Newspaper Page Text
THE ST. TAMMANY FARMIKR On Sale Every Saturday at SThe St. Tammany Farmer F RUSTIC and WATKINS' DRUG g in IDEAL PHARMACY, Madisos. - , i , vwie. Five Cents Per Copy. i oar m er sbsc lber. M N dp boost tL . S RJY 3. D. IH. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1920 VOL. 48 No . ... . .... ~- - i iii i I i • i. WOOD ALCOHOL MAY GET YOU WHEN AFTER WHISKY Large Numbers Have Died. Chemical Whisky Thus Made Poison. WHISKY REPORTED SOLD IN COVINGTON Prosecutions Sure to Follow Violation of Law and No License. The large number of deatas throughout the country caused by liquor .being manufactuied with wood alcohol and chemicals and sold at exorbitant prices to the unsuspecting customer has caused bitter feeling against the profiteer who is willing to sacrifice life, or is willing to risk the sacrifice of life, to gain the sl mighty dollar. Wherever caugnt they will be charged and prosecutel for murder. Little of this wood alco hol goods seems to have reached Louisiana, but it is only a question of time when it will be on sale here. if the sale of liquor is not stopped. One case was reported in New Or leans, the man's life being saved by prompt medical attention and the fact that he had taken but one small drink. Some liquor is being sold in Cov ington and New Year's night drunk en men appeared in public places. One man, at least, paid for liqu)r with a check, it is said. Now, since prohibition is a settled fact, the bust ness can not be continued except at risk of prosecution under the law. There have been no pew licenses taken out. The sellers of liquor ar3 not only liable to prosecution by the government but by the state, The Red Cross is now situated in the new quarters in the Southern Hotel building, - ------0------ PUBLIC NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that all parties are hereby forbidden to hunt or otherwise trespass on my land i. the southwest and southeast quarters of section 15, township 6, range 1;d, at Waldheim, under penalty of pros ecution under the laws of the state, mar31-20* F. HEMPE L. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Covington Bank & Trust Company, Covington, La., at their office on Tuesday. January 13, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Di rectors for the ensuing year. E. G DAVIS, d27-3t President ----- -.-- ct Amendment to Charter of the ST. TAMMANY PARISH FAIR A. SOCIATION, INC. United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany. Be it known, that on this 29th day of December, A. D., 1919, before me, Karl J. Kohnke, a Notary Publie within and for the Parish of St. Tam many, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the undersigned witness es, personally came and appeared J. H. Warner and N. H. FitzSimoas, residents of said parish, to me per sonally known, who declared that the said J. H. Warner was chairman and the said N. H. FitzSimons was the secretary of a meeting of the stockholders of the St. Tammany Parish Fair Association, Inc., in Cov ington, Louisiana, on the 15th day of August, A. D., 1917, and that all of the stockholders of said corpora tion were present at said meeting, in person or by written proxy. And said appearers declared that at such meeting of the stockholders a resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the stockhold era that Article IV of the articles of incorporation of said corporation should be amended, and said Article IV was duly amended so as to read as follows: ARTICLE IV. The corporate powers of this cor poration shall be vested in and ex ercised by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of twenty-five stockholders, five of whom shall con stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Said Directors shall hbe elected annually from among th3 stockholders on the second Tuesday in January of each year, commenc ing on the second Tuesday in Janu ary, 1920. Notice of such election shall be given by written notice properly ad dressed to each stockholder at least fifteen (15) days before such meet ing. At said election, and at all othqr meetings of the stockholders, the voting shall be by ballot, and each share of stock shall le entitied to one vote by the owner in person, ?r by written proxy. Within one wcek of their election, as above provided fer, the Board of D:rectors shall elect from among their number a president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer., and a general manager, provided tha: one person may hold the offices of both secretary and general manager and all of said officers and directors shall hold their respective offices for a period of one year from the date of their election, or until their suc cessors are elected. But the failure JUVENILES ARE SUSPECTED OF ROBBING STORES Repeated Operations This Kind Taxing Patience of the People. NO PLACE FOR JUVENILE OFFENDERS Stores Entered from Rear of Premises Thru Window and Transom. Schonberg's Pharmacy and Me Cormack's Economy Store were rob bed Monday night. Entrance was gained through the rear of the pream ises. In McCormack's store the thieves got in through the transom. The only thing taken, as far as is known, was a ham valued at $6.00. Schonberg's Pharmacy was enter ed through the. window of a 'ba.k storeroom. $5.00 in cash was taken from the register. Other things that may have been taken can not be known without taking stock. Schonberg's Pharmacy has been entered several times, in each in stance entrance being made in the same way and things taken indicat ing that the robbery was committed by boys. The thief of Monday night was evidently familiar with the ,place, as the light left burning all nigh' was turned off by some one familiar with the switch location.. Mr. Schon'berg has had the win dow protected by iron bars, so that in future thieves will have to firs: saw through these before gaining en trance. Some effort should be made to catch the thieves and punish tieum The great trouble seems to be that if caught there is no p·laee where juveniles can hbe taken care of and no law under which to punish them. The penitentiary is not the place for them, as they would only come out confirmed criminals. If there was some refuge where they could be taught and weaned from a life of crime there would be no hesitancy in arresting them. They could easily be caught. But even as it is, some thing should be done. Strapngers who could not be home for New Year dinner found the Cen tral Hotel a charming substitute gnd Mrs. Voltora a hostess who knows how to please. ---0- Mrs. J. L. Prelstra has left for New Orleans to spend the week end where she will be the guest of rela tives and friends. to hold an election, or to elect th. officers as above provided for, shall not result in a dissolution of this corporation, 'but the then Board cf Directors and officers ,hall hold their offices until their successors are duly elected. Any vacancies occurring in said Board of Directors shall be filled by f the remaining members of the board, for the unexpired term, at a meeting called for that purpose, after five (5) days notice in writing, sent by mail to said directors at their last known residence. The said Board of Directors shad have the power to make all by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper management and conduct of the af fairs of this corporation, and to change, alter, abolish and amend same at pleasure, and jhall have and exercise all the powers conferred by law on this corporation, and as set forth generally above. The said Board of Directors may also delegate any of said powers in the transaction of the business of this corporation, to committees cf their own body, or to the fficers and agents of this corporation. And that these app.arers were au thorized and instructed by said stock holders' meeting to execute the prop er notarial act amending the charter of said corporation in accordance with the said vote of said stock holders. And said appearers thereupon de clared that the articles of incorpora tion of said St. Tammany Parish Fair Association, Inc., have been duly an-I legally amended by the tote of th, stockholders of said corporation, anli they make this declaration and ex ecute this notarial act in accordani ' therewith. Thus done and signed at my offi' ] in Covington, La., in the presence )t .1 Guy A. Smith and Holger G. Kohnk3, I who sign the same with said appear ers, and me, Notary, after the read- ] ing of the whole. (Original signed) f J. H. WARNER, Chairman i N. H. FITZSIMONS, f Secretary. e Witnesses' GUY A SMITH. I HOLGER G.- JOHNKE. KARL 'j. IONI4TRE, - Notary Pqble. A true copy of the original. v IARL J. I.OHNK, t Notary Public. v I hereby certify that the original amendmept to the charter 4 the St. Tanmuapy Parish Fair Association, Inc., of which the foreg~ ng-S 4 true and correct copy, was, on Dember 31, 1919, truly recorded in "bartor 1 Book No. 1, page 931, of the efleial n records of St. TPammany parish, La ,n GUY A. SMITnI; 1 Dy. Clerk of Court and E.iOflico IT Recorder for St. T dl - ish, Louisiana. 4 a DISTRIBUTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO THOSE FORGOTTEN BY SANTA, BY COVINGTON MASONS The above pictuer was taken as the Christmas Tree Committee of the.ias nsst'arted on their route of delivery from the boarding house of Mrs. Fox. Each year the Masons have distributed gifts to the poor. Left to right-Sitting in truck is Mayor Robt. Badon, Santa Claus, a past master in Masonry; first stand ing, Arthur L. Bear, past master; Wallace M. Poole, and J. Monroe Simmons, worshipful master, all mem bers of the committee. GOOD ROADS The State and Federal Engineer. u' have not yet been over to inspecl , the roads in St. Tamman3 arish fo: n- state and federal aid, but they ar" being reminded each week that w2 to are ready and waiting for them. The Good Roads Commission, however, is IL not going to lose any time on the other work on which aid cannot be id expected as they are advertising this week for bids on some of the roads to be surfaced, it Good advantage is benig taken of the fair weather on the roads and the work on the several jobs now under headway is moving fairly well. n NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.' It has 'been discovered that in some instances meters have been tamper ed with in a manner to defraud the e company of electricity used by the L- patrons of the company. We wish d to give notice that repetitions of this s defrauding of the company will be followed by discontinuance of ser vice and prosecution. r ST. TAMMANY ICE & MFG. CO. 1 ----- - NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Covington, La., Dec. 31, 1919. Sealed bids or proposals will !e received at the office of the Good I Roads Commission of St. Tammany a Parish at Covington, La., until 12 t o'clock, Saturday, January 24, 1920, for the reshaping and surfacing of 13 1-2 miles of gravel known as the Covington-Talisheek road by the way of Abita Springs and extending from Covington to Talisheek, Louisiana. Approximate quantities: Excavation in reshaping, etc., 18,000 cubic yards. Sand clay gravel, 15,000 cubic yards. Creosoted bridge timbers, 10,000 feet B. M. Reinforced concrete in culverts, 50 cubic yards. Proposals must be on the blank forms furnished, and must be with out additions or erasures and must 'be in by the hour specified. At the time and place above mentioned tlih Good Roads Commission will open bids and publicly read aloud the coun tents. Bidders or their repreesntatives are invited to be present at the oper ing of the bids, ST. TAMMANY PARISH GOOD ROADS COMMISSION. ---0-- THOMPSON-SHARP. Married, on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 1919, at her home in Covington, Miss Myrtle Sharp to Ross A. Thomp son. Miss Sharp is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sharp, and has been in the employ of the Salmen Brick & Lumber Company, at Slidell, for nearly a year. She is a girl of exceptional beauty and charm, and t is loved by many friends for her s sweatness and nobility of charctaer. i " Mr. Thompson is the son of John s A. Thompson, of Lexington count:', Kentucky, who is noted for having a been the youngest soldier in the Con- t federate Army. t The wedding was very quiet, Rev F. C. Talmage officiating, only men:- s bers of the family being present, t. among whom were Mrs. Seiler, .)f g Covington, and Howard Sharp of the ii U. S. Navy, he having obtained a t: furlough for the holidays to 'be pres- '1 ent at his sister's wedding. b Mr. and Mrs. 'Thompson left fo- h New Orleans Christmah e ening andt ji will remain there for a week at the t] Grunewald Hotel. The many friends of the eouple tl will give them a hearty welcome .as C their return to Slidell wehre they a will make their home. J A FRIEND. O ---- --- ti C~RIST EPI$COPAL CHURCH. re Sunday, Jan. 4, Sunday School a' L 10 a. m., Holy Communion and An- si nual Parish Meeting, 11 a m. Every d member asked to be present.. Even- b ing Sprvice and Sermon 7:30 p. m. at Tuesday, Feast of the Epiphany, al Holy Communion and Address at 1 u Ct a m. Wednesday; Service and Ad- tl drem at Qp. m. t * A WATCH-NIGHT PRAYER. * Almighty God, Father of all * mankind, at the end of a year " * In which malice has so often * * thwarted love, we join the pray. * * era of all Thy children around * * the world for peace, the eleva-. * tion of justice and of brother- * * hood. . * Thou Creator, possessor of all * * things, who did make the earth * for the races of men and didst * set bounds for their habitation, * * forgive us our greed as we re * pent for our sin, and restore to * * all hearts the recognition of the a * transcendent right of human life * * to live. * * Open our eyes, we beseech * * Thee, to the dignity of labor, * * the sacredness of human ser- * * vice, and the privileges of pro- * * duction, that nation may join * * nation and man, may join man * * justly in honest work to replen- * * ish a devastated earth. * Quicken the sympathy of * hearts made dull by reports and * * sights of suffering, Incompre * hensible and needless. * Call us again that we may * * bow before the eternal laws of * * creation, putting aside malice, * * envy, covetousness and brutali. * * ty, to enter into the peace of * * the sons of the Most High. * * Hasten by Thy gracious provis * dence and by the consegrated eo, a * forts of Thy children the comr * ing of Thy worldwide king4on, S * where justice, mercy and love * * shall rule the hearts and hands * * of men. * * Create in us, 0 Lord, clean * * hearts, and renew right spirits * for the coming year, * This we in the spirit of * Jesus Christ, our only Hope. * Amen * THE PRAYER HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. With "the prayer around the world" the New Year was ushered in. In a thousand tongues it was spoken at Watch-Night services In near and distant places; in the great cities of the western wor:d no less than in distant villages on easters hills. It was heard by the kneeling women in a New York pew, by the barefoot Igorot headhunter, by Cai nese converts with bowed heads, by Hindu women listening reverently with their arms folded crosswise on their breasts, by Persian, Japanese, Syrian, Russ, indeed, by all the peo ple of the world. From New York, its starting point, the prayer has been sent around the world by the Inter-church World Movement of North America, a move ment to bring about Protestant co operation. By telegraph it has been sent to the great denominations of this country; by cable it has been sent to England and the East. Thus it has been dispatched to every mis sion center everywhere, and from every mission center it has gone -n again in the language of the coun try to every Protestant mission sta tion near and far. This prayer is the first ever to 13 sent around the world, the first ever to be translated into a thousand lan guages and spoken simultaneously in countless places. With one voics, though in many tongues, it calls fjr '-the elevatiop of justice and of brotherhood" and appeals for the hastening of that "Kingdom where justice, mercy and love shall rule the hearts and hands of men." To Mexico City and Montevideo. the prayer was cabled for South and Centr'Ql America; to Shanghai also, and from there it was relayed to Japan. the Philippines, Malaysia and Oceanica, to Lahore, India, for dis tribution through India and the sur rounding countries; to Recht, Per sia; and to Beirut, Syria, for the Levant. To Cairo for the northern stretches of Africa; to Bolobo for the darkest places,of the Congo; to DI)al ban for South Africa for the Zulu and the Bore. To Uppasala, Sweden, and Zurich, Switzerland, for all tas countries of Europe. From each of 1 these mission centers it was sent out ! to the out-station everywhere, and i : THE RED CROSS (By Mrs. J. C. Burns.) * Due to the Christmas celebrations * and many activities of that season. no report was made of the sale of # Red Cross Christmas Seals. T4le a campaign began one week later than | the date set for it, on account of the * supplies being delayed. However, . on Monday, Dec. 12, the Daughters , of Isabella, with Mrs. W. H. Kentzel ,as chairman, and her committee, be . gan the sale, and for one week the . King's Daughters, with Mrs. A. Alex , ius and committee, the Red Cross * with Miss Kate Eastman and com * mittee, the Eastern Star with IMrs. J. SB. Wortham and committee, -the M. i C. B. Library with Mrs. Rudolph * Schultz and committee, and School . Improvement League with Mrs. C. - H. Sheffield and committee, worked , hard to turn ih a generous sum. Tha « total amount turned in was $198.28. a few returns yet to be made, which will probably net us $200 in all, This amount fell far short of the quota given to Covington, but the public has been called on so many times. The campaign was a worthy one and the money spent to extermi nate the germ of tuberculosis is well spent. ----0---~ IBIJACKWELL NEW8. The long dry spell seemed to have been broken with a goodly number of our citizens, tho the downpour was not so copious as of yore. It has -been said of old that when a com munity failed to pay the preacher that it was generally dry. We have another thought, name ly: that wet stuff and preachers are very much like the H. C. of L., and sometimes the quality is not u. to the standard. All patrons and children of the Folsom Graded School regret that Prof. Leo Smiley has resigned as principal. His administration has been the most satisfactory so far of any teacher yet employed here. Mr. Smiley goes to Arkansas to accept a more lucratvie position. Teachers are one of the most useful set of peo ple in the land. We hope that they may be sufficiently compensated soon. Mr. W. H. Stafford, of Mariana, Fla., was visiting relatives here dur ing the yuletide. Mr. Stafford for some time has been connected with the Daffin Mercantile Company, in Florida. Mr. R. A. Fleming, of cabbage I fame, in these parts, has gone for a business and pleasure trip to his former home at Liberty, Miss, Mr. R. I. Erwin, of Poyner, Texas, after an absence of five years, is vis Iting here. Our worthy citizen, Mr. Alex. Blackwell, who has been feeble for some weeks, is now regaining his usual good health. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tiner are visit ing their former home at Pine Grove, La. ia Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blackwell, of Abita Springs, were home for Xmas. Mr. J. E. Blackwell and daughter, Miss Irma, made a business trip to g Spring Hill and Erankilnton this week: h The local class of I. B. 8. A. ex- tI peqt a visit early in 1920 from V. C. Rice, V, D. M., who will lecture oa. s Bible subjects of momentous inter- c eat to all 'people. , the missionaries received it in the language of the people of their dis tricts, and in every Protestant mis dion station, great or small, it was spoken at special Watch-Night ser vices on New Year's eve. And when the merrymakers wer-e thronging through the Boulevard dei Italiens, Paris, or streaming along the Strand, or pressing along th,; lighted sidewalks of Broadway, or trudging through the Bund in Shan ghai, waiting for the ringing of tae New Year in churches and in chap els, some of them made of -marble and some of them of mud. Christian people of the white race, and the ye low aree, and the black race, wwre hearing the prayer that weat areand the world, Te lrayrer fe gridance to replenish a devastated earth and stay the rest oft .ersle.ed geo ja. THE T.-P. COMES COMES OUT BOLDLY FOR WINNER Gives In Editorial Strong Reasons Why Parker Should be Elected. ALWAYS WORKED FOR CITY AND STATE Known Nationally And In Louisiana as a Worker for Public Good. During the campaign now drawing to an end, The Times-Picayune hay watched with close attention and growing concern the issues raised, the lines drawn, and the records re vealed. It has reached the deliberate and settled conclusion that the best in terest of New Orleans and of Louisi ana as a whole will be served by the nomination of John M. Parker as the Democratic candidate for Governor. And it urges upon those citizens of this commonwealth who wish to see in city and state an administration that !s forceful, fearless and efficient, that they bend their best efforts to make John M. Parker successful in the primaries on January 20. Louisiana needs above all else at ) this time, the quality of civic leader ship which can rise above the claims of faction, deal diligently and alertly with the crying business needs of is nearly all state activities, and devote n. itself to the public's interest without fear or favor. John M. Parker, by his record, by his utterances, by the le lines drawn and the facts proven, is 1n shown, The Times-Picayune believes. to be the candidate better qualified r' to furnish that leadership. 8 For a time that reaches beyond 51 the personal experience of the young er generation of voters, John M. e Parker has been a public figure, in Louisiana. He has been a public figure because, in season and out, he has been rendering public service and always a tthe call of some worthy element seeking the help of a strong man with a sound heart and a good head, willing to spend himself for his fellows. He is known in every parish, and he knows every parish. He has fought the battles of high water on the river front from Eng lish Turn to Lake Providence. He e has argued the cause of levees to the voters of the Louisiana hills and in Committee rooms of Congress. He helped organize the cotton 1 growers of the western parishes to help stem the advance ot the Ibol! weevil. He helped preach the cause of diversified farming and modern agriculture from the Mississippi line to the Sabine river. He worked with the rice growers of the South and the cane growers of the "sugar bowl" for intercostal canals, better drainage, better roads, fairer legislation. He has found room in a busy life to give his time without fees, with out recompense in place or title, for the public good, in greater measure, than any other living Louisianian. He has done this becaues he was John M. Parker, and because there dwelt within him that equality of sympathy for his fellowmen that is an index to the single-mindedness and the high devotion that will mark, we know, his career as governor. These years of free giving of time and energy, thought and action, have been years of learning and of growth. b There is not today in Louisiana an other man who is' better qualified to sense the sincerity in any plea for legislation, to find the truth in any problem of execution, that may co~e before the chief executive. He knows the city, as a business man, a taxpayer, a householder, a parent. He knows the cunntry as a is planter, a stock-raiser, a farmer, a campaigner for roads and schools r and better living conditions. He has tl worked with the poor and with the rich. He has ploughed as well as G planted, sown as well as reapeid. And men, by him, are judged on their worth as men, and not by what they have or what they were. He knows Louisians as no other Louisianian knows her. And he is known, in Louisiana and cut of Zoe:- tb isiana; better than any other citizen. at John M. Parker rings sound and in true to every test. His record of service, done is nis guarantee of service to be rendered. And fortunate will Louisiana be to have as governor for four years, withb the high opportunities of that office. the man who has served Louisiana se so generously, so intelligently, so courageously, so unselfishly, and so long, in private station. John M. Parker should be nomi nated. LOST-.Knife-bar pin with cluster of seven diamonds. Valuable to the ownor because engagement ring from deceased father to mother. Reward if returned to Mrs. H. H. Kentzel, Covington, La. THE BAI N TORE. The new gent's furnishing store of Felix Bachemin has been opened, al though shipments of stock have not been completed. Mr. Bachemin was formerly engaged in business in New Orleans and has had long years of experience. His store is large and es magnifieent show windows, which will be dressed in ap-to-date style as soon as Mr. Babhemin can settle down to the details ~o bail aerrý S;THE PROMINENT DEMOCRATS ENDORSE PARKER ig Names of Men Who Believe Him to Be the Right Man for Governor. MANHOOD, ABILITY E MAKE HIM STRONG .n Their Democracy Will Not Suffer By Comparison With Behrman. ig Can the Ring challenge the Do as mocracy of the following citizens of id Louisiana who are supporting John d, M. Parker in the coming Democrati, e- primary to be held on January O0, d 1920: Former Senator and Governor M. urphy J. Foster, who helped re e deem this state from the Louisiana SState Lottery.. Former Governor N. C. Blanch i ard, Ex-congressman, U. S. Senat.r and Justice of the Supreme Court. Former Governor J. Y. Banders and at present Congressman of the o Sixth District. Governor R. G. Pleasant, who has always been a Democrat. Former Congressman Lewis L. Morgan and J. W. Elder. s United States Judge G. W. Jack. L. E. Thomas, chairman Of the I Democratic State Central Committee. SHorace .Wilkinson and Theodord t Wilkinson, both the only living en chairmen of the Democratic State Central Committee. Harry P. "Gamble, former Assist. ant Attorney General. Ex-Congreesman Phanor Breas. zeale. John H. Overton, a Democratic candidate for the United States Sea ate in 1918. Former State Treasurer James K. Smit.h State Senators Delors R. Johnson, A. R. Johnson, E. M. Stafford, Leon. S. Haas, Albin Provosty, A. O. Boyer, T. L. Dowling, R. A. rariler, J. E. Doussan, Chas. E. Schwing, F. L. Guthrie, and Representatives Kent out Webster, Winn of Claiborne, Price of Lincoln, Carroll of Sabine, ..N.Ors 4 . DeSoto, Holloway of Union, B.iter of Red River, Powell of Beatregard, Stewart of Calcasieu, Love of Allea, Folkes of West Feliciana, - MoGehee of Tangipahoa, Dove of Evangeline, Mc~urdy of LaSalle, and many, assy others. Also such Democrats as W~etor J. 1 Burke, Amos L. Ponder, Harve. E. , Ellis, B. B. Purser, J. B. Roberts, 5. McC. Lawrason, R. B. _ ;utier, Percy Ogden, Jno. J. Robira, .7. J. Lewis, Rene Deronen, L. H. H. Moss, Rudolph Krause, J. A. Williams, P. G. Hudoan, S. B. Hicks, W. F. Tay*. lor, Jno. Jenkins, D. C. Scarborough :, J. E. Smitherman, S. D. Plnder, W.,-.1 IM. Liles, S. R. Lee, Dr. W. D. Hans,. Jno. A. Haas, C. H. Teal, J. W. Dua~L.=` can, Dr. J. M. Mosley, J. P. JHFarse.L . J. L. Ferguson, E. L. Kidd, A. L Allen, Judges J. B. Crow, Jao. I. Sandlin, Wm. Campbell, Charlese 1,. Wortham, E. Bandabary, E . 8. ardson, Henry E. Hardtner, J*~ Ellis, W. T. Holland, J. Q. Ado H. Morrison, Leon Locke, ead of thousands of the most loyal % patriotic Democrats in Loutlana.I Their Democracy certainly will 0rn suffer by comparison with Mayor Behrman, and the following retiate of Ward Boeses of New Orl. .ri · a . Robt. Ewing, Alex PuJol, Vie . .em. berret, Tom Anderson, Taylor .u.r. che, Thos. Connell, Paddy Greaa.s . Gee. Theole, J. A. Malloy, John?. Micheli H. G. Dupre, Arthur Ma- :w meyer and Joa. Humpries. We do not believe any De.mocrati in Louisiana would blush to east hB,,ic. vote like the long list first above.i. mentioned, all of whom are support ing Hon. John M. Parker in this easm paign, believing that he is free ofi ring influence and will best serve the State of Louislana for the Co.m ing four years, as her Democraeta Governor. BERVICES AT THE MEBTODIST There will be regular eaviees at. the Methodist Church SuBaday night at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to be present. The eaongr. gation will observe a Week of-P yFr er beginning Sunday night, with ser vices every night next week. The pastor is very anxious that all mem bers of the church will atteot theme services. --0--- STOOKHOID)ERB' MBEFTIING. There will be a meeting of the.n stockholders of the'Commercal Beak* & Trust Company, Covington, I;.. at their ofice on Tuesday, Janma: 13, 1920, between 2 and 4 p ip., .Sto: the purpose of electing a Boar'Om , Directors for the ensuing yea. R. A. McOORH e c, ja3-2t . The Covington Garage, 3. H-. .. P guson, manager, annaouncese t rival of the 1920 Studebtkerb $ mobile. These cas are Ute 0am ' famous Series 19 ears, arhell ' bar been sold for the paet two yaea its rut any important changes, '·e Ittion of Goodrich Cord Ti.sW'. lard Thread Rubber Storaig and auxiliary lights bringsthe right up to the miante. C~ sad demonstrations by A complete annouaeee pear ir. UEt week's be ;.