OCR Interpretation

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, August 15, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015411/1911-08-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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I" S;7. liilniiTniiRMAMFM jiiTnMflRnriTFMfi
-'v j v i . . . i i i r.j h i i.r-HiBaiiaiBniHii w
u A rl e I v -'"- !r i
I "PttvS-Vkactard "3011 ; touring car
rPl1 Jt?''' " ';i'via "?i-Jy'l?ted to run on cither road or,
U3 tATtll IVl llll I Jit . VI.
Just Received
.I'I'J Mil viilllil it ; ;,l I
I JIlT U....IO..H ..I A' f ! ii..- ;H
Ladies' Tailor made and Lingerie &hirt Waists '$1.50' to
$4.00 each. A great varietly of the seasbiisS'prettreSf styles to-"
choose from. ''"'t,il'.'-' ' '."
Lingerie Dresses in all sizes $5.6o!to'$l5!o6 each.' . ii . !,.',',!
Wash Dress Goods. An inmence1 supply -0f' to 25pr;U
yard. Send for samples. " " V1.'" " ' ' ." '
Ladies' and Children's Hoisery, wix 'iart'a!
sortment prices can't be beaten. .n . nu
Ladies' Kimonas and Dressing Sacques,:'";" .,i ' :i j .
Long Lawn Kimonas 34 to 42 tl.'Stf'tb'i.b'ath.' '
Dressing Sacqnes SO? to $2.00 each, i '!.,:i..,u'lT
Lacies' House Dresses in Ginghams Batistes and Lawns;
Dutch or high neck $3.50 to $7.00 each. '1'
Fort Street opposite Catholic Church.
For a nhort time only we will quote the following prices:
Hoys WahIi Suits regular $1.00 Suits now .50 ajtyn 2 1-2 to 12 yra.
14 H t 4 t ()- 14 4 4 4 4 1 4 44 I
l( ( 4 1 II 2 5() 14 25 ' 11(1
" Blm- Sortfe Suits " KOQ " " 6.00 " 8 " 14 "
Mt-n'n Over Coat " 15.00 Coat " 10.00.
" Suit." from $i.50 per imit to 22.50.
Soft Muck Crufh IlatH regular $1.50 Hat now .75.
Anny IIutH " 2.00 " " 1.25.
Why neglect ordering, when yon can get (foods at tliee prices. All
mail onfera promptly attended to. "Special prices to Stores."
Fort Street, near Beretania
Eleele Store
J. I. SILVA, Proprietor.
HE largest independent general merchandise store on I
Kauai . We take an immense amount of pride in this
plain, solid statement. There is not a man on Kauai
who does not know that when he buys anything at one
of our stores the goods are going to be exactly as represented
and the price a little lower than he can get anywhere else,
and he knows, too, that he is going to get a square deal.
Grocery Department
Quality counts. Yes, quality counts, every time. This is
demonstrated in the rapidly increasing demand for our
the best butter ever made. Choice dairy butter. Butter so
sweet and delicious in flavor that everybody wants it. Bet
get soma; you'll find it far above th butter you get most
Canned vegetables fresh from the garded. It really is de
lightful to have for binner there days, vegetables like those
we get in the early spring. Every can is guaranteed. That
means b.ing it back and get your money if dissatisfied.
Table delicacies-bargains. Remarkable August and Sep
tember oOetings. Our table delicacies are the leading fea
ture of our grocery department. They are of specially fine
grade anb are going at prices that would make them remar
kable valves even if they were of ordinary grades.
A big, modern Buick truck, delivers your order in less
time and in better condition than any other store on Kauai.
You Can SEE the
Style of
Let Us Show You
Come Into our itore and
mine the Packard Shoe at close
range. Setiity youratll ot ite ttyle
nl construction, thttt let U
demonttrete ite eomtort
You can, in mcieure, ece tite work
manahip, too. What you cannot ece ere the
perfect fitting qualities which, at much at
any other one thing, eecounte lor
Packard popu
W. Lnlr.(h&i'J-M C.i: ,!-!& ... -,.
L KeTeeArGeOrgeAgfust.Colonel tion Compa
RumbtfNfe" trip from C
president of the ludiiiiiaiio-1
Columbus and Southern Trac-
any. On a recent trial !
Cnltitiilinw tr Kpvmniir
johrtlMnme-hO U as well in machine ran tiearlv fiftv.'fonr
toucTi wlTli polo lhatiers as anybody, an hour nirainst n head wind nn.l
had the following to say on the all- sixtv miles on the return trip. j
absorbing stibiect this niorninsr. w,,,wi .,,..,t i... .,..n '
- V.. 'VI I I 111.". 111. II IL II ,t I'Mlll. L III 11" I
l l . '
l can i rememuer any reason nanv fit nto the standard rims of
where the polo championship looked the automobile and in place of the I
$1.50 up
opener than it does this year. To
pick the winner of the series would
be a very hard job.
kauai :s always strong at polo.
The Fifth Cavalry players this
year are putting up a splendid
game in every way and their ponies
are handier and faster than ever
The Oahu team has as strong a
team as has ever represented the
club in a fight for the inter-island
championship and their ponies this
year are not only faster than was
the case last year, but they are in
all round better trim.
With Colonel Rumbo and
George Angus acting as referees
there can be no possible doubt
about fair decisions being rendered.
"As usual, transportation to and
from the ground will be furnished
members of the press and every fa
cility will be given them in their
work of reporting the games."
A. A. U. Members
Now In Hawaii
The total registration with the lo
cal branch of the A. A. U. now
amounts to 111.
The last registration is tkat of
George Freeth.
The Kauai Athletic Association
has signed up thirty-four members,
pneumatic tire there is a Hanged
steel car tire. These parts are bolt
ed together in such a way that when
the car is wanted for road use, the
special equipment can be easily
removed and standard automobiles
tires attached in its place. j
When the motor car is being used .
on the traction line it will run as
a second section of the car it is fol- j
lowing and will always operate un-;
der orders of the train despatches
The car is to be equipped with a
telephone for connection with tlu; i
train despatcher's office from any
point along the line.
Special Line of
The Cadillac
Vo man' nnder-wardrohe it com
plete without a suit of Tajamaa. It'e
a night gown, bath robe and loung
ing robe all in one.
SINCE 1881
are as precisely made as an onter
garment. They are drafted with
scientific care and made of thor
oughly dependable fabric in white
and color.
Within the last week, army offi-,
cials and aviation experts at Wash
ington have been given an interest- j
ing demonstration of the automo
bile's defensive utility in time of ;
war by the four Cadillacs owned '
by the Northwestern Military Aca-
demy, of Chicago. j
No actual firing was done at the !
army reroplanes at College Park, of
course, but the guns were trained ;
on the flyers, and the latter were '
theoretically destroyed, j
The battery consisted of two Ca- j
dillac gun carriages which went
through the Glidden tour of 1910, j
experimenting for the Government
as balloon destroyers, and two 1911
Cadillacs uniquely equipped for
wireless telegraphy. j
M Mclnerny Ltd.
uiouaing sucn weu-Known atnieces n tf
" ?"ey: Another School Man
jjuic, ucuikc Aunu, jiciiiy .iiiu-
na, John Manna, Peter Manna,
Hans Fassoth, holder of the island
high jumping record; J. B. Fernan
des and John Akana.
The Kauai Athletic Association
has a very strong membership and
should be heard from at future
athletic meets.
Western Farmers
Are Hard Hit
Late advices from Washington to
The Garden Island, etate that the
last monthly report shows a serious
injury t o crops throughout the
country, due to the extreme heat.
Farmers in Missouri, Kansas and
Oklahoma are said to be heavy
Arbitration Treaty
Being Held Up
The Senate Committee has balk
ed on the treaty of arbitration be
tween America, K n g 1 a n d and
France, regarding the power grant
ed the joint High Committee.
Off For New Ideas
Supervising Principal MeClusky j
of Hilb, has left for the coast in !
. 1. i ...... :.i . ii. ti I
acdini ui new iucm. i i . iiuiiiei
of Kukaiau succeeds him.
The KnudSen party consisting
of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Knudsen,
Miss Twinnell, Mr. Harding and
Mrs. Wilder and son, were among
the polo excursionst for Honolulu
on Friday's Hall.
W. T. Frost, one of Honolulu's
popular traveling salesmen, arrived
on the Hall Friday,
Salesman Baering 'representing
Hackfeld & Co. arrived last week,
relieving Paul Schmidt for a trip.
This is Mr. Baering's first trip to
Kauai, and he expressed himself as
charmed with the island and the
hospitality of our people.
Holeproof Hose
Guaranteed for Six Months
Six Pair to the Box
Ladies' Lisle, in black, white and tan, $3.00 box
Children's Ribbed, blacl only, $2 box
Mn's Cotton, Iblac and tan, $1.75 box
Men's Lisle, blac5! and tan, $3 box
Men's Cotton, white and assorted colors, $2 box.
B. F. Ehlers & Co.
Sole Agents, Honolulu
Passengers Arrived
Per Steamer Hall, Friday, Aug. !
11. Rev. J. M. Lydgute, Master;
Lvdgate, Paul Kahlbiuin, Achi,
J.' K. Higgins. C. K. McKlellan,
W. T. Frost, Mrs. Ludloff and
(4) children.
The Largest and Finest Stock of
In tht Territory Is carried by
Books of satnsles of Foreign and Domestic Wall Papers may
be seen at the LIHUE STORE or at the store of C. B.
OFGAARD, Waimea.
If you wish samples will be sent to you from Lewers &
Cooke, Limited.
They hold the shape and cut faft; will save
time and money on any character
of grinding work.
Honolulu Iron Works Company
Agents for Hawaiian Islands.
Honolulu Electric Co.
Batteries, Lamps and all kinds of
Electrical Supplies
Estimates cheerfully given on Electrical
Installation of all kinds
Alexander Young Hotel Laundry
Address all laundry to the Messenger Service
Union and Hotel Sts., Honolulu.
McClellan Invites
Congress to Kauai
Hilo Would Throw
Down Her Arms
Honolulu Electric Co.
McClelUn ha issued invitations , Aug. 11 .- The di.bandon
to congt'csMiicn to visit Hawaii, , ....
but it is not believed a htifliciciit ,,RlU ,,f thc n,1, "1'tia is under
niituhu- can be pui'siiadul to leave : consideration here. Col. Jones of
Washington. Honolulu says such an act would
constitute mutiny and that no onj
an disband a company but the
$ The Garden Island $2.50

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