Sole Distributors
This is one of the newest members of the well-known Ford
family. It is the field runabout It is a strong-limbed boy-eight
wheels dividing the work done by four before. It is a tractor which
Secretary of War Baker was much interested in at the army exhibit
in Washington. ' The broad caterpiller belt gives it a very firm foot
ing under all kinds of soil conditions
"The most widely used remedy in the
world to overcome the stagnating
effects of catarrh. Catarrh is
silent and insidious in its
ravages, invades nearly FOR
every household and CATARMI
hoverslike apestl. AND CATA.HU,
lence every.
where. eON#OION
It strikes at the root of ca
tsrrhal troubles by stimulating
the digestion, enriching the blood.
toning up the nervous system and
soothing the raw, and inflamed mucous
membranes. Pe-ru-na set every organ to
working properly and gives strength, vigor
and pep to the whole body. Try it, and like
thousands of others, learn what it means to be well.
AN ORDINANCE to provide revenue
for the Parish of St. Tammany,
Louisiana, for the year 1920,
for the purpose of paying the
statutory, usual, necessary and
ordinary charges and bonded In
debtedness of said Parish.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
President and Members of the Poli'e
Jury for the Parish of St. -Tammany.
in legal session convened, That six
and one-half (6 ?, ) mills on the dol
lar is hereby levied on all property
taxable under the laws of the State
of Lou siana, situated vwithin th
Parish of St. Tammany.
Section 2. Be it further orda;n
ed, That said taxes to be levied act'
as follows, to-wit:
To General Fund, One mill;
To School Fund, Three mills;
To Road Fund, Two mills;
T'o Criminal Fund, One-half mili
Section 3. Be it further orda'n
ed, That the Assessor of the Parish
of St. Tammany be and he is hereb.
instructed, empowered and authori.
ed to levy and collect a tax sufficient
to pay the interest and principal on
all bonds becoming due the ensuing
Section 4. Be it further ordain
ed, That th's ordinance shall go into
effect from and after its passage.
Adopted December 15, 1920.
An ordinance prohibiting any per
son, corporation, firm or in
dividual from placnng or allow
ing to remain upon any side
walk or banquette of the Town
of Covington, La., any goods,
wares, merchandise, vegetables,
fruits, crates, boxes, or any
other obstruction, total or par
tial, for the purpose of display
or sale, or any other purpose,
and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof.
Sect'on One. Be it ordained by
the Town Council of the Town of
Covington, La., in legal session con
vened. That from and after the pass
age of this ordinance, it shall be un
lawful, and it is hereby expressly
prohibited for any person, corpora
ton, firm or individual to place, or
permit to remain upon any sidewalk
or banquette in said Town of Cov
ington, any goods, wares, merchan
d'se. vegetables, fruits, crates, boxes
or any other obstruction, total or
partial, for the purpose of dispaly or
sale, or any other purpose.
Section Two. Be it further or
dained, etc., That any person, cor
poration, firm or individual violating
the provisions of th s ordinance,
shall upon trial and conviction there
of, be fined not more than fifty dol
lars, nor Tess than five dollars, or be
imprisoned in. the Town Jail for a
period of not longer than twenty
days, or both, at the discretion of
the Court.
Section Three. Be it further or
dained, etc., That .this ordinance
shall become effective immediately
on its passage.
On a vote being taken the follow
ing voted yea: C. E. Schonberg, H.
A. Mackie, A. H. Smith E. Frederick,
M. P. Planche, C. H. Sheffield.
Nays: None.
R. W. BADON, '
666 cures Malaria, Chills and
Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and La.
Grippe. It kills the paratite that
causes the fever. It is a splen.Ud
laxative and general tonic.-Adv.
No trapping or hunting allowed on
my land. Any one found trapping
on my land will be urosecuted to full
extent of the law, and will be hela
responsible for stock killed or hurt
by traps.
mr6 ROBT. H. VOSS.
Maake hay while the sun shines
Do it with a Walter Wood Mower
and Rake. We have a big stock on
hand, 1 and 2 horse, at the right
prices. H. J. Smith's Sons. au21
The assessment rolls have been
filed and taxes for 1920 are now be
ing collected. Same will become de
linquent in 30 days. A penalty of
10 per cent per annum will be added
j15-6t Tax Collector.
Notice is hereby given that a gen
eral stockholders' meeting of the St.
Tammany Construction Company
Inc., will be held at its office at
Covington, Louisiana, on the 5th
day of March, 1921, to consider and
vote on the proposition of amending
Article One of its Act of Incorpora
tion, and to do *and perform all
other acts necessary and proper to
carry out the purposes of said meet
j29-6t Secretary.
We are proud of the confidence
doctors, druggists and the public
have in 066 Chill and Fever Tonic.
J. E Caserta, Auto Service, Auto
mobile Accessories, distributor for
Diamond Tires and Tubes. Tele
phone 366, Covington. dl3tf
Succession of James H. Harper,
No. 160.
Tweny-Sixth Judicial District Court,
Parish of St. Tammany,
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons interested in the above entitled
succession to show cause (if any they
have or can) why the final account
as presented, should not be approved
and homologated.
By order of the Court.
j22-3t* Clerk of Court.
Public notice is hereby givevn that
the St. Tammany Parish School
Board voted at a regular meeting
held in the office of the Parish Sup
erintendent, on Friday, January 7,
that the Superintendent be again re
minded that he is their sole purchas
ing agent, and that they will not
stand respopnsible for any debts not
contracted, or authorized, by him un
less special peprmission be given by
vote of the Parish School Board at
some regular or special meeting.
j15-4t 4 Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that the ex
clusive .privilege of operating a ferry
within a radius of two miles of the
po'nt where the Houltonville Ferry
is now being operated by Ernest
Guitteau shall be let for a period of
ten years, by the Police Jury, after
thifty days' advertisement in The St.
Tammany Farmer.
J1-6t Secretary Police Jury.
It is very essential that you sign
your name to all correspondence sent
to this office for publication. If yuo
lo not wish your name published
just state that fact at the conclusion
of your correspondence.-Editor.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Police Jury at its office in the
Town of Covington, Louisiana, at
eleven o'clock a. m., on the 5th day
of March, 1921:
1. For sand-clay gravel, contain
ing 65 per cent, stone.
2. For sand-clay gravel, contain
ing from 50 per cent to 75 per cent
The right is reserved to reject
any and all cbids.
j29-6t J. B. HOWZE,
President of the Police Jury.
In the Matter of Edward J. Bazajou,
No. 2412, In Bankruptcy.
United States District Court for the
Eastern District of
On the petition of T. J. Bartlette,
the duly qualified trustee of the
above named bankrupt, for authori
ty to sell the interest of the bank
rupt in certain real estate situated
in the Town of Abita Springs, St.
Tammany Parish, Louisiana.
This matter having come before a
meeting of the creditors of the above i
named bankrupt this day, had and
held after due notice, according to I
law, and the said petition of the.
trustee herein having been read to I
said meeting of creditors and by !
them duly considered and it having
been decided ,by the creditors that ;t
is to the best interest of this bana
rupt estate that T. J. Bartlette, trus
tee herein, be granted authority to
sell the real estate belonging to the
bankrupt, in the manner and under t
the terms and conditions set forth i
in the petition of T. J. Bartlette,
trustee herein:
It is, therefore, ordered, That T. J
Bartlette, trustee herein, be and he
is hereby ordered to sell the one un- I
divided half interest of Edward 1I.
Bazajou, bankrupt herein, in and
to the following described property, ]
said sale to be held at the principal 1
front door of the courthouse in Cov
ington, La., on
Saturday, March 19, 1921,
All that undivided one-half inter
est in a certain piece or parcel
of land lying and being situated ia
the Town of Abita Springs, St. Tam
many parish, State of Louisiana,
more particularly described as lots
Nos. 3, 4, 5 of Square No. 13, in the !
square .bounedd by Main, Maple,
Level and Hickory Streets; said lots
measuring together sixty feet front
on Hickory street, by a depth of one
hundred and twenty feet between
parallel lines, lot No. 5 forming the
corner of Hickory and Level streets;
together with all the buildings and
!mprovements thereon."
It is further ordered that the said
undivided one-half interest of the
bankrupt herein in and to the fore
going property be separately apprais
ed by three distinguished appraisers
duly sworn, and separately sold by
the Honorable Walter Galatas, sheriff
of the Parish of St. Tammany, on
the same day, hour and place, and
at the same time that remaining un
divided one-half interest in and to
said property belonging to Mrs.
Marry Strubbe, wife of Edward E.
Bazajou, is sold by the said sheriff
under foreclosure proceedings in the
State Court; the said undivided one
ha'f interest of the bankrupt in and
to said property to be sold after due
and legal advertisements as requir
ed by law for .the sale of real estate;
said undivided one-half interest of
the bankrupt in and to the aforego
,ng property to be sold for cash, and
free of all liens and encumbrances,
and the proceeds of said sale to be
*o S
SYou get 25 to 35%
I Actual Overstrength
in a Mellinger Extra
SPly Tire. Danger .t
Is stone bruise or blow
Souts is reduced to s
S aminimum. Mellinger Extra t
SPly Tires are Hand Made "
SI bf Super-Vitalized, Whita g
II Rubber-have the Vacuum a
i tread and are
o 8000. MILES
tOur representative will tell yo._
' the saving. you make in buying
~ Mellinger Tires. Also ask about
Mellinger Special Tires, a
quality tire at sa Popular
James P. Barringer
Lacombe, L.a.
Sold by the following dealers:
Slidell, La.
Lacombe, La.
Mandeville, La.
Covington, La.
Other Dealers Wanted.
This laundry is now situ
ated in the old laundry
building in Covington, and
is ru in connection with the
Baton Rouge company.
Mr. Beaudoin has th'
management here, and aske
that laundry be gathered by
patrons so that the man
calling for it can get it
every Monday. Prompt de
livery and first-class ser
vice is assured.
turned over by the Honorable Wal
ter Galatas to the trustee herein,
and that all lienors holding liens up
on the undivided one-half interest of
the bankrupt be referred to the pro
ceeds of the sale.
New Orleans, La., February 7th,
f12-6t Sheriff.
Covngton Bank & Trust Co., vs Mary
Bazajou and Edward E. Bazajou.
No. 3355.
Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court,
Parish of St. Tammany,
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a write of seizure and sale
issued out of the hornorable afore
said court,. and to be directed, bear
ing date the 8th day of February,
1921, I have seized and will offer
for sale at public auction, to the last
and highest bidder, between legal
sale hours for judicial sales, at the
principal front door of the court
house in Covington, St. Tammany
Parish, '"Louisiana, on
Saturday, March 19, 1921,
the following described property, to
wit :
1. All that certain piece or par
cel of land lying and being situated
in the Parish of S. Tammany, State
of Louisiana, and described as fol
lows: Tilree (3) certain lots of
ground numbered 3, 4 and 5 of
square 13, Town of Abita Springs,
Louisiana. Said square is bounded
by Main, Maple, Level and Hickory
Streets, together with all the build
ings and improvements thereon sit
One-half interest in said property
having been acquired by Mortgagor
Mary Strubbe Bazajou from the Suc
cession of her deceased father, Henry
Strubbe, as per judgment rendered
and signed on the 8th day of Febru
ary, 1916, and duly recorded in C.
O. B. .., folio . ., of the records
of St. Tammany pariah, La.
The remaining half in said proper
ty having been acquired by the Mort
gagor, Edward E. Bazajou, by pur
chase from Mrs. Henry Strubbe,
widow of Henry Strubbe, deceased,
as per deed dated November 28th,
1916, duly recorded in C. O. B. 68,
folio 436, of the records of St. Tam
many parish, La.
2. Also an undivided one-half in
terest in and to the following de
scribed property which was acquired
by the Mortgagor, Mary Strubbe
Bazajou, by inheritance from her de
ceased father, Henry Strubbe, as per
judgment rendered and signed on the
8th day of February, 1916, and duly
recorded in C. O. B. .., folio ..., of
the records of St. Tammany parish,
3. All that cerrtain piece or par
cel of land situated in the Parish of
St. Tammany, State of Louisiana,
and more fully described as situated
in he southwest corner of the north
west quarter of northwest quarter
section 28, township 6 south, range
12 east, Greensburg Land Districr,
and more fully described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest cor
ner of the nw qr of the nw qr of
said section 28, bearing tree 16" pine
Effort Will Be Made During March
and April to Secure Cash on All
Pledges Due to May
1, 1921.
Up to December 1, 1920, Southern
Baptists had paid $16,861,100.68 in
cash on their subscriptions to the 75
Million Campaign, according to an an
nouncement issued iby the Conserva
tion Commission, which is looking af
ter all the general interests of the
campaign. This sum has been appor
tioned among foreign missions, home
missions, state missions, Christian ed
ucation, hospitals, orphanages and
ministerial relief, in accordance with
the original campaign program.
While the receipts from the cam
paign have enabled all the agencies of
the denomination to greatly enlarge
their work the returns have not been
as large as the best interests of the
work demand, it is said, and the local
churches throughout the South are
asked to join in a movement to bring
up the payments on all subscriptions
due by May 1, in order that the dele
gates can go to the Southern Baptist
Convention at Chattanooga, May 12,
with a clean slate and all the gene
eral work adequately provided for.
Will Hold Day of Prayer.
Inaugurating this spring cash round.
up. campaign, February 274March 6
has been designated as intercession
week by the Baptist women of the
South, while the entire membership
of the Baptist churches is asked to
join in spending Wednesday, March 2,
as a day of prayer for God's blessings
and guidance in the further campaign
After this special period of prayer
the remainder of March will be given
over to enlisting all the members of
all the Baptist churches in the South
in the matter of completing the cam
paign program by paying that por
tion of the subscriptions due by that
time, and in 'bringing the members to
see their obligation to support God's
work through the dissemination of the
doctrine of stewardship. April has
been designated as loyalty month and
during that tine effort will be made
throughout the South to.-bring Bap
tists to realize that their loyalty to
God and His ,work demands the pay
ment, where at all possible, of their
nleAna to the *nsannainj
Southwide Tour Is Planned.
In order that the subscribers to the
campaign may be fully informed on
what has been accomplished with the
money they have contributed so far,
and as to the needs for the comple
tion of the campaign program, a ge
ries of informational and inspirational
meetings that will reach into every
state in the South has been planned
for March and April. These meetings
will be featured by addresses by Dr.
J. B. Gambrell, president of the South
ern Baptist Convention, and Dr. E. Y.
Mulliris, president of. the Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary, who
have just returned from a six months'
tour of the mission fields of Europe,
and who will tell of conditions they
found there; Dr.: L. R. Scarborough,
general director of the campaign, and
other persons of prominence. These
meetings will be Field at central points
in the various states, and from- these
central meetings associational and dis
trict rallies will be formed in the hope
of taking the campaign message to all
the people.
Large +Relief Work Done.
Secretary Love of the Foreign Mis
sion Board reports that Southern Bap
tists, within the last few weeks, have
contributed $147,284.20 in cash for the
relief of suffering peoples in Europe
end China, above their campaign con
tsibutions, and that the Baptist women
of the South have contributed $100.
000 worth of first-class clothing for
the needy families of Hungary.
n 82 degrees 25 links 5" pine n. 7 de
grees 15' east 46 links, thence north
6.33 chains on section line set stake;
thence east 3.16 1-4 chains set stake;
thence s 6.33 chains set a stake (no
bearing tree taken for this corner);
thence west 3.16 1-4 chains to place
of beginning. Said piece of land
contains two (2) acres. All in ac
cordance with a survey made of said
piece of land made by Howard Burns,
surveyor, dated October 26th, 1906,
4. All that certain piece or par
cel of land lying and being situated
in the Mercedes Flot Addition to the
Town of Abita Springs, St. Tammany
parish, La., being in the sw qr of
the se qr of section 32 in tp 6 south
range 12 east, and more fully de
scribed as Square No. Two (2) of
the said Mercedes Addition. Said
square contains twenty-two (ý2) lots
of ground, numbered from 1 to 22,
both inclusive, said Square Two
measures three hundred (300) feet
on each of the following named
streets, to-wit: Paul, Steven, Peter
and Angelina Streets, all in accore
ance with the survey and plat of said
Mercedes Subdivision made by How
ard Burns, deputy surveyor, on May
10, 1910.
5. All that certain piece or par
cel of land lying and being situated
in the Parish of St. Tam'any, State
of Louisiana, and more fully de
scribed as being a piece of land one
hundred and twenty feet square, or
two (2) lots in the.Page tract, lines
run as follows: One hundred and
twenty (120) feet on the line of
property of Poitevent & Favre Lum
ber Co. Said piece of land is bound
ed north by land of John A. Peters,
!a former owner, on the west by land
of Jefferson Strain, on the south by
land of the Poitevent & Favre Lum
ber Co., and on the east by the land
of the Poitevent & Favrer Lumber
6. Also certificate bearirng the
Serial Number 6524 for five (5)
shares of the capital stock of the
Pan American Life Insurance Com
pany, of the par value of ten ($10)
dollars each, dated January 9, 1917,
and standing in the name of Mrs.
Magdeline -Bazajou.
Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap
f12-6t Sheriff.
Following is a list of Petit Jurors
irawn to serve during the session o;
District Court beginnig March 14th,
Jo. Name Ward
1. James Sharp ........... 2
2. T. C. Craddock ......... 6
3. Peter Meyers .......... 2
4. D. L. Morgan .......... 1
5. W. P. Thibodeaux ....... 3
6. C. L. Baker ............ 9
7. B. A. Taylor ........... 1
8. Geo. A. Leggett ....... 9
9. Horace Alexius ........ 3
10. William Strain ......... 3
11. Jesse Page ............. 10
12. J. J. Foley ........... 3
13. J. N. Miller ............ 4
14. J. A. Salmen ........... 9
15. Walter Smith .......... 6
16. L. C. Fitzmorris ........ 3
17. Ed. Fogg .............. 6
18. Jos. M. Smith ......... 4
19. Leander Magee .......... 6
20. T. T. Finney ........... 3
21. James Lewis ............ 9
22. Simon Levy ........... 9
23. S. A. Wallace ........... 4
24. C. A. Everitt ........... 9
25. Morris Rogers .......... 2
26. A. A. Parker .......... 9
27. Walter Magee ........ 6
98. Call Blackwell . ........ 2
29. Chris. Quave ........... 10
30. Jacques Pelloat ........ 1
A true copy.
f19-4t Dy. Clerk of Court.
Advertising in The Farmer pays
big dividends.
aws.l;RT.aQ T. P A"
Albert C. Bosse vs. ,M. K. Delazarra
and J. B. Delazarra.
No. 3357.
Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court,
Parish of St. Tammany,
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a writ of seizure and sale
issued out ,f the honorable afore
said court, and to me directed, bear
ing date the 12th day of February,
1921, I have seized and will offer
for sale at public auction, to the last
and highest bidder, between legal
sale hours for pudicial sales, at the
principal front door of the court
house in Covington, St. Tammany
parish, Louisiana, on
Saturday, March 26, 1921,
the following described property, to
wit: .
All that certain portion, of ground,
together with all' the 'buildings and
improvements thereon, in the Town
of Mandevil:e, Parish of St. Tam
many, this State, situated in the
double square designated by the
num thirty-one of the said Town of
Mandeville, and described as fol
lows: Commencing at a point five
hundred and thrity feet from the
corner of Jefferson and Adair streets,
thence i na direct line through said
square to Lafayette street, thence
towards Jefferson street' alongthe
property line on Lafayette street 75
feet, thence' in a direct line, parallel
with Jefferson street a distance of
200 feet, thence at right angle and
on a line parallel with Lafayette
street 130" feet, thence at a right
angle on a direct line parallel with
Jefferson street towardA Adair street
130 feet, thence at ,a 'right angle
parallel with Adair street .towards
Monroe street 180. feet, thence at
right, angles in a direct line towards
Adair street 180 feet to Adair street,
thence along said Adair street and a
frontage on the same of twenty-five
feet to the point of beginning. All
measurements heerin specified are
more or less in American measure.
Being a portion of the same prop
erty acquired by said vendor herein
by purchase as fully appears by ref
erence to acts of sale registered' in
Book E, page 196, and.Book ,L, page
1, of the conveyance records of St.
Tammany parish, 'Louisiana.
Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap
f19-6t Sheriff.
Philip Werlein, Ltd., vs. Westley
No. 3249.
Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court,
Parish of St. Tammany,
Notice is hereby given that'iby vir
tue of a writ of 'fieri facias issued
out of the honorable aforesaid court,
to me directed, bearing date the 11th
day of January, 1921, 'I will pro
ceed to sell at public sale to the last
and highest bidder, .between legal
im"' ,,i
Will take your
to any magazine
sale hours for judicial sales, at the
principal front door of the court
house in the town of Covington, La;,
St. Tammany Parish, on
Saturday, March 5, 1921,
the following described property, to- .
1i Werlein Player Piano, Number'.
Terms of Sale--Cash, with ap
f19-3t Sheriff.
Hugh Duffy. old-time major.
league ball player, is the newt
manager of the Boston Red Sox.!
He says the former world champs
will do a comeback.
I 1
U . Elenor.r .
The grand-niece of the famousii
suffrage . pioneer, Susan B. An
thony led the procession which
marched to pay tribute at the
dedication of the memorialki.
statue to the capitol, .Feb, 15. She:;
is Miss Eleanore Anthony, daugh
ter of Congressman Dan Antliony+
of Kansas. +
Classi~fled ads. produce resIlts'.if
placed in The lFarmer.
Any matn or woman who ke
Sloan's handy will tell yeO
that same thig -
SPECIALLY those fqut;l
Sattacked by rheumaticti:p?.
A counter-ITrritant, Sloan's IDIb'::
ment scatters the congestionau ad ,;
trates without rubbing to the al .'
part, soon relieving the ache and pa i.
Kept handy and used eveywhm
for reducing and finally eli timna tmgtl W
pains and aches of lumbago, neuali .
muscle strain, joint stiffness, sprbam.s,
bruises, and the results of expos.r..
You just knos from its stimUn l .til.
healthy odor that it will do yougoodl
Sloan's Liniment is sold by iall dru.*i
gists-35c, 70c, $1.40. :·i
oa ·:.
men t
, ,,. .5+d~·(i;·P1