Newspaper Page Text
APPEAL FOR U. S. TROOPS TO AID POLAND Part of a delegation of 800 Polish sympathizers at the White House appealing in behalf of the Polish people of this country for aid from the U. 8. in the Poland situation, which has grown critical. Dr. Fronczak of Buffalo, N. Y., acting spokesman of the delegation, speaking to Joseph P. 1Tumulty, secretary to the president. PROPOSED AMEND MENTS TO CONSTITU TION OF LOUISIANA Adopted at the lRegular Session of the Ig:i-latlurt of 1920. To be 1oted on at the Congressiorln: Election Held November 2, 1 916. ACT NO. 51. House Bill No. 99 By Mr. Sylveast JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to. the Constitution of the State of Lou isiana requirlug the police jury ot each paristh of the State and the Orleans r'arish School Board, re apectively, to levy and collect an nually a tax for school purpose the;eiu; regulating school districts in certain respects; limiting tne rate of special taxation for school maintenance; empoweting the O' leans Parish School Board to issue notes, bonds, or other evidenct:s of debt for the purpose of par chasing grounds, constructing, o3 repa:ring buildings for school pur ,poses in the City of New Orteaus, and for the payment of principal and interest thereof to levy auIl dedicate for the period of years 'portions of the authorized tax, and repealing the amendment to the Coni.titutionl proposed by Act -218 of 1918 of the General As sembly of the State of Louisian-t and adopted. Sect on 1. Be it resolved by thl General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two-thirds of all the meul bers elected to eaach House con ourring, That the following amend ment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be and the sanme is hereby proposed and subAitted tj the qualified electors of the Statl' of Louisiana for adoption or rejec tion, to-wit: Amendment. 1. (a) Irrespectively of the limi tations of parochial and municipal taxation under existing constitution al provisions and in addition to the tax for school purposes provided by the amendment proposed by Act 191 of 1918 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, the police jury of each parish (Parish of Or leans excepted) is hereby required and directed to levy and collect for the year 1921 and each calendar year thereafter for school purposes there in, a tax of one and one-half milis on the dollar of assessed valuation of all property within said pari=.n and pay, as collected, the proceeds thereof to the school board of the pariah, unless the school board of the parish certify that a smaller taix will meet the needs of the schools, in wh ch event the police jury shall levy and collect the tax recommend ed by the school hoard. (b) The provisions thereof shalh apply, without distinction, to prop Brty within each municipality in a parish except a lmun'ciiality exempt under existing laws from parochial taxation, which is, under legislative authority, actually conducting, main taini.-g and supporting public schoo.s of its own, open and free to the youth of the parish in -which the municipality ij situated and whlca hi levying and collect ng and expenl ing annually for the conduct, mainte nance and support of its schools thli proceeds of an annual tax of at least one and one-h:lf mills on the assess ed valuation 11 all property within luch municipality. 2. There shall by no school din trict embrac ne the whole or any Part of territory lying in another school dlitrict, no shall there be a school sub-district except that a par ish as a whole may be created at schooi district wherein there exilt Lmaller schol districts or smaller School districts may be created em bracing parts of a parish constitut ing a school dis-trict. 3. (a) For school purposes in - the City of New O)rleans, and in lien Of the tax iprvidld for by Sectt~n 17 of the a:, m:linnt to the Consti tution propostd bI Act 4 of 3916 of the G(iencrra: A $:,lv of the State at 14101islina. thie ()rlans Parish Schoci SBoard. or Its suc,!ssor in law, shall : levy annuml v a t::x not to exceel S"seven mills (,n th dlollar of valua , -tion of all property w 'thin the Clt. o f Nel Orleans as assese: d for the DPUrposes of city taxation, which at tlion shall be cslrtil>,td by said Board to the Commiinion Council of the City of New rmi,,ans, or other fu ture governire lao'- of said C'ty 1e u; hereby rounird to cause the "tax levied by S:' 1 eard to be en :tered accord'nIz to law on the tax tolls of said nitv :!nd ceolocted in the m . 'nl ::'.,i ulnder the cond! and 'ith l'-, nterest and pen - Olty taxes, and the money thus c01 :" to be paid to said Board dai;y $.[ it i. received. . (b) The Orleans Par:sh School Board' may incur indebtedness and i sue negotiable promissory note,, bonds, or other evidences of deli, tire l.rinclpal and interest thereof lpayajiu as said board may determine. for the purpose of purchasing grounds, construct ng buildings, or repairing buildings for public school uses, and where such indebtedness is incurred or such notes, bonds, or other evidences of debt are issuccd, there shall be levied and collected for the years during which any of said obligations may 'be outstanding a tax, included within the limitation of seven mills, sufficient each year to pay the and interest therect; provided that the aggre gate amount of the taxes for such purposes shall not exceed one mill on the dollar in any one year, and proviaed further that the indebtld ness, notes, bonds, or other evi dences of debt shall not bear a great er rate of interest than five per ecnt per annum or run for a longer period than forty years. (c) The notes, bonds, or other evidences of debt herein authorize'l shall be exempt from State, parish, and municipal or other local taxa t:on and a legal investment for tutors of minors, curators of inter dicts, or others acting in a fiduciary capacity, and also they shall be re ceiv3d as security for all public de posits of the State of Louisiana or of any of its sub-div:sions or 'boards. (d) The provisions thereof shall constitute a contract between the holders of the notes, bonds, or other evidences of debt issued hereunder and the Orleans Parish School Board 4. Nothing in this amendment shall be construed as affecting in auy way p-rovision of the Constitution in relation to special taxes, provided that no special tax to pay operating expenses of public schools, author zed by Article 232 of the Constitu tion, shall exceed eight mills on the dollar of assessed valuation. 5. The amendment of the Const' tution proposed by Act 218 of 1918 of the General Assembly of th3 State of Louisiana is hereby super seded and repealed; provided the taxes already levied thereunder and the authority and power under ex isting laws to collect the same shall not be affected in any way by such repeal Section 2. Be it further resolv ed, etc., That this proposed amend ment shall be submitted to the duly qualified electors of the State, in ac cordance with law, to be voted upan at the General Congressional Elec tion to be held on November 2, 1920, the official ballots to have printed thereon the words: "For the pro posed amendment requiring police juries ond the Orleans Parish Schuv.l Board to levy annually a tax for school purposes," and the words "Against the proposed amendme it requiring police juries and the Or leans Parish School Board to levy annually a tax for school purposes,' so that each elector may indicate, as provided by the general electio laws of the State, whether he votes for or against the proposed amend ment. R. F. WALKER, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Lieutenant Governor and Presi dent of the Senate. Approved: July 5, 1920. JNO. M. PARKER, Governor of the State of Louisi ana. A true copy. JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 55. House Bill No. 127. By Mr. Hamley JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of the State of Louisiana levying a special State tax of one mil on the dollar in aid of public education. Section 1. Be it resolved by th? General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two-th:rds of all the mem bers elected to each House concur ring, That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be and the same is here by 'proposed and submitted to the qualified electors of the State of Louisiana, to-wit: Amendment. In addit:on to all taxes now au thor!zed by the Constitution or by law, there is hereby levied for the year -920 and each calendar year thereafter, in aid of public educa tion, a tax of one mill on the dol:ar of assessed valuation of all taxable property within the State of Louis. ana, it being hereby required that said tax shall be extended on th) tax rolls and collected as all othar State taxes. Section 2. Be it further reso0v ed, etc., That this proposed amend ment shall be submitted to the duly qua.ifled electoro of the 6tate, in accordance rwith law, to be voted up on at the general congressional elec t!on to be held on the 2nd day ol November,-1920, the official ballots to have printed thereon the words: "For the proposd amendment levy ing an annual tax of one mill in aid of publtc educem," and the word' ",Against the .opoed amendment levying an annual tax of one mill in aid of public education," so that each elector may indicate, as provid ed by the general election laws of the State, whether he votes for or aga ust the 'proposed amendment. R. F. WALKER, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. B EWITT BOUANCHAUD, Lieutenant *Governor and Presi Cent of the Senate. Apn oved: July 5, 1920. JNO. M. PARKER, Governor of the State of Louisia ana A true copy. JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 69. House B'11 No. 197. By Mr. Weinmann. JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the con stitution of the State of Louisi ana relative to the organization ant powers of the Board of Com misioners of the port of New Or leans, and the departments of sail port. Suction 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Lou siana, two-thirds of all the mem bers elected to each House concur ring, that the following amendments to the Constitution of the State :,f Louisiana be submited to the electors of thre State at the next Congression al election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1920, to-wit: That the Governor of the State shall appoint the respective members of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Naw Orleans, possessing the qualifications prescribed by law, one for a term of two years, one for a term of five years, and one for a term of ix years, and may designate and pre scribe the term of office of the pres ent Booard in accordance therewith. At the expiration of their respect:ve terms, their successors shall Tbe ap pointed by the Governor for a period of six years each. The Governor shall have the power to All the un expired term of any vacancy occurr ing through death, resignation or otherwise. Said Commissioners so appointed can only be removed by the Governor, for cause or causes to be preferred against them, or either of them, in 'writing and after public hearing and proof of the sufficiency of said charges to justify their re moval, provided that in all cases an! appeal may be had to Supreme Court from the decision of the Governor. Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., That the Board of Commission ers o.f the Port of New Orleans shall have power to organize or reorgan ize the legal, executive, engineering, clerical and other departments and forces of said Board, and to fix the duties, powers and compensation of all officers, agents and employees in such departments, excepting, how ever, such civil service requirements as may be established by 'tate laws. Section 3. Be it further resolved, etc., That on the official ballot to be used at said election shall be plact , the words: "For the proposal amendment relative to the organiza tion of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans," and the words "Against the proposed amend ment relative to the organization of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans," and each elec tor shall indicate his vote on Lhe proposed amendment as provided In the general election laws of the State. R. F. WALKER, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Lieutenant Governor and Presi dent of the Senate. Approved: July 6, 1920. JNO. M. PARKER, Governor of the State of Louisi ana. A true copy. JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 78. House Bill No. 2. By Mr. Byrne JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of the 'tate of Loutsi ana, directing the City of New Or leans to levy annually a special tax not exceeding two mills on the dollar for the inauguration and maintenance of double and triple platoon systems, and an increase in pay of the men and officiala, in the fire and police departments of the City, respectively. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louiliana, two-thirds of all mem bers elected to each House concurr ing, That an amendment to the Con stitution of the State of Louisiana be proposed and su'bmitted to the qu;alfled electors of the State, for ratification or rejection, as follows: to-it: "In addition to such other taxes as the City of New Orleans is now, or may be hereafter, author ized to levy, said city shall levy an nually a special tax, not exceeding two mills on the dollar, on all tax able property in said City as asseas ed and valued for city taxation pur poses. The avails of said special tax are hereby dedicated to the la auguration and maintenance of a double platoon system in the fire 49 partmient and a triple platoon system in the police department of said city, and an increase in pay of the men and officials employed in said do psrtments, and shall be used and employed by said city exclusively for said purposes respectively aceording to such apportionment of said funds as said city may make from time to Sactia 2. Be it further resolved, etc., That this amendment shall be submitted to the duly qualified elea tors of the State of Louisiana, nla accordance with the proylstons of the, Constitution, to be voted upon at the General Congressional Election to be held in November, 1920, and there shall be printed upon the ballots: "For the amendment to the Consti tution directing the City of New Or leans to levy a special tax not ex ceeding two mills for it. fire and Dolice departments," and "Against the amendment to the Constitutin directing the City of New Orleans to levy a special tax not exceeding two mills for its fire and police depart ments," and each elector shall IndI cate, a.s provided in the general elec tion laws of the State, whether he votes for or against said amendment. I R. F. WALKER, I Speaker of the Heouse of Repre- ' sentatives. c HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, t Lieutenant Governor and Presi- a dent of the Senate. f Approved: July 6, 1920. JNO. M. PARKER, E Governor of the State of Louisi- g ana. c A true copy. I JAMES J. BAILEY, r Secretary of State. ACT NO. 103. e House Bill No. 206. By Mr. Pere. 1 JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Coa stitution of the State of Louis' ana relative to the Board of Coal missioners of the Port of New Orleans. Section 1. Be it resolved by the a General Assembly of the State o: Louisiana, two-thirds of all members~ elected to each house concurring, That the following Amendment ito the Constitution of the State of Lonu isiana be submitted to the electors h of the State at the next Congression- I al election to be held on the firsl Tuesday after the first Monday In r November, 1920, to-wit: c The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans shall, or cept as otherwise herein changed and e amended, have and exercise all pow- p era now conferred upon them by c Constitutional Amendment. Adds- s power and jurisdiction may be p conferred by Act of the Legisalturi. t Said board shall have full power and e authority to construct, extend and p improve works for Port purposes t within the limitpbf the Port, includ- i: ing wharves, docks, warehouses. s gran elevators, locks, slips, laterals, e basins and other structures ana im- t provo~nents, and may dredge ship- P ways, channels, slips, basins and t turning-basins in the Miss:ssippi r River. Said board may without fur- s ther legislative enactment borrow c money and issue notes and *bonds 1 under the following conditions anal ( not otherwise: It may, with the ap- I proval of the Governor and tha I Auditor of the State, for its public v purposes, borrow on notes for tem- [ porary loans, payable within onue year, an amount not exceeding Five t Hundred Thousand ($500,000) Do- I lara at any one time outstanding, t and may in addition, borrow money e in anticipation of the collection of ! charges for wharfage, tollage, stoa- r age service and other charges whih It have been actually earned but have I not ye: ,been received. With the ap- I proval of the Governor of the State, a it may for public purposes other thau I the payment of current expenses :,t a the funding of indebtedness incurr- c ed or to 'be incurred for current ex- t pences borrow money and issue c bonds to the amount of Six Millicae Five Hundred Thousand Dollars a ($6,500,000). Said board may, wir. I the approval of the Governor ana i for like purposes, borrow other an t further sums and issue bonds in tue I manner following: When the Board I shall bave ascertained and certified I in writing to the State Auditor or i the s8upervisor of Public Accounts I the amount of revenue and income t of the Port for the two fiscal year 3 1 immediately preceding' after deduct- t ing therefrom the amdunt of operat- I ing and maintenance charged and I expenses, and all sums payable dur- c ing said year upon maturing princ:- c pal and interest of its bonded debt, I and the State Auditor or the Supe,--< visor of Public Accounts shall have I verified and approved said certificate, s the Poard may borrow money and t issue bonds to an amount the an- , nual ,ntereet upon which is not Ila excess of the average net revenues I for the two fiscal years immediately t preceding as shown by said certifi cate. The Board may add to such e net revenues of the preceding fiscal ( years as certified to the State Audi tor or the Supervisor of Public Ac- c counts, the net income and revenues I for such years of any revenue pro ducin; wharf, dock, warehouse, ele vator or other structure to be ac quired by said Board by Ipurchasd t or expropriation from the Iproceeds 1 of such bond issue. The net reve- I nues and income of such revenue producing utility shall be determin ed and certified by the Board anli approved by the State Auditor or the a Supervisor of Public Accounts. Said a Board may also with the approval o t the Governor borrow money and -Esue 'bonds to refund bonded in debtednes heretofore incurred or I hereafter to be incurred and matur ing and becoming payable within one year of the date of such refunding. All bonds issued under the forego- a 'ing provisions, except as otherwise expressly provided, shall run no:t more than fitfy years from date, sha 1 be issued in serial form, payable in - annual installments, commencing not more than ten (" 0) years from date, a the amount payable each year for principal and interest to be as near-i a ly equal as practicable, 'but annual installments of principal may be fix ed at Five Thousand ($5000) Dol lars or the nearest multiple thereo.. Refunding bonds issued hereunder , Ishall be payable in annual install- ments commencing not more than one year from date. All of the osoidl bonds shall have the same exemp tion from taxation, and the same privilege of registration and from registration, and the same ell gibility for depoast with the State or its officers or any of the political subdivisions or municipelitiles. a- was Igranted by Article 321 of the Con st:tution to the bonds there'n asu I thorized. Tutors of minors and a'. rators of interdicts shall be authoriz ed to invest the funds in their hands in any such bonds. Nothing here in contained shall affect the p.,wer of said board to issue ,bonds for Ithe construction of the nav.5gation cana' Sunder the ordinance and secured or the mortgage heretofore made and ex ecuted, and said Board is authorize I to carry into full effect said nrdi nanco and mortgage and to isnue and Ssell for canal purposes the remainder 8of bonds thereby authorized, and said ordinance and mortgage and the -contracts made with the Board of Levee Commissioners of the Orleans Levee District under date of June S29th, 1918, February 26th, 1919, November 14th, 1919, and the con .tract made with the City of New 0Orleans under date of August 16ta. , 1918, through the Belt Railroad Commission to carry into effect Act -No. 3 of 1918 in relation to said Navigation Canal are hereby ratifled e and confirmed. Said oBard sha;l have the power to lease for manu facturing, commercial and business purposes, lands acquired for said canal. Such leases may run for a term not exceeding twenty years .t a fixed rental without any provision for renewal, readjustment or reap praisement, but may run for a term not exceeding ninety-nine (99) years provided they shall contain a clause or clauses for reappraisal of the premises and a readjustment of the rental at intervals not exceeding ten (10) years after the expiration of the frst twenty year period. In th, event that the said Board and thi: lessee cannot agree upon the- rea 1 justment and reappraisement, they each shall appoint an ar.bitratbr who shall have the powers of ami cable comnpounders to whom the mat ter shall be referred for decision, anl n case of disagreement they sh"il: appoint an umpire and decision ,fl any two shall be binding upon the parties. Said Board may also coa struct warehouses, elevators, and other buildings and improvements upon the said canal, but the revenues from the navigation canal shall b'1 kept separate from the other reve nues of the Port. Such canal revr nues shall be deemed to include rentals of all lands leased upon tlih canal, lock charges, and charges for passages, through the canal. If the Boar'I shall construct warehouses, elevators and other buildings or im provements for public purposes ,n canal lands, the rental value of the site thereof shall be fixed by the ap- I praisers appointed by said Board and the receipts from such warehouse., elevators and other buildings or im provements shall be charged with the layment of such rental value into the canal fund. The canal fundl shall be applied first in the operating expenses of the canal and the main tenanco thereof, and thereafter in payment of the principal and in- 1 terest of the canal bonds, and in th, reduction in the manner provided in said ordinance of the payment and 2 contibtutions by the City of New Or- 2 leans through the Belt Railroal a Commiss:on and by the Board ofI Levee Commissioners of the Orleaus Levee District. If warehouses, ele vators and other buildings or im provemrents be constructed or acquir ed by said Board upon canal lands by the use of moneys other than the proceeds of the said canal mortgage, the receipts from such warehouses,; elevators and other 'buildings or im provements after the payment of the rental value to the canal fund, shall be Jaemed general revenues of the Port. The interest on all bonds issuel hereunder shall be paid semi annually by the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana at his office, au l at any other place or places with .'u or without the State designated by the bonds. Said Board shall Iplace on deposit with the Treasurer of the 4 State to the credit of an account or accounts to be known as Interest Accounts, in such manner as may be I provided in he proceedings to issueo the bonds, an amount equal to the , interest on all bonds that may have 4 been delivered. Said Treasurer is hereby empowered and directed, anl it is made his duty, to pay or pro vide for the payment of all interest that may become due upon said bonds. Said Board shall in addi tion in each year when any of said. bonds become due and payable, de posit with the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, to the credit of an ac count or accounts to be known as Redemption Accounts, the amount, of all ,bonds maturing or becomingi payable, and it shall be the duty ofr said Treasurer to pay or provide f r the payment of such bonds. Such deposits shall be made with the State Treasurer in timely season for the payment of such principal and in terest and not less than thirty (39)) days before the date'when any mon eys become payable. It shall be the duty of said Treasurer to collect such deposits as aforesaid, and in case of failure on the part of said Board to make said deposits in an amount su.icient to mprovide for the payment of interest due or to bas come due, and for the redemption 't the bonds, the said Treasurer is hereby empowered and directed, and it is made his duty, to collect the charges and revenues of the Port and to apply the same, after provel ing for necessary operating expenses and any prior charges, to the pay ment of the 'principal and interest of the said bonds, and for that pur pose and for such time as may be necessary, the said Treasurer is here by authorized to exercise all the poweis and duties vested in the Boarl of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. The accounts of said Booard as a Department of State shall be subject to audit and invest' gation by the State Auditor or Sup ervisor of Public Accounts, and the A~uditor shall countersign all bon ic hereafter issued. The Board miy acquire real and personal property subject to mortgage or other lien and make or execute purchase mon-sy mortgages or property acquirel. Nothing herein contained shall pre judlce the right of the holder of any bonds of the Port now outstanding, or that may be issued under the ordt nance and mortgage heretofore made and executed for canal purposes to a segregation of such revenues as are applicable to his bonds under said ordinance and mortgage or othe. covenant of his bonds. This amend ment shall not repeal any statutes heretofore enacted, except insofar aj inconsistent herewith. Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc., .hat on the official ballots to bj used at said election shall be places the , ords, "For the propose.l amendment to the Constitution giv ing additional powers to the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans in the financing and control of the property under its adm!nis tration," and the words, "Against the proposed amendment to the Con stitution giving additional powers to the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans in the financ ing and control of the property un der its administration," and each elector shall indicate his vote for or against the proposed amendment a. provided in the general election laws of the State. R. F. WALKER, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Lieutenant Governor and Presi dent of the Senate. Approved: July 6, ,1920. JNO. M. PARKER, Governor of the State of Louisi I aDn. MILADY'S SPORT HAT This dainty little sport silk hat is very much in vogue at pres ent and will be this fall. The fig ured silk in harmony with the color used on the under brim and the edge piped with the same ma terial A true copy. JAMEIS J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 140. House Bill No. 286. By Mr. Sch~ll JOINT RESOLUTION. l'ropos ug an amendment to Articia 303 of the Constitution of thc State of Louisiana as heretou - fo.e amended relative to pensions Lor Confederate Veterans. Section 1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State vf Louisiana, two-thirds of all the mem bers elected to each House con curring, That Article 303 of th3 Constitution of the State of Louls' ana as herotobefore amended e amended and re-enacted so as to real as tolows: - t Art:c.le 303. A pension not to es- t ceed thirty Dollars ($30) per montnu shall be allowed to each Confe.l- c erate Soldier or Sailor veteran w lo t possesses all of the following qualid-r cations: 1. He shall have served honor ably from the date of his enlistment I until the close of the late Civil War, or until he was discharged or pa roled, .in some military organization, I regularly mustered into the Army cr Navy of the Confederate States and shall have remained true to the Con federate States until the surrender. 2. He shall not own property of more than two thousand dollars va. nation. 3, He shall not be salaried or otherwise provided for ,by the State of Louisiana, or by any other State or Government. In case he enlist ed in any organization mustered lu to sa!d service as a Louisiana organi zation, or in case at the date of a.s enlistment he resided in the Stat.l of Louisiana, he shall have reside I in this State for at least five year. prior to his application for pension. In case he resided elsewhere than in this State, and enlisted in an organi zation not mustered in from Louisi ana, or in the Navy of the Confed erate States, he shall have resided in this State for at least five years prior to his application for sucht pension. A like pension shall be granted to the widow who shall not I have married again, in indigent cir cumsaances, of such soldier or sail or whose marriage to her was con tracted prior to January, 1895; pro vided that if her deceased husband I served in an organization, mustered I in frJm Louisiana, or if he resid-dI in Louisiana, at the date of his en listment, then in order that such widow shall be ontitled to the pen sion as herein provided, she shall i have resided in this State for at least five years prior to her applica- I tion therefor; and if her deceaseA husband enlisted elsewhere than !n Louis ana, and served in an organi- f zation not mustered in from LouisI ana, such widow shall, in order to entitle her to a pension as herein provided, have resided in this State I for not less than five years prior to her application for such pension; provided further that all widows who married Confederate soldiers or sailors a second time shall not be debarred from the benefits of thi' i Act bet be entitled to a pension on the Aame terms as Other widows of deceascd Confederate soldiers Jr sailors; provided further, that pen sions whether to veterans or to wild ows shall 'be allowed only from the date of application under this Artice and ,he total appropriations for all pensions in any one year shall be the proceeds of an annual tax of three-fourths of one mill on the do' lar 'which tax is hereby levied on all taxable property in the State, provided such appropriations shall never be more than an amount suffl oient to pay all pensions for any one year. Any accruing surplus from said lax fund shall be held as an ac cumalating fund for the Confederate Veterans to be appropriated by the General Assombly for their use and benefit as the General Assembly may in future determine, and the colle: tion of any other tax or in the mak ing of any appropriation for pen aidns In excess of the amount of tLh three-fourths of one mill tax levi- i and collected and to be known as "Confederate Veteran Pension Fund" is hereby prohibited and said fund ib to be used for no other purpose than that herein stipulated; and upon the adop:ic.n of this Amendment srae shall at once become self operative and dihe funds derived therefrom be immediately used for said purpose, and provided further that the tax collectors and assessors shall receive no commissions for assessing and collecting salfd three-fourths of one mill tax herein provided. Pr ided that nothing in this Artic:e shall be construed so as to prohlbt:t the General Assembly from - providing artificial limbs to disabled SConfederate soldiers and sailors. Section 2. Be it further resolved, Setc., That this proposed amendment Sbe submitted to the qualified ele - tors (,f the State of Louisiana, fo: adoption or rejection at the Congres sional Election to 'be held on the first Tuesday next following the flr3' Monday in November, 1920. That the of8lc'al ballots to be used at said election shall have printed theretn the words: "For the pri poeel amendment to Article 303 of the Constitution of the State of Lo- islana relative to the pensions for ONE OF THE LATEST FALL SWEATERS 4 . r 4Ins O rob M oGb mmii Confederate Veterans," and the words, "Against the proposed amend ment to Article 303 of the Consti tution of the State of Louisiana re'a tive to pensions for Confederate Vet erana,' and each elector shall indi cate, as provided in the general elec tion laws of the State, whether or not he votes for or against the amendment. R. F. -WALKER, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. HEWITT BOUANCHAUD, Lieutenant Governor and Presi dent of the Senate. Approved: July 7, 1920. JNO. M. PARKER, Gove.nor of the State of Louisi ana. A true copy. JAMES J. BAILEY, Secretary of State. ACT NO. 153. Houso Bill No. 376. By Mr. Claiborne Substitate for House Bill No. 199. JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to Article' 230 of the Constitution of the Stale of Louisiana relative to ex empting certain industries locat ed en the Navigation Canal, New Orleans. Section 1. Be it resolved by she General Assembly of the 6tate of Louisiana, two-thirds of all members elected to each House concurring, That the following amendments to the Constitution of the State of Lou isiana be submitted to the electors of the State at the next Congression al Election to be held on the firat Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1920, making said Article read as follows: Article 230. The following shall be exc mpt from taxation, and no other, viz: All public propert!, places cf religious worship, or buri al, the rectories and parsonages of churches and grounds thereunto ap purtenant, used exclusively as rest dences for the ministers in charge of such churches, all charitable in stitutions, all buildings and proper ty used exclusively for public mona mente or historical collections, col leges and other school purposes, the real a.d personal estate of any pub lic library, and that of any other library association used by or con nected with such library, all booL4 and philosophical apparatus, and all paintings and statuary of any com pany or association, kept in a pub lic hall; provided, the property so exemlted be not leased for rpurpos'a of private or corporate profit or !n come. There shall also be exempt from taxation household property .to the value of five hundred dollars. There shall be exempt from taxation for a period of ten years from tie Idate oi its completion, any railroad or part of railroad that shall be co.s structed and completed subsequent ly to January 1, 1905, and prior to January 1, '1909. This exemption shall nclude and apply to all rights of way, roadbeds, sidings, rails, and other superstructures upon such rights of way, roadbeds or sidings; and to all depots, station-houses, buildings, erections and structures appurtenant to such railroads and the operation of the same; but shall not include the depots, ~warehouses, station-houses and other structures - and appurtenances nor the land up - on wh!ch they are erected at termi Snal points, and for which franchises I have been granted and obtained; 3 whether same remain the property of the present owner or ownerS, or be transferred or assigned to any Scorpo ation or corporations, person 3 or persons whomsoever, and, Ipro Svided further, that this exemption s shall r ot apply to double tracks, sid s ings, ,witches, depots or other im ,provements or betterments, whica Smay be constructed by railroads now e in operation within the State, other I than extensions or new lines coo Sstructed- by such rairoads. Threr. shall be exempt from taxation the s legal reserve of life insurance conm o pan!es organized under the laws of a th~is Slate. The property or real e·s ri tate telonging to any military or ganization of the State of Louisiana L, which is used by the State National ,t Guard or Militia for m!litary pur - poses, such as arsenals or armories, .while so used, shall hbe exempt from - taxation. There shall also be ei ae empt, from taxation, loans made ai t on security of mortgages granted u'i on real estate situated in this State, d as well as the mortgages granted to 4 secure said loans, and the notes -bonds; or other written instruments f evidencing the said loans, whether I- in the hands of the mortgagee, or his r (Continued on page 8)