Newspaper Page Text
On Sale Every Saturday at RUSTIC and BULLIOCH'S DRUG is the sTbsarimnFe p$rie IDEAt PHte wC, Madison-h - , Si IE, P eo-ingt o. f- you- money by i': i Th -St T m,. m- anarmer F2ar V erive Centl Per Copy.boost the p D. i. MASON, Editor COVINGTON: LA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921. VOL. 47 No. 1 MEETINGS OF POLICE JURY FEBRUARY 9 AND 17TH 8th, 9th Wards Carry Road _ Bonds Practically With Unanimous Consent. PROMVIULGATION OF ELECTION Proceedings and Business Transacted at Both Meetings. Covington, La., Feb. 17, 1921. The Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, acting as the govern ing authority of Road District No. 2, consisting of .Wards Eight and Nine of the Parish of St. Tammany, La., met in special session at the court house in the town of Covington, La., on the 17th day of February, 1921, pursuant to the provisions of the ordinance of said Police Jury, dated January 11, 1921. Present: H. N. Feldlason, C. M. Poole, J. M. Smith, R. C. Cooper, Emile Singletary, W. H. Davis, M. P. Schneider, Emlle Burkenstock. Absent: Theo. Dendinger, Jr. Whereas, *a special election was held on the 15th day of February,, 1921, for the purpose of incurring debt in the name of said Road Dis trict No. 2. to the amount of $250, 090, and to issue and sell negotiable, semi-annual, interest-bearing cou pon bonds, evidencing said indebted ness; and, Whereas, it is the duty of the Po lice Jury to open the 'ballot boxes used at said special election and ex amine and count the ballots, etc., therefore Be it ordained, that the Police Jury do now proceed to open the ballot b'oxes used at said election, as the law prescribes. Be it further ordained, That the President be and he is hereby auth orized to appoint two tellers to count the votes and compile the results of said election. On motion duly seconded, the fol lowing ordinance was unanimously adopted-: Whereas, the Police Jury met in special s~ion, at ten a. m., at the courthouse in the Town of Coving ton, La., on the 17th day of Febru ,ary, 1921, pursuant to the provisions of the ordinance .l"opted by the Police Jury on the 11Ch day of Janu ary, 1921; and, Whereas, the President appointed C. M. Poole and Emile Singletary as tellers to open the ballot 'boxes, ex amine and count the ballots in num ber and amount, examine and can vass the returns and declare the re sult of such eelction; and, Whereas, the said tellers in the presence of all the members of the Police Jury did open the ballot 'box ees and examine and count the bal lots, etc., therefore, We, the undersigned tellers, de clare the result to be as follows, to wit: In the ballQt box at the Eighth Ward Polling Booth, Pearl 'River, La., there was found 44 votes in favor of and one vote against. Said 44 votes represented an assessed val uation of $61,011.00, and the one vote represented an assessed val~ua tion of $520.00. In the 'ballot box of the Ninth Ward Polling Booth, Slidell, La., there was found 128 votes in favor of, which said votes represented an assessed valuation of $401,669.00, and there was none found in the box against the following proposi tion: "Proposition to incur debt anM issue bonds therefor in behalf of Road District No. Two- of the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($250,000) Dollars, to run twenty years from date and to bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum from date until paid, payab.e annually, or seml-an nually, for the purpose of construct ing and maintaining 'public , roads with:n sa!d Road District No. 2, known as Chef Menteur Highway (Link of the Spanish Trail) from .Rigolets to Slidell and from Pearl River village to the Mississippi line, excepting that portion thereof with in the corporate limits of Slidell, title thereto to vest in said Road District." Now, inasmuch as there was a t~btal of 172 votes, representing an assessed valuation of $462,680.00, cast in favor of the aforesaid propo sition .s above-indicated, it is, there fore, manifestly shows that there was a majority of votes both in number and amount cast in favor of said proposition, which proposi tion is, therefore, declared to be carried, and this process verbal and canvass of the votes at said election having been duly written and reid was thereupoil signed by the tellers, by the clerk and pres'dent of the Police Jury' of the Parish of St. Tam many, and by each member of said Police Jury at said meeting. C. M. POOLE, Teller. EMILE SINGLETARY, Teller. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDIALE, Secretary. H. N. FENDLASON, C. M. POOLE, J. M. SMIT-H, R. C, COOPER, EMI.LE SINIGLETARY, W. H. DAVIS, M. P. SCHNEIDER, EMILE BURIKENSTOCK, Members of Po:ice Jury. It was moved, seconded und carr: ed that the Police Jury adjourn t( .meet on March 5, 1921. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. POLICE JURY MEETING, FEB. P Covington, La., Feb. 9, 1921. The Polce Jury met in regulai session on the above date with the £following members present: H. N Fendlason, C. M. Poole, J. M. Smith R. C. Cooper, Emi.e .Singletary, W. H. Davis, M. iP. Schneider, J. B. Howze. 'Absent: Theo. Dendinger, Emil Hurkenstock. Moved 'by- C. M. 'Poole, seconded by M. P. Schneider, that the reading of the minutes of previous meeting be dispensed with. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the parish pay Felix Bachemin, Jr., *13.62 for cost of spraying machine. Carried. It was moved by J. M. Smith, se3 onded by M. P. Schneider, that no bills 'be paid on the meeting day of the police jury except the pay of police jurors on that date and that the finance committee be notified to meet the day previous to rieguisr meeting date to examine all bills. Carried. Moved by C. M. Poole, seconded by M. P. Schneider, that Mrs.-J. W. Davis be' auhorized to have type writer she is using, which belongs to the parish, repaired at the price of $6.50. Carried. It was moved by J .M. Smith, sec onded by W H. Davin, that the sec r'etary be authorized to draw a war rant in favor of the St. Tammany Parish Good. Roads Commission for $7,718.08, to repay them for loan to police jury to pay interest on $750, 000 road bonds, the money to be taken out of the -3 1-2 mill special tax. Carried. Afternoon Session. moved and seconded that the con tract to repair gutters and slate roof of courthouse be given to R. D. Harrigan. Carried. Moved and seconded that the con tract be given Dolphus McLain to re pair the Stafford Ford bridge at L. 0. Martin's place, for the sum of, $87.65, hW to furnish all materials for same. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the St. Tammany Parish Good Roads Commission 'be authorized to pay all estimates o. k'd. by the State High way Department on Federal Aid pro jects and for gravel purchased for use on public roads. Carried. It was moved by -H. N. Fendlason, seconded by Einile Burkenstock, that the secretary of the police-jury be lirected to write to Mr. R. D. Forbes,': state Superintendent' of Fdr`stry, tJ nvite him to come to- the meeting f the-police jury on March 5th, as they would like to have him dis 3uss the question of forestry. Carried. The following report was read: Report of Parish Treasurer for hen month of January, 1921: Parish Fund Balance Ja. 1 ........ 1411.86 Tax receipts ......... 7833.21 Refund Assessor salary fund ............. *.1276.01 $10521.08 Disbursements: Mileage and per'diem. 321.58 Stationery ........... 343.99 Official printing ...... 44.15 Jurors and witnesses . 271.08 Pransportation ....... 109.80 Feeding prisoners .... 27.85 Maintenance ....... 30.03 Board of Health ..... 101.85 Justices of Peace ..... 375.00 Election expenses ... . 15.00 Tick eradication .... 1916.22 Beneficiary students .. 85.75 Sheriff's compensation.. 250.00 Loan, assessor's salary 875.70 Interest, dipping vat . 300.00 Miscellaneous ........._ 25.00 5092.97 Balance Jan. 31 ..... 5428.11 Road Fund Balance Jan. 1 ....... 1474.05 Tax receipts ......... 10858.41 12332.47 Disbursements ....... 686.22 Balance Jan. 31 ...... 11646.2h St. Tammany Parish Good Roads Bond Fund: Balance Jan. 1 ....... 108.64 Receipts ............ 14686.43" Balance Jan. 31 ...... 14795.07 St. Tammany Parish Good Roads Bond Tax Account: Balance Jan. 1 ....... 40.92 Receipts ............ 4005.39 Balance Jan. 31 4046.31 Special Road District No. 9: Balance Jan. 1 ....... 215.79 Clerk's Salary Fund: Balance Jan. 1 ...... . . 8.23 Receipts ............. 537.07 545.30 Disbursements ......... 526.12 Balance Jan. 31 ...... 19.18 Sheriff's Salary Fund: Receipts .............- .5434.96 Overdraft Jan. 1 ..... 209.77 Disbursements ....... 1151.21 1360.98 Balance Jan. 31 . ..... 4073.9 3 GEO. KOEPP, JR., Parish Treasurer. It was, moved, seconded and carri ed that the above report be accepted. The followfing report Was read: Statement of Walt Galatax, tax collector, for the ith of Janu ary, 1921: State Tax Regular ............. 418404.71 Veteran ............. 2692.02 School ............ 5258 40 Parish Tax Criminal fund .... . 2299.81 Road. fund .......... 19514 * FARMERS OF NORTHWEST FIND RACINCG DOGS HELPFUL IN WORK :: .. .: ::it"" -m ::: ~i'.f7.":::1.::l..:1 .. S. y. *;.~·+: .: 'S *.*..:~:~ ... :.:.' .S . \"...: -ý."::!. .}"Y~n": }it;:`?:ý::'?}:4}i: iiy· :?4: ý :"ii· y ý:::: ;:.. ý:":: ý:.: i` . . . .r . . . . . , ; . : : : ;- : } ; .":i{ } i : : : " } ": "t ? : `i : ' i " 3 :< ; : ? t v > i v it}}:"::: ;{iý}$:::: ~iiii}}:r : "i7' n:.":.r . ::. :..r ,:: { .; .f.:{ .r. .. r. .. i.}{ . : f ... . .:: ,, ... :.:. :t is:`"r "4}' +";x No longer does the big city dog show rule supreme as the spot where the true lovers of dogs ay admire the blooded canines. ut in the west and the northwest new winter sport is each year in interest, dog races Iwhich attract farmers, prospec tors, town folks and Indians, Ash Won, Idaho, last town on the way School fund ......... 13798.80 General fund ........ 4599.62 C;)rporatios Tax Criminal fund .... . 330.7s Road fund . .. 1322 i~ 'chool fund .... 1984 17 Shool Lax ,vard 1 ,... 145X'.` School tax ward 2 . 615,74 School tax ward 3 .... 4237.58 School tax ward 4 .... 1998.63 School tax ward 5 .... 1747.66 School tax ward 6 .... 3448.91 School tax ward 8 .... 2016.21 School tax ward 9 .... 3539.42 School tax ward 10.. 695.S8 Special road. tax ... .... 18416.99 State license....... 7Q5.17 Parish license ....... 131.86 State hunting license . 20.55 Per capita tax ....... 179.96 Severance license .... ~1606.86 Interest ... .... 13.20, Witness costs ..... 5.00 Clerk of court costs , 10,00 District Attorney costs.. 20.00 Sheriff's costs ..,,.,, $6.40 Poll tax ............ 121.11 Fines ............... 67.50 Sheriff's costs, civil ,. , 3,15,07 Commissions .,......... 2326.67 Total ............. 102609.76 Amounts available o each fund: Criminal ............ 2635.55 Regular road ........ 10702.18 School ............ 35724.45 General ............ 4731.48 Special road ......... 184-16.99 Sheriff's salary ....... 2668.14 State ............... 27700.97 Clerk of Court ...... 10.00 District Attorney ..... 20.00 Total ............. 102609.76 I, Walter Galatas, tax collector for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, do solemnly swear that the above is a correct statement of all taxes, etc., collected by me for the above mentioned funds, -from the 1st day of January, 1921, to the 31st day of January, 1921, in elusive. WALTER GALATAS, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3d day of February, 1921. GUY A. SMITH, Deputy 'Clerk of Court. Moved, seconded and. carried that the above erport be accepted. The Finance Committee made the following report: .We, the Finance Committee, have examined bills of the road fund and of the parish fund, and found them correct and ordered same paid. - M. P. SCHNEIDER, EMILE SINGLETARY, C. M. POOLE, Finance Committee. Following is the list of bills or dered paid: J. Schnexayder, work road eighth ward, $23.06. A. D. Avery, 13 days with team, eighth ward, $65.00. L. M. Craddock, work on bridge, eighth ward, $12.00. Don F. Watts, work on road, 8th ward, $38.00. ,Henry Taylor, work on road, 5th ward, $4.00. L .W. Crawford, nails for bridge, 5th ward, $2.79. W. W. Hays, cross-cut saw, $8.25. L. W. Crawford, lumber for Tally Creek bridge, $46.80. L. W. Purvis, hauling lumber to Tally Creek bridge, $10.00. R. E. Williams, overseer of work Ben Williams road, $4-28.00. Jno Miller, wokr on Bogue Falaya bridge, $22.50. B. B. Mizell, same, $49.50. Edgar Mizell, same, $39.00. James Galloway, same, $19.50. L. A. Mizell, same, $32.00. L. A. Mizell, same,. $45.00. R. C. Cooper, mule team Tal'y Creek road, $48.00. L. A. Mizell, dynamite, $6330. Geo. Oalman, work on Ben Wi!lli ams road, $49.10. IDave Oalman, same, $41.10. Charlie Dutsch, same, $40.00. C. F. Dutsch, same, $38.00. H. L. Reviere, same, $58.76 Louis Reviere, same, $52.00. Fred Friebert, same, $54.00. Geo. Reviere, same, $56.00. R. W. Talley, work on Franklin ton-1Talley road, 5th ward, $6.00. Alvin Talley, same, $51.00. E3bbin Talley, same, '$19.00. W. W. Talley, same, $39.00. Vernie Jenkins, same, $4.00. Offie Taylor, same, $28)0. J. F. Jones, work with team six days, $48.00. Marvin Carter, work on Franklin ton-Talley road, 5th 3vard. $36.00. John Talley, same, $16.50. 8B. Laurant, same, $30~00. L. A. Talley, same, $36.00. Edward Reviere, work on the Ben Williams road, 5th ward, $53.76. E`arnest Oalman, same, $45.10. ' Leonard Reviere, same, $56.00. Ben Reviere, same, $16.00. west to Yellowstone Park and the center of a wide and prosperous wheat, oat and potato district. lb an example of the extent to which 'this sport has been developed. They are now making redy there for the annual races whl:-v men and boys of the district, fr". from crop duties, will enter and race their dog teams in the big F. L. Dutsch, same,, $2.75. Louisa Cabel, same, $21.76. Heintz Thomas, same, $40.00. John Miller, same, $9.50. Will McLendon, same, $7.50. L. H. Reviere, same, $3.00. T. N, Shay, same, $4.50. Steve Richardson,, work on Talley Creek bridge, $:13.50. W. W. Watts, same, $12.00. Jim Talley, same, $12.00. ,Burrell Talley, same, $12.00. R. W. Talley, same, $12.00. J. M. Talley, same, $9.00. Oscar Talley, same, $12.00. Daniel Talley, same, $12.00. Marshall Sharp, work on the Ben Williams road, $12.00. Victor Scheck, same, $7.30. Joe Scheck, same, $4.00. H. L. Reviere, same, $48.00. L. H. Reviere, same, $52.00. John Fitzmorris, work on roads, third ward, $6.125. L. C. Fitzmorris, same, $6.25. Paul lDutruch, lumber for Coving ton bridge, $600.95, Paul Dutruch, lumber for Staf ford Ford bridge, 2d ward, $232.00. J. W, Lamar, work on roads, 7th ward, $12.50, John Schoenparker, work on road, third ward, $5.00. Good Roads Commission, mainte nance work, 9th ward, $281.60. James Sharp, work on roads, 2d ward, $30.00. Hezzie Sharp, same, $25.00. Robt. Sharp, same, $25:00. Wilson Shaip, same, $5.00. Lonzo Sharp, same, $2.50. Sam Bateman, same, $5.00. -Geo. Smith, wok ori roads, fourth ward, $22.00. Alex Smith, hauling shells on the Madisonville-Houltonville road, 4th ward, $572.00. Fendlason & Verger, drag scraper for second ward, $25.80, Emile Stevens, road work, second ward, $14,00. C. W. Dutsch, work on Colum'bia road, $57.00. W. J. Allison, work on roads in second ward, $27.00. Mannie Baham, same, $70.00. Luther MoKensie, same, $12.00. H. J. Anderson, same, $27.85. Bart Spring, same, $147.00. Dolphus McLain, work on Coving ton bridge, third ward, $114.00. C. M. Poole, auto to inspect road, ward 3, $10.00. Parish Fund: St. Tammany Parish Fair Associa tion, donation, $500.00. Southwestern Industrial Institute, scholarship for Zella Sharp, $133.70. Cot Printing Co., books for clerk's office, $108.00. J. W. Crawson, bindeer for clerk's office, $715.00. St. Tammany Farmer, publishing proceedings, notices, etc., $113.70. Mrs. J. Coltora, meals and room for Penton children, $5.40. Philip Smith, transpdrtation, $13. A. A. Parker, same, $7.50. Walter Galatas,'.sheriff, attending court, $25.00. Waltgr Galatas, sheriff, transpor tation, $86.85. Mrs. L. Miles, feeding pl isoners, $42.75. Southwestern Industrial Institute, scholarship ' for -Myra - Fauntleroy, $134.20. Burns Furniture Co., lamp, $3.95. Smith Hardware Co., material for courthouse, $27.20. DameroniPierson, stationery for clerk's office, $17.73. F. J. Martindale, expenses during January, $12.00. W. R. Badon, wood, $15.00. H. J. Smith, overalls for prison ers, $4.00 La. State University, scholarship for P. F. Johnson, $146.00. (Continued on page 6) ----0--- NOTICE. Notice iis hereby given that the Houltonville Ferry Franchise has been awarded to Ernest Guitteau, who obligates himself in saii` con tract to make no charges in excess of the following: Children going to school, free. Between the hours of six in the morning and six in the evening, pedestrains 10c each way. Single wagon sand buggies, 50c. Double teams, 75c. Ford autos and runabouts, 50c. Oxen, mules and horses, one 20z, two or more 15e each. Trucks, one ton, 75c. Trucks of two tons and up, $1.00. Persons who occupy horses and ibuggie's, free. SF. J. MARTINDALE, Secrdtary of Police Jury. FOR RENT--Three room modern apartment; walking distance froa depot; private home. Address C. E., care of this offce, flS* iclasalc. The upper picture show i a wv-.-dog team of strong limbed" aniuxais entered by two Ashton b ,ys. The lower sled team shows. hw che animals are used in farm work - in this picture the dogs, wcrki~i double, hauling baled bay: . The head is of an ideal type dev.-i .ed for sled duty in the :orthwes%. BAOHEMIN BUSY AMONG COM MUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Farm Agent Bachemin has been quite 'busy the past few weeks meet ing with the farm community organi zations, At Onvil, Friday, D. N. Barrow, formerly with The Progres sive Farmer, Ibut now assistant di rector of the Extension Department of L. S. U., spoke at a meeting ol that organization on soil fertility, less acreage and higher yield per acre. Through Mr. Collins, this organi zation has just bought fifty sacks of certified potato seed, Bliss' Early Triumph. They intend shipping early potatoes in car load lots. To-day the Waldheim-Progress Farmers Community Association will be organized. -0------- KING'S DAUGHTERS. There will be a meeting of the King's Daughters at the Community House, Monday afternoon at 3:30. SHERIFF'S SALE, Albert C. Bosse vs. ;M. K. Delazarra and J. B. Delazarra. No. 3357. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St: Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of seizure and sale issued out rf the honorable afore said court, and to me directed, bear ing date the 12th day of February, 1921, I have seized and will offer for sale at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, between legal sale hours for pudicial sales, at the principal front door of the court house in Covington, St. Tammany parish, Louisiana, on Saturday, March 26, 1921, the following described property, to wit: SAll that-certain portion of ground, together with all the 'buildings and improvements thereon, in the Town of Mandevilie, Parish of St. Tam many, this State, situated in the double square designated by the num thirty-one of the said Town of Mandeville, and described as fol lows: Commencing at a point five hundred and thrity feet from the corner of Jefferson and Adair streets, thence i na direct line through said. square to Lafayette street, thence towards Jefferson street along the property line on Lafayette street 75 feet, thence in a direct line, parallel with -Jefferson street a distance of 200 feet, thence at right angle and on a line parallel with Lafayette street 130 feet, thence at a right angle on a direct line parallel with. Jefferson street towards Adair street 130 feet, thence at a right angle parallel with Adair street towards Monroe street 180 feet, thence at right angles in a direct line towards Adair street 180 feet to Adair streer, thence along said Adair street and a frontage on the same of twenty-five feet to the point of beginning. Al measurements heerin specified are more or less in American measure. Being a portion of the same ,prop erty acquired -by said vendor herein by purchase" as fully appears-by ref erence to acts of sale registered in Book E, page 196, and Book L, page 1, of the conveyance records of St. Tammany parish, Louisiana. Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap praisement. WALTER GALATAS, fl19-6t Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Philip Werlein, -Ltd., vs. Westley Camp. No. 3249. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the honorable aforesaid court, to me directed, 'bearing date the 11th day of January, 1921, I will pro ceed to sell at public sale to the last and highest bidder, between legal sale hours for judicial sales, at the principal front door of the court house in the town of Covingtong;La., St. Tammany Parish, on Saturday, March 5, 1921, the following described property, to wit: 11 Werlein Player Piano, Number 67,587. Terms of Sale---ash, with ap praisement. WALTER GALALTABB , f19-3t . Sheriff. LOOK OUT FOR FREEZE. Telegraph reports Friday evening give warning of a severe freeze with in the next two or three days. VALENTINE PARTY AT PEARL RIVER. One of the most enjoyable affairs of the wek was the Valentine heart social, given at the home of Mrs. Geo. F. Bancks, by Misses L. Craw ford and L. Coffer. The evening was enjoyed very much by the young people, many appropriate games be ing played. Before going into the dining room from the heart box, the boys and girls matched for partners. The dining room was artistically decorated with flowers, ferns and valentine emblems. ,A color scheme of red was carried out. The ribbon was'draped in the four corners of the room. Heart-shaped -cake and punch were served. COVINGTON HI WINS BASKET BALL GAME. The basketball game between Sli dell and Covington high schools, Frl day afternoon on the local school grounds, resulted in a score of 23 to 9 in favor of Covington High. Reports from New Orleans, Fri day, state that Dr. L. C. Hfeintz is getting along nicely, and that his recovery is praotically assured. The unfounded rumors about Covington as to the Doctor's condition were greatly, exaggerated. His' friends .were glad to receive Friday's good news. - 0----- BLOW-REVIERE. Mr. John W. Blow and Miss Etta Reviere were married Saturday, Feb. 12, 1921, at the Presbyterian par sonage, IRev. F. C. Talmage officiat-` ing. Mr. Blow is enmployed at the Kentzel Printing House, 0 "While. New York- Sleeps," at Parkviiew Theatre, Sunday, Feb. 20. -0- Miss Mary E. Pinckney, principal of the Pearl River school has - been signally honored by a-petition got ten up by the School League in which 81 citizens request her re-appoint ment,'and express sentiments of the hghest appreciation, of her services in the school. We regret that we cannot report the meeting of the St. Tammany Poultry Association this week. We have but little space and feel that it is worthy of more notice than we can give it now. We will have something to say regarding it and Mr. Williams' talk, next week. Mr. Wm. P. Minekler has a car load of sweet potatoes that will be shipped next week. Most of the' potatoes ,will- lie. fturnished 'by Mr.: Peter, of Madisonville. ITEMS- FROM MANDEViLE. Miss Eleanor Rayne and Miss Ella Payne assisted the ninth and tenth grade girls to entertain the other teachers and the- basketball team. A delightful evening was enjoyed with games.:- Refreshments were served with plenty of ice -cream. The Ladies' Aixiliary of the Union Church in Mandeville will give a sociable on Washington's, birthday, February 22, at 7:30 p. -m., There will be a :program. ..<A silver offering will be taken up. Refreshments will b eserved. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs.- Wm. Shiell- are en joying a visit from .their daughter, Mrs. Godfrey Chescher and her three lovely children. We are glad to know Mrs. Van Zant's mother, Mrs. Bell, has entire ly recovered from her illness during her stay wth Dr. and Mrs Van Zant. We are in hope soon to hear of the entire recovery -of little John Lemeaux. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leonard with Master Joe and Clarice, ,spent the reek end in the city visiting friends. Dr. and Mrs. Gabert are staying- n Mandeville for a while at their bun galow on the beach. We are pleased to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Willie -Hutchinson, Jr, have purchased a very pretty bunga low on the Lewisburg road. There will be preaching in Mande ville in the Protestant,.Church, Sun day morning. The Methodist min isteri Rev. L. R. Sparks, will officiate at 11 o'clock. , Votrain is entertaining her sister in her lovely home on Marigny Avenue. -0- LIST OF PETIT JURORS. SFollowing is a list of Petit Jurors drawn to serve during the session o0 District Court beginnig March 14th, No. Name - - Ward 1. James Sharp? .... . . ..... 2 2. T. C. Craddock . ;K.. .... 6 3. Peter Meyers... .... 2 4. .. L. Morgan .". . ... . ... 5. W. P. Thibodea~iix ..... 3 6. C. 1'.Baker- ........... 9 7. B. A. Taylor ........... 1 8. Geo. A. Leggett ...... .. 9 9. Horace Alexius ...... .. .. 3 10. William Strain .......... 3 11. Jesse Page ........... ..- 10 12. J. J. Foley ...... ...... 3 13. J. N. Miller ............ 4 14. J. A.S almen . .... .... .- 9 15. Walter Smith . '...... 6 16. L. C. Fitzmorris ......... 3 17. Ed. Fogg .......:....... 6 18. Jos. M. Smith........... 4 19. Leander Magee .......... 6 20. T. T. Finney ............ 3 21. James IDewis............. 9 S. Simon Levy -. .-... .:... 9 j'-. S. A. Wallace ..... 4 24. C. A. 'Everitt ............ 9 25. Morris Rogers ...... ... ... 2 26. A. A. Parker ............ 9 27. Walter Magee ........ 6 J8. Call Blackwel ...... .. 2 29. Chris. Quave .... ...... 10 30. Jacques Pelloak .. . (.. -1 A true copy. f1l9-4t Dy. Clerk of Court. SURVEY OF ST. TAMMANY FOR COMMUNITY DATA One of Few Parishes in the State Selected for This Work. FOR COMMUNITY HELP, UPBUILDING Maps Will Be Drawn, Trade Centers Given, Houses Noted, Etc. Dr. A. W. Hayes, of the School of Social Science, Tulane .University, in co-operation with Supt. Lyon, and teachers of St. Tammany parish, is undertaking a fundamentally import ant. inventory of neighborhood and rural community organization in this parish. Dr. Hayes attended the recent in stitute at Slideil, and while there outlined and explained the nature of this survey. Hie stated that St. Tamr many parish had been selected in stead of several other parishes that had ,been considered `because of the forward-looking vision that the School Board and school system seemed to have, and also hbeoause; of the promised. co-operation of the school officials. As stated by Dr. Hayes, the pur pose of the survey Is to locate" the district farm neighborhoods which are known .by names of their .resi dents as well as to locate areas in the parish not included in neighbor hood groups. The survey will get such information as applies to trade centers, but has nothing whatever to . do with valuations. With this in formation at hand, any of the parish officials and, school teachers will De in a better position to assist in con strictive rural community building plans. They will. know what are the outstanding communities and what are not, where to go to be of the greatest help in assisting i community life, and in the organiza tion of social and economic affairs. This information is being gather- . ed through the schools by means of a questionnaire which is being sent by the schools to eachfarm family in the parish. It is of absolute im-_ portance that each farm',famnily All out and return each questionnaire in-order that th' saerv~ey anibe-com plete. After all the blanks are re turned, a parish map will be made which will show the rural .neighbor hoods as known by the people' thra the parish, and should be, of great.: value to the parish agent as well as to the home 'demonstratiog agent. This survey is, perhaps; the rsti' :.-, of Its kind that has been made in:' any of the Southern States, although. many have been made in the North ..: ..: Central States, and St. Tammany: should consider itself especially comý plimented in being selected for this:.' work. In addition to that, .the teachers are fortunate in being able to take part in such a program be cause it simply means that:a course in rural dociology is being given to: them under the direction of the Tulane Social Science College. The ,Covington Gymnastic Club - will= play the Verrina's at the Park. Pavilion to-morrow =afternoon' at 2 o'clock. A good game is promised. - ------ NOTICE. Auto and vehicle tax and street:: tax of the town of Coviigton, La., are .iow due and payable at the office of the Town Secretary, and will be come delinquent oi -March 1, 1921. L. A. PERREAND, f5-4t . Secretary. : ----0--- SMRS. ANNEE COMBESL. SDied, at Bogalusa, La., on Monday, February 14, 1921, Mrs. Annie Conm-: bel, aged 64 years. She was a oative of Mississippi and a resident of Covington for seventeen years. Funeral took place in Covington Tuesday afternoon from the reai dence of her daughter, Mrs.E. Se gond, and St. Peter's Catholic Church. ---0--- "While New York Sleeps," at Parkvilew Theatre, Sunday, Feb. 20. -0------- AUDUBON NOTES. Mr. -Louis Smith returned home Wednesday afternoon from a long voyage to ::Erance. '-He has been a sailor boy for two years and was: gladly welcomed. A dance was giv- : en in his h -nor, Satuirday night, at the residence of his 'brother, ,Mr. El renond Smith. Refreshments were served after the dancing. A valentine party was given MJu day evening at the home o- Mr. and .rs. Ellis Crawford. - IMisses Sarah and Annie Crawford of fBogalusa, have been visiting rela tivves in Audubon. Miss Ada Moore is home on a visL. from Bogalusa for three weeks. Miss GracPe Jones, Jimmie Jones~. and grandmother attended Evanti Creek preaching service last Sunday night. '. -0----- BOX SUPPER AT LTACOMBE A The box supper, which was given. at the Lacombe school, Saturday, was quite a success, $109.50 being realized... This amount will be add-l ed to the s~iim which the patrons are Xaising in order to havve a .Jne - months session Instead of's~x. - - - - - -' 4-.