Newspaper Page Text
7r i ' SStAiTION - FOI! SALE,";' t v j."v5Sr auction !! '; ! " : : .i : -riHB 8pxnr' Plantation heretofore occupied and I irproTed' by Charles Copp, situated at Hana, . TJndof MauL' -will be sold at Auction on . fifth day of October next, at - the Court house, Honolulu,' at 12 O'clock noon, for cash.-if : . nremises are described as follows: Com J! at. Heda. one. marked A. on left edge of t ftulchT In Oneuli. at South West Comer of the nicety acres originally planted, and running Vortn 7 jast ou jcuama . . v"; land' thence South 3 East 50 chains to the North East Corner of this land; thence South 7 West 120 '-" chains to S. E. corner of this land; thence N. 83 !i W 50 chains' along Mauka aide of -South .'West V corner of this i thence N. 70 E. 40 chains to place 0f commencement ; the native tenants rights . to be - i suspended containing 600 acres being the same land conveyed to Charles Copp by Patent 766. c Yot further particulars -applv to Julius Anthon, Esq- ox the nndersisned- ASHER B. BATES, . w ? Attorney for the parties interested. I' ' HAW ALE I. EST ATE. ; OWING' to the dullness arising from the prevail ins epidemie the sale of one-half of the Hana- ia Estate advertised to take place in all Jul v, is postponed for the present. ' But in the mean while, Mr. Rhodes' will receive offers, by scaled tender, addressed to the undersigned. R. C. WYLLIE. Honolulu Aug. x, iw-u-iir t j , vrv iriOR SALE 3Y G. RHODES & CO., Hanalei, . Jt; - and will be ready to gather towards the close of October, 30,000 Oranges, more or less.' Apply to Aug. 30, WS3:3t-18 . ' M. C. JlONSARllAT. WANTED Goat Skins, Hides, Old Copper, for which th'e 'highest market price will be paid bv -.- ' ' CliAS. J31USW JiK 2a. "Honolulu, Septl 7,TS53itf-19 ' :w.-nt .ty rniHE lindersiened intends leaving this kingdom. 1 and requests all those that have bills for and cainst or New Brighton Estate to hand them ' a .... . . a aw . w a na w in onmediateiT at tne onice oi aodu ka j anion, rsq. for settlement." ." , .... ' ROBERT J. EOLLINGSWORTIL Honolulu, Sept. 15, 1853-3t-19 ' To v Masters of Whale-Ships visiting' the' 1 4i ' Hawaiiam Islands. YOUR attention is called to the following facts which are offered as inducements to visit KEALAKEAKUA BAYjthe tomin j Mason for re cruits. . You will find here in the greatest abundance and of the best kind, the following articles, which will be furnished at the shortest notice and at moderate price ..Sweet Potatoes, the best the islands afford. Squashes, Melons, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Beef. Mut ton, Goats Hogs, Fowk,. Turkeys,, Wood in any quantity, delivered at the landing. Lastly and most important, you will run no risk of small pox, as that pestilence has not appeared here, nor within several miles of this Bay. Every attention will be paid to those who may favor us with a call. P. CUMING S. Kealakeakua, Sept. 1, 1853 6m-19 r 1 XI?-P. SIJOT7 OFFERS FOR SALE THE CARGO OF THE ."ts.! Americas 1Uk. , ..'" rz f . lllatansas, : Jnst arrived from Boston, the articles being as fol lows: ' !-r Carts fanrv Print, boxes Thread , i Cases Tick's, bales Denims, do Palls Co. Drills, Bales Sbetacket Stripes, cases globe blue Jeans, Cases riobe blue Shirtings. casc3 Lancaster do, Bales axrov Duck, bolts cotton do. bales Ravens do . Boxes extra our. in tins, tierces I lam?. B!ls-Kiee, casks .Nails, - . .. Cases Ase helves, cases CI r ries, r Pig's Ranra Tin, charcoal Farnaccs. ; . Cases Cookinjr Stoves. Oat, Solder, Hunt's Axes, do Shovels, cases Matches. Casks Navy Bread, cedar Shingles, Pine Plank; Pine Boards, Spruce Plaak. Xo. 1, 2 and 3 inch, Heading Pine, 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 inch, . Sheathing Boards, and many other articles. , Honolulu, August I, 1853-lf-l ' ',' '.' 1UST. RECEIVED AND FOR SAlJV at the ' ) Drnr Store of the undcrLnied. a fresh lot f the best drugs, among which n-ay le fon I mercurial oitment, concentrated ammonia, liquor potassa, arcn matic vinenar. powdered . cum aramc, hive syrup, honev. iodide lead, fluid extract buchu, bovle's fluid. for the hair, compound extract cubebs and copaiba, ground flaxseed. Corbett's Shaker sarsa'parilla, with sodide notash. -Brown s Janaxer extract vaierum Dean's rheumatic fills : . . ; - Also, a large invoice of inks from, manufactory of jlavnard& Noves.,.. . tf-13 ... V . . ' B. F. HARDY. J. C. SPALDING O1 kFFERS FOR SALE, a complete assortment Of Hardware, consisting Ve following arti cles, just received per Zoe L .San Francwco. Casks sad irons, do log chains, wo bright do do, do trace chains, cases cutlerr, -Wilson's . screw-platas. table knives and forks, ivory table cutlery. Thomp son's wood, saws, do saw strainers, percussion caps, ebony, cocoa and stag horn handled carvers, Rod gen patent do, table steels, butcher, bench back do, taper saw files, pit do do, mill do do, flat bastard do, horse rasps, hxJf round files, steel faced sledges and bammera, taper saw files, pobsnea nailer cnains, cab inet and wood rasps, setts of firmer guages, extra C. S. frarn squares, firmer chisels, handled .socket do; thin narinr do. double smooth .planes, jack and jointer do. handled match do, single bead do, colored chalkiinesvfc plated, baces with 24 and, 36 btU. iron bracea and bitts, chalk line spools, file handles, steel scratch awls, C. S. spring dividers, double iron spoke-shaves, ' mortice guages, sliding ;T,. berils, screw drivers, carpenters' .metal head nail gimbleUL wood head do, spike do, carpenter's pencihv acre w arm plows. Hunt s shingling hatchets, C. S. spur aueur bitts. C. S. tackthamxneOi stap nail do, adze edged - do; ; braided team whipa, ; C S. drawing knives.' concave - aueurs. ' box-wood , rules, .brass hound do, . Hunt a broad hatchets," . planted ' try- - sauares. steel faced anvils. 1st qualitv .suuths be! ' lows, 8 to 11 ox. .tacks, wood saw. frames, coffee mills, grain scoops, solid steel - do, shingling ..and woaa naicneta. , . ... - .:',--. CaocxxRT. 5 dox. column pitchers, 7-12 do hound do, 7 do mags, 1-do gobieta, 1 do conee ana tea pots, 4daltnl IS -inch dishes. 25 doS bowls. 25 do mugs, Honolulu, Aug.. 3, 1853. tf-li TVOnCE. The' eo-oertnershio heretofore exist- M i ing uhdet the firm of F. W.Thompson b Co, xpb thU i! tv the decease of F. W. Thompapn All demands against and all liabilities to the firm will ettJed by the surviving partner. 7 I , . K THOS. H. MARSHALL ioIula,-Spt., 1853-3t-18 A COMPITE assortment of Gent's GAITERS and DRESS SHOES fir sale br ' ; ; i y 23-tf-3 v 1 . - J: Ci SPALDING. Aiaiaistratofs Notice THE trNDKKgmsCD kariar titl d'ulv npoited Mnter f the wutm of tfea lata MaJihtai, of Haaolala, wc7 KU6 sll uniM lurtH riatBts niat MMi tt to Jt tk K,n4 H pmoM MtU to said estate o prwi wnata tare moiitas im we wwu,r ' - H. . 6WISTOS, AdmiKtrifr. ala, Aaa. ICdi.1853. : rTTi"' 3m4. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Room1 Paper ' pf various style and qualities, Supenor oolen &kcts and Shirta r.nml nrnnanjt. Hawaiian tann- , Sole Leather. Soanish Saddles of domestic man Sugar. Aoowroot, ke.kc jnst received r aaie by ..- - ALDRICH tf BI5UOF. W AND FASHIONABLE GOODS-Jost ndLfteeOaodaof th latest Paris styles; Tha -oa n me laCaes is particularly Invited to tuese a. v WKI hara seen them pronounce uem richest ever exposed fiw sale ia.llonolulu.' PrjBKa "ortment of Citnra CaxrF Ssawu, IfZtZ ClJUt Ctota HoxFfc,beside tha variety goods wually kept on hand in other storW & 1IACKFELD It COi-n5 - ta-l 5 T J.:i , . , Yatt street ITUr GOODS 7TUbr.RECErVED.and for sale fry, the under. s -Ixvoics Boots k Shoes, consisting of it -, Erogans, Lace top Boots, Gat top Boots, Calf fan- cy owm, sewea Aip ao, pump Urogans, Kip do. i.r. iris's ;1;Lvtoicb' Ceocxeet.'' X t,; ' - Crates white China Glass Ware, do white covered Dishes, do covered Chambers, Tumblers, ric., do Oval Nappies, do round and oval do.; . " Z' 1 cf ?'5 '';-' Ltvoicb Paixts; Oils, Lg. ! Bbls. Whiting, do French, Yellow do Chalk, do Linseed Oil, do Red Lead, cases Turpentine, kegs ij round leaa, do. blade runt, do Amc, cases ng lish Green, do Prussian Blue, do Ground Verdigris. . . ,Ikvoice Beead & Flock. ' 'V" Casks' Pilot x Bread, do medium do, do Richmond City Mills Flour, -bbls i do. do, do, half bbls. extra Brandy ine worn .Heal. . . . T , - .Lxvoice Ship Chaxdluy.. Bolts Pilot Duck, do Amoskeae doi do- lisht Ra vens do,' do heavy cotton do,' do' Russia Ravens do, do light do (cotton) do Scotch rtavy do, do A men can hemp do, bales cotton Twine, Deck Lights, liandculw, bales Flax,' Nautical; Almanacs: '. bbls. Leather, iron stock English Anchors, Topsail Sheet Chains, Boat Anchors, Mast hoops; Jib hanks, Iron ify Work Jvnees, woodenjDavits. liars square Iron, casks assorted Blocks, hand and deep sea Lines, Log and Russia unes. ' ; :-- Coils Russia Cordage fm 2 to 8 inch, do spunyarn, do Am. ecttan lippe, .do Manila dp, do ltatun, beia ins stuff. - (.;: 1 1 1 ' v4 j. v, LtVOICE G UOCEEIES.. j, ; T'. ' Cases Cheese, casks Goshen Butter, tierces auga cured Hams,.. cases buckwheat Flour, Saleratus, drums Codfish, kite Mackerel, bbls. Split Peas, do Vinegar,, cases Figs, do ' Raisins, do . Currants, do Vermicelli, do' Macaroni, do Salad Oil, bbls. crushed Sugar, do powdered do, do Caroline Rice, do Dried Apples, cases Soda, Butter, Water and Sugar track ers, boxes Salt Water Soap, . Cases assorted Meats, consisting of- Boef Soup, Roast -Lamb, Halibut, Sausages, Mutton, Beef, Turkey, Veal, Calves head, Minee Meat, Clams, Salmon, Lobsters, Tripe, Cases assorted Herbs, Sage, Thyme, Sweet. Marjoram, cases Brandy Peaches, do Lemon Syrup, do S tough ton's Elixer. Cases Alexander's Tobacco, do Shep herd s do. ,c:;-t "; ' Lwoicx Clothixo.- - !:rf tj Hickory Shirts, white do, fancy cottonade Pants, Linen do, Osnaburg do. Denim do, bro.1 Linen do, Duck do, fancy ,Castimere do, Denim Overalls, do xrpcas, jiarsoiues . esta, . asortvu uu Silk Tests. Kremlin' Sacks, ' bro'. Drill 1 Overalls; Twilled Flannel Shirts, whalers' striped Shirts, blue and red Flannel Shirts, red, blue and striped flannel Drawers, Tweed Sacks,' English do, Drab Silk do, Guernsey Frocxs, black Mazowska Pants, Grass Linen Coats, fancy Cashmerette do, check Sacks, white Merino Shirts, Navy Ruffle Bosom do, fancy Shirts, sheeps grey Pants, Linen Bosom Shirts, &c. Bales scarlet and blue Blankets. ' "f " V ' Invoice Fcex itcke. , Ijuliea hair cloth Mahogany Chairs, enamelled Chamber Furniture, Lounges, 4 splendid Mahogany Side Board, marble top, Corner Stands, 2 splendid T. pattern Bureaus, 2 splendid hair cloth Sofas, 2 do Uo Divans, Mahogany harp back Chairs, 2 mahogany moulded Arm" Chairs, 1 magnificent French inlaid Secretary, Mahoganyi and. Walnut Bureaus, do do Wash stands. : This Furniture is. pf New York make and made to order. . ". ; , , - Ixvoice Statioxebt. . i . I-edcer. Cash Books,' &c Cap and Letter Paper, assorted, copying Ink, Alphabets, Bill and:Receipt Books, Faciei Post, Note Paper, Envelopes, asst'd, Pencils, assorted, Copying Press Hooks, &c. . t ; : LvvorcB Habdwaee.' '' ; . -Comtrine a complete and full assortment of Car renters'. Cabinet Makers'. Coopers', Blacksmith and Ship hardware, to numerous to detail. . " ' " 40 Ba:kete;Heibricx Champagne. :, . R. COADY St CO V Honolulu, August 31, 1853-tf-17 i ; TUST RECEIVED ex Brig M Boston," ' and for ' sale bv the uudersLmed : Bale - of Superior Broadclotlt, assorted colors.; Black, Bloc, Green, Brown and olive. 1 :- tf-16 , .VON 110LT & HEUCK. - Underwriter' Aeeney. , rSlUE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed Airent for the Underwriters in Boston, L. o. A hcrcliy gives notice that he will 1 at all times ready to transact anv business connected with this depart ment. . . ...... ....... .-...! : - . . . Masters of vessels will confer a favor by giving r-rlr information of anv marine losses or disasters occuYinir in this vicinity, or elsewhere in the Pacific, ... .. ... ,,, WM. B. RICE, Honolulu, May 12, 1853-tf-l , RICE &C0. CSUELF HARDWARE; Carpenters Tools, ic. 0 in great variety, for sale by .... tfr13. ' HALL & DIMOND. 1;., . . Good Coffee Land for Sale. TTN the District of Kona. Hawaii, about three miles U North of Kealakeakua Bay, and about one and a half miles from a landinz place. ... - There are about 235 acres, ranging from 1000 to 2000 feet above the level of the sea, and Called Hoku- kano the 1st,' ' For further particulars apply to - : .- tf-8- . MR. GREENWELL. T O LET. The house' how occupied by Messrsf Melchers Si Co., to be vacated on the JUtn vec 1853. Apply to J. J. CARANAYE, havmg charg Of the premises,: : ; t ; ' - tf-17-;; -.v.:" dwelling houe to let;;;; :-; fTTlHE Dwelling House' and Premises formally JL" ; occupied by Wm. 7arrett,at;KuIa. Kahua, WnikiiL within 10 minutes walk of Town. For particulars apply to MONTGOMERY. Honolulu, Aug: J6thl053:::.:-;;' " ;.! t15. TJ OTICE: Ono four wheel Iloll up Buggy; lNi - '(Jennlind Pattern) lamps and Harness mnlit ta arrive Der "Mechanics Own," for "sal 1 t.-'T 11T TTPl by -t . s- - .' . xi. Honolulu, Aug. 20th; 1853. DICKSON. , t15 COTTAGE .FOR SALE. , , ilecnmed bv A. P. Eveeett, coeeb Hotel ivn Aliiei. STEEETS. This is one of the most desirable cottage residences in Honolulu, and nminiM a (vnvmient and central . locality. . lie house is but two and a half-years old, and is built in a most substahtial; mannerly It contains six rooms nantrv. bath-room. xiU hen. &c, with two wclla and pumria inT the yasdv The- whole in a good state of Aug- 19, io.J-u-ia i . i r , ot OSAGE ORANGE SEEDS, , FRESH 8UPPLY1 of the above jeed just re ceived and for sale, $2 per pound, or in leas quanti ties if desired. . . ..". !." '-, Also, JWmvWEPi. varieties in each box. n. niunaii . Honolulu, Aug.' 19th,' iS53-3m-15 - - rAlLY EXPECTED, and for Sal to arrive m splendid assortment of Merchandiso consisting inpartof, t '- Assorted English and French Prina,Turkey Red and Yellow PrinU,- Printed Muslin. sprinted De laines , India Book Muslins, urieans, sppweu mm broidered Muslins. Bliie CkKfcColorod QotlwScarlet Cloth. Lasting, embossed Coburga, supertor l)en ims, Spun Silk hdlifs; felt liata, Musd.Uito Netting. Woolerr Trowsers, colored ihirts, - fancy shawls. woolen shirts and' drawers. Womena cotton nose. Cotton Umbrellas, White "and Colored. Blankets, Bishop Lawns, Brown Cotton drawers, white cotton TTjilv,vt. finA Merino Undershirts, Pink Under shirts, worsted hose, straw bonnets, bleached canvass, z m. Tinm Towels. Ac &e. - '' A. 1- .- rv.;n -Rrasa Padlocks. Brass Bedi steads. Chile Bits, Spurs Padlocks, Rim Locks, bin go?anws, plaited Lazos, 20C I pairs Reins ; leadrMcos. -''TV ' !L: - .-r" STTNDRIESCrr , -. - -rrr - Sauteme, 50 eases Olive oU, l-am asaorve-, - it Sacks Barley. Bran. Bama, Note, Srdmes fcc &c. to V ROBT. C. JANION. fflufe August 27. 1853.--tf-l. H fjn HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the argo ot tne American .ship 'Judge haw," S. Curtw If aster, from Boston. (Expected to arrive . Cases Green Printei Wick Yam, Printed Law, .White Linens, Blue Shirts, Spool Thread, . , Canary Prints. Blk. Italian Cravats, t r '. . ' . j Orange Cottons, Silk Umbrellas, Rlue Cottons,' . ' ' Denim Pants; Blue Drillings, Duck, Denims, . . " Ticking, Navy Blue Caps, Pant Stuffs. . . '1 " ' V : rv r-GROCERIES, &c.- , sl Cans Butter, Water, Soda, and assorted Crackers, , 5 Kegs Salt-Petre, Boxes Pain Killer - v . Boxes Maccarroni, Boxes Vermecilli, ;." :-' '. ' Hlf-bbls.' Currants, Cases Sweet Oil, i " Y . Drums Figs, Bbls. Pilot Broad, ' r " i r . Hlf-bbls. Corn Meal, Tins Cheese, Split Peas, White Beans, bbls. Rice, Cases Oysters, ; Z '.. . ..Boxes Assorted Preserved Meats, Cases Picklti," , Cases. Clams, Salmon, Mustard, Capers, . Assorted Herbs, Extract Lemonl " Tomato Ketchup, Soughten's Elixir, Lined "Apples, T. able Salt, Kees-wax, : Boxes Sardines, Tobacco; Raisins,' Almonds; j Loaf Sugar, Hlf. bbLi Crushed Sugar-it i Black Pepper, Assorted Preserves, i T J , 1 0 -"ALSO Tierces "Boston Sugar Cured Hams.' Kees Lard, i , 'Bdxes.Codfish, 11 If. bbls. Clear and Mess Pork, 1 Kitts Mackerel, Tongiiei and Sounds ;' .,"-- r: f Hlf. bbls. Tongues, Bales Hops, Cologne," r" : , Salaratus, ' . '.'- , - NAVAL STORES Ac. . " Bbls. Tar, Linseed Oil in Bbls.;: Ash Oars , . ' ' ' ; Cases Spirits Turpentine, Linseed Oil in Cans,' A ! Green Paint, Verdigris, Vhiting, Paint Brushes,' . Bbls. Pitch, Bbls. Resin, Kegs Pure White Lead, Navy. Oakum, Furniture Varnish, Black Paint, ' ' Bristol Brick, Grindstones. ALSO - - 200 Bbls! Haxall Flour, 60 Bbls. Mesi Pork, 10 Bbls. No. 1 Carolina Rice,: J s--- 50 Bbls. Prime Pork, 60 do. Rump do., ' , 60 do. Mess Beef- 40 Blf; bbfs. Mess Pork, ' ' ' . 15 do. do. Clear do 2 Hlf bbls. Goshen Chawa, ' 5 Hlf. bbls. Tongues, . 200 18-lb-boxes Winchester Bar Soap. " i i SHOES, SADDLERY, Ac. Cases Split Brogans, do. Kip do.j - ' 1 '''') ' do. Womens' Strap Shoes, do. native Womena do. do. Mens' Lasting Gaiters, do. do. Pegd. Bro gang, i do. do. Sewed do, do., do. do. Calf Brogans, -,dp EnameUed Sewed do-i do. Calf .Boote, 1 1 ,. Mens' Common SaddJeSjwith 2 girths,. ,; , Jo ' do, God do. do. do.. Cowhides, , . , . j ; . ' , Fancy riding Wlupa't -; 1 , ' , , . HARDWARE CROCKERY &c. , , Cases Handled Axes, do. Axe Hatchets, . ,..'.' , do. Coffee. .Mills, do. do. Horse Shoe Nails, t. ; .Tin Pots and Pans, Tea Kettles, Furnaces, , :; : . . Butcher Knives, Scissors, Jack-Knives, : . Asst'd. Sewing Needles, do. Sail do., ' - ). ' . , Coach Wrenches, Percussion Caps, Felt Wads, ' . Coffin Tacks, Saw Files, Wood Screws, Handsaws, Casks, Lanthorns, Copper Rivets, do. Burrs, Spurs, Casks Cut Nails and Spikes, , 15 Boxes Tin Plate Assfd.. .. i ' . . ALSO. . 2 Large Beam Scales suitable for weighing Hides, Whalebone fcg. .. . . : a i.i-SUNDRIES ::, Past eBlacking, Sporting Powder, Nautical Almanacs, Cane Back Rocking Chairs, . Wood Seat Office Chairs, Cases Axe Handles, v ; ' , Ins, Playing Cards, Bait.. Wood Seat Chairs.- . Common do. do. do, Cat Spades, !; Solar Lamp Chimnies, wicxs, Ruled Letter Paper. . do. Cap do , Tooth Brushes. . -. LUMBER Ac. ' 209 Bbls ''Rosendale Cement,' 44 M Hard Bricxs. 2 and 3 in. Spruce Plans, Long Spruce Joists, 2x3 2x3, 3x4, 3x3, 3x4r 3x5 3x6, . 1 in. Boards, Uard Piuc Boards planed, Tongucd, and erooTed. 1 : ; .r.- -i.vt I i T f Hard Pine Plan s, planed on one side. ' ' N. B. Should the above Lumber not be sold pre- viouslv to arrival of the Ship it will be offered at Public Auction immediately after ber arrival. Ai, .-i.l CHAS. BREWER, 2d. Honolulu, Aug. 16th; 1853-tf-15 -r, EX MATAXZAS : r .ui-if-o : ' : !.':: .i no roi ulc ; AT THE BRICK SHOE STORE, r K LARGE ASSOBTAIENT of Custom Made A boots;: shoes and gaiters, latest styles, and direct from the manufacturers. . " v.i ... Also Indies, Gents, -Misses., Boys and Childrens hosiery of superior quality. i.-iu-c Aug. 5, 1852. tf-13 - J. H.WOOD. 1AJ OTICE. All persons are notified hereby, that X w I will not be responsible lor any debts con traded in mv name .without my written order. June 1 6, 1853-tf-0 V , .. .. . j J. BOOTH. TUST RECEIVED,. per ri Zoe" and for sale by O the undersigded , cases of sqpenor Claret. AnSut 1314 tf. , ;.yOJi H0LT& HEUCK. Tf C. SPALDING" offers for sale , the following nr mercnanoize, juaw cvcitt uum vuuuiiih nor Lrii' " Zoo." viz; . '".."' ... , ' . . 4 doz beebe's mole skin hats, latest Xew' York pattern; 2 doz. do. low crowned latest pattern Call fornia mole skin hats,, half doe. ancy (boys) hate, half doz. bonnets, 1 doz. boys beaver and silk hata, 2 fine otter hats. 1 doz. black, plumes,, 1-doz. gents strawhats, ry; 5 cross best seidletz powders,' C doz. chloride of soda. 10 doz Tarrant's mixture, 10 gallons lemon syrup, 10 dowaspherry. syrUp, 10 do. ginger syrup, 10 do. sarsapanlla syrup, 10 do, pure apple syrup 1 doz, bottles llanes' lustre. - - - - Mf-SUirDRLSSIflCI 40 dozv best oysters, doz fresh pears preserved in tins. 48 doz snnle duId. 21 doz cranberrv iam. 29 bVi sywpEeae ic9,i0 doz preserved peaches and ... . n B " . 9 f ' ' gages, 100 boxes txceisior soap, i nre tngme ana nose carriage Manila rope. with 150 feet leadini? hose, 77 coils 'Honolulu, Aug. 3; !, i'-.:: t-. . SUBSCRIPTIONS t ' ir-r,! . Will be received by the undersigned, for- the Mlowiag paprrs ana magazines: ., , VN. V. Weekly Herald,Jv"- ' per aanftin,' $4 00 - do- 'do -Tribune do '-L -4 00 " -r: do"? do' . Illustrated News, ; - do . - 5 00 . ... . Whaleman's SWpping List,.. , t J . do . ,;; .3 OQ , Phila. 6atnrdajr Eren ing Pcot, ' do 4 00 . N. Y. Monthly Magazine of Art, " do 1 e . 5 OO,' f. i Knickerbocker Msgartno, r . ' udo 5 00' Harper's Maraaiue, ; v .. j-,..r 44: i . - :&:b - "" ! S The above will be furnished toauDscribers regnlariv on ther receipt. .Any ether magazine or papers desired' wiU also be ordered. . .. Aug. zutn-Ma-U ; .,. " z.z..' TfU9T RECEIVED,' by the ! katantas,' 1 the tU '" 'largest and roost comprehenslva assortment of prising everal thousand volumes oil'1' H""' ARCHITECTITIE, . : r. , :n t'l .ll TJO-l) :- .i mdicine, ,.:u i tn (-w;::t " SCIENCE a ART t " ."V-i'i ?''i;'.l :: :'. i 6CHOOX. BOOKS;-- i ,-n.; rr' Cataloeues.can' be had' 'at the Polynesian Cfficc : l. . f; HESRT Ml "WHITNEY. 'I August I0.3ra-M ' " 'TTU'ST. "BJEIVED; best' German; Cclogne, for sale at the store oi tne unoerstgneo. " ; tf-li . : is.-HUaiAA,ai.Ar.- OR SALE by the Agent of the Hudson's" Bay ' Comnanr. the following goods, expected to arrive in an September per snip - slij vauienric? . -- T . aTwv a viz ,r . Xavx hoax? Aaamrtad Ratline. Seaming Twine, tewing Palms, black and bright Varnish, boiled linseed Oil, spirits Turpentine, sheathing Copper 18 and 20 ox. i ""Casks "Port and "Sherry, each 30 gaCsJ khdsTand casks Bandy,estphaha fWY'k l 'Aa' asWtment of EarthenwaieeV steel shovfls, tad t fiIL Jews hams, atatd tAUOnr tcissors, Wel lington shoes, seamen dra-ireraniafioneiT, playing cards, broad doth, asst'd 4ualitie, corah' hdk!fe, China eerah handk'fs, check Bxusselt handkishlk ribbon, fancy printeamusltos, niaex naxjeatners SCHOOL, BOOSS. The 'attention eftehool teachers is invited to a new and attractfvf aeries of school books, joat received by the --Webamc s OwjuT" enrbracinr Tvery branch ' taught hreur schools ;-and aWelementary Latin and Greex Text Booxs. 3t-i7 r in m: avihtney: FOR; SALR; to. arrive in barque Chilo" from . Boston expected in ill September, the follow-! ing assortment of merchandize, WVy . V -v ' 1 .Cases Wlfef,: Butter Sugar, Win', and Soda Crackers. .ai,i -..j, , .,, ... ; . l HaUbbU.CidrinegaVj. fr;f.J .;'f ' ! Cases Refined Lard, ' ' v . " ' " ; Boxes Chalhpaigne Cidei'. , " , Cases Boiled Linseed: OiL - b': ' T " Spirits Turpeatine:niU'': 1 rrtI . 114 bbls. Haxall Flour. . r i Hhds. Goshen Butter in 4, J and 1 gal kegs. S i bbls. Crushed Sugar, ; Bales Schetucliet Stripes,-4 . - yt '-'A .""'v ' " ,; checks: ".". " -;z ; I i . Dennins.' : "- . ; l Sheetiggs.. -V Blue Drills, i Y,t t . Also 50 U. S. muskets complete with cartridge poxes, Dayonet sneatns, body belts and gun slings. 50 Priming Wires and Brushes. ' r . i j 1 Army Sword and Belt." . f ; Caseg Regalia Cigars. : , ..."(' ' ".,.:' ,BooTa.a;-SttOK?., viaL('r. ' Cases Mehs' cmamelled pegged brogans. ; ' 1 '1 'y " Rt II ' ' do till r ) 'sewed Jersey boots: .v.- tino calf puiap sole brogans. , rlS . ,0'1'. ! welted - V u " . ! patfc leather bronze top Monterey's ' . - i enamelled sowed dancing pomps. i. . m j . ." colored morocco pattent foxed opera "f:.-, slippers.; '- ' " " pecsd welted brogans. : ... 'X' J. C. SPALDING. Honolulu, Aug. 12, 1853.-tf-l4 . ,: .. ... .: VTOTICE. Th lubicnbtt keg.' leare to lafunn hi frieaU it and the public 1m is xpectiof ia all Hcptamber, tho Bark " Constance," with an asaorwd cargo of Merchandise consist ing of the following articles, which ha oners for sale to arrive, at lowest market prices, viz : ..''.'-' t 'Lcmszb ' .' "5 i- - 10,701 10,154 15035 25,345 3,003 101,003 15,829 95,203 3d, 119 feet rerjr best white oak Plank,' ' " ' Deck Plank, . Hi rd Pine Boards, " Spruce Timber and Joist, - t Hard Pine Plank,' i f " White Pine Boards, " - r : Plank, :i U 1, " Sprue Sheathing Boards,, .. i 5,057 S M Clear Oaphoardsi : a 100 M Shingles,. ,. , , iA-., ; MSfiO Pickett, (4 and 5 ft.) . , ; 100 M Laths, 37 M Bricks.' , ' S';4' - J . J; . v-I. . - 100 Ken Cut Nails, 44, 6d, M, lOd, 12d, 50d ' ( 61 Coils of best hemp Lanyard and Ratlin Suiffi . 13 p'kges Spuayara and a eomplote assortment of Blocks, . A complete assortment of Hardware and Ship Chandlery Cases Pilot tilth Jackets, f' ! " u .4 Reefing Jackets," Paau, : ..' -a','. .Cases Wool Mittens, . " Comforters, ., ! Check Pants, ' ' ' - ' ' " Alpacca -.;.-! ,.. .... White Shirts, . . , ' . - ; , - , " , Calico. J. C SPALDING. Honolulu, August 13 14-tf J. C. SPALDING offers for sale " to arrive" per barque Sophronia," short I v expected the, following invoice of stationery, &c -. " ' " 'J Cases finger rings, breast pins, zinc mirrors, porte monies, percussion caps, playing cards, hair brushes, memorandums, blank books, rubber, violin and bow, inkstands, furniture polish, mallets, card eases, slate pencils, wafers, ornamental cards, glass boxes, steel pens, card cases,-letter stamps, holders, envelopes, marking ink, seals, lemon juice, wax, note paper, fans, bonnet board, invoice books, do. letter and foolscap paper, cologne and ink. Honolulu, Aug. 3, 1853. V tf-13 vj. C. SPALDIIVCr ' z'-- OFFERS FOR SALE, "to arrive," the following Invoices of Merchandize, shortly expected to arrive per" Nestorian and "Judge Shaw," from the U. S.,viz; - 1 ' !"- Per "-NestOrian." 10 tierces suar cured hams. 100 half bbls. superfine El Dorado flour. : Per "Judge Shaw," -- ' ' :-' CLOTHING, viz: ; 10 doz red flannel shirts,' 10 doz blue, do. do.; 47 pilot cloth reefing jackets', CO pair rubber boots, 102 pairs blankets; also 89 kegs nails, 50 cases Cognac brandy, callepers, cases axe helves, cases assorted crackers, boxes ' Baltimore oysters, do. clams, ' do. lobsters, do of meats; kits mackerel, tongues and sounds, boxes English cod-fish, bbls beans, half bbls. dried apples bbls. Carolina rice,' boxes cornstarch, half- bbls. corn meal,' tierces hams, bbls. superfine flour, do. prime pork, beaver monkey jackets, drab do. reefing do. black do blue do. ; " ' -, - : ALSO, - - - Cases blue drills. -. . " denims. . ' : : i " ' ' Bales Bennington stripes..' . . - . Suncooke shirtings.'! r;f. -' Pembroke, - - do. - . : '. , r Prints. " Honolulu, Aug 3, 1853. - - tf-13 SHORTLY EXPECTED AND FOR '"SALE, to arrive," the foll-rwinj assortment of mer chandize, viz: - ' ':v";Z "':'s;. r Casks cut nails, iron shovels, rolls sheet lead, cases Cognac brandy, coils houselines, marline, worniline, lo? lines, hand lead lines, deep sea lead line); crates .soup plates, do." flat plates, do.' muffins, do. dish do do. bakers, do. colored diaiics, do. tumoiers, ao mugs, do casters; cases 'candy, Japanned signal hmternsijeoppered do.1 hand' do! cooks do, soup ladles, tin coffee and tea pots, lamp feeders, measures, cullenders, copper.' tacks, sauce pans, tea kettles, '.wood saws, si w frames, and strainers; C. S. hand saws, buthers and blue buck . do v carvers, table knives, desk do, butcher do,, cooks do: needles, palm ' irons,' cod lines, fish lines, mackerel do; wenters, corkscrews, fish hooks, tea bells, candle sticks, nutmeg graters, bellows, linen table covers, screws assorted, deck'hghts, brass cocks, iron tabic and tea spoons, basting do, caulking mallets, ship scrapers, glue, tinned flesh forks; cooks ladles, mar line spikes, caulking irons, brass wire; dust pans, tar brushes, paint and scrap do, dust do; wash banns, wicking.beeswax, Mexican belts, boat nails, fry pans assorted, cojfee milL gridirons, axes, bristol brick, coppers rtvetsj coffee .pots, - butchers' cleavers; shirts assorrou, snips ueus ana irumpcra, iron yoco, wu, set coppers toobi, ensigns, cullenders, hand pumps, white, scarlet and blue bunting, bread grater, plates. black lead, sail twine, horsing irons, pins and mallets, sail hooks, shank do, can hooks, nana leads,, deep sea do.'hdoks nbd'thimblesV rivets) ourrs for do, cal lipers, iron safes, camboosea with fixtures, cabin stove 'foal do,' wood do,-binnacle lanterns and stands; lantern glasses assorted, copper pnmps. ; i- tf.i$ si:ur: i; .'. .q-itj. u.Oi'ALJJLu-. : OR SALE by the undersigned, Abbott a i Sons celebrated PALE ALK in bottles. . -iTAugust Hth, lS53.-tf-14 vniii il j--'" V. SNOW OFFERS FOR SALE, an astortr 'ment of MERCHANDISF now landing from schooner E. L. Frost, from San Francisco, Consisting of caseg lawns, French silks, Lace shawls, cases den ims, woolen shirts, bales blankets,' Gros de ' RQine, parasols , suspenders, kid gloves, dress patterns iss'd. ladies' riding hats, children's do., insertion. Collars, silkmits. Jantillas, lace t capes, thread lace, under sleeves, Lc , . . .. .'. . ALSO . . .-. , Baskets Champagne, cases claret, tins crackers, cases oysters, do, strawberries, do. apples, do. peaches do. corn, do peas, do.' cranberry" sauce, do. Quince sauce, da apple sauce, do. brandy peaches and cases Honey."-r ; " V.V '.. .'.'.'..'.''..'.'"'. '-.i Tobacco, butter, matches, tumblcrs.lanterns black ing, looking glasses, tea, shingles,' &c. tit. v ' J : . ' Z llOCOlulU, Aug. 12, 1S33.-U-M . rA . ... 4 b. f. snow orrin oa t alb ; Zj-. . cl: 0' IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHSERS. . a ii ucsjcnpvionn vi nciuwiiuuc k vj wvu. arrivals trom i . am .iaa.wwvw, r v . : Z ZZZ . Z. Z cW5isxKisr . . , , .; u DRY GOODS,, . , HARDUABIv-fr BOOTS ft bHJU.r . ' . . UttUUrJWto, ' r PAINTSr. - ' . GARDEN -TOOLS tf-U - . .,.' ve.'; Ac. - TN' OTICE-I hereby intimate to' the public that I 1M . hava appointed Mr. Isaac Uontjonjery, as my sola., agoat; remntative . lof, Vfte- axdaatve managmentofvmy salt woxka property atPuuloa, and also my cattle, horafls cad lands, at Puoioa, aadWall parties are requested to communicate with hiar on-all subtactSB connertea inerewtm. I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I v.. NOTICE. APPLICATIO.V kaving Wm made la the HunorabU Wa. L Lre, Chief Jasttee of the SvpresM Coaff, by Keliiokn kane, tut letters ef ndnrinistratio upon the estate ef Kabni, and the appouttiHMMtif Quardiaa toAnakolio azainor: Notiee is hereby given to all person whoa it may concern that Sat unity the Jd day of October next, at nine o'clock ia the fr nmn is a day and bout appointee) fc bearing east application and all objections that may be offered thereto, at the Court House la the towa of Honolulu. T HENRY RHODEf, Honolulu, Aug, 13, ldiWi-H , . aerk Bupreme Courts, "WJ OTICE. AppliCatiolt having been made to the II Honarah William T. To W... -t .i . m&mff . .Mw. Ub.lV Ul the Supreme Court, by 'Nakilaku for"proof of the wills of Eeaweaumolu and Kamaxou his wife, late of Palama, Island o f Oahu, deceased j Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that Saturday, ' the 15th day of October next,- at nine o'clock in the forenoon. ii n dar anl knnr in. pointed for hearing proof of said wills and all ob iections that may be offered 'thereto,-, at the Court house, in t,h; Town of Honolulu. " "-t '; , . .',. ? - -t fltNRY RHODES, ' v V,V; '- Clerk Supreme Court. , HonoluIui'Aug.' loth. 1853.3t-16-e:o.w. : Z". f NOTICE Ofr JFO!E CLOSURE; ; . BxroKS Chief Jcsticb Wk. L. Lxz. ' . . ' Ia Chancery. ' ' , 1 ..W'lLLUM ' Jacob Stcfplebeex. Bill for a foreclosure of s mortgage.' NOTICE is hereby given to all who may be inter ested, that a Bill has been filed in the above enti tled case, praying for the foreclosure of a Mortgage executed by Jacob Stupplebeen, on the thirtieth day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, to secure the payment of three hundred dollars and interest on that turn from first date, on the following described premises : Situated in Honolulu, commencing at Makai South corner of that lot joining IL Arm strong's Dwelling house lot, and running North 40 45 West, 1,72-100 chains along Beretania street to H. McFarlane's dwelling house lot ; thence North 52 30 East, 122-100 along McFarlane's lot to the King's Botanical Garden ; thence South 33, East 1,53-100 chains along Botanical Garden to 1L Armstrong's again ; thence 45 30, West 12-100 chains along 1L Armstrong's lot to place of commencement contain ing an area of fathoms 221, feet 16, and that the day of hearing said bill has been fixed by the Court, on the first Monday of March next ensuing, and all per sons interested are hereby notified to show ceuse, if any, against the prayer of the Bill on or before the day assigned and fixed for the hearing. A ' '' ' : WM. C.PARKE. Marshal of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, Aug. 25, 1353. 24t-16. NOTICE. Application having been made to the Hon. Wm. L. Lee, Chief Justice of. the Su preme Court by Paao for proof of the will of Hi of Waimanalo, Island of Oahu, lata deceased : No tice is hereby given to all persona whom it may con cern, that Saturday, the 15th day of October next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon is a day and hour annointcd for hearine proof of the said will, and all objections that may be offered thereto, at the Court House m tne-lown or Honolulu. - . ,, , , HENRY RHODES, ! . Clerk Supreme Court. Honolulu, Aug. ICth, 1853. 3t-16-e.o.w. OTICE. Application having been made to the Honorable Wm. L. Lee, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Kaolelo for probate of the will of Keanu, late of Honolulu, deceased : Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that Saturday, the 15th . day of October next, at nine o'clock in the fotenoon, is a dsy and hour ap pointed for hearing proof of said will, and all objec tions that may be offered thereto, at the Court House in the Town of Honolulu. , . . , HENRY RHODES. ' . . " Clerk Supreme Court." Honolulu, Aug. 17th, 1853. 3t-16-e.o.w. : 1AJ OTICE. Application having been made to the AM Honorable Wm. L. Let, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Kamakahi, for proof of the will of Piipii and letters of Administration upon the Estate of Piilani, late of Honolulu, deceased: No tice is hereby given to all persons whom it may con cern, that Saturday, tne lotn day oi October next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon is a day and hour ap pointed for hearing proof of said wilh, and" the ap .. . ... , - . . i , i i plication lor letters oi aaminisiraiion, ana an objec tions that may be offered thereto, at the Court House in the Town of Honolulu. ... HENRY RHODES. Clerk Supreme Court, Honolulu, August 16th, 1853. 3t-18-e.o.w. NOTICE. Application having been made to the Hon. Wm. L. L;, Chief Justice of the Su preme Court, by Palauolelo for probate of the will of S..Wahinekolohe of Pauoa, Island of Oahu, de ceased : Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that Saturday, the 15th day of Oc tober next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, is a day and hour appointed for hearing proof of said ' will, and all objections that may. bo offered thereto, at tha Court house in Honolulu. : ' . :' ' HENRY RHODES, ; -.- - Clerk Supreme Court. - Honolulu, Aug 16th, 1853. 3t-16-e.o.w. TOTICE. rropef application have been made to l the Honorable' William L. Lee, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, by Kiha, for letters of ad ministration unon the estates of Hues and Kauea- lai late of Kaneohe, Islands of Oahu, deceased : Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may .... . . . . , .i i .r v.l concern, mat eaiuraay, me iam u ui wourr next, at nine O clock in ne forenoon, is a aay ann hour appointed for hearing the said application, and all objections, hat may be offered tnereto, at tne Court house in Honolulu. rrr. henry Knout, M H ' : JV Clerk' Supreme Court. Honolulu, Aug; i6th. lS53.3t-l6-ej.a-. l i. By command of the King. OTICE is "hereby given that it has plca.ed the Kin to arnoint William Webster. Esquire As sistant Agent for the sale and letting of Ilia Majesty'a Lands, and for the collection of all rents due tor ana acc ruins from the same. . C. G. HOPKINS, : Jnly 27, 1853. - ; ' Agent tor me aung s iauj. .;;..'. - v ' - . t ...t JIa ke kauoha p ka Moi. -' ; Ke hoike ia aku nei na raea a pau, ua koho ka Moi .. ... . . -r. . i , 1":, - t . i:.. ia William eoster. Jisquur iiiaui,Au kona kokua Luna Aina ionoi, a no ka ohi ana i na dala o ka uku makahikio na aina hoolimalima. Naa na a G. H OPKINS, Julai 27, 1853 tf-12 Luna Aina o ka MoL. . To all claimants Of LaaTon tho Hawailaa r - - ..' Islands. ',-' 'J;i"J THE ATTENTION of land claimants, who have . nrr.n tTioir claims before the Iand Commission, is directed to the following Act, re cently passed by the Legislature. ' X-r ; -Xx Act jruma to tub Board or Covxismoxe? to Qcirt Lao Titles. . v . . ,f . i Approved Mar 26th i 18.53. Ba'rr E.vACTto,DT the King, tne owes ana Representatives of the Hawaiian islands iu i5g 'lative Council assembled:" '.- - Z ' ' ' f..t .11 .l.;mt nt land wkhin this Kinldrjn. . JljH, ' who have entered 'their claim with the Board ot r :: n nnit Tjind Titles, and who shall not have appeared before the said Board and proved ' - m A tVv a e FiSm their several clamw, previous w m t A. D. 1854, shall be for ever barred from proving the same ; and the said Board of Comrauioners are hereby authorized and required to give due notice of .v:. 4l..k h PolvniMian and Elele newspa- ners and to deal with all outstanding land claimants JcTordingty. r- r.f, . . " - orU xwmu jjtiiu x,v-w . r- HoBoIulo, June 15,. 1853. tf 6 ..; Z-ZZ f QUTR AIT t PA! XTI NC. ( T -TB, J. B. KNAPP, Artist, begs icajc v. r-.f - r.--int that he has taken LheToomson the cor,cr of Hotel "dkea sW, opposito the readenre of Mr.v Everett, where be wVuld be happy to wait on thosa who may pk rvLP . ..II r V.. flattrrs hanself that ha U ow prepared to producepicture. superior t .t . i... YrTL namtAd. on the Sandwich, anyina? v -.- .. - w i a . . . j ; . . i . . . . . ijianaa. v.?-. . ' 7 . -,r Plraje call and examlTCUI,-' ' ' -rr7HITE v COL'D, SATINS.-lTongew. . . c.i.f. it n.i f !t.Ar Chow col ci Foacaa hdkfa.'. Parse Satitw, gold and enmson, wh em&r d Crape anawis, J ttv i-h' ' Sppt 7, lS53-tf-l$. i RICE.. 0. NOTICE. All persons in any way interested in - the estate of Wm. McLane, lata of Makawao, island Of Maul, diseased, such as rreditora; next of kin or otherwise, are hereby notifieJ to be and ap pear before" nie" ia the" Caart House of Lahataa op S Tuesday the 17th day of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to attend tha1 settlement of the ac counts of th 6' administrators and show carone, if any they have," why the said accounts should att bo' passed, and the administrators discharged from fui thcr duties and responsibilities ia the matter." :" j. JN 6. RICHARDSON, - ,-?, ' OneOftheToial t'ircuit ' ;4 ; - .... Judges of the 2d Judicial . J 'District Hawaiian Wand. j Waikapu, Set. . 1S53 3M3 , . - t - T'A' OTICE. Proper application having been made 1 by Kuhalemanu, lor the, appolAtmeut ut an administrator. upon the estate of Kahinu, late of Waihce, Lland of Maui, deceased ; Notice is hereby" given to all persons a hohi ,i may concern; that Sat urday tTie 1st day. of .cL-tobct ex 0,'.ciM in the foreuoon, is a day adtl hour apntyvt iur hear ing said application and all.abjjecUcn that may ba r offered- thereto, at my loue iu th.dirt of Vaw - knpu, ulsinu of Mam. mi , . J. c i . ; One of the J.ocal Circuit Judges of the 2d Judfciaf r' " Waikapu; .Sept. 3. IffK--W . ' ''Z OTft'fl Application karlac term aaade to tile Hunerak'e tVilliam 1. le, t bief Juuce of Hie Saprrare Liwrt. sr Andrew Auld of Honoluhi, fur neueate f the wHI mt Jam-t Ruddaclr, lata of Waimea, in tne ieUn4 ef Kaaai. 4aceaee4 r Notice la hereby sitae to all perauas n been it aasy cuareru that Satarday the i-M day of Octuber next, at nine o'clock in., the nrrnooa, is a day and hoar appealed iur hMrinf nref of said will, and all objections that atay be offered thereto, at tha Court House in tbe Iowa of Honolulu. 1IENEV KHODE. Honolulu, ?cpf. 13, 1953.-41-19 " - Cleik 9uprome CMirt! - i NOTICE. ' ' APPLICATION' biTing been asade lo the U.-norablatVm. ' I- Lee, Chirf Jinnice of the Supreme Coart, by Kabiki-' kolo, (ur lHlrrs ef aaiaRtratioa npea the estate of kalai, iX ' of Maunalna, Ulaad ef Uahu, drreasrd: Notice is hereby si vt-n to an Mirana a noen u may conrera, tnsf ataraay, mr 29tb day of Ortober next, at nine o'clock ia tbe tiraeaai. is f . day and bonr appointed fur beariaf said application, and al l objections that may be eflored thereto, at the Court iloasd i tbe Uiwaet Honolulu. HK.VKY tHOUK.-, . HonohOu, A us- 1851-31-13 Clerk Supreese Cue f.. . ; . NOTICE. . . S. .:, -.' I PPLICATIOX baring been made to the Hoaorabir H a ik L. fee, Chief Justice of tbe Supreme Court, by KahakV (or letiers of adajinistratioa apoa tlx estates of Kalaaal, and Kaiua bis wife, late ef Palama, deceased t Neltre is here-, by givea to all persoas whurn it asay ruarera, that faturdaj, the hh day of October nex, at nine o'clock in tbe foreaova.: is a day aal hour appointed (ur hearing (aid application and all objections thst aisy be offered thereto, at the Coart lleaaa ia the toa-aef Honolulu. , HCNKV KttObtV. . Honolulu, Aug. 22, 1853. 3t-13 Clerk !jprcam Court. NOTICE. V PPLICATIOX having beea made to the flanoMMe Wa. L Le. Chief Justice ef ibe Supreme Court, br Kea for vroef of ibe will of Apia and Knutoobelaai ef tVaiataba, Eva, uiana oi uann a. ceuea : .oiice ia aereby givca to all parsHoe whom it may concern that Saturday the IWtn day ef October next, at nine o'clock ia the foreaooa, is a dsy and boar ap pointed lor hearing lae proof of said wills, aad all objections that may be offered (hereto, at the Cuurt Hon, ia the town' of noaotuln. - - - UE.NKV HOD&, Honolulu, Aug. 32, 135a,--ia Ckxk Supreme Court - . NOTICE. ' ' ' f . A f PLICATION' baring been made ta the HoaertbL YuL L. Lee, Chief Justice of the Supreme Coart, by Naa e'lna fur probate of the will of Naai akahi, late of Leleo, Hwnolala, deceased : Notice is beerby gWea to all persons whom it may concern, that Saiarday, the Hk day ef October aext, at nin'o o'clock in the fo.enooa, is a day and hour av pointed lor hear ing proof of said will and all objections thai may be offcre'd thereto, at the Court House ia the town et Uoaolulw. HENRY KtruOKS; Honolulu , Au g. 22, lail 3t-18 Clerk 8upreme Coart. . NOTICE. -,r t VrrLICiTtOX having beea made to tha Honorable Wm. L. Lee. Chief Justice of the Supreme Conn, by Kaieo (or probate ot the will of Kamahiai, bite of Houolulu, deceased : Notice is hereby girea la all ne sane whom it may coacera, that Saturday tbe 29th day of October next, at nine o'clock the forenoon, is a day and hour appointed lor hearing proof t said will and all objections tbat may he eflVred thereto, at the Court House in the town of Honolulu. , . ; BENXT RHODES,' Honolulu, Aug. -22, 1353.3t-ld Clerk Supreme Court. , - NOTICE. VFPLIClTION baring been made to tha Honorable Vfm. L. Lee, Chier Justice of the Ifepteena Court, by Pa. (or probate of the will of Halekii, lata of VVailupe, island of Oahu. deceased i Notice is hereby girea to all persons whom at mav - roaeern, that Saturday, the '.9th dav of October noit, ai aina 'clock in the fcrraoou, day and hour appointed lur hear ing proof of said will and all objections that may be ecvrrej tbereto, at the l oui t House in tha town of Hoaofem.- - : HENET HHOBFP, Honolulu, Ang. 20, 16i3-3t-18 . Cltrk Supreme C-uru .. NOTICE. ' . 4 APPLICATION having been made ta tha Honorable vtm. I. Lee, Chief Justice of the Supreme Cnurt, by V Haalclea lor probate of tbe wills of Apaa and Koipeieu, late .1 tVaimalu. Ewa. island of Oahu. deceased Notice is herebr girea to all persons whom it msy coarera, tbat Varard-- y, tbe U9th day of October aext, at nine o'clock in tbe (urenooa, ie n dar and hour appointed (of hearirg proof of eaid wille and all objections that may be offered thereto, si the Court Hoasa la tbe town ol Honolulu. nc-tax xnuvi?, . Honolulu, Aug. 22, 135X I4 -18 Clerk Supreme Coart" VOTICEv Application baring beea made to tha Uoajoraoia i.t Wm. L. Lee, Chief Justice of the Suprrme Coart. by J. letters of ad'niaistr-iioa upoa the estate ol Paa knnai, late of Honolulu, deceased: Nome ia krTf rrrra to all persons whom it may concern, that Saturday theArddayof October next, st nine o'clock ia the toreauva ie n day aad hour appointed Tor hearing said application;' aHd-itfobje. lions' thai may be offered !b rata, nl the Court House in the Iowa ef Honolulu. - : UKNIW KHODES. Jlonolalo, Aug. 17, 1953-31-17 Cleric CottW- J OTICE. Application fair.ns beea made to tha ffoanreble il - William L. Lee, Chief Justice of lite Supreme Conn, by C. C. Harris, Solicitor (or the Executors, for tbe proof ol tba will of William E. till, lateof Honolulu, deceased -v NetW-e ia hereby giren to all persoas whom it may concern, that Satur day the 29d day of October next, at nine o'clock il the ford- noon, ia a day aad hoar appoiated for haariag proof, of eaid mill anff all obiections tbat roar he eflVred thereto, at tha Caart Howse ia the town of Uonomht. ',' . . . .) t UKMT ariODE,' . Honolulu, Aug. 18, lS43-3i-17 . . : Clerk Supreme Caart. ' NOTICE." . -. A PPLICATIOX having beea ma-!e to the Honorable TTm L. Lea. Chief Jnstica of tha Supreme Court by Earns! hiili and Naai (or the axtpoiatment ef atlmiaistratora upoa tha aetata of Sekohai, late of Honolulu, decs aaed.snd tha appoint- ' luenl of Kilinahe as Gaardiaa tor lha said Kamaihiie) aa4" Naai Notice is hereby ciren to all person whose it mar cea: cera that Saturday tbe 22d day of October next, at aiaeo'cWk in tbe torrnoaa, ie a day and hoar appointed tor heanac satd appliratioa aad all object ioaa that M be aSTerad iheeeea, s the Court llousa ia the tows of Honolulu. , . -,,- HENET SHODaV, H. nolulu, Aug. W, 135.-3t-17 ; - Clerk Suprema Coart.'- NOTICE. , V ATM. CATION" having beea made to tha Honorable ttm.- L. Ler. Chief Justice of tbe aunreas Cm ft by Eaarfinf proof of the will of K shea, late of Honolulu decease: NhtSca ta hereby girea la all parsuas wkm it may mnteia, IhsTSarj. arday toe VM nay oi ociooer aen, at anaa a-cmu n ra sare aona, is a day a ad bojir. appoiated tor bearing nraaf af said will and all objections that ma be orTered thereto, at UtoCaaft Hoasa ia 'be tnara of Bnoeeula. ' flENBY EHODEM, Hon lulu, Aug. 18, law-abrl?' ' . . Clerk Suaarma CaarO T" , NoncC. Z'Z7:. A PPLICATIOX havlnf beea made to tlb ffonarabV tVmV L. Jae, Ckirf Jesrice of tba Snprssns l"art,ay E"smahisi for provate of tha wUI of Klmo. laie, of .Waikiki, dsceasssT: Notice ia berebv ga to all penwas waem it may noarera, that Jnturdey, the iM day of IVTihae arr, st nine e'etock in the forenoon, is a day a4. towr apewraka niraanitag pre.. ef said will and all objections thai awy be offered tayrrio, nf the Court House ia the town of ili-aoiula . .. .. ... . , , . . IIEjVBT KHODE3 4 rj . BamhK, AartW, 1853 17 i Clerk tmprem Caairs . if i . - r ; .' u . NOTICE." .'.5. ipt VrTLldXtrO.V 'hariaj been made to the Honorable Wm? L. Lee, Chief Juetics of the Suprejae CoarVby . , Kha puiki for the proof of the will of NrvylaH of Ujr4jthvda ceased : Notice is berebr girea to ail prranaa wham M aaejr enacara. tbat rUturdat. ttti 22d day at pctober Mil, nl aina o'clock in the forenoon, m a day and hour aHpcateU' far I ing proof of said will, and all "bjretxias that mar'Se effen-d tarrcto. at the Court House ia tha town ef HannmhK ' . HEtlV ERODES. Hoouh,Al,ni3--17, . Clark amaruuM Court. sofrcE A PPUCATIOX JX 1.LM, Chief probata ef tha nfM, ba hear! that Kafardar. lha 2-d dar of October next, at nine dock the foreaooa w a day aad boo a, pmated for kvanng araf ef said will and all .a- mat may ae ova ea laerata, at taa Caart House i. tha tow. ef Houotahx. HoBotara, Aug. 18, J533-St-r7 Clerk Supreme taurf , TOnCJL--AppUc4tina havin; be aaada ta tb ll Hboorafc Writ J. Ls, Chiel Justice ot? ih Suntae Court, "br Xakoana, tor ktues of rlminis trauoa upon tne owct vi adamant am uia vrifa , lata of Honolulu; dereaaed : Xotke ia hereby to all parsons' jvhom it mav ceabttm, that Sat urday, the 55th dar f)f Ottobcr naxt, at aiae oVlork ia tha forenoon, is a' day ana hour appointed for hearing said applK's'a and all ortjertioria that may be offered thereto; at- rh Conrt'fcftnb hi thf Town of Honolulu, r v 1 tefKT noi.s. - " ' . Uerk bupreine Court. ; - ITonQluW, Au.'ltth, 1B33. 3t-15-e.awr . having heap mode fh the- Hea arable Wta. JustKe pf the Naprjna iurt, ay aena tor mil of Eipa, hta or waimaiq, r,l, reeerai hrrrraa to art amaaaa wheea at mar rejrr. A