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B ECAUSE you carry a policy of insurance does not always mean that you are insured. You must read your policy carefully and ascertain that the company which issued the policy is a solvent one. Few people do this,"'and that"is why we try as far as is humanly possible to write your policy carefully, and in first class companies. ROBT. L. AUBERT, INC. Covington, La. Thos. F. Millar ABITA SPRINGS GARAGE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS On All Makes of Cars, Tractors and Internal Combustion Engines Work Guaranteed Prices Moderate AUTO FOR HIRE BY HOUR OR TRIP Level Street Night Phone 33 ABITA SPRINGS,; LA. Day Phone 124-M Box 134 NOTICE. No trapping or hunting allowed on my land. Any one found trapping on my land will be prosecuted to full extent of the law, and will be held responsible for stock killed or hurt by traps. mr6 ROBT. H. VOSS. SHERIFF'S SALE. Sandy D. Bullodh vs. F. D. Antonio. No. 3383. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court. Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of seizure and sale, issued out of the honorable aforesaid court, and to. me directed, bearing dlate the 5th day of April, 1921, 1 iave seized, and will offer for sale at. public auction, to the last and highest bidder, at the principal front doorof the courthouse in the town of Covington, Louisiana, between legal sale hours for judicial sales, on Saturday, May 21, 1921, the following described property, to wit: A certain, piece or parcel of lanu situated in the Parish of St. Tam many, in section 17, tp 6 south, range 11 east, and more fully de' scribed as commencing at the south west corner of S. D. Bulloch's land and being a portion of the same property acquired by T. E. Brewster, - sheriff, as per deed recorded in con veyance book 42, page 17.6, thence running east 90 feet from starting point, thence north running along Holmeaville Road 396 feet to stake, thence running east 700 feet to stake thence running" south 324 feet to a stake, thence running west 700 feet to the point of beginning, together with all the buildings and improve ments thereon. - Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap praisement. WALTER GALATAS, ap16-6t Sheriff. PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION. ' Public notice is hreeby given to all the qualified voters in the town of Covington, Louisiana, that the regu lar biennial Municipal Election for the election of municipal officers for the Town of Covington, La., has been called and ordered by the Mayor and Town Couucil of the Town by Ordinance No. 81, dated and adopt ed May 3, 1921, such election being for the prupose of electing a Mayor, six Aldermen, one Day Marshal and one Night Marshal, to serve for the term of two years beginning from the first day of July, 1921. All citizens of Covington, La., who are qualified to tote at said election by the laws and constitution of the State and the charter of the Town, are hereby notified that said electiou will be held at the courthouse on Boston Street, in Covington, La., on June 21, 1921, and that the polls will open at 6 o'clock a. in., and colse at 7:00 o'clock p. m., and that said election will be subject to the same regulations and rules which govern the conducting of general elections, in so far as applicable, and the charter of the Town of Coving ton, La. Notice is also hereby given that dll persons desiring to become candi dates for any of the above office., shall on or before the 17th day of May, 192!1, at 12 o'clock m., file a Written declaration and notice of his candidacy, with the Town Clerk at the Town Hall or Mayor's Office, which declaration and notification shall set forth the fact that he (or she) is a citizen of the Town of Covington, La., and is a duly qualiSi ed elector under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, and under the chairter of the Town of Covington, La. Dated Covington La., May 3, 1921. ROBERT W. BADON, Mayor. Ordinance No. 81. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Tow nof Cov ington, La., in regular session con vened, That the regular biennial municipal election is hereby called and ordered to be held at the court house on Boston Street, in Coving ton, La., on Tuesday, June 21, 1921, between the nours of 6:00 o'clock a. m., and 7:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing one Mayor, six Aldermen, one Day Marshal and one Night Marshal. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That any person desiring to be come a candidate in said election for the office of Mayor, Alderman, Day Marshal or Night Marshal, shall on or before the 17th day of May, 1921, at 122:00 o'clock m., file a written declaration of his candidacy.with the Town Clerk at the Town Hall or Mayor's Office, on Boston Street, which declaration and notification shall set forth the fact that he is a citizen of the Town of Covington, and is a duly qualified elector under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, and under the charter of the Town of Covington, Louisiana. Section 3. Be it. further ordained, etc., That due public notice be given of the calling of this election, the ordering and holding thereof, and the Mayor of the Town of Coving. ton, La., is hereby authorized and in structed to give such notice of the same by inserting such in The St. Tammany Farmer, official journal o1 the Town, in which shall be stated the time, place and manner and pur pose of said election, and which shall be published for the period required by law. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That the Town Council shad meet on the 23d day of May, 19Zi at 3:00 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of selecting and appointin; commissioners and clerks of ele, tion, who shall conduct the same i:. accordance with toe provisions of tau charter of Covinugton, and the go., eral election laws, in so far as the,: are applicable. Section 5. Be it further ordained etc., That, the returns of said elec tion shall be made to the Town Coun cil and Mayor, and in accordance with law, aid that the result there, of be promulgated according to lawº Section 6. Be it further, ordained etc., That this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage Moved by A. R. Smith, Seconded by C. H. Sheffield, that the above ordinance be adopted. Yeas: Smith, Sheffield, Mackie Scho berg. Adopted May 3, 1921. ROBERT W. BADON, Mayor. L. A. PERREAND, Secretary. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Succession of Mrs. Emily Fuxa. No. 16 . Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order, to me directed, by the Honorable Prentiss B. Carter, Judge of the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, dated April 2S, 1921, I will proceed to sell, at pub lic auction, to the last and highest bidder, within, the legal sale .hours for judicial sales, at the residence of the deceased,. Mrs. Emily Fuxa, No. 1801 Jackson street, in the town of Covington, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, on Saturday, June 4, 1921, the following described property, to wit: Movables One lot of crockery and utensils, one oil stove, one safe, one wash stand, one dining table, one ice box, one small table, one wash pan, one mop, one broom, one duster, one small bed and bedding, one dresser, one washstand and set, one basket and work box, one bed and bedding. one dresser, one washstand, one taible, one -bowl and pitcher, two lamps, one picture, one cook stove, one. oil stove, one bed spring, one lot glass and crockery, one table, one colthes hamper, two saws, one bench, one furnace and stand, one wash board, one hatchet, one oil can, one bread box, one .ironing board, one mattress, one ladder, one oil can, one lot window shades, twenty-one chairs, two tables, one stand, two beds and bedding, one armoir, one washstand, one lounge, one bed, one washstand, one dresser, one 'wash stand set, one dining table, one kitch en table, one sideboarxd, one ice box, one cook stove, one table, one safe, fourteen chairs, one lot shades, one lounge, one table, one picture, one bed, one table, one towel rack, one dresser, one bed and bedding, one armoir, -one washstand, one side board, one ice Lox, one lamp, one table, one armoir, one bed and bed ding, one dresser, one washstand. two bowls and pitcher, one pictur; one cook stove, one table, one sac one lot pots, fifteen chairs, one tabil one dresser, one bed spring, one box, one 'washstand, one ta.b'e, . safe, one bed, one armoir, ue lia one kitchen table. Real Estate 1st. All that certain lot or p-, of land situated in the Town 'of C ington, St. Tammany Pari:lh,. and designated as lots Nos. 6 and in square No. 2306. Said lot No measures 60 feet front on 24th avr by a depth of oni hundred and fift (1150) feet betwean parallel line9 and front on Harrison street. Said lot No. 6 forms the corner of 24th ave. and Harrison st. Lot No. 7 meas ures 60 feet on 24th ave. by a depth of 150 feet, between parallel lines, and adjoins lot No. 6, as per plan of the Town of New Covington, made by P L.. Gusman, surveyor. Together P. ` P T UNU SIn y,,,our home. at l.ght? Yea, Edl l son's betied sunuahI,. Electric ) Iý y j ·Iight bI by far the cleaneet and best, S..;.,..;, e~ad in as that your home is not equipped come to as and let us con Tlace you of the small cost and its -superiority over all the other old = ·, Irfashiouedl lghting methods. St. Tammany Ice and Manufacturing Company, LIMITED. 666 quickly relieves Constipation, biliousness, loss of appetite and head aches, due to torpid liver.-Adv. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed-Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala.-Mrs. C. M. Stegall, of near here, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her re covery: "I was in a weakened con dition. I was sick three years in bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, netvous, depressed. I was so. weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work.. I was almost' dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe if I hadn't heard of and taken Cardui I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven't had any trou ble since ... I sure can testify to the good that Cardul did me. I don't think there is a better tonic made and I believe it saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardui successfully, in the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women -did, take Cardul. It may help you, too. At all druggists. E 85 with all the buildings and improve ments thereon. Being the same property acquired ,by the deceased Mrs. Emily Fuxa from the Succes sion of her sister, Mrs. Fournieur, as per }udgment recorded in the con veyance records of St. Tammany par ish, La., in booK .., folio.. 2d. A certain portion or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Town of Covington, St. Tam many Parish, State of Louisiana, in what is known as the Division of Spring, and described as follows: Three certain lots of ground in square No, 3, said lots form the cor ner of Washington and Monroe sts., having a front of 122 feet and 3 inches on Washington street, by a frontage of 201 feet 10 inches on Monroe street. Said lots being all of the south or east half of square No. 3, except one lot, No. 6, Which forms- the corner of Monroe and In dpstry streets, sold to Thaddius Tay lor. Together with the buildings ,and improvements thereon. , Being th esame property acquired by the deceased Mrs. Emily Fuca from the Succession of her sister Mrs. A. Fournier, as per judgment recorded in Conveyance Book .., folio .., of the records of St. Tammany Par ish, Louisiana. 3d. Two lots. of ground, together with all the buildings and improve ments thereon and all the rights, ways, privileges and servitudes and appurtenances theretuiito belonging or in any wise appertaining, desig nated ;by the Nos. 1 and a, in square No. 14, and being each cbrner lots in the Division of Spring, Town of Covington, Parish of St. Taimmany, State of Louisiana, lot No. 1 has a front of 60 feet on Jackson street, by a depth between parallel lines of 120 feet, and lot No., 2 has a front of 60 feet on Monroe street by a depth between parallel lines of 120 feet. Being the same property acquirel by the deceased Mrs. Emily Fuia from the Succession of her husband, Jos. Fuxa, as "per judgment of the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of the Parish of Ft. Tammany, La. 4th. All that certain lot or parcel of land situated ih the Town of Cov *ington, St. Tammany parish, State of Louisiana, and described as fol lows, to-wit: Two certain lots of ground and all rights, ways, servi tudes, privileges, land advantages thereunto belonging or in any wise apipertaining, measuring 120 feet front on Jackson street, by a depth of 120 feet, between parallel lines, being the two lots of' Square 14 in the Division of Spring, of said Town of Covington, that Victor Baptiste bought of Jules Cochier and Pierre Laborde, the said lots are more fully descri:bed as lots Nos. 7 and 8 of said square 14, in said Division of Spring. Being the same property acquired by the deceased Mrs. Emily Fuxa from Frank W. Hosmer, as per deed recorded in Conveyance Book "Y" folio 184, of the records of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Together with all the buildings and improvements thereon. Terms of Sale-Cash, at time of adjudication on movable property. same to be removed at once. On immovable property--Ternrs, cash. Purchaser to pay for the costs of all necessary certificates, war rev enue stamps, 1921 taxes and cost of act of sale before J. C. Cappel, Not ary Public. Ten per cent deposit non-interest bearing, required at the time of adjudication with EDWARD V. RICHARD, Executor and Auctioneer. Ellis & Cappel, Attorneyas. ap3O SMATHERNE'S POUtTRV & RAB BIT FARM Rayne Cottage, Abita Springs, La. Pure Bred Belgian Hares $3.50 a pair and up. DR. F. F. YOUNG, JR., Physician and Surgeon Oflces: Covington Bank Building. Hours: 9t30 to 11:30 a. m. 3 to 5 p. m. Calls Answered Day or Night Rub-My-Tism is a great pain kill er. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia Sprains, etc.-Adv. "NOTICE. ' The public is hereby warned' not to trespass in any way on the prop erty c~i the undersigned, located along :ne line of the N. O. G. N. and the Y. & M. V. R. R. and the Penn Mill pDblic road, immediately nortr, and northwest. oiCovington, La. Trespasers will be prosecuted to the fai.l extent of the law. Snl-Lf HARVEY E. ELLIS. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned an I prohibit.d from cutting, -burning deadening-, carrying or floating away or cthlerwise injuring or destroying any trees, timber or wood growing or lying upon the lands of the under saigne:l. They are also prohibited from Lunting, fishing or trapping with iog, gun or torch or trespass ing In any way on lands belonging to the undersignedR E. P. ROBERT. H. H. MAYFIJCLD. H. J. MAYFIELD. R. A. ORR. JAS. PROVOST. GEO. H. GAUSE. NOTICE. All Ierson Sare prohibited from trespassing upon the lands of Mrs. M. Lonbat Williams ;in the town 't Abita Springs. Any one caught cut ting trees or wood will be prosecu: ed in full accordance with the law IM. LOUBAT WILLIAMS. NOTICE. All persons are prohibited from trespassing upon the lands of C. L. Bike-, known as the Deitrich tract, about eon mile northwest of Slidell, and irlm cutting any trees or tim ber on said lands or hauling any wood therefrom, or tacking or nail ing any advertisements or notices on any o_ the trees. Ten dollars rs ward will be paid for information, and ionvicton of any one trespass ing oh said lands. C. L. BAKER, no724-18 Slidell, La. I, the undersigned, forbid a!l hunting. trapping and trespassi'ng on my lands. Anyone caught so doing will be punished to the full extent of the law. Janl-19 JAS. BARRINGER. NOTICE. All ,persons are hereby warned and prohttited from cutting, burn'ng, deadening, carrying or floating away injuring or destroying any trees, timber or wood growing or lying up on the lands of the undersigned, on the lake front from Lewisburg to th: Tchefancta river, formerly known as Amand Marigny and McQuinn tra.t, and are also prohibited from fisling, hunting or trapping with dog or torch or tresspassing in any way on lands belonging to the undersigned. One hundred dollars reward will je paid for information and conviction of trespassers. H. H. HEDDEN, P. O. Box 678, July 18, New Orleans, La. The undersigned forbid all hunt ing, trappling or trespassing on their lands. Anyduo caught doing so wiu be punished to the- full extent of the law. QUEEN & CRESCENT LUB. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine A Bewarel Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for twenty one years and proved safe by milli ons. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Head ache, Neura!gia, Rheumatism, Ear ache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark I of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacst-I eacl~e.eter of Salicylicacid. It Is. Oft Times the Unexpected That Happens! When Unprepared The Emergency Frequently Materializes! We are not Alarmists ONLY Speakers of the Truth! Do not let the fire alarm sound Without a Fire Insur ance in Your Hands! "NILSON-FREDERICK CO. LTD., Covington La. L PEOPLE'S BAKERY LoUIS DAVID, JR., Proprietor BREAD DELIVERED DAILY, Rye Bread made to order Phone 13 SAoneifle & Sons Barery in (Near the Public Sehool), 'r We have and will continue to hav the t. largest bread. Delivered daily all over the j 1' town. Also pies, rolls and candy. Phone 48 , Southern Industrialife Insurance & Burial Associatiqon, Inc. HOME OFFICE, COLUMBIA AND BOSTON STS., COVINGTON, LOUISIANA. Insuros Men, Wames and Okildren agualst f... by ekaas. asWMlet amd 4d.ta. All Under One Polfe toe and lek iPamems J. A,. TANGA, Pres. ERNUST P8RIN®, VwnPrs. J. BLLIOT 8MANGA, Secretary adl T ~l. , ST. SCHOLASTICA'S ACADEMY COVINGTON, LA.i Boarding and Day School for Girls and Young Ladies Conuduatu br the BHNEDICTINE BJITrKr5a - __ _' We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public have in 666 Chill and Fever Tonkc. -Adv. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTN. It is very essential that you sign your name to all correspondence sent to this office for publication. It yuo do not wish your name published just state that fact at the conclusion of your correspondence.~Editor. PROCLAMATION. Pursuant to tbe authority vested in me by an ordinance adopted by the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany, on the 12th day of April, 1921, I, J. B. Howze, President of the Police Jury, hereby give notice that an election will be held in the Town of Mandeville, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana, on the 25th day of May, ,1921, as set forth in the following abstract of said ordinance: "Sectionl1. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tam many, in legal session convened, That an election shall be, and is hereby called to be held in the said Town of Mandeville, on the 25th day of May, 1921, at which election a ma jority of the porperty taxpayers of said town, in number and amount, eligible to vote and voting, shall de termine the: "Proposition tc. incur debt and is sue bonds therefor in behalf of the Fourth Ward, in the hum of $25,000, to run for a period of twenty years from date and to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from date until paid, payable annually or semi-annually, to dig a channel at the'mouth of Bayou Casting; to con struct a revetment for the protection of said channel; to build wharves and make all necessary and proper improvements along said Bayou, in order to make said 'Bayou sufficient in size to receive and accommodate barges, schooners, motor boats and every other kind of vessel." Said election shall ¶e held at the regular polling 'booth in the Town. of Mandeville, and the following commissioners and clerk of election are appointed to preside at election: Clerks: Paul Esquinance, C. A. David; commissioners, W. G. Davis, Lucas Prieto, Geo. Smith, each being a registered voter. Notice is hereby further given that on the 26th day of May, 1921, the first day following such election, at eleven o'clock a. m., the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Tammany will meet at the office of said body in ithe Town of Covington, and there, in, public session, open the ballot boxes, examine and count the votes, both Ps to number and amount, and examine and canvas the returns and declare the result of the election and pro mulgate the same. Given on this 12th day of April 1921, at Covington, Louisiana. J./B. HOWZE, President. A true copy. F. J. MARTINDALE, Secretary. SUTO IESSIN NOTIiE. Succession of John M. B. Munro. No. 180. Twenty-Sixth Judicial Dsitrict Court, Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana. Whereas, Dr. R. B. Paine has pe- I titioned the Court for letters of ad ministration pn the estate of the late John M. B. Munro, deceased, in testate: Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern to show cause within seven days, wiyv the prayer of the said petitioner should not be grant ed, and why ,e description and valu ation of the said estate should not be approved and homologated. By order of the Court. m7-2t GUY A. SMITH, Chief Dy. Clerk of Court, . Professional Cards ROWAR BUNmA PARI1sH mURVETOR Own Unilaeer Ml. H. M. IMMiE R yý - Graduate Midwife 1112 26th Avenue Telephone 280 Oovington, I. MRS. J. BERNE Regiatered Nuse RssBedsne on Military Road4 Phone 7,a . W 8 R. J. LPPJ LR. I. N Graduate New Orleans 9rnita44sm. 'Phone 58 PildMU, la. MRS. J. BERCIER Mandertlile. Ta. Practical Narbse-.anae Treasmneat Wll answer calls to any place. HE>ZaiE D. BULIAOC Phyaydlan and Surgeon Office Located at Bulloch's Drug Store " Reddence: . or. Lbakwoed and Plorida Streets. Phones: Office, 16;. Residence 38J. COVINGTON, IAOUILANA L a. F~(NYTU. w cotlsIto0-1i:e to :50 oa.. p n. Phoma s44 ------ SIDNEY W. PROVENSAL Attorney At law Notary Puble BANK BLDG., SLIDELL, LA. L. V. COOLEY, JB. Attorney At law Notary Public POLK BLDG,, SLTDELL, LA. J. MONROE SIMMONS Attorney At law. Notary Public Southern Hotel Building OVIN&TON, LA. A. J. FINNEY. Attorney At law Notary Public. Office: Boston Street; opposite the Courthouse. COVINGTON, LA. LEWIS L. MORGAN Southern Hotel Building Covington, lougnisana. C. SIDNEY FREDERICK Attorney-lt-Law-Notary Publlc Office in Bradley Building, opposte Commercial Bank & Trust Co. Covington, Ia. uMalU £ BURMS AMhAgeayn sld ameuenbls at law Gosington BLank Banslln YEOMAS IL B..ttN - AUgwnm~ at law lygM nW Vowaigoa on a A a Comanyr BUnlidlas. TA.I . O. I .14 5 Atormner atu . .w ed De~ialt. owe feo u. . S a.. r~o , m. sideameo No. 4tz SiS" Aves,, TIW e blo~t from ui~b1lr erbonl mtl4+. lnaru 13 to 4. P'o1Q m9a S1K. . WARRh W (lovfnirog, La Oa*ee: t19 Columa t itj a.t.. Ofcee Phone (1. Reqlde eo boane i nR. -. W. GORIMtR. ortlagtom. Lab(.r a Rourse a as i i t.' , " s 3r3. Uemthae r atel We is flit?. DR. ROBERT B. WARREN Graduate Veterinarian Res. Phone 828 Ofce Phone 410 HAMMOND, LOUISIANA 606 cures Malarla. Chlls, anad Fever, BRious Pever, Colds and IA., Grippe. It kills the paratite that eauses the fever. It is a laxative aid eneml tmle,--A.4V.