Newspaper Page Text
......The St. Tamany Farmer $t .t. DEAL P.ARMACY, Madm-of you moa. b b D lme. Fhve .At V NWT. LbAcer Y Eelp bodRthe2., 8 D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920. VOL.47Nq. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF POLICE JURY MEETING OF DEC. 15TH Resolutions Instructing the Commission to Keep Out $40,000 for Salt Bayou LIKE AMOUNT FEDERAL AID Log Hauling In Violation of Law Ordered to be Prosecuted, Etc. Covington, La., Dec. 15, 1920. The police jury met n regular session on December 15, 1920, with the following members present: H. N. Fend.ason, C. M. Poole, J. M. Smith, K. C. Cooper, Emile Single tary, W. H. Davis, M. P. Schneider, J. B. Howze, Emile Burkenstock. Absent:' Theo. Dendinger, Jr. It was moved and seconded that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be d spensed with. Carried. It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec onded by Emile Singletary, that the appropriation of $45.00 per month up to the amount of $500.00, to the Red Cross, be discontinued after the first of January, 1921. Carried. It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec onded by Emile Singletary, that the assessment roll for the year 192u be accepted. Carried. It was moved by M. P. Schneider, seconded by Em'le Burkenstock, that the police jury borrow from the Cov ington Bank & Trust Company the sum of $10,000 to meet current ex penses, same to be paid back March 1, 1921. Carried. On motion duly seconded the fo: Jowing resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the police jury, lo legal session convened, That the Squest pn of adjusting with the St Tammafn Construction Company a certain alleged claim for damages due that Company in connection with the Salt Bayou road is herelly rele gated to the Good Roads Commis sion as this body is wholly un fam'liar and unacquainted with all matters pertaining thereto. On motion duly seconded the fol .ewing resolution was adopted; Be it resolved by the Police Jury, Ti legal session convened, That S. D. gunl]och, of the town of Covington, and El:is A. Crawford, of the town of Pearl Rimer. Louisiana, be and they are hereby appointed as mem bers of the Pars a Board of Equali zation for the Parish of St. Tam many, Louisiana. in conformity with Act No. 231 of the Geneial Assembly of 1920. Be it resolved by the Polce Jtry, In legal session convened, That the State Board of Affairs is hereby re quested to appoint George Harrison, of Slidell, Lousiana, as the third member of the Parish Board of Equalization for the Parish of St Tammany, and according to law. On motion duly seconded the fol lowing ordinance was adopted: AN ORDINANCE to provide revenue for the Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana, for the year 1920, for the purpose of paying the statutory, usual, necessary and ordinary charges and bonded :n deebtedness of said Parish. Section 1. Be it ordained by the President and Members of the Poll'e Jury for the Parish of St. Tammany, In legal session convened, That six and one-half (6 ') mills on the dol lar is hereby levied on all property taxable under the laws of the State of Lou siana, situated within the Parish of St. Tammany. Section 2. Be it further ordain Sed, That said taxes to be levied are as follows, to-wit: To General Fund, One mill; To School Fund, Three mills; '1'o Road Fund, Two mills; To Criminal Fund, One-half mill. Sectlon 3. Be it further orda'n ed, That the Assessor of the Parish of St. Tammany be and he is hereby instructed, empowered and authoriz ed to lcvy and co:lect a tax sufficient to pay the interest and principal on Sall bonds becoming due the ensuing year. Section 4. Be it further ordain ed, That th's ordinance shall go into effect from and after its passage. Adopted December 15, 1920. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. On motion duly seconded, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: W hereas, Mr. Dunoan Bule, State Highway Engineer, stated publi~ely to this Police Jury at its meeting November 19th, 1920, that he would join St. Tammany Parish on a fifty fifty bass at any time the Parish would provide its portion of the funds necessary In construCting and hardsurfacing a hlghwav from a coS nection with the Mayfield Road near Rigo'ets to a connection with the Salt Road, and further stated that he would confirm this agree metn in wr'ting, and. SVhereas, no such written con frmation has been received, Recolverd. That the Secretary of the Po 'ce Jury be and he is'hereby instructed to write Mr. Bule at once calline his attention to his verbal promise~. and request'ng him to let us have his wr'tten confirmation as early as practicable. Resolved further, That the Secre tary is hereby instructed to advise the President of this Police Jury as soon as he receives reply from Mr. Buie, and if he does not rece:ve sucui reply within two weeks from this date, he shall advise our President accordingly. On motion, duly seconded, the fol :owing resolution was adopted: Whereas, the contract made by St. Tammany Parish Good Roads Commission for construct oi and hardsurfacing Salt Bayou Road has been cancelled and $32,000.00 of the amount involved in that contract has been withdrawn from that road, in order to meet the demands of the State Highway Department in con nection with contracts for roads des ignated as Section A, C and D, and, Whereas, the State Highway En g'neer promised this Police Jury, at its meeting November 19th, 1920, to join this parish on a fifty-fifty basis in constructing and hardsurfacing Salt Bayou Road from Slidell to Salt Bayou, by giving out of the first funds available in 1921 Federal A d to the extent of $40,000,00, if nec essary, as the State's share towarL' this work, and, Whereas, in order to establish the good faith of this Police Jury, an1 a:l others who are parties to the agreement made for roads A, C and D at the November 19th, 1920, meet ing of this .body, and at the same time to deal fairly and re-assuring ly towards all parties interested, it is entirely proper and necessary that arrangements for construction and hardsurfacing Salt Bayou road in 1921 be in tangible and definite form; therefore, Be it resolved, That the St. Tam many Parish Good Roads Commis sion be and it is hereby instructe:l to set aside and reserve out of pro ceeds of the $750,000.00 bond is3ue, now in its keeping, the sum of $40, 000.00 to cover the portion of ex pense to be paid in 1921 by St. Tam many parish toward the cgnstruction and hardsurfacing of this road and to meet a like amount of Federal Aid in 1921, Resolved further, That the Presi dent of this Police Jury be and he is hereby authorized and instructe I to execute and file immediately vith the State Highway Department form al application for this Federal Aid, and properly arrange any and a:! documents requisite to the construc tion and surfacing of the Salt Bayou road at the earliest possible date. On motion duly seconded, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted: Whereas, it has just come to the knowledge of the Police Jury that certain individuals and corporations are hauling and transporting logs across and along the public road; of the Parish of St. Tammany, and, Whereas, Act No. 184 of the General Assembly of 1920 prohibits any person, individual or corporat:on: from hauling, transporting or mov ing logs over or across any public road in the State, and prescribes a serious penalty for 'the 'violationi thereof, and. Whereas, certain individuals and corporations i.. the Parish of St. Tammany have a b$.utely. disregard ed all warnings aid notice given to them in relation to the violatign of said act, therefore, Be it resolved, That F. J. Martin dale, c.erk 'of this body, be and heI is hereby directed and instructed to ascertain the names of each and 4 every person hauling logs over and across the public roads of this paricn 4 without a permit granted in accord- 1 ance with the provisions of Act 154 4 of 1920, and then send the names of such persons to the District Attorney, in order that he might forthwith file I a bill of information in each in stance, as the law directs. Be it further resolved, That the I said F. J. Martinda:e state to the 4 District Attorney that it is the desire and wish of this body that he pio ceed as above indigated against all i violators without delay. Be it further resolved, That a c6py of this resolution be immediately i forwarded to the Honorable J. Vol 4 Brock, Diryrict Attorney for the 26th Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of St. Tammaqy, for his in- 1 formatio'n and guidance, On motion duly seconded, the fol low'ng resolution was adopted: Whereas, M. C. Huckaby had the supervision and location and estab ishment of the roads of the Parish of St. Tammany, and, Whereas, the said M. C. Huckaby has been trained to the highest point of education in the building on4' hardsurfacing of roads, and, Whereas, he now has under his nanagement a force of capable .oyal and trustworthy assistants, and, Whereas, the construction of :nr roads under the supervision of rep- i resentatives of the Highway Depart inent will impose upon the taxpayers of the Parish of St. Tammany addi- 4 lional heavy demands, and, Whereas, the Honorable Duncan I iule, Chief of the Highway Depart Inent of Louis'ana, has consistently manifested a desire to co-operate in every way possible with the Police Jury in the building of scleniflically :oaistructed roads, therefore, Be it resolved by the Police Jury, is legal sesnsion convened, That a :ommittee composed of not less than two persons, be named by the Presi dent to eall on the said Honorib'le Duncan Buie for the purpose of pre-, vailing upon him to name andl ap point, as his representative Mr. M. C. Huckaby, to superintend the roadi now in the course of car Struction:1 and to be constructed in the Par'sh i of St. Tammany under Federal sup ervsion. The following report was read: We, the Finance Committee, have examined bills of the road fund and b'lls of the parish fund and ordered same paid. c. M. 1OLE, EMILE SINGLETARY. Fgunce Committee. Following is tire list of bills: Road Fund. Dolphus McLain, road work, sec mond ward, $9.00. olphtis MaeaiR, overseer, work KNIGHT'S BALL WILL BE BIG EVENT OF SEASON Prominent Young Men of Covington Sponsor for Its Success. TWO CARS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY Funds To Be Used for the Charity and Soldiers' Memorial Grove. The charity ball to be given by the Knights of Columbus at the Soutn ern Hotel Wednesday, December 29, will be the big event of the hol'day season. Not only the large member ship and popularity of the Knights, but the social attraction of an affair of this kind and the great interest in the object of the ball has an at tractiveness that is drres:stable. It is being much talked about and the young men of Covington who have usually made a success of social af fairs for which they became sponsor are enthusiastic for it. Besides the fact that the funds are to be devoted to charitable purposes and to the Sold'ers' Memorial Grove in Covington, two automobiles wil: be given away during the evening and every one who buys a ticket to the ball will have a chance of getting one. It may be that you believe you are not lucky, but if you do, just re member that everybody's luck chang es solhe time. If you have never been lucky before, there's a chance that you will be th's time. How ever, one thing Is certain, you will be unlucky if you miss the ball, for It will be a grand affair. A REPORT OF A PIECE OF ROAD WORK. The following is a comparative report on the piece of road near Cov ington that w i1 be referred to as the C vington-Mandevillo-Abnta Springs Junction Road. It is that part of the road from the end of the br:lge, over Bogue Falaya river, at C.aib orne where the Mandeville-Lacombe Slidell road comes in from there on to the point where the Abita Spritgs and the Bogalusai roads come 'n to gether. The first. part is along...were a correction was made in the allign ment so as to eliminate a series of dangerous curves and give a straight and direct entrance into the bridge approach to further insure a greater safety. All of this part of the road in quest'o. could have been logica:ly placed in the J, D. O'R.eilley pgntract and the first part could have prop er:y been placed in the contract re cently s'gned with the firm of Peter man & Loustalot, in fact, the whole could have been worked that way, but the work has been done by th3 Good Roads Commission's outfit at some saving to the parish. Including the cost of labor, ma terial, feed, engineering and super vision and all other cozt§ that could oe properly charged to the con-truc tion of the road as well as all extra expense in the way of building by passes and keeping men on duty to assist the traffic, the cost of the road in question was $6,349.81. Suppose we compare this with the other contracts referred to by ap plylsg the prpit pr'ces as given in each respective contract. The same work done by J. D. 'O'Reilley would have cost the parish $4.,49.65, gnd by Peterman & Louatalot the cost would have been $9,795.74, or a dif ference of 49 per cent in the first and 54 per cent in the second case. There has beern much speculation as to the extra cost of making the change sin the allignment on this road. It m'ght be interesting to know that the change cost only $793.32 more than it would have cost to'put the old road to the same grade and every way as good. It can be said further that the weather conditions have been the most unfavorable and that traffic pouring in off three roads all the tme have presented as difficult prob lems as are ordinarily met in work of th'a nature. Additional unforseen expenses amounted to over $550, all of which is included in the total cost given. GOOD ROADS COMMISSION. -0 G. H. WILC'OX. Postmaster G. H. Wi:cox. of Boga lusa, died December 16th. Gollop pg consumption was the cause of death. He contracted the diseasc about twelve weeks ago. A short time previous Mrs. Etta Landry. ac sistant in the same office, died of the same disease after an illness of e'ght weeks. Mrs. Landry was a sister of Mr. Robt. White, of eovingtqn. in second ward. $96.75. M. F. McMahon, work on Bayou Liberty road, $29.15. Geo. Smth, work on £Magdeville road, $68.50. W. R. Smith, same, $10.00. Robt. Smith, same, $61.00. Geo. Froach, work on Abta road, $25.00. $F. C. Craddock. work on Hickory Cre'k road, $98.80. Bonnibel Construction Co., road work, eighth ward, $175.00. Chas. Lagarde, road work, 7th ward, $39.00. (Continued on page 2) MRS. DR. KARL MEETS DEATH IN COAL OIL FLAMES Mr. Alphonse Cousin First To Reach H se After the Acc dent. BODY AND T NGUE ARE BADLY BURNED Fence Burning and Pieces of Flesh and Blood On Pump. The most deplorable and shocking death of Mrs. Dr. Karl, at Lacombe, Thursday, December 16, about 2 p. m., Is supposed to have resulted from her attempt to light a fire in the stove with coal oil. She was 16 years of age. She was found in the doorway of her residence by Mr. Alphonse Cot sin shortly after the accident. Her clothing was burned from her body. her breast, mouth and tongue being severely burned, and the body sti'l warm; but she was dead. Mr. Cou sin found the fence burning and put it out. The whole house would have been ablaze in a short t'me. It is evident that Mrs. Karl had run into the yard when lier clothing first caught fire and the fence must hive caught from pieces of clothing torn off and thrown down. She had gone to the pump in the yard and had tried to extinguish the flames with water. There was blood on the pump handle and pieces of flesh were found clinging to the pump. Bra'ds of hair burned from her head were foupd in the yard. Her death must have followed quickly the breathing in of the flames. Mrs. Karl was at one time a teach er in the public school, during the time Mr. Evans was superintendent. --0- A RARE MUTSICAI. TREAT. Theatre goers of Covington who have longed for something d'fferent in the amusement line will have their wishes gratified beyond thei expectation on next Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 27 akd 28, when the Giersdorf Musical Sbow Deluxe ap pears at Parkview Theatre for mati nee and night performances daily. This company is composed of an aggregation of skilled musicians ani' the accountrement includes practi cally every concievable standard in Atrument. The program consists of band and orchestra ensembles, solo Instrumental numbers, s'nging, danc ing and high class novelty vaude ville acts. This attraction will ap peal to all lovers of music, classical or jazz. There is an abundance of both. There will be a special mati nee performance at 3 p. m. da'ly and the night performance will start at 8 o'cleck. A complete change of program will be presenter each day. The prices for the matinees will be 35c for children, 75c for adults, including war tax; prices for the night performance will be 55c and $1.10, ip lu~ngg tag. Watch Sor the street parade at 2:30 p. m. daily. -- -- Mr. Christ. Schultz, who for the past several months has been repre senting the Diamond Match Co., in Texas, is spending two weeks at his home here. "Mr. Schultz has been with th's company only a short while and has woh rapid promotion. He is now in line for even better oppor unities, and we wish him much succes., PIVLARES DIVIDEN)D. The Commercial Bank & Trust Company has declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. The earn ngs of the bank for the past six months has been 10 per cent. Bn sides the dividend of 5 per cent, a neat sum has been added to the surplus. At the meeting of the board of directors it was especially commented upon that the season has been one of the most prosperous ones of the bank. Mr. Ben Fonsan has been made assistant cashier. Mr. Fontan has nany friends in Covington who will be pleased to learn of h's promotion. ---0-- BADLY BURNED Mr. Camp of Folsom, together with some employees working in the tim ber, were sitt:ng around a camp fire Thursday night when one oi. the men fell asleep and rollled over until one leg was thrust into the fire. Mr. Oam'p sprang quickly to the man's assistance, but before he could be :ul:ed out the leg was bad.y burne:l. The name of the man is not given. --- -0 - succession of Walter Anderson Hall. Pw enty-Sixth Judicial District Court. Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, Notice is hereby given to all whom it nmay coneern that Mrs. Juanita Hall Semple has applied for letters of administratrix on the estate of Va:ter Anderson Hall, deceased, and that unless opposition is made there to w'thin ten days from the first publication hereof, said applicatio'i will be granted. W. B. BLOSSMAN, 25-.3t Vlerk of Court. * NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS * * FOR MEMBERS OF A. C. * I will not criticise or condemn * * the Covington Association of * Commerce for failure to do * * things, unless I, myself, have * personally given t'me, thought * * and effort to help get results, * * and have paid my dues. WILL GUARD HEALTH OF NEXT PRESIDENT, This little man, Dr. Charles 8. Sawyer, Marion, O., is slated to f11 the place now occupied by Dr. Carey E. Grayson. He is to be personal physician to President elect Harding. Dr. Sawyer has been a close personal friend and neighbor to the Hardings for many years. Dr. Sawyer tade the recent trip with the president elect to Texas, Panama Canal ajp back to Washington. MEETING HELD TO ORGANIZE ST. TAMMANY CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION There was a. meeting at the court house in Covington Sunday for the purpose of organiz'ng a St. Tammany parish charitable association. The meeting was presided over by F. J. Heintz, who issued the call, and he stated the object to be "to colate all charitable organizations into one charitable .association of St. Tam many parish, with a representation in the executive board of said parish 'associatidAl from eachl church o.r charitable organization." Before proceeding with the busl ness of the meeting Mr. Heintz read the following letter; Covington, La., Dec. 17, 1920. Mr. Fred J. Helntz, City. My Dear Fred:--Confirming our conversation of even date, I am ad dres3ing you the letter I had orig - nally intended publishing ,n The' St. Tammany Farmer, with the utindr standing that you read it at me'eting next Sunday afternocn: The Letter. ThsQ circular letter issued under various recent dates, bearing the s.g nature "Fred J. He'ntz, Jr.,"' sent, so I am informed, to a large iu,nber of citizens of this parish, invitrti Lhtm to come to a mass meeting in Coy ington for the purpose of helping to start a "Charity Organization" move ment, :s woefully wrong and mislead ing in so far as to the following: "That the local chapter of the Red Cross has discontinued dealing with the service man, adjusting his af fairs, helping him to secure the money due him by the Governmen*, helping the families of those that were killed or died in the service and securing employment for those out of work," this kind of work IS and ALWAYS HAS been done IN the office, it has NEVER nor will it EVER be discontinued nor was it EVER intended by the Execu ivs Committee that 't should be discon tinued. As to "giving aid to the sick an'l destitute and looking after delin quent children" I quote verbatim from the minutes of the meet'ng of the Executive Committee held Dec. 7, 1920, and at which you were pres ent, signed by Mrs. E. S. Wharton, secretary, who at that time was still connected with the Red Cross: "By Bordes and Kelleher-Motign to give nurse power to RENDER AID when so reported to committee that is to meet once a weeks. Carried." Immed'ately after the holidays, sooner if it can be arranged, the chapter Red Cross office will be open daily and in charge of a yoluntesP secretary for the transaction of its usual and regular business, dispen:; ing aid, advice and assistance conm mensurate w'th its means. With expressions of regard and best wishes for the success of your commendable undertaking. Respectfully, 0A r MAVT.rf M n Chairman St. Tammany Chapter American Red Cross. A committee was appo'n:ed, com posed of Rev. F. B. Talmage, of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. J. Orson Miller, of Christ's Episcopal Church; Rev. L. R. Sparks, of the Methodit Church; Rev. John Burger, of St. Peter's Catholic Church, and Frel J. Heintz. The object is that each unit of th' committee is to use his best endeavor in his own field to bring support to the association and to secure the co operation and assistance that Is nee essary to make its work valuable to the parish. It is intended that each member of the committee shall write to such eitizens as they bel eve BRIGGS TELLS OF GOOD PASTURE VALUABLE TO ST. TAMMANY Agrees With Great South ern Lbr. Co. as to Hur't fulness Forest*Fires. EQUALS BERMUDA GRASS FOR GRAZING' Drainage Also Important In Cultivation of Cutover Lands of Parish. (By A. E. Briggs ) In a recent issue of The Farmer the Great Southern Lumber Com pany called attention to the fact "that the annual grass fires is the greatest enemy to the rapid repro duction in pine trees." Even more important, I believe, is the injury to the cattle industry of the parish oc casioned by these fires in the de struction of so-called "carpet grass.'" Carpet grass is not a' natire, but is a plant from tropical America which was imported by way of New Orleans about one hundred years ago, and I find it everywhere I have been in the parish. It is a most ex ceptionally valuable grass. Recent ly agricultural authorities have given it some attention, and only last April the United State Agricultural Department issued a circular which should be studied by every one in terested in cattle raising. The fol lowing quotations should be suffic ent to indicate to cattle owners the very' great profit to them which would follow the elimination of the annual fires and increased attention (Continued on page 6) -0 COMPLIMENT TO MR. IUCKABY. As Mr. Huckaby has become Inore than a mere res'deit' engineer :in charge of our road construction, hay ing been active and valuable in our community work and identified with our interests,, his achievements are" of interest to our pepple. The fol) lowing letter is but further evidence of he ability and his interest .n Suc cessful road building, ,ant We' have persuaded him to allow us to. ublish it, because we know of no'. 'more competent and sincere critic than Governor Parker: Mr. M. C. Huckaby, Coitligton,.I a. Dear Sir:-Mr. Inman hands 'me your letter of December 20th, with the accompanying document which I have read with great interest and regard as one of the finest I have seen in reference to road work and road building. I shall' take the liberty of keeping this document and having a number of copies made, and I trust you will have no objection whatsoever, to my using it' for that purpose. With thanks and appreciation and, season's greetings, I am, Yours very truly, JOHN M. PARKER, ' Governor. ST. TAMMANY POULTRY AdBO CIATION. There was a xeorganization of the St. Tammany Poultry Association at its meeting last Wednesday, and con siderable interest was manifested in carrying out plans formed at that meeting. Mr. Mipckler states that the. plans include a poultry exhibition, which will take place "n January. The many fine birds that are now owned by poultry .raisers in St. Tammany would make a very interesting denl onStration of what can be accom plished in this fline here. ---0--. THAT DAMPHOOL EItROR. It will be noticed on page two is an article on early Christmas shop ping. While it was a left-over article from last week and was inadvertent ly slipped in the form, we hope it w'll be useful for next Christmas, as it will be thoroughly impressed upon every one. Errors never fall to reach the public, and the humor of tl. critic should help the lesson along wonderfully. Ed. Jones, night marshal of Cov ington, who has been under treat ment in the hospital for wounds re cently received from a pistol in the hands of Trenchard, is out of danger, but may lose the use of one arm which the physicians are now trying to save and have in a plaster cast, otherwise Mr. Jones is out of dan ger and rapidly improving. Order of Court as to survey of land brings suit aga'nst sheriff, sur veyor, et al, in Federal Court for $5000 damages. The case is a very peculiar one and defendants say It is Christmas, not April first. would be willing to aid in the wori to be carried on and to interest pasr tors of churches in the various com munities in which they reside, w'th a view to having them hold meetings in each town or locality and secur ing an organization that will repre sent every part of the -parish and brng to every part of the parish the assistance that can only result from thorough appreciation of the work and a knowledge of the needs of every section. After this work shall have been accomplished another meeting will be held and the organization will be completed. 'CAMPBELL -DIES' ON TRAIN FROM COVINGTON TO FOLSOM Drinks Liquor While Uider Treatment for, igh Blood Pressure. SAID STRUCK ,BY WHITE LIGHTNING Attended by pr. Jones Hof Folsom, But Efforts to " Save Him Failed.' E. L. Campbell, timber inspector, whose home is at 4421 South J,4bet ty street, New Orleans, is eoqei oro added to the long list of victI l c "write lightnin".' Within thsee hours after'Mr. Campbell, had`'d apk the vile stuff he was dead. .We S A "vdle stuff," because '~t is" 'presumod he drank "White L ghtning," aiN he replied, when asked what was the matter, that 'he had "been strdtck by lightning." Mayor Bfldon said that Mr. Camp bell came to him at 6 p. In. 'Tuesday' to engage a car to take him to Plol-' som, where he wante4 to inp'eebt' some timber or ties for Mr. ' p:.' That Mr Campbell then left and Went to supper. It is 5aid the'he allo bought some Christmas presents to take home-scarf pins. Mr. Campbell afterwards counter manded his order for a car, stating that he had made arrangements with Mr. Camp to meet him at Folsom and that he was going over on the even ing train about 7 o'clock. When Mayor Badon again saw Mr. Campbell it was about twenty min utes to 7 o'clock and Mr. Campbell was so drunk that he did notsremem ber that he had 'ountermanded his order for a car and proceeded to re cite the fact again. When asked what was the piatter, he replied, "0, I've been strutk by lightning." p.~p' was unable to* put on-his overcoat and Mayor Badon helped him on with it and took him by the ar a'iadn assisted him .to the depot and put him on tle train when it stoppe" at the depot. Mr. .Campbel e0uld not hang on to his. grip, an' hthna e dropped it Mayorf Bqdon p t urp. and carried it for him. Ml.6I.' X. Pruden, who was going on the alst train, said he would take cra of Mr. Campbell, asa as as the 1s l place and that he would pacb hipn in charge of the flagman when he left the train.' Mr. Campbell fell asleep ad, soon as he was seatqd and must have re mained in a stupor until he'tepChed Folsom, gs when Mr. Caiifp met he - tra'n he was unable to wake, him i. . Mr. Camp called Dr. Jones to his si.tance and it' was decided tlt It was belt not to ng qva Mr.' Cam toell,.' but thtt it would be better tb handlP the case In the car: So the 0e wasl I purt on the siding std 1r. amip bell was givet the ,het'"Of ttaion up to the time of his ddpth, Wyfeh ocourred about 9 9n m ·• Coroner Bullc h ' tht "ri, JonPe' report.gave the cause* #edot, as acute alcoho igm. * " Mr. Campbell ad U'0lI euepa bottle of medibine jr" . Dr. Bamnhard , of 'New p M9t. Campbell's brothqr,, wb eare. opt or the body, whic hbad been e -, pared for ,buiral by'the Poole andi takig establishment is said tp hasb, stated that his brdther had been, warned byb the 4bobtor not to, touch liquor, as it wqs dangel'ons fot him o do so in rhA pondition pi high blood pressure, for which ht.Wes be ing treated. It is not known where Mr. Ganp bell got the "White Lightning." Mr. R. H. Fergeson, nianagey of th'e Covington Garage Company, re ports the sale of a Studebaker Special Six Touring Car to Mr. C. E. Schonberg, of Covington, who pre sented it to hiA wife on,Chriatmasr. morning as a pleasant surprise. ----0----- Lo) ANGELES TO COVINGTON BY MOTOII. Mr. M. Connolly and wife and son passed through Covington a few days ago on their way to 'Porida. Mr. Connolly is an electrician and was overhauling his big Cadilac in the F. G. C. Auto Shop when seen by a reporter of 'he B'armner, and seemed in fine spirits, notwithstand ing the difficulties of motoring over heavy, rough roads. His car was ftted with camping neceities and conveniences for travel. The trip was started from Los Angeles about he middle of summer, and all the eights worth seeing were taken in. Mrs. Connolly before marriage was Miss Eula Porter. Some years ago she was a resident of Clalborne and consequently well acquainted with Covington. ------O----- PAYS BIG DIVlDE~SD AND BONUS. At a meeting of the directors of he Covington Bank & Trust Com pany, held last Tuesda , the regu ar quarterly dividend of three per cent was declared, payable January Ist. In addition to the quarterly dividend an extra dividend of flive per cent was also declared. The em ployees were made happy by being given a bonus amounting to one month's salary. We understand that noti'ithstanding the general reaction in business, this bank Is closing up the most successful yetar in its his try.