Newspaper Page Text
urday at Covington News Stand,-i h Biilloch's, Drug Store, Schonberg's o Pharmacy, Covington; The Ideal emoetath Pharmacy, Madisonville. The St. Tammany Farmer $2 Five Cents Per ofpy you moe y en D'_1_._MASON,_Editor_________ subscriber.. Help boost the parish D* II. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 192!. VOL. 47 No. 49 PARISH FAIR IS EVEN BETTER IN SOME RESPECTS THAN BEFORE School Parade and Poultry Show Win High Com ment As Best Ever FRIEDLANDER ORANGE EXHIBIT MVIany Departments Exceed Last Year, But Stock Show Fails The School Exhibit. The sebool exhibit at the Parish Fair this year was superior over alt other exhibits of past years. There was a very lively interest displayed in all competitive work, and most of the teachers were on hand when the judges were looking over the work. The booths were beautifully and. artiaticaizy arranged, and the entire hall had a festive appearance. Visitors Swarmed into the build ing the four days of the fair and fav ,orable comments were heard on all Sides. The Covington High School cap tured the cup for the most artistic ,cotn; Madisonville a cup for the best school with over four teachers; 'l'alisheek a cup for the three-room schools; Abita Springs for the best v isiting school in the parade. Cov ington High also won the athletic cup, and Mrs. V. Z. Young's room won tire cup given by School League for best appearance in parade. Cov ialgon High and Slidell High carried almost equal honors in ribbons, the first named being a little in the lead. "Jandeville had a splendid exhibit, but worked at rather a disadvantage, having to put in as a Junior and High t;chool. Madisonville, Folsom, Cen tral, Pearl River, Audubon and Sun ill made a -splendid showing and shared in the ribbons. It is to be regretted that no one room or two-roam schools exhibited, as we had a lovely silver cup for each in the competitive work. St. Scholastica's, St. Catharine, of Madisonville, Our Lady of the Lake, Mandevjille, all had booths with their usual excellent work dnd captured silver cups and ribbons. We want to thank all teachers and pupils and supporters and helpers in the work on School Day. To say that it was a success, is speaking mildly, and it is all due to the won derful spirit shown. MRS. J. C. BURNS, Chairman Educational Dept. We publis below part of the awards at the fair. The others have not yet been completed and will be puo .Jished next week. In many respects the fair was bet ter than last year. There was more system, there were no disturbances of any kind, and while there was some disappointment in not having the hal oan and aeroplane stunts, it was unavoidable and in no way at tributable to the fair management. The midway still offered opportunity for a lively time. Mrs. C. S. Engle refused to take any commission for her work "and besides gave each of the deaf mutes of Chinchuba a doll, and let it be noticed that the boys were just as anxious to get the dolls as the girls were and had a good tinme with them. There were 55 dolls. Mr. Gibbs gave each of the mutes three free rides and Mr. Troy gave each a toy balloon. The dismal disappointment was the stock department. Had It not been for a few kind foliks who want ed to help things along, there would have been nothing, and these exhib ftors are deserving of the hearty thanks of all. Ticks are given the lblame for this failure. Cattle o: value could not be safey brought into a tick infested district. 'lhe p~oultry show was a credit and would have been to any fair in the state. It was the finest poultry show we have ever had. We have published pictures of some of the winners, whose names will he found in 11e list of awards. Others that we tried to get failed because of the darkness in the interior and the fact that chickens could not be kept stil long enough for the exposures. We also give a view of Mr. Fried* lander's display of oranges suited to the climate of and grown-in St. Tarn many par sh. Mr. Friedlander is doing wonderful work in this indus try. It is said that he can hardly tupply the trees in demand. - The agricultural display was good in quality, but was not as large as last year. This is said to be due to not having a farm agent to get out among the farmers and encouragt them to grow for exhibition. Both President Warner and Secre tary Mlnckler worked hard for suc cess, and at least financially put things through. With proper co operation, the fair would have beemi the biggest on record in ever'y way. The educational department and the women's department, as well as the women- whfo fed the hungry, drc de'vrving of credit. The band was fine and the dane mug wa greatly enjoyed. Mr. Beavers bad some beautiful Studebaker Six's on exhibition the second day. They did not reach here I for the opening and were therefore not mentioned last week. Mr. Beavers won two of the aut'a races and Mr. Henry Levy two. Tit ( for tat. The grandest thing of the fair, i SLIDELL MAKES GOOD SHOWING SCHOOL WORK AT THE FAIR Fine in School Parade and 'Wins Seventeen Ribbons in School Exhibits LYCEUM WILL BE HELD NOV. FIRST Miss Long Wins McDaniel Prize; Personal and Local Mention (By Staff Correspondent) The school children attended the Fair in Covington again this year, making a better showing than ever before. Our booth was well stocked with material that showed excellent talent and earnest effort of the pupils. Seventeen blue ribbons and unnumbered red and white ones were awarded. Slidell High School competed with St. Paul's College in a basket ai1l game,, the score being 58 to 2 in favor of Slidell. A basket ball court is nearing cnm pletion on the grounds next to the Community House. The boys are very enthusiastic about getting it completed. A fence is to be erected about the school very shortly which will be a great improvement. Lyceum Numbers. A lyceum course has been engaged and its first number will be held in the school auditorium on Tuesday, November 1st. [air Exhibits and Entertainment at Community House. Next week an entertainment and exhibition of the fair work will be held at the Community House. All are invited. Come and have a good time. Prize Contest. A five dollar gold piece was award ed to the girl that bought a dress pattern from Mrs. McDaniel and wh., made the best dress, last week. There were three. who competed: Misses Pomie Dunham, Vivian Duns tan and Janie Long, who won the prize. The dresses showed excel lent talent. Local and Personal. The road contractor, Mr. Bonabel, has moved his camps from Alton and expects to do much work on the road to the lake. Mrs. C. B. Behncke entertained at rook and cards, Wednesday after noon, in honor of her sister. Those present were Mrs. R. Whitfield, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. B. P. Dun ham, Mrs. R. L. Murray, Mrs. J. Ho tard, Mrs. T. J. Eddins, Mrs. Karl J. Neuhauser, Mrs. A. V. Hover, Mrs. E. K. Moody, Mrs. R. W. House, Mrs. L. M. Peyrefitte, Mrs. J. Aebli, Mrs. M. Cunningham. Delicious re freshments were served.. Mrs. J. H. Hansbrough was a New -Orleans-- -visitor- Tuesday. Mrs. A. Norton was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. K. Moody, last Sunday. Mrs. Frank M. Comfort and little daughter are epending some time in Meridian, Miss., with her sisters. Mrs. C. H. Comfort and Mrs. J. K. Griffith spent Tuesday in New Or leans. Mrs. M. J. Carpenter had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. G. T, Reber and children, of Hattiesburg, Miss., last Sunday. Mrs. L. F. Talley and son, John Howard. were New Orleans visitors last Friday. Mrs. M. Smith, of New Orleans, was a visitor at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. C. N. Crockett. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Davidson have moved to New Orleans where they have taken an apartment and will make their home there. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Swet man, Miss Isabel Swetman, Miss Velma Shay and Mr. George Swet man motored to Covington. which always has been and we hope always will be, was the school pa rade. It was even better than last year. Abita won the cup for thb best appearance of any visiting school, and the third grade (Mrs. V. Z. Young, Covington, teacher) won the cup for the best grade work. While St. Scholastics. was not com peting, it was given special mention for fine appearance. Chinchuba, as usual, helped to brighten tile parade. The parade this year marched a'round the athletic field at the fair grounds and was dismissed by grade as it made the circle, making a very pretty picture and an orderly dis missal. The ball game Saturday between St. Paul's College and Covington re sulted in a 4-4 tie, the game being called after the tenth -inning. Sunday, Madisonville beat Coving ton in a hard-fought game by a score of 1 to 0. A blue ribbon and silver spoon were given by the Fair Association +o the following babies for scoring he highest in their respective di visions: Class A Division 1-James Clifton Burns, Covington.. Division 2-Guy A. Smith, Jr., Covington. Division 3-Leo Stanford Behrens, Madisonville. Division 4-Brandon F uhrmann, Covington. Division 5-Elmer Guyol, Coving ton. SCENE AND SOME OF EXHIBITS AT ST. TAMMANY PARISH FAIRj No. 1., Paul Fried'ander orange exh ibit; No. 2, corner in Fair Ground; No: 3, Chamnion Pen, Barred Rock , Mrs. X. Frey, Covington; No. 4, ?irst Pullet,' Barred Rock, C. M. 1. rown, Covington; No. 5, Champion Pullet of Show, Brown Orpington, E. P. Bourgeois, Slidell; -No. 6, First Cockerel, White Le;horn, R. M. le kes, Covington, THE CLEAN-UP SQUAD SEARCH FOR BUDDIES .(By J.. C. Barnes) Hey, Buddy! Did you get hit with a stray bullet while sojourning in France? Did the flu force you to do some unwelcome bunk fatigue, and leave your pumps in a rotten condition? Did you slice your index finger off while carving spuds for the Royal Chef while on K. P. -detail? Did you inhale some of the German gas, swear that you only, puff and never inhale again? If any of these things happened to you while wear ing the old O. D. and doing twelve to twenty-four hours a day for thirty per and chow and you find that since going back to the old job that you sort of have to dodge the boss to hold on, or if he has caught you at it and let you go and you now find that it you are lucky enough to get a job that you can't hold it; why you are the chap that your Uncle Sam Ts cooking for. Do you know that if you were wounded or disabled to such an ex tent that you can't carry on in the old job that you are entitled to Com pensation and Vocational Training? Did you ever hear of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance or the Federal Board for Vocational Rlehabilitatibn? Well, these are the two mighty big Governmental Bureaus which have been combined and are now known as the U. S. Veterans' Bureau. they are working night and day to find chaps like you that had a little hard luck while in the service and to give you what your Country has provided for you. When you go meet the squad, be sure to take your discharge and any other papers you may have with you. Colonel C. R. Forbes, Director of the U. S. Veterans' Bureau, has in structed all his fourteen district managers throughout the United States to put on an intensive clean up drive which will last about three months, in order to comb the country for fellows just like you, men, who have a disability as a result of their service in the World War who do not know that they are entitled to aid. Colonel Dallas B. Smith, the new manager of District No. 6, with head-s quarters at the New Hibernia Bank Building, New Orleans, has organiz ed three clean-up squads which have been at work siftce the 20th of Aug. One squad is working in Alabama, one in Louisiana; and one in Mis sissippi. There is an advance man who goes ahead of the squad about one week and who will advertise the coming of the squad through the pfess, by posters, hand bills, Ameri can Legion Posts, churches, Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, postmasters, Red Cross Chapters and every available medium in order to get the good word to all the boys that may have a claim against their Uncle Sammie. So, if (Continued on page 2i Class B Division 1-Mae Etta Galender, Ramsay. Division 2-Beryl Dutsch, Coving ton. Division' 3-Albertine Branton, Madisonville. Division 4-Eucharist Doby, Man deville. Division. 5-Ruth Schonberg, Cov ington. The baby scoring the highe't in the contest and winning the title of grand champion is little Miss Beryl Dutsch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H. Dutsch, of Covington. Her score was 988 points. The next highest scoring baby was little Miss Marguerite Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ross, of Tall sheek, her score being 986 points: Master James Clifton Burns, soa of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burns, of Covlngton, was the highest scoring boy. 'His score was 985 points. A close second in the boys was Master (Continued on pkge-4) JENKINS-PELAR FOUND GUILTY GET 15 YEARS District Court was in session all, last week until Tuesday of this. Judge Carter presided and District Attorney Brook prosecuted. The Jenkins-Pelar murder case at tracted great interest, the first trial having resulted in a mistrial. A jury was secured after several panels were exhausted: The jury as accepted consisted of Jos. J. Levy, James M. Levy, Steve Josza, Albert Bechac, Eugene L. Martin, Harvey Rousseau, Will Yates, J, Hlitchinson, L. C: Can ton, Will Weinsbach, Edmund A. Barlow and Arthur E. Wilson. In the mistrial, the case of Jenk ins and Pelar were tried separately. rhis time they were tried jointly, as conspirators. Both took the stand in their defense. The defense attorneys were Judge T. M. Burns and Fred. J. Heintz. Mr. LeWis :L. Morgan was employed to assist in the prosecution. It is the first time in the history of St. Tammany parish, it is said, where a former mistrial had occurred, that the jury brought in a verdict of guilty. Wherever there was pub lic comment the jury was commend ed for its decision. When the defendants were sent enced later, Judge Carter told there they had been convicted after a fair and impartial trial. He said' that in the years to come while they were serving, their sentence he hoped they would learn to be better men. He -told- Pekir---that--he--considered -him only a boy, the cause of the crime; that only the providence of God had prevented him (Pelar) from killing the poor old woman; that he was lucky to escape with his life, and that they could be tried again on th charge of lying in wait, etc. Judge Carter told him he might shorten his term by good behavior. Both were sentenced to not less than 15 nor more than 20 years in penitentiary for manslaughter. Other cases tried and decisions were as follows: Criminal Proceedings State vs. Willie Lee. Charged with larceny; plead guilty; sentenc ed to penitentiary for not less than 12 nor more than 18 months. State vs, Elmore Baptiste. Charg ed with larceny; plead guilty, sent enced to penitentiary for not less than 18 months nor more than two years. State vs Martin Jenkins and Ernest Pelar. Found guilty of mansladght er. Sentenced to penitentiary for not less than 15 nor more than 20 years. State vs. John Clifton. Charged with wife desertion. Nolle prossed. State vs. Bully McKinley. Charg ed with larceny; plead guilty; sent enced to penitentiary for not less than 18 months nor more than two years. State vs. Oliver victor. Charged with having stolen goods in his pos session; plead guilty; sentenced to penitentiary for not less than 18 months nor more than two years. State vs. Robt. Lagarde. Charg ed with larceny. Found not guilty. State vs. Sidney Lagarde et a'. Charged with disturbing the peace; found not guilty.. State vs. -Addie Wright. -Plead guilty to disturbing the peace; fined $10.00 and costs. The Grand Jury turned in their report, having found 17 true bills. G'Civil Proceedings. Mrs.. Marion R. Fulton vs. E. J. Fulton. Judgment in favor of plain tiff granting absolute divorce. John W. Quave vs. Lott-Batson Lbr. Co. Judgment for plaintiff in sm of $275.00. Efflie Williams vs Memphis John son. Judgment for plaintiff, decree ing a divorce "a vinculo.matrimonii' between them. Maggie M. Smith vs. W. Smith. Judgment for plaintiff, ducreeing a divorce "a vinculo matrimonii" oe tween them.. Lynn 'F. Stewart vs. R. J. Stewart, Judgment for plaintiff, decreeing a divorce "a vinculo matrimonil" be tween them. SCHOOL BOARD PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 7 Covington, La., Oct. 7, 1921. The St. Tammany Parish School Board met on the above date in the office of the Superintendent with N. H. FitzSimons, presidut, in the chair, and -the following members present: Stanford Behrens, ward 1; T. J. 0' Keefe, ward 2; N. H. FitaSimons, ward 3; H. H. Levy, ward 4; W. W. Talley, ward 5; Dave Evans, ward 6; I H. Keller, ward 7; Geo. F. Bancka, ward 8; W. Oswald, ward 10. Ab sent: W. J. Sebastian, ward 9. A quorum being pfi5ent. Moved by Mr. Levy, seconded by Mr. Bancks, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as publish ed in The St. Tammany Farmer. Carried. The Superintendent's report and that of the Executive Committee were read, and upon motion by Mr. Talley, seconded by Mr. Keller, they were ordered spread upon the min utes. Mrs. Aebli and Mrs. Dunham, rep resenting the Slidell School League, appeared before the board and asked that certain improvements and re pairs be made in the Slidell school. The Superintendent was instructed to attend to the matter. Moved by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. O'Keefe, that the Slidell League be paid $6.50 for creosoting material used in the placing of the new water cistern on the top of the school building. Carried. - Mr. T.- E, Brunning appearnd he fore the board and asked to be re lieved, of his contract to operate the school transfer from the Second and Third Ward Line on the Lee Road (Continued on page 3.) -4.--- TUBERCULOSIS LEAGUE MEETS TODAY IN MANDEVILLE. The St. Tammany Parish Anti Tuberculosis League will meet today in Mandeville at '7:30 p. m., at the Hip Theatre-. Miss Kate Gordon, vice-president of the League, will be present to address the people and urge that the parish be one of the founders of the State Tuberculosis Hospital. Everybody invited. --0---- OLD' BRADLEY PLACE BURNED. At 7:30 p. in., Friday, October 14, the house owned by Miss Josephine Bradley and known as the Bradley farm house, four miles west of Cov ington, burned to the ground. The lost was about $1800; insurance, $1000, with. the Nilson-Frederick Co. Mr. Miller and son, who are build ing the Hammond connection of the highway, who had their offices in the building, lost probably $1500 in rec ords, book, personal effects, etc. Jams Prevost vs. Julian ,H. Smith et al. Judgment ordering a parti tion o fproperty owned in indivision by plaintiff and defendants. A. M. T4ookett & Co., vs Geo. H. Koepp et al. Judgment in favor of plaintiff in sum of $110.00. N. O. G. N. vs. R. -C. Cooper and J. L. Cooper. . Judgment in favor of plaintiff in sum of $157.91. Isidore Lefrere vs. Elvina Ellis. Judgment for plaintiff, decreeing a divorce "a vinculo matrimonii" be tween them. Effide' P. Davidson vs. Geo. Wm. Keith. Judgment for plaintiff, de areeing a divorce "a vinculo matri monii" 'between, them. John Brauin et al vs Police Jury. Judgment in favor of plaintiff, an nulling and setting aside the electioa held in Ward 4 on May 25, 1921. Guissepe Basile vs. Gaetana Fauls. Judgment in favor of plaintiff, de creeing the marriage between them null and void. :J. E. Nilson vs. Mrs. Alice Brad ley. Judgment in favor of plaintiff in Aum of $133.70. Succession of'Wm. D. Hill. Judg mnent recognizing Marie Alice Hill as sole owner of property left by her deceased husband, Win. D. Hill. Commercal1 Banl 8& Trust Co. vs. ANONYMOUS LETTERS FAIL TO ALARM Several anonymous letters have been written this week containing thre~ts of violence. One to a man of high character and standing, sign ed "K. K. K." and one to a teacher in the colored school not signed at all, but having skull and cross bones, a red label taken from a bottle o: poison being pasted on the bottom. Bothlretters threaten death or bodily violence. These letters have been turned over to proper government officials and a search will be made for the writer. The.-lffalty is quite severe. It could not be thought for a minute that anything of that kind abuld be permitted to go unpunished. While one of the letters is signed "K. K. K." it Is readily understood that such crude and bungling' work could not be attributed to that order. It is thought the author of these let ters will -soon be in hand. SLIGHT FIRE AT THE SCHNEIDER HOME. A small blaze at the home of Mrs. Florence Schnider, First and Florida streets, Thursday, October 13. Dam age was only $25.00, covered by In surance. NOW HAS COVINGTON GARAGE. Mr. Thos. Millar, owner of the Abita Springs Garage, has taken over the Covington Garage on Boston. street, Covington. He wilt operate both in Abita and Covington. . ,Mr. Frank Beavers will continue to handle Studebaker cars. ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE AT LACOMBE TO-NIGHT. To-night, October 22, there will be an entertainment and dance by the Lacombe School for the benefit, of the school. Invitation.. is extended to all, with the assurance of a good time. -0- A. ILLY. Mr. A. Illy died at his home In Covington, Saturday, October 15th, 1921, following a stroke of apoplexy several days previous. He was 62 years, 11 months, 28 'days of age. Mr. Illy was a native of New Orleans. He was buried In the Covington Cemetery, Rev. Father John Burger of St. Peter's Catholic Church offi ciating. Mr. Illy was well known and high ly respected. He came to Coving ton In January, 1900, where he rep resented .the New Orleans Great Northern Railroad -Company as sta tion agent from that time until be retired in March, 1919. Mr. Illy was fond of his home and found much pleasure and needed ex ercise in his garden, which he tended carefully.` He was also fond of motoring, and he and Mrs. Illy were frequently seen in their car, especial ly after the gravel roads made driv ing pleasant. After Mr. Illy became troubled with high -blood -pressure, he still continued to work In his garden, although he was advised that the weakened condition of his heart made such work risky. He said he experienced ne incopvenlence or trouble from it. -Mr. Illy probably did not realize his weakness until stricken. Mr. Illy's death'was a shock to his many friends, who found it hard t" realize the great change -that may come In a few days. - Mr. Illy Is survived by his widow; his mother, Mrs. Caroline Illy; two sisters, Mrs. J. Snyder, of New Or leans, and Mrs. Francis Durnayn, of Amite City, La. Howard Huddleston. -Judgment in favor of plaintiff In sum of $200.00. Bertha T. Worshanm vs. Gall Wor sham. - Judgment for plaintiff, de creeing a separation "a mensa ci thoro" between them, MADISONVILLE ANNOUNCES A NEW BOAT IN SERVICE Str. "Pleasure Bay" Makes First Trip Across Lake To Madisonville ROUSSEAU-HEUGHAN POPULAR WEDDING Capt. Young to Tampico; Faiewell Reception; Lo cals and Personals (By Staff CorresjKwndent) The Steamer Pleasure Bay, under the management of the Pleasure Bay 2acket Ca.; made her tirst trip across Lake Ponchartrain to Madisonville last Saturday evening. T'ie Vieasure Bay racket Co, is a .viocoie armi, iargeiy owned by A. cdorg, l. .i. Miller and A. U. Berglin, ,ind was induced by the irailic and Transportation Bureau of the Asac ciation of .Commerce and the citizens of St. Tammany parish to operate on the Ponchartrain route. The steamer has a capacity of 500 passengers and 15 automobiles. She is 150 feet long, 45 feet in width, and has two spacious decks. She was recently taken from service on Mo bile Bay and practically rebuilt at the Canulette Docks in Slidell. The boat leaves New Orleans at 9 a. m., and on the return trip leaves mandeville at 4 p. m., and Madison ville at 5 p. m., and reaches West End at 7 p. m. The passenger fare a is $1.50 for round trip. Automobiles with passengers are from $7 to $10,, one way, with a l}alf fare for the re- turn trip. The boat is in charge of Captain Rebolt; and Captain Charles Olsen is pilot. Rousseau--Ieughan. The wedding of Miss Leona Heugh an and Mr. Olen Rousseau was quiet-. ly St. Xavier's Church in Houma, La., Monday, October 17, 1921, in the presence of immediate friends and relatives. The wedding was quite a surprise but of great in terest to their many friends -here. Mrs. Rousseau is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heughan, of Madisonville, and a popular member of the younger circle. Mr. Rousseau is a prominent young man from houma, La.' A Farewell Reception. Dr. Chas. Lopez was host last -Tues day -evening at the Riverside Tea Room at a farewell reception, enter taining in honor of Mr. Edgar Pier son, who left Wednesday morning for Larose, La. "Doc" Pierson made Many friends during his short stay here who regret to see him leave. Capt. Young Off To Tampico. Capt. L. F. Young left Tuesday (Continued on page 8) LOST-A hound puppy, black, has four white iest, long eac.. Au swers to dame of "August." Please notify Herbert- Smnith, Mandeville, - and receive reward. oc22 Clean your silverware without rub bing it. So simple-by using the Magic Silver Cleaner. It will clean your silver in three minutes. Place ceaner in warm water with Silver. Tafke it out and wipe dry. It will look like new. We have three gross on hand that will sell for 35c in sil ver, regular price 50c. If not sat isfied return -Magic and get your money. C. H. Armstrong, 2714 2nd Street, New Orleans* La. oc22 WANTED-2000 pounds or more. of good pecans. Address Box 126, Covington, or phone Ozonia 46. FOR SALE-Two lots of groind in Division of St. John, Covington. Will sell separate or together. One lot faces on Rutland street and one onNew Hampshire street. The lots are less than. one square from the courthouse and Southern Hotel, and are 2 1-2 squares from the depot. For particulars see Richard & Riggs, Covington, La. oc22 FOR SALE-Fine chickens, Barred Rooks, Rhode Island Red, cockerel and pullet, ansi 14 White Leghorn hens; 1 set leather harness, b. C. Smith typewriter, dining table, wood cook stove. Address Mrs. J. M. Powe, Covington, La., or phone 304. FOR SALE-A fine young mule. In good condition. Apply to Richard & Riggs, Covington, La. oci FOR SALE-Baby buggy, cradle, stove, also large ferns. Apply At 407 Gibson street, Covington. o15 - NOTICE. Succession of Mrs. Mary V. Galatas Davis. e No. 196. rwenty-Sixth Judicial District Coutr, Parish - of St. Tammany, LouThiana. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern that Rudolph Galatas has applied for letters of administra tion on the estate of Mrs. Mary V. Galatas Davis, deceased, and that un less opposition is made thereto with in ten days from the publication of this notice said application will be granted. By order of the Court. W. E. BLOS&MAN, oc22-3t Clerk of Court. wI