Newspaper Page Text
ST. TAMMAI VABMM stesbcito rc UIThe St. Tammany Farmer Sgs Edito Pr COVINGTONof your money by 2,10 a b, E tN N L S R Yer. Help booP 2 the No. 23 D. 8* MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1920.. VOL. 46 No. 23 ELECTION DAYIN ST. TAMMANY PASSES OFF QUIETLY parker Leads the Demo cratic Ticket in Num ber of Votes. THERE WAS SOME SCRATCHED TICKETS Steve C. Abney Elected Mayor of Abita and John Stire Marshal. The election passed off quietly im St. Tammany parish. Only about 25 per emit of the votes were polled. Of this number Parker received 728 as. the Republican nominess, J. Saagrt Thompson, 10. Parker re .-~red a majority of 718. Bouan i..ed, for lieutenant-governor, re 4ahved 708, and his Republican op poeat,. John A. Marchaud, 10. The other Democratic nominees for state o.esn received a few votes less than Parker. . The Democratic nominees for par 1* e mees 3are unopppsed and re calved the following vote: L. V. Caoley, Jr., for representative, 702; SWalter Galatas, sheriff, 705; W. E. Bleaman, clerk, 700; H. D. Bulloch. coroner, 700; Warren Thomas, as mgeet, 699. There were a few instances in h'~h the Democratic nom':nees for 'itnod offices were scratched and other nros written on the ticket. In the Seeoad Ward, Martin Thomas was Sthe only nominee for Justice of the 'As this ward is entitled to two of these officers, W. J. AllisJn sad Bob Bernard were the Inde - al4t candidates for the other po Allison received 78 votes, S s 50, EBernard 33. Allison and Th~uias being elected. i:sJn the Fourth Ward, Louis L. t and W. G. Davis were nn Democratic nominees for Stll of the Peace. Some voters p.oeeeded to scratch Davis and write *il same of Thos. F. Cavalier on the .] bat. The final count showed that Nlanta received 60 vates, Cavalier i, Davis 27. Manint and Cavalter were elected. ,~ the Tenth Ward some voters ie to get the scalp of Judge A.O. Pons, nominee for Justice of the Pence, by writ :g the name of Grelle on the ticket. The final showed that E. J. Terrebonne ed 55 votes, A. O. Pons 44. º.. Grelle 38. Terrebonne and were elected. - idell Town Election. ildell held a town election on the same day as the general election. Mayor L. Badon was not a candi date to succeed himself. G. A. Bak er was the successful candidate for m.,or. The vote was as follows: Mayor, G. A. Baker, 145; C. G. murrabee, 98. - For Aldermen (first 5 elected) W..oR. House, 167; W. L. Abney. t~`4; A. D. Canulette, 164; H. C, lnd, 129; Charles J. Moultia, $;1 J. T. Liddle, 125; B. H. Gard S.w; 92; J. W. Decker, Sr., 85; B. ilbaghton, 70; W. J. Windolph, 33 7wn Marshal-Luke Broom, 144; :L t..'Elliott, 71; B. P. Decker, 17. Abit Springs Town Election. tMayor--Steve C. Abney, 41; Jos. :hodes, 81. Aldermen (first 5 elected---C. T. -kishsmstock, 68; Frank Brown, 63; . eeiryWmsll, 49; C. T. Schmaltz, 48; Jhn Labat, 43; Robert Mendow, 39; A. 0. Pens, 28. STown Marshal -LouC Stirs, 28; A..JBennett, 22; Jos. Lamousin, 22. -------- D. IrD--Chas. Ebert, at Bogalusa, Son Wednesday, April 21, 1920, Sl*ed 'husband of Edna Lacroix, 'a 36 years. Interment in Coving UiCometery Tuesday, April 22. rBHERIP'S SALE. *h P, Richard vs Lane and Jack ion Land Co., Ltd. No. 130,143. ClS District Court of the Parish. of Orleans, City of New Or leans, Division "E" ottie sla hereby given that by vir t O_ an order of seizure and sale out of the honorable afore SCourt, and to me directed, hn date the 31st day of Janu .:-", 1920, I will offer for sale at the I5aal front door of the court _--m at Covington, La., ;between s ale hours, on . Satrday, May 29, 1920, f.Xollowlag described property, to S·Ll those certain squares of ground ...d 4n the Town of Mandeville. o'ih f St Telmmany, State of Lou Sand more fully described as Ilt Nos. 287, 288, 289, 316, . 18, 319, 320, 348, 349, 350. 352, 353, 375, 376, 377, 380. S382, 383, 396, 397, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 411, 412, 413, 414, 290, 314, t31, 323, 345, 347. l~ahart of the same property Sby Clay Riggs from the lawa Land and Improve Co., Ltd., on the 23d day of , 1923, as per act passed be ~ohn M. Quintero, Notary, and P. roperty the said Pontcha S Land and Improvement C.o. ' previously acquired from Sid Clay Riggs, on November 1907, recorded in Conveyance 48, follo 515, et seq., Parish ' t.nany. . 9tinued on page 8) THE FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. A. H. Kaub Comes From Chicago To Take Part in Celebration CHURCH NOW IS SELF-SUPPORTING Rev. E. W. Kuss, of New Or leans, Spoke in the Evening. In spite of the unsettled :weather last Sunday, there was a large crowd in Abita Springs to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the or ganization of the Lutheran Chur'h congregation there, and the four teenth anniversary of the dedication of the church building. New Or leans was well represented at this gathering, many having come over on the excursion. Also Bogalusa, Mandevile and Goodbee were repro sented, for the speaker of the day still has many warm friends in the Sunny South. Rev. Arthur H. Kaub, whose dis tinction it is to have been the orator of the Abita Springs congregation in 1905, came all the way from Chicago. to be with his people on his day of rejoicing. 'He delivered a forceful and earnest sermon, pointing out that this church and congregation have been a guiding 'lght to this entire community, and a thoroughly paying investment, because it has brought many souls to eternal sal vation through preaching and con fessing "Christ and Him Crucified" according to the pure and unadulter ated word of God. Pastor Kaub also reminded all those outside the church of their duty toward God and 'man to become active members of ( the congregation; and exhorted those who are members to oontinnue irmvesting their money, time and labor for the propagation otf God's kingdom. "If anyone asks you what your business is," said the speaker. "your answer should be: I am a Christian. 'My business is to be a christian, and I work alongside to pay the expenses." In the evening service Rev. E. W. Kuss, of New Orleass spoke. "You I have great reasons fo make this day one of rejoicing and thanksgiving,' I he said, "because your congregatoon and your church building have these fifteen years .stood definitely and ef fectively for two grand purposes. the glorification of Jesus Christ, and the salvation of your fellow man" The Lutheran Church of Abita Springs has experienced slow but steady growth since 1905. In 1916 payment for the church building was completed; in 1917 the parsonage next to the church was built; in 19:9 the pastor was furnished with a Ford car to as.l't him in his work; in April, 1920, the congregation, with ( the help of Mandeville and Good'bee missions, is announcing itself self supporting, 1. e., no longer in need of help from the Southern Mission Board, which has subsidized it dur. ing the past fifteen years. The growth and progress of this church ¶'s an index to the steady for ward march of St. Tammany parish. The following have served as resi- I dent Lutheran pastors in Abita: 'Rev. Arthur Kaub, 1904-08. Rev. Paul E. Wagner, 1909-10. Rev. Martin ,Kuegele, 1910-13. Rev. Ohrist Kuegele, 1913-15. Rev. Oscar 'W. Luecke, 1915-20. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Reed and Miss Minnie Kindat, of New Orleans, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. S. D. Anderson. --.------ CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN BACKED BY HEAIIR BOARD. The Health Boacrd announces that it has issued notices to many towns people to clean up their premises and have the refuse ready for the wagons Wednesday. Nearly every one shows a willingness to co operate, and the few delinquents wilt be followed up relentlessly. Milk is now being distributed in bottles. Consumers are urged to co operate with the dairymen by wash ing the bottles and returning them regularly. Boiling -ater is to be avoided because of the danger of breaking the bottles. LUCKY NUMBEIRS. 40, 41, 43, 43, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. The above are the numbers of my squares in Second Conally Addition, Covington. These square are situat ed between Florida Street and L~ee Road, just west of Sulphur Springs property. 'Will sell for cash or on monthly payments. What is your lucky number? Select now before some other party gets it. J. E. GLISSON, ap24* Covington, La. r NOTICE TO AU MOBILE AND VERICLE OWNERB. License plates for motor and other vehicles are now precurable at the of.ilce of the Town Secretary, at the Mayor's Court, in Boston stret. Owners of motor propelled and other vehicles are.Otifled to pro cure licenses at oa And, attach same to their vehicles. U Violations of license ordihance will be strictly enforced. L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. LUTHERAN CHURCH AT ABITA SPRINGS AND ITS PRESENT AND FORMER PASTOR AND FOUNDER REV. 0. W. LUECKE REV. A. KAUB TOWN COUNCIL PROCEEDINFS APRIL 6 Covington, La., ApriI 6, 1920. The town council met in regular session on this date, the following members answering roll call: Robt. W. Badon, mayor; C. E. Schonberg. H. A. Mackle, A. R. Smith, C. Ii. Sheffield. Absent: M. P. Planche, Emile Frederick. Minute sof March 2d read. On motion of A. R. Smith, seconded by C. H. Sheffield, and carried, were ap proved as read. Reports of the secretary for Feb ruary and March were read, as fol lows : Report for February. Receipts: Taxes ............... 2458.70 Licenses ............. 240.01 Fines ............... 30.00 Cemetery lots ........ 15.00 Lights ............... 25.00 Costs ............... 6.00 Entertainments ....... 5.00 $2779.70 Warrants and cash on on hand Jan. 31 .... 368.54 $3148.21 Disbursements: Feb. 7, check to treas. 395.67 Feb. 19, check to treas. 794.58 Feb. 19. deposit in bank 1293.33 Feb. 28,,deposit in bank 345.62 $2829.20 Warrants and cash on hand Feb 28 ..... 319.04 $3148.24 Report for March. Receipts: Taxes ............... 4670.43 Licenses ............. 895.00 Fines -.............. 100.00 Street tax............ 36.00 Cemetery lots ........ 10.00 Lights .............. 25.00 Costs ............... 6 00 Warrants and cash on hand Feb. 28 ...... 319.04 $6061.47 Disbursements: Mar. 10, deposit in bank 408.50 Mar. 10, deposit in bank 659.92 Mar. 10, deposit in bank 1870.53 Mar. 12, deposit in bank 401.56 Mar. 12, deposit 4Jn bank 521.35 Mar. 1.6, deposit in bank 730.21 Mar. 18, deposit in bank " 284.76 Mar. 19, deposit in bank 159.75 Mar. 25, dep7osit in bank 259 85 Mar. 29, deposit in bank 250.20 Mar. 31, deposit in bank 266.05 $5812 .6S Warrants and cash on hand March 31 . .. 248.79 $6061.47 On motin of H. A. Mackie, second ed by C. H. Sheffield, and carried, above were referred to Finance Com mittee. It was moved by C. E. Schonborg, seconded by A. R. Smith, that the Mayor and Secretary be authorized to pay accrued interest due on notes of Watereous Engine Co., amountin4 to $207.90, and current account of $11.64, making a total of $219.54, and to issue three new notes to re p'ace notes now held by the said Waterous Engine Co., dated 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively, for the saum of $385.00 each. Carried. The petition of the National High way Marker Association to place markers on the streets of Covington to mark the registered highways through the town at such pd\nta as directed by the proper authority jof the said town, was, on motion duly seconded and carried, granted to said National Highway Marker Asso cilation. It was moved by H. A. Mackie, seconded by C. E. Schonberg, that the Mayor be authorized to 'purchase three cars of washed gravel at his discretion. Carried. A letter from the Association of Commerce, suggesting a "Clean-Up iDay" in the near future, was read. Referred to the Mayor. ResElutions from the Fire Asso slation and Association of Commerce relative to a ~waterworks end sever age system for the town, was read, and on motion of C. E. Schonberg, seconded by C. H. Sheffiteld, laid over antil action is taken by the cosneE on the report of the bond committee Resolutaon relative to the Greater Agricultural College was tabled. A letter from the president of the City Board of Health, to ap pointment of successor to Dr. H. D. nulloch, mesigned, was tead and PROCEEDINGS POLICE JURY APRIL 13 (Continued from last week) The following statement was read: State tax ........... 4294.42 Veteran tax ......... 619.6b Parish Tax: Criminal fund ....... 553.79 Road fund .......... 1384.47 School fund ......... 3322.75 General fund ........ 1938.26 Corporation Tax: Criminal fund ....... 60.36 Road fund .......... 150.93 School fund ......... 362.23 School tax ward 1 .... 222.48 School tax ward 2 .... 140.71 School tax ward 3 .... 748.44 School tax ward 4 .... 170.62 School tax ward 5 .... 1312.67 School .tax ward 6 .... 722.20 School tax ward 8 .... * 350.15 School tax ward 9 .... .780.12 School tax, Abita .... 67.74 School tax, Waldheim . 78.19 Special road tax ...... 4806.25 Poll tax ............ 46i-& Per capita tax ....... 31 State license ........ 58:3 Parlsh license ....... 14.85 Conservation license .. 245.33 Int. on state license .. 46.35 Costs, fees, etc.,....... 73.15 Commissions ......... .188.53 Total amount ...... $23388.29 Amounts available to each fund: Criminal fund ....... 614.15 Road, regular ....... 1569.06 School fund ......... 8324.86 General ............. 1953.11 Road, special ......... 4806.25 Sheriff's salary ....... 256.71 State ............... 5864.15 $23388.29 I, Walter Galatas, tax collector for the Parish of St. Tammany, State )f Lounsiana, do solemnly swear that the above is a correct statement of all taxes, etc., collected by former Tax Collector T. E. Brewster for the above mentioned funds from the lat day of March to the 17th day :f March, 1920, inclusive. WALTER GALATAS, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me .thls 17th day of March, 1920. GUY A. SMITH, Deputy Clerk of Court. The above report ,was accepted as read. The following report was read: Statement of Walter Galatas, tax collector, for the month of March, 1920: State tax ........... 485.17 Veteran tax ......... 70. 3 Parish Tax: Criminal fund ....... 47.96 Road fund .......... 119.89 School fund ......... 287.75 General fund .. . ... 167.85 Corporation Tax: Criminal fund ....... 21.88 Road fund .......... 54.79 School fund ......... 131.25 School tax ward 1 .... 31.14 ,School tax ward 2 .... 22.57 School tax ward 3 .... 113.82 School tax ward 4 .... 183.42 School tax ward 5 .... 16.83 School tax ward 6 .... 6.80 School tax ward 8 .... 32 56 School tax ward 9 .... 71.15 School tax, Abita .... 13.77 School tax, Waldheim . 29.12 Special road tax ..... 454.04 Poll tax ............ . 13.86 Per capita tax ....... 16.83 State license ......... 99.00 Parish license ....... 39.60 Inheritance tax ...... 504.23 Int..on state taxes ... 20.36 Costs, fees, etc., ...... 96.04 Cost of notices ....... 9.50 Commissions ......... 25.91 Total amount ...... $3187.00 Total amounts available to each fund: Criminal ............. 69.84 Road, regular .191.42 School .............. 954.04 General .............. 207.45 Road, apecial ........ 454.04 tabled. The resignation of Mr. Whit Roggs from the Park Commission was of tered, and on motion duly seconded and carried, accepted. The Mayor then appointed the fol lowing Park Commissioners to serve F. J. Heintz, chainrman, vice John L. Haller, resigned; J. C. Cappell, v ce Whit Riggs, resigned; D. H. Maseon. Dr. A. G. MJtlie. The counci then adjourned. ROBT. W. BADON, Mayor. L. A. PERREIAND, Secretary. DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS LAST WEEK Among the visiting attorneys it tending court were: B. W. Dart, Henry L. Garland, R. A. Dowling, Benjamin Ory, J. C. Henriques, Hid dleston Kenner, of New Orleans; Ma gee Ott and Gordon W. Goodbee, of Franklinton; L. 'V. Cooley, of S dell. The fololwing cases were dispia e'd of by the Court: State vs. Henry L. Dognibene. Judgment in fayor of defendant re jecting the demands of the State. Case appealed to Circuit Court. Crandall & ~Brown Lbr. Co., vs. B. F. Mitchell. Judgment in favor of plaintiff sustaining the injunction. Motion for new trial field. ,Mrs. V. Benar Latapie vs. E. H. Baudot et als. Judgment in favor of defendants, rejecting plaintiff's demands and declaring the will as valid. State vs. Annie Ladner, Julia Jas man, Estelle Balvan. Accused plead guilty to disturbing the peace, and -ed $15 or thirty days in jail. xis Bros. vs. E. A. Larose. s ismissed at plaintiff's costs on motiop of plaintiff's counsel. B. '.. Todd va N. O. G. N. Suit dismni d at plaintiff's costs, on mo tion of plaI'ntiff's counsel. Succession of Mrs. Janie C. Von Schoeler. Capt. Victor Von Schoeler appointed administrator of estate. State vs. Ira Tyson. Accused ar raigned and plead not guilty. Case. assigned for May term of court. Delia Hart et als vs. Martha Ford et als. Case tried and submitted. Augusta T. Menard et als vs. Ika Howse. Judgment amended reduc ing attorney fees from $200 to $100. Mrs. Sophie M. Phin vs. O. R. Bru g'er et als. Case tried and left open to take testimony in New Or leans. Jas. J. Barr vs. La. Shipbuilding Corporation. Case tried and sub mitted. Lacombe Lbr. Co. vs. B. W. Todd. Case tried and submitted and juzlg ment rendered rejecting plaintiff'l demands at its cost. Mrs. Lola McLendon vs. Winm. Mc Lendon. Case tried and submitted and judgment rendered in favor of plaintiff as prayed for, granting an absolute divorce. Pineland Realty Co. vs. A. H. Clements. Exceptlon of no cause of action sustained, dismissing plain tiff's suit at Its cost. Mr. and Mr.s Raymond Garcia vs. Salmen Brick & Lbr. Co. Case trie I Sheriff's salary ...... 131.4!5 State ............... 1178.76 I, Walter Galatas, tax collector for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, do solemnly swear that the above is a true and correct statement of all taxes, etc., collected by me for the above mentioned funds, from the 18th day of March to the 31st day of March, 1920, in elusive. WALTEIR GALATAS, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3d day of April, 1920. GUY A. SMITH, Deputy Clerk of Court. The sheriff's report was accepted as read. The following report was read: Covington, La., April 1, 1920. To the Honorable .Provident and Members of the Police Jury, St. Tammany Parish, La. Gentlemen:-I .beg to submit the following as my report for the month of March, 1920: Parish FnudL Receipts: Bal. on hand March 1.. 3699.05 General fund ........ 4605.11 Criminal fund ....... 1535.94 Parish licenses ..... 247.32 Refund from loan to as sessor ............ 2750.00 Transfer from duipping vat fund .......... 139.35 $12976.77 Disbursements: Mileage and per dlem.. 66.9 . Office supplies . ..... 6.15 Official printing ...... 59.30 Jurors and witnesses . 152.20 Transportation of pris. 69.82 Feeding prisoners .... 42.50 Court expenses ...... 5.00 Maintenance courthouse 206.38 Coroner's jury and exp. 78.53 Board of Health ...... 22.75 Tick eradication ..... 12.44 Treas. salary (2 mos.). 200.00, Secretary's salary .... 100.0U Paupers ............. 24.00 and submitted. Vera Goldsmith Ross vs. Peter Ross. Case tried and submitted and judgment rendered dismissing plain tiff's suit at her cost, and a further judgment rejecting the reconven tional demands of defendant. The next term of court will con vene in Covington on May 10, 1920. * * *. * * * * s * * * $, * CLEAN-UP DAY. * - * The ladles of the W. P. U. are * * especially anxious that Clean- * * Up Day be a success. Health * * as well as appearances demand * * it. Get your trash together and * * put it out where the city teams * * can get it and haul it away. The * * Mayor has proclaimed this a day * * to be observed by every one. * * Clean up on the 28th of April * * and make the town inviting to * * strangers and pleasing to home * * folks. * -0----- . RESOLUTIONS TO LATE SHERIFF BREWSTER. Into the life of each community there comes occasionally some man whose signal qualities, unobstrusive ly exhibited during the span of life, stand out, when accented by death, like unto Mare at Perihilion-and cause fellow citizens to pause for the nonce and to conisder the phenomena of a man, good and true. Whence it happens, that the Ba' of the 'Parish of St. Tammany, Lou 'isiana, who, for some decades past, had come to know Thomas Edward ,Brewster, its sheriff, and realizing that in his death it suffered a loss of a competent, honest, fearless and fair official, and a friend, to evidence its respect, and, in some measure express its consideration to the liv ing, does, through its undersigned commlttee, in open court in Coving ton, St. T'mmany Parish, State of Louisiana, move, the Court, an its melancholy duty, to inscribe upon its minutes for this 12th day of April, A. D., 1920, the frst day of court since our Sheriff's death, these reso lutions: Whereas, as afore cited, Thomas Edward Brewster has entered into eternal rest, And whereas, this Bar mourn in -im a man who appreciated and who ever performed his dutyt and A falend, in the full~meaning of that word, Be 'it resolved, That the Bar ten der to the family of the deceased its respectful experssions of sincerest sympathy, And be it further resolved, That in addition to the minute entry request ed, that the Court do'order the issu ance to the Brewster family of a certified copy of this groceeding and do order the publicatTon thereof in The St. Tammany Farmer and The Slidell Sun. Signed, ARTHUR L. BEAR, ADRIAN D. SCHWARTZ, LEWIS L. MORGAN, Committee from the Bar. A true copy. KARL J. KOHNKE, Minute Clerk. AN ENJOYABLE DINNER. A most enjoyable dinner was giv en to the directors of the Com mercial Bank & Trust Co., ldt the ,Mutti Hotel, Abita, Saturday even ing, by Mr. J. P. Rausch. It w.s made especially enjoyable by some very interesting talks 'by Rev. A. H. Kaub and Rev. O. W. Luecke, of the Lutheran Church, and a response by Mr. Lewis L. Morgan. Rev. Kaub, founder and former pastor of the Abita Lutheran Church has won dis tinction in a larger field, now hav ing a large pastorate in Chicago. He spoke of the wonderful advancement of the echools here and other pro gress. - Janitor ............. 50.00 Court stenographer ... 25.00 Loan to assessor ..... 125.00 Premium treas. bond . 40.00 Contingent fund ..... 3.00 $1317.59 'Bal on hand April 1... $11659.2i Road Fund. Bal. hand .March 1. 11464.73 Rec (rd. fund tax) 3839 86 Percopita tax ........ 60.39 $15364.98 Disbursements: Roads and bridges ... 1071.24 Loan paid .......... 3150.00 4221.24 Bal. on hand April 1.. $11143.74 St. Tammany Good Roads Band Tax Account. Bal. on hand March 1.. 30394.21 Received in March .... 8770.89 Good Roads Bond Tax. Bal. on hand March 1.. 7356.49 Received during month 1879.51 Bal. April 1 ........ $9236.00 Clerk's Salary Fund. Bal. on hand March 1 509.50 Disbursements: Clerk's oalary ....... 275.0,) Dy. clerk and expenses 234.23 $509.29 Bal. on hand April 1.. 21 Sheriffs Salary Fund. Bal. on hand March 1 2161.09 Recorpts, commissions, taxes and licenses .. 668.97 $2830.06 Disbursements: Sheriff's salary ...... 291.65 Dy. salaries and exp... 475.02 $766.67 Bal. on hand April 1.. $2063.39 GEORGE KOEEP, JR., Parish Treasurer. The above report w'as accepted as read. The following report of the Ff LEGION HONOR HOLDS MEETING COURTHOUSE COVINGTON Resolutions Passed Endors ing Soldiers Memorial at Baton Rouge. CITIZENS ASKED TO AID FINANCIALLY Rev. Vaughan Made Post Chaplain. Other Busi ness of Importance Covington, La., April 19, 1920. Meeting was called to order at 8:20 p. m. 'by A. J. Finney acting post commander, with the following members 'present: T. A. Bush, O. J. Hebert, Arthur J. Finney, B. P. Fon tan, Herbert G. Clann, Walter Las seigne, Philip Burns, J. D. Monette, Ralph N. Menetre, G. E. 'Menetr., Bryan D. Burns, R. C. Moise. Ab sent: Ed. Barlow and Coleman La craox. ,Member by affiliation, Rev. A. F. Vaughan, present. The follovwng officers were elect ed: ed: Arthur J. Finney, Post Commander; Bryan D. Burns, Vice Commander; O. J. Hebert, Adjutant; B. P. Fontan, Finance Officer; Her bert G. Clann, Post Historian and Recorder. The following motions were made in due form and carried: That Rev. Vaughan be Post Chap lain; that in response to a letter from the Louisiana Memorial Com mittee the 'project be endorsed and assisted in every way, and that a committee be appointed to draw up resolution of thanks be extended to Farmer asking citizens to give fi nancial aid to the memorial; that a ersolution of thanks bQ extended to D. H. Mason, editor of The Farmer, for ,past favors; that a committee be appointed to draw up by-laws, and Bryan D. Burns, Oliver J. Hebert. T. A. Bush be appointed, with A. J: Finney as ex-offcio chairman; that a meeting be called for Monday inght April 26, and for every member to urge ex-service men td be present. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. A. J. FINNEPY, Commander. H. G. CLANN, Recorder. ANNUAL MAY FiESTIVAL. Under the auspices of the Wo men's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church the annual May Festival will be held on the church grounds, Fri day, May 7. The gates will be open at 4 p. m. A hearty welcome is ex tended to all. AT PRESBYTERIAN OHUIRH. The meeting of the Presbytery of New Orleans and services at "the church by Revs. W. G. Harry, J. 8. Land, Wm. McF. Alexander, C. S. Shell, visitors, has brought a large attendance during the week. Rev. F. C. Thomas will preach Saturday at 7:45 p. m. and Sunday at 11 a. m. 0-- Mr. W. E. Morriss, of the Com morcial Bank, accompanied by. Mrs. Morriss, are attending the Bankers' Convention in Alexandria this week. Mdrs. Margaret Kidd has returned to Covington, after having spent some time in Morgan City. Covington people were glad to see Dr. Wenderlich here thl! week. The Doctor is looking fine. .nance Committee was read: We, the finance committee, have examined bills of Parish Fund to the amount of $939.59; Road Fund, $939.17, and ordered same paid. JOS. M. SMITH, H. N. FENDLASON, Finance Committee. Following is the list of bills or dered pa d: Road Fund. Henry Roberts, work in ninth ward, $27.00. Town of Slidell, work on road with grader, $77.87. J. B. Porter, road work eighth ward, $68.00. J. D. Porter, same, $42.00. W. M. Provost, same, $12.00. J. J. McKeen, same, $10.00. Hy. Anderson, St. Tammany road world, $17.50. Marion Harper, Singletary road work, $17.50. Mark Fitzgerald, overseer road work in escond ward, $218.00. Dendinger Mercantile Co., ma terial for Madisonville road in 1919 and 1920, $87.80. J. M. Barringer, lumber for 4th ward bridges, $40.00. Victor Lewis, reparrl'g Laeomlbe -Mandeville road, $8.50. A. D. Crawford Lbr. Co., lumb-r for Pearl River-Florenville road, $12.65. Southern Creosoting Co., lumber bats and cinders, ninth ward road. Town of Slidell, work on road with grader in ninth ward, $31.05. J. E. Barger, road work in ninth ward, $33.00. Henry Roberts, same, $33.00. John Crawford, same, $45.00. Tom Morse, work on road and bridge, Penn Mill road, $18.00. Smith Hardware Co., material for third ward road, $12.40. Thos. Galloway, overseer, work on M'ddle Road, $27.20. Parish Fund. E. Quatreveaux, overseeing clean ing of courthouse yard, $9.00. (Continued on page I)