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The St. Tammany Farmer D. H MASON - - - - - Bditor and Proprietor Entered at the Covington postotfice as Second-Class Matter. PUTTING THE IO)AD ON THE SHOULDERS OF HARD TIMES. Meeting emergencies brings out the caliber of a man. The small bore singel barrel rifle, the old muzzle-loading musket, the wooden hull vessel -all answered their purpose when we couldn't do better and when com petition was on the same basis. They will not do to-day. So it is with business methods. The merchant of to-day has learned that standing behind the counter and welcoming buyers with the glad hand as they come into the store is a very small part of his trade relations with the community. He has learned that his patronage is limited by the amount of money earned by the people who do business with him. Communities are putting their efforts into fecuring pay rolls; into increasing produc tion; into creating conditions that encourage a higher social life and a desire for the things that make life worth living. Naturally the business man of the city has advantage of the farmer in solving commercial problems. Educational opportunities have always been right at his door. At breakfast or in the evening the daily papers tell him all that 'has happened the day before. He reads the opinions of the greatest financiers and the greatest business men on situations that arise or the probabilities of the future. He keeps in touch with the probable demand for cotton, 'feeds and produce of all kinds. He studies the future demand as well as the present, and under the old system he paid just as little as he could for what he bought and got Just as much as he could for what he sold. It is different to-day. It has been learned that in order to build up and maintain business there must be prosperity in all the surrounding field from which the business comes. To-day, agriculture is the greatest resource of St. Tammany parish. If the merchant could force the farmer to pay any price he demanded for his goods and could force the farmer to accept any price that might be fixed for his products, there would be one year of prosperity for the merchant, but next year he would be bank rupt as well as the farmer.' The business man knows this, and he knows that his greater success depends largely upon his co-operation with the farmer. lIe believes in organization of farmers' associations and com munity clubs and farm and club agents and most of the methods that ex perience has proven successful in bettering the condition of the farmer; but he has not applied the principle to the extension of his own business to the extent that he should. The business men should get solidly together in a movement for the betterment of farm conditions, both socially and in a business way. There should be a parish organization of business men with the object of market!ng, studying market demands, transportation, packing, disease control and financial problems of the farmer. A fund could be raised to employ an expert to work on these problems, and the money thus spent would be a paying investment for the merchant. All this is bound to come in time. and the farmer could hasten this time if he would attend the meetings that will take place from time to time in his interest. There will be one of these meetings, probably on the 6th of August. Whatever date can be fixed, we will announce it in The Farmer. Among. other speakers, will be Dr. Wilkinson of the State Farm Extension Bureau. l here is no more honest or energetic worker for the bedter ment of the farmer than Dr. Wilkinson, and we believe few have a better understandung of the needs of the farm. Slidell has been working hard to turn the energies of the-farmer into paying channels, and Henry Kelier, * as a farmer, is joining in the work for this improvement, as are quite a number of ifiading faimers. Cotington, as the parish-seat, certainly can not do less than Slidell in so important a matter. It is urged, to show the farmer that we are in earnest in the matter and that we are willing to join harfis with him in bringing about better conditions, that on the day of this meeting all business houses close dur lug the time of the meeting and that all business men attend the meet ing with the farmers. This is one way of putting the load on the should ers of Hard Times. In other words, let the necessity for doing some thing be turned into a blessing by the results of this meeting. 0. YET TO BE FIGURED OUT.. Our invcttment in reads is large enough to require special attention in management. St. Tammiany parish offers a problem in road upkeep that is full m'fn size. The roads cover a large territory that is sparsely settled and much of it not rapidly drained. To keep cost Within means requires that prompt attention should be given following heavy rains, such as we i lave just had. Therefore any plan adopted would be subject to this provision. A road supervisor has charge of such matters in most counties of the states, but it seems to us, with the conditions we have to combat, and : :ith,the experience we had when the.roads were-worked by contract, that such an officer could not meet the requirements with the force and equip ment that could be maintained with the funds available. We believe the present system would be greatly strengthened f a road rider were em ployed to be constantly on the road to report to each member any por tion of the road in his ward that needed attention. In order to get re sults from this system, each ward member should have a team and driver at his command and a gravel supply somewhere within reasonable haul ing distance. It must be taken into consideration that a police jury member gets nothing for his services and at the very time that road work should be done may be verf busy with important affairs of his own. He should 'have the means to carry on the road work. If the public would note the bad places in the roads as they travel over them and report the situation and extent of repair needed to the member of that ward, it would be a -great help. Whatever plan may be adopted, roads cannot be maintained without the expenditure of money. It Is a question of adopting some plan that will keep the expense down as much as possible and at the same time keep the roads in good condition. If each wa.rd maintained its own outfit for road working, then a road supervisor might get to work on road repair in various wards of the parish at the same time, after a rain or in case of emergency work needed at bpposite ends of the parish. As the labor situation is to-day, it seems possible that men could be found in each ward where repair is needed, without much delaiy. PROCEEDI NGS OF POLICE JURY. (Continued on page 2) St. Tanunany Good Roads Bond Fund. Balance June 1 ...... 33728.2S Tax receipts ......... 702.40 Int. on daily balances. . 320.98 34751.66 Retired bonds and int.. 33375.00 Balance June 31 ..... 1376.66 St. Tanunany Good Roads Bond Tax Account. Balance June 1 ...... 9933.36 Tax receipts .......... 191.5S Int. on daily balances.. 123.1C Balance June 31 ...... 1023~.04 Clerk's Salary Fund. Balance June 1 ...... 1.64 Reeceipts .......... .. 609.45 611.09 Disbursements ....... 611.09 GEO. KOEPP, JR,. Parish Treasurer. It was moved and seconded that the Treasurer's report be accepted. Carried. The following report was read: Statement of Walter Galatas, Tax Collector, for June. State Tax Regular ............. 326.44 Veteran ............. 47 10 School .............. 93.26 Parish Tax Crifinal fund ........ 34.77 Road fund ........... 139.09 School fund ......... 208.64 General fund ........ 69.54 Corporation Tax Criminal Fund ....... 11.81 Road fund ........... 47.21 School fund ......... 70.81 School tax ward 1 . . .. 59.23 School tax ward 2 .... 10.84 School tax ward 3 .... 180.87 School tax ward 4 .... 6.18 School tax ward 5 .... 13.48 School tax ward 6 .... 5.20 School tax ward 8 .... 22.94 School tax ward 9 .... 53.89 School tax ward 1tV)... 32.03 Special road tax ...... 326.91 State license ......... 163.35 State license interest.. 5.93 Parish license ........ 14.85 Severance license ..... G.10 Poll tax ............... 1.98 aheriff's costs ..... . 19.75 Interest on State Taxes: Regualr ............. 18.26 Veteran .............. 2.63 School . .............. 5.21 Sheriff's costs .0...... . 80.54 Commissions ......... 1.'71 Total amount available. 209 9.; Amounts availabel to each fn.!: Criminal ........... . 4 6. Regular, road ........ 186.3 School .............. 66... General ..... ....... .. 84.3' Special road .......... .. 326 Sheriff's salary ....... 11 1 .6 State .................... 669 S Total ........ ...... 2099.83 I, Walter Galatas, tax collector for the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, do solemnly swear 'that the above is a correct statement of all taxes, etc., collected by me for ;he above mentioned funds from the 1st day of June, 1921 to the 30th day of June, 1921, inclusive., WALTER GALATAS, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of July, 1921. GUY A. SMITH, Deputy-Clerk of Court. It was moved and seconded' that the sheriff's report be accpted. Carried. The following report of the Com mittee on Finance was read: We,- the Finance Committee, have examined bills of road fund amount ing to $2204.29 and bills of the Par ish fund amounting to 3683.23, and finding them correct have ordered same paid. M. P. SCHNEIDER, EMILE SINGLETARY, Finance Cdmmittee. .It was moved and seconded that the *Finance Committee's report be' accepted. Carried. Following Is the list of bills order ed paid: Parish Fund. St. Tam. Ice & Mfg. Co.... 19.37 A. A. Parker ........... 26.00 W. E. Blossman ........ 240.09 King-Hannaford Co., ..... 25.70 James Galouye ...a ...... 30.00 F. J. Martindale ..... 4.:5 L. L. Morgan ........... 15.00 Walter Galatas, sheriff ... 150.76 Champion Supply Co., ... 70.20 A. A. Saxon ............ 7.50 St. Tammany Farmer .... 46.20 Mrs. L. Miles ,.......... 105.75 Clerk of Court .......... 9.50 Bulloch's Drug Store ..... 1.00 Felix Curr6w .......:... 20.00 J. Vol Brock ........... 80.00 Covington Bank & T. Co... 5.00 Miss N. Pharris ......... 67.09 S. G. Seal .............. 24.00 Road Fund, H. J. Smith's Sons ....... 3.30 Southern Creosoting Co.,.. .43 Salmen Brick & Lbr. Co.,.. 27.70 P. M. Dutruch .......... 17.98 Poitevent & Favre Lbr. Co., 25.00 Geo. Frosch, overseer .... 172.30 Zack Sharp ............. 5.00 Neuhauser Bros., ......... 12.05 G. B. Garlott ........... 15.50 J. B. Porter ............ 45.50 C. M. Brooks ........... 37.50 J.. B, Howze, Jr., ........ 45.00 Joe Bonds .............. 22.00 Jchn -L! t;e ............. 4.C1t Tc ney Field, .......... . 6 rLt J. E. Brente ........... . 4.00 Hiram Rollins .......... 6.00 A. E. Smith ............ 391.10 Jack Core, ............. 10.00 John McLain ........... 11.00 Alvin Saal ............. 16.00 W. J. Bennett .......... 30.50 Ed. Thompson .......... 200.00 E. B. Anderson ......... 75.00 Slidell Garage .......... 9.10 A. D. Crawford Lbr. Co.,.. 63.56 J. Brooks .............. 5.00 T. C. Craddock .......... 121.!)9 -almen Brick & Lbr. Co... 11.33 iH. Fields .............. 42.06 L. Bise ................ 24.. 0 Geo. McGee ............ 42.00 Jacob Porter ............ 12.00 Slidell Garage Co., ...... 301.:22 A. E. Smith ...... ....... 3.20 Gulf Refining Co., ........ 22.00 L. A. Loustalot ..:...... 9.82 John Wells ... . ........ 9.00 York Marigny ......... 7.00 Paul Labored, Jr., ....... 3.00 Geo. Washington ........ 2.00 D. Fitzmorris ........... 15.00 T. E. Howze .,........... 37.50 Slidell Garage Co., ...... 203.04 It was moved by J. M. Smith, sec onded by H. N. Fendlason, that the meeting of the polics jury adjourin until regular meeting day, August 9, 1921. Carried. J. B. HOWZE, President. F. J. MARTINDALE, l Secretary. FOLSOM NOTr(iS, Farmers in this t..ctlon are mak ing ready for fall crops. Crops of 211 kinds are vry go )d Very little acr.ale hss been plant sd in cotton this year uear Folsom. rhis is the finest loca;:cn for truck grow-ing in St. Tammany. Miss Annie Ford, of NeH O'-leans, is zhipping' two ca: Il ..:f water melons from this place this week. Mr. N. E. Core, our conservatlhmn agent, made a business trip to Amite City this week. Mrs. Fisher, of Franklinton; has returned home after having spent two weeks here with her brother, Mr. Norman Fendlason, our worthy townsman. ,:· . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLain visite Bogalusa last week, and returning were accompanied by Misses Ethel and Ruth Brent who are spending a while with Miss Hilda Fendlason. Mrs. Bart Spring has returne:l home after spending two weeks im New Orleans with her daughter, Mrs. WHY GO TO JERSEY CITY TO SEE DEMPSEY-CARPENTER FIGHT You may see the fight right at home. The only pictures released of the fight. This picture will be shown at the Booster Theatre, Mandeville Capt. J. W. Kern,'Prop. Thursday, July 28 Children, 20 cents. Adults, 40 cents Also showing "Son of Tarzin," and other big features BURROUGH'S ADDING MACHINES STANDARD OF THE WORLD $150 and up 202 Whitncy Building New Orleans U.S..A. LUCKY STRIKE ciga rette It's toasted Brown. The patrons of the Folsom school are making a united effort to get a high school granted here. No pco ple deserve one more. Many uoys and girls are now ready for the higher grades. Miss McGowan, one of our teach ers for the coming session, has re cently moved here where she and her mother will reside. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Booth, Jr., of Ramsay, visited friends at Black well's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blackwell made a trip to Pearl River where they went to see Mr. Blackwell's brother who has been sick 'for some time. Messrs. J. E. and J. W:: Blackwell went over to Slidell last Friday on business. - .. We are preparing. for' the --iod times which 'hany p-rospects say are just over the way. - S HERIFF'S= 8AL 'James D. Lacy vs..Amerioan Pine Products Corporation. No. f3o. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, Parish of: S.- Tammany, Louisiana. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a writ of seisnre and saif issued out of the honorable aforesaid Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court, and to nie directed, bearing date the 13th day of July, 1921, I have seiz ed and will offer for sale to the last and highest bidder, at the principal front door of the courthouse in the Town of Covington, Parish of St. Tammany,, State of Louisiana, be tween legal sale hours for judicial saes, on Saturday, August 27, 1921, the following described property, to wit: All the movable property of the Forest Products Company situated and being on a certain tract of land owned by James 'D. Lacy, Which is more fully hereinafter described and which said property consists of the entire plant on said property form erly operated by the Forest Pro ducts Company and consisting of the buildings, except offiee building and all retorts, retort cars, receiving coolers, wood sawing outfit, piping above and under ground,' storage tanks, boilers, stills and distilling apparatus, material on hand, elec tric motor monorail, cars, rails and accessories, water and light systems and everything belonging to said plant now situated upon said prem!s es, excepting flotation oil now in storage tank reserved bjr the Forest Products Company; also includlng tools or appliances on the premises, or that which may have been loaned to the Salmen Brick & Lumber Conm pany and now in their possession, it being the purpose of this act to con vey all property belonging to Forest Products Company now situated up on the hereinafter described real estate. That said above described prop erty is situated on the following de ·scrtbed real estate, to-wit: A certain tract of land commeno ing at a point 130' north from the center of the Salmen Brick & Lum TWELVE BELLS AND HES $Te LL i'OWN Yb HOME -THERE. . YES BE.TY,IM -D I SOME CLASSY IBATrER,IAM! V /O"E E FPA S R AN' I'M SOME BASE ALLRIGHT! " \ RUNNER TOO. WHY IS SEE YOu I CAN EVEN STEAL .O T " HOME ! ! I . C LA S SI FI ED ADVERTIS E MENTS Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION WANTED-A second-hand reed baby go-cart; also small house and lot.- Address Box 665, Coviington, Louisiana. j1.3' ..FOR SALE-Plane; large,, up right, practically'new, Early Eng lish case. Phone Mrs. IHuth at '23. Taken up witl ny cattle last No vember, 'one cow,' -iown and white "pled, briraed A P, marked' Staple fork and -underbit in each -ear. ! have her in my possession with a young 'calf. John Crawford SteI dell,. La. . J23~ 2t* :FR AI.3SA I entl4 family Jer sey cow a'nd young calf,. 2 gallon: milker., Apply W. -M.: Poole, Coving tn, .a. jul23tf ..LOSTT-Pair of mmles. One dark - Drown mare mule, weighs about 950 pounds. small knot over left eye, mole on right shoulder, branded S on jaw. The other a light black, weighs about 975 pounds, has breadc mark on left thigh Liberal reward for information ladandg to recoycry. Animals left Mandevillt. qravel Cam p Saturday, July 16. Notify Louib. Ellzey, Route 4, ;ox 51, Tylertown. Miss. j23 FOR 'SALE--2 cisterns,_ bricks, lumber, ox wagon, p:atforul scales, cow, refrigerator, Collie pups, Fo:J truck, Ottawa drt'a sab, belting pil leys, rosin cups, furnace doors, grate bars. Dr. Stevenson Smile still, 'r Covington. ' j23: ber Company railroad track on the east bank of Bayou Vincent in tno. Parish-of St. Tammany, and State 3f Louisiana, thence s 37 degrees east 520'; thence.s 63 degrees east 192' to right of way of New Orleans % Northeastern Railroad Co.; thence e 2"7 degrees, e- 383' 8" along the said right of way; thence n 53 degrees w 496' to Bayou Vincent; thence in a southerly direction, along the mean derings of said bayou to point of beginning, as 'per pleat annexed to act of sale passed before Arthur A. Moreno, Notary Public, on the 3rd day of July, 1914, which said act of sale is deposited with the Clerk ,of Court of St. Tammany Parish.. Being the 'same property acquired by James D. Lacy from J. A. Salmea by act of sale passed before Arthur A. Moreno, Notary Public in and for the Parish of Orleans, registered in Book 72, folio 51-1, of the Parish of St. Tammany. Terms of Sale-Cash, without ap praise)ment. WALTER GALATAS, ju123-6t ' Sheriff. PROCLAMATION. Pursuant to a resolection passed by the St. Tammany Parish School Board at its regular meeting on the 8th day of July, 1921, I, N. H. Fitz Simons, president of said Parish School Board, hereby give notice that in compliance with said resolution, a special election will be held in School District District No. 3 of!the Parish of St. Tammany, Louisiana, on the 16th day-of August, 1921, for the purpose of submitting to the property taxpayers qualified under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana to vote at said election, the following proposition, to-wit: Proposition. To levy a special tax of two and one-half (2%1/) mills on the dollar on all property in School District No. 3 of the Perish of St. Tammany, Loc isiana, subject to state taxation, an nually, for a period of ten years, for the purpose of giving additional aid to the public schools of said Dis trict No. 3. For the purpose of said election the polling place will be the court house in the Third Ward of thi Par ish of St, Tammany, Louislana, and the 'following commissioners and clerks of .election have been appoint ed to serve at this election: Mrs. J. C. Burns, Mrs. Eugene Wharton and Mr. Percy Barelli, commissioners, and Mr. Charles L. -Smith, clerk. . At said special election the polls will open at 7 o'clock a. m., and close at 5 o'clock p. m., and the election will be conducted in accordance with the laws of Louisiana applicable thereto. Notice is also given that at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 19th day of August,. 1921, said Parish School Board of the Parish of St. Tammany, Lou.islana,' will meet at. Covington, Louisiana, and in open session pro ceed to open the ballot box, examine and count the ballots in number and amount, examine and canvass the re turns and declare the. result of said special election. This 11th day! of July, 1921. N. 11. FITZSIMONS," ju116-5t President. LOST OR. MISIAID-A certain promissory note dated January 20, 1921, payable to the order of George I. Koepp, Inc., payable, six (6) months after date, with interest from maturity, in the sum of $200.00. The public is warned not to accept or negotiate sail note as application has been made for a duplicate. FOR 8AtLE-18 head of oxen, 2 log wags, complete. Apply Fred 3 'Heintz; 'Covington. Je25 tf FOR SALE--Two National cash registers;, 1 Ford truck; I oil tank, 17t-gallon capacity; 1 Overland run about. Apply Antone Patecek, Madi sonville, La. mr26tt FOR SALE-Abita Fire Truck. send bids to A.-O. Pons, secretary, on or before July 18th. jul2-3t Cars to hire. Phone 181. Head of depot. FOR SALE-Ripe Niagra grapes. Fine or table use and for grape juice. Also figs and vegetables. Mrs. M. E. Mundy, C6vington, Lo. j2 FOR SALE-A beautiful brass bed with canopy. like new; 18rge buffet carved leg rouni dining room table, oak dining chairs,, library table, 3 piece library set, comfort rockers, two new 'brass oanopys for wood beds, ice chests, and refrigerators. New linoleum 75c yard: "Every day is bargain day"-at E!mer's Furniture Exchange,. 422 Columbia. al6 FOR SALE-Several whole squares of ground, between the Fair Grounds and Sulphur Springs. Some facing Lee Road. Fine home-sites. 'Sdme good' building will lie erected on' some of the siiuares ifi a short tnie. Now is the t:me to get one of these squares. Cash, or 'terms to stuit the purchaser. F. E. Glisson, 407 Grb son Street, QC,oviiington.- ap30tf For first-class mechan'1s at Star. Garage.' Phone 181. Head of depot. FOR SALE--A new 6-room bunga low, with spacious grounds, on Mil` tary Road, one mile from Coving ton. $3000.00. Half cash, balance one and two years. Apply Hardy Ii. Smith. Covington, La. Je25tft DOES 'tHIS PROVE IT? Every day of the week there are nine dol lars in bank cehcks uesd. to everydollar of actual cash thatichanges' hands. -The reason for this is not hard to find. When bank checks are used they represent money that remains safely in the bank. The risk is eliminated. Checks are also far: more convenient and business-like. Every cancelled check is a valuable rec ord of the transaction-a perfect receipt for payment and proof in case any question ever comes up concerning it. The checking system is most popular be cause it is the best method ever deviised fo, handling money. Don't be satisfied with' bad business methods. Come in and talk it over. COVINGTON u MANDEVILLE .LET US ATTEND TO YOUR EYES AND EYE GL ASES Expert Work Guaranteed COVINGTON OPTICAL PARLOR Leon A. Toribio, O. D., Registered Optometrist. Between Patecek Building and F. G. C. Auto Company Repair Work Returned the Same Day. WILL OPEN ABOUT JULY 23, 1921. DR. W. L. FOLSE, Dentist Polk Building. Slidell La. Hours 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday and Nights by appointment FOR SALE-One Ford Coupe and one Ford -Touring Car, in good con dition; cheap for cash. Apply at office of Mackie Pine Products Com pany, Covington, La. j16-2t FOR RENT--Cottage, five rooms, screened, furnished; all modern. A. D. Schwartz, Covington. jl6tt For service phone 181. Star Ga-* rage. *Head of Depot. FOR SALE-A new Ford Sedan, traveled only 100 miles. Reasons for selling. Address A. B,," care of St. Tammany Farmer office, Coving ten, La. ' je25 * FOR SALE CHEAP-Two young heifers, one 3 years old, one 4 years old with calf 2 weeks old; very gentle to milk. Apply to J. M. Aounille, Covington. Je4tf FOR SALE--Lawn swings, oak library set, right new; brass bed, new felt mattressgs; boufet and bu reaus, wardro'bes,.dining room chairs and tables, kitchen cabinet, kitchen safe, folding typewriter table, type writers; also one barerl of roofing paint. Every- day is bargain day at Eimer's Etchange, 422 Columbia street, Covingtou ije WANTED--To purchase, for quick. cash, several farms and acreage. address in confidence Will J. Morgan. Abita Springs, La. ap23tf FOR SA~LE--Stove wood and tat piiie. 200 fat pine post. W. ".. .Badon, 415 Lockwood street, Cov ingort. jel2. SEWING AND HEMSTITCHING bye Mrs. F. F. Planche, 1~F14 19th Avenue, Covington.. Hours 9 to 4. Sc per yard, customer to furnish the thread. Mail orders promptly filled. Box 652, Phone 92. . mrl2 For car trouble phone 181. Star Garage. -Head of depot.