Newspaper Page Text
On (le Every aateU le at" RUSTIC and BULLOCH'S DRUG T h thSe sub T riptm prims stove, o The armer. You meli vTlle. Five CEdt Per Copy. L. S TR Mof your money by being a s bscriber. Help bopst the parish. D. H. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1921. * VOL. 47 No. 22 . • m COUNCIL SIGNS CONTRACT FOR ANOTHER 5 YEARS Town and Light Company Get Together On New Lighting Contract. MOONLIGHT SCHED. IS NOW ABOLISHTED New Agreement Saves Con sumers From 16 to 25 Per Cent in Cost. Covington, La., April 7, 1921. Pursuant to adjournment the tow: council met at 1 p. m. on the above date. Present: Robl. W. llad..i mayor; E. Frederick, C. E. Sciho: Iberg, .1. A. Mackic, M. P. Planchl, C. H. Sheffield, A. R. Smiith. A sent: . None. C. E. Schonberg., cha'rman of coi; mittee on elect"ic lighting, reported that the commiLitoc re'on1iuaded r;t. following contract bly entered into J: the town with t, .e St. Tammany i ,: & .Ma~ui' Company: Contract. Sta.te of Loui:ana, t Parish of St. Tammany. ) This contract made and entered into this seventh day of April, A. D., 1921, by and between the St. Tam many Ice and Manufacturing Com pany, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana and domiciled at Covington, Louisi ana, party of the first part, and the Town of Covingt)n, herein represent ed -by Robert W. Badon, Mayor, duly authorized by a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Town Council held on the 5th day of April, A D., 1921, witnesseth: Party of the first -part contracts, stipulates 'and hgrees to furnish to tile Town of Covington, for the price and sum of Three Hundred and Sixty-Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($368.50) per month the following street lights: Fifteen (15) 300 watt lamps, Forty (40) 250 watt lamps, and Six (G) 100 watt lamps. - Party of the first part further stimplates and agrees, during the life of this contract, to furnish any ad ditional street lights the duly au thorized'authorities of the said Town may elect to install at the following rates: 300 watt lamps at $7.50 per month,.250 -watt lamps at $6.25 per month, and 100 watt lamps at $2.50 per month, or in other words, $0.7%c per k. w. per month. iPrty of the first part further con tracts and agrees to immediately re place all street lights upon their fail ure to develop the full amount of wattage, for which charge il made Party of the first part further tgrees and contracts to furnish, without cost or compensation, lights 'or the municipal offices and fire louse, however, with the understand ng that globes and fixtures are to be urnished by the Municipality. Party of first part further agrees o furnish electricity for the illumi ation of the Public School house at rate of $2.00 per month when the aid school house is being used ex lusively for school purposes. Party of the first part further grees that all street lights ,are to urn from sun-down to sun-up, a: all times. Party of the first part furthe agrees, stipulates and contracts t keep a continuous current for con; mercial consumption during th twenty-four hours of each day, ex cept 'and save when necessary an, Imperative repairs are being made t, Its machinery. Party of the first part further con .tiacts and agrees to blow the fir whistle When a fire alarm is turne, in, without cost or compensation, SParty of the first part furthel agrees to furnish light and electri service to all consumers in the Towr of Covington and to charge therefoi 'a umn not to. eceed the following S irst 25 k. w., 17 % c. 'Next 100 k 'w., 15c. Next 100 k. w., 14c. Next 100 k. w., 1'3c. Next 100 k. w., 12lc. SPartty of the first, part further Sagrdes aid stipnplates to allow on all billsl paid on or before the sixth day of each month a discount of 5 p'r cent on bills up to $7 99; a discount of 10 per cent on bills from $8.00 to $11.99; a diacount of 12 per cent :on bills over $12.00. Party of the first part further 1 .agrees to furnish power to all con gisumers i. the Town of Covingtnn 'ar ito ciharge therefor a sum not to Hexceed the following rates: 5 0 k. w., 12%<c. SNext 100 k. w., 10c Next 100 k. *., S.%c. N4xt 100 k. w., 7%.c. Anything lower, rates on applica ,tion. Such power rate is not to apply 'to anything amnder three (3) horse power motor, or in other words, a 'minimum of Three Dollars (S, 00). par'ty of .the first part further ages and stipulates to allow on all. bills palst;6 or before the sixth of mbach lm discount of 5 per cent,. on powet^ates. Monthly t, min'im. --Home Con sumers. nieter servlce, $1.50. Monthly mininum -~~-iness co sumers, meter erviice, $2:00. Party, 'of thi,, first part further agrees,and stipflates to permit'the party of the seeiond Dart to chbqnre the style of reflectors and brack(r. on street lights at anp t4me. n--na ed that the 'Marty of the second part shall pay for the substituted refteN tors and. brackets, with the under SALL PARTIES TO THE NEW LIGHTING FRANCHISE OF COVINGTN ~~r* -aldhlig, howev:t, LhatL i)prty of ti second par ý sall. be givoii cteda. to, niie e-_einta'ed viue o- tue old re . Iectors and brackets. S Party of the first part further con 1. Lracts and agrees to make no ch,';rge - or the inl:tallation of meters. I'arty ol the lirst part furtihei - a'gres to perm t party of the sg.e)ci. :iart to exanine and aiud;t all charges - made against it uiider th a con:tract I :'o long us this contract remain. in Sforce, when duty authoFized .by a; resolution of the Town Council. Party of the first part further agree.s to iearmit each and every con sumer in the Town, of Covington the r.ght to audit and examine all ac counts against him, under this con tract. (Continued on page 6) --------0----- THE COMMUNITY KITCHEN. When I came here as your Home - Demonstration Agent I found that Sthere was no demonstration kitchen -in town so after discussing the mat Ster with several we finally arrived at tthe conclusion that the Community SHouse would be the place for a kitchen that would be of service to the whole town in a number of ways. The people gave money: for the cause Sreadily, and I am now publishing Sthe amount received on this kitchen, who from, and just how the amount Sreceived was spent. I ask that any time you can call and look over the kitchen. Respectfully, MRS. W. J. DAVIS, Home Demonstration Agent. Receipts J. H. Warner $10, Frank Patecek $5, L. F. Wehrli $2, E. F. Webb $5, Burns Furniture Co., $5, 'Alexius Brothers $5, Mayor Badon $2, Schon berg's Pharmacy $5, H. G. Menetre $1, E. Haik $2.50, A. Sawaya $1, L. F. Wehrli $1, L. C. Moise $2, D. H. Mason $5, Thas. J. Champagne $2, Store $1, G. C. Flower $10, E. G. Davis "$10, J. Heintz $1, J. A. Do mergue $1, Bulloch's Drug Store $2, H. L. Abadie $2, J. D. Lambert $1, V. Planche $1, N. K. Haik $1, J. B. ,Chrestia $2, H. J. Smith's Sons $2, Mrs. J. C. Burns $1, Hebert Grocery Co., $1, F. J. Martindale $1, Walter Galatas $5, Felix Bachemin, Jr., $1, Sheffield Grocery $1, People's Bak ery $1, Dr. Maylie $1.50, E. J. Do mergue $15, Store 25c. Total, $111.75. Expenditures Painting, $4.50; linoleum, $10.67; oil and enameling table,. $3; stove oven and oil, $39.85; fireless cooker, $10; cabinet and bookcase $38. Total expenditures, $16.03. Balance on hand, $5.72. SCHOOL BOARD Covington, La , April 8, 1921. The St. Tammany 'Parish School Board met in the office of the Sup erintendent on the above date wit'i the president, N. H., FitzsSimons, in the chair, and the following members present: T. J. O'Keefe, ward 2; N. H. FitzSimons, w.vrd 3; 1H. H. Levy, ward.4; W. W. Talley, ward 5; Dave Evans, ward 6; I. H. Keller, Warl 7; Wm. Oswald, vward 10- Absent: Geo. R. Dutsch, ward 1; Geo. F. Bancks, ward .8; W. J. Sebastian, ward 9. On motion by Mr. Levy, seconded by Mr. Keller, the minutes of the preceding meeting were approved as printed in The St. Tammany Farmer. (Continued on page 6) ~-----o----- COVINGTON, PEOPLE BEHIND IN REGISTERING. There are only 204 men and 134 women registered in Covington up to date. This is about one-third of the number who are'entitled to register. As there are orW; atbout 20 days more time In which, to register to vote in the-town uel'etion, it is an ticipated that there will soon be-a rush on the regiStrar's office in the courthouse. ANNOXNCIEMENT. * To the Citizens of St. Tammany Parish: . The Covington Realty & Brokerage Company wishes to call your atten- 1 tion to the free services of their advisory rboard ow-all legal, agricu! tural and railroad advisement. If you have a room for rent, take boarders, room and board, or rooms for light housekeeping, list theri with our. informatiola bureau. If you are planing; a vacation, o. the shipment in earload lots of freight, we have .j railroad expert , who will plan you ooute, hotel, ac- , 2ommodations aqdj ,es. 1 It will be a .Ie d ,re for u. to serve you. * OVIN4GTON REA'k. & BROK- . ERAGE COMPAY| ' ;*----0---- . :.* Court proceedings, %correspondendc, . uettising ang matters .ybae ; een crowded out thi 'week. W'll i e pIhblished next. ;-:l 16 ----------- CO-OPERATIVE SPIRIT IN NEW CONTRACT The town of Covington and the St. Tammany Tee & Manufacturing :Cdmpany have just signed up a new five-year contract. While: this may have a very simple sound, it means much to the people of Covington as well as to the lighting company. During the war public utility com panies all.over the United States had a hard time of it. High cost of labor and material fixed a price on profitable service that miade the pub lic dollar look like fifty cents. Then came the thrift campaign and the "save-the-penny" slogan that made lights go out early and brought shoe leather into competition with street railways. The tublic could econo mize, but some of the public utilties ihad reached the bottom of economy and- there, was a loud cry for assist ance from the Government. The St. Tammany Ice & Manufac turing Company held a franchise from Covington and under its con tract could not raise the rates to the town. - On the other hand, it did not raise its the general public .because it had mapped out recon structiNe pains for a service that -would place Covington in the front ranks of the up-to-date towns of the state. But to accomplish this object required the installation of new ma chinery and equipment at a cost that was almost prohibitive in view of the returns for service, unless the field could be extended.: In the face of this came the question of the ex tension of the franchise with the town. It is right here that diplomacy and consistent co-operation between the town hnd company worked out a plan that will conserve public in terests and at the same time enable' the company to develop a profitable service. -The committee appointed by the town council to work out this prob lem is to be commended for its en ergy, for its broad and liberal policy and for the'thoroughness with which it entered into all the details asso ciated with a contract of this kini. It ;was composed of C. E. Schonber,;, chairman; Chas. H. Sheffield, A. R. Smith. Its investigations included a compilation of statistics realtive to franchises in various towns of the state and a personal visit to Ham mond."' All facts in the case were traced and sifted out in their bear ings upon the cost, conditions and field here, and in working out their adaptation to Covington, Mr. Fred erick and Mr. Planche laid all the cards face up on the.taible and played the game fair and squarely. The re sult is a contrait that will give the public electricity at from 16 t6 25 per cent cheaper than under the old franchise, with a decreased, minimum rate for business places and the can celing of the moon-light schedule. Mr. C. E. Schonberg, chairman of the committee, 13 especially entitled to credit and thanks for the time and hard work he 'has devoted to ac complishing these results, and the public will no doubt appreciate the liberality and fairness with which Mr. Frederick and Mr. Planche met the suggestions of the -committee. It is also worthy of comment to note that the;St. Tammany Ice & Manufactur ing Company is widening its field by taking in the towns of MandevillQ, Madisonvill eand Aibita Springs, and that by improvement in its equip ment and extension of its service will soon be in a position to make the use of electricity profitable in the domestic service of the house hold as well as for power for the manufacturer. It has so many uses, from running the sewing machine to cooking the dinner, that cost of pro duction is the only thing that stands between it and general use. The town council has accom.plisha ed many things for Covnigton nroti visible to the uninformed.- On a! much redtuced revenue, it is clear-, ing away old debts, meeting current expenses and keeping the town .mor ally clean as far as possible. The mayor has impartially enforced the Law in his court aand is using _what *FARMERS FAIL GET AGENTS BACK It was hoped that the Police Jury would see its way clear to continu ing the work of the farm and club agents at its 'meeting last Tuesday, Sbut the only members who voted for it were Theo. Dendinger, Jr., Emile Burkenstock ani H-. N. Fendlason. Mr. Hpwze, chairman, did not vote but he stated he was in favor of it and would try to get a recoisidera tion of the vote at the afternoon session, but nothing came of it. Dr. Wilkinson, Agent for the Southern District of the State, made a very strong plea fo -:the worY. Miss Flavia Gleason, district home demonstration agent, plead earnestly for it and afterwards wept tears of disappointment. Mrs. J. C. Burns in addressing the members stated that she represented 97 women vot ers who were all anxious for the work to continue. Mrs. J. D. Mc Lain, of Folsom, and Mrs. Franii Dutsch, of Waldheim, came with pe titions and requests for keeping up the work. Mr. U. G. Neuhauser, of Slidell, spoke earnestly in support of the work. Mr. Galloway and a large number from the second ward were strong supporters, and there were many outside who could not get into the Police Jury room 'iho listened anxiously in the hope that the tide would turn and that favorabl'e action would finally be taken. Postmaster Seiler announced that Judge Clarter had offered to adjourn court to another room so the court room could .be used to'admit all to a hearing of the proceedings, but no action was taken on this suggestion. The club and farm agents, Mrs. Davis and Mr. Bachemin, both spoke, and Mr. Blachemin stated that if his work was not satisfactory he would re sign, but asked: that- the work be not discontinued. Mr. Dendinger said that he thought money enough could be raised by subscription to carry, the work on until July 1, when some arrange ment might be made to continue it. It was thought '.hat the School Board should pay fqr 'the club work. Mr. Dendinger said he would give $50.00 and then Mr. Davis, of the Seventh Ward, said he would give $25.00. It was finally cecided .by those in terested to carry cut the plan of pub lic subscription. This list has been started and will be found on this page. ----0o------ THEIR 50TH WIEDDING kNNI VERSARY. The many friends and acquaint ances of Dr. and Mrs. N. M. .Hebert will next Sunday, April 117, 1921, at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Cov ington, at 11 a. m., have the oppor tunity of congratulating them on the occasion of their golden wedding. Rev. John Burger will officiate. Covington does not often witness a golden Wedding, and in this in stance the ceremony will awaken more than passing interest. Dr. Hebert is a physician of the old school and the organizer of the State Medical Society. He has endeared himself to the people of Covington, in his capacity as a physician, in his loyalty to the ethics of his profession and his sound qualities as a citizen. He and Mrs. Hebert will receive the hearty congratulations and good wishes of all. Dr. and Mrs. Hebert request us to announce that theMy will be glad to receive all their friends and acquaint ances at St. Peter's Church, this io be in lieu of a formal invitation. ever power and influence he has to make the town law abiding, whole some and clean. Altogether, munici pal management has been such as to create public confidence in tire future: of Covington. There are many prob lems to be worked out, but we roe lieve all members are working in sympathy and harmony, with the one object of doing the best that can hea done for the town. Scene at St. Tammany Ice & Mfg. Co. At bottom, left to right, E. H. Barringer, chief engineer; M. P. PIanche, manager; E. J. Frederick, secretary-treas.; at top, I-. Foster,. h'elper; Eug. Strain,, engineer; John t' re, helper. Town Council, top row, left to right-Chas. 1. 'Sheffield, J. Monroe S mmons, city attorney; Mayor R. W. :'adon, L. A. Perreand, secretary;- V. Z. Young, treasurer. Botton row, M. P. Planche, U. 10. Schonberg, A. IR. Smith, H. A. Mackie, Emile Fred er:ck. Committee at bottom, left to! right, A. R. Smith, C. H. Sheffield, C. E. Schonberg, chairman. .ARE YOU IN ON THIS FOR THE FARMERS? On the report of the Finance Committee the Police Jury has de Scided that the funds are not ade quate to continuing the office of club and farm agents, at this time. it Smay be that something can be done in July. The question now is, "Can this money be raised by citizens who believe the work is absolutely nec sary?" We believe it can. In support of this belief, we, ask all those who are willing to contribute to send check or money order to Wm. P. Mincklor, secretary of the Parish Fair Asosciation, Covington, La. President Warner expresses the opinion that it, ill be almost im possible to hold 'a creditable fair without the help of these agents, and the farmers need them. S'Following is a. list of those who Shave announced that they will con tribute. Let us put your name in that list: Parish Fair Association.. . .$100.00 St. Tammany Farmer . 1... 100.09 B. A. Murphy ($25 a month) 75.00 Theo. Dendinger, Jr., ...... 50.00 W. H. Davis .............. 25.00 Geo. Koepp, Jr., .......... 10.00 Geo. H. (Pete) Koepp ..... 10.00 -----0---- .-. fIHE PARISH MEDICAL SOCIETY. The members of the Parish Med ical Society enjoyed themselves at a. dinner at Gabe's Tavern last Thurs day, the occasion being the regular annual luncheon. After the -trans action of business, quite a number spoke. Dr. Maylie toasted Dr. N. M. H'ebert on his fiftieth wedding anni versary, which will be celebrated at St. Peter's Catholic Church -Sunday. Dr. 'Durel, in response, paid a glow ing tribute fo Dr. Hebert, calling hfm the Nestor of the profession. All joined in words of congratulation: and Dr. Hebert gave a very humorous' picture of the physician in the pioneer days of the practice of medi cine. The occasion was greatly en j6yed-the dinner also. There were preesnti Judge P. B. Carter, D. H. Mason. and the follow ing M. D's.: N. M. Hebert, R. B. Paine, T. R. Jones, B. B. Warren, H. D. .Bulloch, H. E. Gautreaux, J. F. ,Bouquoi, Wallace J. Durel, F. F. Young, Jr., A. C. Maylie. The following resolutions werle adopted:. Whereas, the Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to allow the celebration ot the Golden Anni versary of Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Hebert on the 50th year of their married life, The St. Tammany Parish Medical Society extends to Dr. and Mrs. Hebert hearty congratulations and felicitations and expresses the sin cere wish that the family will have for many more years' the guidance and wisdom of these beloved parents. Dr.. Hebert, as a doctor, as a citi zen and father of family is a living example to the rank and file of the medical 'profession. Therefore, the Society in executive session moves that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Dr. Hebert, be printed in thi minutes, a7 copy sent to the Stare Medical Journal and published in rhe St. Tammauy Farmer. H. E. GAUTREAUX, M. D. -F. ,F. YOUNG, M. D. WALLACE J. DUREL, M. D. --0- MET]HODIST CHIUROH NOTES. Good attendance at all services last Sunday. Let's make, it still better. SPray for our revivaj beginning at Slidell next Sunday evening, where Rev. Giles is pastor. Rev. Selfe will conduct the singing. Regular services at all points next Sunday. A visiting brothear will preach for us at Covington in the evening. . , - . . . : Quarterly confeernee at Manda ville Wednesday evening April 200th, w ithout fail. . : .. , S L. R. SPA±RaS,. Pa * -'% '* ^ :"'..* -..-- 1. sy tor.-^ CONVENTION OF FEDERATED WOMEN'S CLUBS Business Is Completed and Covington Praised By Delegates. MAYOR BADON MAKESA HIT Community House Comes In For Its Share of Favor able Comment. (By Anna Morrell Smith) Th'e Sixth District Convention of the Federation of Woman's Clubs of Louisiana was a large success. From the time the delegates en tered into the beautifully decorated Community House and were so cor dially welcomed to our community by Mayor Baadoi and to our clubs by Mrs. Sheffield, up to the end of the program by the serving of a de lightful luncheon by Air two home clubs, the sessions were instructive, uplifting and really marvelous in the presentation of the work accomplish ed and .the work planned for the coming year.' The president of the Sixth Distrjct, Mrs. A. G. Reed, of Baton Rouge, conducted the,meeting in a most able and easy manner. Mrs. A. F. Storm, state president of the Federation, and Mrs. W. M. LamD, state chairman of industrial and social work, were both with us. They both spoke on Wed nesday night, and to those whom the inclement weather kept at home, we say that they missed a treat in not hearing these two very interesting women. The music(l numbers were ibeauti fil. Covingtonihas much to be proud of in the possession of considerable talent in that art. In Mrs. Unglesby and Mrs. Menetre we have two splendid accompanyists, While the vocalists, Mrs. R. A. McCormack Mr. Donald Dunn, Miss Laurance Steven son, Mrs. Warren Smith and Mrs. C. M. Poole displayed their accomplish ments and talents to a great ad vantage. In the literary line, our district chairman on thrift, Mrs. J. C. Burns, covered herself with glory. There were many reports from the clubs in the district which showed the diversified fields of endeavor which all of our club women have gone into and wherein they have fbeen successful. It would take much more space than can be allotted to the subject in this paper to comment upon the entire program. Suffice it to say that there was not a moment which dragged and not a number on the program but left with the listen ers some point of information and inspiration. juI 'uL UIIIULLCe yii arrautemetLuma, headed by Mrs. E. R. Moses, started the. ball rolling in the right diree tion; Mr. John'Haller and Mrs. H. H. Smith gave it a good push on ward when they so beautifully dec orated our meeting'place; our Mayor added impetus to this ball of success when he, in his big-hearted and frank manner, presented the key of the city to the ladies;- Mrs. Sheffield pushed it on as spokesman for the clubs; and so it kept on and on with each speak er and each number until at the end the convention was pronounced a grand success by all, home folk and visitors alike. The following resolutions were' adopted unanimously At the final ses sion: Be it resolved, That the officers and members of the Sixth 'District wish to express their appreciation and thanks to the Mayor of Cov ington for his generous welcome to the city and for the key to city dur ng our stay; and to Mrs. Sheffield for the key to the hearts of the people, and also for the privilege of meeting' in this beautiful Community 'House. cBe it ,further resolved, That we extend our hearty thanks to the Wo mren's Progressive Union and& School Improvement League for the many. courtesies and personal kidnesses shown us, and especially to those 1 members who conveyed us to and i from the depot and to from the ses sions of this convention; and to Mrs. E. R. Moses and her committee who have looked after our comforta and pleasures in every way, all the way through. Be it further resolved, That this convention do extend our thanks t' the committee on entertainment for the nicely arranged program, and we assure those who rendered the splendid musical selections that they afforded much pleasure to those present. ,Be it further resolved, That we t desire to thank our state president, Mrs. Storm, for her presence among us, for the valuable suggestions and( helpful talks which she made during this convention, and we assure her I each one of us will return to our E homes much benefitted. Be it further resolved, That the ] Sixth District Convention of the L. F. W. C. has obtained much good from the talks given at our meeting by Mrs. T.Lmb, Mr. Forbes and Mr. - Bacot, and to the officers and mem- I bers for their untiring efforts in our 3ehalf. Be it further resolved, That the lelegates of this convention extend ] heir thanks and appreciation to Mrs. A. B. Morgan for her charming man- I aer in caring for us while in Coy ngton, and to the eity as a whole 1 'or their untiring and unanimous ef- j 'ort in making us feel at home and eel their brotherly love. 'PROCEEDINGSOF POLICE JURY MEETING OF APRIL 12 Good Road Commission Ad dresses Board-on Turn ing Over Office. CLUB AGENTS NOT RETAINED School Board Given Office Up Stairs. Bills Or dered Paid, Etc. Covington, La., April 12, 1921. The Police Jury met on this date in regular session with the following members present: Theo. Dendinger, Jr., H. N. Fendlason, C. M. Poole, J. M. Smith, R. C. Cooper, Emile Singletary, W. H. Davis, M. P. Schneider, J. B. Hipwze, Emile Burk enstock. It was moved by C. M. Poole, see onded by J. M. Smith, that the read ing of the minutes of previous meet ing .be dispensed with. Carried. It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec onded by M. P. Schneider, that the resignation of the St. Tammany Par ish Good Roads Commission, which appears in these minutes, be accept ed, and the members of the police jury wish to ask them to accept a vote of thanks from them for doing, what they thought was proper, and right in the discharge of their duties as Good Roalds Commissioners. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the Assessor be loaned the sum of $1500.00 to be placed in the As sessor's Salary Fund, to be returned to the police jury when the Assessor gets his pay for his year's work, (11i921). Carried. 'It was moved and seconded that Mr. Felix Bachemin, Sr., send notices to any one wanting to dip cattle at the dipping vat on his land, the dipping to be held the second Tue: day of each, month, and the parish to bear no expense ol the dipping, except to furnish the solution nah needed, and ,the solution will onlyi be furnished when there Is sufflicie number of cattle to be dipped , justify the furnishing of the solutlo . Carried.. It was moved and seconded that the School Superintendent be notified to move his office to the two offices upstairs in the courthouse that have been occupied by the Club Agent and Home Demonstration Agent, this be ing done to make room for the re moval of the offices that are in thi e Covington :Bank Building formerly occupied tby the Good Roads Com-h mission, and which offices are -being taken over by the police jqry'and all furnishings as per inventory furnisih ed by the Good Roads Commission are to be moved to.the police jury room and all ecords, boooks, vouch ers, etc., to be placed in the vault.. Carried. The following report was received: We, a committee composed of C., M. Poole, Emile Singletary and 'WM.P. Schneider, after looking over and ex amining the road 'being constructed by Peterman & Loustalot, -between Mandeville and Covington, and after thoroughly looking the road over, we find that the work is being done in ' a thoroughly satisfactory manner. The president appointed. the fol lowing-'nampd gentlemen to act as Road Commissioners: C. M. Poole, M.- P. Schneider and Emile .Single- . tary..on u' n o :. (Oontinued on page 2)9 LUTHERAN ANNIVERSARrY E816V VICES. In commemmoration of the 400 th , anniversary of Luther's trial before the Court of Worms, services will, be held in Albita Springs, at 9:30 a. m., and in Covington courthouse at 11 a. m., Sunday, April 17. Everybody is welcome. REV. . OW. LUECKE. i ----'.-o...---- * ",*~**;; MISSION AT ST. PETER'S CHURCH. One week's mission at the Church of St. Peter,, Covington, conducted by the eminent orator 'Rev. John D, Foulkes, S. J., begikning Sunday, May 1st, ending Sunday, May 'th. Order, of Exercises. 6:30 a. m., Mass, instruction; 9 a. m., Mass, instruction; 3 p. m., child ren's mission; 7:30 p. m., Rosary, sermon, benediction. Subject of Sermons. Sunday, May-1st, 10 a. m,-"A Message from God." 7:30 p. m.---"God and Man.'* Monday, May 2nd, 7:30 p. m. "Man's Soul, the Creator's Master work." Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.i--"What Ails the Weary World." Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.--"The Paths of Glory Lead But To the Grave." Thursday, 7:30 p. m.-"The Con fession of Sins to Priests, Is An In--: stitution of God, Not of Man." Friday, 7:30 p. m.-"The ,Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar, the Masterpiece of God's Ininite Love." Saturday, 7:30 p. m.-"Christian Marriage the Basis of the Christian Fmily." : Sunday, 7 a. m.-EHoly Mass and General Communion. Sunday, 1l a. m--"The Sacred Heart of the Savior of the World." Sunday, 7:30 p. m.-"Is One Re ligion as Good as Another?" Closing of the Mission; renewal of baptismal vpws; eonsecration of fam-i ilies to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Papal benediction. Stranaers are, welcome. ,