a;id he Grand Bayou Castzin::e, together with all of the build'rnt and inm provements thereon, 83 acres more or less. Said property to be .s:d for cash for not less than two-t hirds of tha appraised value. T. E. BREWSTER, n22-6t Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. City Sales Agency, Inc., vs. George C. Phillips. No. 3126. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Cour-t, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiaan. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a write of seizure and sale issued out of the honorable afore said court, and to me directed, bea- ing date the 11th day of November. 1919, I have seized and will offer for ,ale, between legal sale hours, at the courthouse in Covington, La., St. Tammany parish, on Saturday, December 27, 1910, the following described property, to wit: The west half of the southeasat quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 35 township 6 south, range 10 east, St. Hi. H. :;aITH, Pres. A. R. SMITH, Secretary-Traes. A. V. SIurr. V. P. SSmith Hardware Co., Ltd. I SCOLUMBIA STREET. Near B3ston I HARDWARE I PAINTS, OILS • HARN'ESS IWAGONS BUGGIES I Full linr-of Automobile Accessories I and Parts for Fords. ECONOMY CASH STORE Get Things. Just as You Would Make Them at Home, Clean. Fruits, Vegetables, Home-Boiled Ham, Cheese, Sausage, Olives, Pickles, Home Made Lemon Pies, Canned Goods, Condiments, etc. A. C. McCORMACK souther Hotel Household Heat Applied as Needed TI'he Perfection Oil AA A Heater makes heat portable, instantly available in just the amount required. Burns 10 hrs. on a gallon of Stanocola TBurning Oil. Clean, MN safe, odorless. Used WPECTI in over 3,000,000 +++++++ homes. *t i all regular dealers EATE STANDARD OIL CO. OF LOUISIANA. (O PERFECTION Oil Heaters Itll soon be in useums Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel Is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes Intd sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you, Calomel ittacks the bones and should never be put into your pyst.a' Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Insteadl When you feel bilious, sluggish, calomeL t is guaranteed to.start constipated and all knocked out and your liver without stirring yo~ pp believe you need a dose of dangerous inside, and can not' salivate. calomel, just remember that your Don' thake next day; it lomel Ityou mkes day' druggist sells fore a few ents a large iwor. Dedso's Liver Tone straight bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which ens you 4ight up sad yeu' feel grea. is entirely vegetable and pleasant to Give it to the ehildren because it Is take and is a perect substitute for perfectly harmles and doen't grlpe. Helena Meridian, containing one hundred and twenty-one and sixty eight hundredths .(121.68) acres, ac cording to the official plan of the survey thereof in the General Land Office of the United States, being the same property acquired by said mort gagor, George, C. Phillips, from C. R. 1906, recorded in C. O. B 44, foli.) 206, of the official records of St. Moeller, as per act dated March 4th, Tammany parish, La. Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap praisement. T. E. BREWSTER, n22-6t Sheric. LOST---Sterling silver card case with Eastern Star emblem on out side. Contained Red Cross Christ mas seals. Please return to Mrs. Rudolph Schultz, Covington. FOR SALE-One Ford chasis, in running order, with new fenders and good tires, $175. Also two 1919' Ford bodies with tops and wind shields. J. H. Pons, Box 145, Abita Springs, La. LOST-One jet b'rooch, set with pearl in center. Finder please r., turn to Postmaster and receive re ward. Was lost between 21st ave. and the picture show. d27 FOR SALE-Pure blood Berk shire pigs, 6 to 8 weeks old. C. Mar vin Poole, Covington. d271 WANTED-Enough votes to elect me to the office of Police Juror 'o the Thir'J Ward.. C. Marvin Poole. STRAYEID-One large black mare, one white spot in forehead; also o003 large sorry( horse. Reward. Notify *Mrs. Johih O. Ragan. d27 FOR SALE OR RENT-A 4-room house, with kitchen and bath, lights and water,,amd seven lots of ground, on Theard avenue. Apply to Paul J. Dulion, Covington. d27 SUM- COFFEE for sale at St. Tammanj Iisy & Grain Warehouse, )ovington, La. n22 $10.00 REWABD, STLRAYED-One light brown. dark sorrel horse, branded on left side. Strayed from D. Smith's place, Covington. will receive $10.00 reward ift is returned to Emile Frederick,: Ington, La. LOST-Two large brown smallest horse has spot in t and white spot on back, brace S., shod all round. Larger ho branded U. S. on shoulder fan left hip, very tall. Notifyt Poole, Covington, La., and reward. WANTED--Enough votes to me to the office of Police Jurr the Third Ward.. C. Marvin P Prihe Winning S. C. Rhode I Red eggs, $3.00 per 15. Am to supply those customers whoo, ed them at the Fair. Ozone P try Yaards, Box 61, Covington. 4d We buy and pay cash for Co Seed. Alexius Bros., & Co., Inc. $27 WANTED-Brickbats or shells be delivered at my place in wLewig burg. State cubic capacity of trimg and price per cubic yard. Also, wasi to purchase some nanny goats. A..J dress U. Marinoni, Jr., 509 Hna - Bldg., New Orleans, La. n1 FOR SALE-Three youngr and one heavy mare in foal; Ralle head' of oxen, ceap. Apply Smith's son. oei.o Just recsived--Syrup Cam Alexius Bros. & Cc.,Inc. FOR SALE CHEAP-Seond autos. 1 Cakland, 6 cylinder; - M. F., 4 cylinder; 1 Briscoe, 4 inder; 1 Ford, 5 passenger. exchange for stock, horses, .. tie and sheep. See W. N. Covington, La. an HORSE-SHOEING-Sam O. sen, practical horse-shoer, ha shop acro:s from the depot. mals clipped and inter-ferring a specialty. All orders prom tended to. Try me. Og - Just recived -Syrup Cans Alexius Bros. ' Co..Inc. FOR SALE-I have about Corweille's Improved Klo _ Strawberry Plants, at $1 per " Phone 149. Electric house wiring, storage terie repaired and recharged., tion service and automobile r Ragan & Kister, Elec'ric!;ea Auto 'Mechanics, 512 Lockw Covington, La. FOR SALE--Port Hole nla 82 rooms, located on river Madisonville, La. Will sell property with building site sell building separately to be. Apply Jahncke Shipbuildli~t many, Inc., Madisonville, L _i FOR SALE-WITTE hig$ portable saw rig outfit, with 4 h. p. kerosene engeb.:, will cut 4 to 8 cords of wci hour, using kerosene at the one gallon per h. p. for 10. Price, complete, f. o. b. Sh $285.00 Dixie Machinery Commerce St., Streveport, 14: WANTED--A girl to work IT ice; must be accurate with it Also chauffeur acquainted wlW'-r town. Apply J. E. Casetta,'. Box 22, Covington, La. d We ca' save you 20 per cent Tires and Thbes. Will be pleased quote you prifcs. L. F. Welr C ington, La., Phone 5. SUM·-MO COFFEE for salae at Tammany Hay & Grain Covington, La. WOOD FOR SALE. Store wiood, 6d1-inch lth and oak mixed, $2.00 for a del;vered. Call Phone 1i ton, La. W. W. Oarre Ltd. oc25 ALL KINDS OF SECONid BUILDING MATERIAL, SAi~.' DOORS, AT $25 AND UP FEET, FOR SALE AT BR I LA. APPLY J. G. BAADQ, .GEXT CARE OF ST. 1' LUMBER CO., RAMSAbY, LA. EPHONE IN OFFICE. i FAMOUS SUM-MO COFFE, t the St. Tammany Parish Fair, for sale at the St. Tammnany H Gra!n Warehouse, Covington, h FOR SALE-7-Horses, mares :n.les. Ed. Brunet, Phone 341, ington, La. mrn We buy and pay cash for O Seed. Alexius Bros., & Co., InC. ' WOOD! WOOD! --.All kinds wood for sale. Oak and pine 5a wood, any quantity, $2 a load Delivered promptly. Cell P-. 27 or 385, or see yours to W. N. Patrick, Covington. anu FOR SALE-All the makings 0 tar and charcoal retort. If in market write F. C. FitzSimoni, ington, La. Stove and fire-place wood. P, 235. Ed. Brunet. , FOR SALE. 1 Houston, Proctor & Gambel gine, 12x16, In use only one and good as new. 1 Fay & Eagan resaw; large. 1 Prible planer and blower to up to 6r12. 1 saw carriage and blocks. Large lot of pulleys and cast 1 lot steel rails, 24 lbs. Circular, caut-off saws andM articles belonging to Aflt-clam HARDY i. SMITH, -ovinton, Lmo sn.