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The St. Tammany Farmer D. H. MASON - -. - ditor and Proprietor Entered at the Covington postoffice as Second-Class Matter. ST. TAMMLANY COMING INTO ITS OWN. Jazz music has been attractive to the average American because it throws dull care to the winds. It bids defiance to the solemn medita tions of the bankrupt and it confuses the mind of the despondent. As long as it has the floor there is nothing doing for the sad visage of dis content. St. Tammany is to-day listening to the jazz of the new potato, the strawberry, truck raising in general and the agricultural future of St. Tammany in particular. The pessimist who bewails the passing of the t'mber is astonished to find the opinion expressed that it is a good riddance. One acre of strawberries will yield more money in one sea son than an acre of timber did in 100 years. So will an acre of-almost any early truck properly grown and properly packed, graded and shipped. And the farmers are learning that St. Tammany can grow as fine truck as any section of the United States and has advantages in early market ing that make this an ideal industry. Also St. Tammany has some of the finest Satsuma orange trees to bee seen in any section of the United States, to say nothing of grapes and other fruit. It is not simply the farmer who is beginning to lIarn that long, years of opportunity have been lost. The dealer and commission man is wak ing up to this fact. Business houses of reliability and standing are looking this way for future business. They have been drawn in this direction not because of any particular effort of the farmer to meet the demands of the trade, but because we are in such near proximity to lands that are being worked by organized farmers who have built up a repeta tion for Louisiana truck-a demand for it that is steadily growing. The 'big city markets of the country are demanding more of it and the bus! ness houses are going after it. Mr. Frank Giordano and Mr. Ickes are doing much to bring buyers to St. Tammany and to induce shipments in proper packages for the mark ets. A shipment of five hampers of string beans by Mr Giordano brought him $14.74 net, on the fifth instant. This is about one dollar more than the quotation of that date. These were five-eighths hampers. A car load of potatoes (in sacks) brought $2.70 per 100 pounds. If these potatoes had been packed in five-eighths hampers they would have brought $2.7', per hamper. The Strawiberry Growers' Selling Association of Louisiana has sold Aive carloads of mixed syrup. Ii. is put up in one fifth gallon bottles, neatly labled, and sells at $1.00 per bottle. We cuold sell syrup too, if the asme business methods were pursued. None of them can beat us growing cane. It would be with our syrup as it is with our truck. T. E. Polk & Co., Chicago, said the beans Mr. Giordano shipped were the finest they had received. That is why he got a dollar inmore per hamper than the market quotation-that and the way they were handled and packed. At Folsom the farmers have organized and are going after the busi ness. At their meeting the other day a committee was appointed to buy two mill,on strawberry vines. We expect to see some fine strawberries raised in the second ward. Other sections of the parish are arranging to plant. It is promised that if St. Tammany will plant 150 acres in straw berries an agency will be established- here to receive and pay cash for them. The truth is, St. Tammany prospects are steadily brightening. Only the hard-boiled pessimist can fail to see in the crystal globe pictures of future prosperity. Probably no city in Louisiana is on a more solid tooting tfian Covington. Confidence is getting stronger, buildings are going up, there is plenfy of money in our banks and there are no busi ness failures. The farmers are bringing in vegetables and chickens and eggs to the curb market and that thrifty little spot is again becoming a busy scene in the early morning. One farmer sold over 150 cream cheese in one day, besides butter and other things. The greatest help to the farmer to-day is ciganization. Community interest and co-operation, study of markets, method of packing, style of package, and the introduction of high grade stock will soon bring St. Tammany parish into her own. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Henry Hamilton, doing business un der the name of Henry Ham ilton & Company versus J. S. Jones et al. (Continued ftom page 1) the southeast fractional quarter and seven (7) acres of the southern por tion of the south fractional half of northeast quarter, all in section twenty-three (23) township six (6), range eleven (11) east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of ,Louisiana, con taining forty-pven (47) acres. Acquired! by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B, D-23, folio 222. S'(4) 64.90 acres land and im provements known as lot five (5) section forty-three (43) township six (6) south, range eleven (11) east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd. C. B. D-23, folio 222. (5) Lots 3, 4 and 5 in section 18, all of fractional section 17; and lots one (1) and two (2) section 19, township ten south range 16 east, Parish of St. Tammany, Sate of Lout isiana, containing 744.45 acres, more or less. Acquired Eby Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 39, folio 211. (6) Lots 2 and 5 in section 14, township 110 south, range 15 east., Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 278 acres more or less. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd, . C. B. 39, folio 211. (7) One hundred acres of land with all the buildings and improve ments thereon lying and being situ ated on the east side of Little Bogue Falaya riven in section 43, tp 6 south, range 11 east, and is bound ed on the north by the lands of David Worral and on the south by the lands of Nathan Page, and on the west by the Little <Bogue Falaya river, all in the Parish of St. Tam many, State of Louisiana, less a por tion sold to Frank Columbus, to Jas. H. Hill, by act passed before W. Kennedy, Deputy Clerk and Ex-of flcio Recorder, March 24, 1888; less ten acres sold by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., to Mrs. Max Miller, C. B. 43, folio 206; and less six and a half (6 ½) acres sold by Jones & Pickett. Ltd., to Max Miller, C. B. 45, folio 52. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., Ltd., C. B .39, folio 495. (8) A certain tract of land situ ated in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing about fifty acres and situated about two miles from Abita Springs and is a part of the Samuel Ott Spanish Grant and being in the sw qr of section 13, tp 6 s, r 11 east, and is bounded on the north and east by the Bogue Falaya river, on the south by the section line dividing sections 13. and 24 and on the west by the western boundary line of the said Spanish Grant. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 39, folio 495. (9) All that portion of the south east quarter of section ten (10) tp six (6) south, range eleven (11) east, St. Helena Meridian, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, lying east of the Lee Ferry road, containing 80 acres more or less. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 40, folio 122. (110) We st half of ne qr of section one (1) tp 6 south, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 80 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B, 43, folio 163 etc. (11) Southeast quarter of sec tion 15, tp 6 south, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, less thirty acres hereto fore sold. Acquired by Jones &.Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 49, folio 243. (12) Situated in the southwest corner of the w hf of ne qr of see 6, tp 6 south, range 12 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, starting. from the corner post of the aforesaid west corner 18 chains east, thence 10 chains north, thence ten chains west, thence ten chains south, to the corner of beginning. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 63, folio 170. (I13) Twenty (20) acres of land lying and being in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, and being designated as the east half )f the southwest quarter of the south east quarter of section three (3), tp six (6) south, range eleven *(11) east, and inbounded on the aast by lands of P. Taylor, on the north by H. M. Roberts, on the south by E. Frederick, and on the west by lands of. Harry Loyd. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (14) A certain piece or tract of land containing, ten and one-eighth (10 1-8) acres, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon and situated in St. Tammany parish, State of Louisiana, said tract of land is a portion of the west half of the se qr of sec 3, tp 6 south, range 1[ east; beginning at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of said section and running south 90 de grees east, seven chains, thence south ten degerea west, 19 chains, thence north 80 degrees west three chains and 75 links, thence north ten degrees east 19 chains to the place of beginning. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D13, folio 222. (15) One hundred and seven (107) acres and improvements, lots one and two in section thirty-nine, township six south, range fourteen east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (16) Two hundred and four (204) acres and improvements, s hi of se qr, se qr of sw qr of sectio thirty-one (31) township n'ne (1 south, range 13 east; Parish o° Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, IL C. B. D-3, folio 222. (17) Three acres of land in. or less lying and being sity':r'ld the Town of Claiborne. Parish ... Tammany. State of Louis'ana, si't' land forming a triangle and is biour ed as follows,t-u-wit: One onw, sii by Second Street and on another h Plum Street and on another by the River Bogue Falaya and a small bayou, according to a plan of sur vey made by W. H. R. Hangen, sur veyor. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (18) The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section eight (8), township five (5) south, range eleven (11) east, containing forty (40) acres, situated in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (19) A cartain tract of land located in St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, being in the east half of southeast quarter of section three (3) township six (6) south, range eleven (11) 'eaat, and more particu larly described as follows: Being situated about five miles from Cov ington, La., on the Covington and Franklinton public road and east of the commisiary store and turpentine still owned and operated by Jones & Pickett, beginning at a point near said road on the east side of the same about thirty or thirty-five feet east of a certain pine tree marked with a cross (x) on three sides where a corner stake is driven and running due north four hundred and twenty (420) feet; thence due east four hundred and twenty (420) feet; thence south four hundred and twen ty (420) feet; thence west four hun dred and twenty (420) feet to the starting point at said stake, forming a perfect square, and containing four (4) acres more cr less. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (20) Commencing at a stake set seven (7) chains south 80 degrees east of the northwest corner of se qr of se qr of section 3, tp 6 s, range 11 east, Greensburg, Parish of St. Tammany, State. of Louisiana, thence south eighty degrees east, 13 chains and 72 links, to section line between 2 and 3; thence south seven chains and forty-two links, thence north 80 degrees, west 15 chains and 16 links to a stake in road, thence north To degrees east to place of be ginning. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (2+11 The southeast fractional qr of section 23, tp 6 s, r 11 e, and the lot No. '3 in section 28, tp 6 s, r 12 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 37,24 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 54, folio 47 ;C. B, D-3, folio 222. '!' itii'lP (22) Four certain lots of ground situated -in the Town of Claiborne, of St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, designated according to a plan- as lots Nos. 25, 26, 39 and 40, said lots 39 and 40 are bounded by Plum, Magnolia, Third and Fourth Streets. East of said lots being 166 1-2 feet square and front on Third Street. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (23) An undivided three-fourth interest in and to the nw qr of the nw qr of section 1, tp 6 s, range 1L east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 40.41 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 54, folio 47; C. B. D-3, folio 225; C. B. 68, folio 72. (2"4) An undivided three-fourths interest in the north half of nw qr of section 20, tp 6 s, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 80.15 acres. Acquired' by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 54, folio 47; C. 'B. D-3, folio 225; C. B. 68, folio 72. (25) 'Northwest quarter of sec tion 28, tp 5 s, range 11, east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. containing 160 acres. Acquired by Jones ,& Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 226, (26) Northeast' quarter of se qr and n hf of se qr, section 28, tp 53, range 10 east, Parish of St. Tam many, State/ of Louisiana, contain ing sixty acres. Acquir~ed by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 227. - (27)1 Southwest quarter of ne qr of section 32, tp 5 s, range 40 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing forty acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 227. (28) All that certain lot or par cel of land situated in the addition of New Claiborne, Parish of St. Tam It was time tow keupa right . MY BRAIN was busy. TO BUY that cigarette. BUILDING AIR castles. THEN LIGHTING up. FOR I wasn't sleepy. SMACKING THEIR lips. 1 FINALLY I dozed off. AND SAYING, "Oh, Boy. AND PROMPTLY dreamed. IT'S THE exact copy. THAT I was awake. OF THAT 'Satisfy' blend.*' BUT WOKE right up. AND THEN I came to. AND FOUND I was asleep. AND SAID to myself. THEN I got thinking. "THIS TIME you're dreaming. OF A wonderful formula. FOR SURE. FOR MAKING cigarettes. WAKE UP, you darn fool. I PLANNED it all out. WHY, THAT 'Satisfy' blend. SO MUCH Turkish tobacco. -SIMPLY CAN'T be copied." BLENDED JUST so with Burley. AND OTHER Domestic leaf. Air-Tight Tau of 50 AND I knew that blend. Ask your dealer tos* * * TrIHAT'S a fact-the "Satisfy you the new vacuum- WOULD MAKE a hit. I blend" can't be copied. It's our sealed tins of 50 Che.ser- CU * * own secret- putting those good to felds. A compact, con- I COULD just see. baccos together in a way that gives venient and absolutely C W * you every last ounce of their fra AIR-TIGHT packing- CROWDS OF happy people. grance. You'll smack your,lips over the cigarettes keep fresh * Chesterfields. And remember -you indefinitely. THRONGING INTO stores. can't get "Satisfy" anywhere else., LG CIGARETTES . LIGL rIr & MYERS TOBACCO CO. many, State of LouisLana, above men tioned, to-wit: Block 63 measuring 240 feet on the north along the line of Block 64; thence 240 feet along Eleventh Street; thence west 240 Ifeet along Bogue Falaya Avenue. thence north 240 feet along Twelfth Street to starting point; the same containing eight lots as surveyed and platted by John M. Yates. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C .B. D-3, folio 222. (29) West half of nw qr of sec tion 26, tp 5 s, range 10 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 81.4.4 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 22.6 (30) Fractional square No. 73 in Bossier City 'ubdivision, or Abita Springs, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 54, folio 395. (31) The e hf of the nw qr of section 30, tp ' s, range 11 eav", Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing .80.74 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 69, folio 534. (32) All that certain lot or par cel of land situated in the addit.oi of New Claiborne to the Town of Claiborne, Parishn of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, to-wit: Block No. 50 bounded on the north, by Block 51, on the east by Ninth Street, on the south by Bogue Falaya Avenue, and on the west by Tenth Street, the same measuring 240 feet square, 240x240, and containing 8 lots, as surveyed and platted by J. M. Yates. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. C-3, folio 297. (33) The following twelve (12) squares, situated in what is known as the Jones & Pickett Addition to the Town of Ramsay, Parish of St. f'ammany, State of Louisiana, to wit: Squares .Nos. 1, 10, '13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Said addition to said town being platted out of 'part of the sw qr of section 17, tp 6 s, range 11 east. All as per plat of said ad-. dition to said Town of 'Ramsay, made October 9, 1907, by Howard Burns, surveyor, on file in the Clerk's of fice of St. Tammany Parish, La. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (34) The following twenty-seve r squares and fractional squares, sitlu ated in what is known as the Town of New Abita, Parish of St. Tam many, State of Louisiana, to-wit: Fractional square 3, squares 4, 6, 7, 35, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45; fractional equares 8,. 1,,' 16, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 40, 41, 43, 44 and 46. Said town of New Abita being platted out of the west half of the se qr, less 17 acres cut'out' and ten acres, less 6 acres cut out"from the west side of the ne qr of.sw qr and s hf of se qr of sw qr, all in section 6, tp 7 south, range 112. east. All as per plat of said Town of New Abita made by Howard Burns, surveyor, on October 19, 1907, on file in the Clerk's of fice of St. Tammany, Parish, La. Acquired by Jones & 'Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (35) The south half of the ne qr of section 2, tp 6 s, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Lou isiana, less the following 20 acres: Commencing at the northwest corner of said a hf then east 26 chains and set a stake on the side of the hill, witness an eight inch hickory N.64 degrees west 82 links, and a 26 inch pine n 30 degrees 30 minutes east 50 links; thence south 7.75 chains to a stake, witness a stump a 65 de grees west 7 links, thence west 25.90 chains to a stake set on the west boundary line of said south half; thence north no degrees, thirty min utes west on said lone 7.75 chains to the point of beginning, as per plat of survey made by Howard Burns, Parish Surveyor, containing twenty acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (36) 68.64 acres of land situat Sed in the Paris hof St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, being lot No. 1 *{y PoP, LOOKrIT TN' FiE- AND WHA-T Iogt4o! GoTo LISSEN SoN,-1U GQTTrA 254 EAREDO TODAY ARE YOU ot MOVIE, LEARN To SAVE,- THEN "0 ' WIT GUESS ; WEN YoU'RE AN OC HOME CUTTIN' OANDELIONS Qol0it GUs' W^EN YA AMOLL SWEET IT? 'AV HOME . I JACK WILSON I SAW A POOR OLD MAN TODAY- E.T I WELL woo? OE THEM UKELELE PLAYERS NE 1ON'T A AWNYTHING=- iS HANDS KNOW ' . PROM "H' 0LI0U THEATER,-' JUST5tOOK -LIKE THNISI DoNT -TAEY'RE ALL " A WDt4 D- e•NERVOUS -LIUKI /AS , AND - - CLASSI FIED ADVERTISEMENTS Foreign Advertising Representatie THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION sti t ha FOR RENT-A modern cottage, rin furnished, 5 rooms, sanitary toilet, Cc bath, lights etc. . D. Schwartz. er or Classified a4d. produce results it placed in T2(o Farmer. For st-class mechanics at Star fe Garag. Phone 181. Head of depot. ht 01 in IFOR SALE-A thoroughbred Jer y cow; also two heifers, will fresh- f en about June 1st. At a bargain. Apply at 1015 15th Avenue, Cov ington. m14 oz Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti septic; it kills the poison caused ct caused from infected cuts, cures old oa sores, tetter, etc.-Adv. Vi fo I of the Jesse Pagd Claim, according s to a map thereof made by W. H. R. s Hangen, Parish Surveyor, and an- R nex-ed to a deed made to Henry Page, ro r August 4, 1891. fl( Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., M f C. B. D-3, folio 222. y (37) The ne qr of thie pe qr of I r section 8, tp 6 south, range 12 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & 'Pickett, Ltd., hb C. B. 43, folio 37. ro r (38) An undivided one-half in- T' t, terest in and to sw qr of se qr, and T se qr of sw qr, section-11; e hf of nw' qr; nw qr of ne qr, lots 7, 8, 9, r section 14; lots 2, 8, 10, 11, section of d 23; all section 24; s hf of ne qr and 12 1, se qr and ne qr, section 34, tp 6 s, 4 range '15 east, Parish of St. Tam ii many, State. of Louisiana. m it Acquired by Jones & 'Pickett, Ltd., C s' C. B. 40, folio 282. E (39) Ne qr; n hf of se qr, see 0 tion 1, tp 10 s, range 14 east, Parish it of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., i- C. 'B. 40, folio 279. s Terms-Cash. The purchaser at $ Lt the moment of adjudication to mkuke bt ;, a deposit of ten per cent of the pur y chase price. VICTOR LOISEL, of United States Marshal, ax United States District Court, East ern District of Louisiana. Hall, Monroe & Lemann, 1' Attorneys for Plaintiff. STRAYED-One dun mare, black stripe on center of back, about 15 hands high, five years old, split in right ear. Lats seen coming toward Covington. $5.00 reward for recov ery. Notify Losa Rogers, Folsorn, or Ed. Brunet, Covington. m7-4t* FOR SALE-Farm near Madison ville, containing ten acres, all under fence; large house, six rooms, large hall, front and back porch; barn and out houses; has twenty-seven bear ing pecan trees, peach, pear, orange, fig and other fruit trees; half mile from Ponchatoula highway. Apply Mrs. Mary L. Hoover, Madisonvilie, or on the place. .m14* FOR SALE-Cyphers model in I cubator, 400 eggs, good condition. I oak case, now in operation at Mande ville. $25.00; cost $65.00. Reason for selling have installed larger one. Apply H. H. Doxstatter, Mandeville. FOR RENT-Beautiful home on Riverside Drive, 10 rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot and cold water, beautiful flowers and fruit trees, electric light. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ap ply to G. H. Kent, 24th and Harri son streets, Covington. m14-2t Half-Price Sale-Framing lumber, bricks, fire bricks, galvanized iron roofing, 48-in. wire fencing (new); wagon, old *buggy, platform scales. 1 Three-Mile Still, or Dr. Stevenson. FOR SALE-100 barrels of corn, a on the cob. D. I. Addison, phone 1 284, Covington. m14 LOST or STRAYED-A large red mule. Return to Alexius Bros. & Co., Covington, and receive reward. Ed. E. Matties. mlu GLASER'S BRANCH Phone 216 Horses, maers and mules, from t25.00 up. Harness, surreys - and buggies, cheap. FOR SALE-Several whole squares of ground, between the Fair Grounds and Sulphur Springs. Some facing Lee Road. Fine home-sites. Some good building will be erected on some of the squares in a short time. Now is the time to g'et one of these Squares. Cash, or terms to suit the purchaser. J. E. Gliason, 407 -Gib son Street, Covington. ap30tf -- -r~-r.lic--;·-y - 41 Housewiring of all kinds at the lowest price for modern work, at Trenchard. Tel. 366. For car trouble phone 181. Star Garage. 'Hea'd of depot. FOR RENT-Rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 410 Lockwood street. ap23-tf For service phone 181. Star Ga rage. Head of Depot. We have just received a shipment of Electrical Supplies including the following: Mazda Electric Globes Electric Wiring Cleats Knobs Sockets Porcelin Tubes and other necessary supplies to wire the homes and places of business SMITH HARDWARE CO., Ltd. Ssom. W.ANTED--To purchase, for quick cash, several farms and acreage. address in confidence Will J. Morgan. Abita Springs, La. ap23tf NOTICE. I am applying for apardon, hav ing been convicted of manslaughter. ap30-3t WALTER TYRNEY. Cars to hire. Phone 181. Head of depot. STRAYED--Bay mare, branded 0 with arrow on left hip, white, spot in face, white hind foot, weighs about 1300 pounds, about 14 hands high. Reward for information leading to recovery. Notify Walter Gray, Cov ington, La., Lee Road. ap30-2t FOR SALE-Two National cash registers; 1 Ford truck; 1 oil tank, 175-gallon capacity; 1 Overland run about. Apply Antone Patecek, Madi sonville, La. mr26tf FOR SALE--A beautiful brass bed with canopy, like new; large buffet, carved leg roun-t dining room table, oak dining chaire, library table, 3 piece library set, comfort rockers, two new Ibrass eanopys for wood beds, ice chests, and refrigerators. New linoleum 75c yard. "Every day is bargain day"--at Elmer's Furniture Exchange, 422 Columbia. a16 FOR SALE-8 econd-hand piano, cheap. Apply Miss Barnett, at the Bodebender place, 19th and Jeffer ,on Avenue. j32 FOR SALE-Oak chifforobe, oak chiffonier, kitchen cabinet, kitchen safe, one Johnson Cabinet Grand Piano, like new, big bargain; ma hogany combination desk and book case, large bed davenpoft, large range, little used; ice chests and re frigerators. Every day is bargain day at Elmer's Furniture Exchange, Columbia Street. mrS SEWING AND HEMSTITCHINO by Mrs. F. F. Planche, 1114 19th Avenue, Covington. Hours 9 to 4. 8c per yard, customer to furnish the thread. Mail orders promptly filled. Box 652, Phone 92. mr13 FOR SALE-10 fine little horses and afares, 2 young mules 4 years bld;- broke and gentle; will sell very cheap; guaranteed as what is rep resented. Come see me if you need a horse and you won't go ofi without one. Apply J. M. Aoueille. FOR.SALE--Stove wood and fat pine. 200 fat pine post. W. P. Badon, 415 Lockwood street, 0ev ingon. 3ell. FOR SALE-Two fresh Jersey cows. Apply W. M. Poole, Coving ton, La. mr26 Electrical Supplies, motors and fans; house wiring. L. T. Began, 512 Lockwood Street. mr5tf