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- ARE YOU BUYING YOUR SHO ES AT TIlE RTIGHT PLACE? DO YOU GET A fYLEL THAT MAKES YOUR FOOT LOOK TRIM? DO THEY HURT YOUR FEET? DO THEY GIVE YOU LONG WEAR? THE SHOFS SHSHALL SELL YOU WILL PLEASE YOU IN STYLE; THEY W.ILL NOT HURT YOUR FEET; THEY IW ILL WEAR A LONG TIME. THE PRICES ON OUR SHO S ARE NEVER HIGHER THAN THE QAULITY. EVEN T:IOUGH YOU PAY US A SHORT PRICE THE SHOES YOU WI1LL GET FROM US WILL GIVE IOU LONG WEAR. UO U EOUR HOSE IS "TASTY"; IT " WEARS"; WE MAKE THE RIGHT "PRICE." W.Ve have just received 2000 yar ds of Cotton Goods. To accommo date those who were shut out of this prize bargain at our recent sale, we put it on at 13 yards for ONE I)OLLAR. Army mosquito bars, regular $6.50 values, at ................. .$1. 25 AND DON'T FORGET THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING DE PRTMENT WHERE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF MILLINERY IS DIS PLAYED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE COVINGTON'S BIG STORE To get what you want When you want it Deal at BULLOCH'S DRUG STORE Telephones 16 and 9105 - A trial will convince you Personal and Local News .. Pr Miss Boudousquie, Society Editor RT.P PMn Mra William MPvprs' Mn' CR 1 Qhiilt, and littlD ann BORN-To Mrs. William Meyers, n May 12 ,1921, a girl. BORN-To Mrs. 4v. C. Huckaby, in Baton Rouge,. La., Thursday May 12, 1921, a boy, M. C., Jr. The Matrons held their weekly -meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. S. Burns, the first prize having been awarded Mrs. C. S. A.-Fuhrmann, consollation, Mrs. H. K. Goodwyn, guest prize Miss Gabie :Boudousquie. Mrs. Burns had as ier guests Misses Marie Louise Stev enson and Gable Boudousquie. The next meeting of the club will be at t the home of Mrs. H. D. Bulloch. The Evening 5OO. Card Club met SWednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burns, the ladies' first prize being awarded Mrs. Harry ;.,,Warner, gentlemen's first prize to " Mr. larry Warner, consolation prize Mr. Ralph N. Menetre. Mrs. L. Miles returned Tuesda:.' . from New Orleans where she has been for several weeks, having un .dergon'e treatment at Hotel Dieu. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. Smith, and sister, Miss Fanny Cook. Mrs. Montegut, Miss'Emma Monte gut, Miss Jarro it and Misses Mar guerite and Leonie Lareau, of'Tew Orleans,'and Mr:;. Gaspard, of Cutt Off, La., were. recent guests at the Masicot" cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H.-Locke, have returned to their home in Birming ham, Alla., after several weeks spent here as the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burns. Miss Kat'e Smart has returned to her home in New 6rleans after a visit of two weeks to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grant. , Mi::s Doris Smith returned Sunday afternoon to New Orleans after ,hav ing spent four days 'here with her father. Mr. C. L. Smith. Mr: I. . D .Buloch has returned from Alexandria, La., where she at-I tended the convention of the Eastern: Star held there. Miss Wilmuth Warren returned Monday morning to New Orleans hav' ig spent the week end with her parents. Dr. an, Mrs. B. B. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Grenier and family have arrived and taken pos session of their summer home on Jahn.'ke Avenue for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Theriot have returned to their home in Houma, La., after two weeks spent here as, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dutscli. Miss Eleanora Saurez returned to New Orleans Sunday afternoon after two ,veeki spent here with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Surgi. Mrs. Roland Budd, of Boston, Mass., formerly Miss Alma Smith of this place, and little daughter, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Smith. 1 Mrs. C. R. Schultz and little son returned Sunday morning to their I home in Amite after two weeks spent. here with Mr. and Mrs. A. Frederick. She was accompanied to Amite by her sister, Miss Eva Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy H. Smith- have as their guest Mr.PFrank D. Beever., who until recently made his- home with the late Mr. R. C. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Greenlaw pass ed through Covington during this week, and while here were .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Lyon. Miss Lillian LeGardeur, of New Orleans, and M:. Pintard Texada, of Boyce, La., were week end guests of Mr. anA Mrs. Ralph N. Menetre. Mr. and Mrs. Numa Hebert were guests last Sunday of Dr. andy Mrs. N. M. Hebert. Mr., Robt. L. Aubert, of Gulfport, Miss., spent several days, here during the past week on busings.: Mrs. S. Logan Belknap 'has re turned to her home3in New Orleans after a visit of several drays to her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Hardy tl. Smith. Mrs. Philip Burns and Mrs. F. F. Young, Jr., returned Tuesday even- ing from New Orleans, where they spent two days as guests of Miss Mamie Unswcrth. Mrs. W. L. Stevenson and Miss Marie Louise Stevenson were New Orleans visitors Tuesday. MrsS. S. J. Newman has returned from New Orleans where she visited relatives for sevral days. Judge 'and Mrs. P. B. Carter and District Attorney J. Vol Brock, of Franklintoin, attended thd session of the District Court in Covington the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A: V. Smith and in teresting little family have moved to Slidell where they will-rpside. Mrs. Smith was one of the ieaders in the soc!al- affairs of Covington, and her many friends will rkr~it her de parture. Miss Daisy Bertus, of New Or leans, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Prevtost. Mr. Jacob Seller attended the -es sion of the Postmasters' Convention held in New- Orleans Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. C.- E. Scnonbegr was a New Orleans visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grant have re turned from Wavelanid, M'ss., after a visit of several weeks spent there as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fournier. Mrs. F. S. Whiteside, of Atlanta, Ga., ,is spending a -while with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey E. Ellis, at their country home near Govington. MRS. JOSEPT. BARRERE, SR. The sudden death of Mrs. Joseph Barrere, Sr., in New Orleans, May 16, 11921, recalls to memory a former resident of Covington. For the past eleven years Mr. and Mrs. Barrere have lived in Delta, Colo., where their youngest son is located. Three months ago they were called to New Orleans, on ac count of the serious illness of their eldest son. During the past month he died. It is believed the anxiety caused by her son's critical condi tion, the long trip South, together with the shock and grief of his death, veakened her condition and brought on complications that caused her death. Besides her husband Mrs. Barrere is survived by two sons, Joseph, Jr., of New Orelans, Ber nard, of Delta, Colo., and four grand children. WILLIS EMILE JENKINS. Died at his home near Blond, L:t., April 30, 1921, at 6 p. m., Willis Emile Jenkins, beloved son of B. F. Jenkins and the late Mary C. Trim. H'e .was born near Franklinton, La., October 29, 1896. Besides his father he leaves one sister, Mrs. C. R., West morlen, of Franklinton, and -a host of relatives and friends. He had been in ill health for a number of years. HIs remains were laid to rest at San Pedro Baptist Church, at Franklinton, La., May 2, 1921. METHODIST CHURCH ANNOUNCE Ml5TS. : Next Sunday, May 22,..s our:regu lar day at Covington. Preaching at 11 a. m. and -7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. We will preach at Folsom at 3:30 p. m. Next Friday evening, May 27, at the school auditorium, will be a Christian Education Rally: Our Pre siding Elder and Doctor Lutz, of Shreveport, will be present. We, will preach at Madisonville next Wednesday, May 25, at 7:30. in the evening. L. R. SPARKS, Pastor. THIS WEEK STATIONERY 1 Pound Linen Paper - - 35c Envelopes to match - - 15c Let us supply you your ICE CREAM at dinner time. Ice Cream, any flavor, pint - 40c " " " quart - 75c SERVICE is feature of our business that has won us friends. We are here to serve you. i ! SCHOOL BOARD. (Continued from page 1) Committee, met in the office of the Superintendent on the night of the above date and examined and ap proved bills to the amount of $747.76. Respectfully, N. H. FITZSIMONS, H. H. LEVY, DAVE EVANS, Executive Committee. Moved by Mr. Oswald, seconded by Mr. Bancks, that the First Ward School Director and the Superintend ept be authorized to complete the Sand H-ill school building. Expenses to come from Sand Hill and First Ward Special School Funds. Carried. Moved by Mr. Oswald, seconded by Mr. Talley, that in advertising for bids for the operation of school transfers for the session of 1921-22, that the Superintendent shall ask for bids for -the operation of the transfer over the Lee Road from the Secqid and Third Ward lines to the Covington high school, and also bids for operating over the same route that is now being covered by the same transfer. Carried. The following ccmmunicatibon from the Covington School Improvement League was received: Covington, La., May 10, 1921. ro E. E. Lyon, Superintendent of Education, St. Tammany Parish. Dear Sir:--At a *meeting of the School League held May 2, the re appointment of Mr. A. J. Park as principal of the Covington High School was endorsed and a -motion made and carried to send a letter to each member of the School Board, notifying them of this action, and request your careful consideration. Very sincerely, SCHOOL LEAGUE, Mrs. C. H. Sheffield, President. Mrs. J. C. Burns, Secretary. Several petitions were also receiv ed asking for the reappointment of Prof. A.-J. ParK as principal of the Covington High School for another school session. The petitions were received and ordered placed on file. T L IKE A VOLCANO in a. tion, fire frequently bursts without warning upon a community. Only by sound in surance can you be indemnified for the losses it may bring to you. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company has stood between its customers and losses for more than a century. It will promptly reimburse you for fire damage if you buy its insurance pro tection. The Hartford's Fire Preven tion Engineers will help you, through this agency, to remove. perils which cause fire. Nilson-Frederick Co. Covington, La. A request was received from the teachers of the Oak Grove school asking that they might ,be allowed to teach an extra day at the close of the term to make up for the day's salary they lost by .being absent from the teachers' institute held in Slidell op February 4. It was moved by Mir. Oswald, seconded by Mr. Bancks, that this request be not granted. Carried. A communiciation was read from Mr. F. F. Wigginton stating that as he had moved from the Ninth Ward he would not be able to serve this board as a member of the Building Committee appointed at the last meeting, to have in charge all mat ters in conenctioii with the erection of the parish training school for ne groes. Moved by Mr. Talley, sec onded .by Mr. Keller, that the Ninth Ward School Director, and the Sup erintendent, be authorized to ap point some one to fill this vacancy. Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded ,by Mr. Oswald, that in view of the fact that strong complaint has come from. St. Tammany neighborhood of ward six objecting to the Peace Grove school house being used for pulblic dances, that the board go on record as being opposed to dancing in the public schools of the Sixth IWard, and hereby instruct all, school teach ers and trustees of that ward not to permit the school hbuses to be ustd for this purpose. Carried unanimously. Moved' by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. O'Keefe, that the fololwing men be appointed as trustees of the Peace trove school, in the Sixth Ward, to serve until their scucessors are choa en: Frank Fogg, Allen Welsch and Jesse Smith. Carried. A request being -read from the pri mary teacher of the Savannah Branch "school asking that she be paid for the three weeks coming be tween the dates of the 'burning of the school house and the end of her contract. It was thoved by, Mr. Os wald, seconded by Mr. O'Keefe, that in view of the fact that the house had seen burned, and the school closed through no fault of' this board, that they consider themselves as not be ing responsible for the teachers' sal aries for the balance of the term and for that reason the request of the teacher coulad not be granted. Carried. Moved by Mr. Bancks, seconded by Mr. Oswald, that the Superintendent be instructed to 'pay $10 per month for five months for the rent of the Pearl River Methodist Church that was used for class room pu'rposes the nrst 'part of the year. Upon. roll call all members voted in the afltrm ative excepting Mr. Levy, of the Fourth Ward. Moved by Mr. Bancks, seconded by Mr. Oswald, that the Superintendent be instructed when advertising bor bids for operation of transfers for the session of 1921-22 to, ask for separate bids for a term of one, two and three years, and the board re serving the right to reject all bids, or to 'accept a bid for one, two or three years. Carried. At 12 o'clock, upon motion duly seconded, it was voted to adjourn until one-thirty p. m. Promptly at one-thirty the meet ing was called to order by N. H. FitzSimons, president, who called Mr. Dutsch, the vice-president, to the chair. Moved ,by Mr. FitzSimons, second ed by Mr. Levy, that, Mr. A. J. 'Park be elected as the principal of the Covington High School for the ses sion of 19211-22. Upon roll call the following members voted in the af firmnative: Dutscr.n, FitzSimons, Levy, Keller. Those voting in the nega tive: O'Keefe, Talley, Bancks, O.s wald and Evans, and the motion was declared lost. Upon motion by Mr. Talley, sec onded by Mr. Bancks, it was ordered that the bids for the erection of the parish training school for negroes to be built in the town of Slidell be opened. Upon opening the bids it was found that the lowest bid was for snore money than was available for this purpose, and upon motion by Mr. Oswald, seconded by Mr. Bancks, it was voted that all bids be rejected and the building committee be an thorized to re-a Ivertise for bids. Moved 'by Mr. Bancks, sleconded by Mr. O'Keefe, that the Superintendent be authorized to secure a large ceil in g far for use at the School Board office. Carried. Mr. FitzSimons, the president, ca!l ed the board's attention to the fact that this parish was soon to lose the services of a Home Demonstra tion Agent, and recommended that the School Board appropriate $900 out of the next year's funds, as the parish part of the salary for such an I agent, to begin w:th July 1. No mo COVINGTON BANK & TRUSTCOMPANY Covington, La. St. Tammany's illion Dollar Bank The money a WIFE has bank ed has many times saved her hus band from business failure. That's all the time. WE INVITE YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. COVINGTON BANK & TRUST COMPANY Covington, La. St. Tammany's Million Dollar Bank tion being made to that effect, the matter was dropped. Moved by Mr. Oswald, seconded by Mr. Talley, that Mr. Lewis L. Mor gan, attorney for the School Board, be authorized anl instructed to take such action as may be necessary to secure payment for all lumber, tim ber and wood of whatsoever nature that may have been .taken without permission from this board from the ten-acre site puirchased from Walter and Warren Pierce for the purpose of building a school for colored peo pie at Sun, La. Carried. The following resolution was in troduced by Mr. Bancks, who moved its adloption. It was seconded by Mr. O'Keefe. Whereas, it appears thiat this board will require certain funds to meet salaries due and to become due be tween now and the end of the pres ent fscal year, and until the amount due from the sources of our regular school funds can be realized upon, either by collection throughout the parish, dr by state apportionment, and -E PUT ME IN THE BANK LISTEN TO THE LADY ON THE DOLLAR. Before you spend that -silver dol lar, hold it to your ear. Listen to the message from the lady on the dollar, She says: "Save me. Put me in the bank. The bank will pay you interest all the time that I am there. Whenever you need me, I can be taken out again. I'm'ready to help you in any emergency. So ddn't spend me. Put me in the bank!" Open a savings account at this friendly bank. You can open an ac count with one dollar or more. We pay four per cent interest. THIS BANK WILL HELP YOU TO SAVE BY ADD ING FOUR PER CENT IN TEREST SUBJECT TO THE U S U AL REGULATIONS. COVINGTON MANDEVILLE Teach Your Dollars Cents! * - U Whereas, according to Section 62 bf Act 120 of the General Assembly of 1916, this board is especially au thorized to, borrow money to meet current expenses and to pledge the revenue of the current year, there fore be it Resolved, That the president of this board be and he is hereby au thorized to negottate with the fiscal 'agent, the Covington IBank & Trust Company, of Covington, Louisiana, for a loan of $15,000.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary to meet salaries, etc., now due and to be come due until such time as the taxes shall be collected according to law, for the payment of the said loan. The revenue to be pledged for the payment of this loan is-the regular, or general, fund of the Par ish School Board. Adopted unanimously. On motion, d-ily seconded, it was voted to adjourn subject to call. N. H. FITZSIMONS, President. ELMER E. LYON, Secretary.