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AN ORDINANCE. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Police Jury in legal session conven ed, That H. H. Levy, Ernest Prieto, - C. A. David, .aos. M. Smith, Jr., Geo. Glockner, WVinfield Beaujeaux, together with Mayor and Council, of the Town of Mandeville, La., shall constitute the Supervising Board, who shall have power and au thority, after the tax mentioned in tire foregoing ordinance is voted, to provide the specifications of such im provements, to call for bids, to let the contract or contracts for the work designated therein, and supervise the construction of The same. Section 2. Be it further ordained, That the said Supervisors shall be the agents of the Police Jury in all matters pertaining to the construc tion of the improvements provided in the foregoing ordinance. Said Supervisors shall elect a chairman and secretary from their own nuni ber, who shall serve without pay; said Supervisors shall approve all estimates for work before they are paid by the governing 'body. Adopted April 12, 1921. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. ORDINANCE NO. 79. An ordinance revoking and setting aside the dedication of the pub lic alley traversing Square No 2601 in the New Covington Ad -dition to the Town of Coving ton, La., which square is bound ed by Jefferson, 26th and 27th Avenues. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of Covington. La., in regular session convened, That the dedication of the alley traversing Square No. 2601 of the New Cov ington Addition to the Town of Cov ington, La., which square is bound ed by Jefferson, 26th and 27th Ave nues and Madison street, be and the same is hereby revoked and set aside, and closed, due proof having been made that the same is aban doned, and is no longer needed for public purposes. On vote being taken the following voted yea: C. E. Schonberg. H. A Mackie. A. R. Smith, C. H. Sheffield. Emile Frederick. Nays: None. ROBT. W. BADON, Mayor. L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ernest Prleto vs. Pascal Favaron. No. 3402. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of seizure and sale, issued out(of the honorable Twenty Sixth Judicial DistrictCourt, and to me directed, bearing date the 30th day of April 1921, I have seized and will offer for sale at the princ'pal front door of the courthouse in the town of Covington. St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, between legal sale hours for judicial sales, on Saturday, .June 18, 1921, the following described property, to wit: That certain lot of ground, to gether with all the improvements theeron, situated in the Town of Mandeville. St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, in the square designated by the number two (2) of the said Town of Mandeville, which portion of ground has a frontage of forty three (43) feet, commencing at a point 127 feet and 6 inches from 'the corner of Clatborne and Girod streets, on Girod, by a 'edpth of two hundred (200) feet, between parallel lines. Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap praisement. WALTER GALATAS, ml4-6t . Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Madisonville Bank vs. T. M. H. Dantzler. Nj. 3364. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of seizure and sale issued out of the honorable Twenty Sixth Judiciial District Court, and to me directed, bearing date the 4th day of May, 1921, I have seized and will offer for sale at the principal front door of the courthouse in the town of Covington, St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana. between legal sale hours ror judicial sales, on Saturday, June iR, ±921, the following described property, to wit: 1. A certain piece or parcel of land, together with all the. buildings and improvements thereon or in any wise appertaining, situated in the Town of Madisonville, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, and more fully descrThibed a' be&ng a piece or parcel of land beginning at a point on the north side of Johnson stieet a dis tance of five hundred and four (504) feet west of Covington road; thence west along said Johnson street a dis tance of one hnudred and twenty (120) feet, thence in ,a northerly d' rection to the north line of the prop erty formerly belonging . to Mrs. Mandeline Mugnier; thence east along said northern boundary line of the property' formerly belonging to Mrs. Madeline MIugnier, a distance of one hundred and twenty (120) feet. thence southerly to Johnson street, to the po'nt of beginning. Being the same property acquired from A. C. Lions on February 14th, 1919. 2. A certain piece or parcel of lind adjoining .'he piece first above described, being east of same, and having a front on Johnsdn street of ninety (90) feet running back to the nriorth boundary ltne of the property formerly belonging to Mrs. Madeline Mugnier. between parallel lines, and being the same 'property acquired from Paul A. Bl.anchard on March 6, 1920, by deed duly recorded. S. Terms of Sale--Cash, with benefit r. of appraisement. WALTER GALATAS, ir1i4-6t. .- Sheriff. Sor Wa1o THE UNATTAINABLE LT7HERE'S a spot on my badk, 1 about the size of a postage stamp, that has been Itching all day," said the retired merchant, "and it has caused me. more grief than the last attack of rheumatism. I can't reach it with either hand, and I have been backing up against every tele phone pole and gatepost, rubbing like a horse with the mange. A man of my social and commercial { standing doesn't look dignified while thus en gaged, but when a man's back itches, he has to defy the conven tions, and get relief the best way he can." "I can understand just how it has worried you," said the hotelkeeper. "The fact that you couldn't reach around and claw the itching place with your fingers kept the matter fresh in your memory and got on your nerves. The pursuit of the unattain able always is more interesting to us than the easier work close to hans. You had your whole person to scratch, and might have bought a currycomb for a quarter, and-had a good time, but you couldn't be happy until you had reached the one inaccessible spot. "A while ago I imagined I had heart disease, and went and saw the doctor. He knows I have money in the bank, and am considered good pay, so he confirmed my worst fears, and made up his mind to have me for his star patient, until one of us petered out. He threw an awful scare into me, so that I went home sweating ice cold .^ircus lemonade. "He gave me some medicines and a lot of instructions. Among them was one to the effect that when I went to bed I-should always sleep on my right side. He cautioned me over and over again agaiist laying on my left side, and left the impression thjt if I dis Tbeyed him, I'd wake up some morn ing to find myself a candidate for a floral horseshoe. "That matter looked easy at the time, and I assured the doctor I'd fol low hi. bylaws to the letter. When [ wrnt to bed that night, I stretched out- on my right side.-and in ten min utes I was just suffering to roll over. I don't believe I ever had such a aankering for anything. It seemed to me the height of human happiness would lie in sleeping on one's left side. [ followecd!instructions for two nights, mnd then :I decided that life wasn't , worth such sacrifices, and I rolled over ii and slept on my left side, and nothing happened.., I was feeling better than asual next morning when I got up. "Of course this experience lessened 1 my confidence in' the doctor's'%nstruc- o tions, and I concluded that if I was g going to sidestep the instructions I h might as well sidestep the medicines, i too, for they tasted like low life in a t] Chinese alley, and I threw the whole f, lot out, of the window. Thus the saw- as bones lost his most promising patient because he handed out a rule that T wasn't strictly necessary. v "Speaking of the unattainable, do a you know what's the matter with Silas c Furbelow? He has everything a man could ask, a stranger in -the town 1 would say. He has a beautiful home and a wife who would be considered a e success anywhere, and he has festoons t of money where it will do the most good. I b "Yet he has a §ecret sorrow. Iv think he's the most nelancholy man I ever saw, and his trouble is that he' r can't raise a good stand of whiskers. b Nowadays, '3hen whiskers are consid- p ered an infirmity, it seems strange a that any man should grieve over such a matter. "He sends all over the United States for hair growers, and half the time his face is blistered or swollen, , and still the whiskers won't grow on him. If some miracle happened, and r he woke up some morning to find his i countenance all covered with whiskers, s he'd probably have them shaved off a within a week; but bechuse they won't grow, he won't be happy till he gets them." On motion duly second the follow ing ordinance was unanimously f adopted: Section 1. Be it ordained by the 1 Iown Council of the Town of Mande ville, in legal session convened, That W. E. Van Zandt, W. A. Griffin, Jas. Band,. Edmund Baudot, Steve Joza,t W. R. Smith, Hi. H. Levy, Ernest Prieto, C. A. David, A. :Depre, D. . 1 Mulligan, shall constitute the Super vising Goard, who shall have power and auphority, after tax mtentioned in the foregoing ordinance is voted, to tprovide the specifications of such im aprovements, to call for bids., to let Sthe contractor 'contracts for the work e designated thereini, and supervise nue Sconstruction of the same. SSection 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That the said Supervisors shall b ethe agents of the Town Council,in ill matters pertaining to the con :truction of. the improvements pro f vided in the forpegoing. ordinance. Said Supervisors shall elect a chair Sman and secretary from~'their own f number, 'who shall serve :withount e pay; said Supervisors shall appro've yall estimates for work before they Care paid by the governing body.' d W. E. VAN Z'INDT, - _ . · Mayor. 3, A. P. HOPKINS, Secretary. PROCLAMATION. e Pursuant to the authority vested The Mystery of the Cook's Pet Parrot Ctk A FUNNY paper recently. I BLEW just a whiff. SLIPPED ME a good laugh. - OF CIGARETTE smoko. 4 WITH. A wheeze about. AT HER amusing old. A FAMOUS ventriloquist. FOL OF a parrot. * 0 0 WHICH NEVER talks. AND WHY he had quit. W N A* 0 V AND I said, "Poll. THE VAUDEVILLE stage. * . * * *'* HOW D'YOU like it?'t IT SAI1 he discovered. * * * U . . AND TO this day. HE COULD make more jack. I * m S" " IT'S GOT me guessing, SELLING WOODEN parrots. WHETHER IT was cook WHETHER IT was cook. SO WHEN I got home. OR THE blamed bird. I PASSED the joke. WHICH SQUAWKED back. TO OUR cook, who owns. "THEY SATISFY.". BOTH. A speechless parrot. AND A sense of humor. Air-Tight Tins of 50 BUT SHE muffed it. Ask your dealer tosho6w BECAUSE SHE didn't know. CHESTERFIELDS speak for you the new vacuum- 0 s seled tins of 50 Cheser- WHAT A entrilouist themselves. They let you know fields. A compact, con- WHAT ventriloqust was. you're smoking. They "satisfy" and venient and absolutely explain it yet, they're mild. An impossible com AIR -TICG H T packing- SO I had to bination, you say? Sure-everywhere the cigaretres keep fresh 0 * 0 but in Chesterfields. The blend does indefinitel.y. AND ON the way out. it and the blend can't be copiedl CIGARErTTS T LIGGrff & MYERS TOBACCO CO. U ------- --- "THEY SAID I HAD T. B. AND 6 WOULD NOT LIVE THREE MONTHS" Mr. Harold W. Schmidt, Box 98, 1 Breese, Clinton Co., Ill., believes he hlias reason to praise Dr. Hart- LIKE man's Remedy for Catarrhal con- A ditions. GIANT ,I used Pe-ra-na eight months for Chronic SINCE Bronchial Catarrh. I do not get tired. feel like Sa gant, am ix pounds over normal weight and USING " able to work every day. In March, 1918. I con tracted a severe cold wth spttIng and took to PE-UIIA my bed. They laid I had T. B. and would not live three months, After taking a conple is bot tles of Pe-ru-na and a boa of Man-a-lin Tablets, could walk around and in seven months went back to wort. My trouble was due to Chronic Catarrh of the nose and throat, whloc I had ten years, extending down into the bronchial tubes. "' r.ena was m.y Ife save." A HALF CENTURY IN USE TABLETS OR ULQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE in me by an ordinance adopted by I the Town Council of the Town of Mandeville, on the 22d day of April, 1 1921, I, Dr. W. E. Van Zandt, Mayor 8 of the Town of Mandeville, hereby give notice that an election will be held in the Town of Mandeville, Par ish of St. Tammany, Louisiana, on the 25th day of May, 1921, as set forth in the following abstract cf said ordinance: "Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Mande- 1 ville, in legal aession convened, that an election shail be and is hereby called to be held in the said Town of Mandeville, on the 2.5th day of May, 1921, at which election a majority of the property taxpayers of said Town, in- number and amount, eligi ble to vote and votfng, shall de- 1 termine the: Proposition to incur debt and issue i bonds for the said Town 'of Mande ville, Parish of St. Tammany, Lou 'siapa, to the amount of $32,000, to run for a period of twenty-five years, bearing interest at the rate of five I per centum per annum, payable semi annually; the funds thus derived to be used for the following purposes. 11. To complete'the sea. wall; 2. To dredge a channel through the. ravine in Square no. 27; 3. To repair, improve and hard surface streets. Said election shall be held at the regular polling booth in the Town of MLandeville, and the following conm missioners and clerk of election are appointed to preside at election: Clerks, Paul Fsquinance and C. A. I David; commissioners, W. G. Davis, I Lucas Prieto, Geo. Smith, each being' a registered voter. Notice is hereby further given that on the 26th day of May, 1921, the first day following such election, at eleven o"clock a. m., the Town Coun cil of the Town of Mandeville will meet at the office of said body in the Town of Mandeville, and there, in pulblic session, open the ballot boxe:, examine and couur the votes, both as to number and amount, and examine and -canvass the returns' and declare the result of the election and pro mulgate the same." Given on this 22d day of Apr'l, 1921, at Mandeville. Louisiana. W. E. VAN ZANDT, Mayor. -A true copy. A. P. HOPKINS, Secretary. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Henry Hamilton. doing business un der the name of Henry Ham ilton & Company versus J. S. .Tones et al. Nb. 16,137 United States District Court, East ern District of Louisiana, New Orleans Division. By virtue of and in obedience to ja writ of fierit facias to me directed by the. above named Court, and in :the. above numbered and entitled 1 suit, I, Victor Laisel, United States Marshal, duly sworn and .qualified,~I n of the United States District Court ti for the Eastern District of Louis' ana, have seized and taken; Into my possession and will offer for sale atj! public auction for cash to the last and highest bidder at the front door of the courthouse in the town of Covington, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, June 18, 1921, beginnig at, the hour of eleven o'clock a. m., the following described properties, to-wit: (1) A certain piece or tract of a land situated in the Parish of St. S Tammany, State of Louisiana, be ginning at the northeast corner of " J. Pfeifer fence on Pearl River road, P now Claverie; -thence, running south a ten degreen, east seven chains, 38 t] links to line of East Louisiana Rail- t road right of way, set posts; thence F from place of beginning on line of said Pearl River road; 'six. (6) 2 chains, 321/ links, set post, estab lishing four (4) acres; thence twelve chains, 65 links, set post, on said line of Pearl 'River road, thence south ten chains, 65 links, set post, on said line of Pearl River road, e thence south ten (10) degrees, east s six (6) chains, 32 ½ links to right of e way of said East Louisiana R. R., set post; thence following said rail- I, road right of way to first established c post. Which ,property was after wafds divided into three (3) equal C lots designated as lots 1, 2 and 3. Lot 1 being that nearest the Clav- s erie property; lot 3 that nearest the e ITown of 'Abita and lot 2 interven- a ing; the whole as per sketch annex ed to act of partition before John C Watt, a Notary Public in the City of New Orleans, dated May 23, 1905; t Iwhich said lots contain, each four I acres and front on the Pearl River I or Abitsa road six (6) chains, 3212 links, and have a depth toward the right of way of the East Louisiana ( Railroad between equal and parallel lines. Being the same property acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 75, folio 1162. (2) The west half of the north west quarter of section seventeent (17), tp 6 south, range twelve (12) east, Parish of St. Tammiany, State t of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B: D-3, fclio 222. (3) The north fractifnal half of I the southeast fractional quarter and seven (7) acres of the so.uthern por- I tion of the south fractional half of I northeast quarter,' all in .section ttwenty-three (23) township six (6), range eleven (11) east, Parish of St. T Tammany, State of Lduisiana, c6n taining forty-seven (47) acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd.. C. B. D-23, folio 222. (4) 64.90 acres land and im provements known as lot five (5) section forty-three (43) townshiip -six (6) south, range eleven (11) east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd. C. B. D-23, folio 222. II (5) Lots 3, 4 and 5 in section 18, all of fractional section 17; and Ilots one (1) and two (2) section 19, Stownship ten south range 16 east, Parish of St. Tammany, Sate of Lou- t isiana, containing 744.45 acres, more d or less. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd.,' C. B. 39, folio 211. (6) Lots 2 and 5 In section 14, township ;10 south, range 15 east, Parish of St:' Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 278 acres more or less. Acquired by Jones & Pickett,.Ltd.., C. B. 39, folio 211. (7) . One hundred acres of land with all the buildings and Improve ments thereon lying and being situ ated on the east side of Little Bogue I Falaya riven .in section 43, - tp 6 south, range 11-east, and is bound ed on the north by the lands of eDavid Worral and on the south by i the land's of Nathan Page, and on ! the west by the Little Bogue Falayn "river, all in the Parish of St. Tam many, State of Louisiana, less a por t- tion sold to Frank Columbus, to Jas. H. Hill, by act passed before W. Kennedy, Deputy Clerk and Ex-of t ficio Recorder, March 24, 1888; less E ten acres sold by Jones & Pickett, r Ltd., to Mrs. Max Miller, C. B. 43, f.folio 206; and less six and a half (6 ) acres sold by Jones & Pickett. Ltd., to Max Miller, C. B. - 45, folio 52. , Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., Ltd., C. B .39, folio 495. (8) A certain tract of land situ. ated in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing about fifty acres and situated about two f miles from Abita Springs and is a part of the Samuel Ott Spanish Grant and being in the sw qr of section 13, t tp 6 s, r 11 east, and is bounded on the north and east by the Bogue. e Falaya river, on the south by the section line dividing sections 13 and 24 and on the west by the western boundary line of the said Spanish Grant. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., e C. B. 39, folio 495. (9) All that portion of the south , east quarter of section ten (10) tp ,t six (6,) south, range eleven (11) f east, St. Helena Meridian, Parish of1 St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, lying east of the Lee Ferry- road, d cont'aining 80 acres more or less. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., i C. B. 40, folio 122. . '(11.0) We st half of ne qr of section one (1) tp 6 south, range 11 e east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 80 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., n C. B. 43, folio 14i3'etc. ,f (11) Southeast quarter of sec tion 15, tp 6 south, range 11 east,i r Parish of St. Tammany, State of r Louisiana, less thirty acres hereto 2 fore sold. - e Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., a C. B. 49, folio 243. 31 (12) Situated in the southwest' corner of the w hf of ne qr of sec Id 6, tp 6 south, range 12 east, Parish , of\ St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, starting from the corner post of the 1- aforesaid west corner 18 chains east, n thence 10 chains north, thence ten, chains west, thence ten chains south, :e to the corner of beginning. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., ., C. B. 63, folio 170. (13) Twenty (20) acres of land of lying and being in the Parish of St. td Tammany, State of Louisiana, and r- being designated as the east half if of the southwest quarter of the south in east quarter of section three (3), tp ), six (6) south, range eleven (11) it. east, and inbounded on the east by a- lands of P. Taylor, on the north by H. M. Roberts, on the south by E. I.. Frederick, and,on the west by lands of Harry Loyd. n- Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., 5) C. B. D-3, folio 222. ip (14) A certain piece or tract of i) land containing ten and one-eighth te (10 1-8) acres, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon 1. and situated in St. Tammany Parish, State of .Louisiana, said tract of land or is a portion of the west half of the nd se qr of sec 3, tp'6 south, range 11 .9, east; beginning at the northwest st, corner of the southeast quarter of said section and running south 90 de grees east, seven chains, thence C south ten degeres west, 19 chains, thence north 80 degrees west three c( chains and 75 1,nks, thence north o1 ten degrees east 19 chains to the C place of beginning. Si Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd, N C. B. D13, folio 222. B (15) One hundred and seven (107) acres and improvements, lots A one and two in section thirty-nine, S township six south, range fourteen east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. M Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (16) Two hundred and four (204) acres and improvements, s hf of se qr, se qr of sw qr of section thirty-one (3.1) township nine (9) south, range 13 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., v C. B. D-3, folio 222. (17) Three acres of land more or less lying and being situated in the Town of -Claiborne, Parish of St. di Tammany, State of Louisiana, said land forming a triangle and is bound ed as follows,to-'wit: One one side by Second Street and on another by Plum Street and on another by the River Bogue Falaya and a small bayou, according to a 'plan of sur vey made by W. H. R. Hangen, sur- at veyor. o Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (18) The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section eight (8), township five (5) south, 2: range eleven (11) east, containing forty (40) acres, situated in the Parish of St. Tammany,. State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., t C. B. D-3, folio 222. (19) A cartain tract of land o located in St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, being in the east half of southeast quarter of section three (3) township six (6) south, range eleven (11) east, and more particu larly described as follows: Being situated about five miles from Cov ington, La., on the Covirgton and Franklinton public road and east of the commissary store and turpentine still owned and operated by Jones & Pickett, beginning at a point' near said road on the east side of the 0 same about thirty or thirty-five feet s cast of a certain 'pine tree marked w with a cross (x) on three sides where a corner stake is driven and running P due north four hundred and twenty (420) feet; thence due east. four hundred and twenty (420) feet; thence south four hundred and twen ty (420) feet; thence west four hun dred and twenty (420),feet to the starting point at said stake, forming u a perfect square, and containing four (4) acres more cr lesa. 0 Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., a C. B. D-3, folio 222. (20) Commencing at a stake set seven (7) chains south 80 degrees C east of the northwest corner of se qr of se qr of. section 3, tp 6 s, range e 11 east, Greensburg, Parish 'of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, thence o south eighty degrees east, 13 chains and 72. links, to section line between 2 and 3; thence south seven chains n and forty-two links, thence north 80 degrees, west 15 chains add 16 links to a stake in road, thence north 10 degrees east to place of be ginning. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (2111 The southeast fractional qr of section 23, tp 6 s, r 11 e, and the lot No. 3 in section 28, tp 6 s, r 12 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 37,24 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 54, folio 47 ;C.;B. D-3, folio 2 222. (22) Four certain lots of ground r 'situated in the Town of Claiborne, of St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, designated according to a plan as lots Nos. 25, 26, 39 and 40, said lots 39 and 40 are bounded by Plum, MaRgnolia, Third and Fourth Streets. East of said lots 'being 166 1-2 feet square and' front on Third Street. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., t C. B. D-3, folio 222. (23) An undivided three-fourth a interest~in and to the nw qr of the c nw 1r of section 1, tp 6 a, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State t of,Louisiana, containing 40.41 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., i C. B. 54, folio 47; C. B. D-3, folio 225; C. B. 68, folio'72,. (24) An undivided three-fourths interest in the north half of nw qr of section 20, tp 6 s, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 80.15 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 54, folio 47; C. B. D-3, folio 225; C. B. 68, folio 72. (25) Northwest quarter of see. tion 28, tp 5 s, range 1,. east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. containing 160 acres: Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 226. (26) Northeast quarter of se qr and n hf of se gr, section 28, tp 59; range 10 east, Parish of St. Tam many, State of ,ouisiana, contain ing sixty acres. Acquired by Jones &. Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 227. (27) / Southwest quarter of ne qr of section 32, tp 5 s, range 10 east, Paarish of St. Tammafy, State of Louisiana, containing forty acres. SAcquired by Jones & Pickett, btd., C. B. D-3, folio 527. . (28) All that certain.lot or par cel of lynd situated in the addition ,I of New Claiborne, Parish of St. Tam ,many, State of Louisiana, above men tioned, to-wit: Block 63 measuring , 240 feet on the north along the line of 'Block 64; thence 240 feet along I Eleventh Street; thence west 240 feet along 'Bogue Falaya Avenue. i thence north 240 feet along Twelfth |Street to starting point; the same - containing eight lots as surveyed and P platted by John M. Yatps. I Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., V C .B. D-3, folio 222. y (29) West half of nw qr of sec . tion 26, tp 5 s, range 10 east, Parish s of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, containing 81.44 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 22.6 f (30) Fractional square No. 73 in h Bossier City subdivision, or Abita e Springs, Parish of St. Tammany, n State of Louisiana. , Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., d C. B. 54, folio 395. Le (31) The e hf of the nw qr of 1 section 30, tp i a, range 11 eas, it Parish of St. Tammany, State of SfLouisiana, containing 80.74 acres. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 69, folio 534. (32) All that certain lot or par cel of land situated in the addition of New Claiborne to the Town of Claiborne, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, to-wit: Block No. 50 bounded on the north by Block 51, on the east by Ninth Street, on the south by Bogue Falaya Avenue, and on the west by Tenth Street, the same measuring 240 feet square, 240x240, and containing 8 lots, as surveyed and platted by J. M. Yates. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. C-3, folio 297. (33) The following twelve (12) squares, situated in what is known as the Jones & Pickett Addition to the Town of Ramsay, Parish of St. rammany, State of Louisiana, to wit: Squares Nos. 1, 10, 113, 14, 15, 16, 17. Said addition to said town being platted out of part of the sw qr of section 17, tp 6 s, range 11 east. All as per plat'of said ad dition to said Town of FRamsay made October 9, 1907, by Howard Burns, surveyor, on file in tile Clerk's of lice of St. Tammany Parish, La. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (34) The following twenty-seve:l squares and fractional squares, situ ated in what is known as the Town of New Abita, Parish of St. Tam many, State of Louisiana, to-wit: Fractional square 3, squares 4, 6, 7, 35, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45; fractional squares 8, 1,, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 40. 41, 43, 44 and 46. Said town of New Abita being platted out of the west half of the se qr, less 17 acres cut out and ten acres, less 6 acres cut out from the west side of the ne qr of sw qr and s hf of se qr of sw qr, all in section 6, tp 7 south, range 112 east. All as per plat of said Town 'of New Abita made by Howard, Burns, surveyor, on October 19, 1907, on file in the Clerk's of fice of St. Tammany Parish, La. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3; folio 222. (35) The south half of the neo qr of section 2, tp 6 s, range 11 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Lou isiana, less the following 20 acres: Commencing 'at the northwest corner of said s hf then east 26 chains and set a stake on the side of the hill, witness an eight inch hickory N.64 degrees west 82 links, and a 26 incn pine n 30. degrees 30 minutes east 50 links; thence south 7.75 chains to a stake, witneis a stump s 65 de grees west 7 links, thence west 25.90 chains to a stake set on the west boundary line of said south half; thence north no degrees, thirty min utes west on saird lone 7.75 chains to the point of beginning, as per plat of survey made by Howard Burns, Parish7 Surveyor, containing twenty acres. Acquired by Jones' & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (36) 68.64 acres of land situat ed in the Paris hof St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, 'being lot No., 1 of the Jesse Page Claim, according to, a map thereof made by W. H. R. Hangen, Parish Surveyor, and an nexed to a deed made to Henry Page, August 4, 1891. Acquired by Jones & 'Pickett, Ltd., C. B. D-3, folio 222. (37) The ne qr of the ne qr of section 8, tp 6 south, range 12 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of ',ouisiana. Acquired by Jones & 'Pickett, Ltd.,. C. B. 43, folio 37. (38) An undivided one-half in terest in and to sw qr of se qr, and se qr of sw qr, section 11; e hf of nw qr; nw qr of ne qr, lots 7, 8, 9, section 14; lots 2, 8, 10, 11, section 23; all section 24; s hf of ne qr and se qr and ne qr, section 34, tp 6 s, range 115 'east, Parish of St. Tam many, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. B. 40, folio 282. (39) Ne qr; n,,hf of se qr, sec tion 1, tp 10 s, range 14 east, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Acquired by Jones & Pickett, Ltd., C. 'B. 40, folio 279. Terms-Cash. The purchaser at the moment of adjudication to make a deposit of ten per cent of the pur chase price. VICTOR LOISEL, United States Marshal, United States District Court, East ern District of Louisiana. Hall, Monroe & Lemann, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ludwig C. Heintz vs. Josephine Bradley. No. 3399. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. r Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of seizure and sale issued' out of the honorable Twupty Sixth Judicial District Court, and to me directed, bearing date the 9th day of May, 1921, I have seized and will offer for flale at the principal front door of the courthouse in the town of Covington, St. Tammany Parish, State of Louisiana, between legal sale hours for judicial sales, on Saturday, June 18, 1921, the following described property, to wit: All of vendor's right, title and in terest in and to the west half'of the southwest quarter of section 25; the west half of the northwest quarter of section 26, tp 6 south, range 10, containing 164.25 acres, together with all the buildings and Improve ments thereon. Also the north half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of sec tion 25, tp 6 south, range 10 east, Scontaining 162.62 acres. Said prop Serty being situated in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. Terms of Sale--ash, without ap praisement. - WALTER GALATAS, 1 ml4-6t Sheriff. DODSON'S LIVER TONE KILLS CALOMEI SALE a Don't sicken or salivate yourself a or paralyze your sensitive liver by taking calomel which is quicksilver. Your dealer sells each bottle of pleas , ant, harmless "Dodson's Liver Tone" under an ironclad money-'back guar 1 antee that it regulates the liver, , stomach and bowels better than calo f mel without making you sick-15 million bottles sold.--Adv. 2