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m Misa Elsie Wilcox While Some One gives his LIFE what are YOU giving? When you buy War Savings Stamps you do Iwj things, you help your country and yourself. Put your money in the govern ment's hands. 3 think a minute' All of the Red Croti War Fund go for W.r Relief ESTABLISHED 1904. VOL. 15. NO. 2. LIHUE. KAUAI, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY. JANUARY 14, 1919 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $2.50 PER YEAR 5 CENTS PER COPY 7 A3 TO THE T J n regard to the Nnwiliwili Harbor, the advance information published by the Garden Island last week is now being published by the Honolulu papers in more detailed form. The House Committee Bill pro vides for nil initial appropriation of $250,000, on the following con ditions: First. Satisfactory assurances must be given that railroad con nections will be made within a reasonable time, which will make the harbor accessible, to the en tire southern portion of the island. Second. That the rates on the railroad shall be subject to regu lation by the Secretary of War. Third. That in advance of the undertaking of the work, $200,000 shall be deposited by the County of Kauai in some bank of the ter ritory to the credit of the enter prise. . Fourth. That no expense shall be incurred by the Federal Gov ernment in acquiring any land which may be needed for the en terprise. Hanapepe Land Under Cultivation According to M. J. Fereira, former candidate for representa tive, he has been able to secure permission to plant cane on about 100 acres of government land at Hanapepe. The lands secured are about 70 acres' below the main road at Hanapepe. Seventeen acres in an open gulch on the west side of the Hanapepe valley, and 13 acres of former cane land in Hanapepe valley, recently under "vice and cultivated by Nido, a Japanese rice planter. Nido was under the impression that he could continue to plant rice on this land until the land went under the hammer sometime this summer, but was recently in formed by Mr. Fereira to stop operations on the rice plantation. Last October Mr. Bivenburgh gave assurance that all rice plant ers at Hanapepe or elsewhere on Kauai, would be assured the right to continue the cultivation of vice lands. The 151 acres culti vated Nido was formerly cane land, and the land ollice was probably not informed regarding the transfer of this land from cane cultivation to rice. As the remainder of the land upon which Fereira intends to plant cane has been idle for the past year or more, it is a good thing that it is now to be put under cultivation. Begarding the 13 acres of rice land however, which Nido has al ready plowed for rice, there should be some action taken to see that Mido is either reimburse! for his labor or that, he is allowed to continue the cultivation of the land as he was assured he could do by the land department last October. :0: RED CROSS WORKERS ENTERTAINED Last Fridav Mrs. II. Wolters entertained the Kawaihau work ers of the Bed Cross at her home at Kealia. The spacious rooms were tastefully decorated and those present enjoyed a A very pleasant afternoon. The Portuguese branch have-re quested us through the medium of these columns, to thank their hostess for the happy gathering, HARBOR EG Kapaa School is the Place to Lunch The Kapaa school has inaugu a ted a well equipped domestic science kitchen which is doing excellent work in the way of popu lar school lunches. A cool commodious, well venti lated kitchen has been outfitted with two lnrge blue ilaine kero sene stoves, and the necessary parapernalia for about 150 lunch es daily. A broad counter-shelf runs the whole way round on the inside where the portions are pre pared and a similar one on the outside, over which they are dis pensed. The standard lunch is rated at 5 cents, and the lunch furnished is certainly well worth the money about twice the value that could be got anywhere else. The service is' rendered ljy girls of the upper grades taking turns, one day a week. They put in an hour in the morning, before school, get ting things started, and then come back at 11 o'clock for the final preparation of the meal. There is a diil'erent menu for each day of the week, and certain ly they are appetizing. Some of them are as follows: Corn beef and cabbage, corn bread and tea; vegetable soup, crotons, apple pudding and cocoa ; baked beans, jelly sandwiches, cocoa ; fish chowder, rice pudding, tea; meat pie, fruit salad, cocoa. The bill of fare for the day is put onto the board in each room so the children may know in ad vance what is coming' and gauge their appetites accordingly. A representative of the Garden island happened around yester day, a little in advance of lunch time, and was so taken by the "spicy fragrances that drifted over from the kitchen that lie begged an invitation to lunch. With commendable foresight the kitchen has been placed to windward of the school buildings, so that the children know what is coining; that's the kind of adver tising that reaches them! That dav there 15)2 lunches served, and every one looked hap py and contented. The children file past the count er in regular order, deposit the five cents in a ginger jar, get their plates waiting all ready for them, and then look round for a sheltered or shady spot on the lawn, to eat it One band of little brownies colonized under one of the bungalows and had a nice, quiet time by themselves. In addition to being palatible and abundant, the lunches are well balanced with good food values nronerly disposed. The effort is to give the very best lunch possible for the money, and we venture to say that they arc certainly doing it. (iOOO PILLOW CASKS WANTED The Hawaiian Chapter of the American Bed Cross has been asked to equip a 1500 bed hospital in .Siberia, and the Kauai Branch lias been asked to finish all cut out hospital garments on hand and also to make (5000 pillowcases Any one wishing to help in this allotment of pillowcases will be furnished with materials by ap plying to the Bed Cross work rooms. The work should be finish ed by the end of February. Manager Herman Wolters of Kealia Plantation went to town on Saturday and returned this morning. BASE BALL GAME LIHUE VS KAPAA An exciting baseball game was played off yesterday afternoon on the park diamond opposite Kapaa school between Lihue grammar school and the nine stars from Kapaa. The game resulted in a victory for the boys from Lihue by a score of 11 to 8. This was in retaliation for a similar defeat inflicted some weeks ago by the Kapaa bunch and the rubber is yet to be played . Yesterday's game reached the exciting climax in the ninth inning when Kapaa made a spurt and shoved in three runs in quick succession and the Lihue fans became noticeably nervous. Good pitching and a rally of the infield however stop ped the onslaught just in time to leave a respectable margin in fav- or of' the visitors. Among the large crowd of en thusiastic rooters from both schools, four teachers from Lihue and Kapaa schools were very much in evidence. The Y. M. O. A. is offering a pennant to the school winning the highest per centage of games until March 1st. All Kauai grade schools will be eligible to enter the contest and the roar of the rooters will soon be heard in the land. Immediately following yester day's game Mrs. Katherine Burke, with characteristic chivalry, soothed the overworked nerves of Hie teachers, including the meek md wilting umpire, with hot buttered toast and tea. The line up for Kapaa: Isami, Ha wo, Satpru, Yoshichi, Figi, luan, Kainechi, John P., Kiyoshi; for Lihue, Ota, Masa, Isami, Yoshiake, Shige Koon Lini, Mac- aro, Tadaichi, Willie; subs, James and John; Umpire, J. Warner. h'APAA'8 BADLY BEATEN BY THE LIHUE JUNIORS The following account of the ball game at Kapaa on Sunday, Jan. 7th, came in too late to be published in the last issue: On Sunday, the 7th, the Juniors motored to Kapaa and defeated the Homesteaders badly, with a score of 13 to 3. Alex K. Akita and Hirota- and Kano and A. Taves composed the batteries for the Juniors and Homesteaders respectively. The Juniors started the scoring and had it not been for the rain the Homesteaders would have been whitewashed. The Homesteaders have a good team but are lacking in teamwork and practice. They rather de pend on the umpire for the game. It was a mighty fortunate thing to have Thomas, head carpenter for Lihue plantation, as one of the umpires. There isn't any criticism in his umpiring, no sees things that most umps cant spy in a game. The fans are partly to blame for the Homesteaders losing. They criticized and scolded at the play ers each time they made an error, when they really needed encour agement. Alfred Fernandez, M. Fereira, and Joe Carvalho were the bright and particular stars for the .Tun iors, while M. Taves shown for the Homesteaders. ,This Sunday the Pithi's will piny the Filipinos at the Lihue Park. Standing of the teams: Lihue Juniors 2 0 1000 Kapaa 2 1 500 Filipinos 0 1 000 Puhi 0 2 000 S Sometime last Saturday night or early Sunday morning, burg- irs entered .1. t. Silva's store at Kalalieo and carried away mer chandise valued at about -?2(!0. The robber-' gained entrance to t lie store by forcing the lock on the door of the watchman's room. which was located in the rear of the store and which was not oc cupied on the night of the rob bery. A hallway and two locked doors separated the main part of the store from the watchman's quart ers, but two more locked doors did not faze the robbers, who made a good job at breaking thru these and helped themselves to the goods behind the counters. The stock stolen consisted of 24 pairs of shoes, 10 sweaters, a large assortment of blankets, several boxes of cigars, and a long list of other articles of consider able value.' There was no cash stolen as there had been none left in the store over the week end. The rob bers passed up a large quantity of canned goods and groceries, evi dently having no use for these commodities. A gunny sack full of cheap clothing was also left be hind, although the thieves had taken the trouble to remove the clothing from the shelves and packed it into the bag ready to carry away. 4 $ $ J "J 5 J J J $ J i POLICE COURT NOTES g j4flg.f2.g.2.. j Joe Jacinth, a Portuguese youth of Kilauea, and Kvusaku Hiraoka, Japanese laborer qf Li hue. were committed to the Hono lulu insane asylum on Saturday by Judge Hjorth, and were sent to town in charge of Captain Dick Dias. Geronimo Vikilla, Filipino, committed a vicious assault on one Sauo in the Lihue mill on Saturday. In court on Monday fifteen days in jail and three dol lars cost were meted out to the offender. a record The Kapaia Japanese school has collected so far 300 for the fatherless, motherless and home less children of Belgium. This is a record, being more than any other Japanese collection on these Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Miyisaki, Mr. Kunda, and the band boys have worked hard to raise the nionev. The school wishes to thank .all those who have bellied to make this campaign a success. COTTAGE AT KOKEE F. B. Tracey, of the Kapaa homesteads, has been awarded the contract to build a four-room cot tage at Kokee for the territory. The cottaue is to De used as quarters for the government em ployees engaged in hydrographic work in that section of the island. Mr. Tracy is now in Wainiea getting the lumber hauled. Work on the building will begin this week. :0: NOTICE All subscribers to tho Red Cross drive ot 1018, in Llhuo districts, who havo not completed payment on tholr pledges, are requested to forward the amounts to the undersigned. It is necessary to get all pledges in without delay in order that tho affairs of the drive can bo closed. K. C. HOPPEIt. Captain Lihue District. L AT HOMESTEADS Mokihana Club Has An Interesting Meeting Judge Dickey addressed the ladies of the Mokihana Club on the subject of the Bed Cross drive, at the meeting held last Wednes day afternoon. He urged the members of the club to take an active interest in the work and to assist as canvassers, four minute speakers, and in other ways. Mrs. C. A. Bice read a communi cation from Miss Beatrice Castle, asking that the Hastern Section of the Kauai Branch of the Bed Cross assume the duty of making a portion of the liOUO pillow cases for which there is such an appall ing need in Siberia. The branch was also asked by Miss Castle, to rush refugee garments and she stated that helmets, mittens, long stockings and children's sweaters and stockings are badly needed. Mrs. Bice stated that the '"astern Branch, of which she is the chairman, has agreed to make 3,500 of the pillow cases. The following was the literary and musical program : Quintette: "Mele Hauu Aala," Mrs. llazcltoii, Mrs. Dean, and the Misses Sheldon- Kaiwi and Jordan. Piano accompaniment by Mrs. Ilustace. Hawaiian Legends, W. II. Bice. Solo: "Moani Ke Ala," Mrs. W. II. Bice, Jr. Address: "Mountain Peaks of Ha waiian History," Bev. II. P. Judd. Quintette: "Pua Mohala." At the close of the program hot chocolate was furnished by the hostesses, Mrs. AY. II. Bice, Mrs. A. S. Wilcox, Mrs. Kverctt and Mrs. Andennan. :0: Red Cross Drive Under Full Swing The Bed Cross Drive now in progress promises well. It is of course, too early to predict final results but a membership of up wards of 5000 is hoped for. Be- newed orders are coming in from various outer districts which in dicate that things are going well. One of the novelties of the cam Kiigu will be the Christmas stamps that will be given to every subscriber. You can keep them for next Christmas! "Join Now" is the slogan. Mr. Kenneth F. Brown, of Castle & Cooke, surprised his friends here by making a hurried trip to Kauai by last Tuesday's Kiuau. Although Mr. Brown has been a resident of Hawaii for over thirty years, this is his first visit to our island. He expressed him self as being so charmed with Kauai that he hopes to see it again soon and stay for a longer time. Two more candidates for Coun ty ollice are looming up over the lio"izen. K. C. Ahana has an nounced his intention to run for the ollice of county treasurer. C. Le Boy is the other aspirant to County honors. He will enter the race against II. D. Wishard for the ollice of Supervisor of Lihue district. :0: NOT I C 15 Thrift and War Stamp purch asers are warned by the post ollice department that they must not affix the new issue 1!)1!( stamps to the old ISMS cards. By so doing they run the risk of los ing their stamps. FORMER LIHUE MAN IS KILLEO IN FRANCE A meagre report has reached Lihue that Kenneth Cameron, formerly employed as a black smith by Wm. Hyde Bice, of Li hue, has been killed in France by shrapnel fire sometime in May, ISMS. Cameron, while here was an ex cellent workman, but of a some what retiring disposition. Leav ing here some six years ago, he went to Samoa, and when the war broke out, went to Australia and enlisted, going to England and France with the famous Anzacs. BANANA FIBRE FOR. BAGS A machine lias been perfected. and brought to successful trial for the manufacture of bags, twine, etc., from the fibre of ban ana stalks. So thoroughly assur ed is the success of the machine that a company is being formed in Honolulu to undertake the manufacture on a large scale. If a commercial success, this invention will prove a great boon to these islands, for we have a large source of supply in the thou sands of banana trees that go to waste when the fruit is cut, and a large demand from the sugar and rice industries for millions of bags. The machine is now on exhibit ion in Honolulu, and it seems to give good satisfaction. Here's to its commercial success. :u: 4'"8"J'-M"H--"!--I!,--H' f Y jj Local News f Gathered from here and there ? I t J 5m4m2 tJJ t t 't' 'I 5 Jt l t 5 Bev. II. P. Judd returns to Ho nolulu this evening. Dr. Branch has gone to Maka weli on a professional visit. He will return on Monday. Francis Gay is reported as be ing very much better. He is still at the Queens Hospital. Mr. 15. A. Knudsen returned to Kauai by the Kiuau this morn ing. J. B. Bergstrom is back on Kauai again and the interests of harmony in many homes are looking up. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. II. Wilcox went to town on Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Carter returned by the Kinau this morning from Ho nolulu, where she lias been spend ing a few weeks. A. F. Bobinsou and Miss 15. Bobinson returned from town this morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. Keliiuoi landed from the Kinau this morning. Mrs. Keliiuoi is just returning from the coast where she spent two or three months. Mr. Frank Crawford leaves for a short stay in Honolulu tonight. Mrs. 15. O. Thurtell and Miss Grace Thurtell are back from the coast where they have been spend ing some mouths. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ilorswill arrived this morning and went to their new home at Hanalei. Mrs. 15. Wcdemeyer returned from town this morning where she has been for ten days or so under treatment for her eyes. Mrs. Frank Crawford is in Ho nolulu. Chas. Lund, formerly traveling salesmen for II. Ilackfeld & Co., visited Kauai last week after an absence of about two years. Mr. Lund expects to leave for China next April, where he will repre sent a mainland Arm.