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Oa bale Every Sa.umda' at Is t e pa DSTIMC and IULLOCH'S DRUG of The COSA19. You ll STORE, Covtngfoe get more th"e the worth R& pSICI LaCY, MBdsDonU of your money by being a IDEhAL PKW" L AaOY.a S t. T D i1. ve MAtO PEd Ootr Cbscriber. Help boost the p1,92 D. It. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1920. VOL. 46 No. 22 TO THE PUBLIC. The attractive featuring of our fist page is abandoned this week or lack of paper and space to print news that should be published. Pic tares of the l)ruid.4' celebration and dinner and other matters were left out. We are doing the best we can to accommodate our advertisers and to give something to our readers. Will try to put on more pages next week. MUCH WORK NOW BEING AC. OIMPLISH ED BY O LDM.ISION The Good Roads Commission re ceived b.ds on the 3d of this month for the re-shaping and placing of a shell pavement on the MadisonviLe ponchatoula road. Mr. R. S. Dan iels was the lowest bidder and was awarded the contract for doing this work at $19,959.68, which ;.s ex clusive of the cost of the shells, which cost will be paid -by the Com milss.on and will amount to approx imately $6750.00 Bids were received on the delivery of approximately 135,000 cubic yards of gravel on Saturday, April 10th, and there were some five or six b:dders. The Commission held all the bids over under advisement' until the bids could be properly com piled in such way as to enable them to be properly compared, and the contract was awarded on Tuesday of this week at a special meeting of the Commission, to the Pine Cliff Gravel Company, Inc., of New Or leans, which company had submitted the lowest bid on th a material, the bid being made on a graduated scale running 85c Iper ton for the first 35,000 tons, and declining to 60c per ton for the last increment of the material to be furnished. The State Highway Deparment has at last made an offer on Federal Aid to the parish in such way that the Police Jury is in a positton to accept the last propoistion made and ac ceptance ordinances have been filled out in the othice of the Good Roads Commission which have been passed on by the Police Jury and transmitt ed to the State Highway Department. As it stands the amount specified la the ordinances is $200,000.00, which will be pro-rated on the Si: dell-Pearl River road, road from Sli dell to Covington via Lacombe and Mandeville, Covington to H~mmon'l and Covington to Franklinton, it be ing understood that a ,portion of the fund for the Franklinton road will not be available till the next fiscal : year. The nomination of Mr. E. G. Davis by the Good Roads Commission as member of the commission was ap proved by the Police Jury at its reg ular meeting of Tuesday and at ths special meeting of the Commtssion of same day Mr. Davis was elected vice-chairman of the Good Roads Commission. Sunday, April 18, will be Field Day at St. Paul's College, to com mence at 1:30 p. m. There will be some interesting athletic events. The public is invited. Tickets will be sold at the Stadfium gate. HICKORY GROVE CHURCH. Rev. R. H. Owens, who was pastor of the Hickory Grove circuit about eighteen years ago, will hold a series of revival meetings at the Hickory Grove church, commencing Saturday, May 1. All are invited to attend every evening and Sunday. -----0----- A serise of card games will be giv en for the benefit of St. Peter's Cath olic Church. Dates of games will be April 27 and 27, May 4, 11 and 27. BOX SUPPER AT THE AUDUBON SCHOOL. A Box Supper will be held at the Audubon school on Saturday even ing, April 17. All are invited. The Covington Billiard Hall was again broken into and robbed of punch boards and other things that could be carried away. The front door lock was broken. Thieves ars reported to have gotten between one and two hundred dollars worth of things. 1HE DRUIDS' DINNER AND RE CEIPION. The Druids' dinner and receptior was one of the biggest events of the kind that has over been pulled off in Covington. Three hundred cov er. were spread in the large dining room of the Southern Hotel, whic' wash beautifully decorated. Pictures of the various scenes were taken for: publication in The Farmer, but we are unable to use them. The dinner was served by John Coltora of thel Centlral Hotel. There was speaking at the courthouse and therlj was musdc by the I)urid's Band. Two hundred and fifty Druids came over from New Orleans and there was an ecellent attendance of local mem bers. Secretary Marsolan was much Pleased with the interest manifested by all and extends thanks to all who sassiated in the success. Miss Al!ce Verlet will sing at the Parkvlew Theatre to-night, under the auspices of Mr. Frank PPatecek Any one who has not secured an invitation and who desires to attend can procure one by calling on Mr. PaIecek to-day. Due to the successful management O - the sweet potato house by the 'Association of Commerce, Mr. E. G. fvis is working on a plan for a 20,000 bushel house to be ready for Secretary Karl Treen of the Asso elation of Commerce has gone to New Orleans to try to land a veneer Sad furniture factory. The W. P. U. has set aside Apirl 28th as Clean-Up Day. The Mayor "Al issue a proclamation to that ef *t. So everybody should get busy on clean-up plans. The debris wall ) removed by town teams. RI OLUTIONS OF CATTL;EMEN AS TO DIPPING. Covington, La., April 13, 1920. A meeting of.the cattle owners of the Parish of St. Tammany met this day at the courthouse in the town of Covington, pursuant to a call issuen by Hon. Warren Thomas. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Thomas, who stated in detail the purposes of same, whereupon Mr. Henry Keller was made perma nent cahl:rman and Mr. Ernest Prieto secretary. On motion duly seconded the fol lowing gentlemen were appointed as a committee to prepare and report back to the meeting a resolution in relation to the advisability of con trolling the manner in which cattle during the remaining months of the year 1920 are to be dipped In the parish of St. Tammany: Gustavs Dousat, ward 1; Wm. Bruhl, ward 2; S. D. Bulloch, ward 3; Ernest Prieto. ward 4; Joel Rayburn, ward E; Warren Thomas, ward 6; Berry Todd, ward 7; E. P. Robert, ward 8; J. B. Howze, ward 9; Steve Abney, ward 10. It was moved and seconded that the following resolution prepared by the committee above named, be and the same was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Resolved by the cattle owners of the Parish of St. Tammany, in meet ing duly convened, that the cattle throughout the Parish of St. Tam many shall be dipped in strict com pliance w:th a notice already issued by the inspectors of the Parish of St. Tammany for the month of April, 1920, Be it further resolved, That the cattle throughout the Parish of St. Tammany shall again be dipped once during the month of May, 1920. Be it further resolved, That the cattle throughout the Parish of St. Tammany shall be dipped twice in the month of September, 1920. Be it further resolved, That the cattle owners and all law-abiding citSlzens of the Parish of St. Tam many be and they are hereby special ly requested to exert every possible effort to see that all cattle in the parish of St. Tammany are dipped in strict compliance with these res- lutions. 'Be it further resdlved, That a copy of this resolution be given to The St. Tammany Farmer, and Dr. Lipps, Supervisor of the Louislana State Live Stock Sanitary Board for the Parish of St. Tammany. HENRY KELLER, , Chairman. ERNEST PRIETO, Secretary. The launch Vassar, belonging to Dr. Bulloch, was stolen from Ifts moorings in the Bogue Falaya river. It was discovered by his son, Donice, and Edson Barringer, together witn a skiff that had been stolen from Mr. Rockenschuh, a mile or so down the Tchetuncta. The coils had been removed and a new spark plug had been uut in. The thieves are' still being looked' for. Mr. Walter Abney, of Slidell,' was a visitor to Covington, Tuesday. Mr. Ed. Edler and wife and daughter attended the Druids recep tion here Sunday, as were guests of 'Dr. and Mrs. Bulloch. The Bulloch Drug Store is to have a new brick building erected by Mr. Henry. It is to be built and fur nished on modern plans, and will have a soda fountain, rest room and other conveniences. It is (intended to be ready by July. The party who found the tire be longing to C. S. A. Fuhrmann is known. If sa.e is returned a re ward will be given and no further proceeding swill be taken. A big scrip dance will be given at the Southern Hotel on April 24 A fine jazz band from New Orleans will be there Committee in charge: Pete Escara and Earl LeBlanc. All are invited. TAKEN UP---4aeme to my place inl Iaoombe, April 1, 1920, one dark bay mare mule. White gall spot on one shoulder, other skinned; 8 or 9 years old. Owner may have same by paying expenses for this adver tisement and all corts. Otherwise animal will be sold to ,pay same. JAS. BARRINGER, apl7-4t Lacombe, La. The wrist watch disposed of for St. Peter's Catholic Church fund fell in to the lucky hands of Mrs. Alber: Perbos. Thanks are extended to all who assisted to make the undertak ing a success. CARD OF THANKS. I Iwish to thank Messrs. Felix Bachemin, F. P. Marsolan, J. Louis Smith, Dr. A. G. Maylie and the Knights of Columbus for their as sistance and co-operation in mak'n, the Druid's dinner at the Southern a success. JOHN COLTORA Every purchaser at the Bulloch Drug Store gets a ticket entitling him to a credit of 5 per cent of'the purchase. Save them tIll you get a dollar's worth or more and then get what you have practically saved. The newly installed cash register takes care of the business. apl7 FOR SALE.-Good horse. WI1 work any where. Perfectly sound. Cheso. Apply Schoen,& Molloy, un dertakers, Covingdton. ap17tf WANTE--500 barrels and 500 cans of syrup. Bring or send fair sample. Will pay $1 per gallon i, barrels and $1.05 in cans. Karl Treen, Covington, La. FOR SALE - Reeshmnent and candy store. A money-maker for this summer. iBarghn., Box 205, Covington, La. p17' i PROCEEDING OF SCHHOL BOARI) MEETING HELD FRIDAY, APRIL 9. f Covington, La., April 9, 1920. s The St. Tammany Parish School f Board met in regular session in tha a office of the Superintendent, on the above date, with N. H. FitzSimons, r president, in the chair, and the fol I lowing members present: Geo. R. Dutsch, ward 1; T. J. O'Keefe, ward 2; N. H. FitzSimons, ward 3; H. H. Levy, ward 4; W. W. Talley ward 5; 3 Dave Evans, ward 6; Isom H. Keller, ward 7; Geo. F. Bancks, ward 8; SW. J. Sebastian, ward 9; Wm. O~ s wald, ward 10. Absent: None. On motion of Mr. Oswald, second 1 ed by Mr. Dutsch, the minutes of the preceeding meeting were ad 'proved as printed in the officlal journal. Moved by Mr. Levy, seconded by s Mr. Oswald, that the following re port submitted by the Superintend ent be -hccepted: Covington, La., April 9, 1920. r To the Honorable President and Members of St. Tammany Parish School Board, Covington, La. Gentlemen:-I beg to submit the following as my report upon the con I ditions of the public schools of this ) parish at the present time. r In the first ward the Madisonville school has been improved by having i the basement fenced in. Both this school and the one at Sand Hill aoe running smoothly and will have a nine months term. Since your last meeting we have purchased the two story frame building, with its fivo Sacre site, that has been used by the Madisonville colored school, for $2500. This was made possible b.r using the $1000 raised by the pat rons of this colored school, $1003 given by this board, and a note of $500 for one year, signed by twenty odd patrons of the school, which was accepted by the owners of the build ing. You will remember that this board agreed, at a recent meeting, to pay $250 to be used in assisting to retire this note. I wish to give the teachers and pupils credit for a good deal of work they are now do ing in removing stumps from the school grounds. It is the desire of the patrons for this school to qualify as a teachers' training school for the opening of the year 1921-22. In the second ward there has been condiderable sickness, and Savan nah Branch school had to be closed because of the fact that the princ4 pal was taken with the mumps. In the Folsom school we have had all of the pupils vaccinated for small pox. This work was very generous ly performed by Dr. Jones, of Fo' som, the board furnishing the vac cine. My last reports from Union Grove neighborhood was that the at tendance was very low because of an epidemic of severe colds, or light cases of influenza. In the other schools of the ward things appear to be going successfully, although the Middle Roads school has had a small attendance, caused by la grippe, or the influenza. It would appear that the nsew puni at this:school does not recei.l#doi'eful treatment from the student body.'b'ecause it. has recently gotten out of order, and it was ne: essary to send a man from here to repair it. 'I believe that this boar.l should authbrize the building, dur ing the' coming summer, of a new' chimney in the Union Grove school, and the extending, or lengtheninu, of one in the Folsom school. All of the school houses in the second ward need re-painting. At Mandeville we have ordered fine new sanitary heaters that will be installed as soon as possible. Through the kindness of Dr. R. B. Paine the .pupils of the Mandeville and Lewisburg schools have been vaccinated against smallpox, and the fourth ward special tax furnish ed the vaccine. Three lots of ground have been se lected as a site for the proposed school building for the colored child ren of Mandeville, and will cost the board $325. The grounds of the Mandeville high school have been much improved by the setting out of palms, and other plants, and, with the assistance of the playground ap paratus, it presents a very attractive appearance. Nothing new has happened in the schools of the fifth ward. I have asked the trustees of the Progress school to attend to the building of a shed for their teacherage, as in structed by you, and I expect that this will be attended to as soon as the spring rush of planting is over. A new ,pump has been.purchased for the Sun school, and several other minor improvements made. I understand that some of the pat rons of the Oak Grove school feel that we should sell the teacherage purchased some three years ago for tjat school. It is true that our principal this year has not been able to occupy it, because of personal rea sons, although he told me recently that should he be re-appointed for another year he would probably want to live there. It was through the earnest solicitation of a great many of the patrons of th's school that this farm and house were bought The fact that we have not used it this year does not, in the slightest way, indicate, or prove, that we will not use it next year, and I would strongly recommend that it would not be sold, although I be lieve we could well afford to sell most of the land that goes with it, provided we had the opportunity. In the sixth ward we have had a great many caaes of the influenza and the school was at Tali sheek by the prine'pal and trustees. At Central one of the teachers wa;s taken sick with the influenza, and as she boarded with another member of the faculty, the trustees believed that it would not be wise to continue school with only one regular mem ber of the faculty present, therefore ordered the school closed, and sent word to 4this office, informing us of their actions. At Slidell all public schools were closed by orders of the Mayor and local 'Board of Health. I would like to ask that you would please give me iunstructions regard ) PART OF POLICE JURY PRO CEEDINGS OF TUESDAY, APRIL 13. Covington, La., April 13, 1920. l1 The police jury met on the above date with the following members e present: H. N. Fendlason, J. M. i, Smith, S. R. Cowart, Fletcher Craw I- ford, W. H. Davis, E. P. Robert, J. L. B. Howze, A. J. Bennett. Absent: E. J. Domergue, Theo. Dondinger. It was moved by E. P. Robert, seconded by W. H. Davis, that the sheriff be tpaid the sum of 75e per day for the feeding of prisoners. Carried. It was moved by J. ,M. Smith and seconded by 8. R. Cowart, that a fine of $20 be imposed upon any person or parties found guilty of dumping garbage or any kind of refuse what soever within 100 yards of any pub lic road in the parish of St. Tam many. Carried. It was moved and seconded that a watchman be kept at the Craw ford vat until the 20th of April, 1920, at $3.50 per night. Carried. It was moved and seconded that a watchman be kept at the Robert vat untll the 20th of April, 1920, at s $3.50 per night. Carried. It was moved and seconded that e the Bennett road 'be built according to the survey of 1915 good roads S committee, which is on the map as a Ramsay Bennett bridge road. Carried. t The following resolution was in troduced. We, the members of the police e jury of St. Tammany parish, realtz ing that Lou'.lana is primarily an agricultural state and that the futur3 prosperity depends on her develop ment along this line, and realizing further that the paramount need of our state at this time is a Greater 3 Agricultural College that w'lll be a credit to the state and serve Lou iiana's agricultural needs as they should be served, therefore Be it reoslved, That we heartily endorse the work bong done by the Greater Agricultural College Aso ciation to secure a Greater Agricul tural College for the State of Lou isiana, and Be it further resolved, That we hereby pledge ourselves to co-operate with the above named Association in 1 its future work to this end, especial ly in promoting a state-wide educa tional publScity campaign, particu larly in St. Tammany parish. 1 Carried. 1 Whereas, the following letter has been received from the Hibernit Bank & Trust Co.: New Orleans, March 30, 1920. To the Police Jury of the Pariah of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Gentlemen:-This letter is to ad vise you that we are entirely agree able to your depositing with the Cov ington Baik & Trust Company, of your city, one-half of the funds real ized from the tax collections on the St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, Road Bond Issue, under the same ,te.rms and conditions that the re mainder of the funds have to be de posited with 'us. Very truyl yours, - P. H. WILKINSON, Bond Officer. Therefore be it resolved, That from and after date hereof one-half of the amount of taxes collected by the Sheriff and Tax Collector for the sinking fund of the Road Bond Issue of April 15, 1919, be and the same are ordered deposited In the propor tions of one-half of said amount with the Covington Bank & Trust Com pany and the remainder with the said Hibernia Bank & Trust Com pany, of New Orleans. This resolution having been put to a vote was unanimously carried. Whereas, a communication has been received from the Good Roads CommIlssion notifying this body of the resignation of Mr. W. Oswald. as commissioner, and recommending ing the paying of the teachers dur ing the time that these schools were closed, and I will ask that you please decide whether it makes any differ ence as to who orders the schools closed. In the eighth ward I wish to re port that the Indian Village colored school has closed a term of six months, and the teachers have open ed the Hay Hollow school, near Fol som. The water pipes have been laid to the Pearl River school from the Ozone Water Co's. well. This Sperhaps, gives the Pearl R'iver school as good a water supply as any school in the parish. The new libraries have been received in the Pearl River, Robert and Ridge schools. In the Slidell school I am pleased I to report that a physical examina tion of all of the pupils has besn made by Drs. Griffith, Polk sand Singleton, assisted by Miss Janellh Lansing, the publte health nurse. Scales have been purchased for the school, so that monthly weighing may be held, to determine whether the natural increase in weight tI being made. I might say here that a similar dxaminittion was made by Dr. R. B. Paine in the Mandeville and Lewisburg schools. Perhaps I will be pardoned if I express at this time my belief that a great deal of good will be accom pl;shed by the Public Health Nurse, and the co-operation of our local physicians of the parish. We kn9w that we have always been,glad to believe that our parish is the most healthful and safest place for man to live, although we are a little bit startled by the fact that rural d'q tricts have a larger percentage of defect:ve eyes, poor teeth, bad ton si:s, adenoids, malnutrition, and many other evils than is found in our large city schools where exami nations have been made. We know, however, 'that this is caused only by the fact that little or no attention is given to these conditions in the coun try. It would, therefore, seem rea sonable for us to co-operate In every way .posuible with the work that the Red Cross nurse is attempting to do, and I regret that we are not ab:e to afford the services of such a person I (Qatiun.a on page I) CHARTER OF THE PETERS' RICE FPARM OOMPAN, INCORPORATED. United Slates of America, State of o Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany. Be it known, that on this 10th day of, A. D., 1920. before me, Thomas M. Burns, a Notary Public duly commissioned and sworn in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, state of Louisiana, therein residing, per sonally came and appeared the per sons whose names are hereunto sub-. scribed, who declared that, availing themselves of the laws of the State of Louisiana, relative to the organi zation of corporations, they have covenanted and agreed, and by these k presents do covenant and agree, bind and form and constitute themselves. as well as such other persons who may hereafter join or become asso ciated with them, into a corporation and body politic in law, for the ob Jects and purposes and under the agreeme'nts and stipulations follow ing, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name and style of this cor ;poration shall be the "The Peters' ;Rice Farm Company, Incorporated,L" and under that name it shall have and enjoy all rights and privileges granted *by law to corporations; it shall exist for a period of ninety nine years from this day; it shall have power to contract, sue and be sued in its corporate name; to make and use a corporate seal and the same to alter at pleasure; to hotd, receive, purchase, convey, mortgage, hypothecate or pledge rroperty, both real and personal; to issue bonds, notes and other obligations; to haays and employ such managers;; direct ors, officers, agents and other em ployees as the interests and convoen ence of said corporation may re quire; to make and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations for the porper management and control of the affairs of the corporation as may be reasonable and expedient. ARTICLE II. The domicile of said corporatiou shall be at Madisonville, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana; all citations and other legal process shall be served on the President, and in his absence on the Vice-Presi dent, and in the absence of both on the Secretary-Treasurer. ARTICLE III. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is establish ed, and the nature of the business to be carried on by it, are hereby de clared to be: To produce rice and other agri cultural products, as well as the mill ing of said products to make thorn suitable for market purposes, stock raising, and generally. to do and per form any and all acts and things pertaining to the business above enumerated, connected therewith or arising therefrom, in this State and elsewhere. ARTICLE IV. The capital stock of this corora tion is hereby fixed at the sum it Seven Thousand ($7,000) Dollars, divided into and represented by seventy (70) shares of the par value of One Hundred ($100) Dollars each, which shall be paid for in ciah when subscribed, or cby the purchase of property as said Board may elect, all of which shall be common stock. That this corporation shall be a going concern when all of the capi tal stock is actually paid for. All shares shall be full paid and non assessable, which capital stock may be increased to a sum not to exceet Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) Dollars, at the pelasure of the Board of D. rectors, in which event, during the period between the call for the meet ing for such increase and the meet ing, the person holding stock at the time shall have the right to take shares of the additional or increase ed stock, proportionate to the n!!n ber of shares owned by him, and any shares not taken at the expiration of said period may ,be disposed of by the Board of Directors, for the bene fit of the corporation, at not less than their par value. No transfer of stock shall be binding upon the corporation unless recorded utpon the books. ARTIOLE V. All the corporate powers of this corporation and the management and control of its affairs shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of pireotors, composed of seven (7) stockholders, a two-thiirds majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the corporation. The Directors shall be elected annually by ballot by the stockholders, on the third Monday of May of each year. Each stockholder shall be entitled In per son or by proxy, to a vote for every share owned by him, and all elec tions shall be held under such rules and regulations as may be determin ed by the Board of Directors; the Directors thus elected shall continue in office for one year, or until their suocessora have been duly elected in his place Mr. E. G. Davis, of 0ov ington, Louisiana, Therefore be it resolved, That Mr. E. G. Davis be and he is hereby ap pointed a member of the Good Roads Commission of St. Tamnmany Parish, I'n accordance with all the rules and regulations previousey had governing the said Commission. It was moved by J. M. Smith, ee onded by E. P. Robert, that the rec onymendation made by this body to the Good Roads Commission of St. Tammany parish, to extend the Lee Ferry road to the parish line of Washington parish. a distance of about three indles, be abandoned and changed and in lieu thereof that the said Lee Ferry road be graded and graveled for a distance of seven miles, for the reason that said road Is one of the most 'mportant roads in this parish and goes through an ag ricultural section and in'order to withstand the traffice over said road and make same passable, it tH nec essary that same be graveled. Carried. (Remainder of proceedings will be published next week.) and qualified. No failure to elect shall be regarded as a forfeiture of this charter. Any vacancy occuring on said Board shall be filled by the remaining Directors for the unex pired term. The Board of Directors shall, at its first meeting after its election, nominate out of its number a Presi dent, a Vice-President and a Secre tary-Treasefrer; said Board shall have the right to appoint and dis miss clerks, managers and other em ployees of the corporation as the in terests and business of the same may require. Any of the Directors shall have the right to appoint, by written instrument, another Director as his proxy, to act in his stead at any and all meetings of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI. Until the election of officers to be held on the third Monday of May, 1921, the following named persons shall constitute the first Board of Directors, viz: Andrew Peter, postoffice Madison ville, Louisiana. Babbara Currow, postoffice Madi. sonville, Louisiana. Anthony A. Peter, postoffice Madi sonville, Louisiana. Joseph A. Peter, postoffice Madi sonville, Louisiana. Henry J. Peter, postoflice Madi sonville, Louisiana. Rudolph J. Peter, postoffice Mad! sonville, Louisiana. Adelia C. Patecek, postoffice Madl sonville, Louisiana,. with said Andrew Peter as Preal dent, Henry J. Peter as Vice-Presi dent, and Adelia C. Patecek as Scc retary-Treasurer. ARTICLE VII. No stockholder shall be liable or responsible for the contracts, faults and debts of said corporation, nor shall any mere informality in its organization have the effect of ren dering this charter null, or of ex posing a stockholder to any liability beyond the unpaid balance due on the shares owned by him. ARTICLE VIII. This act of incorporation may be changed, modified or altered or this corporation may be dissolved with the assent of the stockholders own ing two-thirds of the stock of the corporation, at a general meeting convened for that purpose, and after at least fifteen (15) days written notice of the meeting having been given through mail, addressed to each. share-holder, at his last known place of residence. In case of dissolution by the ex piration of this charter, or other wise, the stockholders shall elect two (2) liquidators among their number, to liquidate and settle the business and affaira of the corpora tion. In case of disability of any of slid commissioners or liquidators, the survivors or the remaining liquidat ors shall appoint a suceessor to him. Thus done and passed in my office on the day, month and year first above written, in the presence of Gable Boudousquie and Jos. Stanga, competent witnesses, who have sign ed with smid appearers and me, said Notary, after reading of the whole. (Original signed) Andrew Peter ........ . 10 shares Madisonville, L. Barbara Currow; ....... 10 shares Madisonville, La. Anthony T. Peter, ...... 10 shares s Madisonville, La. Joseph A. 'Peter, ....... 10 shares Madisonville, La. Henry J. Peter, ........ 10 shares a Madisonville, La. Rudolph J. Peter, ...... 10 shares t Madisonville, La. Adelia C. Peter, ........ 10 shares Madisonville, La. Witnesses: GABIE BOUDOUSQUIE. JOSEPH STANGA. THOS. M. BURNS, Notary Public. A true copy. THOS. M. BURNS, apl7-6t Notary Public. I certify that this instrument was filed for record April 13, 1920, at 4 p. m., recorded April 14, 1920, ia Charter Book One, page 264, of the I oftcial records. GUY A. SMITH, Dy. Clerk and Ex-Offclo Recorder. AMENDMENT TO CHARTER of the A, D. CBAWFORD LUMBER CONM PANY, INCOORPORATED. United States of America,' State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany. Before me, J. C. Cappell, a Notari Public, duly commissioned and quadl fled in and for the Parish of St. Ta.-1 many, State of Louisiana, personall~ came and appeared Everett Alonc 1 Crawford, acting in his capacity as President of the A. D. Crawfod Lumber Company, Incorporated, and Ellis Alphonso Crawford, as Secr6 tary-Treaurer of said cpoporatiou. organized and existing under and .y virtue of the laws of the State of Louisiana, and by act of incorpora tion passed before me as Notary Pub lic on the 24th day of ~Novembt', 1919, recorded in Parish of St. Tam many, in Charter Book 1, folio 198. Said appearers declared that they were duly authorized at a meet'n; of the stockholders of the said A. D Crawford Lumber Company, In , which was held and convened at th3 domicile of said corporation at H!11 Switch, St. Tammany Pariah, Louisi ana, on the 20th day of March, 1940. at which meeting there were present either in person or by sitoxy eath and every stockholder of said poration, after due notice of the sad meeting had been duly served upo. said stockholders and that at sa:. stockholders' meeting regularly cou vened and upon motion duly made and carried, certain amendments to the present charter of said corpora tion were proposed, as follows: That the capital stock of this cor poration be increased to One Huan dred and Fifty-fivre Thouasand DIi lare, and that your appearers were authorized in said resolution to ap' pear before a Notary Public for the purmpose of amending Article III of t REV. KAUB, OF CHICAGO, WILL f PREACH IN ABITA, SUNDAY. e Rev. Arthur Kaub, of Chicago, ar rived in New Orleans, Thursday, ' spending Friday there, and arriving t -in Abita Springs Friday evening. Rev. Kaub was the pioneer of Luth eran church work in St. Tammany, parish and established preaching sta I tion's in Goodbee, Mandeville and Abita Springs. He had to serve the stations ,by horse and buggy from Hammond and Ponchatoula. We dare say our visitor will note great changes in the road conditions of St. Tammany as compared with fif teen years ago. Rev. Kaub will speak at the Fifteenth Anniversary i Celebration of the Abita Lutheran Church, Sunday, April 18, at 2 p. m. It is anticipated the church will no: hold the crowd. PARKVIEW THEATRE. An Exceptionally Good Program for the Coming Week. The management announces that there will be one show at 4 p. m., Saturday, present'ig Elmo Lincoln in "The 12th Episode of Elmo the Mighty," and a five reel feature "The Wicked Darling." This early matinee is for the reason that the house has been let to Mr. Frank Pat ecek to conduct an Edison tone test, featuring Miss Alice Verlet and Mr, Young. Sunday we present Dorothy Phil lips hi "Destiny," and a two-par; Vitagraph feature and a one-reel news weekly. ,Monday, "The A B C of Love," with Mae Murray. Tuesday, Constance Talmsge in "The Virtuous Vamp," and Joe Mar tin in a two-reel -monkey comedy. We will present on Thursday for our week's banner attraction, Clara Kimball Young in "The Forbidden Women." Greater than "Eyes of Youth," her last picture. We have 4 o'clock matinees on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday of every 'week. Theatre is open every night with a change of program daily. We are presenting only greater at tractions on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. -- Mr. A. B. Colomes, of New Or leans, has taken a position with the Bulloch Drug Store. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. A Golden Opportunity That May Not Come ToYou Again. I am selling squares of ground situated between Florida street and Sulphur Springs, Covington. These squares will be sold at the remark ably low price of $150 each, cash, or $200 each on terms of $10 down and $10 per month. Each square has eight big lots 601120. Only a few more deft. Get one now. Take advantage of this offer to get you a fine home s-te or an invest ment that will keep. See me at once and get one of these squares, such an opportunity you may never have again. J. E. GLISSON, apl7* Covington, La. said charter to read as follows: "The capital stock of this corpora tion is 'hereby fixed- at the sum of $155,000.00, divided into one thous and Five Hundred and Fifty (1550. shares of the par value of One Han dred ($100) Dollars each, whica said stock may be issued at not less than par for cash at the time It is subscribed for, or at such time as may be deemed proper by the Bosri of Directors, provided that suca stock shall be paid for in full withlt, twelve months after same shall have been subscribed for, or in payment or exchange for property or rights actually received or purchased by said corporation provided that all stock certificeates shall be signed by the President and 'retary of nsa4 corporation and no stock shall i'e issued unless the consideration there for has been received by the said corporation. All transfers of stock shall be made on the books of said company at its office, on the surrender of the certificate therefor." Appearers further declare that cho stockholders all being present unan imously voted in favor of said reso lution and in conformity with the action taken by the stockholders as. the meeting convened as afores!d and pursuant to the authority con ferred upon them as President ant Secretary of said corporation, they appear before me, Notary, for the purpose of placing said amendment to the said charter of said corpora tion in authentic form to serve and avail as the future shall or may rL' quire, and I, said Notary, have draft ed this act of amendment in con formity with the instructions and the action of the stockholders in the premises, in order that the same may be recorded and registered in ac cordance with the provisions of ths law in such cas's made and pro vided. Thus done and passed at my office in the City of Covington, St. Tam many Parish, Louisiana, on the day, month and year first hereinabove written, in the presence of Herbert G. Clann and Karl J. Kohnke, com petent witnesses, who hereunto sign their names together with said ap pearers, and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole. (Signed) E. ALONZO CRAWFORD. President. ELLIS A. CRAWFORD, Secretary. Witnesses: HERBEIRT G. CLANN. KARL J. KOHNKE. J. C. CAPPEL, apl7-6t Notary Public. I hereby certify that this Instru ment was filed for record April 16, 1920, and recorded April 16, 1920, in Charter Book I, folio 269, of the official records of St. Tammany par. ish, Louisiana. GUY A. SMITH, Dy. Clerk of Court.