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Z Si. Tammany Farmr 16 3. MN a- ... e as Mme4rPg THE PARKER VICTORY. There has never been a greater battle cry than "FREEDOM." There has never been a fonder word than "HOME." A free people and a happy hearthstone bind the sheats of prosperity and happiness against the iwinds of adversity. Trials and tribulations may come. There may be pauses in the happy alliance. But the cohabitation will build barriers of pro tection against destruction of the fabric that has been woven into the character. The trampling of freedom leaves ragged wounds that never fully heal until the salve of justice is applied to them. * s * s * The battle cry of John M. Parker was "Freedom." Freedom from ring control; freedom from corruption of the ballot; freedom from te stench of licentiousness and immorality. The press of New Orleans ani of the state carried the evidence of this corruption into the HOME-into the home of the farmer who dreamed not of such things; into the home of the city where lack of contact prevented full realization. It remained but for the people to be impressed with the fact that these things existed, and recruits from all over the state began to fall in line under the banner of freedom. The weary length and bitterness of the battle were due not to any weakness in the cause, but because many could not be convinced of the reality of conditions. ** " S* s There are very few intelligent people who believe that John M. Parker wishes to five power to the negro. There arq very few who do not be lieve that the Democratic Party would lose one of its greater men if he should leave it. His record shows him to be a fearless, nonest and re markably capable man. When"he takes the reins of government great thinge will be expected of him, and there is little doubt but that he will do a great many things for the betterment of Louisiana, founded on a constitution that will meet the requirements of good government. He will not be handicapped by a legislature antagonistic to him. Pub lie sentiment for him is too strong, for one thing. Any alignment against a progressive and constructive policy would 'bp a political and an economic crime that no faction of the Democratic Party could afford to be re sponsible for. While the dread of ring is that Mr. Parker will make good his promise to bury it, it does not wish to make the funeral a parade of jubilation without even the forgiveness that usually follows the dead In fact, many who voted against Mr. Parker state that the battle is over andithat they are now ready to help him make his administration a success It he can lead in that direction. AMany fought Mr. Parker because of their loyalty to a faction to which they were obligated. Many had ties of friendship and personal interests. Some 4iad for years made their bread and 'butter from the patronage of the ring. A man without grat: tude is a poor fish. It takes great strength of character and firm faith in the promise of the Creator to cast selfishness from the human system. ** S * * Let us hope that the winning of this battle will start things on a new footing; that obligations to the ring will have been settled by the sacr' flees made by those who fought in the ranks of the conquered and that new obligations will not be incurred; that a sense of duty will make citizenship a man's job with the percentage of dividends based on accom plishment and performance, to be held for life and not subject to politiedi corruption. We look to the Government for protection. We can not get it without just laws, incorruptible courts and juries and public moral support. We believe that nearly all the people are with 'Mr. 'Parker and that a new era is starting for a GREATER LOUISIANA. GET YOUR FERTILIZER NOW. Now is the time to put in your order for fertilizer. By ordering through me you get factory prices with freight prepaid. J. E. GLISSON, )LDE Covington, La. CLYDE MAIL OM STANGA. Clyde Malcom Stanga, aged 16 Years, 8 months, 4 days, son of IA.thur A. Stanga and Ida Bennett Stanga, died at the home of his par ents at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. January 18, 1920, from accidental discharge of a .22 rifle. Cly4e was a pupil of the Madison ille school and a member of the sixth grade. Just a few days pre Vious to his death he had been chos en president of the Poultry Club He was loved by all his playmates and a great favorite among the older people. He was also a member of the Lutheran Catechism Class at Goodbee, joyously looking forward to his confirmation this coming East er. How much he was loved was proven by the host of loving relatives and friends at his grave in the Ben nett eurial Grounds. Funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. O. W. ANNOUNCEMENT From now on we willidisplay the Spring and Sum mer lines of Millinery for the delight of our visitors who will be in Slidell in quest of Modish Styles. We are especially anxious to have you see the new things we have brought out, and this invitatiqn is to impress upon you the importance of making selections at the earliest moment. Our efforts, we think, have been well rewarded this season by the great variety of exquisite crea tions we show and the matter of choosing will be the most pleasant task you have known. McDANIEL'S MILLINERY SHOP SLIDELL, LOUISIANA. Luecke, of Abita Springs. In loving memory Clyde will ever be with us, and may we learn to think of him not as dead but as gone ahead to the dear Father in Heaven that gave him to us. The family wishes to thank all who so kindly rendered aid, and to the teachers of the Madisonvitle school for the tribute paid to Clyde by bringing his class out to his home. ONE WHO LOVED HIM. PURE MILK. Would you be satisfied with the old way of receiving unwrappe t bread? Would you give up the bottled milk delivery for the bucket? Of course not. Yet here in Coving ton the uncovered tin bucket upon the gate post receives its liberal sup ply of dust until the milkman comes along, the the watchful fly, just from the water-closet, drops in for a drink and leaves countless germs, perhaps a few typhoid germs. To render this imgpossible, and to secure a pure and healthful milk supply the local board of health has prepared an ordinance relative to the production and distribution of dairy products. Dairymen have been in vited to submit criticisms and sug gestions, if any. Dr. Stevenson, the author of the ordinance, feels that the only opposition, if any, will arise from the cost entailed in changing to the bottle system of delivery, but a canvass shows that nearly every dairy is using some bottles, and that the cost will be trivial and the beno fits to the dairymen and the public many. CARD OF THANKS. Covington, La., Jan. 22, 1920. To My Friends: I desire to extend to my many friends throughout the rish my heartfelt thanks for the rm sup port they gave me for Clerk of Court in Tuesday's election. I was not elected, but the vote I received came from a free, un trameled, unbossed, uncontroled and unbought people. The pressare brought to bear in some sections wa:i too great for my friends to over come and the tide went against me. The vote I received was a personal vote and I shall never forget the good will and confidence shown by the large vote I received. Especia'y do I appreciate the splendid vo: e given me by my friends in Abita Springs and the Tenth Ward. May God bless your faithfulness. J. E. GLISSON. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Josephine Brumfield to Mary M Nelson, lot 7 square 2602, New Cov ington, $380. Winfield Beaujean to Vincent H. Prieto, n hf of square 91, Mande ville, $125. M. & V. Planche to L. David, Jr., Lots 5 and 6, square 20, lot 4, square 20, Covington, $7500. Stephen Sharp to F. Sharp, 20 acres in sec 2 tp 5 range 11, $100'). Mrs. Gaspar Cusachs to Geo. W and G. G. Smith, lots 19 tnd 20 In Lewieburg, 4500. tBarney King to George W. Glass, land and improvements se4 24 tp 5 range 11, $750. Thos. Lacroix to Morris Lacroir, lots 2 and 3 square 14, Covington. $1700.00. A. L. Bear to E. J. Domergue, 200 acres on Bayou Liberty, $1250. WHY IS A-HEADACHE? Various Causes for This Common Affliction. Anemia or Bloodlessness a Ver) Common Cause. Pepto-Mangan Overcomes Anemia and Tends to Prevent Headaches. When one has an occasional head ache it is usually due to some traun ient or passing cause, such as indi gestion, eye-strain, over-tiredness, etc. When, however, one suffers from frequent periodic headache, there is always some spe fal reason for it. Among the most common of such reasons is anemia and bloodless ness. This condition is especially frequent among girls and young wo men and those whose occupations o0 habits of life keep them too much indoors. The one important neces sity in such cases is to build up the quantity and quality of the weak and watery blood. Gude's Pepto-Man gan Is exceptionally valuable for this purpose. It increases the number and improves the quality of the red blood cells, those vital little bodies which carry nutrition to all parts of the body. It improves the appetibe, imparts color to the face, and re stores health and strength to the body generally. After a short course of Pepto-Mangan the headaches de crease in frequency and severity, and finally disappear, if they are due to anemia. Pepto-Mangan may je had either in liquid or tablet form, as preferred. When buying Pepto Mangan be sure the name "Gude's" is on the package. Without "tGude's" it is not Pepto-Mangan.-Adv. SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouso, Covlngton, IMe. n22 Just received at 'fresh load of horses, mares and mules at Glasers' Branch, Military Road. Joe Tenent. W The reoson' SOAC1O5PN/W .e.r Dr.esess For sals at Schonberg's 'iiarmacy. TESTED AND PROI EN. There Is a Heap of Solace in Being Able to Depend Upon a Well Earned Reputation. For months Covington readers have seen the constant expression of praise for Doan's Kidney Pills, and read about the good work they have done in this locality. What other remedy ever produced such convinc ing proof of merit? Ask your neigh bor! Charles Heintz, constable, 21st and Madison streets, Covington, says. ",My trouble was mostly backache and a dull, throbbing ache right across my kidneys caused me a lot of distress when I stooped. The way my kidneys acted showed these organs were in a disordered condi tion aid I commenced to use Doan's Kidney Pills. They brought me im mediate relief and soon rid me en tirely of this trouble. I bave had a few slight returns of the trouble since, but a few doses of Doan's Kid ney Pills have always given the same prompt relief." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mr. Heints had. Foster-Milburn Co. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.-Adv. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all parties are hereby forbidden to hunt or otherwise trespass on my land in the southwest and southeast quarters of section 15, township 6, range 12, at Waldheim, under penalty of pros ecution under the laws of the state. mar31-20" . F. HEMPEL. Ask for Mr. Riggs at the show room of the Dodge Car, in Covingtgiln. He will show you the beautiful new model Dodge. He has just receive l hi sallotment for Covington. Price $1194. No chance for disappoint ment when you buy a Dodge. But if you want one you will have to get in at the head of the line Act im mediately. FOR SALE-Metz oar in tip top shape, new tires. Will sell at sac rifice price. Can be seen at Mra. Barrow's furniture barn, oppositd high school building. jal7 FOR SALE--Home and store, a bargain. Good business. Also some fine young hogs. Call and get par ticulars. 24th avenue and Madison strect. Address P. O. Box 595, Cov ington, La. WANTED-District manager for Covington and vicinity. Good prop osition. Previous experienceunne3 essary. Free school of instruction. Address Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Department, Saginaw, Michi gan. Capital $1,500,000. ja24-2t LOST-Five geese. Two common and three Toulouse. One white gan der in drove. Notify C. Marvia Poole. ja17 NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern The affairs of the Ozone Lumber Company, Limited, have been termi nated, and this corporation has goie out of business and surrendered Its charter. Ja3-6t F. W. FATHEREE, Secretary Ozone Lbr. Co., Ltd. Meridian Home Mixture and Blood and Bone Fertilizer. Also car load buggies and wagons at Alexius Bros. & Co., Inc. jal0-3t NOTICE-I will not be responsible for debts contracted by my wite, Margarette Gregoir. Jal0-3t* FRANCIS PARANT. * Blood Is life. When its cur rent slows down and its waters become polluted, the stream flows not along the shores of Health through the land of Happiness. To purify the blood, energize the liver, keep the bowels and kidneys acting properly there's an old doctor's prescription, in use for 67 years; made by the THACHER MEDICiNE CO., Chattanooga, Tenn., sold at your drug sto~re. TFry it for your family. UDR. THACHIER'S LIVER and DLOOD SYRUP helped me when every thing else failed. I consider it an invaluable medicine for constipatIon, akin snd blood diseases and bilious naeu."-Mra. W, G. Green, Teon, * S S * . * * YOUR INCOME TAX IS A SIMPLE MATTER IN.THE HANDS Of' AN EXPERT, but 'u the inexperienced is the source of considerable annoyance and per plexity You have but a short time in which to report. I can save you this trouble and annoyance and perhaps also save you money. due to incorrect understanding of the law of exemptions, etc. Let me fix it up for you. But you must act quick. I can also greatly assist you in the matter of inventories and financial statements. Drop me a postal or see me In person. I will gladly talk matters over with you. WM. P. MINCKLER, Covington, La. IF YOU HAVE NOT TRADED WITH US YOU HAVE MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. SEE US FOR DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, MEAT, ETC. E. ROMANO Telephone 286 Jackson St. and 20th Ave. -JAMB I. IV= The Successful Farmer Raises Bigger Crops and cuts down costs by investment in labor-saving machinery. Good prices for the farmers' crops en* courage new investment, more production and greater prosperity. But the success of agriculture depends on the growth of railroads-the modern beasts of burden that haul the crops to the world's markets. The railroads-like the farms-increase their output and cut down unit costs by the constant investment of new capital. With fair prices for the work they do, the railroads are able to attract new capital for expanding their facilities. Rates high enough to yield Ii fair return will insure railroad growth, and prevent costly traffic congestion, which invariably results in poorer service at higher cost. National wealth can increase only as our railroads grow. Poor railroad service is dear at any price. No growing country can long pay the price of inadequate transportation facilities. USue adverltwent Lipublidied byilie Thos. dueriuag Eqforuatome comwering the railroad uits. stion may obtain iiterathre bp tenting to The Asuocia. ties qf Razilwag Rxeoutiues, 61 Broadweag. New York. WANTED-To buy a gocd general farm horse, wagon and harnes3. Must be cheap. Will pay cash for same. E. Pierce, Pearl River, La. WANTED-Three light-housekee) ing rooms, walking distance. Ref erences exchanged. Address L X, care of this office. ja17 Dyed Her Faded Skirt, Also a Coat "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Just Like New-So Easyl Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fab, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,-dresses; blouses, stockings, skirts, ehildren's coats, draperies,-everything! A Direction Book is in package. To match any material, have dealer X yg "IDiaosd Dye" Color C FOR SALE-40 acres of land with all improvements, stock and farming implements, party under fence, for $1500 cash. Apply C. Pooklych, 2132 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. ja24* Eggs from my Prize WiLning S. C. Rhode Island Reds, only $3.00 per 15 to St. Tammany breeders. The Ozone Poultry Yards, 1620 15th ave., C. M. Brown, Prop. ja24tt Magnetos, Starters, Dynamos, re wound and repaired. Ragan & Kis. ter, Electricians and -Auto MechalL. ics, 512 Lockwood street, Covini - ton, la. Ja24-5t FOR SALE-Ford, in running con dition, also Gray & Davis self-start er. Address Box 352, Oovington, nr call at 1316 Madisonstreet, corner of 14th avenue. Ja24 Meridian Wome Mixture and Blood and Bone Fertilizer. Also car load buggies and wagons at Alexius Bros. & Co., Inc. Ja10-3t $10.00 REWARD. STRAYED-One light brown )r dark sorrel horse, branded with X on left side. Strayed from Andrew D. Smith's place, Covington. Finder will receive $10.00 reward If animal is returned to Emile Frederick, Cov ington, La. d27 -tf WANTED-Enough votes to elect me to the office of Police Juror of the Third Ward.. C. Marvin Poole. We buy and pay cash for Cotton Seed. Alexius Bros., & Co., Inc. s27-tf LOST-In transit, on or about Dec. 15, 1919, thirty-eight first mort gage notes drawn by Miss L. Muast. dated Dec. 28, 1917, of the denomi nation of $25.00 each, and number ed from No. 11 to 48, incluslie. Note No. 11 made payable on De.. 1, 1919, and the other notes on the first of each succeeding month, by T. M. Burns, Notary. The public is hereby notified not to negotiate same. ja3 RICHARD & RIGGS. FOR SALE-Combination horse, cheap. Good farm mule, bargain. Address Poitevent & Favre Lumber Co., Naval Stores Dept., Florenville, La. jal0-3t FOR SALE CHEAP-Second hand autos. 1 Oakland, 6 cylinder; 1 E. M. F., 4 cylinder; 1 Briacoe, 4 cyl inder; 1 Ford, 5 passenger. Will exchange for stock, horses, hogs, cat tle and sheep. See W. N. Patrick, Covington, La. an 23tt HORSE-SHOEING-Sam C. The! sen, practical horse-shoer, has his shop across from the depot. Ani mals clipped and inter-ferring horses a specialty. All orders promptly at tended to. Try me. dec 4 FOR SALE-Horses, mares and mules. Ed. Brunet, Phone 341, Cov ington, La. mrl5-api FOR SALE-One Portable Gaso line Wood Saw. Will cut 25 cords per day. Answer ZBX-25. jal0-3t FOR SALE-Ford delivery truck. Answer YXW-19. Ja10-3: FOR SALE-WITTE high grace portable saw rig outfit, complete, with 4 h. p. kerosene engine. Rig will cut 4 to 8 cords of wood per hour, using kerosene at the rate of one gallon per h. p. for 10 hours. Price, complete, f. o. b. Shreveport. 4285.00. Dixie Machinery Co., 630 Commerce St., Streveport, La. d20 SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at dt Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. n22 WOOD FOR SALE. * Stove wood, 16-inch lengths, pine and oak mixed, $2.00 for a big load, delivered. Call Phone 108, Coving ton, La. W. W. Carre Company, Ltd. oc25-6mo* ALL KINDS Of SECOND-HAND BUILDING MATERIAL, SASH AND DOORS, AT $25 AND UP PER I FEET, FOR SALE AT RASM I Y, LA. APPLY J. G. BADON,. OR AGENT CARE OF ST. TIMMANY LUMBER CO., RAMSAY, LA. TEL EPHONE IN OFFICE. n1-8t FAMOUS SUM-MO COFFE, servel at the St. Tammany Parish Fair, is for sale at the St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. Meridian Home Mixture and Blood and Bone Fertilizer. Also car loid buggies and wagons at Alexius Bros. & Co., Inc. JalO-3t We buy and pay cash for Cotton Seed. Alexius Bros., & Co., Inc. - WOOD! WOOD! -All kinds of wood for sale. Oak and pine stove wood, any quantity, $2 a load up. Delivered promptly. Coil Phones 27 or 385, or see yours to serve, W. N. Patrick, Covlngton. au 23tf Stove and fire-place wood. Phone 235. Ed. Brunet. nov22 FOR SALE. 1 Houston, Proctor & Gambel en gine, 12x16, in use only one year sold good as new. 1 Fay & Eagan resaw; large. 1 Prible planer and blower to dress tap to 8x12. 1 saw carriage and blocks. Large lot of pulleys and cast boxes. 1 lot steel rails, 24 lbs. Circular, cut-off saws and various articles belonging to first,-class saw mill. HARDY H. SMITH, covlngton, Louisiana, J. E. Caserta, Auto Service, Auto mobile Accessories, distributor for Diamond Tires and Tubes. Tele phone 366, Covlngton. dl3tf Classified ads. produce results if placed In The Farmer. WANTED-Enough votes to elect me to the office of Police Juror of the Third Ward.. C. Marvin Poole. SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehousa-, Covlngton, La. n22 FOR SALE-Two head of cattle, Sone single wagon, one 2-horse wagon Sand twenty head of goats. Apply SA. B., this office. Ja3tf FOR SALE-Old Landing Farm, on Bogue Falaya river, adjoinint; *Covlngton, consisting of 130 acrea, more or less, 35 acres in cultivation, good dwelling, tenent house, barns, fencing, etc. Apply A. B., this of fle. Ja3tf FOR SALE-20 acre farm on Len road, three miles from Covington, 1vi Sacres in cultivation, with full farm ing equipment ready to operate, iii cluding horse, wagon, tools, two head I of cattle, seed cape and sweet pota I toes. Apply A. B., this office. Ja3tt IAdvertising in The Farmer pays.