OCR Interpretation

St. Tammany farmer. [volume] (Covington, La.) 1874-current, January 17, 1920, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015387/1920-01-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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On Sale Every Saturday at is the subscril os prie
RLUSTIC and BULLIACH'S DRUG oi The Farme. You'll
sgwt ,ore thav the wort.S
IDEL PHARMACY,e St o yoamm anu o by ber
ville. Five Comta Per Copy. slbscrlbr. Help boost the prsh.
D. IH. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1920. VOL. 46 No. 9
Parker Meetings Put the
Stubbs Meetings in
the Shade.
Other Towns Join the Park
er Procession To
This has been a hot week in poli
tices in St. Tammany parish. While
the Stubbs meeting at the courthous3
and in Madisonville were larger than
before, the Parker meetings so far
outclassed them that the sentimeut
of the people may easily be seen.
Slidell turned out over 450 to hear
Mr. Saint; it is reported that over
400 listened to Mr. Saint and M.r.
Morgan at Madisonville. At Folsom,
where it has not been possible to
hold a Stubbs meeting, a crowd of
150 came to hear Mr. Saint and M^.
We regret that the paper situation
makes it impossible to run more
pages, as we would like to give a
more extended account of both the
Stubbs and Parker meetings. But
there has been speaking all over the
parish by Col. Stubbs and his ass s
ciates and by Parker representatives
The most ardent supporters of CJl.
Stubbs, however, must admit, if the
size of the meetings mean anything,
that Parker will carry St Tamma-ay
three to one.
Mr. Parker will speak in Coving
ton at 1:30 to-day, and will before
then speak at MJandeville and Abite.
(By Dr. W. L. Stevenson)
1. Help the movement for a
town beautiful-if not for our own
happiness and prosperity, then fir
the sake of the over increasing hoard
of strangers within our gates.
2. Rebuild our recreation park,
and establish another and more cep- 1
tral 'bathing and boating 'beach. r
Thousands seek recreation in our
storm-damaged park and on our di3- c
tant beach; this leads to the convic- s
tion that others would welcome facil- r
ities and attractions in a park and c
more accesslible beach. Our river i
baths are' clean and free from the N
stickiness common to ocean baths. c
3. Expand the usefulness of our
library without greatly increasing op- r
erating expenses. Provide a reading a
room, periodical literature, reference s
books and a card index system for f
cataloguing useful information. t
4. Establish a museum of objects r
of local interest. Many citizens own i
antiques and curios that should be a
brought together in a central exhibit. t
Our woodlands and streams and
soil contain natural history objects
and curiosities that enlighten and
entertain, that encourage natural his
tory study, and are mediums of ad
vertisement. e
5. Plant fruit trees for shade h
trees. Street fruit is seen in a few n
American cities, notably Milwaukee, a
but this European economy is prac- a
tically unknown here.
6. Establish pleasure drives to F
near by points. A regular eight-see J
ing schedule at popular prices to our B
local attractions and to Riverside sj
Drive, Madisonville, Abita, etc., will
afford entertainment and much good R
advertisement. si
7. Encourage thrift through home e
building and home vegetable and d
flower gardens, and greater utiliza
tion of our many natural wild foods. F
cherries, berries, mayhaw, mush- et
roons, poke root and dandelion.B
Make our a town of bome owners, L
and there will be more rose-crowned S
lawns, more orchards, more civic
pride, more prosperity and less ob- 1
jections to paved sidewalks and
sewers. C
8. I'se the Parish Fair as a great- E
er medium of exchange for ideas and S
merchandise, for increasing produc- if
tion by selling on liberal terms the
best grade of animals, awlnd the most F
desirable garden, field and orcharl O
stock. B
9. Encourage factories and co-G
operative business. Our merchants is
are making money, and our AassocIa
tion of ('ommerce developIng new en
terprises, but the field is big, and C,
there are no farmers co-operative G
buying and selling associations. R
10. Encourage the development
of local talent in music, art and p
science. si
11, Maintain our high healta is
standard by co-operation with th, nl
health board. Keep premises clean, w
report vi lations. Let your slogan
be "Nearly 100 per cent sanitary." M
12. The time is here for schools, si
churches and organized bodies to cl
climb out of their shells in active dt
municipal uplift. T.
13. Advertise our advantages t"
the health-seeker, our opportunitie, se
to the new-comer and investor m
14. Work for qudck rail schedule Qi
to New Orleans, an cda competitive m
auto and steamer service via 'Madi- A.
Hammond Connection, Si:..
dell-Pearl River, Sli
dell-Salt Bayou.
Also' Spoke Favorably of
Aid for Slidell-Coving
ton and Others.
The Federal Highway Engineer.
Mr. W. H. Rhodes, visited the Com
mission on Tuesday of this week and
was conducted over the roads where
federal aid could reasonably be ex
pected in the near future. Mr
Rhodes approved the Hammond con
nection as a federal aid project, th.
Slidell-Pearl River road, and ipprJv
ed the Slidell-Salt Bayou road, wi.n
the provision that work could be
taken up as soon as the State High
way Engineer, Mr. Buie, assures him
of the New Orleans connection. Mr.
Rhodes also spoke in favor of fed
eral aid on the Covington-Slidelt
road and promised to take that up
with Mr. iBuie and ascertain tne
probability of starting work on that
road in the near future. It is ex
pected that the Commission will be
able to begin advertising this work
within the next two weeKs.
There has been some work going
on during the week on the Turnppie
road, but the most of this has bean
in the way of clearing and grubbing,
in view of the fact that the ground
has been too wet to make any head
way with the grading.
Work on the Range Line road has
been held up due to rain, but the
second 'bridge on that road has been
completed. The clearing and gruob
ing along the entrance to Abita has
been completed and it should not
take much longer to complete that
road as soon as weatoer conditions
are such that the grading can be
The bridge across Black Bayou on
the Military Road in Bogue Chitto
swamp has been completed and the
fills to the ends of the bridge are
now being put in. The completion
of this will make it possible for wag
ons and buggies to pass through the
swamp along the new road. Ar
rangements are being made to lit
.ontract for two other small bridges
in this swamp, the bids for which
will be received on Friday, the 231
of this month.
The Slidell-Salt Bayou road has
recently been surveyed and the plans
ire being worked up preparatory ti
vetting this road in with the first
'ederal aid project, but in the eveat
:hat the Federal Engineer does not
permit the work on this road to be
,nitiated immediately it will not in
mny way retard the work on any of
h.e other roads.
The following clerks, commission
ers, deputy sheriffs and watchers
have been appointed, with due fo:
mality of law, to serve at the state
and parish election to be held Janu
ary 20, 1920:
Ward 8-J. H. Roberts, C. F.
Farmer, Don Watts, commnissioners;
Joe Crawford, Chas. Despary, clerks;
Bud Wall, Harvey Crayford, deputy
Ward 9, Slidell-F. A. Bourgeois,
R. L. Smith, Chaa. Moultes, commis
sioners; A. A. Parker, Alphonse Bak
er, clerks; Jno. Elliott, Jim Currw,
deputy sheriffs.
Ward 10, Abita Springs-John
Finn, G. E. Young, T. P. Dutsch,
commissioners; Ralph Abney, Frank
Brown, clerks; Jack Bennett, Joe
Lamousin, deputy sheriffs; Walter
Sanders, watcher.
Ward 1, Madisonville-B. A. Tay
lor, Peter Stein John Ackel, com
missioners; W. H. R. Perrin, Vict,)
Chattlier, clerks; Pier Cheep, Robert
Koepp, W. H.. Bohne, Watchers; Joe
Stein, Ulyses Wattley, deputy sher
Ward 2, First Precinct, Sandy
Ford--Elmer Taylor, T. J. O'keefe,
Offie Sharp, commissioners, Willie
Barker, Sydnlie Burns, clerks; Tom
Galloway, J. 'D. Sharp, deputy sher
Ward 2, Second Precinct, Folcori
-W. T. Wallis, 'Rex Bohne, Andre v
Core, commissioners; Berlin Bryant,
Guy Willie, clerks; Jno. Willie, Lo
Rogers, deputy sheriffs.
Ward 3, Covington--Jtlian Smith,
P. S. Barrell, C. L. Smith, commis
sioners; Whit. Riggs, F. P. Marso
lan, clerks; Ed. Lacroix, John Can
non, deputy sheriffs; Robt. White,
Ward 4, Marfdeville-Alex Smith,
M. R. Smith, W. A. Griffin, commis
sioners; Lucas Prieto, C. R. PoIrson,
clerks; Robt. Smith, Philip Smith,
deputy sheriffs; Chas. A. David, W.
T. Coffee, watchers.
Ward 5, Bush--John L. Ricgrd
son, W. F. Kahl, Ben Williams, conm
miss'oners; Kdnsie Williame, Jphn
Quave, clerks; Dave Richardan& El
more Grantham, deputy sherigs; L.
A. Mizell, L. A. Talley, watchers.
Ward 6-Ellia Crawford, Hosea
i /
,R ' #1
e4ýMý1"II1AY iI'
4. .1~ 11LI(
The erection of the monument t,
the soldiers and sailors of St. Tanr
many parish is now being taken uT)
in Slidell, which will give its best
aid to the undertaking. Under the
able management of Mr. C. A. Eve:
itt, of Slidell, and with the ,patrio.'c
sentiment always manifested by that
town, it is safe to say that it will
not long before the work is finished
Mrs. J. C. 'Burns, chairman of the
committee, is very much encouraged
at the outlook, and has the follo.;
ing from Mr. Everitt:
The above is a likeness of the
monument to be erected at the par
ish seat, Covington, in memory of
the boys who so nobly fought and
helped win the greatest battle in the
history of the world.
They willingly gave their servic !s
and lives to gain the victory, and we
the people of St. Tammany parish.
must do our part in commemorating
that deed.
To make possible the erection of
this beautiful memorial, we of Sli
dell must raise $750 by January 21
1920. Please send in your contr'
butions promptly to C. A. Everitt,
Slidell chairman monument fund.
Bank of Slidell. C. A. EXERIITT.
(By Mrs. J. C. Burns)
The above copy of a letter to the
people of Slidell, and a letter to Mr.
E. G. Davis, chairman of the Council
of Defense, sent to Covington a
few days ago, encourages the com
mittee in charge of the memorial
shaft to be erected in memory of the
boys who fought and died in the war
,We have been working very slo'
ly in this great cause, and now that
Slidell begins active work and most
of the drives for Red Cr ss and other
oauses are over, we should consider
this the first and most important
work of the new year.
We earnestly request all comm';
tees throughout the parish to begin
over and start an active campaign in
raising the quotas named for each
Onville is the only town that ha3
deposited its full quota, althouga
Covington has subscribed its full
amount and it will be collected in a
few days.
(Oonttnued on psg 6)
W. Parker, E. B. Anderson, commis
sioners; Rudolph Parker, G. C.
Thomas, clerks, H. Q. Parker, Daire
Evans, deputy sheriffs; Sam. R.
Williams, watcher.
Ward 7, Lacombe-J. J. Davis, W.
M. BMattle, J. H. Moran, commis
dioners; Harry Culbertson, Berr;
Todd, clerks; James Barringer, Ira
rodd, deputy sheriffs.
Covington, La., Jan. 9, 1920.
The St. Tammany Parish -,chol
liuard met In regular session in the
office of the Superintendent on the
above date, with the presidetn, N. H.
FitzSimons, in the chair, and the fol
lowing members present: T. J. 0'
Keefe, ward 2; N. H. FitzSimons,
ward 3; H. H. Levy, ward 4; W. W.
Talley, ward 5; Dave Evans, ward 6;
I. H. Keller, ward 7; Geo. F. Bancks,
ward 8; Wm. Oswald, ward 10. Ab
sent: Geo. R. Dutsch, ward 1.
A quorum was present.
Upon motion of Mr. Levy, second
ed by Mr. Talley, the minutes of the
preceeding meetling were approvo:
as printed in The St. Tammany
Farmer, with the exception of one
minor correction.
The Superintednent read the fol
lowing report and financial state
ment, after which, upon motion of
Mr. Bancks, seconded 'by Mr. O'
Keefe, the report was received and
.Covtington, La., Jan. 9, 1920.
The Honorable President and Mem
bers of St Tammany Parish Schoo
Board, Covington, Louisiana.
I beg to present herewith my re
port as Superintendent giving a brief
statement as to the condition of the
schools of the parish at the present
In the Madisonville school the new
library and laboratory have been re
ceived, and the school, I believe, now
meets all the requirements of the
State Department in order to have
(Ceatiuned on page 6)
Judge Carter presided at the Dii
trict Court this week, but District
kttorney Brock was "alled home by
sickness and Attorney A. L. Bear
was appointed district attorney pro
A. G. Parker vs. A. W. Clements,
6100 allowed plaintiff and defend
tnt's reconventional demand was
lismissed. Appeal taken.
There were three arraignments os
nformation by Attorney Bear.
Court adjourned until the iMarch
erm. No court in February.
As the time draws near for ele:
ion I again ask for your supporl,
with the assurance that I will do all
n my power for the public good an',
he betterment of conditions in the
hird ward. I have the time to gie
o it and shall devote my time to it,
especially in the interest of .good
oads. We must all put our shoulh
,rs to the wheel if we wish the pua
ic funds to be expended in a man
ter that will bring the best results.
Yours for good, clean government.,
Annual Meetings Show that
Excellent Progress Was
Made the Past Year.
A Great Deal of Important.
Business Transacted
At Meeting.
(By Mrs. A. L. Bear)
'-t~' annual meeting of the Wo
men's Progressive Union was held
on January 12th and was largeiv
attended, despite the ihclement
weather. The annual reports show
ed that the Union has made splendid
progress during the past year, an in
crease in membership, good attend
ance, the accomplishment of civic
work, and an excellent financial
Retiring officers have given their
place to their successors with a just
feeling of pride in the condition of
The following officers were elected
to serve for the ensuing year:
Mrs. E. R. IMoses, president; Mrs.
Preston Burns, first vice president;
Mrs. Lewis L. Morgan, second vice
president, Mrs. Arthur L. Bear, re
cording secretary; Mrs. F. N. Boui
ousquie, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. J. C. Burns, treasurer; Execa
tive Board, Mrs. H. T. G. Weaver,
Mrs. H. J. Ostendorf, Mrs. Joseph
Schneider; Auditors, Mrs. Maurice
Planche, Mrs. F. J. Martindale.
The choice of Mrs. Moses as prel
dent of the Union is one on ;which
the organization is to be congratu
lated. Her successful leadership of
the School Improvement League and
of the Eastern Star have proven her
executive ability, her personal popu
larity, her intelligence, and intimate
knowledge of local conditions fit her
splendidly for the office. AU fete
earted clubs are undertaking a fight
against the high cost of living and
the broadening of the department of
home economics--this is surely the
biggest issue of the day and no one
is 'better fitted to guide such a cam
paign than is Mrs. Moses.
The Union transacted a great deli
of important business at this meet
ing. The report on donations to
Camp Hygeia's 'bed clothing colle?
tion was most encouraging and a do
nation of $5.00 was sent to the Anti
Tuberculosis League.
The sale of government food left
a surplus of $18.00 after all expenses
were paid and this amount was do
nated to the Memorial Shaft Fund.
The matter of finaicing the care of
the old cemetery, which is entirely
in the hands of the W. P. U., was
discussed, and tplans formulated to
meet all requirements.
There has been conisderable co'
plaint within the past few months
because the Times-Picayune is send "*
ing its midnight edition along this 1
route. This edition carries little .
news, its column of deaths and ma!
riage notices is incomplete, and it is
felt that we are being unfairly treat
ed in having this edition sent as
when there would be ample time to
send us a later, more complete edi
tion. A letter was ordered writte'i
to Mr. D. D. Moore, editor, calling
his attention to this fact. 1
Covington, La., Jan. 13, 1920.
The Police Jury met on the above
date with the following members
present: Theo. Dendinger, H. IN.
Fendlason, E. J. Domergue, J. M.
Smith, S. R. Cowart, Fletcehr Craw
ford, W. H. Davis, E. P. Robert, J.
B .Howze, A. J. (Bennett.
It was moved by E. J. Domergue,
seconded by J. M. Smith, that the
account of the Good Roads Commis
sion against the Parish of St. Tam
many be accepted and amount paid
as soon as the parish has sufficien.
funds. Carried.
It was moved and seconded that
Mr. Chas. Mitchell be paid the sum
of $40.00 for colt lost in dipping
vat at Honey Island. Carried.
The petition presented by H. N.
Fendlason for a road running from
the Bennett bridge on Tchefuncta
river to a point on the eastern edge
of Ward Two crossing the Bogue
Falaya river at or near the present
Burns bridge on said river, and it
was moved that the matter be given
to the St. Tammany Good Road Com
mission for their consideration.
It was moved and seconded that
the Assessor's salary be paid fromi
the parish funds and that the parisa
collect from the School Board sal!
the St. Tammany Parish Good Roadl
Committee their respective amoun .s
due to Assessor and amounts be de
Could Right of Self-Government Be Swept In the Trash
Pile With a Broom Made of Dollar Bills?
Would You Inscribe On Tombstones of Those Who Died
For Liberty, "E'en Out of Your Ashes
the Flash of Gold Blinds Us."
The Times-Picayune chronicles the
rumor that the New Orelaqs Rind
will spend a million dollars, it nec
essary, to defeat Mr. Parker. A
MILLION DOLLARS! Just think or
it! How many times more than a
million dollars, then, must the job
be worth to the ring. If this state
ment is true, where would the money
come from? Who would put it up
and why? Did you ever hear of a
million dollars being invested with
out expectation of dividends? And
who would pay the dividends if Mr.
Parker is defeated? You. Mr. Bua:
ness Man; you, Mr. Laborer; you,
,Mr. Farmer-YOU would pay the
Why, if you could write the coa
stitution of Louisiana, and you we:o
the kind of a man that would do suce
MILLION DOLLARS, because you
would hold in your hand the destiy
of the iwhole state. YOU COULI)
But a watch is being kept for any
money that may be spent in St. Tam
many parish for election purposes.
The bribe taker is equally as gui.ty
----------------------··C*L~ · Y---U--- -_
(Edited by Wildwood)
Our motto: "There's always room for a blue Jay. Please eubscriba.
Summer and Winter.
The mockingbird of late, sang sweet,
Resplendent was the sky,
And branches green and flowera neat
Formed earth's glad panopiy
Bilight summer with her varied cheet
Gave blessing to the year
Anon, comes winter an the scene,
The icy blast falls down
And marks the land, once pleasing
With trails of russet brown,
And Pa is wearing, now, you note,
Son's army overcoat.
We rise to remark that promotion
cometh not .from 'the East nor yet
from the West, but from the man
who is elected Governor.
Squire Hawker, justice of the
peace at Chinquapin, has just moved
next door to the editor. We feel
now like we are beginning to get up
in the world.
Cal Stringer,. who keeps, the new
store (in Gus' old stand next to the
postoffice) has requested us to an
nounce that he has received some
new pigs feet. Stop in and get some
at 7 cents each on your way to the
picture show. These are the nicJsn
pigs feet we have seen for some time
They come form hogs that moved in
Cincinnatti society and are beautiful
ly manicured.
The congressman from this district
has kindly sent the editor a package
each of flower and garden seed. We
feel safe now in saying that we will
spend next summer shooing the
chickens out of our garden.
The daily papers announce that
John D. 'Rockefeller will contribute
about a million dollars to education.
If you are passing any time, John,
stop in and we will take our share
in cash and try to get along without
the education. We need some lard
and things.
Our pretty and esteemed cousin,
Miss Sallie Smiley, is home from an
extended visit to Turkey Creek, an.
reports that she had a fine time.
She was charmingly entertained by
the Wiggleses and the Sprtigginses.
Cousin Sallie confided that she heard
somebody say something about this
editor up there, but she would not
mention his name. Well, we guess
we know who that somebody is, and
look here Bill Simpson, you had just
better quit picking on us
It's a good long time since we
went to any school, 'but we wish to
carefully impress on your mind th:e
information that we can use proper
language in conversation as you, and
you go too far in telling how we
once referred to a cow as a ".hornel
critter." We never did any such,
Jockey Club Coffee will be served
free in front of the Covington R35
taurant to-day. Hereafter it will be
served in the restaurant on the regu
lar bill of fare.
posited in Assessor's salary fund.
It -was moved by E. J. Domergue,
seconded by J. ,M. Smith, that the
$10,527.73 borrowed from the Goad
Roads Commission, together with the
sum of 2 1-2 per cent interest na
said advance, be returned to the
Good Roads Commission out of the
first collections of the 1919 taxes, as
follows: $8604.20 to be paid oat
(OCtIwan eý uAsa. 6)
as the briber, and the law will ba
invoked to punish both. But the
pariah is strong for Parker. Money
could not change it.
This is a free country. Every
man has a right to vote Just as bhe
wishes. \But the obligations of good
citizenship demands that every voter
shall know why he casts his vote one
way or the other, and the obligati n
of good citizenship demands that the
best interests of the community, the
'best interests of the city and the
best interests of the state should be
considered. This is why, in the
moral strength of the people of Loa
isiana, defeat stares the Ring in the
The Parker Committee of St, Tam
many parish offers $200 reward sor
information leading to conviction of
parties violating election laws.
thing. We know better. If we used
the expression "horned critter," we
was referring to no cow at all but
was referring to Bill Simpson and
his nose.
A Bachelor's Reverie.
Cold Was the night,
His fire 'was bright,
As the north wind blew;
There in his chair
He stroked his hair,
Old owl cires "Tu-whoo."
In firelight's grace
He pictures a face,
Maid lovely and sweet
Her form comes then
Into his ken
And sits on his knee.
Cries with a start,
Bachelor's heart-
"Happiness mine!"
This girl I'll wed
With ring and spread;
Come, St. Valentine.
A man at our elbow says that he
can write a child's history in five
words, mumps, bumps, jumps, lumps
Rutledge, who has been sick, says
that he is an artist, and can make
faces with oil-castor oil.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor
away!'; if it's green it works the
other way.
"The bride swept into the room
like a very queen." These are the
words we wrote in our description
last week of the ceremonies attend
ant upon the marriage of the tall
and stately Miss Tillie Sundberry t'
the handsome and affable Rick Rich
ards, all of Chinquapin. If all the
family jars and typographical mis
takes of life found their way into
print, mercy, what might happen.
This is what the linotype man gave
us to read in his proof: "The bride
swept the room 'but it wasn't clean.'
Reports reach us that perch are
biting well in Reedy Creek, which is
unusual in mid-winter. The tidings
are pleasant. Life has enjoyments
and consuming the fried perch is on0
of them.
Gladly would the poor, harrassed
editor now doff his cares, and don
ing his blue check overalls and sec
ond best hat, sally forth with rod
and line to becomea a disciple of
lsaah Walton. With a precious can
of bait in one pocket and a lovely
baked sweet potato in the other how
happy could he be drawing forth
from those depths where no war tax
comes, a mess of the finny tribe.
Reedy Bayou! There the cat-tail
sways beneath the cat-bird, wno
tinkles his light cat-arrh. There in
the far off horizon you see the trail
of the yester-years.
At the annual election held by the
Fair Association in Covington thla
week the following officers and 4di
rectors were elected:
John L. Haller, E. G. Davis, C. E.
Schonberf, H. A. Mackie, J. H. War
ner, A. G. Maylie, R. W. Badon, Eads
Poitevent, Fritz Salmen, E. J. D. -
mergue, W. H. Kahl, F. F. Wiggin
ton, S. H. Cleveland, A. O. Pons, J.
D. McLain, N H. FitzSimons, W. P.
Minckler, Karl Treen, Mrs. J. B.
Wortham, Mrs. E. R. Moses, Mrs. J.
C. Burns, Mrs. B. B. Warren,, Mrs.
W. C. Warner, Mrs. B. H Gardner;
Miss Kate Eastman.

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