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PUT rWIIIU Z ai your homes at nlght? Yes, EdiC son's bottled suashbe. 1* e tr i light Is by far the elsmest and bet, Sand in ase that your h-ase IL as equipped e to us and let us es0 vines Fea 01 the smbal cost and Its superiority over all the other chl* as· sonad IIhQLs mestks. St, Tammnany Ice and Manufacturing Company, LIMITED. melL n. M. M ...... Ginuato Wtew 1112 20th Avenue Telephone 230 Covington, La, MRS. J. B IBNH Bghtered Naum Beadene on Mllitary Beed Phonoe 877. 88 B. JJ.L. IPal, L . g.9Lua.t New Oelanms santaru. '*uMe as nidell. eI. MRS. i. P BWIEBl Maadevfi LIa P~rac·Ucl Nuare-Massage Tet-me Will amwe acak to any pl6n rHEBIE D. BULL[Or Physician and euremon Office: Located at the City Drug Store riameonce: . tor. Lockwood and Phones: Office, 16; Residence 23+. (OVNLEGTOL , ID)UJ ILAAA ii, 0. LILNTZ. x. D, Bomrs: CtovigoU on--.Ue to 8:50 p, am, Phmw sea. SIDNEY W. PROVENSAL Attorney At Law Notary Public BANK BLDG., SLIDELL, LA. I4 V, COOLEY, JR. Attorney At law Notary Public IOLK BLDG., SLIDELL, LA. J. MONROE SIMMONS Attorney At law Notary Public Southern Hotel Building COVINGTON, LA. A. J. FINNEY Attorney At Law Notary Public. Qffice: Boston Street, opposite the Courthouse. COVINGTON, LA. MORGAN & FREDERICK S &dutto rneys.At.Law.w outhern Hotel Building Covsag, Loaitiana ULa a 5sLNU Att - ll gemeI at aw " or-taven snds amuses qvto, ank MR . *... I~_s et0 I. 1SawS sad av. o r eas 0a. T rop ... , " J .. D, V. DUQVOL K. D. Medenmc No. 4 0; $14 A4tgm b 3o0 ttom pubtlcge 0ool bttald A~ru 19 to 4 those #49 V hyrnm e Sanare.., Covlastoa. La. omce Phone 66. R*ime* Phone 1 D. A. 3 O313(333 Vovlnatom. Leuabla3 time 9 h tI . a ('ok alL R WARD NWUN • £Ma sa sBaVares ovsamsu, . Iem NOTICE. The public is hereby warned not to trespass in any way on the prop erty oj the undersigned, located along :ne line of the N. O. G. N. and the Y. & M. V. R. R. and the Penn Mill public road, immediately norta and northwest of Covington, La. Trospaisers will be prosecuted to the falI extent of the law. nl-tt HARVEY E. ELLIS. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned and prohibt.ed from cutting, burning deadening, carrying or floating away or otherwise injuring or destroying any trees, timber or wood growing or lying upon the lands of the under signe.d. They are also prohibited from Lunting, fishing or trapping with i.og, gun or torch or trespass ing in any way on lands belonging to the undersigned. ., t. E. P. ROBERT. H. H. MAYFIEL). H. J. MAYFIELD. R. A. ORR. JAS. PROVOST. GEO. H. GAUSE. NOTICE. All person sare prohibited from upon the lands of Mrs. M. Lonlbat Williams in the town )t Abita Springs. Any one caught cut ting trcec or wood will be prosecut ed in fLll accordance with the la:. M. LOUBAT WILLTAMS. NOTICE, All persons are prohibited from trespassing upon the lands of C. L. Bake-, known as the Deitrich tract, about one mile northwest of Slidell, and .~om cutting any trees or tim ber :n said lands or hauling any wood therefrom, or tacking or nail ing any advertisements or notices on any c! the trees. Ten dollars re ward will be paid for information and convicton bf any one trespass Ing on said lands. C. L. 1BAKER, no724-18 Slidell, La. I, the undersigned, forbid all hunting. trapping and trespassing on my lands. Anyone caught so dolug will be punished to the full extent of the law. janl-19 JAS. BARRINGER. NOTICE. All I ersons are hereby warned and prohitited from cutting, burning, deadening, carrying or floating away injuring or destroying any trees, timber or wood growing or lying up on the lands of the undersigned, on the lake front from Lewisburg to the Tchefuncta river, formerly known as Amaad Marigny and McQuinn tra't, and are also prohibited from flshinJ, hunting or trapping with dog or torch or tresspassing in any way on lands belonging to the undersigned. One hundred dollars reward will ue paid for information and conviction of trespassers. H. H. HEDDEN, P. O. Box 678, July 18, 19 New Orleans, La. The undersigned forbid all hunt ing, trapping or trespassing on their lands. Anyone caught doing so will be punished to the full extent of the law. QUEEN & CRESCENT LUB. CHARTER OF THE N. A. PRIVEITE MERCANTILE COMPANY, INC. United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany. Before me, Fred J. Heints, Jr; a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, personally came and appeared the persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, who declared to me, Notary, that availing themselves or the provisions of the laws of the State of Louisiana relative to the organ!zation of corporations, pd· ticularly of Act No. 267 of the Ac-a of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, for the year 1914, they have covenanted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant and ag ee for themselves, their successors and assigns to form themselves into a corporation and body polit c for the objects and purposes under'the sti u lations hereinafter set forth, to-wit ARTICLE I. The name and title of this cor poration shall be N. A. Privette Mercantile Co., Inc., and its domicile is hereby estab ishj at Talisheek, St. Tammany Parish State of Louisiana, and under it corporate name said corporat;or shall have power and authority to contract, sue and be sued, to make and use a corporate seal, and the same to break and alter at pleasure; to hold, receive, have, purchase, im prove, alienate, sell, borrow, pledge, mortgage and hypothecate under Its said corporate name, property, real, I personal and mixed; to name and ap- c point such officers, directors, agents I and managers and employees as the r interest or convenince of said cor poration may require; to make and establish by-laws, rules and regula tions for the proper management and regulation of its affairs as may be deemed necessary and proper, and the same to change and alter at pleasure; and to do all other acts and things permitted by law, or as shall be necessary and proper to carry cut the objects and purposes of said c r poration. Said corporation, unless sooner dissolved in accordance with its char ter, shall exist and continue for a period of ninety-nine years from and after the date hereof. ARTICLE II. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is organized, and the nature of the business to be carried on by it, are hereby declared to be: A general business of buy ing and selling merchandise, retail or wholesale, Including all manner of personal property whatsoever; to purchase or otherwise acquire, hold or lease, mortgage and sell real es tate of any nature, which may be necessary or incident to the opera tion of the business above mentioned. ARTICLE III. The capital stock of this corpora tion is hereby fixed at Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, divided intc fifty (50) shares of the par value of One Hundred ($100) Dollars each. provided that the amount to which the capital stock of this corporation may be increased shall be Twenty Five Thousand ($25,000) Dollars. Which stock may be issued at not less than par, for cash, at the time it is subscribed for, or at such tnme as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, provided that said stock shall be paid for in full within twelve months after same shall have been subscribed for, or in payment or exchange for property or rights actually received or pur chased by said corporation, provid ed that all stock certificates shall hbe signed by the President and Secre tary of said corporation. No stack shall be issued unless the considera tioa therefor has been recelved by the said corpration. All trans.ters of stock" shall br made on the books of said company at its office, on the surrender of the certificate thereof. ARTICLE IV. The corporate powers of this cor poration shall be vested in and ex ercised by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of three stJ,:k holders, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transac Lion of business. Said directors shall oe elected annually from among the stockholders on the second Monday in August, of each year, commenc ing on the second Monday in August of 1921, as provided by law. At the said election as above pro vided, the Board of Directors shall eject from among their number a President, a vice-President and a Secretary-Treasurer, provided that one person may hold the office of both Secretary and Treasurer, andl all of said officers and directors shall hold their respective offices for a period of one year from the date of their election, or until their success ors are elected and qualified. But the failure to hold an annual ol.c tion, or to elect the officers as above provided for, shall not, result in a dissolution of this corporatibn, but the then Board of Directors anl officers shall hold their offices uit I their successors are duly elected and qualified. Any vacancy occurring in said Board of Directors shall be filled by the remaining members of the board for the unexpired term at a meeting called for that purpose after five (;,) days notice in writing, sent by mail to said directors at their last know. residence. The said Board of Directors shali have the power to make all by-lawn, rules and regulations for the proeor management and conduct of the at fairs of this corporation, and to change, alter, abolish and amend at pleasure, and shall have and exercise all the powers conferred by law on this corporation, and as sat forta generally above. The said Board of Directors m'y delegate any of said powers in the transaction of the business of this corporation to committees of thatr own body, or to the officers and agents of this corporation. The first Board of Directors of this corporation are hereby declared to be: N. A. Privette, Talisheek, La.; Adrian D. Schwartz, Covington, La., and F. B. Armstrong, Talisheek, La., with F. B. Armstrong as presidea;; Adrian D. Schwartz, vice-president, and N. A. Privette as secretary-treas urer, who shall hold their respsc tive offices until the second Monday in August, 1921, or until their suc. cessors are elected and qualified. ARTICLE V. No stockholder shall be held liable or responsible for the contrscts or faults of this corporation in any fur ther sum than the unpaid balance due the company on shares of stock owned by him, nor shall any 'n formality in the organizatiog herein have the effect of rendering tn's charter null, or of exposing any stockholder to any liability beyond the unpaid balance due on his stoor. ARTICLE VI. The appearers hereby declare tiaat they have subscribed to the rollow ing number of shares of the capita! stock of this corporation, to-wit: N. A. Privette........... 6 shar as F. B. Armstrong...,,..... 6 share, Adrian D. Schwartz...... 13 sharce Thus done and passed In my ofIIIc :n the Town of Covington, Paris . of St. Tammany, State of Louisianna, on this 24th day of July, A. D., 1920, in the presence of Alice I. Osten dorf and Guy A. Smith, competent witnesses, who hereunto sign the:r names together with said appearera, and me, Notary, after due readln' of the whole. N. A. PRIVETTE. F. B. ARMSTRONG. ADRIAN D. SCHWARTZ. Witnesses: ALICE M. OSTIENDORF, GUY A. SMITH. FRED J. HEINTZ, JR., Notary Publiq. A true copy. FRED J. HEINTZ, JR., Notary Publi. STATE OF LOUISIANA, i Parish of St. Tammany ( I cert!fy that this instrument was filed July 27, 1920, at 9 a. m., re corded July 27, 1920, in Charter Book One, page 319, of the officridl records. GUY A. B~MITH, jul 31-6t Dy. Clerk of Court CHARTER OF THE LAKE CYPRESS LUMBER CO., INC. United States of America, State cf Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammany. Befcre me, Fred J. Heintz, Jr, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. personally came and appeared the persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, who declared to me, No tary, that availing themselves of the provisions of the laws of the State of Louisiana relative to the organiza tion of corporations, particularly of Act i67 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1914, they have cove nanted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant and agree tor themselves, their successors and as signs to form themselves into a cor poration and body pol.tic for the oo jects and purposes under the stipula Liona hereinafter set forth, to-wit: ARTICLE 1. The name and title of this cor poration shall be iake OC press Lumber Company, Inc., and its domicile is hereby establish ed at Covington, St. Tammany par ish, State of Louisiana, and under its corporate name said corporation shall have power and authority to contract, sue and be sued, to make and use a corporate seal and the same to break and alter at pleasure; to hold, receive, have, purchase, improve, alienate, sell, borrow, pledge, mortgage and hypothecato, under its said corporate name, prop erty, real, personal and mixed; to name and appoint such officers, di rectors, agents. and nianagers ana employees as the interests or con ven ence, of said corporation may re quire; to make and establish by laws, rules and regulations for the proper management and regulation of its affairs as may be deemed nec essary and proper, and the same to change and alter at pleasure; and to do all other acts and things per mitted by law, or as shall be neces sary and proper to carry out thoe objects and purposes of said corpora tion, Said corporation, unless sooner dissolved in accordance with its char ter, shall exist and continue for ia period of ninety-nine years from and after the date hereof, ARTICLE II. The objects and puiposes for ,vhich this corporation is organized, and the nature of the business to be carried on by it, are hereby declar ed to be: To buy, lease, sell lands and timber; to operate and main tain saw mills, planing mills, and to do the general saw mill bus:ness, in cluding piling and all other kinds of wood work and products; to operate turpentine and retort plants; to ap erate and conduct a general mer chandise business; buying and sell ing merchandise of all kinds; to own, lease, construct and operate tram roads, railroads, ditches, canals, steamboats and barges, and in gen eral to do and perform and to en gage in any business incidental to, requisite or connected with the op9 eration of the business above men tioned. ARTICLE III. The capital stock of this corpora tion is hereby fixed at Seventy-Five Thousand ($75,000) Dollars, divid ed into seven hundred and fifty (750) shares of the par value of One Hundred ($100) Dollars each, provided that the amount to which the capital stock of this corporation may be increased shall be One Hun dred Fifty Thousand ($150,000.00) Dollars. Which stock may be isued at not less than par for cash,, t the time, it is subscribed for, or at such time as may be deemed necessary by the Board of .Drectors, provided that said stock shall be paid for in full within twelve months after same shall have been subscribed for, or in payment or exchange for property or rights actually received or purchased by- said corporation, provided that all stock certificates shall be signed by the President and Secretary of said corporation. No stock shall be issued unless the consideration there for has been received by the said corporation. All transfers of stook shall be made on the books of said company at its office on the surrender of ths certificate thereof. ARTICLE IV. The corporate powers of this cor poration shall be vested in and cx ercised by a Board of Directors, which shall consist of three stock holders, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the trane action of business. Said directors shall be elected annually from amonz the stockholders on the third Mon day in January of each year, com mencing on the third Monday in January, of 1921, as provided by law. At said election as above provlded the Board of Directors shall eie:.t from among their number a Pres! dent, a Vice-President and a Secre tary-Treasurer, provided that ons person may hold the office of both Secretary and Treasurer, and all of said officera and directors shall hold their respective offices for a period of one year from the date of their elect!on, or until their successors are elected and qualified. But the fa!l ure to hold an annual election, or to elect the officers as above provid ed for, shall not result in a dissonlu tion of this corporation, but the then Board of Directors and officers shall hold their offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Any vacancy occurring in said Board of Directors shall be filled by the remaining members of the hoard for the.unexpired term at a meet'ng called for that purpose after five (5) days notice in writing, sent by mail to said directors at their last known residence. The said Board of Directors shall have the power to make all by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper management and conduct of the af fairs of this corporation, and to change, alter, abolish and amend at pleasure, and shall have and ex ercise all the powers conferred by law on this corporation, and as set forth generally above. The said Board of Directors may delegate any of said powers in the transactkmn of the bus'reM of this corporation to committees of their own body, or to the officers and agents of this corporation. The first Board of Directors may corporation are hereby declared to be: F W. Fatherree, Covington, La., Walter Parker, Covington, La., P. L Shaul, Covington, La., with F. W. Fatherree as president and general manager; Walter Parker, vice-presi dent, and P. L. Shaul as secretary treasurer, who shall hold their re spective offices until the third Mon day in January, 1921, or until their successors are elected and qualified ARTICLE V. No stockholder shall be held liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of this corporation in any fur ther sum than the unpaid balanc' due the company on shares of stock owned by him, nor shall any infor mality in the organization herein have the effect of rendering the charter null, or of exposing any stockholder to any liability beyond the unpaid balance due on his stock. ARTICLE VI. 'the appearers hereby declare that they have subscribed to the follow ing number of shares of the capital stock of this corporation, to-wit: F. W. Fatherree, Covington, La., 300 shares. Walter Parker, Covington, La., 150 shares. P. L. Shaul, Covington, La., 50 shares. Thus done and passed in my office in the Town of Covington, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, on this 22d day of July, A. D., 1920, in the presence of Alice M. Ostendorf and Adrian D. Schwartz, competent witnesses, who hereunto sign their names together with said appearers, and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole. (Orig'nal signed) F. W. FATHERREE,....300 shares Covington, Louisiana. WALTER PARKER, ....150 shares Covington, Louisiana. P. L. SHAUL, ......... 50 shares Covington, Louisiana. Witnesses: ADRIAN D. SCHWARTZ. ALICE M. OSTENDORF. FRED J. HEINTZ, JR.,, Notary Public, St. Tammany Par Ish, Louisiana. A true copy. FRED J. HEINTZ, JR., Notary Publio. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of St. Tammany. | I certify that this instrument was filed for record July 24, 1920, at 9 a. m., recorded July 24, 1920, in Charter Book One, page 315, of the official records. GUY A. SMITH, Jul 31 6t * Dy. Clerk of Court. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The Police Jury asks for bids on the rebuilding of Cooper's Bridge on Old Military Road in the Tenth Ward. Bids to be sent sealed -to the ofilce of the Police Jury. rh following is the description of the brdga and lumber to be used: 120 feet long by 12 feet wide. Said old :bridge to be all taken down and rebuilt in proper place; all material to be used from said old bridge; also new bill of lumber to be used on said bridge, as fol lows: 3 pieces 8x8 25 feet long. 4 pieces 2x8 20 feet long. 5 r:eces 4x6 20 feet long. 20 pieces 2x6 20 feet long. 125 pieces 3x8 12 feet long. 10 pieces 3x8 18 feet long. 1 piece 8x8 12 feet long. All to be of heart. 1 keg of 40 penny nails. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. NOTICE TO ROAD BUILDERS. Highway Department of Board of State Eng.:neers, Room 332, Maison Blanche Bldg., Annex. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Highway Depart ment of the Board of State Engineers of Louisiana, Room 332 Maison Blanche Bu-ilding Annex, New Or leans, Louisiana, up to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, August 23, 1920, rfo: constructing, with gravel, the f.,l lowing highways: St. Tammany Parish. Sec. "A" - Covington-Hammond 8.35 miles. Sec "O'"--Covington-Slidell, 12.51 miles. Seo ' D"-Covington-Slidell, 13.10 miles. Seo "E"--Slidell-Pearl River, 5.93 miles. Informat.on as to location, char acter of work, extent and class of materials, terms of payment, regu lations governing manner of sub mitting proposals and executing con tract, may, on application, be obtan ed at the office of the Highway De partment. DUUNCAN BUIE, State Highway Engineer. FRANK M. KERR, Chief State Engineer and President Board of State Engineers. 124-5t ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspil" in gen uine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only. an un broken "Bgyer package" which con tains proper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Nen ralia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. 668 quickly relieves Constilpatlo, bliousness, lore of appetite and head. aches, due to torpid live.-Adv. It Is Oft Times the Unexpected That Happens! When Uuprepared The Emergency Frequently Materializes! We are not Alarmists ONLY Speakers of the Truth! Do not let the fire alarm sound Without a Fire Insur ancc in Your Hands! NILSON-FREDERICK CO. LTD., Covington La. PEOPLE'S BAKERY LouIs DAVID, JR., Proprietor BREAD DELIVERED DAILY Rye Bread made to order Phone 13 (Near the Publie School) We have and will bontinue to hav the .! largest bread. Delivered daily all over the ! town. Also pies, rolls and candy. Phone 48 Southern Industrial Life Insurance & Burial Association, Inc. HOME OFFICE, COLUMBIA AND BOSTON STS., COVINGTON, LOUISIANA. Ierus de.. Wa , said hldren asalan.t lss by sihaeus, , MaM e sad death. AD vier One Poder 0lee nd lae P1 e Pe-. . A. WNANoA, Pe. ERNWEBT PRIlI"), Vae-ePres. J. UUWg MANQA, ewaretarv and Trm.mas. I . H. SMITH, Pres. A. R. SurrH, Secretary-Traes. A. V. SMITm. V. P. Smith" Hardware Co., Ltd. COLUMBIA STREET, Near B3aton Thread-Rubber Insulated SGuaranteed Two Years [ School upplies old at J. P. BOUVIER STATIONER AND NEWS DEALER SOUTHERN HOTEL BUILDING -1 ST.aBHOLASTICA'S ACADEMY COVINGTON, LA. Boarding and Day School for Girls and Young Ladies oam.t.oi ~l t h BENEDICTINU 818TERS For pawtlculn, apply to Moth. r w