Newspaper Page Text
On Bale Every aturary at heTe St. Tammany Farmer $2 t U IDFA-L PHARMACY, Madison- of your money boost the - lle. Pive Cents Per Pl. bscrler. Help boost the peih D. II. MASON, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921. VOL. 47 No. 27 -- - "" . . . 7- .. . . . . . I ". . . . . .. . . . SLIDELL GOES IN FOR BETTER TRANSPORT SERVICE The "Mollie Lee" Begins a Service That Connects Slidell and N. O. SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Canulette Shipbuilding Co. Will Saw Its Own Timber. (By Staft Correspondent) The East Pon,':hartrain Ferry Co., Inc., operationg the Steamer Mollie Lee, under the management of Capt. Geo. Favre, began its terry service Tuesday, May i7. connecting Slide;l and New Orleans, thus altordlng a means of reaching New Orleans through Slidell ,and saving many hours. 'Many to.irists come through Slidell every yea: and heretofore it has been necessary to ship their car by fre:ght to New Orleans or detour around Lake Maurepas. The Mollie Lee is equipped with a heavy duty Fairbanks-Morse en gine, sixty horsepower, made to burn both gas and kerosene, -and has .e commodations for ten or more cars. Its constructiod is such that it will oe able to cro: s safely the lake in almost any kind of weather. ' Beside the regular equipment required Dy U. S. Steamboat Inspection Service, the boat carries all manner of fire Sfighting apparatus which insures absolute safety to automnobiles. Also the Unedrwriter's certificate as to seaworthiness. Temporarily the Mollie Lee is ruti ning out of Slidell; however, just as soon as the canal at Howze's Beach can be dredged they expect to run from that point to Chef Men teur, making the trip in one hour and fortyr minutes. The Slidell Garage Co. has pur-. chased sites al b.oth Picayune and Poplarville, M;ss., and expect to operate branches there. It is under stood that Mr. T. J. Eddins will go to Poplarville to have charge of that branch. The S. S. Pleasure Boy is. nowv docked at the Canulette Shipyard. undergoing repairs. The Slidell High School closed a most successful year Thursday, May 19th. There were ten in the gradu ating calss, as fllows: Misses Stella Crow, Thelma Ouave, Grace Larro bec, Jessie Mayfield, Alice Carpen ter, Eleanor Wigginton and Messrs. Ferguson Smith, Roland Bousquet, Marshal Thompson. At the com mencementexercises held in the Clio Theatre, Messrs. R. I. Long and C. M. Liddle were the speakers of the evening. The diplomas were pre sented to the graduates by Parish Superintendent E. E. Lyon. Several musical numbers were presented. A gold meadl offered' by C. M. Liddle to the member of the senior class writing the beat essay on "Safety First," was priesented to Miss Alice Carpenter. Meritorious medals were also presented Miss Jessie Mayfield and Frank Smith. I)r. J. K. Griffith was home for the week end from New Orleans where he is taking a special course at Tulane Medical College. Mrs. J. R. Wakefield and two daughters are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Carpenter. Mr. E..F. ilailey, Grand Chance' lor of K. of P., will leave for the meet'ng of the (rand Lodge in Lake Charles, Sunday. Miss Laura Cerrie was home for the week end. Mr. A. D. Carpenter will leave Saturday for Lake Charles a.: a dele gate to the Graud Lodge meeting of the K. of P. Mrs. Carp'enter andl "Baby June" w.!l accompany him as far as New Orleans to vis:t rela tives. - Messrs. W. Ii. Sullivan and W. iH. Cassidy, of Bogalusa, were business vistors to Slidell this week. Si'dell has a new saw mill, the Canulette Shipbuilding. Co. having erected a small band mili at thei" yard. They: Will cut timbers for ships and barges being built in theif yard, and also for the general trade. .-------0--O-- LAST CHANCIE TO REGISTER. If you do not register before 3 o'clock to-day you will not be able to vote in the town elertion. How about it? __._. .-.---- LIST OF GRAN)D JURORS. N.o' Nnine Ward 1.. G. T. Edward ....... ....... 1 2. ' Paul A;. 31anchard . ...... 1 3. R. I. Fitzgerald . ........ 2 4. Tim King ............... ' "5. Fe.lder Fitzmorr$.. . 3 6. F. P. Marsolan ........... 3 7. X'. R. Smith ............. 4' 8. A. E. Manint ............ . . 9. Louis Grantham. ........" , 10 J. C. Kain ::......,...- : 5 1I. J. M. O'Berry ........... 12. J. M. McManus ...... ' 6 13. It.rry Todd . . ... . 7 14. .I M1. Barringer ....· 7 15. W. G. Powe .............. 16. . . T. C lo l'nger .. . .' . . . .. 8 17. F.A. Bourgeois .. ' 3 18. J.1. W. Thompson . ........ 9 19. .los. Bordes ............. '10 20. A. R. Cook .............. 10 A true copy. W. E. BLOSSMAN, m21-6t Clerk Of Court. COVINGTON IS PUT NEXT TO TEACHING DOMESTICS Eighth Grade Domestic Art Class Gives a Novel • Style Show. TALK BY MISS RUTH BURNS Each Charming Lassie Has the Stag, to Herself In the Climax. (By Mrs. Chas. H. Sheflield) The stage of the Covington High School was the Tenter of attraction Mondayafternoon, May 16th, the at traction being a style show given by the Eighth Grade Domestic Art De partment students under the super vision of their efticient teacher, M:ss Ruth Burns. Miss Burns gave an interesting talk on the classes' sew ing and spoke of the progress mada by the girls and of how upon enter ing some of the girls really did not know upon which finger the thimble belonged. To the strains of a march the four teen students of the class marched upon the stage and went through the figures of a class drill clad in cooking aprons and caps-'twas a lovely and refreshing sight. They treated us to a catchy cooking song. When they made their next ap pearance they had donned their pic turesque bungalow aprons and look ed the part of complacent little housewives. Their next and truly imposing ap pearance' and the climax of the style show was when they entered as ani mated models. Each charming lassie had the stage to herself for a while, The music was softly played and the audience sat in admiration as each model made her appearance robed in an organdy dress, her own creation, with all of the' frills and furbelows dear to the feminine heart and so appealing to\the masculine one. It was a. panora.mnl of youth, beauty, charm and color that passed before the- audience-there- was lavender, rose pink, peach, tea rose, pea green, canary yellow, flesh, and dainty white. Each model was admired and applauded in turn and when the complete class of fourteen appeared the auditorium echoed and re-echoed with applause for the girls, their teacher and for the dainty and up to-the-minute in style and dresses. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is 'hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockhold ers of the Madisonville Bank, at its domicile, Madisbnville, La., on Wed nesday, June 22, 1921, at 10:30 a. m. The object of this meeting is to ratify the action of the Board of Di rectors, taken at their meeting held May 14, 1921, and to transact such other business as may appear be fore the meeting. W. J. HERRMANN, m21-5t Cashier. IWONDERFUL HOUSE ON WHEELS W. " a-:~;·;::::: · Mr. and Mrs. E. I. GAeenia.v were guests of Mr. and sMrs. iElrer l: Lyon this week. We had tne pleas pre of calling on them and were s.ur. prised to find them in the house. Not that it is unusual to find people in houses, but because in th:s case we expected to find both -familiies:in the "Duplex Publicity Car,". describ ed as having "all the comforts .of home" and the added attraction (W being away fronm home at the same time at the rare of :fifty miles" an hour. Mrs. Greenlaw took us thiru the Duplex Pullman, showed us tre kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, the water supply, the electric lights. the reading room and. office and all the appointments ,that have made the "Home on Wheels" one of the won ders of the traveling -pubilec and a cur:osity to e` miian who had n6t read uj on th DutpleX Truck or has never heard M Greenlaw.tell asout it. But wve're `seen 'so much in the papers about thtis home on wheels and its competition, with the Pull man that we feel~ i-`f the other papers had the secf : on- us. So we'll drop it aYl say a few words about the inventor, Mr. E. R. Green !aw, who never wof "ve inventedl it, only he just had toes ll Dupiex.. We think Mr. Green law is much thb more wonderful of the'. twb. CONSOLIDATION OF COVINGTON MADISONVILLE ONE BANK !Consolidation of These Two Banks Makes a Bigger "Big Bank." $1,400,000.00 NOW THE FIGURES USED Covington Bank and Trust Company Will Enlarge Its Directorate. The officers, directors and stock holders of the Mads.onville Bank and the Covington i:ank & Trust Company have agreed to consolidate the two banks. Tih. consolidation of these banks will mBake a larger, stronger and more useful bank for both communit'es and for the entire parish of St. Tammany. For the town of Madisonville and vicinity the advantag'e bvill come from the large resources of "St. Tammany's ,Big Blank," and while the Covington Bank- & Trust Co.ppany already oc cupied a commanding position in the banking field, the merging of the two institutions Nill give it even a more commanding position. With capital and surplus of $175,000.00 and resources of something like $1,400,000.00, this will be by far the !largest and strongest bank in all the Florida Parishes, outside of Batoi Rouge. It is also acknowledged to be one of the largest and strongest country banks In the State of Lou •siana. The management, of the consoli dated banks will be the same as here tofore, excepting that the domicile will be at COvington, where the main office is, and the Madisonville office will be Sun as a branch, with Mr. W. J. Herrmann in charge, affording to the patrons of that officee the same facilities that- ale enjoyed ,by. the patrons ofthe main office. The Cov ington Bank & Trust- Company will enlarge its directorate and place 'six stockholders of the Madisonville Bank on the board. . Thus does. St. Tammany parish take another step forward in the financial and business world. COVINGTON HIGH SCHOOIT GRAD UATION EXERCISES. As we go to press the graduation exercises of the Covington Highl School are in progress. FolloWing is the list of graduates"'Ethel Park er, Jeanette Moses, -Doris Langen henning, Mabel Bourgeois, August Planiche, John Sharp, E. G. Davis, Jr., Rober Olinde, Edouard Langen henning. Harry Oscar Thomas, son of Mr. Warren Thomas, assessor of St. Tam many parish, is one of the graduat ing class of the Southwestern Lou isiana Industrial Institute of Lafav ette. The diplomas will be awarded by Governor Parker. Mr. Thomas graduates from the high school class. When you look at the oar you see it just as it is; but when you look at Mr. Greenlaw you see him just as he aint. You'd never think he was a humorist to look at him and you would never think he was any thilg el e if you l'stened. to him and you wouldn't believe a word he said unless'he was talking Duplex. You might inmag'ne he was a woma:n tamer if Mrs. Greenlaw's back was turned oraa woman hater if you could separate his crisp irony from the ten derness of his eyes. BtSt the fact is hlie is neither. He's just a plain Mark Twain humorist out selling Duplex trucks to people who imagine that tinimes are hard and money scarce. We.don't envy him for his job, but we do envy him for the money he' is making out of it. And by the waSy we have a sneaking notfon that Mrs. Greenlaw invented the car. Any how, the inside of it. Mr. Greenlaw has many friends in th's section, as he was at one time extensively engaged in the manufac ture of lumber near here and in Washington and Tang'pahoa par ishes. He has had some experiences in that business-We mean of a hu man interest nature-that. would make interesting -reading, ,but you can't get anything out of him how but "Duplex," THIS LITTLE GIRL NEVFR . EVEN HAD A FIRST NAMt. An4'dc.sasnt know how oldg ske is-Wlhite sBarbarians within sight of World's r f . Fifty miles from New york City, in the historic Ramapa Hills, the atuthorities found a white family in rags and tatters-man, wife and four kiddies. - * They- knew themselves as Thompson, but none had a first The little girl in the above picture was the oldest child. Kind folks have taken her in hand, given her the name "Ella" and are teaching her., The family are not idiots but they are nearly as backward as savages., ... OF INTEREST TO PUBLIC Covington, La., May 18, 1921. The Covington Cemetery Associa tion assumed full control and began work on the grave yard May 9th. The membership drive enrolled 236 members. You who are inter ested in the clean-up and drainage of our cemetery will readily see that th.s amount in dollars will not go far in carrying out the improvements that Mr. L. M. Bourgeois has under taken. We expect soon to have a splendid concrete entrance on Main street, a pagola and tool house over the well, the walks and driveways cleaned, drained and hgard-surfaced. Therefore, we are going to call on the owners of plots and graves to come forward, as soon as possible. just as you do for "All Saints Day," and clean your plots, or make ar rangements with Mr. Bourgeois to have it' done, .. that he can make a survey and draw a 'plan of the entire cemetery and number the graves, etc. It is his plan to build up the low -pl~ces in the graveyard- with soil,. lay the plots' off straight, and he. heeds your presence to talk the mat-' ter over, and your assistance, in at least cleaning the ground owned by you.' So let us get together and be fore the real hot weather comes go over and lend our help to this big task that the association has under taken. And while we are putting this earnest plea for co-operation we want to announce that a big evening festival, with 'entertainment for the children, and amusements for, the elders, and a dance at night will be given June 10thfor- the benefit of our cemetery "work. Moie Will be published about it next' week. 4IRS. J. C. BURNS, C£orres)onding Secretary. SU(CESSPUL MEETING AT*EVANS CREEK -BAPTIST; CHURCH. Editor St. Tammany Farmer: May 17th.-Evans Creek -Baptist, St. Tammany parish, has just closed one of its, great re vivals of ten day3, with Pasto' M. E. Matthews doing the pr'eadhing. He preached some powerful sermons during this meec ng.. There were twenty additions to the church, all but four by baptism. Brother Matthews has just recently been called to this church and is do ing a great work here, having just organ'zed the B. Y.,P. U., Senior and 'Junior, with an enrollment of six teen in the Senior and thirty-four in the Junior. They are doing splendid work under his guidance and the co operation of the church. This church is better organized now than ever in its existence, with its large Sunday School, its W. M. U.,. apd two B. Y. P. U's., its prayer meeting every Wednesday night and half-time service by the pastor. We are expecting great revivals like this all the year. This church is doing 'splendidly in the 25 million campaign. It loves its pastor, and may God bless Broth er Matthews in 'all h's undertakings for the Master, and may His bless ings abide with him and his family, is our prayer. Mrs. C. E. KENNEDY, A Co-operativ'e Worker. K. OF C.. ANNUAL BANQUET. The Knights of Columbus' annual banquet 'took 'palce -at Gabe's Tav ern, Wednesday evening. There was la very large -.uiher of Knights in attendance 'and. the occasion was one; l of great enjoyment. "The Pleasure Bay "is the name of the new .boat that will run 'be - tween Mandeville and New Orleans. It comes from Mobile, Ala. Mr. Joseph Hersche,. repesenting the Southern Investor, whs- in Co-, Sington Ithis week prdparing. far the SCovington section of that magazlne, which will be illustrated with. Cov ington scenes. PROCEEDINGS SCHOOL BOARD Covington, La., May 13, 1921. The St. Tammany Parish School Board met in the: office of the Sup erintendent on the' above date with N. H. FitzStmons, *president, in the chair, and the following members present: Geo. R. Dutsch, ward 1; T. J. O'Keefe, ward 2; N. H. Fitz Simons, ward 3; H. H. Levy, ward 4; W. W. Talley, ward 5; Dave 'Evans, ward 6; I. H. Keller, ward 7; Geo. F. Bancks, ward 8; Wm. Oswald ward 10. Absent: W. J. Sebas tian, ward 9. A quorum being areS nt. On motion of Mr. Levy, seconded by Mr. Evans, the minutes of the preceding meeting were accepted as printed in the official journal. On motion by Mr. Dutsch, second ed by Mr. Talley, the Superintend ent's report was accepted and order ed spread upon the minutes. The following report was read: Coviington, La., May 12, 1921. S-. Tammany. Parish Schoql Board, Covington, Louisiana. Gentlemhen::-We, the Executive :(Continued, on page 5) DANCE' AT ABITA SPRINGS, SUN DAY, MAY 22. r There will be aiiother big dance at Abita Springs .to-morrow night, Sunday. The same classy jazz band will be there and another good time is: awaiting all. --0--- CLOSING EXERCISES OF ABITA SCHOOL MONDAY EVENING. Closing exerc;ses of the Abita Springs school- will be held in the Alita Springs Pavilion on Monday, May 23, at 7:30 p. m. A dan;' will follow. Music furnishel by a good band. BORN. To Mrs. Jas. Fitzmorris, on T¶bes day, May 17, 1921, a girl. To Mrs. Roland Abney, on Wed nesday, May 18, 1921, a girl. ---0-- ATTENTION, FARMERS. We will load a car of Irish pota toes, Monday and Tuesday, May 23 and 24. Will accept white or red in random weight 'sacks. Will pay market price in cash. COVINGTON COMMISSION CO. ---0-- Mr. R. H. Fergeson, manager of the Covington Garage Co., dealers in Studebaker and Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, announces that he has sold in the past week a Dodge tour ing car to Mr. E. G.. Richard, on America street, a Studebaker five passenger roadster to Judge T. M. Burns, and a Studebaker. ·ve pass enger touring car to Mr. Frank D. Bevers, all at Covington. ---0----, BASEBAIL. Covington defeated the Woodard Wight teams from New Orleans, last Sunday, by a score of 5 to 2. Park and Clements was the battery for Covington. To-morrow Covington will play the Nicholas Burks. Game commences at 2:30 p. m. at Fair Grounds. THE GYM ENTERTAINMENT. The entertainment for the benefit of the gymnasium fund, at Parkview Theatre, Tuesday night,. included a good picture and a comedy. Mr. Fuhrmann introduced the perform ance with his usual good humor, and gave a country boy sketch very amusingly. There were songs by Mr. Donald Dunn,. well rendered. In the comedy, "John Clayton, Actor," were Mr. Fuhrinann, Mr. Dunn and. Mias Soujourner. The play was cast in Virginia and offered opportunity for some clever actilrg by all. DRUIDS EXTEND INVITATION TO JOIN IN BIG TIME Everybody is Invited To Have a Good Time at at Park Sunday. DANCING TO BE ALL DAY LONG Two Bands Will Amuse the 1500 Druids and Their Guests of the Day All members of the Druids are asked to be at the depot in Coving ton on arrival of the N. O. G. N. from New Orleans at 9:30 a. m., Sunday, May 22. This is the day of the Druids picnic and they are expected here 1500 strong, and will camp at Bogue Falaya Park, where there will be dancing in the pavilion all 'day long, wikh the very best of music. Everybody is invited to ba be a guest of the Druids on this day. Don't miss it, for if you do you will also miss a good time. No charge. Free as the air which the Druids will come over here to breathe. There will be two bands in attend ance, so there will be no let-up in the music. Secretary Frank Marsolan is es pecially desirous that everybody and especially every member shall come in and help make the day a record breaker for a big crowd and a big time. ---0----. HOW THE N. O. G. N. FEELS ABOUT IT. The following letter will be inter esting to those who believe in good will and co-operation: New Orleans, May 17, 1921. Mr. Wm. P. Minckler, Secretary of Covington Association of Com merce, Covington, La. Dear Sir:-Referring to your let ter of April 26. On behalf of my associates and myself, I desire to thank the Association of Commerce for the fine enbertainment given us on Friday, April 29. We all enjoyed the nice breakfast at Mutti's, and the drive trom there to Covington. You showed us some beautiful -places around Covington places, that we did not know ex isted. I am sure that this outing will result in our understanding each other's troubles a little better. Again I thank you for the very enjoyable time you gave us. Yours very truly, W. E. FARRIS. -0----- DRESS FORM DEMONSTRATION There will be a dress form dem onstration at the Community House, Tuesday, at 2:30 p. m. Everybody is invited to attend. It will be in teresting. ---0----4 STRAWBERRY PLANTS.. Mr. Henry McKea, of Onville, is taking orders for strawberry plants. IHe is acting for the Farmers' Asso ciation. Get in touch with- him if you wish to plant. The proceedings of the District Court were Crowded out this week. They will appear in next issue. POI(:E JTURY. (Continued from last week) Folli-wing is the list of bills order ed paid: Parish Fund. SL. L. Morgan, trip to New Orleans. for police jury, $7.00. St. Tammany Ice & Mfg. Co., ser vice, $12.61. lM~s. L. Miles, feeding prisoners, $45.30. F. N. .Boudousquie, making railing and furnisihng material, police jury room, $37.50. S. D. Bulloch, juror at inquest of D. Mathews, $2.00. C. M. Poole, same, $2.00. W. E. Boes, same, $2.00. Jake Hecker, same, $2.00. Morris Lacroix, same, $2.00. Dr. H. D. tulloch, interdiction of Julia Ezell, $25.00. Dr. F. R. Jones, small pox eases and interdiction of Julia Ezell, $43. 'Burns Furniture Co., shades for courthouse, $26.90. Walter Galaras, sheriff, transfer ing prisoners, etc., $132.70. Mrs. Paul Quave, judgment given by Judge P. -B. Carter, mother's pen sion, per month, $20.00. Mrs. Hattie Bennett, same, $20.00. 'B. P. Decker, conveying prison ers, $7.50. Sam Preston, painting, varnishing and repairing furniture in police jury room, $35.50. 'F. J. Martindale, .telephone and stamps, April, $5.15. St. Tammany Farmer, publishing proceedings, ordinances, notices, etc., April, $88.00. SFoote-Davis Co., indexes, clerk's office, $4.19. Road Fund. I Frank Crawford, work in eighth ward, $7.50. -C. W. Crawford, same, $5.00. J. L. Cooper, work in 5th ward, $5.50. ] St.. Joe-Commissary, materials for Sroiadwork, eighth ward, $3.55. S "(Continued on page 2) WORKING FOR HEALTH OF THE CHILDREN OF THIS PARISH Local Red Cross Does Fine Work for Children Thru Public Health Nurse 229 CASES APPLY FOR TREATMENT' Covington and Slidell To Establish Hospitals for Operations. The work accomplished by the local Red Cross "for the children of St. Tammany parish on the 10th and 17th of this month should win the very highest approval. Drs. Whit mire and Boebinger, who gave their services free, have performed a conk mendable service. At Slidell there were 76 children from the Slidell school, 7 from Pearl River, 4 from Bonfouca, 1 from Lacombe, 6 from Lady of Lourdes school. At Covington, on the 117th, there were 87 from the Covington school, 5 from Sand Hill, 26 from Madison ville, 8 from Abita, 6 from Prog ress, 1 from Mandeville, 1 from Waldheim, 2 fro'4 Union Grove and 1 from St. Catherine. Altogether 14 schools were represented by 229 children. Children were examined and pre scriptions furnished. All the work could not be completed in the limit ed time but the work will be con tinued Tuesday, May 24, at Slidell, and at Covingto.i at a date not yet fixed. Those who have prescriptions for eye drops should use them three days before Tuesday, when they should go before Dr. Whitmire for further examination. Arrangement will be made for the fitting up of a room to be used as an operating room where those children Vwho are unable to go to New 'Orleans may be operated on and taken care of, at the Community House. Cots, linen, surgical band ages and other necessary things must be supplied. Mrs.' I Hrsey, of the Slidell School Improvement League, is actively in terested in the work and it is be lieved that the League will take care of the necessary arrangements for the operating room there. Covington will also make arrange ments for a hospital and operating room. This will take care of those who for financial or other reasons are not able to go to New Orleans. One boy ,11 years of age, who at tended, the Slidell examination, had passed the stage where his eyes could be relieved by medicine or surgery. WAIT FOR THE BIG SALIE. Beginning Saturday, May 28, we will sacrifice our entire $25,000.00 stock of Ladies, Children's and Men's furnishings. Wait for this.- We will have prices that will surprise you such as Ginghams at 10 cents per yard, the best quality. Great reduc tion on "Star Brand" shoes. Come! Don't miss this big sale. N. K. HAIK, Opposite Covington Bank Bldg. "PEA1ING CONTEST, ST. PAUL'S. The annual contest in ~iublic speaking at St. Paul's Coll~ge will take place Sunday, May 22, at" 1:30 p. m. Quite an elaborate progriam ip has been arranged. The judges will be Hen. Bernard C. Shields, Rev. John N. Buirger, Dr. J. R. Knap. Covington will oe well represented in both the preparatory and aca emic departments. '-0-----~ ANNOUNCEMENT. We are auihorized to announce the : Aollowing ticket for the election to bl)e held in June, 1921: For Mayor. Robert W. Badon. For Aldezmen. Emile Frederick. M. P. Planche. C. E. Schonberg. H. A. Mackie. Chas. H. Sheflield. -- -0- - We are authorized to announce HERMAN SCHULTZ, SR., as a candidate for re-election to the office of Day Marshal of the Town of Covington, subject to the elec tion to be held in June. We are authorized to announce JOHN CANNON as a candidate for the officee of Night Marshial of the Town of Covington, subject to the election to be held in June. ,: i We are authorized to announce EDW. JONES. as a candidate fmr the office of Night Marshal of the Town of Covington, subject to the election to be held in June. We are authorized to announce CHARLES HEINTZ s a candidate for the office of Night Marshal of the Town of Covington, subject to the election to be held in June. We are authorized to announce F.'B. TRENCHARD : as a candidate for the office of Night . Marshal of the Town of Covington, subject to the election to. be held in June.