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DEL PHAC, The iSt T amma ny Faimeroba Tlle. Five O nts Pr OoW. ubcreo. yoer moat e bpanish mabscriber. Help boost the parih. D. El. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 14, 192!. VOL. 47 No. 26 SLIDELL DOINGS AND PERSONAL ýl AND NEWS, NOTES Mothers Day Observed In All the Churches In Slidell Sunday STEAMER LOADING BRICK FOR MEXICO Believe it Will Be the Begin ning of Large Export Business for Slideli (By Staff Correspondent) Mr. C. M. L'ddie was a business vis;,or to Covington last week. Mr:. L. F. Foley and son, John 0Ho.:ard, spent Ithe w'eek end in Pearl it ver, last week. Mr. F. Salmei and family motoi ed to Hammond last week. He rep resented the Salmen Brick & Lum ber Company at the meeting. of cft ovir land owners. A temporary or ganization was -furmed. About eight hundred thousanld acres of cut-over lands were represented. An-effort will be made on the part of this organization' to develop these many idle acres. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Peyrefeete had as the guests for the week end the former's brother, Mr. G. Peyrefeete, and family, of New Orleans. Mr. Chas. A. Everitt and family motored to Mandeville and Madison ville last Sunday. Messrs. Fritz Salmen and Albert Salmen were business visitors to New Orleans, Wednesday. On Mother's Day, last Sunday, at the Baptist Church, were 'Mrs. M. E. Everitt and all of her four children, Mrs. E. Gillis, Mrs. L. V. Cooley, Chas. A. and Wm. G. Everitt. This was a most remarkable union of a on a most happy occasion., Mother's Day was observed in all of the churches last Sunday. Ap propriate programs were rendered. Little Mary Arbli entertained In honor of the first birthday of her : little sister, Helen, Wednesday, May 4th. A most enjoyable evening was spent by the little folks, during I which time games were played, de licious jello and whipped cream be ing served. Among those present were Minnie Bell and Robert Mur- I ray, J. P. and Caro May Miles, Oscar Moran, Chlarenda, Alonzo and Kath leen Whitfienl, l4ary Katherine Sem ple, G. W. Everitt, Jr., C. D. Yates, Helen Carroll, Sam'l. Sollberger, Jr., Norman Davis, Shelby Galloway, T. D. McAfee, Chailes McMahon, Chas. and Pauline Tieber, Andrew Crow, L. V. and David Cooley, Percy H. Moise, Anita Gardere, Campbell Long, Mary and Helen Aebli, and others. The Steamship J. S. McGaughy i. now at Slidell loading a cargo of brick for Mexico. This is the first solid cargo oa brick ever loaded at Slidell, and it is believed that it will be the beginning of -a large ex port business for Slidell. Miss Mary Reynolds, of New Or leans, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacque: Aebli. North Star followed them, via Cuba. Mr. W. E. Eddins left Tuesday for Taimpico, Mexico, where he has gone on business in interest of the Sal men Brick & Lumber Company. BIGC DANCE AT ABITA SPRINGS !SUNDAY, MAY, 15. There will be a big dance at Abita Springs, Sunday, May 15 (to-morrow night). Dancing begins at 9 o'clock. A good jazz band has been engaged for the occasion.' A good time as sured all. A NNOU NCEMENT. IX.( ar a ;:th,,r'zd I.: ans 'i;O t'" ol l · : 'ng ek&,t! fr; !'.le el~ c;toi i ie e'l"n .t:m:ue, 1 92 I: For Mayor. Robert W. U!ndmn For AIdi muen. A. R. Smith. H. A. Mackie. Cha:.. I. Sheffield. -0-- - WV are authorired to announce HTERMAN SCH{ULTZ, SR., as : cand!ate ~or re-election to the oilice of !)av Mal'shal of the Towi of Covington. :oubject to the ele6 t:on to be held In June. We are ant!horized to announce JOHN CANNON a s a cnd'd$e4 for the office of Night Marshal of the Town of Covington. 5uib ct lo the ciect on to be hel in June. We are authorized to announce EDW. JONES. 51 as a c:andidate fo- the office of N'ght Marsial of the To.:.n of Covington.. subject to the election to be held in June. We are.'utBor'zed to announce CHARLES HEINTZ as a candidate for the office of Night Marshal of the Town of Covington, subject to the election to be held Ih Junel BIG GOVERMEN HOSPITAL WILL HAVEFINE SITE OFFEREDHMERE New Orleans Association of Commerde Collecting Materialfor Figlt PLATS OF SITES SGIVEN Mic: ADAMS Government Committee To Go Over Grounds When They Arrive Ther'e are no now .toveloments hi ,he pian3 of the of Coo. .,erce relative to seu.inig tue gov ernment hospital for rehab litatio:t of soldiers. Every n.eans are, l'e a:; wrought to bear to br ng to the cora mittee informa.ion that .'ii be of value to it in link ng the seieet.oii and it is thought the s tuations we have to offer and the "adV-antagos ot this location will be strong induce. ments, fromn other considera tions. Congressman Favrot has been in eons.itation with some of the mem bers and has written a lett'er to the Association of Commerce relative to the matter. Plats of the grounds here have been furnished to the Association of Commerce of New Orleans, and Mr. Adams was here a few days ago looking up matters. It is not known just when the committee will be here to look the sites over. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Town of Abita Springs to the St. Tammany Ice & Mfg. Co.? the entire electric light plant located at' Abita. Mrs. Eugenie Cahier Wehrli to 'Robt. W. Badon, lots 1 and 2 in square 12, Division of St. John, Cov ington. Salmen Brick & Lumber. Co. to Canulette Shipbuilding Co., Inc., a tract of land *n Bonfouca 300 feet by 500 feet in section 44 tp 9, r 14. A. S. Oliver et -als to D. E. Sheri dan, 100 acres in Abney Jenkins headright, 38 and 48, tp 5, r 12. Mrs. Louise C. Banderet to Mrs. Carrier C. Everard, a portion of sqr. 159 measuring 341 by 500 feet. H. J. Smith to C. Marvin Poole, a lot in square 8, Divis.on of St. John, Covington. C. Marvin Poole to O. J. Young, 2 lots, Nos. 6 and 7, square 2203, Covington. Mrs. Mary F. Bush to N. A. Pri vette, part of square F, Talisheek. E. J. Bagur to Mrs. Matilda Eason, a portion of square 37, MandevillA. Theresa B. Helwick to B. J. Ruso vitch, lots 4 and 20, block 50, Alton. Mandeville & Abita Springs Land Co., to Gus Leyranne and Marius Go tard, square 27 and lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8and 9, square X, Abita Springs. Wallace M. Poole to J. M. Aoueille half interest in brick wall on lot 11 square 9, Covington. Emile Burkbnstock to J. W. Lev erson, 6 acres in se corner of sw qr of ne qr of sec 7 tp 7 r 12. MRS. J. O'NETTL. The many friends of Mr. J. O' Neil will regret to learn of her death which occurred Saturday, April 30, 1921, at 5:45 t. m., in New Orelans. -Mrs. O'Neil was a resident of Cov ington for eighteen years, but three years ago returned to New Orleans. She leaves to mourn her three daughters, Mrs. Bessie O'Neil, Mrs. Ida Cook and Mrs. N. M. Hebert, Jr. ... . . ,.A.,. ,-,. • . ,-.,- . QUEEN. OF _MAY AND HER PAGES, MAIDS, 'ETC.I In the center: Q Cen a uCrola leld J a.nd Jamsa Eli s, pagsto the que'en. Malds: Mahle Cardoza, Nor ma Depriest, Olive S drtridge, E z beth Ickes ges: Eerl Levy, W.oodrow Blossman, Harvey Kerr and Thomas Talmage, A. tendants, left to : ghtl;:: Marion Jones, Althea Heintz, Elvira, Lacroix..Dollie Riggs, Helen Warner, a:rrner. RT ght to left: Mabie Talmage, Winif'ed Fatherree, Eanice Kelley, Mercia Lacroix, Edna Blossman, Margaret Smith. . TO VOTE IN TOWN ELECTION' REGISTER BEFORE MAY 21. The time for registration closes ; May 21st. If you des:re to take part in the town ciect!on in June you had better call at the registrar's office at, courthouse and register. ------0-- - NEIS SAID HE COULD AND IS PROVING IF One day, at the beginning of the 1920 season, Bernie Neis walked up to Robinson, manager of the Brook lyn Dodgers, and said, "I am a corking good ball player and I'd like a chance to play." Robinson -smilingly asked him what he had ever done, whereupon Bernie in all seriousness replied, "Never mind what I've done, give me the chance and I can do it." And this season he is proving it. Sie is knocking 'em out and busting "m up to such an extent that he s Woni a place on the team. JOHN T. KELLER ---CELEBRATES 62D BIRTHDAY Mr. John T. Keller, of Peace Grove, La., celebrated his 62d birthday Monday, May 9, at thea dginninner largely attended by relatives and up friends. Mr. mKeller is a successful rook farmern Dodgers, and stock raiser, stands high in his community and has many friends throughout the parish. As I he was being showered with con-d 'd gratulations Mr. Keller responded a with a very interesting talk on fill ing the ndch in givfe we are destned for in a way to commend us to Godit." and man. The life that is devoted to duty and right. living. The only shadow to dauckeh a the bright, andhe happy occasion was the unoccupied Mreat of Mrs. Keller, who was recent- a ly called from this life. Mr. Keller was born in t:. Tammany parish r May 9, 1859. largel his attended by relathe din-d ner. They were: Mr. and Mrs. c fsom H. Keller and son, Mr. R. W. Kellfarmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vic-g or Moran, Mr.munit and Mrs. Jos. Moran, t Mr. and Mrs. Percy Keller and son,ded t Mr. and Mrs. Em'le Sticker. o Among the tich ted guests were Mr.estne and Mrs. John . Davis of Lacombe,nly sMr. Henry Keller, and famly of Sli- a dell, Mrs. Terrell of Slidell, Mrs. Jno. I AMr. Todand ofMrs. Percy Kelleralifornia, Mis F. Gill f Abta Springs. m'e Sticker. d ll and the ailed guestwas wemore great- . yand Mrs. John I. Dbecause of Lcomthe very, Mr.good healtryh antelle spiritsand faml of Slhoi- I of Abta SriNOTICE. b I -will not be respon.ible for any h debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. . A. B. LeBourgeois. *D m14-3* A. B. LeBOURGEOIS. 1 HURRY UP! WE ALL WANT THIS, TOO r . BY ROBERT PULLER A movement fs spreading throughout the * t .m¢u-thi E'ai Bureaus to extend their influence ks sources of edauatlo.& td.oto Copine themselves to encouraging better agriculture alone. Enterissg county agents see the need of interesting the younger generation of the farma.. other things besides farming and thus offset-the hrre of the city. The latest idea hails from Ft. Worth, Texas,-.where ::M. Means. county agent, is revolutionizing things by means of a specially. quipped motor truck, It carries an electric light ..)lant, motion picture.machine, phonograph, with a liberal supply of records and a traveling. librar..r They touch on all phases of education and entertaining too. 'The edu ational truck makes nightly, visits to rurat schools, we children of All ages and their tarehts.l-hten to. musical progr~imn, mnotion pictures of real value, asnd get b6okl from the libraq'rrn arcegl card system. CHAUTAUQUA' WEEK HERE IS PLEASING The chautauqua week has been a very enjoyable one. It is the best the Redpath has given us and we be lieve has been appreciated by the people, yet it is doubtful if a con tract will be signed for another sea son. This is not from, any lack of appreciation of the merits or edu cational value of the chautauqua, but rather because of a ,public feel ing that it is not fair to demand a guaarntee of attendance but that the entertainment a ould be of a nature to stand upon its merits. In other words, if the chautauqua can not draw an audience sufficient to make it profitable to stand on its feet it loses its educational value to the community. While this may not be altogether true, there is some logic in it, although it we applied the same principle to many of the valued institutions we would not have them. A few citizens of Covington have borne the expense of the cahutauqua for several seasons and have found little co-operation or encouragement and have stood some criticism. Under the circumstances they havE refused to shoulder the responsibility longer and the question of a return to Covington next year, put by the chautauqua people Thursday even ing at the performance of "Nothing But the Truth," was not satisfac torily answered by the pledge of tickets, Something over two hun dred tickets were pledged. This de lightful little comedy was presented in an exceedingly creditable manner and was undoubtedly -worth the price of a season ticket. But all the enjoyment of .h3 evening failed to bring the response desired for a re turn of the chautauqua on a guar antee basis. At this writing there is little encouragement, and we sincere ly regret it. STRAYED-One bay mare, weight 1000 pounds, white hind feet, black tail, mane roached, scars between hoof and ankle of front feet, collar scar on right shoulder, wore leather ".tead stall. 'I4otify Neuhauser Bros., Ltd., Slidell, La. m1.4 a SCHOOL CLOSES : IN COVINGTON NEXT FRIDAY t The graduation exercises of the d Covington high school will be in the auditorium on the night of May 20, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. t 'Besides the numbers on the 4ro- . gram, by the graduating class, an ad- : dress will be made by Mr. A .J. Cald-'l well, of Baton Rouge. a The members of the graduating class are Doris Langenhenning, Ed ward Langenhenling, Roger Olinde, i Ethel Parker, John Sharpe, E. G. I Davis, Jr., Jeanette Moses, August [ Planche and Mabel Bourgeois. I Mother's Day, last Snuday, was a observed in the churches of Coving ton by special services and other pro grams. The white and red flowers t were worn by many people in honor i of the occasion. O r JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT t Henry Hamilton. doing business un-I der the name of Henry Ham- a ilton & Company a versus J. S. Jones et al. No. 16;137 United States District Court, East- I ern District of Louisiana, T New Orleans Division. 9 By virtue of and in obedience to C a writ of iieri facias to me directed I by the above named Court, and in S the above numbered and, entitled C suit, I, Victor Laisel, United States = Marshal, duly sworn and qualified. C of the United States District Court I for the ,Eastern District of Louis:- S ana, have seized and taken into my S possession and will offer for' sale at S public auction for cash to the last S and highest bidder at the front door S of the courthouse in the town of S Covington, Parish of St. Tammany, S State of Louisiana, on - Saturday, June 18, 1121,' S beginnig at the hour of eleven 6 o'clock ,a. m., the following described [ properties, to-wit: S (1) A certain'piece or tract of s land situated in the Parish' of St. i Tammany, - State of Louisiana, be- I ginning at the northeast corner of S J. Pfeifer fence on Pearl River: road, F now Claverie; thence, running south S ten degreen, east seven chains, 38 I links to line of East Louisiana 'Rail- I road right of way, set posts; thence C from place of beginning on line of C said Pearl. River road, 'six (6) 1 chains, 32 links, set post, estab- I lishing four (4) ac'res; thence twelve S chains, 65 links, set post, on said I line of Pearl 'River road, thence C south ten chains, 65 links, set post, on said- line of Pearl River road, thence south ten (10) degrees, east six (6) chains, 32½ links to right of ' way of said East Louisiana R. R., I cet post; thence following said rail- S road right of way to first established " post. Which property was after- :'1 wards divided into three '(3) equal S lots designated as lots 1, 2 and 3.: Lot 1 being that nearest the Clay- i erie property; lot 3 that nearest the 1 Town of Abita and lot 2 interven ing; the whole as per sketch -annex ed to act of partition before J~ohn Watt, a Notary Public in the City of t New Orleans, dated May 23, 1905; I wh'ch said . lots contain each four i t acres and front on the Pearl River 'I or Abita road six.(6) chains, '321 it links, and have a depth toward the 1 right of way of the East Louisiana C Railroad between equal and parallel lines. Being the same property acquired by Jones & .Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 75, 1 folio 1.2.: I(2) The west 'half :of the north west quarter of section -ser'nteen (17), tp 6 south; range twelve, (12) 1 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State ( of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B;. D-3, -fol0o 222.: -:: + (Conttnued on ages .) 2 PROCEEDINGS OF 'POLICE JURY MEETING OF MAY 10 Report of Tax Collector for April Shows Collec tions $12,825.44. BANKS QUESTIONED AS TO INTEREST Secretary is Authorized to Pay Road Tax Collections Out of Special Road Tax Covington, La., May 10, 1921, The Pol.ce Jury met in regular :e3sion on this date with the follow ng members present: Theo. Den dinger, Jr., H. N. Fendlason, C. M. Poole, J. M. 3mith, R. C. Cooper, Em:le S:ngletary, W. H. Davis, M. P. Jchneider, J. B. Howze, Emile Burk anstosk, It was moved, seconded and carri ed that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed wIth. It was moved and -seconded that the Police Jury authorize the secro cary to draw warrants from the 3 1-2 mill special tax of the St. Tammany Parish Good Road Bonds, for the amount that goes to the Assessor for collecting the good roads taxes and not out of the proceeds of the bonds. Carried. It was moved by Emile Burken stoct, seconded by J. M. Smith, that the Road Committee be 'paid for the time they serve in their official ca pacity the same mileage and per diem as the members of the Police Jury receive. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the steel convict cage belonging to the Parish of St. Tammany be ad vertised for sale in the Times-Pic ayune, New Orleans. The cage sets on 8-inch iron wheels. Carried. It was moved and seconded that Louis O. 'Rondeau, living in the Ninth Ward; be reimbursed in the sum of $125.00 for the encroach ment of the good roads on his land, and the Road Committee is hereby authorized to pay same. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the Treasurer be 4"nd he is hereby directed to call on both local banks and ascertain from them the exact rate of interest they have charged the !Parish of St. Tammany on mon eys borrowed from them during the last ,four years, and also the rate of interest they have jiven the parish on moneys deposited 1b them. Carried. The following report '~as read: Statement of Walter Galatas, tax collector, for the month of April: State Tax- - Regular ......... . 1873.77 Veteran ............. 270.38 School ............... 535.36 Parish Tax- Criminal fund .. .... 2.21.93 Road fund ........... 887.73 School fund ...... . 1,331.59 General fund ........ 443.86 Corporation Tax Criminal fund ........ 45.96 Road fund .......... . 188.85. School tax ........... 275.77 School tax, ward J .... 149.55 School tax, ward 2 .... 70.24 School tax, ward 3 ... 6.11.00 School tax, ward 4 .... 154.05 School tav, ward 5 ..... 235.51 School tax, ward 6 ..... 103.23 School tax, ward 8 .... 166.42 School tax, ward9 .... 289.96 School tax, ward 10 ... . 350.68 Special orad tax ...... 1874.54 Sta'te license ...... . . .1239.98 state license Jnterest .. 14.36 Parish license ......... 262.35 Per capita tax........ . 33.66 Severance license .... 635.27 Poll tax ............... 28.71 Sheriff's costs, civil ... -r137.88 Interest on ' state taxes. 130.95 Int. on severance taxes 14.87 Costs, sheriff, civil'.... 75.25 Clerk's costs, criminal. 7.50 District Attorney's costs 10.0J District Attorney's fund 10.00 Sheriff's costs, criminal 16.51 Fines ............... 9.00 Commissions ........ ... 123.17 $12825.44 Amount available to each fund: Criminal ............. 277.89 Regular road ........ 1105.24 School .,............ 3775.71 General .............. 706.21 .,,ecial road ......... 1874.54 Sheriff's saalry ....... 353.41 state ................ 47114.94 Clerk of Court ....... 7.50 Dist. Attorney's costs . 10.00 $12825.44 I, Walter Galatas, tax collector for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, do solemnly swear that the above is a correct statement of all taxes, etc., collected by me for the above mentioned funds, from the 1st day of April, 1921, to the 30th day of Apirl, 921, indlusive. WALTER GALATAS, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of May, 1921. GUY A. SMITH, Deputy Clerk of Court. It was moved and seconded that the tax collector's report be accept ed as read. Carried. The following report was read: Repoi;t of the Parish Treasurer for the month of April, 1921: Parish. Fund Balance April 1 ....... 8205.57 FOLSOM TRUCK ASSOCIATION GOING AFTER BUSINESS Twenty 1IVembers of Asso ciation Pledged for 18 Acres Strawberries CONFER WITH HAMMOND GROWERS Party Made Trip to Ham mond In Auto of Mr. York Wednesday Folsom, La., May 11, "1921. At a called meeting of the Folsom Truck Growers' Assoclation on Sat urday-night, May '7th, for the pur pose of organizing the far'mers, the following temporary officers were elected: J. W. Blackwell, presi dent: J. D. McLain, vice-president; I. W. Stevens, secretary-treasurer; The object being to organize, wita. the following results: Twenty members pledged for 18 acres of strawberries. Mr. Jeff Manton and Mr. I. W. Stevens were appointed to go to Hammond and meet 'a committee of strawberry growers there to' study conditions in growing and shipping strawberre3. Mr. J. W. York offered his services and automobile to take the party to Hammond and left Wednesday morn ing with the party. Messrs. Bachemin and Ickes, of Covington were at the meeting and gave interesting talks on the subject. A FARMER." ----0-- *LIST OF DEAD LETTERS. Following, is the list of dead let-, ters remaining in the Covington post office: 'Mrs. Cathern Brisker, Mrs. Hessle Beasley, June Crafford, Westley Camp, Willie Flynn, Miss Fannie Gedian, Miss Julia Henderson, W. L. Lewis, Miss inez Newman, .Gene Powell, Samuel Preston, Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. Warren Sohrt, Mrs. Anna Youngblood, Mrs. Ester Willi ams, 'Miss Mary Lenton. JACOB SElLER, Postmaster. Tax receipts ......... .2471.89 Refund loan to assessor salary fund ........ . - 1976.62, $.12654.08 Disbursements: Mileage and perdiem. 128.86 Stationary ............. 75.69 Official printing ... . 80.75 Jurors and witnesses .. 1189.53 Transportation ....... 7.50 Feeding pris'on'rs .... 7 67.85 Costs of court ......... 122.45 Maintenance ......... 66.54 Coroner .. ...... 1,50.00 Board of Health . 32.25 Justices and constables. 395:00 Agricultural . ...... 1. 150.00, Treasurer's salary 100.00 Secretary's salary .... 100.00 Paupers ............. 48.00 Stenographer, Janitor . 115.00 Roads and 'bridges .... 90.00 Miscellaneous ....... -106.45 -ural mail carrier .... 6.00 Red Cross. .... .... 90.00 Interest on note ...... .. 102.00 Premium on bond .. 40.09 Beneficiary students .. 84.25 Loan to assessor salary fund .............. 1022.40 4370.49 Balance April 30 .... 8283.59 Road Fund-- Balance April 1~ ...... . 3731.77 fax receipts ..... .... 3.718.80 " 7450.57 Disbursements ........ .. 1303.00 6147.57 Payment of loan Special Road District No. 9.. 1000.00 Balance ............. .6147.57 St. lTammany Good Roads Bond Fund: Balance April 1 ...... 28257.95 fax receipts ..... . .... 4990.12 Balance April 30 .... . .33248.07 St. Tammany Good Roads Bond Tax Account- Balance April 1 ...... 8170.77 Pax receipts .......... 1360.92 Balance April 30 .... .'. 9531.63 GEO. KOEPP,. JR., Parish Treasurer. It was moved and seconded that the treasurer s report be accepted. Carried. The following report was Qld: Covington, La., May 9, 1921. We, the Finance Committee, met on the above date to examine bills of the Road Fund and Parish Fund, and after examining them and find ing them core:ct we. have ordered them paid. EMILE SINGILETARY, C. M. POOLE, M. P. SCHNEIDER Finance Condint'tee. It was moved, seconded and carri ed that the Police Jury adjourn un til the second Tuesday in June, un less called in special session. (The bills approved'snd paid by the police jury will be published next week.) J. B. 'BOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDIALE, .i Secretary.