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The St. Tammany Farmer 1. H MASON - - - - - editor and Proprietor Entered at the Covington postofice as Second-Claw Matter. THE COME-BACK OF J Y.. There are two things that appeal strongly to the American: Courage and the square deal. The man whom you know you can trust; the man whos., promise you may depend upon; the man who has the courage to fight his wattles unflinchingly to the end is well fortified in public esteem. When J. Y. Sanders announced for the Senate, we endorsed him, ce lieving h" would bring credit to Louisiana and believing he would be able to accomplish as much for Louisiana as any man we could send to Washington. We have watched his course since then, and our convi: tions are even stronger than ever, on the eve of election, that we dil not make a mistake. Mr. Sanders' loyalty to our interests, while in Congress, the strength and ability with which he fought for them, is the very best ,proof of what may be expected of him in the Senate; and we believe a large majority of the voters of St. Tammany parish will vote for him next Tuesday, and that there is no reasonable doubt of his election. THE CENSUS YFOR THE PAST TEN YEARS. The public has been taught to believe that the figures given out by the United States Government were about as correct as ,possible, but the howl that has gone up in every direction against the census for 1920 is rather discouraging. No section will cheerfully receive unsatisfactory informa tion as to the increase of its population during the past ten years. It is human to protest. But when the reasons for that ,protest are good and sufficient, it creates a lack of consideration for all figures and becomes a menace to a system that has awon world-wide confidence for its accuracy. Of course, the war upset everything. Census enumerators were difficult to get ant competent supervisors were scarce. The government, also, in its efforts for economical management, failed to ,put paid advertise ments in the country press, but depended upon free service in their ad vertisement for enumerators. The country .press bore mgore than its share of free advertising during the war. It got to a point where its life was threatened. Paper rose to enormous prices, its postage was in creased and all its operating expenses were increased. It could not af ford to continue after the war the service it had given free during the war, and which the government tried in every way to continue with un warranted waste of paper in bushels of "released" matter of all descri;' tions and requests of all kinds. It is too late now to remedy matters, but the Covington census is a joke. It is believed here that Covington has much nearer 4000 than 300.), while the census given 2942. There are numerous persons who say they were not visited, and a recount would no doubt bring more to ltgr t. But leaving this aside there are many indications of growth much in excess of the census returns. In 1910 anybody could find an office to rent. To-day, notwithstand'n. the new buildings that have gone up, you cannot rent an office, a store a. residence. Automobiles throng the streets, there are more merchants in business, there are hundreds of thousands more money in the ,ban, s (there being $481,000 in 1910 arid $1,486,000 for year ending 1920.) and the postoffice receipts have gone from $8154,85 to $15,178,24 in last year, and with still greater receipts coming for the year ,1920. About $1500 may be deducted from the receipts with reference tj their value as showing increased basiness because of the increasing c: postage to 3 cents during part of the ten years. While the census gives Slidell 16 above Covington, Covington has 53t registered voters, which according to the census returns would make about one voter in each family of live, and Slidell has 486 registered voters which according to the census would make about one voter for every family of six, and all this in two towns about thirty miles apart. Want peculiar conditions would make such an alarming distinction. What town has more girls than Covington? And we add with pride, what town has more pretty girls than Covington? And they'll soon be voters. Then the average of registered voters to the family will be increas3d, because they say they will register. And by the way, we notice that Clerk of Court Blossman has addressed his schedule of appointments for registration to "The Ladies." However, we congratulate Slldell on the good work of its census taker and will take our medicine pleasantly. We do not believe that Slidell has less, but that Covington has more. But oh! boy, what a difference in 1930. The difference in the third ward between 1910 and 1920 is due to the fact tnat then Abita Springs was in the third ward. It is now in the 10th, With the old lines there would be an increase instead of a de crease in the third ward. TOWN COUNCIL. (Continued from page 1) Assembly of the State of Louisiana, for the year 1916, and Article 232 and Paragraph Four of Article 281 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, seventy-five serial, nego tiable, interest bearing coupon bonds of the denomination of $100.00 each, numbered from one to seventy-five, both inclusive, and maturing from seven to ten years in an increasing ration, until paid. Be it further ordained, etc., That said bonds shall bear five per cen: per annum interest, payable semi annually on the 1st day of June and the lt day of December in each year. Be it further ordained, etc., That the serial number, amount and ma turity of each of the said seventy five 'bonds shall be as follows, to wit: Serial No. Amount 'Maturity 1 to 20 $100 each Dec. 1, 1928 21 to 45 $1100 each Dec. 1, 1929 46 to 75 $100 each Dec. 1, 1939 Be it further ordained, etc., That the said bonds shall have attached coupons representing interest there on at the rate of five per centum p'r annum from the first day of Decem ber, 1920, payable semi-annually o.c the first day of June and the first day of December of each year. Be it further ordained, etc., That said bonds shall be issued for the purpose of shelling the streets of the Town of Covington and making other necessary and indespensable public improvements. Be it further ordained, etc., Thtt the bonds shall be signed ,by the Mayor and attested by the Secr tary, and shall be in the form and couched in the language and figuers as follows, to-wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Public Improvement Bonds of the Town of Covington, State of Louisiana. .0100.00 $100.00 The municipality of thie Town of COVINGTON PRESSING CLUB FREDE IICK BUILDING, BOSTON STREET. ST TAM.LANY'S LARGEST ANJ) MOST UP-TO-DATE CLEANING AND PRESSING HOUSE Wishes to announce the arrival of their Fall and Winter line of over Five Hundred Samples for made-to-order clothing. We rep resent the Universal Tailoring Company, of Chicago, Ill. Their clothing is hand-tailored, their fabrics pure wool, and they guar antee to fit you. Come and make your selection now. We cn order the suit shipped at any future date you may desire. Telephone 81 Covington, State of Louisiana, for value received hereby promises to pay tu bearer on the '1st day of De cember, 19.., the sum of $100 in gold coin of the United States, of the present standard of coinage, with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum per annum from the 1st day of December of each and every year except the first upon which will be payable one year after date, up on presentation and surfender of the coupons hereto attached as same shall mature. The principal and in terest on this bond is made payable at the office of the Commerc'al Bank & Trust Company, of Covington, Louisiana. This bond is one of a series of 75 bonds, numbered from one Co sever. ty-five, both inclusive, of the de nomination of One Hundred ($10') Dollar.; each, and aggregating Sev enty-Five Hundred ($7500) Dollars, issued by the municipality of the town of Covington, State of Lou:si ana, for the purpose of shelling the streets of the town of Covington and making other necessary and india pensable public improvements, by virtu3 of the authority conferred by Article 232 and Paragraph Four cf Article 281 of the Constitution, and Act 96 of the General Assembly of the 'State of Louisiana for the year 1916, and the said bond was eapeJ,. ally authorized at a meeting of :he Town Council held at Covington, Louisiana, on the 7th day of Sep tember. 1920, in accordance with said Act. . The debt represented by the said 75 bonds was incurred and tfle bonds were issued by virtue of the author' ty conferred by the Constitution and Act referred to and conforming to the resutls of an ordinance voted by the Municipal Council of the Town of Covington, on the 7th day of Sep tember, 1920, authorizing the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the sa:d Town of Covington to levy each year .1* / * -e '-' ·~SOAZ from out the taxes the said Board is authorized to impose, under the Constitution, the sum of 1% mill; on the assessment of the property of the Town of Covington, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient t' pay the principal and interest on said bonds, in accordance with law, and it is certified that all of the act-, conditions and things necessary to be done precedent to the issuance of this bond and other bonds of this series in order to make them legal, binding and valid obligations-of the municipality of the Town of Coving ton, have been performed in due form as required by law, and that the legal indebtedness of said bonds of the Town of Covington, including this isue of bonds, does not excee I the const:tutional and statutory limi tations of indebtedness. In witness whereof the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen, as the gov erning authority of the said Town, have caused this bond to be issued, signed and sealed with the corporVa' seal of the said Town of Covingtoni, State of Louisiana, all of which w"re affixed hereto by its Mayor and Sec retary on behalf of the said Town on the of........ 191.. Be it further resolved, etc., That the Town of Covington, La., shall be and remain obligated to the psy ment of said bonds and indebtedncss with the interest thereon and this ordinance authorizing the issuance thereof and shall be and remain ir repealable so long as any of said bonds and interest coupons shall re main outstand:ng and unpaid and the passage of this ordinance shall constitute a contract between the holder or holders of said bonds and the Town of Covington, La., and shall remain inviolate and no law or ordli nance shall ever be passed relieving the govern'ng authority of said town from the obligation of annually levy ing such millage hereinafter dedi cated and pledged and paying the same on the interest and principal of said bonds. Be it further orcalned, etc., That the Mayor and Board of Aldermei hereby irrevocably pledge and de ii cate the said surplus of one and three-fourths (1/%) mills, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the ,payment of the bonds above said, until the same shall ,be retired in principal and interest, and such pledge and dedication shall be and remain irrepealable by any other I AM THE AUTOMOBILE Product of brain and brawn, I fill man's I am the feet of the salesman, bearing primary need for transportation. hjm to greater service, to more and great er riches. I aid the progress of civilization, by bring- erriches. ing men closer together. I bring the physician in time to save the I am the friend and the servant of man- stricken. I Ieep his mind keen and his kind. hand steady. I restore roses to the cheeks of pallor. I am the companion of recreation and rhe helpmeet of work. I serve the interests of all professions. I am the inspiration of art and of letters. Irender employment to mtillions. I speed production and the jplivery of the worlds Man is indebted to me for the broadening goods. Influence of travel. I provide comfort and protection on his way. I increase the value of property. Woman realizes her independence through I place the country within reach of the my offices. city dweller, and bring the city to the doors of the country folk. To youth, I mean the wholesomeness df the great outdoors, the poetry of motion, To the farmer I have been a godseid. I and the romance of changing scenes. T"r save him time and labor. Through me he age, I bring rejuvenation, through diver has improved his way of living. I have sions other than the hearthstone. brought the tour close to him. brought the town close to him. I attedd man at his birth. Throughoult The manufacturer depends on me to carry the span of life, I am the cradle, the sad merchandise from source to factory and die, and the rocking chair. I am the on to the markets. bearer to the final place of rest. I proclaim the wares of the merchant. I I am the new common carrier. I am the swell hisprotlts. I serve the customer. automobile. We sell 'em F. G. C. AUTO SHOP Telephone 42 COVINGTON, LA. governing body of the Town of CHv ingtoa, until the said bonds are pail in principal and interest. Be it further ordained, etc., That the said bonds shall be sold for nut less than the price now or hereafter fixed by law, and shall be first offer ed for sale by calling for sealed b ds after fifteen days advertisement, and :hall rot be sold for less than par and for cash. Failure to sell aft3s due advertisement will be warrant and authority to sell said bonds at )rivat2' sale, but not for less than the legal price and for cash. Be it further ordained, etc., That all of the proceedings prescribed " ,aid Act 96 of the year '1916, rela .ve of the recording, delays, regs ration, budgeting of said bonds, and the promulgation thereof, shall be followed according to the provisions established under said act. Be it further ordained, etc., That all laws or ordinances contrary herto to or in conflict herewith be and th.o same are hereby repealed, and t:'s ordinance shall take effect at one.?. Read and considered 'by sections and adopted as a whole at a stace meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen by a recorded aye and ngv vote on the 7th day of September, 1920. Approved in open session this 7th day of September, 1920, and on oe ing put to a vote E. Frederick, .C. E. Schonberg, M. Planche, H. A. Mackle, C. H. Sheffield and A. R. Smith votad yea, and the ordinance was adopted. A true copy. L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. It was moved by C. E. Schonberg, seconded by C. H. Sheffield, that the secretary go before the State Board of Reviewers with the object of hav ing increase of assessments ,put on the tax rolls for 1920. Carr.ed. A letter was received from F. G. C. Auto Co. in reference to selling the town a motor truck. Referred tb the Mayor and Improvement Cora mittee. Moved by A. R. Smith, seconded by M. P. Planche, that the lfcense to be collected from the Rhoda Royal Hippodrome Shows be donated to the Covington Community Hodie. Carried. The council- then adjourned. ROBT. W. BADON, Mayor. L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. T TluE NEW MAID- PEAR. -W YOu se T - NOW BE CAREFUL WHOT .V1 COUPLE WAS A PAIR SA -TEYVRE SOE OF NEWLV-WEDS ZT ! outolo stan [HOME HE.-IR .LI neo SWEET M* YaLK" sHo ue V HOME by E Ermi R - IO YEARS AND T -I NO PLACE FOR 4E* I'M LOOKINw T --r"R -- . foR PLACE THAT-S QUIET AND I E I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Foreign Advertising Representative ThIE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION FOR SALE-8 good Jersey co sa, springers and first, milkers. Also some extra good mares and mul'v. Ed. Irunet, Covington. sll STRAYED-1 black mare mule, weighs asbout 800 pounds, mane ani tail .freshly roached. $5.00 reward if ret1rned to Ed. Brunet, Coving ton, La. all FOR SALE-1 large mare, wagon buggy and harness; 1 2-gallon cow and calf, fresh; 1 2-gallon cow milK ing, not fresh; I, Jersey cow, dry; 1 Jersey heifer; 1 sow and 10 pigs; 23 chickens. Will sell all in lot for $500. Also small farm and growing crop, cheap, or will lease to parties buying stock and crop. Mrs. John C. Ragan, Covington. all NOTICE. No trapping or hunting allowed on my land. Any one found trapping on my land will be prosecuted to full extent of the law, and will be held responsible for stock killed or hurt by traps. mr6 ROBT. H. VOSS. Advertising in The Farmer pays big dividends. TO THE PUBLIC. The Board of State Affairs.w:ll rw view the assessment of the Parish of St. Tammary on Wednesday, the 8th day of Sep:.ember, 1920, at its office in the City of Baton Rouge, La. Any taxpayer having a complaint to make or a suggestion to offer is in vited to be present on the date fix ed, "Or to write to the Board with reference thereto, before the date fixed. At this time the Booard of State Affairs will review the values fixed by the Assessor and the Police Jury. and will hx values for assessment purposes. G. B. HARRISON, sl -lt Assessor. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The following amount of lumber and na~ils to be used in the repairing of the Lacombe steel bridge is as follows, and the police jury asks f I. new' tids on said bridge, bids to b3 sent sealed to the office of the police jury: 36 pieces 2x8-17, heart, roughl stringers, 818 feet. 248 pieces 3x8-16, heart, sized decking, 7936 feet. 304 lineal feet 4x6 heart, riug' railings, 608 feet. 2 kegs 60 penny nails.' F. J: MARTINDALE, Secretary. WANTED--Colored man and wife to make permanent home, a good house partly furnished, steady em ployment for both, or if desired, share arrangement. An unusually good proposition. B. W. Brown, Box 577, Covington, La. s4 STRAYED or STOLEN--One sor rel mare, blaze face, one white front foot, long mane and tail. Branded Return to Ed. Timberlake, at Haas Mill, 3 miles east of Alton, and :e ceive reward. s4-4t* FOR SALE-Fast horse, buggy and shrness, $85; five year old Jer sey 'ow, gentle, milking, $100; large Poland China sow, 1 1-2 years old, will :arrow about Nov. 1st, $20.09. Leaving Monday. Apply Mrs. L. Long, 2 1-2 miles up Military Road SINGER SEWING MAOHINEI; sold on easy installments. C. M. Smith, Boston street, near Claiborne bridge, Covington, La. aul4-4t* Maake hay while the sun shines. Do it with a "Walter Wood Mower and Rake. We have a big stock on hand, -1 and 2 horse, at the right prices. H. J. Smith's Sons. au21 FOR SALE.-Lot of miscellaneou, houssbold goods, including piano, beds, mattresses, springs, electr c toaster, kitchen utensils, etc. W. E. Morriss, New Hampshire street, near the M. C. B. Library. s4 Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti septic; it kills the poison caused caused from infected cuts, caures old sores, totter, etc.-Ad'r. I want to buy some Liberty Bonds. Call end see me if you ahve any to sell. J. Louis Smith, Coving ton, La. au21-4t We pay spot sash-no walt'ng and worry about your money--for used furniture. Burns Furniture Com pany, Covington, La. jy24tf FOR SALE-In Covington, square of ground in Second Conolly Addi tion, facing Lee Road, cheap, on easy monthly payments. place to start a fig orchard. J. E. Glis son, 407 Gibson street, Covington, Louisiana. j31-tf FOR SALE-Horses, mares and mules; (also stove and fire-plsce wood. Ed. Brunet, Phone 235, Cov ington, La. ap3 FOR RENT-.tore now occupied by P. E. Smith, Jeweler. Available September lat. Cvington Bank & Trust Company. au7 tt 666 has more imitations 'than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the market. They are dangerous things in the medicine line.-Adv. SAVINGS SERMONETTE Number Twenty-Two. THE NEWLIY WEDS A happy future is assurel to those who commence their married life with a savings account. It pro vides for emergencies which are bound to arise at times in every life. Prepare for these emergencies by put tingaside a portion of your income regularly. Be frank with your wife; tell her exr actly the amount of your salary or income and ask her to help you to set as'de a certain sum to be saved every month. Get in the. hatit dt feeling that this amount must be saved. The time will come, as it does in every one's ife,.when a good savings account will enable you to take advantage of an exceptional opportun!ty or enable you to meet trouble bravely. Don't oput or starting your savings accohnt-do it at once, and by this time next yeasr you wi have an ac ccunt to be proud of. We invite yous s*ccount and will be intimested in its growth. STRAYED-One old bay horae, lame in front leg. Return to Joe Tennant Glasera Branch, Militaay Road. sll* FOR SALE-We will have a fresh load of young horses and mules tor Saturday, Sept. 11. Will have them at all prices. Glaver's Branch, M:, itary Road. all WANTED-Two ladies to board with private family. Apply at Ptel fer's, corner 19th and Jackson 8ts. LOST-One dark brown Jack mule with mane and tail trimmed, weighs about 700 pounds. $10 reward it re turned to Paul Prieto, Lee Road, Covington. FOR SALE-Lots in Mandevil:e Annex, comprising half block, nice.y' s!tuated, just outside city limit;. They will be cold at a fair pr!es,' single or in one lot. Address G. Ui, O., this paper. sell FOR SALE-Ford touring car. 1920 model, used 4 months, starter: and ilghts. See Aaron Rosenthal,: Mandeville, La. all FOR SALE-1 new Chevrolet t., passenger, 490 model. Can ,be sesa at Caserta's Auto Service. sil, We are proud of the conMdesa. doctors, druggists and the patis/ have in 666 Chill and Fever Taf'ld -Adv. SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at ht:. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehoses, Covington, La. all; FOR 8ALE--1 pair good males, 5 head horses. All broke to drtre. IH. J. Smith's Sons. sIt We have one new Dodge Rodeltr4 on hand and will have some Tour ing Cars in 30 days. Richard Rit Riggs 6"4-4t J. E Caserta, Auto Service, Aeuto mobile Accessories, distributor tear Diamond Tires and Tubes. Tete.. phone 364, Covington. dltu f FOR SALE-Stove wood and tati pine. 200 fat pine post. W, i Badon. 415 Lockwood street, CoeT ingon. - Jell ! WANTED--Man to work'on fanuy must know how to grow all kie of vegetables. Apply P. O. Box 11 Abita Springs, La. au$8 When planning Baby's Layette i sure to write pr phone us for _afu' . mation on our line oInrfant's Hal Made Garments. Dainty embroid.rr ed tucked and hemstitched dreas~s tiny scalloped Gertrude gettleooS; sheer and soft. Real Freneh' eJ. all hand made, just the idea Off dainty little baby. McDANIEL'8, Phone 101. Slidell [4 MATHERNE'S POULTRY & A BIT FARM Rayne Cottage, Abita. Springs, Pure BreJ Belgian Hares $$ * pair and up. FOR SALE-Good furniture, M Every day is bargain day at T4la Exchange, Seller b:dg. Jl FOR SALE-A second-hand ress cistern. Apply R. C. P C!aibw, ne, La. St FOR SALE-At Covington,'e "The Oaks," large two-story h N. 1307 America Street, known "The Oaks," containing wide bal porches. 21 rooms, bath, large ing room, kitchen, electric liht1 17 rooms furnished. Outbuild Entir- square of ground, beat trees and surroundings. Only OW, mile frcm depot. Will sell at gon going concern on easy terms. A.'I C. Denis, 304 Camp street, Orleans, La. soaf-Ii For sale, or will trade for or automobile, 2 mules, 3 horeS, mare. J. M. Aoueille & SonN, ngton, La. FOR SALE--Good horse. work any where. Perfectly s I Cheap. Apply Schoen & Molloy, dertakers, Covington. ap17tt HORSE-SHOEING-Sam C. sen, practical horse-shoer, has shop across from the denot. AR mals clipped and inter-ferring a specialty. All orders promptly tended to. Try me. del FOR 8ALE-Have a lot of 1i hlalf Cotton Seed for sale. AddrOise Box 627, Covington, La. FAMOUS SUM-MO COFFE, arm at the St. Tammany Parish Wair, .. for sale at the St. Tammany Haf 1 Grain Warehouse, Covington, Ia. -: