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DOCTOR (RAS. E. VERDIER Surgeon in Charge Jahncke Shipbuilding Corporation, announces that in his private prac-e tice he will pay especial attention to the Surgery and Disease of the Genito-Urinary Organs. Office hours, 4 to 5 p. in., daily ex cept Sunday. Sunday, by appoint ment only. Telephone, Madisonvile No. 60. MRS. H. M. IMMBR Graduate Midwle 26th Ave., between Jackqso and Monroe Streets Covington, lI. MRS. J. BERNR Registered Nurse Residenme on Military Head Phone 877. Ms8 R. J. LITTLE, 3, N. OGraduate New Orleans SaaattarmL. 'Phone A SUlidell, la. MRS. J. lBnRano Mandewille. *. Practcal Nurse--Massage Treatmema Will answer cela to ear place. -HEZZIE D. BULLaOCH Physician nd Surgeon Offee: Losted at the Corner Drug Store. Bes.eence: .oor. 14ookwood and I'ioreda Phone om. OOVINGTgON,, ILAUIBINA L O. ItLgNr Z, [ . D. Hours: Ce.vigtea-lI:SO o o:3S p. m. Phone mas. BIDNEY W. PROVENSAL Attorney At law Notary Public BANK BLDG., SLIDELL, IA. L. V. COOLEY, JR. Attorney At Law Notary Public POLK ILD.,, S I4p)l4, IA. J. MONROE SIMMONS Attorney At Lew Notary Public Southern Hotel Building COVINGTON, LA. A. J. -I*NIIBY Attorney At law Notary Pablic. Office: Boston Street, opposite the Courthouse. COVINGTON, LA. LEWIS L. MORGAN Attorney At Law Zew S.rkem Metel Baslding Uovlngton, Lonulsiana. MILLU £ BURdMB Attorneys and Counaaselonrs at law Cortngton Bank Bauldag Oovington, . .I ea ARTHUR L. EAR Atterney aed C~oselr at Law Oovngton Ba-k BuldlgI Oovlngtou, • . a• mslaa TROMAdS M. flrUW )Ues In (Doviugon asuE * Wrast Compear Bulig. Attormey at Law ad Noaary rutls . O. Bowx I3 as (laSgoa. Ia .IL. U ·B It UB D.atlst. MIre in flo.Inrta Bank Bulidlng Hour, from a. n. o 4 p. l. J. P. R8L.UOI. M. D. Resideace No 111n lId Avelau Two blocks from public school buld. log Hours 13 to 4. Phone 84 stO B. B. WAIJRIt m rel 'hp eician aed Sargeo of Covington. La. R Offc.: 319 Columbia street. $2 Omcs Phone 66. Residence Phone IS m DR. u. GRIMUeR aour- * a m to 6 o. a Phone 313 Souther. Hotel Buildlng. PA RIR.NI UURVO.V R ai foi vIUangneer by the SletlS. S ·elgngs vi V..:1 Fine Metals Have Given Maxwell its Rank THE very substance of which a car is made I denotes its quality; and the use of fine and . strong metals in the Maxwell has won it *many, many friends. It was necessary to make the Maxwell chassis of the very best materials. For its great mission was to transport--in an extremely economical way- as great a passenger load over the same road and at the same speed as the larger and heaviercars. Thus it was obvious that the Maxwell had to be light. And to make it light the quality metals were used. Metallurgists, the men who have made tne study of metals a science, say that it compares favorably pound for pound with the highest priced cars the world has produced. But you need not be a metallurgist to discover this "inner goodness" in a Maxwell. Three months will tell; six months will tell you more. Otherwise Maxwell in five short years would never have grown from a production of 5,000 a year to 100,000 a year. 300,000 Maxwells on the highways of the world today answer most any question you can ask about this great car. Price, $985 f. o. b. Detroit. F. G. C. AUTO SHOP Covington, La. i1 . in your homes at lht? Yes, Edl son's bottled sunshine. Ele t r e light is by far the oeleost.and past, and in case that YQWr home is tpo' S.\\1 , equipped coae to us.madlet us con vince you of the .sall cost,and Its superiority over all the other old fashioned llghting methods. -St. Tammany Ice. and Manufacturing ,Company, LIMITED. Southern Indus trialle Insurance & Burial Association, Inc. HOME OFFICE, COLUMBIA AND BOSTON STS., COVINGTON, LOUISIANA. a. mas lMea. Wemem ad s ildre against lres by s-lsems, seeh.est sad death. All Uhder Oe Poliy 1Oe and 15e Premiums J. A. *A&NGA, Pres. ERNEST PRIETO, Vice-Pres. . J. LIOTT TANGA, Secretary and 1sarme. PREPAREDNFSS. I This is the slogan of the wise man. i Stock are- continuously exposed t:) cuts, wounds, scratches, etc. The man who is prepared has his healing remedy on hand to stop all chances of blood poison. Farris' Healing Remedy is Highly Antiseptic. It is economical. One 50c moottle makes $2.00 worth of a healing oil or oint ment. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. St. Tammany Hay & Grain Waarehouse and D. I. Addison, Covington; Wells, Johnson & Alford, Madisonville. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF TAX DEED. To M. Malcom: You will please take notice that on June 22, '918, there was adjudi .ated to me for delinquent taxes for the year 1917, at the tax sale by T. E. Brewster, tax collector for the Parish of St. Tammany, La., to wit: 4 3-4 aeres in west half of lot 12, Pine Crest sudivision in the Sev enth Ward, St. Tammany Parish, La. Notice is hereby given that I have had said deed recorded in Convey ance Book 76, page 416, of the of flicial records of St. Tammany par ish, La. ja3-3t* JAMES G. CHAIGNAUD. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF TAX DEED. To C. F. J. Weber: You will please take notice that on June 22, 1918, there was adjudi cated to me for delinquent taxes for the year 1917, at tax sale by T. E Brewster, tax collector for the Par ish of St. Tammany, La., to-wit: 9 1-2 acres comprising lot 4 Pine Crest subdivision in the Seventh Ward, St. Tammany Parish, La. Notice is hereby given that I have had the said deed recorded in Con veyance Book 76, page 416, of the official records of St. Tammany pa: ish, La. ja3-3t* JAMES G. CHAIGNAUD. Amendment. to. Charter of .the ST. 'I~A IANY PAplSH FAIR A.S SOCIATION, INC. United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany. Be it known, that on this 29th, day of December, A. D., 1919, before me, Karl J. Kohnke, a Notary Public within and for the Parish of St. Tam many, State of.Louisiana, and in the presence of the undersigned witnes3 es, personally came and appeared J. H. Warner and N. H. FitzSimona, residents of said parish, to me per sonally known, who declared that the said J. H. Warner was chairman and the said N. H. FitzSimons was the secretary. of a meeting of the stockholders of the St. Tammany Parish Fair Association, Inc., in Cov ington, Louisiana, on the 15th day of August, A. D., 1917, and that all of the stockholders of said corpora tion were present at said meeting, in person or by written proxy. And said appearers declared that at such meeting of the stockholders a resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the stockhold era that Article IV of the articles of Incorporation of said corporation should be amended, and said Article IV was duly.amended so as to real as follows: ARTICLE IV. The corporate powers of this cor poration shall be vested in and ex ercised by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of twenty-five stockholders, five of whom shall cosn stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Said Directors shall be elected annually from among th3 stockholders on the second Tuesday in January of each year, commenc ing on the second Tuesday in Janu ary, 1920. Notice of such election shall be given by written notice properly ad dressed to each stockholder at least fifteen (15) days before such meet ing. At said election, and at all other meetings of the stockholders, the voting shall be by ballot, and each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote by the owner in person, ,r by written proxy. Within one week of their election, as above provided for, the Board of Directors shall elect from among their number a president. a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a general manager, provided that one person may hold the offices of both secretary and general manager and all of said officers and directors shall hold their respective offices for a period of one year from the date of their election, or until their suc cessors are elected. But the failure to -hold an election, or to elect the At Is Oft Tines the Uexpected Thatt Happens When Unprepared The Emergency FFrequently Materialize We are not Alarmists ONLY speakers of the Truth! Do naot let the fire alarmson 'Wihout a Fire lnsur, ance ip Your anods! IYLSON MICK CO. LTD., Covington La. offlicers as .above provided for, shall not result in a dissolution of this corporation, but the then Board cf Directors and Qfficers shall hold their offices until their successors are duty elected. Any vacancies occurring in said Board of Directors shall 'be filled by the remaining members of the board, for the unexpired term, at a meeting called for that purpose, after five (5) days notice in writing, sent by mail to said directors at their last known residence. The said Board of Directors shadl have the power to make all by-law3, rules and regulations for the proper management and conduct of the af fairs of this corporation, and to change, alter, abolish and amend same at pleasure, and :hall have and exercise all the powers conferred by law on this corporation, and as set forth generally above. The said Board of Directors may also delegate any of said powers in the transaction of the business of this corporation, to committees cf their own body, or to the c<ficers and agents of this corporation. And that these appearers were au thorized and instructed by said stock holders' meeting to execute the prop er notarial act amending the charter of said corporation in accordance with the said vote of said stock holders. And said appearers thereupon de clared that the articles of incorpora tion of said St. Tammany Parish Fair Association, Inc., have been duly anl legally amended 'by the vote of the stockholders of said corporation, And they make this declaration and ex ecute this notarial act in accordan' therewith. Thus done and signed at my officB in Covington, La., in the presence At Guy A. Smith and Holger G. Kohnks, who sign the same with said appear ers, and me, Notary, after the read ing of the whole. (Original signed) J. H. WARNER, Chairman N. H. FITZSIMONS, Secretary. Witnesses' GUY A SMITH. HOLGER G. KOHNKE, KARL J. KOHNKE, Notary Public. .A true copy of the original. KARL J, KOHNKE, Notary Public. I hereby certify that the original amendment to the charter of the St. Tammany Parish Fair Association, Inc., of which. the foregoing is a true and correct copy, was, on December 31, 1919, truly recorded in Charter Book No. 1, page 231, of the official records of St. Tammany parish, La. GUY A. SMITH, Dy. Clerk of Court and E-Officio Recorder for St. Tammany Par ish, Louisiana. Ja3-6t NEGLECTINS THAT CO10 OR -OUOH? Wir, when Dr. nKim 's New D overy soproupptly TL natural you don't waht to be -careless and let that old cold or cough drag. on or, that new attack deyveop seriously. Not when you can get such a proved successful remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery. Cold, cough, grippe, croup does not resist this standard reliever very long. Its quality is as high today as it al ways has been--and it's been growing steadily in popularity for more than fifty years. 60e. and $1.20 a bottle at all druggists. Give It a trial Tardy Bowels, Inert' Liver They just won't let you put "pep" into your work or play. Sick head ache comes from retaining waste mat tew and impuriles In the body. 'eel right for anything-make the I liver lively, the bowels function regua larly, with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Smoothly yet positively they produce results that cleanse the system and make- the liver and bowels respond to the demands of a strong, healthy body. Still 25c.--et all d~rggies. Try them tenight, ar(JKHOO O DS'MW1BVETING. 'There will be a meeting of the stoekholders of the Covington Bank & Trust ConmPny, Co'saton, La., Li at their office on Tuesday. January s 13, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. im., for the f purpose of electing a Board of Di r rectors for the ensuing year. E. G DAVIS, S d27-3t President. KNOCIS OUT PA THE FIRST ROUND - 1 Comforting relief from .pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment h 'his famous reliever of shettlua I aches, sorenes, stiffness, painful r sprains, neuralgc pains, and most t other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales be cause it practically never falls to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to penetrate .wthopt rubing znd pro duce results. Clean, refre hg. At .all drug stores. 357c, 4. Wt you should ia Carmm .l, the omn's tonic, or your troubls have been shown in "housandsat Ietteroskm cur us ers ofthit medl dne, who speak tfrom CARDUI The Wman's Tulb Mrs. Mary J. Irvyn, of Cullen, Va., (writes: "About -l yes11 s ago, I uffered untold misery with female trouble, bear ing-down pains, heed .,ache, numbness ... I would go for, thee weeks almost bent double ... !My husband west to Dr. -- for Cirdul... After taking about two bottles I began ggoing around and when I took three abottles I -could do all my work." E80 . NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Covington, La., Dec. 31, 1919. Sealed bids or proposals will be received at the ofice of the (Good Roads Commission of St. Tammany Parish at Covington, La., until 12 o'clock, Saturday, January 24, 1920, for the reshaping and surfacing of 13 1-2 miles of gravel known as the Covington-Talisheek road by the way of Abita Springs.and extending from Covington to Talisheek, Louisiana. Approximate quantities: Excavation in reshaping, etc., 18,000 cubic yards. Sand clay gravel, 15,000 cubic yards. Creosoted bridge timbers, 10,000 feet B. M. Reinforced concrete in culver's, 50 cubic yards. Proposals must be on the blank -forms furnished, and must be with out additions or erasures and must 'be in by the hour specified. At the time and place above mentioned th. Good Roads Commission will open bids and publicly read aloud the con tents. Bidders or their repreesntatives ere invited to be present at the open ing of the bids. ST. TAIMMANY PAIlISH GOOD ROADS COMMISSION. S OPPIC'IAL NOTWONS. All persons are prohibited rfom tresparing upon the lands f ars M. Joibat WLliatzs in tloe Wto2 ,ot L ita r sWR . ,AM .on4 qught qtr ting trees or wood will be p;pgq+t ed in full aepordanqe with the mow. S . rAPr, WgT :W... mr29g-tmo The publte Is hereby Vrpad yt to trspassa in ay he o 4r o he erty of the underigOed, WNW alon gth of th e in t N. 0. the Y. & x. V. R. . and the Pi Mill pubie aged, amed o and northwet aof Op"t.o . t2 Tre imanssa will a, e oenutd the t.el eUatet o the . w. mitt agluri I. gaLaq, An ipeae e asye s -rnpd and proilhQd d ' 'ttt mas . nlng ledeiiiri, triging or A wag. or oteeL1e uY4& g or dgt4 .upnon the ands of the au imp ' iaed T1 2" °sfeb , o.ib a ftaomishi iintigo or troappim tg in any u .y .a lands belonagla to the usaderwignsed. B. P. ROBUT. ul n-6m "ew. PP. G IA . ºO the no aern leo;. Idrbida aM 4IIot g. tmappleg nod katr p inm Or * idO .hMtdm oi Uht da 999y ar . e o wemad .a. .UAme 4i ad W .e sm hunting or u g with gno ort - . or trespasmiag in a wa ea e belongiag I the ede'ioec. am hundred denrs reward .i. ,bee paid yer itLesmiMen a.a wesrTeted e " trespasse.s. H. H. HMDDEN, P.O. Box 678, JulS-6mo New Orleans, LA. AU ersons are eWhilted 4 tr.passing upon the oIads at 4 J i Baker, known as the Deitersk trse.e about one mile n~othwest of atl4i. and fom suiting any trees or tima her on said lands or h.auling an wood thererom, or t.akig or na.L -at any adveritiements or aotiess a any of ethe trees. Tea dolar en ward vt bh peid bor tani rmeate and eanritieat of any e. n trde as. lag on said luads. ps, t aps or tr.u pangs ean t he inualshid8 e t*A gate law. Notice ie hereby glan that s.u trespassing is allowed pn my ka 4 adjoining the lapd pf Alfred hits. Any one anaught taking wood or o herwife trespaeang On said latnd will be proeeouted ii -full aasordonie with tlhe* law. ltt T. E. BRWW81UR. LFT CORNS OR d. CALLUJSES WI nDant hurt! LUft any nc9ply callus off witfr fingers Don't qnter t eri nyy bor a p Freesone ostsarta few celak mtWAF ral store. bAply a tow droaops.. oettont4fPeat, thiangt gem gR. -When reeaone eayo5 4 rom the toe or calluses rom Me bottom, pf fot, tge skin beueathe left pink and healthy q.rd wayr RPXO tender or iritated. ASPtRIN FQR 'QBSs Name "ayer" Ja on reaGuLme Insist on "laer Tablets of Aspila' directions dtfe, Pcino Nearalgia, Iaubago, sad - Name "Bayer" means genuine es&t fqw eets. Aspirein trades aMstw 4 Safsleyiceeld.