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SRUSTIC and BULTOCH'S DRUG A' Jb jNs * prO :i IDEAL PHARMAt, g12td"- .... on-" tO e wo: .rr.h ville. ive eSOnt Per CopNyc.ber. LeTUbootAtMeApY7sh1.9 DI ftI IIsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 192!. YOL. 47 No. 25 TOWN COUNCIL' CALLS ELECTION FOiR OFFICALS ON JUNE 21 Pol-s at Courthouse Open From 7:00 in Morning to 6:00 iin Evening. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY >i Candidates Must File Writ ten Declaration on or Before May 17. Covington, La.. May 3, 1921. The Town Council met in regular session on the above date the following members present: Robt. W. Badon, mayor; A. 1i. Sm:th, C. h. Schonberg, H. A. Mack:e, C. H. She. Sgield. Absent: M. P. Planche, L:. Frederick. On motion of A. R. Smith, second ed, by C. E. Schonberg, and carried, the reading of the minutes of April 6th and April 7th was dispensed with. The secertary subm:tted his report or the month of April, 1921, as fol lows; ` ,Receipts: . axes .............. 979.02 'Licenses ............. 55.00 . Fines ....... ...... 40.09 Street tax ........... . 80.00 4':Auto and vehicle tax . . ~ 33.x0 . Cemetery lots ....... 10.0 bights .............. 25.00 I interest and costs .... 3.6 n Miscellaneous......... 10.00 $1236.46 Disbursements: A pril 8, deposit in bank, 272.48 'April 22, same . 437.45 ;,- April 25, same...... 38.)0 . Apr:l 28, same ........ 79.73 April 29, same ........ 375.30 $1202.9 t Less 1 check returned. : 6.00 $1196.96 Cash on hand ... .. . 39.50 ,: · $1236.46 L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. On motion, duly seconded and :carried, the abov' was referred, to . the Finance Committee. The Benedictine Sisters, through their attorney, Mr. Holger Kohnke, ippeared before the Council to have 'a certain tax title cancelled. It was moved, seconded and carri ed that that tax title from Mrs. M. . Berg to the Town of Covington, recorded in C. O, B. 58, folio 209,,of iicial records of the Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana, having 'been shown by proper evidence to have jeen-adjudicated and based upon an erroneous and dual assessment, and hence void, that the Mayor of th: rown of Covington be and he is here - by authorized to execute. an act can ` celling the siame. A communication from Dr. W. L. 'tevenson was read. On motion, Sduly seconded and carried, the Mayor : was requested to ,ask Dr. Stevenson to meet with- the Finance Committee : at a meeting of said committee to be called. . A communication from the N. O. . G. N. R. R.Co., in reference to sewer Sconnection with the town system, . was read. : The secretary was instructed to Swrite thatthe offer mentioned in the (COntinued on page 2) ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized to announce th: ~following ticket for the election to he held in June, 1921: For Mayor. Robert W. -Badon. For Aldermen. . Emile Frederick. M. P. Planch9. A. R. Smith. i . E. Schonberg. H. A. Mackie. Cha:. H. Sheffield. ANNOUNCEMENT. TWe are authorized to announce 11ErtMAN SCHULTZ, SR., as a for re-etection to the office of Day Marshal of the Town of Covington, ubject to the elec tion to be luid in June. We are ant..or.zed to announce JOHN CANNON as a c-nd du.e -or the office of Night Marshal of the Town of Covin~toi. subject to the e.ect'on to 4e he! in June. ST. TAM MANY NOTES. Services at the Method:st church last Saturday anu. 3unday were well attended. An excelient attendance and interest ala.o at the Baptist Sun day School. Mrs. Luclnda Gaines and daughter of New Orleans, were the week end guests of Mrs. Alfred Smith and family. ,ir. J,~hn Keller was a business visitor to New Orleans last Wed nerday. Miss Lillie Crow, of Sl'dell, arrv ed reeon''iv to spend a few days here with relatives. Messrs Walter Evans and Dolph Crad!oc!.. of Pea.rl River, spent an enjoyable d ty here w:th friends last Sunday. Mrs. Abb. Welch was a visitor to Alidell last Fr'day. Quite a number of young people from Lacombe atitende4 Sunday jChool here last Sunday. DRUIDS GATHER AT DINNER AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL 41 M embers and Guests Sit at Table in Big Din ing Hail. BIG DEMO ONS' RATION PLEDGED FOR MAY 4.2 Mr. Gonz.t!es, Grand Secre. tary Lurr, Mayor and Mr. IMor:zan Speak. The Druids' (inner at tire Central iHotel, Wednesday night, was enjoy cd by forty-one members and guests. Special interestr was awakened by the fact that the Druids wl be' h'erel troi~ New Orleans May 22 aboui 1500 strong .and will camp ac the fair grounds, where they have invit ed all CovingLo.1 to attend. Thil; will be one of the b'ggest thingi of the kind pulled off in this sect on There will be parades and bands and dancing and a good time generally. and every Druid will. share in the pride of the occasion William F. Durr, D. S. A.P;A. Gon zales, grand secretary, of New Or leans, L. L. Morgan and Mayor R. W. Badon, of Covington, were the speakers. Those at the dinner were: Winm. F. Durr, R. H. Hamilton, A. Gonzales, Jos. Lamousin, Jules Hardouln, F. P Marsolan, F. J. FitzSimons, N. J. Seiller, A. B. Blattner, Ed. Barlow, Jacob Seiler, A. Theobald, E. Burk enstock, A. O. Pans, F. Giordano, P. Lamousin, B. Chrestia, J. Gotard, R. Lemons, Jos. Rauch, Jr., Win. Rauch, Louis Stire, J. A. Benn'ett. B: P. Fontan, .Jas. Smith; A. Grant ham, W. Watts, Hi. Watts, P. J. La croix, E. Keen, H. Clairain, W. R. Badon, N. W. Watts, L. L. Morgan, G. E. Surgi, Mr: McGovern, H. Levy, Robt. W. ,Badon, Jno. Braun,. Jos. Hoffman, G. P. Molloy. MORBIDITY WEEKLY REPORT. Morbidity weekly report issued by United States Public Health Service for the State or Louisiana for week April 30, 1921: Last 'his Week Week Chancroid ............ ..13 18 Diphtheria ............ -15 2 Gonorrhoea ............ 87 87 Influenza (grip) .2. 3 Hookworm ........... 6 13 Malaria ............... 17 - 21 Measles .............. 22 . 16 Rellagra ............. 4 10 Pneumenia ........... 25 23 Pulmolnary tuberculosis. 79 98 Scarlet fever ........ 6 9 Smallpox .... .......35 41' Syphilis .; .. ... 81 94 Typhoid 'fever ....... 10 15 Whooping cough ...... 9" 10 Encephalitis.. ........ 1 1 -eptis sore throat ..... 0 1 LIST OF DEAD LETTERS. Following is the list of dead let ters remaining in the Covington posi office: 'Beulah Brown, Willie Ball, Wes ley..Camp, Miss Louise Gill, Miss Lorein Gill, Mrs. E. J. Holden, Mrs., Mayme Hayden, Mr. Harvey 2, Mrs. Emma Jackson, Mrs.' J. R. ,Lawton, Morris Marigny, Rev. Jean Martain ey, Leslie Rogers,-:Jessie Ross, John Smith, James Souada,. A. A. Vei tress, Mrs. Lavern What. COAT OF PONOEE IS DOUBLE IEARTED' . . .. . The summer coat fon the little tot is as essential to her wardrobe as shoes, in this day of oitor cars and evening rides. "S. J t .enough to eat" is daddy's v .i' vhieinw this beautiful little mist " esented her new coat. It is of p'ir pongee, double-hearted and smoe d.- The stylish tailored -hat, macf 'black shinky braid, is faad ,with.strawof another color. Both. .and coat are advanced dhevin 'see at the Bush Terminal TSales Bldg. i 4ew York.. When the President pulls his shovel and yells "Hello" You Don't Often See Un-u sal Snapshots Like These of "the First Man of the Nation in Action. "i":; HARDING GREETS FRIEND HARDING PLANTS A TREE; IN A WINDOW GOOD BOY PARISH1 BOARD EQUALIZATION MEET,. MAY 2 Covington, La., May 2, 1921. The Parish Board of EqualiLation of St. Tammany parish, composed of Messrs. S. D. Builoch and Ellis A. Crawford, appointed by the Police Jury of St. Tammany Parish, and F. J. Martindale, appointed by the Board of State Agairs, met in Cov-. ington, La., this clay for reorganiza tion, in keeping with the instructions of the Board of State Affairs. The Parish Board of Eqgaliaation was reorganized by the election of S. D. Bulloch as chairman, F. J. Mar tindale asvice -chairman, and Ellis A. Crawford as secretary. The Parish Board of Equalization then adjourne4 to. meet on the 26th day of May, 1921, and then-, from day to day, as they see fit, to act as Board of Reviewers. The meeting day was fixed for May 26th, and the days following, on account of the Assessor having his books open to the public in the courthouse until that date. H. D. 1BULLOCH, Chairman. F. J. MARTINDALE, Vice-Chairmafi. ELLIS A. CRAWFORD, Secretry. ----0----. FOLSOM ¶JUNIOi .RED CROSS EN. TERTAINS. What proved ,:o be one of the most interes ng meetings ever held in Folsom was held at the school house Friday afternoon, April 29th, when the Red Cross Health Posters, made under the direction of the Red Cross Chapter in this parish, were exhibit ed to the patrons of this community. One of the largest crowds ever as sembled at the school viewed the posters and all v.ere hearty in their praise of the work done. Owing to the small children in the priniary grades,' their work was es pecally praised, -for it does credit to not only Folsom at-large but to our very energetic primary teacher, Miss 3treeck, who has been with us for three years ii this -,work. We are r'le to boast of one of the best four room schools in the pIarish. The crowd did not linger long in, the h'gher grade rooms but congre gated in the primary room where the Junior Red Cross, under the di rection of Miss Streeck, sold cake, eemonade, home-made candy and puzzles of different kinds. Quite a nice sum was realized for )ur Junior Red Cross fuird which rwill be turned 'oier to M ss Lansing, iie Parish - Public Health Nurse of :he Red Cross, M ss Streeck and her helpers were Iressed as .Red Cross nurses, which :em:nd-d u, of the war days when our girls so patriot'cally served as such. Miss Streeck l'as won a place in .nr commun:ty that will be hard to ill should she le ve us when school s out, but if s'ae is guided by the .;shes of our patron ; she wll again )e our primary t.-acher when schoor -ains next Spteniber. Almost with out exception everyone is strongly in avor of her retuln. A GUEST. Mr. J. M. Aoueille has purchase:' the building site on New Hampshire street that was the property of Mr. C. 'Marvin. Poole, and Mr. Poole has purchased the residence at corner of Rutland and' New H-ampshire street. J'OR RENT---vruriished or unftur nished modern apartment; consisting of large hall, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, front and rear gai lerieb. A,:oly to Mrs. H. C. Homeyer, at Miss Alalain's, Covington.. m. TAKEN UP-..Onei yellow or dun mare, on April 25, dark ta and mane, ail iecs dark brown with alittle white sing above the right fore h~iof, and a little sw~allow-fork in right ear. About 2 1-2 miles be low the old St. Tammany station. Alfred Smith, St. Tammaziy; La. SLIDELL NOtES AND GENERAL, NEWS Slidell, La., May 6, 19212 Rev. J. H. Strother expects to at tend the Southern Baptist Conven tion in Chattonooga, Tenn., next week. The Priscilla Club, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, .president; Mrs. J. M. Buckley, Jr., secretary, met with Mrs. A. V. Hover last Monday. The following ladies were present:- Mes dames Hover, Barron, C. M. Liddle, W. G. Eevritt, Long, Fritchie, Aebli, L. T. Miles, J. A. Salmen, W. W. Rojisseaux, Richardson, Talley, M. P. Schneider, W. A. Parker, Morris, Wingo, Murray, D: A. Yates. Miss Jones was a visitor, Owing to the chautauqua season there will be no meeting of the club next week. .The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. M. Liddle, on the 16th inst. This club is strictly social in its meetings, no gossip being per mitted. It made a fine record for 'its service during the later war period. The last great accomplish ment was the complete renovation of the local cemetery, which the club is now keeping in order. . The Redpath Chautauqua will be gin its series of entertainments and lectures 8aturday (to-day). G~reat ipterest is being shown in the promo tion of this great institution-one of entertainment and education. Our business men have realized the im portance of good and instructive en tertainment, and have each year sup. ported the Chautauqua with their means and influence. At the regular meeting of Rath bone Lodge, No. 1.03, K. of P., Tues day, May 3, Grand Chancellor E. F. Hailey paid an official visit to the lodge. Favorable comment was made- by the Grand Chancellor of 'work done in the Slidell Lodge;. of the loyalty of the officers in attend ing to their duties; of the loyalty of the members in gathering in good numbers at -the regular meetings. Talks were mdae by the officers and members. Grand Chancellor Hailey and Representative.A. D. Carpenter will .att$#nd the Grand Lodge Conven tion in.Lake Charles, May 23d. Mrs. M. E. Wakefield is spending a few weeks in New Orleans with relatives and friends. Miss Beulah was numbered among the visitors to New Orleans this week. . The Shristian Endeavor Society, oi the local Presbyterian Church, is planning a' "Gypsy Tea" for next week. The exact date has not been fixed. CHAUTAUQUA The Chautauqua this year will be something better than we have had before. Those who miss it will re, gret doing so. Attention is called to the fact that the performances will. open at 3:15 and 8:15 p. m. Al^o, please bear in mind that sea son tickets will give you the per fo'rmances at a much cheaper rate than you will get by buying at the box office, and 3ou will at the same time lessen the expepse of contribu tors who br!ng the Chautauqua to Covington. All who have season tickets to sell must make their re turns to Secretary Minckler. by Sat urday, as the settlement has to be made then. % THE MAY-POLE DANCE. As we go to ;press the lIay-pole dance of the children of the Pres Sbyterian church _is in progress. The SIttle blue and red clad dancers made a charming scene. The crowning of the pretty little queen, Carrol Caul, field, was carried out 'wit~i.digni~fied -deportment. MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 8. Sunday, May 8, is "Mother's Day." This is the day we all will keep sacred to the woman who has kept watch over you during sickness and in health; who has iprayed for you when at home and away; who has crept into your room in the stillness of the -cold winter night to see if the blankets were tucked snugly; the one who has tried to make life happy for you-mother! The pure white flower you wear in the lapel of your coat to-morrow is sn attest of your devotion to her. =-0- MY STAR BY JUDGE HENRY NEIL Father of Mothers' PenasioL Whosaid, "Hitch your wago to' a star?"' Who needs mrspiration from afar?. Fod hitched my wagon to my star; MY MOTHER; Afar or near, long day or year,' I aoed no other, NEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION IN ACTION ro the Membera of the Covington Cemetery Association and the Pub lic in general: The Board of Directors, composed sf the following Jadies, Mrs. Preston Burns, Mrs. L. M. Bourgeois, Mrs. T. A. Vaughan, Mrs. T..H. Buisson, Mrs. V Planche, Mrs. G: C. Alexius, Mrs. F. J. Martindale, Mrs. J. C. Burns, Miss C. Fredericl, Miss Kate East man, Sr., Miss Kate Eastman, Jr., Miss Clara Herbez and Miss L. Gun &el, held a meeting Wednesday, May 4th, at the school auditorium and formed a set of rules and regulations governing the clean-up and care of the cemetery. The Mayor and Town Council, having largely given full authority 'to the Association, they have been notitled that full posses sion will begin Monday, May 9th. The name will be the "Covington Cemetery." The purchase of lots, cleaning of graves, etc., will be en-. tirely in the hands of Mr. -Lawrence M. Bourgeois, supervisor. The meetings of the Board of Di rectors will be held the fourth .Mon day of each month. A sexton, will be in the cemetery every day from 6 a. m. to 6 p.:m., after which time the gates will-be locked and no trespasshig allowed.. All rules and regulations will be strictly enforced and we hope the' public will fully understand that this Association has undertaken a big task, but with the co-operation of the public, will add much to the beauty and civic pride of our town. MRS. J. C. BURNS, Secretary. ----0-- Mayor Robt. W. Badon has pur chased the properIty on which his auto service station is situated and anticipates putting up a modern garage that will make Covington sit up and take notice. The ground neasures 120x120 feet. He bought the property from Mr. L. Wehrli, Sr. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Notice is hereby given to the pub lic that on Tuesday, May 10, 1921, there will be soi,1 at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following list of live stock, etc.: 3 Ford. cars. 10 -muules. 10 sets of harness. 5 slips. 1 grader. 1 wagon., 1 camp car on 8-wheel wagon. 1 camp car on medium 72-horse wagon. 1 box tools. 2 tents with fies. 1 small coal stove. 1 oil stove. 2 saddles. The sale will take place on the Iot known as "Fiddlers' Green," near the Covington Grocery & Grain CO. warehouse. The sale will be con ducted by Whitaker Riggs, auc tioneer, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock a. m. The mules will be soldfingle or in pairs. ap23-3t J. B. -HOWZE, Preqldent. s8ecretaruyr EYE SPECIALISTS GIVE SERVICES TOI CHILDREN OF PARISH Miss, Lansing is Promised Help of Dr. Whitmire and Dr, Hume. AT SLIDELL 1 AND COVINGTON Report of Miss Lansing of Work Done During the Month of April. During this month examined Tali sheek and Union Grove schools, and made two attempts .to get to the Ridge school. Once, after getting three miles out of Slidell, found it impossible to go nearer, on account of high water, and again, after going six miles, found the teacher away and no school. With one exception this completes all the white schools, both public and Catholic, but twar Catholic schqois which did not care for the medical inspection. En deavor will now he made to get over as many of tie colored schools as possible. The Covingtod colored school has closed, but have been invited to give a health talk to ine colored children, who have a weekly meeting called "The Children's Hour," under the direction of one of the teachers. In the Union Grove school were& found two girls who had been ex amined last fall while in another school. They then had very :bad throats, and the mother; a widow, after receiving- the slip from the school inspection, brought them to our office saying she had taken them to a doctor as advised but he said they must be operated on and she gad no money. A date was made for their operation at the Eye, Ear, ivose and Throat Hospital with arrange ments for the mother to accompany and, stay with the children- Now these two girls are the picture of health and leaders in' their school work-living examples of what it means to children to have. physical handicaps removed. This school was visited with Miss Sugg,' who gave comprehensioqn and memory tests the - (Continue4d .On. page ,5k . MISSION AT ST. PETERS OH1IUGH The mission being conducted at St. Peter's Catholic. Church this week has drawn capacity audi'ences. The speaker,, Rev. Father J. D. Foulkes, is a very forceful orator and haJ won many friends- here: . 0 r REAL ESTA'IE TRANS'-ERS. Salmen BricK & Lumber Co., 'to Steve C. Abney, west half of nwi qr sec 7 tp 7 range 13. Abita,Springs Co., Inc., to Mrs, O. Aubert, lots 8 and 9 square D, South 'east Division of Abita Springs. Robt. Meidow to Jim Sims, lots 10 11 and 12 square 32, Abita Springs. Wm. S. Robeson to W. L. Steven son, w hf of square 1311, Covington. E. H. Gordon' to Ellis Crawford, 2 acres in lot 1-C, Crawford Division to town of Pearl River. C. Marvin Poole to J. M. Aoueille, south half of lot 11 in square 9, Di vision of St. John, Covington. St. Tammany Development Co. to Ada Montgomery, lots 22, 23 and 24 block' 2, of Glendale Heights Sub-.di viion. John F. Batsey to Xavier Frey, quarter of square 2003, Covington. Frank M. Stanga to: Lake Cypress Lbr. Co., all of sec 2 tp 8 south, range 10, except lots 1, 5, 6 and 9 of said section; all of section: 3_tp 8 range 10, except ne qr of ne qr of said section; all of section 4 tp 8 range 10. Elizabeth A. Swann to E. J. Bagur, lot 37 in square bounded by Monroe, Coffer, Adair and Villere streets, Mandeville. Claire taisy Crume to Claire J. Denapolis, lot 7 in square 16, West Abita Springs. 'Albert G. T'ebo to A. G. Todd, lot 8 in Pine Crest. Wm. F. Williams: to A. G. Field, 3 acres in sec 31 tp 6 r 12 and sqr 3 N' E. Divisiorn`Abita Springs.,' Methodist Episcopal' Church to L M. Bourgeois, lots 7 and 8 square 9, Division of St. John, Covington. 'H. J. Robert et al 'to Albert= G. Tebo, lot 8 in West Oak` Lawvn. A. G. and U. 0:. Neuhauser to For man Terral, lot 2 of sec 3 tp 9 r' 14, in Slidell. R. -J. Seghers to A. G,. Tebo, lot 3 in West Oak Lawn. A. G., Tebo to R. J. Seghers, be ginning at point 22 rods west of the ne corner of land owned by Armand Couson, containing 10 acres. Mrs. Mary Anglin to ' Don Fred Watts, lot 7 in square 2, Pearl River. Corporation' Securities Co. to 811 dell Savings & Ijomestead Associa tion, 3 lots in ,lidell. Alice Overton 'to Win. Naul, two acres in sec 38 tp 7 range 10. P. W. Schneider to C; A. Everitt, lots 18 and 19 square !1, Slidell. Blanche and Irene Foisey to Rich ard and Riggs, lots 6, 7 and 8 sqr 2008, Covington. St. Tammany Naval Stores Co.' to 'W. L. Stevenson, lot 4 of the 'Jesse Page claim, 51.51 acres. Mrs. D. I. Addison to Richard & 'Riggs, lots 7, 8 and 9 square 2703, Covington. Tony Lorio to P. A. Scarbrough, lot 3 in block B, "Palisheek. Evan E. Lansing to John Appel, nw qr of sw qr sec 7 tp 7 r 12. Davsl Gil6aury toBertie5 L..- Yates; lots,1 to 7, 16, square 51, Slidell. BIG GOVERMENT HOSPITAL WILL BE BID FOR BY COVINGTON Citizens Awake tot Imprt ance of Instituti n To Community. NEW ORLEANS IS BACKING COVINGTQN' Land Secured for Site and Influences Set to Work to Secure Institution.. A special meeting of, the Assciaa tion of C rnmmerce was called Wed nesday eyening to consider the mat ter of fihrnishing a site. for the psychotic hosprt al the Uhited Sttes Government ia to erect in lthe South. There are three of thewe hospitaJs to be built for the hailitation of.the soldiers; thoushnds of n.ho.i are itj need of care and attention and ittl" understood that t. Tammany parish is considered~ i deairable point ,for one of the .them. Near Covington there are .tracts of land, high and dry, that could. fuinish the4b are and the hea1itfulnes of the climate makes this an "ieal place, for such an institution, and 4t is a ,recogni tion of these Aivantages tht will give COvingftI the preference New Orleans will support Coving ton in tihe ght fr it, nd uner stand that every Senator ofLoiausl anar will be'with l . Congreslmang Favrot s announced hi, support and other ioogresen are expi ed to . Mr. Lionel Adamsof theNew Or tleais Association of Commerce, 'and Mr. W. B. Lancaster, over Thursday to consult with's in 'the: matter, as a r. omlitttee frtom. that Association, and they went over the lands that .weh t offer as a ite One of th proposedractsisthe property of r. Lancaster nd he readily agreedto let ushave the and at what t'ogirkiy cost him. "Th i; is consideref a very onable . Planche & Laboe al e ` ne tract that will ba eit;l a re. sonable price' :There 4 ot tracts that can be had, In a ,tgere will be nnibo t ot ing a site. Thte.-site was placed in thehands of c mittee 'ppphontp by ha of Commerce ctooed oL Davis, R M. Iices Wit.'ig Mayor "R. W.3 Ao AM mack, Judge rT' L. Morgan. ' * We believe citizens of l . Ta many prish. w realie the ioit ance of hliaviti Goernmtifin terested in this secltion and that e one will put in. motion every influ ence he can bring tbi ar i urthqr ance of the cause. -We' are intormt ed that the Government comitte that will visithere. and look tver the site has already been, given much: valuable information relative to the avdantages wed can offer, and that a favorable impression has been created. It remains for every- iti zen to get bus., sq that w~ ma Show ourselves worthy o0 the sup port of New Orleans and o the, other friends that are worksng for' us It is stated that "ch a boit as twill be requ!ei will cost between ten and eighteeo ,lillion _dollars Such an expenditure of money .mean that care will .b-e taken that it tmy be paced where the greatest benefit will be derive&'. Actual :aIatl, ty' to the needs' of the GovertiWent' will be the strong.e . point that can be made, and we believe, we. show to advantage in this respect. A quiet little party of four s6lped into a private, dining rooih of, the Covington Restaurant, Tuesday eeen= ing, and seated themselves atea able that had been prepaied fo' them." The casual observer 'would ,have noticed nothing further than. a happy., quartet had concluded that it as - about time to eats something and that they were ieady:for t.he fray;. had it not been for a cake- with erghteen candles mysteriously near the plate of Miss Ray Streeck. . Miss Stree'ck was the guest of "honor and: it. was her -birtnday that was being celebrated. Others of the party were Miss Edith Heath, Mr. Clyde Vallia'and Mr. ,Geo.i Varnado. Miss Streeck is a popular teacher of the Folsom, school. The occasion was. a very. pleasant one, and, if ll' the felicitations and congratulatlons and, good wishes come true, ilss Streeck will live to be at' least a, hundred years old. SUCCESSION NOTICE. Succession of John: M. B. Munro. No. 180. Twenty-Sixth. Judicial Dsitrict Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Whereas, Dr. R. B. Paine has pe titioned the Court for letters of ad ministration on the estate of the late John1M. B, Munro, deceased, in testate: Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to, show cause within seven days, .w.v the prayer of the said petitioner -hould not be grant ed, and why ae description and valu ation of the said estate should'not be approved and homologated. .By order of tho Court. m-2: . GUY A, SMITH, Chief Dy. Clerk of Court.