Newspaper Page Text
TThE ST. TAMMY T PaAFMMM n Every SatnIsry at is the saburliptlon prtse RUSTIC and BULLOCH'S DRUG of The armi. You'll UDBAL P].L.MCY, p.rz of your money by bedig a The St. Tammany Farmer 2 S Paop mbrlher. Help boost the pariah. D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920. VOL. 46 No. 41 DRAINAGE ONLY KEY TO SUCCESS ON RICE FARM SAYS PLANCHE Experience In Wet Land An Object Lesson In His Own Farm Work. WITH IT SUCCESS, WITHOUT, FAILURE Drainage Appeals to Him As a Wonderful Thing For St. Tammany. Couington, La., Aug. 25, 1920. Editor St. Tammany Farmer: SI am fully in favor of drainage. Being ot) n and raised in St. Tau' many pari-l,. with all my interests cent'.rcd here, it is only natural th:t 1 shoo d li!ke to sere her prosper, there.ore. Ig ve to that wonderfuj rdo "ve: - 'rainage"" - my full arn dorselalent. As a boy. on my father's farm, I can weli :'embOn'er what great trouu.- he tad to harvest rice crops. due to low .ands and the heavy ratue that are . c trelqunt in this part of tire country. To save his crop fromi utter ruin, I have seen him buio every bunl:e of rice. What wo-.: fthat was oyi. one who has used the same process could appreciate. I can renmeumer how we boys, after a heavy rain, would take any kind of old raftt, pull it over to the big road near Ramsay and go sailing down it as "ar as the Mile Branch. Drain age was the only question that woud have solved oui trouble. But back in those days drainage was little - kbk kn of and had not been put t, the Lest as it has to-day. The coa sequences v ere we had to abandon our .arm. I want to call your attention, right here, to M. Patrick's place near the Ramsay road, furiner:y known as "Mud Rive"." it is a good exam)le of what partial dra nage will do - yve:al yeais ago when Mr. Schu!tz w 6s a member of the Police Jury he prop;s:d cutting a ditch 8 feet wide and I8 inches deep. He asked amy opinot of an undertaking and as I thought it was the only practi cal to do I advised him to carry out his plans and gave him r~ every ass'stence I possibly could. In a short time he had a well drained piece ci land on which Mr. Patri':k to-day can plant and raise a good crop. A g.tater benefit could hate b. een deriveu if the ditching had con tinue.l, but just about that time Mr. Schu-Z-'s term as a member of the Police Jury expired and nothing more was. sad about it. After many years the old feeling for ' farm life" returned, and I thought I would give it another trial. The same difficulties were again encountered and my succass was little more than that of my Isthe" before rme. Conditions had been somewhat improved, owing to several large ditches be ng cut by the rarish similar to the one made by Mr. Schultz, but not enough to do much good. The question is, shall our sons be doomed to the same fate, it the farm is to be hi7 ea:liug in life? Shall we trust upon his yoang shoulders the same draw back ;hat we have carried for '1fa° My answer is NO! What is yours? I act not as well versed in drait age a; some are, but 1 know enou7' from actual experience to conviute me that drainage is the only logical thing for St. Tammany parish-until that :mportant step is.taken we cam not expect to succeed any more than In the past. We have the opportunity to-day to r lake or mar our future. Shall we ' remain in the rut we have been in Sfor the past fifty yeara, and more, or shall we awaken to the fact that S.acces~s, through drainage, is knock lag at our door ready to enter and distribute among us an equal sharr, Sof this world's riches. The key-n;ote to success througl Ott the West has been drainage and iVrlgat~on. If thousands of acres of their barren wasto lands can be con rerted into beautiful productive : elda by the same methods they a-m urging us to adopt, why should we itesitate in the same privi le ewhen our beautiful Southland bIasts of more advantages than oer Weatern neighbors? Ho . James Cox, Democratic nomi Sle tor president of the Un'ted mates, in his acceptance speech, stressed the great need of drainage mid irrigation. He said common pi'd', ce wouldt suggest that we tu " , 'ea. to our iutmost our acres of tilable land, There are still va~t malpir.s in extert in our country per forming no serv ee to humanity. it 5i s only through such r.alnage and irrigation, he says, that ~Wtill convert them into prospero I's 1rms. Every dollar spent will yield ; .ompensating results. :W lt.h words of such encouragement * these let ui all get together and 9tt o'd St. Tammany on the "map of Yours truly, MAtURICE P. PLANCHE. IFOt RENT-A furnished houss Ilth modern improvements, screenr, B"etrc lights, water. Apply Box ('C, Ocvinf ton, La. au28 CARD 01F THAN'KS. ', Wish to thank all thoes who U ttr' i gly helped up with the care ( our sick wife and mother, Mrs. * E. Davis, and especially do we - St·t Bro. Martin and Bro. ToncY , l.igiou3 services, rendered at her de and funeral. SHUSBAND AND CHILDREN. :;t '·i NEGRO BUILDING ON THE FAIR GROUNDS IS ASSURED Influential Colored Citizen3 Get Together and Form Plan. TO RAISE $500 FOR BUILDING Committees Appointed and Plans Mapped Out for the Campaign. The Board of Directors of the tt. Tammany Parish Fair Associatiou, of wuich President J. H. Warner. Mr. H. A. Mackie and Mayor Root. W. Badon are members, conferred with Prof. T. F. Dickerson, of Mali sonville, Dr. J. L. Johnson, of Sli dell; J. H. Vaughan of Mandeville; Mrs. Delphine Heiser, of Madison vi le, and Fev. I. Gilchrist, Rev. i. J. Bell, Prof. V. C. Thorton, Mrs. Josepuine Moore, Miss Marion Bel:, of Cov.ngton, and Peter Foster, >) lndian Village, regarding the build ing to 'be erected for the colored jieopl,* of St Tammany parish. Th b member of the board explain ed to the colored representatives a separate building was necessary for the following reasons: 1. The persent buildings were too small to house all the exhib!ts. 2. The board realized that the colored people ought to have a plate to amuse themselves with music, games and a restaurant. 3. That the colored people will be free to visit all exhibition booths. 4. That said Ibuilding is to be erected at once near the race track and .viat:on field with a campus for 1a:l g;;mes and other outdoor amuso ments. 5. That this building will be controlled jointly by the Board of Directors and the colored building committee. 6. Thaat the colored people of the )arish are to raise $500 and the Board of Directors will have the build rg and grounds ready for the fair. The colored representatives ex pressed their appreciation to Preji dent Warner, Mr. Mackie and Mayor Badon for - the, 4nterest past Sand present, that the board had taken in the colored people, and pledge-I themseives to raise the $500 as soon as possible. The colored committeemen organ ized w:th Prof. T. F. Nickersoa, chairman; Prof. V. C. Thornton, se. retary, and Rev. B. J. Bell, treasurer. It w:as Prof. Dickerosn, seconded by Rev. Bell, that this )r ganization will be known as the Colored Division of the St. Tammany Parish Fair Association, and that a membership fee of one dollar be lev'ed. Carried. Moved by Prof. Thornton, second ed by Dr. Johnson, that each repre sentative present be appointed chair man of the local committee in his community, and that the local com m-itte , be empowered to raise funas for the association. Carried. The following committees were ap pointed: Bal Iding and Grounds--Rev. I. Gilchrist, Prof. V. C. Thornton and Rev. B. J. Bell. Agriculture-Pete Foster, Robert Brown, Isiaah Penn, Steven Pieros, Charlie Beard, Wallace Pichon, Hy Williams, A. Izidore, J. R. Vaughau, Joe Taylor, Francois Flot, Antoine Pierra and Foster Green. The following committees will be appointed in a few days: Commit tees an Textile, Culinary and Lire Stock. The following members paid one dollar: Pete Foster, Prof. T. F. Dickerson, Rev. B. .. Bell, Rev. I. Gilchr'st, Dr. J. L. Johnson, J. R. Vaughan, John Heisser, V. C. Thorn ton, Mrs. Josephine Moore and 315es Marion Bell. e~,..nty cents was collected for stationery. Th:*re being no further business the meeting adjourned subject .o call. V. C. ITHORNTON, Secretary. TEACHERS IN COVINGTON HIGIl SCHOOL Followin, are the teachers in the Covincton High Schol for the 1920 1921 session: Prof. A. J. Park, principal; Miss Maima Paysinger, Science and Math ematlcs; Miss Lois Musick, English and Latin; Miss Mina King, English and Latin; Miss Ruth Burns, Home Economics; Miss Pearl Grantham, 7th grade; Miss Nettle Sojourner, 7th grade; Miss Mabel Burch, 6th grade; Miss Edna Close, 5th grade; Miss Anna Elichlal, 5th grade; Miss Chrisizen IitzSimons, 4th grade; Mrs. V. Z. Young, 3d grade; M ss Eliza Stockton, 2d grade; Miss Li'i rance Derveloy, 1st grade; Mrs. E. D. Evans, 1st grade. - MRS. FLORN. la. DAVIS. Died, at Pearl River, La., Mrs. Florence L. Davis, aged 64 years, on, AugiPt 18, 1920, after an illness of three weeks. She has been en invalid for eightsyears, an.l in that time has apot ~walid a ste,. She trusted in Gos 'zealZiiig that He would care for helW She was a de voted wife and ,atirlng mother. To know her was to love her. She was laid Lo rest in thgAudttbon Ceme tery on Thursdayf#3Lgust 19, at 3 p. m., where a hosti*itsds and rela tives gathered to pay their last tribute of love and respect. 1 FARM BOYS ON 40 00MILE TOUR 4 " . :te . i * One hundred and fifteen itaan boys, who ha tly won a competitive examination in agr4 nutural subjects were rewarded, with a 4000-mioe sour through the principal farming regions of the Wountr7. The trip took Ihqm through New York, Chisago. Detroit, Cleveland and Washington, endings mt College Station, Tit. The tour was financed by the business men of Texas. Its purpose was tal 'broaden the viewpoint of the future farmer boy and to enable him to meet agriculture problems with mor jntellgeae. SCHOOL BOARD PROCEEDINGS m OF AUG. 20 Covington, La., Aug. 20, 1920. The St. Tammany gParish School BoartI met in regular session at the courtnouse in Covington, La., on the above date with the president, N. H. Fitzeimons, in the chair, and the fol lowng members present: T. J. O' Keele, ward 2; N. H. FitzSimoni, ward 3; W. W. Talley, ward 5; Dave Evans, ward 6; I. H. Keller, war! 7; Geo. Banks, ward 8; W. J. Sebas tian, ward 9; Wm. Oswald, ward 19 Those absent were H. H. Levy, ward 4; Geo. R. Dutsch. ward 1. U-p.n motion of Mr. Evans, second ed by Mr. Oswald, the minutes of the preceding meeting were accepted a:+ published in The St. Tamma-iy Farmei, the official journal. Thb- follow ng resolution was in troduced by Mr. O'Keefe, secondel by Mr. Keller, and unanimously car ried, to-wit: Be it resolved, That the St. Tam many Parish School Board of the Pariah of St. Tammany, La., now proceed to open the ballot boxes use i at the special election held in School Distr'" No. 2 of the Parish of et. Tammany, La., on August 18, 1921), exam n' and count the votes cast at said election contained in said ballot boxes, both in number and amount; examine and canvass the returas mad- by the commissioners and clerks serving at said elect'on ai shown by th.: tally sheet, ;poll list and compiled statements of the votes made by said commissioners' and clerks presiding at said election; all .n accordance with a resolution of this board ordering said election dat ed J .y 9, 1920. The School Board then proceeded in the presence of three competent witnesses to count the ballots -ou tained in the boxes used at said elec tion and examined the same as to number and amounts, inspected the statement of voters made by the coin miss.taiers and clerks presiding at said election, and after said inspe tion, .'xamination and canvassing were made the following resolution was intioduced by Mr. Oswald, duly seconded by Mr. Talley, and unani mously carried, to-wit: Be it remembered, that we, they School Board of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., acting as a board of commisiooners for the elect:on held in and for the School District No. 2 of the Parish of St. Tammany, La. on August 18, 1920, met to-day in open session at the offic eof the Par ish School Board in the Town of Covington, Louisiana, at the hour of 10 a. :a., for the purpose of counting the votes cast at said election and examining the same, 'both as to num ber and amount, and inspecting and examiing the same both as to num ber and amount, and inspecting and examining and compiling the returns sent in 'by the commissioners and clerks presiding at said election in said School District No. 2 of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., on th.+ 48th day of August, 1920, for and against the proposition submitted to the property tax payers, qualified as electors under the Constitution and laws on the State of Louisiana, con formably to a resolution adopted on the 9th day of July, 1920, by the St. Tammany Parish School Board of the Parish of St. Tammany, La. The meeting having -been regular ly called to order by N. H. Fits S:mons, ;president, and all members being present except Geo. R. Dutsch, ward 1, and H. H. Levy, ward 4, did in open session and in the presence of Alex Taylor and F. F. Wiggintoni and J. W. Blackwell, three compe tent witnesses, and in the presence of as many others as chose to a' tend the examination, inspection and compilat on of the returns of said election; and having aseertaine4d from said inspection and compilation that tne votes in numnber and amount cast at the aforesaid election held ia School Distr'ct No. 2 of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., for and against the poposition submitted to the tax payers of said School District No. ? by a resolution of the School Boardl of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., adop-sd July 9, 1920, to-wit: Proposition to levy a three mill tax on all property subject to tax atwi.on in School District No. 2 of thJ Parish of St. Tammany, La., for a period of ten years for the purpose of giving addlitional aid to the pub lNoc schools in said School Distri-t No. 2. For, or in favor of sa:d proposi tion "here were cast Fifty-two (52) Yotes, representing a taxable assess ed property valuation of forty-three thousand four hundred and forty even ($43,447) dollars. Against, or in opposition to satl BOGUE FALAYA COMMISSION REPORTS Covington, La., Aug. 24, 192, Editor St. Tammany Farmer: I have the honor to submit nuer, with a report of the transactions of the new Park Commission, wit.i a requebt tha" it .be published in T'h e St. Tammany Farmer for the Z~fo' mation of the general public, the real owner of the Bogue Falaya Park an-i Pavilion. Respectfully, BOGU: FAALAYA PARK COM MISSION, Per A. G. Maylie, Sec. Receipts. P. J. Heintz, old depot fud .............. 400.03 F. J. Heintz, donations from the public . .. 416.60 , A. V. Smith, balance old Park Coi missioon .. 221.61, Dr. W. L. Stevenson, for old lumber ........ 61.80 B. P. Fontan, pavilion rental ............. 12.5) Daughiters of Isabella, pav:i:on rental ..... 5.00 Druids, pavilion rental. 12.Y) W. P. U., net receipts of "Manliess Weding" .. 236.17 Total receipts ..... 1366.1S Advanced by the town-at Covington from gen eral fund to meet in cur-ed of ligations, to be ieturned from the spacial fund ....... 1687.51 $3053.69 Expenditures. r. Roscoe, labor, build ing pavilion ....... 603.9 ) smith Hdw. Co., lumber and material ...... 1213.35 B. Commenge, galvaniz ed ocfing and laying sama ........ .... 482.00 W. W. Carre Lbr. Co., lumber ............ 373.9. L. T. Ragan, wiring pa vilion and lamps ... 117.60 Geo. Tasseigne, labor on pavilion and grounds 34.82 1 R. L. Aubert Co., insur anc. .............. 97.50 Pechon & Lamar, laying p'po and material .. 115.00 St. Tammany Ice & Mfg. Co., electric globes .. 15.60 1 Total expenditures .. $3053.63 The following have donated con crete tenches or swings: Mayor Rc'bt. W. Badon, Lawrence M. Bourgeois, Covington Bank & Trust Co., Commercial Bank & Trus' Co., Walter Galatas, Dr. G. R. Tol son, J. A. Domergue, Covington Gri. I cery & Grain Co., Harry Piguet, S. J. Newman, H. J. Smith's Sons, Meth odist iSunday School, Episcopal Sun day School, Presbyterian Sunday School, Knights of Columbus, Ma sonic Lodge No. 188, F. & A. M., Bogue Falaya Grove No. 21 U. A. O. D., Women's Progressive Union, C. E. Scaon'berg, Burns Furniture Com pany, Mackie Pine Products Co. prop"sition there were cast twenty seven (27) votes, representing a tax able assessed valuation of forty-two 4 thousand four hundred and s:xty-one ($42,161) dollars. And after counting the votes, in specting and exaamining the same a.I to number and amount, sad.having inspected and examined and cahvass ed the poll list, talley sheets and. comp. ed statements of votes mad3 by the commissioners and clerks pr - siding at sa:d election and compiling the returns of said election- we re placed in the ballot boxes the ballo.s, the poll lists, talley sheets and com piled statements of votes cast at saidl election and after having sealed th same we deposited the boxes with the secretary of the St. Tammany Parish School Board of the Parishn of St. Tammany, La., and having satisfied ourselves that the returns made by the commissioners and clerks presiding at said election are true And correct, and that the prop osition submitted to the taxpayerA quallfed as electors under the la .v and Constitution of the State of Lo a is'ans to vote at said election hell in cnool District No. 2 of the Par Ish of St. Tammany, La., on August 18, 1920, was carried by a majority of votes in number and amount oM assessed valuation of the p.roperty taxpayers voting at said election. The St. Tammany Parish School Board of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., cting as commissioners of the aforesaid ~lection held in School Dis trlct No. 2 of the Parish of St. Tam many, La., in open session assembled as atrresaide hereby declare that thri said propoaltioh submitted to the property taapayers of School District No. 2 by a resoluation of the St. Tam FOR THE COMMUNITY + HOUSE. * * Denver. Col., Aug. 20, 1920. E Edt.hor St. Tammany Farmer: We receive l your valuable * Spiper in which we see you good * people have converted the M. C. - * B. Library into a Community * House. This is what Mrs. Mar- * gle has been advocating for a . long time and she is highly elat ed over this undertaking and * wishes to say to you good people * upon her return she will do all * in her power to push things * along. Inclosed you will find * $10.00 wltich please turn over * to the proper person. * We have been here in Denver * aboit fifteen days and will leave * here Sdpt. 12th for Ft. Smith, * Ark., to spend about ten days * with our son, Dr. H. H. Smith, * then home., Hoping everything is lovely * w wiot you and yours, we are, Yours truly, * MR. & MRS. H. H. SMITH. * FOt ABITA SPRINGS FANCY WORKERS. Abita Springs fancy workers wi'l 1o doubt carry off many Iprizes at he Annual Pasish Fair to be herd n Cavtngton in October. I have een appointed to receive entries for he lalies of Abita Springs a.g vicli4 ty in t'fe fancy work departinei , Lnd shall take personal care of all he entries made through me. Pli-se prepare your very ,best en ries and send them to my home in kbita Springs. MRS. O. W. LUECKE. -0---- NOTICE. Extract from minutes of meeting )f police jury of August 10, 192,1 It was mcved by C. M. Poole, sec )nded by M. P. Schneider, that all )ills must be sent in to the office of ,he police jury not lates than four lays previous to the regular meet ng day, as it delays the meetings when o:lls are brought- in later, anid %specially when they are brought In )n m.eeting day, it makes confusion tnd likely errors in the secretary's -eports as they have to be ready be ore the police jury meets for busi ness, and under no circumstances will any bills be paid coming in tfter the above mentioned time, bat will be filed to be paid the follow ng meeting, bills 'brought in ,by of icials not excepted. Carried. F. J. MARTINDALE Secretary. nany School Board of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., adopted on the Ith lay of July, 1920, as aforesaid. .s carried, ac evidenced by the com ilation of the votes as hereinabove set forth, and having made public proclaration of the above resolution we have cl-sed th s process veroal of the compilation of the votes as hereinabove set forth at the afore said election in number and amount, which is made in triplicate, one copy f waich the secretary is oredred to Ile alth the 'Secretary of the State >f Lou siana another copy with tWe Clerk of Cuort of the Parish of St. Fammany, La., and the third copy to leposit in the archives of the office of the St. Tammany Parish School Board. of the Parish of St. Tatm many, La. In evidence whereof, we, the presi lent of said board, and the members thereof, nave signed this process verbal on the 20th day of August, 1920, now in regular session helt at the courthouse in the town of Cov Ington, La. St. Tammany parish, In the presence. of the aforesaid threi 3ompetent witnesses, who have sigu ed and witnessed this process verbal with the president and members of the aa'd 'board. Signed: N. H. FITZSIMONS, Thrd Ward and President. T. J. O'KEEFE, Second Ward. W. W. TALLEY, Fifth Ward. DAVE EVANS, Sixth Ward. ISOM H. KELLER, Seventh Ward. GEO. F. BANCKS, Eighth Ward. W. J. SEBASTIAN, Ninth Ward. W. OSWALD, Tenth Ward. Witnessea: ALEX TAYLOR. F. F. WIGGINTON. J. W. BLA.CKWELL. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it was voted to adjourn for dinner until 1:30 p. m. rContinueC oILp a3 4) POITEVENT SAYS NOT SPOKESMAN FOR TIMBER INTERESTS Quotes Letter to Show HIe Was Protected In Plan of the Districts. DON'T APPROVE DRAINAGE NO W Expects to Stump and Sell Land In Near Future. Not to Reforest. New Orleans, Aug. 24, 1920. Editor St. Tammany Farmer: Dear Sir:-It would appear from letters and statements published :n your paper, that the timber interests, and particularly the Poitevent & Favre Lumber Company, are being held responsible for the recent de feat of the proposed drainage project in St. Tammany parish. It was our idea to ignore these statements and communications, but as each issue of your paper continues connecting us with this matter, and in order to set the facts straight before the gen eral public, we wish to make the fol lowing statement: In your issue of July 31 you pub lished, on your front page, an open letter in which Mr. Eugene Arnett; of Oklahoma, is quoted as having made the statement that I was aex ing as "spokesman" for the timber interests or St. Tammany parish. Any statement that I represented or was the "spokesman" of the timber interests of St. Tammany parish is without foundation. Mr. Arnett call ed at our ctfce in New Orleans in order to discuss drainage in SL. Tammany parish, and I distinctty told Mr. Arnett, when he asked for an expression of the views of tae timber interests of St. Tammany parish, that I did not represent the timber interests of St. Tammanv parist. and that I could only speai for the Poitevent & Favre Company. If I had been "spokes man" of the timber interests of th:s parish, 'why'should Mr. Arnett have called on the other timber interests in order to secure their co-operation and support of his plan for dra:n age? -,Mrs Arnett faters a-ssare&. as that they would either leave our lands entirely out of the drainage distri'ts, oi that they would put them in separate drainage districts, and assist us in securing the appoint ment of commissioners who were satisfactory to us. These state ments were confirmed in the follow ing letter and other letters, whica we raceived from Mr. W. E. Moorriss, secretary of a committee of the St. Tammany Progressive League, which committee was sponsoring this drain age project. CJvington, La., July 15, 1920. Mr. John Poitevent, Poitevent & Favre Lbr. Co., New Orleans. Dear Mr. Poitevent:-Mr. Arnett .ill deliver to you personally Fri day morning a copy of the ordi nance passed by the Police Jury on the 13th inst., together with a map showing the 25 drainage districts thereby designated. The districts named Great South ern, Pineland and Chinchuba, so far as we have been able to ascertain, contain practically all the growing timber belorging to the three large lumber corporations operating in this parish. It in checking over th, map r descriptions it is ascertain ed that you have growing timber not included in the three districts afore said, please so advise, and at the next 1egular meeting of the Police Jury, as per understanding with them, we will change the lines to protect the property of yourself or any ''her timber owner whose in terests are to any extent jeopardized by the arrangement of districts as now designated. The commitee in charge of this work is absolutely sincere in an unanimous endeavor to measure its relations with the timber interests by the golhen rule; yet, if through lack of knowledge of your intereits, as you see the situation, our in any reepect fail to meet your de s'res, we wish you would say so with full assurance that we will co-op'r ate with you in either of the ol lowing plans: First-Organization of the dis tricts containing growing timber with Commissioners of your own so lectioa (thereby assuring your con trol of your districts so that tney may .emain undrained as long as you wish). Second-Rescission of the action of the Police Jury as to the districts in waich you are vitally interested. We hereby place ourselves on rec ord ;is recommending the former plan. However, we propose to 'e spect your desires whatsoever they may be and to that end it may be entirey unnecessary for you to at any expense whatever to prote.:t your personal interests, which are so cons.derrble that we want you to be assured that they are also the in terests of every proper thinking citi zen of the parish. Sincerely yours, (Signed) W. E. MORRISS, Secretary. Yoa can therefore see that the Poite ent & Favre Lbr. Co's. lands are fully protected by those who are advocating drainage, and therefore they have nothinz to fear from the establishment of drainage, other than the reflex action that would have followed from the carrying out of such a project. The Poitevent & Favre Lbr. Co. believes that the interests of the large ,nd small land holders, in a THE COMMUNITY HOUSE TO GIVE AN OPENING DANCE Affair Promises to be On. of the Most Popular of the Season. COMMUNITY HOUSE GREAT PUBLIC NEED Big Things are Anticipated Of Its Social Influence m the Community. Th- Community House will be opened to the public on September 8th, end the opening will be cele brated with a dance. There will be a good ,band and it is hoped to make the occasion one that will be enjoyed by every one. There will ,be re fresh'nents served. Community House is bound to be an institution that will win a warm place in public appreciation and ts teem. Everything will be done that can be done, with the means obtain able, to make it serve the purpose intended, which is to exert an in fluence that will strengthen the com munity socialy and to offer con venieaces to the visitor to Coving ton and too those coming in from the ',ountry that have heretofore Deen lacking. This opening dance should be pop ular with the young folks as well as with the parents, who may feel that all the surroundings are perfectly clean and wholesome. -0- Mr. H. K. Bell, of New Orleans, spent the week end with .Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Anderson. Hon. Don Caffery and Amos L. Ponder spoke to good audiences in Covington last Thursday evening. matte, of this kind, are identical, and v hat affects the one affects the other, and all of .the small as well as the large interests, should hays - been consulted by Mr. Arnett and their views obtainied and their rights cons:dered and protected be fore any, action was taken. This was not clone. We are opposed to the drainage p.-ojep covering the entire parish, as a large portion of our parish needs no drainage, and this would be plac ing the burden of taxes on some of our citizenc, without any resulting benefits. And, we are opposed to drainage, at this time, of the other portions of the parish for many and obvious reasons-among them be ing the fact that the drainage dis tricts Mere laid out by almost a total strhnger to this parish, without sur veys using made, lines run or levels taken; thal the people, as a whoa', were not consulted as to their vieN3 in the matter; that we are still in the shadow of a great war, and the Government is opposed to the launch ing of any projects at this time; that the bonds could not be sold, .e. requlied oy law, except at a heavy discoant, which would be in viola tion of the law, in order to make funds available for the carrying out of this project; that, even if the funds were available the necessary machinery and supplies for carrying out of such work are almoost un purchaseable. If we had drainage throughout the parish, it would cost over eleven million ($11,000,000) dollars, ac cording to the estimate made by M'. Frank J. Coleman, a drainage en gineer of national reputation. And, then, there would have to be a main tenance tax, even on a gravity sys tem, of approximately two hundred and eeventy-4fve thousand ($275, 000) dollars per year, and each year the taxpayer would have to pay this tax t, maintain the system and .s drainage tax to provide for the 'a terest on the bonds and a skiking fund to retire the same. This would be true, whether our lands were in oultivation or not. We believe that the representations that are being made that by haviing drainage we would increase the value of our lands from one hundred and fiftty ($150) dollars to two hundrel ($20C) dollars, or more, per acre, are misleaaing and visionary. If this were true, why is it that we have thouncands of acres of land, well drained, a large portion of which is under cultivation, which can be bought for twenty-five ($25) dollars, or per haps even less, per acre? Now a word in regard to the policy of the Poitevent & P.avre Lor. Co. it St. Tammany parish. It is not our intention to reforest our landi. We expect to start, in the immediate future, taking the stumos out ind putting our lands into culti vatioi, in order to show just what these lands can do agriculturally. We propose to sell these lands, at a reasonable price, first to our home people and second to our neighbors from other States, for agricultural purposee. And, it is our desire to assist them in profitably marketing their products. The Po!tevvent & Favre Lbr. Co. is owned by homo people, practically everything they have is invested In this ps rish, and they are deeply nm tefested in the development and fu ture of St. Tammany parish, and .ts people, and they will do nothing to retard its growth or interfere with its development and prosperity. In conclusion, I wish to avail my self of this opportunity to exprees my thanks to the Police Jury of St. Tamnimany parish for their fair and impartial attitude in which they have handled this entire matter. Very respectfully, JOHN 8. POITENVENT.