Newspaper Page Text
The St. Tammany Farmer D. H MASON - - - - - Edtor and Proprietor Entered at the Covington postoffice as Second-Class Matter. IT CAN'T BE DONE. The slogan, "It can't be done," would lock any man within the nar row confines of impossibilities all his life. It would shut out the light Si pro-ress frori any community. It would leave the ripened wheat to ,e gathered with a sickle and puch the flivver into the eternal and ever i;csting future. Yet this is the slogan that gets nearest to the heart of a great imhly peopel. The overcoming of difficulties, the solving of hard Iroblleuv ant ti P sacrifices that must be made in doing the extraordinary things of life do not appeal to the average man, and the great accom iplishinicits cof human endeavor result from the imagination and vision 4,f some one wOn is a crank until he becomes a success. Then he is a genius or a great mlan. We Vbelieve investigation would show that every city that has become great was s:aried onl its road to success by one or a very few men. And -ome of these cities had no more natural advantages than Covington las tc-day. If every man and woman in Covington would say, "It shall be a greater city," and pledge their energy to its growth, to adminiistrative support, sanitation, beautification and enforcement of laws, and would cheerfully give such hfnancial assistance to good movements as they could afford, not only could they be astonished by. the growth of the town, but they x ould realize greater individual prosperity through the new opportuni ties affcl ded. The following clipping from a daily paper will illustrate this. It is a good lessoim fur those who are inclined to believe it can't be done: "The towa of Warrenton, which has only 927 population by this sear s ,e:;s.;s, holds the North Carolina record for 'owning itself.' The as:'ss~c:l value of its property is $1,800,000. Some thirty-five years ago * built a railway three miles long connecting it with War ren P'ii:ns .:i the Seaboard Air Line, and has ever since operated the road, Nhic'h gives the town an average net profit above all ex penses of $,,000 a year. "The tcwa owns a water plant and sewerage system which cost $112,000; an ice plant of forty tons daily capacity, with a cold stor age sec.:ou; a power and' light plant which cost $40,000, and is building a $120,000 hotel, with laundry, bakery and refrigerating plant. Recently a $100,000 bond issue for a public school building was voted and this will be in readiness for the autumn opening of the schools next year. The women voters, who put through the school bond Irsue in very handoame style, will now take steps to have a laundry built by the town, this also to be ready in 1921." Y~wJ~v~h~~vr- -----------------,, CHARTER OF THE "COVINGTON MOSS & MATTRESS WORKS, INC." (Continued from page 1) umiss clerks, managers and other em ipoyees of the corporation as the in I- :sts and business of same may re (; any of the Directors shall h:tve the right to appoint, by written ii >lrument, another Directors as his proxy, to act in his stead, at any andi i. meetings of the Board of Di rectors. AIRTICLE VI. Until the election of officers to be held the first Monday in January, 1921, the following named persons shall constitute the first Board of Directors: George H. Koepp, postoffice Ram say, Louisiana, John J. Posey, postoffice Coving ton Louisiana, Frederick L. Alexander, postoffice Covington, Louisiana, with George H. Koepp as president; John J. Posey as vice-president, and Frederick L. Alexander as secretary treasurer. ARTICLE VII. t No stockholder shall be liable or responsible for the contracts, faults and debts of said corporation, nor shall any mere informality in its or ganization have the effect of render ing this charter null or of exposing a stockholder to any liability beyond the unpaid balance due on the shares owned by him. W Wryvv~vvvvvvvwc r BURNS FUNITU COMPANY "May your Christmas music of a VICTROLA THE HOUSE OF GIFTS or COLUMBIA GRAF "In the House of Gifts"--conveniently located, we have grouped a complete se- ANOLA." .::ion of gift novelties, e:nbracing many serviceable and tasty gifts. Assort ments are so varied that i rividual tastes may easily be satisfied and so con veniently arranged that it is quite a simple matter for our patrons to take most discriminating selections. SPECIAL OFFER---With Every dollar purchase dur ing this week we give six 25c White China Plates for One Dollar. 6 for $1.00 TOYS JEWELRY CUT GLASS, HAND Toys for the Kiddies, fric- Jewelry for the whole PAINTED CHINA, tion iron, steam mechani- family. Our jeyelry de- RUGS, LINENS, cal and numerous others partment is new and which we cannot mention complete, havving just DINNER SETS, in this small space. received a fresh ship- ALUMINM WARE, Beautiful Dolls at popu- ment at new prices. STOVES, OIL AND lar prices, 20c to $5 Diamonds $45 to $300 a WOOD Type XI and 20 selec tions for $158.50 IVORY WARE DEPARTMENT Type XIV and 20 selec tions for $233.50 Direct from manufacturer. Extensive in variety; El- Type X and 20 selec egant in design. A most charming and practical gift. tions for $133.50 Moderately priced. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Many useful and attractive gifts of furriti e may be selected from our large and complete stock; bought right and sold right. Type IX and 10 selec UNEXCELLED PRICES, GUARANTEED VALUES, COURTEOUS TREAT- tions for $79.25 MENT Type VI and 10 selec BURNS FURNITURE COMPANY Type on forand 10 39selec THE HOUSE OF GIFTS tions for $29.25 ARTICLE VIII. This Act of Incorporation may be changed, modified or altered, or this corporation may be dissolved with the assent of the stockholders, own ing two-thirds of the stock of the corporation, at a general meetin, convened for that purpose, and after at least fifteen (15) days written notice of the meeting having been given through mail, addressed to each stokholder, at his last known place of residence. In case of dissolution by the ex piration of this charter, or otherwise. the stockholders shall elect two (2) liquidators from among their num ber, to liquidate and settle the busi ness and affairs of the corporation. In case of disability of any of the said commissioners or liquidaators the survivors or the remaining liqui dators, shall appoint a successor to him. Thus done and passed at my office on the day, month and year first above written, in the presence of Gable Boudousquie and Cecile War ren, competent witnesses, who have signed with said appearers and me, paid Notary, after reading of the whole. Original signed: George H. Koepp, Ramsay, Lou isiana, 320 shares. Frederick L. Alexander, Coving ton, Louisiana, 31 shares. John J. Posey, Covington, Louisi ana, 16 shares. .." " Eleven "111 .111" Fift Aene NwYor 20 cigarettes5 Witnesses: GABiE BOUDOUSQUIbI. CECILE WARREN. THOS. M. BURNS, Notary Public. A true copy of the original. THOS. M. BURNS, Notary Public. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of St. Tammany. j I certify that this instrument was filed for record Dec. 1, 1920, at 10 a. m., and recorded December 1, 1920, in Charter Book 1, page 335, of the official records. GUY A. SMITH, Dy. Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Recorder. d4-6t IT TAKES THE STARCH OUT OF A FELLOW. Working Hard Every Day Without Let-Up Wears You Out in Time. SOMETIMES YOU NEED A TONIC Pepto-Mangan Makes Rich Red Blood add Lifts You Out of Bad-Heath Ruts. There are days when you feel down right sick. You think you couldn' feel any worse. Yet, as far as you know, there's nothing the matter with you. From the time you ge' up in the morning till you go to bed at night you are tired. You feel as though you'd like to sit down and do nothing. You look tired and pale and haggard. You get careless about your dress. No wonder! Your blood is all clogged up with poison. Your power of resistance is at a low ebb. Your blood needs food. It needs the help that the vitalizing tonic, Pepto-Man gan, will give it. Instead of feeling exhausted and tired out for months, you will soon pick right up and feel well and strong again. And with good red blood you are able to fight off ailments. Pepto-Mangan is widely and heart' ly endorsed by physicians. It is ef fective and easy to take. It is pre pared in both liquid and tablet form, and you can take one or the other and receive the same benefits. Sold at any drug store. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto-Man gan-"Gude's." Ask for-it by the full name and be sure the full name. "Gude's Pepto-Mangan," is on the package.-Advertisement. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING and SEWING--Special attention to fit ting and excellence of finish. Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mrs. O. M. Birch, Covington, La., 104 First street, corner of Columbia. Phone 329. oc9-tf Rub-My-Tism is a great pain kill er. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Sprains, etc.-Adv. THANKS NATTIE - VOU RE & DEAR TO MEND TWAT POCKET - gy STHE WAY- I MAY NOT E ABLE D EAHT AT NOME TO T. SWEET V HOME EaE Hursnt THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT YES I JUST FOUND THE NOTE I SHALL BE DETAINED ON BUSINESS- WHEN I WAS FIXING YOUR CO ILL SEND THE BOY OVER WITH A NOTE IP I AM E C A I ADERTIE NOTEN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION FOR SALEn-Oe pure Jersey cow, expecting calf now; 1 good mule; 1 mare. Cheap. J. M. Aoueille and Sons, Covington, La. d4tf EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! If your hens are not laying now they will be after a few feedings of Rough Rice--it's worth the try-out. For sale at 3%c per pound by A:ex ius Bros. & Co., Covington. Packet in 100-pound bags. d4-2t FOR SALE-One good work horse. Apply to C. E. Davis, Military Road, Covington. d4* FOR SALE-One high grade Jer sey cow. Phone 308. d4 FOR SALE-One 5-passenger 4 cylinder car, electric lights and self starter, in fine mechanical condition. Address Box 471, Covington. d4 Straight Salary, $35 per week and expenses to man or woman with rig to introduce Eureka Egg Producer. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, Ilf. STRAYED- Red pony stallion, three and one-half years old, shoit coupled, marked S on one shoulder. Strayed about ten days ago from Covington. Reward will be paid for his return. Harvey i. Ellis. d4 IDEAL HAT SHOP-Ladies' and Children's ready-to-wear hats made to order and remodeled. Opposite Southern Hotel. d4tf BARGAIN-Orchard near Claib orne Station. Must be cold. Owner leaving on accoutn of sickness. Ap ply at Pfeiffer place. d4-4t* LOaST-Diamond and pearl lady's breast pin, set in platinum. Liberal reward will be paid if returned to Mrs. R. S. Daniels, Covington, La. Money Loaned on mortgage, or for building. Easy payment plan. Dr. Stevenson. d4 FOR SALE-Ford touring car, 1917 model, in running condition. Address P. D. Z., care of St. Tam many Farmer, Covington. n20-3t ELIAS HAIK (LeBlanc's Corner) GREAT REDUCTION SALE i ~ ~ - I IiIii.---- I- I I BEGINS SAT., DEC. 4TH EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS REDUC ý ED SPECIALLY FOR THIS SALE Every pair of W. L. Douglas Shoes for Men and Wo men at Great Cut Prices---We reserve none. Specials: Stetson Hats, all newest shapes and 7.50 colors, $8.50 values Men's Fine Ribbed Uundrwear, "Hanes" Brand, 85 Shirts and Drawers, special, per garment . . . Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers, 75 special, per garment . . . . . . . . . REMEMBER Our Stock is complete in Clothing, Piece Goods and Furnishings THIS SALE ENDS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1920 It Will Pay You To Attend This Sale ELIAS HAlK, Columbia St. Covington FOR SALE-Horses, mares and mules; (also stove and fire-pl ve wood. Ed. Brunet, Phone 235, Cov ington. La. ap3 FOR SALE-Stove wood and tat pine. 200 fat pine post. W. 1'. Badon, 415 Lockwood street, Cov ingon. jel2. FOR SALE-1 pair good mules, 5 head horses. All broke to drl'e. H. J. Sm th's Sons. au21 FOR SALE-One good top buggy, one good covered delivery wagoJ. D. I. Addison, Covington. n27 FOR SALE-1 brown mare, gen uine saddler, works anywhere, seven years old, weighs about 1000 lbs., for $150. 1 buggy, good as new, with top, $85. 1 set of buggy har ness, good as new, $25.00. 1 good saddle, $10.00. J. M. Ballard, Good bee, La. n27tf FOR SALE-Horse rake in perfect condition; also several tons of hay. J. W. Lyon Military Road, Coving ton, La. n27-3t" FOR SALE-Farming implements disc cultivator, hay baler, plows, hay rake, wagon, etc. All in good con dition. Ed. Oppenheimer, 1jilitary Road, Covington, La. n27-3t* IOST-Cow, brindle with, white spots, T. B. tag in right ear, brand ed L on right hip, right- horn curves in until it almost touches just above right eye, left horn short. Reward for information leading to recovery Notify J. E. Landon, Military Road, Covington, La. n27-2t "JAZZ" PIANO PLAYER will play for dances and entertainments LEON I. RENE Box 173 Covington EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! If your hens are not laying now they will be after a few feedings of Rough Rice--it's worth the try-out. For sale at 3 %c per pound by A.ex ius Bros. & Co., Covington. Packed in 100-pound bags. d4-2t FOR SALE-Cheap, all kinds of good hogs, Duroc Jerseys, etc., for the market and for breeding. Ap ply Lazard Schaywra, on Abita road, opposite Kerr's mill. d4*l I HAVE . GOOD SUPPLY Op YOUNG HORSES, MARES AND MULES ON HAND AT REASON ABLE PRICES. ED. BRUNETT, PHONE 235, COVINGTON. oc2: FOR SALE-Lot of new window sash, 20 gallons red creosote paint, two-horse wagon, lot of good furni ture and household goods at money saving prices. Every day is bargain day at Eimer's Furniture Exchange, 422 Columbia St . ocl6tf FOR SALE-8 good Jersey cows, springers and first milkers. Also some extra good mares and mules. Ed. Brunet, Covington. el8 FOR SALE-Five head of Poland China hogs; ,1 new and 1 second hand Ford touring cars J. H. Heintz, Covington, La. ocl6 HORSE-SHOEING-Sam C. The! sen, practical horse-shoer. has his shop across from the dreot. Ani mals clipped and inter-terring horses a specialty. All orders promptly at tended to. Try me. dec 6 M. GLASER.I BRANCH Phone 216 Horses, Mares and Mules. We always have on hand some fine young horses, mires and mules from $35.00 up. We have them to sul' one and all; also some cheap wag ons, surreys, buggies and harness. See Joe Tennent, manager. Phone 216, M!litary Road. oc30 MATHERNE'S POULTRY & RAB. BIT FARM Rayne Cottage, Abita Springs, La. Pure Bred Belgian Hares 1350 a pair and up.