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SEE R.L.AUBERT 0 MPANY,IN. FOR INSURANCE Of every kind. We give Reliable and Prompt Ser vice. Representing some of the leading companies of the world. Phone 101 Frederick Bldg. Opposite Courthouse When you're clogged .up by CONSTIPATION, jaundiced by a torpid LIVER, devitalized by poor BLOOD or soured by DYS PEPSIA your case calls for Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup h -an old physician's famous pre scription, in successful use for 68 years as an all-around family medicine. "From . Heart? Mr. B. J. Hatcher, of Shell Bluif, s. says: "I am going togive you a teeti monialthatis from my heart. Iwould not be without DR. THACHER'S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP in my home and will try my very beet to get it into every home 1n my locality. I take it and my wife and children take it whenever we see even the least in dication of a coated tongue, since we know that the tongue is the thermom eter of the stomach." THACHER MEDICINE CO. £ ***-- ---- Ta.,US.A 35 Calomel is a dangerous drug. It Is mercury-quicksilver; and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel to day and you will feel weak, sick and nau seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I Here's my guarantee! Ask your back to the store and get your m~ney. : r ggist for a bottle of Dodson's Take a spoonful of harmless, vege I er Tone and take a spoonful to- table Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and asibt. If it doesn't start your liver wake up feeling great. It's perfectly sad straighten you right up better harmless, so give it to your children aan calomel and without griping or any feme. It can't salivate, so let aekiag you sick I want you to go them eat anything afterwards. "66 cures Malaria, Chills and haver, Bilious Fever, Colds and La brippe. It kills the paratite that M'ues the fever. It is a splendid Siamtive and general tonic.-Adv. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. • With your fingers! You can lift jI any hard corn, soft corn, or corn rrstwen the toes. and the hard skin liuae from the bottom of feet. 'A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs ..e at any drug store; apply a few upon the corn or callus. In -itl It stops hurting, then shortly lift that bothersome corn -or right off, roiot and all, without Stbit of pain or soreness. Tru!y' humbug! handruff killing hair a IIhead itched unbearably and mn . as coming out by the handful. licationsofWildroot loosened rmoved quantities of dandruff g stopped. Today it is thicker dmore beautiful tan ever." Oe4 Liquid Shampa) or Wlldroot -- POO "ap. uerd in onnectlun with _ 1 Lot Tonic will Khatn the ý7ARArTEED HAIR TONIC F.. salre unde..a hc. ra i I.N'H'S l)IRt STORE, Covington, La. M') COFFEF for sale at 3t SHay & Grain Warehouse, , it. n2 SHERIFF'S SALE. Commercial Bank & Trust Company vs. Jones & Picket, Ltd. No. 3163. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiant. Notice is hereby given that by vr tue of an order of seizure and sale issuel1 out of the honorable afors sa!d ..ourt, and to me directed,.be.r ing date the 30th day of August, 1920, I have seized and will offer for sale at the principal front door of the courthouse in Covington, I , at publ'c auction, between legal save h!ourts, on Saturday, October 9, 1920,, the rfalowing described property, to wit: A certain piece or parcel of lanil situated in the town of Covington, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Loa isian:., and more fully described as follo-vs, to-wit: Lots Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 In square 1702 in New Covzngton,, said lota having each a front of sixty (60w feet on seventeenth Avenue by a depth of o e hundred and forty feet between parallel lines. Said squate No. J 702 being bounded by Monrae and Madison streets and by Seven teenth' and E.ghteenth Avenues. Ba&:ig the same property acquire Il by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., from C. L Rouschkelb, as per deed recorded "n Conveyance Book 57, folio 528, of the G'fIicial records of St. Tammauv Parish, Louisiana. . Terms of Sale--Cash, without ;p praisement. WALTER GALATAS, s4. 6t Sheriff. I Hunt the buyer who Wants to buy and the seller who wants to sell through these columns, then your deal is tho thirds cosed. q No salesmanship is required under these circumstances-and salesmanship costs money--many times the cost of a want ad. qct that>? I ..i: x. ziiimVJaa r tU , % V I .J L..) oI IUiUAI, r atMIiMEkR 11, -1920 Ride Farther on Goodyear Tires in Your Small Car It is tire performance, not price; that decides what you really pay; hence, do not experiment with tires made to sell at sensationally low prices. You can secure in Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3., 30x31/2. and 31x4-inch sizes, ahigh relativevalue notexceededeven in the famous Goodyear CorcLTires • on the world's finest automobiles. Goodyear experience and care are applied to their manufacture in the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service Sta. tion for Goodyear Tires; take ad. vantage of the opportunity to get true Goodyear mileage and economy. 30z3 Goodyear Do. Ooodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the, price F a b r c, Afl.Wea r Trd.. . you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit-why risk costly &30 2 1i Goodyear SIs $2g =lp whkp en uc suc sure protection is available? F30x 3 sise iE strproof bag . _ '- - mm Thb Doc said "o--o" on & 2O- Zo- o" I MADE I tat,1 ON THE eye.lght card. WITH THNS nmisaee Doteor. AND THEN wrote down.' FIRST HE pobtd N.a "TWENTY.TWENTY. THEN TICKLED my ribsl THAT MEANS your eyed HAD MIE couh. ARE SATISFACTORY." AND BREATHE and blow. AND I taughed and said, THEI I listened In* NI QAN always see. WITH HIS littlo tte.t mpe I .'ENrTY.TWENTY. Do. AND MADE me r: DIY CIGARETTES. RIGHT IN me spo. COST TWENTY centm FdR FIVE uatls. FOR TWENTY smokeue THEN LISTENED some more. YOU BET your life. AND FIRST In em eye, THEY SATISFY, too." AND THEN In the other. • " " TT doesn't take i .e0·2 eye to HE PLANTED his thmi.a I "see" the real value In Cheste * e. field's exclusive blend of fine Turk AND MADE e Srwd Ish and Domestic tobaccos. Your "teat tells you that their qualit * 0 ji genuine-that theblend dif THE RUSSIAN praye, ferent--that Chesterfelds d S* * *'satisfy." CzGARETT a8m NOTICE. The Bayou Liberty Lumber inm pany, Inc., has this day been i'as solved by unanimous consent, i writing, of all its stockholders, :,nl E. P. Cous'n and M. J. Cousin, stockholders, appointed liquidat"'s s to settle its affairs. Bonfouca, La., July 1, 1920. By order of the Board of Dire: torn. j31-3t Ctlmed ads. Proadce results if plaeed it The aramer. AN ORDINANCE. Be !t ordained by the Police Jury of St. Tammany Parish, La., Tbat, the ordinance of this Police Jury dated the 21st day of April, 19 i, segregating and setting as!de the uam, of three bandred and thirteei thousand ($313,000) dollars for l3t purpose of meeting State and Fe 1 oral Aid in aecordance with agree ment had w:th the State Highway Department, be and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted s 2 as to increase the said amount to the sum of $833,509.00, In aceord 13th day of July, 1920, govern u; ance with an ordinance dated tnm the construction of the Hammoad. Covington, Slideil and Pearl Rive roads, $39.89 miles, and the revised estimates filed by the State H:ghway Department on the costs of the said highway. Be it further ordained, That the Good Roads Commiss on be and they are hereby instructed to take not.ce of the foregoing ordinance and to be governed accordingly. Be it further ordatned, That the Hibernia Bank & Trust Company, the fiscal agent, be also notified of the passage of this ord!nance and to be governed thereby.. Adopted July 13, 1920. J. B. HOWZE, Pres'dent. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance repealing an ordinance adopted July 13, 1920, by th3 Police Jury of St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, on ft.jed ''An ordinance dividing St. Tammany Parish into tweu tv .five (25) drainage districts for the purpose of "enabling owners of land with'n said u,:ctricts to improve the culti vation and increase the valae of their lands by drainage a c. rding to law," and providing for due notice .of all drainage ordinances. Be.; on 1. Be It ordained by t'e Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Loaisiana, Tast the urd:nance adopted by the Police Jury of St. Tammany Pariah, State of Lorislana, on the 13th day of July, ! 920, entitled "An ordinance dividing St. Tammany Parish inso twenty five (25) drainage districts for the purpose of enabling owners of land with!n said districts to Im prove the cultivation and increase the vo!ue of their lands by drainage to law," be and the same is he:Eby repealed. Settlon 2. Be it further ordain ed, That all ordinances and resolu tions of this Police Jury relating in any way to the drainage of St. Tam many Parish, Louisiana, shall be in trodisced at a regular meeting of thi b.'clice Jury and shall not be passed, acted upon, or hhve any ef fect until the next regular meeting of this Police Jury and due not'ce there.f shall be published in the of flcial journal of St. Tammany Par ish, Lcuisiana. It was moved and seconded taat the above ordinance be adopted, whica being put to a vote, was carries unanimously. It wad moved by Emile Burkan stock, reconded by W. H. Davis, that Mr. Eugene Arnett pay all expenses ncurr~d by the police jury in the matter of the drainage proposition. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the police jury adjourn until the next regular meeting date, September 14, 1920. Carried. J. M. SMITH, President Pro Tem. F. .!. HARTINDALE, Secretary. SUM-MO COFFEE for sale at St. Tammany Hay & Grain Warehouse, Covington, La. 322 Rob-My-Tim is a great pafi kI2 er. It relieves pa and soreness eaused by aBheatlm, Nealgia, Spraes, ste.-Adr. Commercial Bank & Trust Compay vs. Jones & Picket, Ltd. No. 3163. Twenly-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St.. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by v'r tue of an order of seizure and sal1 issued out of the honorable afore said <.curt, and to me directed, bear ing date the 30th day of August, 1920, I have seized and will offer for sale at the principal front door of the courthouse in Covington, La., at public auction, between legal sale hours on Saturday, October 9, 1920, the following described property, to. wit: A certain lot or parcbl of land sit uated in tae Pariah of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and more fally described'as follows, to-wit: 1. The southwest quarter of seo tion 1 tp . south, range 11 east, containing 160 acres. 2. The south half of the south east quarter of section 22 tp 5 south, range 11 east, containing 80 acres. 3. The southwest quarter of the northcast quarter of semotion 17 tp 6 south, range 12 east, containing 40 acres. 4. The southwest quarter of the nortwest quarter, east half of the northwest quarter, east half of the south'east quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter, all of sec tion 6 tp 6 south ,range 12 east, con taining 220 acres, more or less. Containing altogether 560 acres, more or less. Terms of Sale--Cash, without ap praisement. WALTER GALATAS, s4-6t Sheriff. NOTICE OF HOMESTEAD ENTR C. Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 20, 1920. is hereby given that Joseph Wilson Todd, of Lacombe. Louisiana, who, on July 29, 1915, made Homestead Entry, No. 37599, for east half of northeast quarte: (e' of no U), section 21, township 8 south, range 13 east, St. Helena Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described- before Clerk of Court, at Covington, Louisiana, on the 5th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Waiter Bautaut, John Bautaut, Louis Revere, Berry TOdd, all of La combe Louisiana. E. D. GIANELLONI, au2 S-5t Registrar. USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right Don't risk u4 terla Each pe ot "DI mond Dyes" tn dire tions o iu. that amy ,weman san daidye n new, rich, fadsss er ate old garments, draperies, eavs :W0014 ev hhay g, whether woolsilk, linen, cotton o other kind-thna perfect re sults are guaranteed even if you have never dyed ibefore. has "Diamond Dyes Color Card"-16 rich eoo. TONI HT ThweorwW A.hIgAt w yeu eel ie.e. b'Tek ir ThI har dlr Utd ,a sr tel at Tsny ' t ' ys . WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RON-DOWN .sei ti Lady acsiered that in S Tri ed Cardu--Srays "RsUla rWas S hetou."-Ge f lms e ine, reief tru mI Springfeld Mo.-"My badk was si weak I could hardly stand up, and I would have bearing-down pains ad was not wel at any time," say Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-eknown farmer on Route 6, this place. "1 dopt getting headaches and having to g·e to bed," continues Mrs. William describing the troubles fromr which she obtained relief through the use .t CarduL "My husband, having heard of Card.l, proposed getting it far ta0 "I saw iafter taking same Cardrt ...that I was improving. The result was surprisaing. -I Ifet like a fleremt person. "Later I suffered from weakness and weak backl and tlt all rn.dow. I did not rest well at night, I was s nervous and cross. My husband said he would get me sone Cardul, which he did. It strengthened me ... My doctor said I got along fine. I was in good healthy condition. I eannot say too much for it." Thousands of women have suttered as Mrs. Williams describes, gnti they found relief from the use of CarduL Since it has helped so many, yeo should not hesitate to try Cardai it troubled with womanly saenfmts. Por sale everywhere. 3.33 We are perotll o.f the coidamee doetors,l dr-saistn sd the public have hoa 666 aUsl snd Per Te'se. -Adv.