Newspaper Page Text
JOHN M.PARKER SPEAKS HERE SATURDAY, JAN. 1 THlE ST. TAIMAY PABMRMI On Sale Every Saturday at othe S tme. TY ou'! RUSTIC The St. Tammany Farmer $2 IDEAL PMARMACY, Madiasoa vile. Five dts Per Copy. Oa t mofe tia th -uwe e becr.b. BMep boELtb eo. R. D. IH. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920. VOL. 46 No. 8 A BOND ISSUE IS DISCUSSED AT MEETING OF COUNCIL Committee Appointed to Ihi vestigate and Report at Public Meeting. WATER WORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM Other Matters Disct.ssed By Citizens and the Council. At the meeting of the town council Tuesday evening an important mat ter discussed was the providing of funds for running the town affaias. High cost of supplies and decreased revenues through the discontinuance of liquor licenses, secured obligations and open accounts all make it im perative that something should be done. A resolution from the Asso ciation of Commerce recommended a bond issue for public improvements. and maintenance, a matter that has 'been under consideration by the Fi nance Committee but that has not reached concrete form, 'brought the matter up for consideration. Mr. E. G. Davis was present and joined mn the discussion. It was finally decid ed that the matter should be brought before the people at a public meet ing, and that in the meantime a com mittee composed of two bankers, two I lawyers and two business men shod ~Id be appointed to advise and to formu- t late plans to be submitted at that I meeting and generally discussed. The committee will report within one t month. Waterworks and sewerage a will probably 'be entertained as a part ' of the program. 1 The said committee is E. 0. Davis, 1 W. E. Morriss, T. M. Burns, F. J. Heintz, A. J. Planche and Lawernce ii M. Bourgeois. The question of the disposal of C garbage is another matter that was is taken up an informally discussed. s The town has not enough teams t: handle the situation and( the present system is expensive and not practical in its working. Garbage stands tur some time 'before teams can haul it 0 away, and sometimes the trash is L placed out af:er the team has just a passed. Citizens also claim that t labor can not be had to clean up e premises and cut away weeds. There ti was no solution of the problem. It will be looked into further. t. A re.;olution from the Association 7 of Commerce calling for a Clean-U p a Day was also discussed and Mayor u Badon will issue a proclamation and the women of Covington will be call- b ed upon to assist in making the day e: a success. Dr. Stevenson presented sever.l propositions to the council, amon; them being the purchase of the trast now being dumped in unsightly heaps. He also asked the appoint ment of Dr. Bulloch as a member of the Health Board, and suggested tha. a license be required of wood deal ers in Covington. He saii he would be willing to pay such a license him self. He also said that traveling shows should be made to clean up their refuse and leave the premises clean. Dr. Stevenson also said he would buy tile lumber of the old pavilion now stacked in 'Bogue Falaya Park for $10 per thousand and that he would build two small pavilions in the park and use the oalance of the lunmber himself. The matter was r. ferred to the Park Commission. Mr. Schonberg asked that the re port of Lights out be published in The Farmer, as many people were not cognizant of the fact that such a re port is required by the counpil. It was stated at the meeting that it might be advisable, according to a recommendation of the government inspector, to move the present wharf further down the river to avoid the filling in of sand that is constantly taking place. During the discussioa it was brought out that this might not be a good move. There was an appropriation for dredging and the money should be used for this pur pose. The new auto licenses for the town will be small and green enameled. ---0--- LIST OF DEAD LETTERS. Follo'wing is the list of dead let ters remaining in the Covington post ofice: Mrs. J. C. Carby, Emory Connell, Mr. Daniels, Mrs. O. E. Denoh, Ella Dugas, Lea Jenkins, Mrs. M Kahn, Paul Levy, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lesser, Luke Mixon, J M McCann, Mrs. E. G. Madere, E. L. Nevelh, Charles Parrish, Ruth Plowman, Miss Anner Pins, D. J. Storey, .Mrs. Sch!eber, Dr. D. Sanderson, Mrs. Jennie Williams, Miss Clara Addle Williams. JACOB SELLER, Postmaster. ---0--- SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. Un3 5 RING CHARGED RESPONSIBILITY STATE BOARD OF AFFAIRS - Another Canard Is Nailed and Turned Into a Boomerrang. A CHILD OF THE CITY RING r Constitutional Amendment Defeated in the Country Carried by City Vote. Stubbs supporters are charging that higher taxes are being assessed by the State Board of Affairs and that Mr. Parker is responsible. Re member that the State Board of Af fairs is a child of the City Ring. As a Constitutional Amendment it was - voted down by the country, but the v city gave the Amendment a large majority and put it into effect. Mr. Parker is against the Board of Affairs having power to raise taxes. ---a----- A WONDERFUL GROWTH. The Commercial Bank & Trust Company came into existence on the fourth day of October, 1918, with E. J. Domergue as president and W. E. Morriss as active vice-president. The deposits were $178,803.71. Janu- s ary 10, 1919, a dividend of 2 per f, cent was declared and one-half of n one per cent was carried to the sur. C plus. Two other dividends of 4 per cent were made in 1913, each time ; per cent being added to the suiplu., the earnings of the year being over re 12 per cent. A In the meantime the business of a the bank increased rapidly, state ments December 31, 1918. showing iI deposits of $245,322.73; June 30. a; 1919, $272,982.03; December 31, 8s 1919, $40i,876.74. With a capital of $50,000.00, an increasing surplus of $6,000.00, ana P with business rapidly increasing, the 31 Commercial Bank & Trust Company is headed for a career of remarkable success. T THE FIRE DE.PARTMENIT. 1 The Fire Department is in receipt of a check for $20 from Mr. Felix Limongi, and while he did not want any mention made, we want to hold this up as an example worthy of emulation. We also have a doaa tion from Mr. M. Labat. The department will have a get together smoker January 17th, a: 7:30 p. in., for its members, The arrangement committee is working up a good program. Some of the "old heads" of the department will be called on to relate some of their experiences occurring when the or ganization was launched many years ago. Plans will be discussed for further securing the safety and pro tection from the monster of fire for our people. There are about fifty active ment bers, at $1.50 per quarter, and as many honorary members at $5 per year. We are ready for checks from all members now for the first quarter of 1920, or for the whole year. New members will be welcomed from men of good standing and by the payment of $1 application fee. KARL TREEN, Secretary. REV. EPURGEON WINGO RE SIGNS PASTORATE. For Five Years Pastor of the Slidell Bapptist Church. -1. Because of his accepance eof Fiell Man and Enlistment *ork, in the territory east of the Mississippi river in Louisiana, Rev. Spurgeon Winpg has resigned the pastorate of th3 Slidell Baptist Church, after five years service with them, After acceptance of his resignation the following reoslutions were adopt ed, to-wit: Whereas, our brother, Rev. Spur geon Wingo has resigned pastoral relations with this Slidell Baptist Church congregation, effective on February 1, 1920,'and, Whereas, his work has, at all I times, .been in keeping with scrip tural authority, looking to the ad vancement of the cause of the Mai ter, and, Whereas, relations 'on his part, within the membership of the com- I munity, have been replete with kind- I ly spirit, loyalty and brotherl love; II to many a comforter, counselor and I friend, I Therefore be it resolved, That this I Church, while regretting severance of pastoral relations with, Brother Wingo, feels that he has been called - to a greater and larger field of Chris tian usefulness, therefore be it fur ther Resolved, That we slialj 't'ember c with gratitude his pastorSelland ou: t very pleasant essociafns for five c years in his work a lociallife n Be it further resolved,'ThIt these ! resolutions be made a part of this E day's conference, and- that iecopy ef t same, be given to Botf...nago, c and a copy also to bdgg* g e St.,C Tammeay Farmer for publ1iction. SUND THE WOR1LD WITH AMERICAN ED QCOSS. In Italy. Arr_ ing at one of the most critical stages of the war, when the Teutons were forcing the Italian army back' to the Piave, the American Red Cross rushed emergency relief from Paris and revived the drooping spirits of the whole country. In addition to furnishing rations and comforts and medical attention to the fighting men, the American Red Cross instituted 42 soup kitchens, 36 children's hospitals, 10 children's dispensaries, 14 artificial limb factories, five homes for refugee children, 10 rest stations for refugees. This photograph shows a group of Italian refugee children being fed by the American Red Cross at one of the numerous relief stations. TOWN COUNCIL PRO. CEEDINGS OF DEC. 6 Covington, La., Jan. 6, 1920. The town council met in regular session on the above date with the r following present: Robt. W.,Badon. f mayor, C. H. Sheffield, H. A. Mackie, C. E. Schonberg, A. R. Smith, Emile Frederick. Absent: M. P. Planche3. The minutes of December 4 were r read and approved on metion of H. A. Mackie, seconded by A. R. SmitL, f and carried. The minutes of the special meet ing of December 10 were read and approved on motion of A. R. Smith, seconded by C. E. Schonberg, and carried. 1 The treasurer submitted his re T ports for the quarters ending Sept 30th and Dec. 31, 1919, as follows: Report for quarter ending Sept. 30. Covington, La., Sept. 30, 1919. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun cil of Covington, La. I herewith submit iny report for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 1919; Receipts: To am't. in Covington Bk. & T. Co., June 30 157.14 Deposited July 3 ..... 428.00 e Deposited July 19 .... , 321,25 Deposited July 28 .., 208.11 Deposited August 4 .. 626.25 Deposited August 9 .. 262.6.: Deposited August 26 ,. 119.V0 Deposited Sept. 8 .... 83.3C Deposited Sept. 13 ... 262.30 Deposited Sept. 20 ... 199.49 Deposited Sept. 22 ... 92.40 Deposited Sept. 27 . . . 241.56 $3002.16 Disbursements: Warrants paid from July 1st to Sept. 30, 1919 2735.48 Bal. in bank Sept. 30.. 266.63 $3002.16. Report for quarter ending Dec. 31: To the Honorable Mayvr and Coux' cil of Town of Covington, La. I herewith submit my report for the quarter ending Dee. 31, 1919: Receipts: Am't. in Cov. Bk. Sept.R 9Cov.Bt Am't. in Covington Bx. & Trust Co., Sept. 30 266.C8 Deposited October 11.. 233.86 Deposited October 14.. 39.50 Deposited October 20.. 623.95 Deposited October 25:. 160.43 Deposited Nov. 8 ..... 705.86 Deposited Nov. 28 .... 162.40 Deposited Dec. 6 ... . 495.71 Deposited Dec. 13 . .. 130.69 Deposited Dec. 23 .... 440.37 $3428.3( Disbursements: Warrants paid from Sep. 30th. to Dec. 31 ... 3370.19 Bal. in bank Dec. 31... 58.11 $3428 iC Respectfully, V. Z. YOUNG, Treasurer. The secretary submitted his report for the month of December, as fol lows: 'Receipts ............. 1144.20 On Hand Nov. 30 .... 39.5 1 1$1183.74 1 Disbursements: Deposited Dec. 5 ..... 414.92 4 Deposited Dec. 6 ..... 80.79 Deposited Dec. 13 .... 130.69 Deposited Dec. 20 .... 270.09 1 Deposited Dec. 23 .... 170.28k Deposited Dec. 31 .... 85.52 1 - i $1152.29 On hand Dec. 31 ..... 31.20 $1183.49 1 On motion of H. A. Mackie, sec onded by A. R. Smith, and carried, ( the reports of the treasarer were r,- a ceived and and referred to the Fi- a nance Committee. -z On motion of A. R. Smith, second ed by C. H. Sheffield, and tarred, I the report of the secretary was re ceived and referred to the Finance Committee. fThe secretary 'as instructed to write for samples and prices on auto license plates foi the year 1920. It was moved by H. A. Mackie, seconded by A. RR, Smith, and carrhid, that the council advertise for sea.eI bids for the old lumbar at the Bogue Falaya Park. Bids to be submitted at the next regular meeting, Febru ary 3, 1920. It was moved by H. A. Mackie se^ onded by C. H. Sheffield, and carried, that a committee of six citizeps be appointed by the Mayor to co-for with the council for the purpose of considering the feasibility of a bond issue for the purpose of liquidating the town's indebtedness and maKing necessary improvements. Said com mittee to report. at the next regu!ar meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 3, 192. The Mayor appointed the follow ing gentlemen to serve: E. G. Dam s, W. E. Morriss, L. M. Bourgeois, A. .1. Planche, F. J. Heintz, T. M. Burns. Dr. W. L. Stevenson appeared be fore the council and spoke upon mat ters for the consideration of the council . The secretary was instructed t,, write Mr. B. D. Talley in reference to refund of Jitney License, that re funds could not be considered in the cases in question. There being no further businyss, 1 the council adjourned, ROBT. W. -BADON, Mayor. L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. JOSEPH GUYDE GRIMMER. Died, in Covington. La., on Thurs- I day, January 8, 1920, st 6 o'clock a. m., Dr. Joseph Guyde Grimmer, aged 25 years, 11 months. A native ofi Grand Ooteau, La., and a resident )f Covington for the past fifteen years. 1 The funeral took place from thy residence of E. M. LeBlanc and St. Peter's Catholic Church, Rev. Father E John -Burger officiating. Interment. in the Covington Cemetery Dr. Grimmer was a promising young dentist and numbered his friends by the score. He is surviv ed by his wife, father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Grimmer, one sister. Mrs. Maggie Young, and one ibrothe, t Mr. Richard Grimmer. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad loss. SHERIFF'S SALE. I Covington Bank & Trust Company v vs. J ,T. Davis. s No. 3188. t n Pursuant to an order of executory ii process in the above entitled suit, to t me directed, I will offer for sale, be :ween legal sale hours, at the court- li hrouse in Covington, La., St. Tam- e many parish, on Saturday, Feb. 14, 1920, h he following described property, to wit: o 1. A certain lot of ground, to- fb ,ether with all the buildings and im- l1 >rovements thereon situated, in tne Si [own of Mandeville, Parish of St. 'ammany, La., and more fully de icribed as Lot No. 11 of Square No. leven. 2. A certain lot( of ground, with ll the improvements thereon situat- ci id in the Town of Mandeville, Par- 01 sh of St. Tammany, La., designated m is per plan of said town by W. II. fc :obb, 'U. S. Deputy Surveyor, In II .834, as Lot No. 14 of Square Nc. vi .2. Said lot having a front of St re eet on Gerard street, by a depth of of 90 feet, between parallel lines, and p, ront on Madison street, and form- ti ng the corner of Gerard and Madi- tc on street.s o0 3. Two lots of ground, in Square i lo. 12 of the Town of Mandeville. A eing a subdipision of Lots A. 15, g, .nd having a front of 50. feet on p lerard street, American measure, by depth of 190 feet, French measure, cE .nd bounded as follows: On tho a lorth by lands of J. T. Davis, easr be y lands of \Mary Pitzetta, soeuth by E and of Ernest Prieto, and on taro la rest by Gerard street. = Terms of Sale-C.a. I T. E. BRIWSThR, s ls1O-6t Sherit. al PAINT FACTORI FOR COVINGTOP RECOMMENDED BY COMMITTEE Factory Now In Operatioi at Ardmore Said Doing Good Business. COMMITTEE ADVISES DONATION OF SITI Covington Near Market foi Supplies and Manufac tured Product. The committee appointed to in. vestigate the matter of establish! , the Jno. F. Nolan Paint Company i1 Covington held a meeting Thuridaý afternoon. There were present E G Davis, W. E. Morriss, W. H. Kentze: and D. H. Mason. Mr. M. L. Hiii chee, representing the compaf.y, wa: also in attendance. The committee will also recom mend to the Association of Com merce 'the providing of a site for the company, if possible, and to encour age the establishment of the plant. The company is now doing businesv at Ardmore and expects to largely in crease its output when established here, which is nearer to market 3f supplies as well as the market for manufactured goods. Mr. Auburtin, of the N. O. G. N., has promised a very liberal freigant rate for carload lots. Dr. H. D. B-ulloch has taken charge of his newly purchased drug store (formerly owned by J. L. Watkins) The advertisement of this drug store will be found on another page. ---0--- 3Mr. Fuhrmann announces that the Parkview Theatre will shortly have installed a Wurlitzer Player that will play all the popular airs in stylo equal to the prominent bands of the country. This ts a feature that will be appreciated. POLICE JURY. There will be a regular meeting of the Police Jury on Tuesday, January 13, 1920. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. WHO WILL BE NEXT? ('By Karl Treer) The first member of the Coving ton Association of Commerce to send in a check for his entire 1920 dues was Dr. W. J. Durel. He did this i week in advance of the New Year. WVho's next? There are 115 members on roll. Practically all are paid up for 19-19. Several new members have been add %d lately. Start 1920 right, by pooling your itrength with that of the only or ;anization devoted to the up'build ng of the community, and thereby ielp to do big things which only ;roups of men devoted to one :pur ose can do. It costs $12 a year to e a member. - Most commercial or ;anizations have dues of $25 per rear, or more. Sixteen of our mem )ers are paying $25 or $50 per year. n addition many of the $12, 25 and 150 members have contributed toc some special fund. Mr. E. J. Da nergue subscribed $65 to the Good toads Bureau, and Poitevent & 'avre Lbr. Co. donated $200 to vards remodeling the sweet potato torage house now in operation. It cannot but be convincing, even o the most pessimistic, that by har tessing a community's man-power nto a singel driving force, directed hrough unselfish central organiza ion for a common cause, a com sunity's accomplishments need be imited only to the degree of that ommunity's desires and ambitions. Just as the rays from the light ouse assist vessels safely into port n dark and stormy nights, so should be desires and efforts and aims cf ur Association of Commerce be ecused as to assist all movements Ldened with community interest t, ate berths. -0--- POU.l/JrRY BREEDERS ELECT OPFICERS. The St. Tammany Poultry Asso lation was organized at the officml Sthe Covington Association of Com lerce on New Year's Day, with ths )llowing officers duly elected: C. [. Brown, chairman; H. A. Kohnke, ice-chairman; W. C. Morel, Jr., sec stary-treasuier. These officers will rmpose the Executive Committee, ending the action of the constitu on and by-laws committee who are Sreport at the next call meeting Sthe Association. The chaibiqaz 4 amed for this latter committee II.l - Kohnke, W. C. Morol, R. H. Per- I neon, H. P. Roy, K. Treen, L. F. I echon, C. M. Brown, ex-oficio. Many applications have been re ived for membership. Any oneI ay Join and derive the bene8fits tco Ssecilred. by this organizatio.. very g!owe-epoualtry should be ng to it. It is a'operative plan ir mutual beneflt. A one desir S 4nfaornmtion or mcanpip e k md their name to Mr. MoreI or ;r Treonn r MACHINE-MADE CONSTITUTION i TO CONTROL COMMONWEAL WOULD FOLLOW RING VICTORY Sanders Declares, as An Expert, That He Never Kne'w City Machine to Show Present Temerity of Mayor's · Bold, Plain, Effort to Name Governor of Louisiana. ICONGRESSMANJ1 Y, SANDERS r ANSWER THE QUESTIONS PUT BY THE CENSUS TAKER. When the census man calls at your door and asks for information give him -what he should have. If you will do this you will save him an ex tra trip to see you for you will have to answer all his questions. It is expected that Covington will reach the 5,000 mark this time. SHERIFF'S SALE. Succession of Daniel and Celestine Talley Grantham. No. 104. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. :Pursuant to an order of the 26th Judicial District Court of St. Tatu many Parish, La., dated December 11, 1919, I will proceed to sell at public sale, between legal sale hours, on - Saturday, Feb. 14, 1920, the following described property, to py. debts, to-wit: Certain piece or parcel of land de scribed as Headlight No 46, and the Jonathan Gilmore Headright No. 47, both in tp 5 south, range 13 east, bounded as follows: Beginnig a: the northwest corner of the Jona than Gilmore Headright No. 47, thence south 14 1-2 degrees weit 3.22 chains, thence west 5.30 chains, thence north 11 chains, thence east 21.30 chains; thence north 10.20 chains, thence south 58 1-2 degrees east 10 chains, thence north 71 de grees east 2.60 chains, thence south 61 1-4 degrees east 6 chains, thence north 61 1-4 degrees east 6.40 chains thence south 41 1-2 degrees east 550 chains, thence south 84 degrees east 7 chains, thence south 71 degrees east 2.60 chains, thence 66 degre,'s east 6.60 chains, thence scuth 76 1 2 degrees east 3.50 chains, thence east 3.60 chains, thence north 63 3-1 degrees east 6.50 chains, thenca north 80 degrees east 3 chaiaa, thence south 60 degrees east 2 chains thence south 25 1-4 degrees west 3 chains, thence south 36 3-4 degrees west 5 chains, thence south 9 3-4 de grees west 7 chains, thence south 22 3-4 degrees west 4 chains, thence south 4 3-4 degrees east '2.57 chains to north line of Jonathan Gilmore Headright No. 47, thence south 8 de grees west 18.66 chains thence north 78 1-2 degrees west 15.83 chaihs, thence north 8 degrees east 17.6t chains, thence north 78 1-2 degrees east, 67.60 chains, to the place of beginning. Lees ... acres previously sold to James Grantham. Terms of Sale-Gash. T. E. BREWSTER, jo10-6t Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Stanley A .Harvey vs. Louis Gazano. No. 3131. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Coutr, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given tnat by vir tue of a writ of fleri faciss, bearing date the 29th day of December, 1919. and to me directed, I have seized and will offer for sale at the eourc house in Covington, St. Tammany pariash, La., between legal sale hours on Saturday Jmanuary S24, 1920, the following described property, to wit: 33 barrels of flour. 1 drum of cooking oil. 1 Ford truck. Terms of Sale-Cash, with 'beneft T. U. BREWSTER, _10-3t Sherif. (From N O. Item) Congressman Jarel Y. Sanders, former governor of .ouis!ana, in A shattering, withering attack Satur day night at the Athenaeum (New Orleans) on the ring he knows so well, stripped the gilt off that shin ing ornament and showed the cheap alloy beneath. In clear and logical terms, Con gressman Sanders told the crowd in the big auditorium how a victory for Subtbe would mean a state constitu tion remade to the special measure ments of ,Martin Behrman. He point ed that an honest Stubbs meant patronage for ring and boss control throughout the state. "Is Behrman 25,000 times the man :.(I you are?" was the direct question hurled at every man in the audience at the Athenaeum. "That is the only issue,"' declared Mr. Sanders, who declared a moment later that in his long and intimate sequaiSt anceship with the City Machine he had never known it to show the pree ent temerity of Mayor Behrman's bold effort to name the governor of Louisiana. Anxicua to hear the man while fame as an orator has spread e.i the United States, the crowd began. r filtering into the Athena4iam at 7 p. m., an hour before Congressman Stm-+ .'i"i ders was scheduled to speak. Thirty minutes later auditors by the ecores crowded through front and rear ~s trances to the big auditorium. The hall was more than two-thirds full half an hour before the speech be gun. BAC I OOHING BACK. The " Parish Progressive Lesgan has raised the money to secure a high-priced farm demonstrator, and It is understood that Mr. 'clix Baebe min has been asked to accept tei. a wonde.rPful record in the work Tg has done in Webster parish, and he made good when he was here. He would be a good man for the plp . if we can get him. THE GRAPIO0 BOTTLING WIa' The Grapico Bottling Of~lpany .c . installed a nicely equipped and can)l tary plant and is placing some e. cellent goods on the market. Pr*- - ably Grapico will become one of t& favorite drinks of Covington, this summer. As its name ind!cates, t, grape enters into its composition si. it is a delightful drink. Mr. FubP mann says it is a prohibition winns.~. BORN. / To Mrs. H. K. Goodwyn (nee Ann. Frederick) on Friday, Jan. 9, 19t2, at 2:10 a. m., a boy. COL. 8rTUBB~ TO SPEAM HERmS, Circulars have been distributed a..-" nouncing that Col. Stubbs will speak, in Covington, Saturday (to-night). and at Slidell Sunday. Speaking here will be at the Parkview Theatre. FROM SANTIAGO TO ABITA Byl A flivver trip that was quite stre(ra uous was made by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. McDougall, Winn McDougall and Miss Georgia McDougall. The -tra- = elers starter from Portland, Oregon, 48,000 miles being made, including two months travel in California, The trip from Santiago to New Or leans registered 2320 miles. Durinig their stay in New Orleans the tray` elers were guests of the Chambers family, and while in Abita Springs they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L M. Chambers. An average of 1 , JA miles a day was made during the trip. Altogether the outing h.a been much enjoyed. The road"% were said to be very good, only see eral halts being made for pull-ourW The roads in Loualsiana were fuond ' to be as good as any. Mr. V. Davis, chief engineer aboar4t ship, will shortly be in Covington. and will spend a'while here with his tamily at the Central Hotel. Mr. Davis ais always traveling and cones in contact with all kinds of board ing accommodations, but he always enjoys his stay at the Central. It is comfortable and like home to him. PUB~IO NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all parties are hereby forbidden to hent or otherwise trespass on my land mt the southwest and southeast quartere of section 15, township 6, range 1;,1 at Waldhelm, 'under penalty of pros-. ecution under the laws of the state. + mar31-20* F. HEMPEL. BITO(EHOIERI' MEETING. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Commercial Bank & Trust Company, Covington, La.,:, at their ocfile on Tuesday, .Ju4niar 13, 1920, between 2 and 4 p. m., L, - the purpose of electing a BoLtrd o$ Direetors for tlp esatag yeae a . - .l McCORiMACK.