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THR OARDUN ISLAND TUESDAY. JANUARY 19, '.915 ' I The History of Lihue SXn. W. II. TiJce, Jr. (Continued from hist issue.) Dr. Smith conducted services that Mr. Wielem.itin was serving lierc also, assisted 1v Hookui. in the Leuislalni e he his in Paul Kanoa, Solomon Ka:nah-.ilo , tin' nee towards the pi-ssin., of a IU1HIU IKItS l-UB lp WN SIIFFRAfiFI k P ! ...... hull souk liltk and Auamo. the latter a most elo quent lav speaker, holding the at tention f his mtK'.ree.atinii lv the hour. When Mr Riee arrived (mui I'unahou in 1854, having found i'. necessary t: leave there on account of his health, he assumed the care, presented his resignation and of the church touethcr vitlihi.- about in depart to California. Deleirate Kuhio has sent to Tin; Oakdkn Island a copy of the hill introduced bv hini in Con tress. bill to reduce the salary of the which, if passed, will make woman Kai;:.i Circuit Jiid-e, there having ! suffraKe a political issue in these miinosity between Islands at the next flection The Jiu!i;e ll.mb and Mr. Widenuinn. However, just then, unknown to, Mr. Widemann, Jude Hardy had "as Mr. duties of manager of the vourn received the anpoint plantation, and was assisted must . nu T.t as successor to Jndye Hardy ahly hv Mrs. Rice in the duties of i and fell heir also to the reduced the Sunday-school. For the re mainder of her lone; and uel:'! life sl'.e maintained a steadfast and lovinR interest in the church and children of the chinch. Thore be ing no seats at first "Mother Rice" as she afterwards was known, was provided with a saw horse to sit i'i riiia in on and for years she personally McJ'.rviic conducted the thriving Sunday- j school, numbering in one ot hc-r ' earlier classes the Lnveli hrothei s, . John. William and Daniel. Jonn ami William Opiinui. S. 1! Me;;e- i ula, Jose Keaee and manv olhe:--. This thatched church gradually assumed the dignity of a more i salary." However, lest this mic;ht create- a wiong impression of Mr. 'vv 'i(!ei;;,,i-.ii 1 must sav here that he was most p.pi'1;.iv and well lii.ed, i e-.'.i ' j.; .1 reputation for geniality and fair dealing. Hardy returned trom Cali- an '.1 succeed. Judge which appointment he h,cld until his retirement in in2 a remarkable a n d :o:;oi.t!.c career ot forty tnrte e. us on the Iva;!;d henc'i. 1.. . . Dickey was ;,p; m ii n u d sir eossoi to Judge Haniy in llJi'2. The earl Circuit Court w.,s 1 1 i 1 i reads as follows: j lie it e -.acted hv the Senate Mid! House of Represtntnti es of the j United Slates of America in Cn- Kress assembled. That in additionj to oilier powers gu.ntcd by Coi,- gress, the Legislattirr of the Ter ritor of Hawaii will be,., and is j hereby, vested with the right to; provide that all female citizens of; the United States, who possess the j qualifications now prescribed by i law for voters other than that of I sex, shall have the right and be qualified to vote at every election ; held within the Territory of Ha-! wail. j Sj-c. 2. That i n addition Taper Bags, Twines, Stationery Tin: i,Ai;ii:sT PAPER HOUSE IN Till: TKKIMTOIJY mail (i;di:i:s riioMiTl.Y ATTKNDKi) T AMERICAN- HAWAIIAN PAPER CO., LTD. Fort and Queen Streets GEO. G. GUILD, Vice Pre. & Mgr to 1-0!: !:'.-! ! II ..... . v in.n 'iv. .1 11 M, ,1 ... 1 . ( e vi.i-i si .- i it 11 is 11 1 m .uiiiiTiri, 'the said Legislature of the Te: ri ! tory of Hawaii sluill have an ! is ;cld in Ilanalei. that place be-ii'tr! s.iiot .lit ial root . then later tin otigh crca'.eu by law the seat or justice, theefotsof Mrs Will tan Hy de for the Jsh.nd i 11 1 ,S46. The Court ' Koloa Plantation Store W holesale and Retail Groceries Dry GooJs of all Descriptions. General Plantation Supplies. tile i p! in" Ol 1 U: a In ; M. ; r-..o". ,1 the Hawaiian women ch. .1 wooden tlooi v . ml ors l-ig mat hied and dc buih'i i: wow n the 1 r ,...1, ,1 l'l A ,C- 1 an Sllos'.alitud house man more e.ns 1 v mI-k :i .:. . d to, l..;ikiug a of woiship for tiKinks to the w.'s move:! to Nawiliwili in KS.S1. hi l.l51 Mr. Godfrey Rhodes was District Attorney tor tl. h:i'd and in pso Mr Wi Harrison kiie- luh! that iiosii: of oiiie 1 1 :.; ! i;:ciMi:l 1 r'..- :cei: unabie 10 p;oeure dala. K-sid'tig at Mah.iiii.ilu at the same lime as Judge and Mrs. Bom! were Lieutenant and Mrs. Re - is iam e lasting (itialii its ot I he )d Ha- j iui'hIs, t h e former waiian h.ard woods lived as the ori ginal frame woik. j In the year 1901 through the gtnu rusitv of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. ) Wilcox a beautiful and commodi-! ous church was erected 011 uie;h,r a la.nie-, and i.urehastil the 1 . Ka iif.c In -i' worship as also the two or three: .-u the present da .,. : c on furlough Iroai the U .S. N.ivy. It is said that Ri t in his after making a trip aro:.:nd the islands chose Malumalu as being to hismind the most delightful and health! ul spot 1 same grounds as the Hawaiian , pK-ce ot property situated n.. church and these two houses of : ,,f Judge Bo.mI's. the san-.e J, .nuie. other churches ot t tie district stand , home years later, on a trip tt a i monuments to that desire for! lie Islands as C.ipt. Re nobis, the better things of life without j he took the company of mission - i which no community can hope to I arics from Kauai up to Honolulu succeed. J to a general meeting. Capl. Rey- This new church has had as its! nold's name is associated with ac pastor since its first year, Rev. j. ! counts of the early surveys of the M. I.vdgale, lie having served iif Islands to the wi ml ward. Upon i lie that capacity for the toi fign con-; outbi .. ak of the Civil War, Capt. gregatiou since KS96 !R yr.ol.Ts l,ft the Islands to serve of eaily iay a'ai ivce 1 . o .1 l',t rwai ds the rank stood on the grounds Low occu ,,i Ad uoi I. pied by the High School, but near-j About the vear 1S.S9 .Malumalu er the road than its success . r It war purchased by the-Smith family was blown oyer in a violent wiml 1 a: ! an industrial school establish storm from being rather insecf.relv en in Ks'M is a memorinl to their hereby vested with the right to submit to the qualified voters of the Territory of Hawaii the ques tion as to whether female citizens of the United Stales, who possess the qualific.ilicnis now prescribed ;bv law for voters other than that of jsex, within the Ti t ritory of lla iwaii, shall be granted the lights of ; suffrage wilhiu tl e .rd Tcrrl'oiy; !aud to further provide t hat shnmld, Ion any election called b" ;he jn'r-Ip.i-- of determiuiir.: s n'.l quest inn, .. li;apnit of the- KiH'5 east favor a granting of such, then, and that event, thereafter snid teinale citizens shah h ce the right "f such suffrage within sai l Terin'oiy . Sr.c. this A c 1 shall take effect from and after its approval. Supervisor and Mrs. .Venefoglio j A '-v breeding p.-ns of S C. and their little daughter returi-ed XVhit'' beghorus and Barred I'lv to Wainiha on Thursd.iv after 1 "lolUl1 Rocks-all I lire bred birds spending a week most pleasantly ! iro111 .'"'"orted stock. Also settings with Mr. and Mrs. F. A Aleaud-'of L'RRii frolu 1,01,1 varieties. L. Y. TIM Has entered the rent ser v.ce, and has provided him self with a big Five-Scater Sack Special attention paid to commercial travelers. Rea sonable rates to all parts of ' the island. 'Phone 172 FOR SALE ;r, at Kleele. Apply P. O. Box 65. Lihue. Growing Young This Winter t-t many built over a cellar. of Gov-nior T lie- oil rc-n the Kanoa property was thereupon taken L'.H't ame foi a Court House, continuing in tliat 'capacity until the erection of out line new County Building in 1914. The ea-lv Covernors were K : liahdla. 1S24; Kaikioewa. is 26; I'aul Kanoa. I-.dw; rd Hush. I'. !'. Kanua, lS4o 1.S77: ( ioyenn ss I.a nihau. and W. II b'iee. With the exception of lovernes .-. Lanihau and Ivlward Bush, w h o lived 111 Koloa. these (.overnois ah need drowning in the mil! pond. It was in f.ihue. When occasion required I General Marshall also who caused Governor l'aul Kanon was assisted , tu '" ''"'b 'be millpoml which bv either badges' Hardy or Mc I is r""" l() i v ,Ume :nvav with pj,. ' .and strange to s. iv during a later V 1 ' (visit to I.ihue, which he made in Judgo Jacob Hardy ami Mrs !s9()i ,hv ,.,., , p,,,,. nuU (!lR. , II. u ;. lived at Mabmndu, in a I heavy storm. Upon le:-v'.ng the is- patents, in', and Mrs. Smith, who labored so louj; a. id faithfully !or the Hawaiian people in Koloa. This school struggled for some years, but owing to the great popu larity of similar institutions on Oahu had to be discontinued in lS'iS. Genera! Marshall, whom I shall mention lahr in connection with early daws of Lihue plantation, was a contempoi;, ry of Capt Rey nolds and Jndgc Bond. It was said he oh 1: d a tine large Xewfou nl land dog which made a name for itself by .iscuiug several from T C - - 1 . . 1 , . r . 11 we coiuti leverse uie wneci ot time ant sitinuing in the opposite direction, there asc ot us wno wouhin t do it, are there? I-v, of us like the idea of growing old, no matter how we may try to put a brave faceupon it. But perhaps if we would sit clown and look into this matter of mowing old very critically and thor oughly, we might not find it such an irrevocable thing as it seems. Indeed we mieht find that duriner this very winter, no matter what the turning leaves of the calendar mav sav, we can grow vonnj, and the tkxt spring, we can be considerably ouuger than we are at present. For after all, what is youth but alertness, interest in things, zest in life? And because the mind is active and runs hither and yon on quests of inquiry and enjoyment; the body keeps active, the blood flows vigorously. It is only when the mind becomes dull, sluggish, when it isn't receptive to new thought, when it gets into ruts of think ing, when it becomes "sot," so to speak, that the body begins to take on what we call age, that it shows forth in its way the effect upon it of this kind of thinking, and m comes stiff, inelastic, unresponsive The circulation slows down We become sluggish, slow-moving, aged. Wouldn't it seem then that the way to grow young this winter, or to keep young, if we do n) :vl uallv need to face about the other way, is to keep the mind interested ; ml alert, to give it those things which will nourish it ami i; blossom out in many interesting an 1 beau tiful ways? difficulty , especially if we .1, tn 1..' r A house, haying pure the pr.;ertv . Main ot the irtii' Maiuina'iii. were planted bv bin: and si vend chi!dien were 1 , nor bis , uvtcc e-.-lun.alii also a s!.o: t t hiK na mi tl 1 'here. Judge I And this is not tb' . The chief are growing old fast , is to make the initial effort. It is easier to re main as we are, even though we mav not be satisfied, than it is to in augurate a change, and this is where we need to exert ourselves. But this once done, the veiy change wilt have in it enough ot novelty and enjoximnl to keep the good v. oik going. lands he w as a-s'ic':ati d with Grr.c-j So : t we want to gi ow young tins winter, let us lake up some r a I Arm-i:ong, another Island j '.'ndy that will bring us into contact whh new interests a: d new pen man, :-. s Businci-s in nager a tjl'b:, .".ml progress in which will give us satisfsction. It must he some Hampton Ii -tilute, th- big school 1 bning tor which we have a real liking, for if we go to it as to a task, 'or uegtots, established ;.t the-close lO! K or. had liw-1 I le was as-o K 'A ill; J Huge Circuit Bench t o 111 M.i- ia'.ed for -'ai'.ihao- in ISM be yeais :ge ii., r lo Is'..'.. 'o Ca!i- 1 of the Civil War Virginia. For manv doetor ( f its I lampion. s'-i veil aloft nu trom 1.S51 u.:ti! 1 '.S J dy's term was !n 111 s.S in w hieh ear i. .- mo e fornia. d.sposing of iiis .Malumalu! propciiy. II. A Wiiieiiiun then, reef "t il the ap; o. n n: . 1: ' . . ; i n;. two Near--, t : (.111 !.Vi." ,. is'. a w hen he w.l. s.;. a et tied i J.i.h. , Duncan '.IcBr tie, who s..i,,l in-, tl 1.S77. Ms! It l"f 'ill r,l,l , . ! tie anecdote of Jtn might be apropro Igb.iie iiad no own am! this togethei with no telephones, was a real ; hardship The ueait-'. doctor was I .ctii' Sn.i'h in Koloa but before 1 1 i'n 1.1 : e p'oeert ;.r- hour o! a I it meant .xions wait- ;ina -1 ::, ! 11- II al io .- the time; t.-e At mg The 1 esidents of Sleepv Hollow m ah fauious by Washington Irv iil . wouh! have - nn pa' h ied keen-' 'e 'lb ; !1 who must go to Koloa I ' .r th.- doctor at night, for 'In- old ; .ana"....' p-n, trtt-- foin.erlv near, th.- bt -ini of the mount lius fcit the' G mi was said to h' c been (he 1 1 i tl - ' ing ptace oi i-ibbi-r-, and akuasj ! in k- ! :u its h i'ith n de)tb.s (Couiiiiued in next issue.) ' it will not nave Hie eltect we il sire. Then in addition, We need to take in good plays, good music, gootl lectures. Sometimes u requires an tifort to do this. Often it is much easier to sit comfortably at home in an easy chair than it is to dress and go out. l-'speeiallv is this true if one Bves in the suburbs. The thought of the biirrx and scurry of the tiresome ride, all make the prospc'H of a trip am thing but inviting. But a'! th's is age talking And if we want to go 0:1 growing old, we will li-te-n and act upon such suggestion. But if we want to grow vo 'ng. we will not heed them. We will think of the pleasure ahead ot ns and we will dress with keen interest We will enjoy the ride. We will cuue home with new things to hi lib ai :d talk about The result of our little pleasure ex r.rsion will be fell for several days in our freshened .est in life. Most 0 1 us h."e through such an experience. We have !v to smut ai; t .;use of the effort required to go, come home ! vi.l tt ned, interested and with food foi l'.ts for m::nv ''ays. a!! the time and in big w ays, mid it !) ck 1 he wheel of time. hp Hono tiki Iron Works um- a pany Solicit Correspondence and will gladly furnish estimates re lative to the modern equipment of mills and factories. Wherever and whenever it is possible, use iectricity this year. V You will find Electricity a willing, an in expensive, and a reliable servant. LIHUE ST O. o K E I Waimea Stables! I a d Auto- I LIMITED Up-to-date Livery, Draying and Boarding Stable Livery Business. AUTOMOBILE STAGE-LINE BETWEEN LIHUE and KEKAHA Leaving Lihue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Leaving Kekaha every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ARRIVING AT THKIR DESTINATION IN TURKIC HOURS W. WEBER Manager. Telephone 4 W Waimea P. O. Box 48 Tfts Used by m mm - a-v . 4if ii3 &ag t ,.i ( .1... kilfr bi tolle'ce :::imes vou v ill iiad v-.V-',-,. that the l:a!l alw-t iuvarifM v 4t "' ti-J is the KE.'...:l Oi- l-'K ' - AMKUiCAN LEAGLE I'.'U. XVfJ i,. but tin- I:KS T that's v- ;:y t a u e .A-- i n . r. x l. t s. . - t . - $0, CoilcK'- liar :r.t-. '-. t.i:. Kt-l.f!t Kail 1u. b-.-n a loou-l liy t't- AmtruMn u-i.'.w lor I. :, yr ... T. ., ,i- 1 t ic C.ii'.ci..! 1 tinr i...... :.n ui'Mt l.all rait 1 u--.l .:i tir.y -:nn. 1-rice evt-rvw .tt-rt m . -.. me ucst.n irjur-marh Dn all simrtln tiotids Is a jtiar !t. e ul ottalty It n.tin catls tacllon. a nfv artltle or nur money bjfk (except on Uiln an(l'l.iu uiijtr si no fSASJis Thti ItKAi H OFKICIAI, BASH H A I.L til'l I 'I'b.-ntri. nii-a HuuiuniT ui tat) Aineritiau lile, IMaL.ry anil iitn.los cf W urlU i 1 .wu. uv, IVVBI.WMUniUI Ut U Ulll.l. Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. y Sole Agents for the Territory of Hawaii ro 3. A No 1 Tools ne irnvi it;; IM-a we h.'.yi : lit thotU.- .1 iist jnit ibis into hi '. i i taiuly will help von it,. I "i n 0 That is, Took such as a master mechanic would be glad to specify and use job he thought a lot of Tools for purpose for every trade write to on a every Lewers & Cooke, 177 King Street Ltd. Honolulu. I 1